IN TWO SECTIONS— SECTION ONE Entered as second-class matter January 4, 1921, at the post office at New York, New York, under the aet o-f March 3, 1879. s Reports Yearly Subscription Rates: 1270 AVENUE OF THE AMERICAS Published Weekly by United States $15.00 (Formerly Sixth Avenue) Harrison's Reports, Inc., U. S. Insular Possessions. 16.50 M v 1, 9n N Y Publisher Canada 16.50 wew 1 orK *u> n- 1 ■ p. S. HARRISON, Editor Mexico, Cuba, Spain 16.50 A Motion Picture Reviewing Service Great Britain 17.50 Devoted Chiefly to the Interests of the Exhibitors Established July 1, 1919 Australia, New Zealand, India, Europe, Asia .... 17.50 ng Editorial Poiicy: No Problem Too Big for Its Editorial Circle 7-4622 35c a Copy Columns, if It is to Benefit the Exhibitor. A REVIEWING SERVICE FREE FROM THE INFLUENCE OF FILM ADVERTISING Vol. XXXII SATURDAY, JANUARY 7, 1950 No. 1 TELEVISION DEAL FOR 83 FEATURES POINTS UP NEED FOR EXHIBITOR PROTECTION In the issues of June 5 and July 3, 1948, this paper cautioned the exhibitors to guard against the booking of pictures, particularly reissues, that either had been or might be shown on television before they had a chance to show them in their theatres. It was suggested that an exhibitor, to protect himself, demand that the distributor include in the licensing agreement a clause warrantying that the pic ture had not been shown on television, and tnat it will not be telecast for a specific period of time until after he shows it. These words of caution were brought about by the fact that, at the time, WPIX, the J^ew Tor\ Daily 7