DRAMATIC. VAUDEVILLE. CIRCUS. ***** 1903, iT the Frank Quwn hw,,, cWaHff Founded by FRANK QUEEN, 1863. NEW YORK, AUGUST 1, 1903. ^155 (Tipper'5 IiKdoies, PersoDalities and Comments, •Not at all." replied D'Orsay, and, wish. Ing to offer some compliment to hla country- man, Immediately suggested that the party Join him at anpper after the performance, which Invitation was accepted. VOLUME Ll.-No. 23. Pries 10 Cents. C0NCBB.VI.V9 scanned the theatrical advertising columns to see If one of them might recall tie name of D'Oraay's play. "Its title," said the perplexed Englishman to bis waiting friends, as be searched bis "Ah I" exclaimed he, In a tone of relief, "here it Is," end to "The Prince of Risen" the party was conducted, Instead of to "The Earl of Pawtncket." It was not until the first act was nearly STAGE FOLK and Sometimes OTHERS BY JOSEPHINE GRO. Willie Collier, who Is to star the coming leison under the management of Weber 4 Fields, is known among hie friends and ac- quaintances to be exceedingly witty and wonderfully quick at repartee. Collier left bis beautiful country place at St. James, the other day, long enongb to cone up to the city to attend to aome of the preliminary arrangements concerning bit new play, and, while here, dropped Into the Umbs Club to distribute a few moire much to be envied Invitations to his shore home, where "hospitality" Is the watchword. Daring a conversation of a circle of friends at the club the names of several actors were brought Into the talk, among which was one who bad not recently been teen by any of the members. each carry $00,000, Maude Adams $215,000, while $10,000 each represents the amount carried by Pauline Hall, Laura Joyce, Lulu Qiaser, Katherlne Grey, Blanche Walsh, Blanche Bates, Mnxine Elliott, and a number of others as prominent In the theatrical pro- fession. Apropot of Insurance, a gentleman, well known in theatrical and social circles as an "angel," who had lost considerable money in several dramatic enterprises, was recently taking est a large policy, and hla answer to one of she regulation questions of the In- surance company's medical examiner was somewhat amusing. "Have you ever suffered from any dis- ease?" asked the doctor, as be thumped the chest of the wealthy applicant. "0, yes, Indeed," replied the gentleman ; "yes, I've had several terrible attacks of fever." "Of what description?" asked tbs doctor, pausing In his examination, and possibly thinking of his company's Interests In rais- ing the premium on the prospective "risk." "Well," was the answer, "I remember of four very serious attacks of managerial . 2 lMrd the otber day," «*' d one, "that wm was dead." "w'i'I Ml<1 anotner - "»«'• only married." uk«T that ' 8 aB *°° a M d «* d ' im ' t ltr bob y tblti perwn ' WB <*« ▼'«* of natrl- in »v *S bwn cna °«red by recent experience m at divorce court ea»« '" 2* Cmw > Quietly, Joining in the "yersatlon, "I believe it Is not considered ■*sM*s fatal." J^oe of the audience at a performance of ,,„ rrlnce of Risen," not long ago, nay a»7. W .° ndwed at tte desertion, after the ™ *et of two of tha boxes by a theatre dlniL, ffM not ' h °wever, because of their M»7° ent of m Bla '' bat oecanse of » ™»f on the part of the host of the party. "'« gentleman, who Is an Englishman, rZkTSS "** "P" «w • gnest at the ttu, " tte n,ual ,wo W6e *»- whlle tilth aft «raoon be and D'Orsay, the En- Etrl », ,' wbo nM naa e *"• P'»*. Tb« 5 25^"*^ -*-*■* elad^' ng " pleM,Bt conversation, which In- Unflnn'-- d J' CUMlon ot ait >& "»t *ome In °B° a ; «>e Englishman said: Wn. f **'• "• ,on •*• ■ countryman of Way n turall » ' «oould like to see your bo,,, , m ■*■! seeing to It that two tons, f? ulde tonight for some English '•"» and myself ?■■ ^vswzmm It transpired that a short time before the -. hour that theatre curtains usually ring up, the Englishman met his party, to conduct them to the theatre to see his new friend, D'Orsay. Suddenly it occurred to him that he neither knew the name of the theatre at which the English actor was playing, nor remembered the name of the play. Hastily possessing himself of so evening paper, be flNKW v - sJMagk V.' newspaper, "la one that suggests tbe nobility or royalty, — I don't remember which." At that moment bis eye caught the Broad- ' way Theatre advertisement,' jwbich present- ed, in bold letters, "Tbe Prince of ntten." through, during which lime tbe party was eagerly awaiting the appearance of D'Orsay, as the "Prince," that tbe mistake was dis- covered. t It Is known that many prominent theatri- cal women carry large life insurances. Anna Held la reported to have policies amounting to 1100,000, Mrs. Leslie Carter and Nordics fever, followed by frightful chills, — tbe last attack Induced a complication which reaulted In an Icy condition of ay nether extremi- ties - "Ah I" said tbe doctor, with a twinkle la Ills eye, for be by this time comprehended, "ah— I see,— cold feet." 9 Heard at the etage door of one of tbs New York theatres tbe other day : "I've missed you for tome time, old man, — where Lave you been lately ?" was asked of a well known actor by a very large, Jolly speci- men of a man In the same profession. "Ob, I've been visiting some friends at the Rcasborc, — I feel great, and am quite ready to begin rehearsals, — I've been living on tbe 'fat of tbe land,' down at Billy's," said the actor, mentioning tbe name of a very rotund member of tbe profession. "Ah,— tbe fat of tbe lend," mused the otber, "and I'm one." t In an announcement of "Taps," one of tbs plsys of Ituis Wbytal, tbe playwright-actor, tbe compositor made tbe title of tbe pretty little war play read "Tape'." A friend of the actor afterwards condoled with him upon the ridiculous error ot tbe compositor. "Oh," replied he, "the mistake doesn't annoy me particularly,— I should bt thank- ful that be did not prlut It 'Tripe.' " 526 THE IMJWW YOEK CLIPPER. AVGU8T Cbe$$. To Correspondents. Wu, A. Sbimkiian. — As toon ai the new form of your solution to Problem 2,400 (credited to Bro. Spencer, of course) li re- ceived we propose to repeat the problem, to have It fresh In mind. Have you heard or seen that the solution bjr Max Weiss was ever published 7 lino, IlEicmiELM. — Mlron and Pbanla join In lively appreciation of your timely tribute. Thank you I Nert week, with note. Henry Chadwick. — Your reminder of days long gone by, and good wishes for the future, gratefully received and reciprocated. lino. WHtm — Please accept our thanks for compliment; we reproduce the problem and note to place the necessary addendum clearly before our eolvers. Bro. Helms. — Thanks for notice ; we gladly set the matter right. Bro. Middi.kton. — The game, etc., was duly entered, and will be justly weighed. Bro. Walcott. — That's an easy one; the matches (If any) not reported according to our recent "Announcement," will be consid- ered abandoned, or adjudged forfeited for [roBs and unexplained violation of the time .imlt under which the entries were made. This la annoying, alike to us and the an- tagonist left in the lurch ; but we roust ob- serve the old saw, "grin and bear It." To wait months for some one to dawdle along doing nothing Is not to be tolerated. fl our experience. The work of our present masters would have demoralised, paralysed them. In fact, lesser lights than onr first would leave Stamma, Mendbelm and the rest out of business— way back In dense part of the woods. 1 have lately aeen the 1st prob- lem of The Illustrated London Xeujs, a mate In 3.. all checks. (Will you kindly send us a copy}) It Is, In fact, not a problem at all ; nor arc any of the Immediately follow- ing ones of any account. Twenty or thirty of this calibre would about halfway suit our R resent solvers. The problem of today can ordly be Improved upon — In my opinion. For who can ever bone to excel a score of our present muster problematists In the strat- egy, beauty and difficulty they combine In a 8, 4, or B.. problem? I have seen a great many 0, 7, and up to 14 . . problems that I bad no trouble In solving In a short time. 1 have never seen a difficult 6. ., thongb I have aeen some difficult 5 moves, some of which I have solved, some — not. There Is a large field open to composers for from 6 to 8.. problems tbat shall be difficult J. A. Carson Is the only composer I happen to know of who has created a fine and difficult 7 . . problem. This appeared In The Clip- per several years ago, and which I bad the pleasure of solving." EniKina No. 2,420, From La Strategic. BT F. RBIMANN. * I i a * 5 S ft QBq, KKt4,KKtsq,KB>,QKt4,KB8,KKtS, a. * i t I his 8, QKt4, R-Ksq 34..KB-Qsq QR-K3 25.. K B-K ft 20..QB-R6 27..Q-hcr8 28..UB-K3 29..B-B4 80..KBXR-T Q'RXB 81.. R-Kt 6 (i-B2 S2..R-bls8-f K-KtBq 83..QRXR ' 84..H-Kt5 86.. B-K 5 kt-B sq P-Kt 3 (rt) K-R2 QH-B8 (|-K8 QXR Q-R8 Resigns -B8 .P-KR8 8..BPXP 10..KtXKt 11.. gat-hilt P-Q4!" li.. K-Kt 8(0) F-KB4 19. .Castles 14..R-K sq It.. P-Kt 4 10..KtPXB KtPxPl 1J..0-R8 PXK' IB. .Q B X P (0 Q-her 1 NOTES CONDENSED. (a) For If White 8..P takes P, P takes P ; . , Kt takes P, R to K sq, etc (b) 12. .B to It 2, to recover a P, would not be sound, e. p., 12. .P takea Kt; 13. .Kt takes P, P to B 4, and White loses a piece. (o) Has now the attack, but If her op- ponent can withstand It he should win with the centre Fhwdb. (d) It 20.. B takes B; 27.. B takes R, Q to K 2; 28.. B takes B P dit check, R, or Kt, to Kt 3 (forced) ; 20. ,Q takes B, etc. British Chess. Game In Northern Counties' Chess Union vs Scottish Chess Association, J. M. Flnlay- son, of Glasgow, vs. G. Howltt, of Bradford. — B. C. M. REEVES' COUNTER GAMBIT. Flnlayson. Howltt 1..PIOK4 PtoK4 2..KKI-B3 1} Kt-B 8 3..KB-K16 H-KB4 4..KPX P(c)KKt-B8 ft..(M»llcs P-Q8 6..BxKHU')PXB 7..P-Q4 P-K 6 8..R-Ksq B-K 2 0.,Kt-lil«8 QBXP 10..P-KB3 KPXP n..g X BPi>) Q-ticr2 12..P-QB3 P-KK8 13..KKI-K8 QBXKt 14..PxB(p) (Jimtle.yH 15..KUQ2 KR-Bsq (e) Kt to B 3, or 1 Flnlayson. lfl..KltoB4 17..Q-K12 18..R-K4 19..B-Q2 20..BXKt 21..K-Rsq 22..Q-Bsq 23.. K 11 X B ■H..KI-KMI) 2ft..Kt-Kt2 2«..0-R<) + 27..R-KB8II 28.. R-Kt 4 20..QXR and White resigns. 1 to Q 3, Is preferable. The reply offers a P for development If now 5. .11 takes Kt, Q P takes B; 0. .Kt takes r " Howltt. Ktt0Q4 B-Rt P-Kt 4(A) Kt-B 6 I'XB P-B 6(1) Q-B4 P-B 71 Q-B6 + OR-Ksq K-Kt sq R-K8 RXR + R-KBq, takes with a good gnme. f) This exchange is favorable to Black. B takes P, Kt takes P Is better. . If 14.. Q takes B, Q takes Q; 15.. P t-8 Q, K to Q 2, with a superior position. (Al If 18.. R to B 7; 10.. Q to Kt 4 I it) The crucial move. It abandons the B, and drives the White Q to an Important xqunre from which mate Is threatened by Kt to R 5, followed by Q to her R 0. (<) R to Kt 4 affords better chances of re- sisting the attack ; and this move, also should have been played at 20.. Instead of y to It check. Solutions. or \VM. 8C1IAFHR. Our esteemed correspondent gives the au- thor's solution of Prob. 2,425, adding : "Simple, hut pretty, just the same." Enigma 2,420.— 1 .. Q to B (all check), K to It 4 ; 2. Q takes B P, P takes Q ; 3. . Kt to B 4; and 4. .11 mates. Problem 2, 420.— 1 . .Q to R 0. R to Kt sq ; r,» n H 5 c ' S J° h „ er 3 . 8 i <°> i s - -Q takcs It P check; and 4. .R mates. . (o) !£«••? *»«"«« B : 8. .Q takes P check., etc. — and If 2.. else; 8..B takes P check, etc. ' This Is a good place to put In our contri- butor's opinion of Mr. Allen's "Development of the Chess Problem." Mr. Schafcr enys : "Mr, Allen's articles are highly Interesting, and I am glnd you follow them up. The stylo of these problems of the early stages, that Ik, (he larger pnrt of them, If given today In Tun Curi-Kn would appear rfcllcii- lons. But In those days Hie chess fiends had not much of our knowledge, and still less of JAMES THOMPSON, Whose likeness appears above, has been en- gaged by C. 1>. Servian, general manager for the Zeb & Zarrow Theatrical Enterprises, to play a comedy part In their new production, "In Mississippi, opening early In August. Misapprehension Corrected. We misunderstood a piece of information coming from one of a pile of authorities which cannot now be recalled. This was to the effect that the chess world Is indebted to Herr Georg Marco for the scores and valu- able tabulations of resultB of the recent Vienna Gambit Tourney. The following cor- rection is not to detract one lota from the honor and merit of the work accomplished for chess by the unflagging zeal of the great Austrian, or to subtract aught from the ex- pression of obligation due him from chess players as a body. Bro. Helms writes us that Herr Marco, In addition to his other duties, and at the rUk of Injuring his own score In the tourney, performed the Her- culean task of writing and sending out a complete score In uniform style of all the games 1 but that the elaborate "tabulations," which should be made of all great tourneys, were drawn out by himself, costing nearly a full night's labor to complete In time for his next Issue. The Rice Gambit Tourney, At the Manhattan C. C, Is reported as over three-fourths through. It Is not so much a question of who wins or loseB as of what they win or lose. Of the 45 games played to date (July 10), only 8 have been drawn; the Attack has won 10; the Defence, 26 — nearly two to one. So the R. G. must be considered pretty decidedly defeated. Of course. It Is of Interest to know the personal standing of the contestants. Thus runs It: Nomas. Won. Loit. Xamea. Won. Lott. Finn ffj 2% Sleghelm.... 5 6 Keldanz 8 8 Roethlng.... 4U 6% Phillips 5 Delmar 4% 7W Halpern .... 5% Ott Hanham .... 3 8 A lively game In the Plllsbury Corres. As- sociation, H. C. Wood, Camden, N. J., vs. E. L. Massctt N. Y. (Play the 8 establishing moves.) must retract Ills move; 2. Black to retract bis last move; 8. Black to play; 4. White to play; 6. Black to play so as to allow — 0. white to mate on the move. N. B.— No Queens allowed. To show how near we axe together we observe that this is The Uereuty atio. 2.453..... ."Dear Friend Lasker: After careful consideration, upon advice of many of my friends, I baye de- cided to challenge you to play a series of games for the chess cbamplonship of the world. I do not know what your Idea of stakes would be, but I would suggest £100 a side. The only stipulation I make la that the match be played In England before the close of the present year." Buch is the al- together modest and proper way In which Mr. Marshall challenges for the worlds championship Thanks to our attentive correspondent, Adolf Dossenbach, we can report the opening of a new chess column In The Rochester (N. T.) Herald, K. 8. Howard, chess editor. Our problem, 2,062, by Mr. Dossenbach, Is Its graceful opening bow. The R. C. C.'s recent handicap tour- ney gives an agreeable idea of the number and Bplrlt of the local players. There were 20 entrants, In fonr claases, the leading five standing thus: 1, Langborg (A), formerly champion of Sweden, per cent., .946: 2, Tracy (D), .815; 8, Dossenbach (A), .710; 4. Hatmaker (A), .684; 5, N. E. Spencer (B), .038. Mr. Langborg lost but one game out of his 10, to Mr. Kleeb, a Kt player, who came out No. 8. The handicap was somewhat unusual. Class A gave to B Q B P and move : B to C, and C to D ; the rest as usual. We feel quite en rapport with Rochester, and expect further news. According to Bro. Middle ton's Utrror, Texas Is just up on its chess muscle. Its four Interstate matches stand thus: With Iowa, 40 boards. Texas 12% ; Iowa 13V6- With Nebraska, 18 boards, 2 games each, T. 10, N. 3. With Mississippi (1st class), 27 boards, T. 12, M. 11. With same (2d class), 18 boards. T. 4V,. M. 8% Let our problem friends be on the rut vlve. Our old- est living contrlhutor, Gustavus C. Reich- helm, wlu be out after you next week with a SOITj chess rifle, so see ye to It that your Intellectual tomahawks are perfectly bal- anced, and your scalping knives in prime condition. Not that we expect, much less wish, you to use them to Bro. R. s detriment, but when called upon to face sucb a por- tentlous challenge It Is a wise forethought to have the tools ready In your belts. SjSSBJBH ^SBBSB ^^ mm — ^ m ^ mm ^ ^ M ^ MM KMclurs, To Correspondents. Do. A. Schabfeb. — Have you forgotten us? W. Seward. — Contributions received with thanks. J. De Lima.— "AH to the good." "To the Gulf for yours." Hope you have an enjoy- able time. News of the Game. The old time limit rule was five minutes to a more and then notification. If at the ex- piration of another minute a move was not made, the game was forfeited. Willie Gard- ner one* related a story where monotony of the old time limit rule was broken by one of the time keepers going to Bleep. "My man," remarked Willie, "was In difficulties and gained nigh on half an hour; but, then, It was not my business to awaken my op- ponent. I only had to keep his principal to time." On July 8, Reynolds and Newcomb met at the rooms of the Home- wood Chess and Checker Club and played nine games for The Dispatch Medal (Pitts- burg, Pa). The score at the finish was : Rey- nolds won 2, Newcomb won 3,' drawn 4 Dr. Schaefer and the New York Checker Club were recently very much pleased to re- ceive a call from John Douglass, of Lynn, Mass., formerly the captain of the New York Checker Club second team. He has been visiting the metropolis for a week, not play- ing much checkers, but chumming with his old friends, who are always pleased to see him G. A. Kenrns, the Philadelphia expert. Is located on Young's Pier, Atlantic City, N. J. Any chess or checker player visiting that resort will be well repaid by calling on him. R. W. Patterson, of Pitts- burg. Pa., recently played five games of checkers with him, all ending drawn The Day, of New London, Conn., says that J. Thompson, of New York, Is there on a visit, and will be at the Y. M. C. A. rooms evenings, pleased to see anyone Interested In the game. Solution of Position No. 21, Vol. 51. SELECTED. An old but useful ending. Black 2 7 10 11 12 14 White 10 20 21 22 23 24 Black to play and draw. 14 17 7 10 15 18 18 27 32 28 22 13 5 16 17 13 6 2 10 14 11 15 2 27 82 10 15 13 6 1 21 17 13 6 Drawn. MR. PBOCTOR'S LATES T PURCHASE. Invests Hnlf » Million Dollars lit Harlem Theatrical Property, •■«! Will Improve It At Once remarksble position In contemn«ZI . atrlcals. In that they are ;& tiJ style of entertainment, a r £,™ '« El ever, I see no reason to pre.i « Fir" Wl policy at any of the houses " Mr. Proctor, after the ' Tb7urgestTandl>y.far the moat lmportant ( ^ ££«<& ££ tXt^Ttt, »» deal that has occurred In Harletn theatrical tootlog , at0 moblle for Altar' li M * the way, he recently pureh; : «,',i 'outril?' ' theatre In that city known , ..-?. "l r « h! and formerly famous as the i Vi.;J a House. This property. wi.: ; ^ ' Msssett. O..Rto Ksq 10..P-Q4 11..P-OB 12.. K B-K B8 -KtS 18.. P-B 4 14..BPXKI IV. K BX Kt I'X B l«..02dPxBB-B4 17..0PXH QRXQ 18..KRXK P-Kt 8 Wood QBtoKS Kt-B St") KKtxP KB-QS O.XRP Castle.QR Hassett 19..BtoQ2 20..K-Bsq 21..K-M8 2 22.. K- 0.8 28..K-B2 24..K-Bsq 26.. Kt-B 3 M.. P-Kt 3 27.. K-Kt 2 28..K-R3 t& t at (J lis, 04. at his 5. Stipulations.—!. White played Inst, but affairs In many years became known July 23 when It was announced by the James McCreery Realty Corporation that It had sold outright to Frederick F. Proctor the entln property on East One Hundred and Twenty-fifth Street, New York City, now known as "Proctor's One Hundred and Twen- ty-fifth Street Theatre." The property com- Drlses in all eight city lots, Including 100ft SlnJon On* Hundred and Twenty-fifth Street, and running through 201ft to One Hundred and Twenty-fourth Street where there la a corresponding frontage of 100ft 6ln. The exact price Involved was not disclosed by the McCreery Co.. but It Is learned on ex- cellent authority that a sum .slightly In excess of $500,000 was paid by Mr. Proctor for the property, which Includes, In addition to the spacious theatre, a handsome five story brick and stone office building, with several handsome stores on the ground floor. The contracts for the purchase were signed last week and, after the usual searches, etc., tne deeds were placed in Mr. Proctor's possession at noon July 23, when he became absolute owner of the property, which for the past three years he has had under lease. It Is over ten years since Oscar Hammer- stein built on this site what he then chris- tened the Columbus Theatre, and originally devoted to the purpose of a popular price combination bouse. It was successful rrom the very outset, and became nn early and Important factor In the development of Har- lem theatrical affairs. For several years It was a paying Investment for Mr. Hammer- Wood. QtoR7 + Q-R8 + QXP + R-Ssq-f QIC 8 + P-Kt 7 Ml QXKP P-B6 P-B 7, and White surrenders. Joseph Kabn, of New York, too, made good use of this new de- fence. Moreover, Mr. K. figured It out with- out knowing it had been adopted elsewhere. (•) Nothing "stereotyped" In this game. Western Chess Association. This Important Calssan organization will hold Ita fourth annual meeting with the Chicago Club, eleventh floor, Schiller Build- ing, Aug. 10-15. The hospitable Cblcagoans are making special efforts to equip and beau- tify their already elegant rooms preparatory to the reception of so numerous and dis- tinguished a company. For championship liouors, entrance, $6. Five prizes— $100, 50, 25, 15 and $10, respectively. Hours of play, 1.30 to 5.30, and 7.30 to 11.30 P. m., one game at each session. Adjourned games to be finished next A. m. Minor tourney on the pyramid plan. Entrance $1. Open to players considered eligible by the com- mittee. Major tourney, for defeated can- didates in the sectional play for the cham- pionship, and others considered eligible by the committee. Officers: President, Geo. B. Spencer; secretary-treasurer, Louis Uede- mann, with one vice president for each of the sixteen States under the oegls of the asso- ciation. Executive committee, B. T. Ithodus, Hon. II. D. Smith, J. W. Dickinson, Sidney P. Johnson and L. Uedemann. Ravclllng-a Knit Up. 77io Leeda Mercury, July 4, has the fol- lowing fraternal Interchange of good fellow- ship: "The New YonK Cufprr has paid us the compliment of reproducing nearly all the Special Retractors of our tourney. We re- turn the compliment by reproducing the (fol- lowing) original Retractor (No. 2,422, June 18) from Tub Clipper's columns, and take the liberty of supplying an omission — 'No Queens allowed' — without which the cooks will be much In evidence." Mrs. Balrd's po- sition stands thus: Position No. 22, Vol. 51. BT OBOSVENOrt, NEW YOBS. Black 13 14 15 10 20 ■ ■ ■ ■ ■V.V iV.V ■■%■■■■ White 21 22 20 28 K Black to play and win. 11 Game No. 22, Vol. SI. DUNDEE. BT 3. B. STOEMONT. From Bydney, X. B. W., Herald. 12 16 16 16 10 9 18 2 6 24 20 27 23(0) 26 23 22 15 17 14 8 12 7 10 19 26 11 18 7 11 28 24 82 27 80 23 27 28 22 18 4 8(0) 8 7 15 19 18 27 18 17 24 10 18 14 28 16 81 15 14 10 10 15 18 12 19 5 9 6 10 10 23 14 26 21 21 17 10 7 6 15 10 17 IS 9 14 23 18 21 14 29 25 25 22 6 15 (0) 26 23 18 20 16 6 9 8 11 7 10 27 24 11 27 6 12 16 20 80 26 16 10 18 4 7 11 11 16 8 7 23 16 27 82 12 8 (6) Drawn 32 28 12 10 4 8 11 16 (6) 15 11 15 14 10 15 20 27 10 6 10 23 15 6 82 27 15 10 81 26 26 10 2 81 24 27 81 Drawn (o) This has always been considered a loser. to 14 or 8 to 8 have always been given to draw. Some years ago Ben Coons gave the following, which is nice play : 14 22 17 15 18 80 21 19 24 24 10 7 16 22 IS 16 13 6 11 15 25 22 10 10 21 17 24 81 20 11 4 8 25 22 6 10 6 2 15 24 20 25 14 17 28 18 20 24 27 20 8 11 21 14 6 9 22 17 7 10- 17 18 6 20 22 31 20 20 11 11 16 13 6 16 20 18 14 3 7 SI 27 2 25 17 18 10 15 Drawn, CARRIE GRAHAM Has for the past three years been meeting with great success, playing the principal vaudeville houses. Miss Graham Is one of Geo. W. Lederer's latest finds, and he has engaged her for a principal comedy part In "My Lady Lola," which will open In August at the Victoria Theatre, New York. She lias just finished four weeks at the New York Roof Garden, where she has been doing her Fpecialty, "Sis Hopkins." Miss Graham is not new In farce comedy, as she was of the well known team, Boyle and Graham, who for several seasons starred la "The Prodigal Father" and "His Better Half companies. In these she demonstrated that she was a rlevsr soubrette and exceedingly graceful dancer. stein, but when he became so heavily Inter- ested In the construction of the New York Theatre downtown he sold his entire Har- lem property to the late James McCreery, the well known drygoods merchant It was then leased to various managers and suffered several changes of name until, In 1900, Mr. Proctor secured It on a five years' lease from Mr. McCreery. Mr. Proctor at once renovated the house, and opened It In Au- gust, 1900, with high class vaudeville as the attraction. Six months later he Inaugurated the dramatic stock company which has since made the house one of the most profitable In Manhattan. In the face of the various rumors which of late have been circulated as to the future of thla theatre, It Is rather arousing to learn from Mr. Proctor, himself, tbat for a year or more he had contemplated purchasing the property, and tbat, In fact, be had loug held an option to buy It Bala Mr. Proctor : "Harlem has been very generous In Its support of my theatre, and I take It that my heavy permanent Investment there will be an evidence that I am not unappreclatlve of the loyalty of my uptown patrons. I am a firm believer In the great future growth of amusement enterprises In the npper sec- tion of the city, and I have made this large purchase without the slightest doubt as to the outcome." J. Crawford McCreery, representing the McCreery Realty Corporation, said: "Mr. Proctor was an excellent tenant, and he could have lengthened his lease of the bouse at any time, because of our thorough satis- faction with his enterprising, energetic and scrupulous business methods. But a chance remark as to the renewal of the lease led to an offer of purchase, and the deal was very quickly consummated. Several other the- atrical firms made tentative bids, but I may freely say that at no time was any other than Mr. Proctor's seriously considered." J. Austin Fynes, general manager for Mr. Proctor, said : "The sale to Mr. Proctor will now put at rest all the absurd rumors that have been abroad concerning this theatre. I may say that for the present no change In policy Is either contemplated or necessary. The Btock company — which has been a pleas- ant fixture with Harlem playgoers — will re- main Intact presenting weekly changes of bill, with high class vaudeville between the acts. The continuous concerts on Sunday will also go on as they have for the past three years ; In fact, the doors of the theatre have not been closed, Summer of Winter, week days or Sundays, since Mr. Proctor assumed control. "But there will be at once Instituted many radical alteratlona and Improvements, In- volving an expenditure of nearly $00,000. Chief of these will be an up to date roof garden, for which there is an abundance of Bpacc. The entire house will be handsomely redecorated before snow files; the stage por- tion also will be radically Improved." Questioned as to the ultimate possibility of the theatre's changing Its present policy and Joining some one of the big syndicates, Mr. lynos rather guardedly sold: 'That all depends upon circumstances. Nowadays one has to look ahead rather cautiously. Mr. Proctor at present Is eminently satisfied with the Investment. It Is safe, sound, and It Is all hla own. Of course, It Is a splendidly equipped playhouse, and could very quickly and easily be converted to any use that might seem advisable. In fact, all of Mr. Proctor's seven theatres — several of which be now owns outright — occupy a unique and rather storerwas acquVredby Mr. Vr.,.!tS. !^ ol *l» of nearly $100,000 from Ccl VbrafiL'S ber, to whom It was bequeail .-. h? f° f;r H client. Mr. Proctor hid li'.'i, itsi5. w ? ll l theatre for many years, and li» «til™ «4 chased It from Col. Gruber. it i, B °° C «J »'l extensively renovated. " *•■ *-»♦ A TALK W ITH HAB Ity DLAKfc The Two Bees (Harry and K| r» am. J are back In the Wed Siat.-JX TO weeks' holiday, after a prH<.» ee d ■».. Europe of nine years, where UieV h,,.L appearing In all the vaudeville thAtrJ* England, Ireland. Scotland and lVstoTl! much success. Mr. Blake was a tw caller last week, and looked the elrini. good health. He finds great . hinSe, "J?, ' where on his return, both In the clV, I!l pearance and Bhow business (.'cnerallT " Mr. Blake brought over with him thi , of an oil painting, entitled "PoouiimTl It Is the work of Lydla Dreams, ai Et J iJ ventrlloquiBt, who traveled In this r .i n ,„ with Tony Pastor's show some yetSii? The picture has taken over three jmbT complete, and Includes three hundred acderi music hall celebrities grouped in an anlnii, scene laid In a popular resort of Lc-' where the performers mostly concr»?8te. Vi Edward, of England, graciously acwuta! •« first artist's proof copy, and the fuact'3 was performed at Buckingham Palace i> day, June 26, when the artist In person o the presentation. This Is not the first time the vaud=i profession has been honored or recoraiu by royalty, as Dan Leno, Albert Che'il 1 * Geo. Fuller Golden and others have recn3 royal commands, and appeared and tva talned HIb Majesty. On July 5, idco o' fifteen hundred variety performers were c trlbuted over London, In all districts, sad ( tertalned the diners on the occasion of tw king's dinner to the poor, coronation tint Mr. Blake has been highly pleased with i, reception In America, where he and his vi!i appeared for so many years, be having ip»| fourteen years here (from 1SS0 until 1631 1 While In England he signed contracts {< South Africa, and In 18U0 sailed tor Cap. town, and on to Johannesburg, where ttdi act was a huge success. He brought It a great collection of curiosities, photos, e: many of which Tub Clipper staff bid pleasure of seeing last week. Mr. Blake speaks enthusiastically of British fraternal order called the Mad Hall Artists' Railway Association, of wb:i he has been an active member since I formation. It has enrolled over 9,000 tow hers, and proved Its usefulness during Cj past six years. It baa made rapid stride, and Becured concessions and benefits for hi members that could never have happened : the society had not existed. It deals «:•! reduced fares, accident and lost baggtf policies, has a solicitor for free advice x all legal matters, and Is recognized by Ik proprietors and managers who are In icon with Its principles, as It Is never latap nlstic to them, but on the contrary has al ways been ready to assist them at all tlta Its secretary, Cbas. Douglas Stuart, t n eral favorite and a great organizer, his u a great deal to do with its success. Re n formerly a journalist and has published u complied several useful books, etc., vhki have proven a boon to its members. He notable in tbls list is his fare boot, sit useful Information on all matters coneai ing performers traveling. Mr. Stuart hi octed as secretary from the formation o( th association, and Is well known to rrei American who has played on the other ■'! as any and every variety performer, renrf less of nationality or color, Is el.gs to become a member. The annual subed; tlon Is five shillings, and entrance fee t joining a like amount The profits a: year are equally divided between the Sit* Hall Charities and Railroad Compute Charities. ,„ Every anniversary of the formation ot » association the members bold a grand ■ per, concert and ball, when several huod:* guests sit down together, some of »« travel many mllea from the provinces Jj i present It Is the most popular affair • the year, and Is presided over by one i ol popular stars. The last eupper Bertie Campbell took the chair. Mr. Blake believes an association on ti! lines would do great service In America, i It brings about a good feeling between \i vaudeville profession, besides being benes:. to their general condition, Improvement it future welfare. Their committee coiw of fifty hard workers, who take a great terest In the work, and unselfishly p« • a lot of time for the benefit of their Drotm and slBter performers. _ ., Mr. and Mrs. Blake are visiting Boat* itmlt nnA ntt,o,> tnwnfl retlimlnK *0 ■"' Detroit and other towns, returning to York to embark for England Aug. 26. i» commence business again In Leeds M£ > and are booked up for several years to«w 4—¥ SIR THOMAS 1 . Just where the master of Osldge *<*$L— his taste for yachting Is a nuestion. w» of his friends say It was Inherited froo -• ancestors, some of whom were Scotch. » Is little Indication of his aquatic tastes in" Osldge. but he Is what Is called In Ml" "an all 'round man." He has hod his ■<*■• atlon afloat and ashore since a la". an °.£, familiar with the Jib or the maui . ttp» sheet as with the driving of a four aljg Personally he has the American Wj'SM of speech and manner, though rctatni« | English accent He Is cordial to H >* walks, and kind words always folio* w he i gate who .a prises— the Anglo-American.— f roffl Master of the Bhamrock," hy Day* Wllley, In Four-Track News, for angw » s » " EVA WILLIAMS Was born In Portland, Me., and b«« -, first appearance when five years oio, , Margaret Mather, playing .\f t] '± 7*0 "Leah, the Forsaken." At M«*SB the South, playing a round of ShaMSSi w heroines, and three years later sne « ' i;j vaudeville with Jac Tucker, ^n ,'J^ 3 hours, Is appropriately named Century Limited. 1 ' — Adv. r ^flfij ol Playm T -—-TTTroni WhltUtker * Hicks* "A - !,ol ^-irt" Co. : We will open In Mt. ftoittf £ ,,.„ Aug. 17, with an entirely rus*'* ~' r ,i n o? thl« sterling comedy- ** I,tte0 «>a-e booked almost solidly for the t* * 4 ...^'. 'and from the flattering letters f-twjfffi'for a big season. Boater la aa ^ired l0 ^ n | t taker * Hicks, proprietors ; THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. 527 l'"?. rt h.KnT bualoeaa manager; Jno. B. F - ?£itftt one assistant; Prof. W*£EErw3m of band; Prot H. '^» S l sad r'o orchestra; Nesblt 8. Sco- PUn Starr, Jno. Csylor, R 8. fteJS 11. Alberwneyer. ft Harry tanfi i :tnll f.,i% Fruk Hren, Ita Leech-Sco- riJBBrSrSg Louise Albright, and n "S.o nV.lseta, Peltier and Foster. Our i*,^m'-es to be one of the flneat on s mS » iiiie tha M * t '* one of excep " B * JS& a. Brady and his wife, Grace — have returned to this country from Mti Mies George will go immediately ^C country borne at Allenhurst, N. J., 5,« she ""I "°>» ln nntl1 £ ne "IP* 11111 ? ^season In "Pretty Peggy' r mS USk Night," Ocffi. at the Madison ' r » Theatre Mr. Brady will at once "Too bis production of "The Pit" and 5 ft, Will Be Girls." He baa arranged with 3*5 Curzon for the appearance of Mies SS«. In "Pretty Peggy?' at Wyndbam s SSJue London, beglnnin| on April 14 3? She will be supported by an English SsU Mr- Curzon also has the right to £&• afc Brady's play, ••"Way Down & la London within a year, and Mr. tZiw said they wou Id probably Join hands 3 ",wo more productions next Spring. With wiiwn Greet he contracted to present 5 d if r Tom's Cabin" at the Adelphf Thea- m London, with the scenery and much the Si TcompaDy that played It at the Academy Siluslc New York, a year or two ago. For oroductlon here Mr. Brady has obtained !n notion on the pantomime, "Santa Claua ir "an elaborate spectacle, which was done "Liverpool last season. Miss George will Lot appear in "Twelfth Night" during her JuMement at the Madison Square Theatre, bat she may appear In "Much Ado About VnihlDa" at matinee performances during 5 run .of "Pretty Peggy" at that theatre. Wilton Lackave, In "The Pitt," will open In Vonmber, and in December will be seen In Chicago, afterward coming to New York -G'rli Will Be Girls," the musical comedy rt'cb Mr. Brady Is producing with Joseph Usrt, will open early next month In Atlantic Qtv and then come to New York. — Klaw & Erlanger will open the season 3! the Rogers Brothers In John J. McNally'e tilth farce written for tbeae comedians, "The Borers Brothers In London," at the Star Iatatre, Buffalo, Aug. 31. — James T. Powers has been engaged bj John C. Fisher for the part of Willie jeif, a sailor, the leading comedy role. In ■& Princess of Kensington," which will be pndoctd at the Broadway Theatre, New York City, Aog. 31. Hlg contract with Mr. (liber covers a term of years, and the sea- sea after next be will appear In a comic cfrra written /or him. — Henry Miller has returned to New York from a trip abroad. While abroad be obtained the American rights of a ikt French play which will be done at the Comedle Francalse next season. Mr. Miller will begin rehearsals at once for his stirring tour with Margaret Anglln, under (rules B. Dillingham's management, begin- ning about the middle of August with a two ninths' engagement In San Francisco. Acong the plays to be produced are "The Timing of Helen," "The Ironmaster," "Ca- ■Hie," "The Lady of Lyons," "The Devll'a Dsclple" and the new French play. — .Sews from San Francisco states that Birry S. Xorthrup, an actor, was bitten by > rattlesnake on his ranch In San Diego, CtL, recently, and was seriously I1L —George Ade's next musical comedy will he aimed "The Sho-Gnn." Gustav Luders u writing the music for It The scene Is Uld In Co re j, In the present time. — Stair & Havlln have added the Star Tteatre, Philadelphia, and the Hopkins liettre, Chicago, to their circuit — Maude Raymond has been engaged by George W. Lederer for a leading comedy role £ "My Lady Lola," which opena the Victoria Theatre, New York City, on Aug. 31. — Valerie Bergere will appear next Beason ha play by H. J. W. Dam, entitled "The lea Mouse, under the management of Mil- ler 4 Kaufman, of Philadelphia. Max Free- nsa will stage the play. — Walter Clifford, an English actor, who ippeared abroad with Marie Tempest, In The Artist's Model," and baa been ldenti- «u with other successful plays, has been (ipged by Henry W. Savage for the part of lord Somerset, In "The Prince of Pllsen." —J. J. Rosenthal has canceled his con- tract to manage Williams and Tucker next «uon, and win devote all bis time to Kath- [P Osterman In "Miss Petticoats." The views. Shubert will manage Williams and —J. R. Stirling has engaged Paul C. «ude, musical director for the Alma Stlrl- B t Daughter's Devotion" Co. — "In One Hour," a drama, by Tlleston wet which will be under the management tt Grim & Qneatcr, of Buffalo, N. Y., will W the season Sept 16. Mr. Bryce Is 'Pending the Summer at Auburn, N. Y, ,.T; c J? ar,M Bishops has signed with Ed- Mrtuj Stock as comedian. — Carrie Graham has signed with Geo. ii.» -e I' r for nu » new production. "Lady ""«, which will open the Victoria Theatre, 1 f.£i! y ' Au f- 31 - iix - Hobart Is writing •kit *, 00 tne llnes of "Bis Hopkins," In •J'™ character Miss Graham scored a re- «"able success. This week she concludes ISt ■X"*" engagement on the New York wot. She will spend a few weeks In -sratoga before beginning rehearsals. ■Wj ,v e Elmore and Lillian Davln have fci T Jules wd Elmer Walters' "Mll- a.kU. e , rram P" Co - tor the coming season, •ttracflo swond •«»*» with the above Cnrti.- ll y' e8 Frohman has secured Bose aucti™J l. aB . Important role In the pro- tein? of Stephen Phillips' "Ulysses," which lanber! at tne Garo n advanced to the Veal' I, ' 'ending lady, preceding Maude lidv d,,)' 10 '". t0 b» Mr- Johnson's leading iii V? „'!"* th8 coming season. Mr. Lever- U. Giih^?.' 30 ^? 11 ***^ Daniel Jarratt, Charles iso «n,, t ',J 31c £ nor Belden, Theodore Hamll- ihelr Vh . and Be8Ble Bobbins will open toe ci. r ".? ,;a *>n under the management of 6wan. LlB er , Co - °e |n S featured In Mark luJJl^,, ""Jalcal comedy, "A Bunaway . — -Among those to appear In the caat of "A Bomauce of Coon Hollow" this season are: Buby Erwood, Marge Haines, Alda Gardner, Janet Wilson, Gus Gauss, P. But- ler, Geo. P. Haines, Jack Spalding, Johnny Vaughan. Samuel Gaines, Wm. T. Aaher. Joa Williams, W. C. Thomas, Fletcher Colt Jag. H. McDonald (agent). Season opens Aug. IB, In Burlington, N. J. . — B, E. Johnston's production of "Maud Mnller" will take the road the latter part of September. The play has been recon- structed and enlarged, and will have novel muatcal and moving picture effects. _— P-„ w - T"J lor i manager of the Cook- Church Stock Co., has signed Warren L. Corey for advance representative. The sea- eon opens Aug. 24, at Woonsocket. B. I. — Agnes Wei la and the Royal Comedy Fonr (Waller Van Allen, M. W. Rale, Geo. Derapple and W. C. Brockmlre) have signed with Flo Irwin for the "Sister Mary" Co. — Notes from F. E. Jobnaon's "The Way of the Wicked" Co.: The following people have been engaged: W. A. Bohme, Lottie Bohme, Blchard Marsden. Chas. Teaf, Nat Andrews and Chas. Kllng. The company will carry a car load of special scenery, along with a striking electric effect, and some very attractive paper has been designed by the W. J. Morgan Co., of Cleveland. O. Tbe season Is booked solid until June through the middle and Eastern Statea. 11. E. Burkbart will be with the company In capacity of acting manager. — Jennie Marie Perren, female baritone Blnger, who has signed with the Chase-Lister Theatre Co. (Northern), Is featured In her specialty. — "The Victims of Money" Is the title of a new melodrama of New York life, just completed by Lawrence Marston and Flnley Pauley, which will be produced during the coming season. — "Slaves of the Mine," which is a re- constructed version of "Pennsylvania," will be given July 31, at Frederick, Md., after- ward playing Washington and the princi- pal Eastern cities. Among tbe company en- paged are: Frederick Reynolds. Jos. R. Sett- ler, Wm. B. Daly. Bobson Dalton, J. G. Gibson, Howard Brandon, Louis Fltiroy, Nlc Wsgner, C. W. Msrty, Blanche Paull, Alice B. Hamilton, Jeannette Lansford, and C. 8. Callahan, manager. Eddie Tallman, who Is spending the Sum- mer with his parents at Chicago, will again Join the Three Hickman Brothers' farce comedy, "Down and Up." — "Only A Shop Girl" Notes: Tbe com- pany opena Aug. 15. Lottie Williams will again be the star, and will, during tbe com- ing season, be supported by a much larger company than wag last season seen In this play. The play hag been materially altered since last season, the last act being entirely new. Mlaa Williams has recently returned from London and Paris. While In tbe latter city she secured two costumes which she will wear In the last act of her play. Two of the newest "coster ballads" of London were also secured by Miss Williams, which will be heard for tbe first time here. Tbe musical numbers, which proved such a pleaa- Ing feature of this popular success last sea- son, bave been rewritten. Those engaged Include: Bobby Barry, Edward Jolly, Arnold Alexander, Eugene La Rue, Paul Dumont Al- fred Noble, P. S. Gates, Clay Blaln, Millie Maakell, Lillian Harris, Iona Chamberlln, Winifred Wilde, Nellie Barnard, Leona Ar- mour, Jane Cooper, Edna Loralne, Mllllcent Daniel, Georgle Cooper, Francis Jeunette, Jag. Mills, Gertrude De Smith, Frank Elli- ott. Strap II111 and Steve Bowling. Tour will again be under tbe direction of II. Win- chell, with B. W. Little business manager In advance. The bookings for the second tour of "Only A Shop Girl" cover a period of forty weeka In tbe most Important cities. The early time booked Includes one week In September at the West End Theatre, this city, the opening date being Blaney's Theatre, Newark, N. J., and Philadelphia. Boston, Providence and Washington to follow. — Harry Corson Clarke contemplates ap- — Monarchs of Repertory Notes: All things are polntlug to a prosperous season with uj. Time la booked solid up to the first week In February. This year "Ingo- mar" will be tbe opening bill, ''The Three Musketeers" and "The Vendetta" to follow. Special scenery will be used for eacb play, and strict attention will be paid to details. The show opens Sept 14, making three night stands until Dec. It, and week at Barry, 111. Among tbe people thug far en- gaged are : T. B. Hitch, Frank Tucker, Ed- ward Blehl, U. 8. Allen, Florence Leslie. Claudia Turner, Mrs. Frank Tucker and Adulo St. John. W. L. Thompson, manager and sole owner. pearlng In London, Eng., In the nesr future. — Frank J. Ktrke nas been engaged for the coming season to sppear In "Only a Shop Girl" Co. — Notes from Belcher's Comedians: The following lg our roster: W. M. Belcher, manager; W, A. Hundley, advance repre- sentative: Earle Craddock, F. De Castillo, John W. Downs, W. M. Belcher, Jennie Mll- len, Clara Belcher, J. C. Sawyer and wife, Mabel Belcher, C. H. Adams, and C. E. Horn, pianist. All our scenery lg new this season. and we carry lots of It. We bave bad several good fair dates offered that we could not accept We open Aug. 4 and play most of the season In old territory, tbough we will ndd some new cities to our route. We will carry a fine machine for moving pictures. Illustrated songs and serpentine dance ef- fects. — Lottie Hyde goes with "Driven from Home." Tbe above represents Ernie and Honegger. the well known monopedeg, who Joined hands In 1902 to do a rettned dancing, equlllbrlstlc and acrobatic act 1 hey have Just closed a Beason of fourteen weeks as a feature on the Grauman circuit, and are now a feature of the Shields park circuit until Aug. 2, after which they will come East. They claim that they are the only one legged team doing two high acrobatic work, and high band to hand stands. Prt7c& My,,e na » been engaged for the Ehow^ir,?. ^' role wlth Wnltney'S "A 'Cyri? tt i'.'''Y ra ! ,or Notes : F,re destroyed the ffZJSd Theatre, at Dallas, Tex, on effect. ''Properties, wardrobe and personal •Win J. ta e Ewing-Taylor Combination. K ffi, was Playing there at the time. Most kotelt f „"'.' nil ^ r " ot tn« company had their toanlMr s .. ln th* theatre, and the logs was •riitn „>' ,, "L °° Insurance whatever. The bert t, vi he flra ■ nnknown. Manager Al- oe r»nio S r , anno,m «« tnat the loss will ill ZSaflgjfi* M r *P ,dl ' M V>ml\>\e, and William Harrla haa arranged with Charles Frohman for Hattle Williams to appear with Bice and Wise In Leo Dltrlch- steln'a farce, "Vivian's Papas," which Is to bo presented at the Garlck Theatre, Lon- don. Eng., on Aug. 17. . _ . — The El More Sisters (Jennie and Mamie) have signed with "A Devll'g Lane Co., with which they will be featured. This will be their second season with tbls com- pany. Their support will be strong. — Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Grimes left for Springfield. III., July 19, to Join the Gag- non-Pollock Stock Co., which will make an extended tour of the Southwest. This Is their second season with this company. Helene Carral will be featured next season In "Dora Thome," under the man- agement of R. L. Crescy. Francis Plerlot has also been engaged for the principal C0 ^! d Illan rt Vlllalr Co. Notes : We are still playing to splendid business In all the larger New York towns. Tbls Is our second trip up the State this season, having played the same towns with "Slaves of Pagglon. some weeks ago. We shall continue three night stands until November, unless. In the mean- time, business drops, and then we will be- gin one night stands again. We shall re- organize soon for the Fall and Winter season. — Will Sherman, comedy trick pianist, vo- calist and comedian, hae signed for coming season with Johnson A Smith, for the part of Darius Dawklns, In 'The Girl from Chill. . r. R. Stanley writes: "I closed The Heart of Tennessee' Co. July 4, being un- able to get satlsfsctory bookings. I will devote air my time to managing my Opera House, at Morris, Minn., and looking after my bill posting plant. The State is going to be fine for all good companies next Fall, as all farm produetg are Immensely big. — Notes from Dover, Del.: The new thea- tre, which Is now under construction, will be the moat complete ground Door houge In the State south of Wilmington. Opening ulght every sest In the house has been sold at «B per ticket Managers Blacklston has a number of first class attractions now booked. The new playhouse will not be com- pleted as goon as was expected, and Manager Blacklston will be compelled to put some of the early datea off In the old house. The above Is a good likeness of G. Carlton Guy, who has headed Ills own company for the last six years. Tbls season tho com- pany, known as the Guy Stock Co., Is under the management of Billy Casad, and la fitted out with a car load of special scenery, carry- In" complete sets for each and every produc- tion, and an excellent cast company. Ex- clusive rights bave been purchased for Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Missouri, Kansas and Iowa for "My Jim," "Brand of Coin," "Victorian Cross," "The Hmiigglerg" and "Slaves ot Russia," and shall also stage "The Three ■Musketeers." Time Is all booked solid In tbe larger towns In tbe above States. — Don Macmlllan, business manager of the Irving French Co., writes: "We open our eighth genaon Aug. 24, with nearly tbo same roster ns last season. People engaged E. II. Howe (sixth year), Don Mnnnllln and Dorothy Grey (third year), Leon Mc — n. C. Renchard, for many years Cur- peb correspondent at Detroit, Mich., died July 19, at his home la that city. — Inman 1. C. Nichols and Nellie V. Thomng have been engaged for "McFadden's Flats." , , .,_ — D. E. Harlan baa been engaged for the "Across the Pacific" Co., which opens at Elizabeth, N. J., Aug. 8. — Chase A. Hooper and Madge Tuttle Crocker, of the Claire Tuttle Stock Co., were married July 12, at Newark, O. — Willis P. Sweatnam bos been engaged by Henry W. Savage to appear in George Ade's new pictorial comedy, "The County Chairman," which will be produced at Chi- cago la September. Mr. Sweatnam has, dur- ing tbe past season, been In vaudeville. — John C. Flgber announces the follow- ing engagements for the caat of "A Princess of Kensington," tbe latest comic opera suc- cess from tbe Savoy Theatre, London, by Basil Hood and Edward German, which will be produced at tbe Broadway Theatre Aug. 31 : James T. Powers, Richie Ling, Wm. Stevens. Stanley H. Ford, Walter 8. Craven, Jobn Taylor, Fred Huntley, Cecil Engel- hard, Dora De FUllppe, Amelia Fields, Llllle Burcbam and Estelle Ward. A magnificent production la promised, with a chorus of one hundred and twenty-five and a brass band of twenty-five pieces on tbe stage. — Harry Levy la at present rusticating at Owasco Lake, N. Y., where he Intends re- maining for a few weeks. — Notes from N'cvlus & Henries: We open the Nevlns-Tanner Co. Aug. 17, at Victor, Is., playing a number of fair dates before going Into our regular season, which Is hooked solid for forty weeks. Everything will be new with this attraction, Including paper, scenery, etc. J. W. Leigh will have charge of the advance. — Annie Lloyd, who was engaged specially to play tbe part of Toots, with "Tbe Tele- phone Girl" Co., at Point of Pines, Revere Beach, Mass;, has made another success sg Little Miss Bullet, in "Jack and tbe Bean- stalk." — Marie Elmer, who la spending ber vaca- tion with ber mother and slater at the resi- dence of Mrs. Fred Bertscb, Newark, N. J., has signed for next seasoa with A. Q. Scam- mon as leading lady. Reynolds (second year), Eddie Ackerman (second year), Boss Greene and Clara Swartliout (third year), Chas. Grceno (sec- ond year), Mrs. Irving French and Edward Tlerney. Our route Is West and South, and tbe very best time has been booked, Includ- ing many return dates. Myself and wife nre spending a very pleasant vacation in Chi- cago." — Geo. M. Cohan bag engaged Tom Lewis and Bam J. Byan for the leading comedy roles for his newest musical play, "Little Johnny Jones." Mr. Cohan has just returned from tbe West, and has departed to Asbury Park, to spend tbo rest of tbe heated term, and Incidentally put tbo finishing touches 011 tbe musical numbers In "Little Johnny Jones." He promises many novelties and several new musical bits. The play will linvo a Broadway opening In October, after a short tour out of town.' — Mary E. Baker returned last week from the Azores, and will start rehearsals with "McFadden's Flats" early in August. Mlsg Baker made the trip to tbe Azores and re- turn In a sailing vessel. — Minnie Dupree has returned from a Southern tour, She lias algned wllh the Mabel Paige Co., to open Aug. 1. — Martin Bowerg, who Is with Davis' "U. T. C." Co.. hae signed wllh Jan. T. Mc- Alpln's "Hans Hanson" Co. to play tho tramp part Tbe abow wilt open Aug. 12, at Chi- cago. — Tho I'hlladelphlo Dramatic Stock Co. will be ready to take the road about Aug. 15. — Herman J. Shrewsbury has closed n ten weeks' Summer season with Fits & Webster's "A Breezy Time" Co., and Is now spending hlg vacation at his home In Charleston, \\. Va. — Macy Hurlam goeg with Robert ICdcson. — Cclla Alsbcrg goes with "Why Women Sin." — Hermann Illrschbcrg goes with Nathan Appell. — Charlotte Lambert will be leading heavy woman with Mantel) next season. — Cora Belle Green has Joined Mortimer Snow's stock company, at Albany, N. Y. — Adolph Osier, Agnes Frlel and William J. Harley go with Willis Granger. — George W. Mitchell goes with Walter Whiteside next season. — F. A. Yelvlngton and Frank Smith go with Mart Ilauley. — Fred Forrester goes with Charles Han- ford. — "Tho Parish Priest" Is to be taken on the road the coming season. — Louise Dempscy, W. L. West and Alban Purcell are engaged for "Tbe Great White Diamond." — Norman Hackctt returns to Wagcnhalis & Kemper next season. — 'Two Little Sailor Boys" Is the title of a strong melodrama, lately produced In England with succegs, and Mrs. lloyle puts It on the road, commencing In September. — Mabel Lloyd, who has been appearing with "The Runaways" at tbe Casino, baa been added to the caat of "Otoyo" at tbe Madison Hquare Roof Garden. — Vivian Marston, who wag last season with Frank Daniels, and Is at present ap- pearing In "Otoyo" at tbe Madison Bquare Hoof Garden, hag signed with Charles II. Dillingham for next season, to appear In Mr. Daniels' support — Manager A. L. Levering has engaged the following players for Orrln Jobnsou'g Company, In "Hearts Courageous," a drama- tization of Hallle Urmlnle Rives' novel ot that name: Maude Fealy, John T. Sullivan, Agnes Palmer, W. 8. Hart, Theodore Hamil- ton, Eloulna Oldcastle. Daniel Jarrett, Charles It. Gilbert, Lillian Timelier, Pearl M. Butterfleld, Fred Stammers, Thomas II. Ince, Louis Bishop Hall, Frederick D. Free- man and W. B. Thompson, making the com- pany practically complete. — Notes from Ous Hill's Enterprises: W. II. Mack bag been engaged for tbe title role In "Happy Hooligan" for next season. Tbe new edition of "Happy Hooligan" to be pre- sented tbe coming season bag been arranged by Allen Lowe. Tbe Boston Quartet will be prominent in tbe "Happy Hooligan" Co. next season. Their specialty will be one of — Notes from Stone Hill Garden, Peoria. HI. : We are now In our fourteenth week ot Bummer stock here, and are enjoying a very pleasant engagement at this popular family resort Manager Stanley bag booked return dates for coming season In all the principal cities of Illinois. Tbe roster for the coming season so far Is: Manager Stanley, Klin Allen Stanley, Wllgong (Harry E., May and Master Hex, second season) ; Hugh L\ Mc- cormick, third season ; J. It. St Vraln. We expect to open Sept 15. On last Saturday night, July 11, the membera of the company retired to Manager Stanley's room and cele- brated In honor of hla wife's birthday. She wag presented with a diamond ring by the company, and also received many other hand- some presents. Tbe charming little aoubrette has the beat wishes of every one who knows her. A musical programme waa rendered by the different membera of tho company. — W. It Griffin writes : "The new Lennon Co. will be one of tho largest companies In I he middle West during the coming season. Instead of playing the sumo old plays, with the game old advertising matter, the show will be embellished with tho addition of a lino band and orchestra, all new paper, and a company of tweuty people. My business, us manager and booking agent, Is keeping mc hustling to answer all letters, but I still have lots ot time to fill and some more people to engage. Mr. Lennon will not be with the company all the time, but Blanche l'lunkctt will still bo the feature, and assist In the directing of tho production," — Hugh Morrison writes: "Mrs Morrison Una entirely recovered from her recont Ill- ness, and Is In better health now than she lias been for years, thnnks to a good long rest and tbo doctor's skill. Wo will not take out our own company during tbe com- ing senson, other reports to tbe contrary, but will be featured with an Kastcrn repertory company ot prominence." — Notes from Harry Holman Comedy Co. : Wc are still on earth and doing a nlco busi- ness at Doling Park, Springfield, Mo. Tho show will take tho road tbe middle of Sep- tember. Harry Holman Is getting out a full lino of new special paper and several new drops nre being made. The last "ad," In Tiiii Ci.iitkr brought me letterg from some of the best people In the business, llad go many letterg that I could not anawer all ot them. Stella Holman Is gpendlng the Bummer montbs In her borne In Iowa, but will re- turn to tbe show again Sept. 1. The show made a big hit last geaaon, and managers In the larger cities have beard of us, and are writing every day for our open time, and we nro looking forward for a prosperous season. We owe man/ thnnks to Tub cliiteu for our success, for through It we have become known to all tbo managers, and tbey are looking us up and finding wo have tbe goods and are sending for ug. — Busco A Holland will direct the tour of tho uew rural druinn, by Carrie Ashley- Clarke, entitled "Far Mother's Sake," fea- turing Mario Heath, as Jo Pemberton. Tbe muiiagemcut will carry their own scenic car containing tho entire production: Tbe ros- ter of tbe company will be ns follows : Rubco it Holland, proprietors ; William Pottle Jr., manager ; Geo. W, Lyons, business manager; Alexander Lawrence, agent; J. Edwin Brown, slago director; Leo Harris, stage carpenter; Maria Heath, Eunice Goodrich, Adelnldo Plunkett Dolly Davenport. Theodora Pottle, Ella Ulakc. Vlrirlo McKliiley, Margaret Mc- Two of the Important rolca In "Happy Hooli- gan" next senson will be played by Campbell and Caulfleld. Alice Gllmore will be tbe Mrs. Morlarlty with "Happy Hooligan" next season. — Ivla Edison, of tbe Edison Misters, will hereafter be known as Ivla Holllston. She bas signed for next season with tbe Theatre Syndicate, to play tbe Yankee girl In tbelr big scenic production. ,,,»» umikv, *,rgle lULmiue/, .,Luiuiiiei nil:- Kluley, Velma McKliiley, Ilorulta McKlnlcy, Charles Plunkett Jos. W. Wnlasb, Pete Ray- mond, Joseph Sclinefer Jr., C. L. Elliott, Waller Goldson and Edward Hoy, — Mr. and Mrs. Hurt Uodgklus, who aro spending tbolr vacation on the coast ot Maine, have signed with J. Wesley Hosen quegt to play tho roles of Ebonezer and Ha- mantba, respectively. In blgj "Tho Village Postmaster" Co., making their third season with that show. — Lawrence Earl Atkinson Is spending hlg Bummer vacation at Blue Bluffs, near Indianapolis. Ho bag been engaged for next season to play John Farnum, In Wm. A. Lawrence's production of "Utah." — Ethel Fuller, Clara Joel, Ogden Wright, Geo. It Uecbe, Beth Hall and Dave Kline, the latter aa business manager, have been signed by Henry Plerson, for tbo Howard Hall Co., In "Tbo Mun Who Dared." Season opena In Boston, Aug. 17. — Tbo J. C, Lowls "81 Plunkard" Co. will open Its season nt Benton Harbor, Mich,, Aug. 27. Everything has been put In shape to produce this successful rural comedy on a larger and grander scale than evor bsfore. Tho company will number twenty-two people, and will be accompanied by a band of fifteen men, under tbe leadership of Eugene Wnck. Hob Mack, manager of the company, lg busy finishing the bookings for the coming season. — Jefferson Hall, stage manager of "Japan by Nlghr," on Madison Square Roof Oarden, leaves the cast at tbe end of tbe present week to assume a like pogitlon with a road stock company. Mr. Hal I also created tho part of Sun Kcc, tbo private secretary of (he Mayor of Toklo. — Messrs. Butterfleld & Hromllow have engaged for their business staff Hal Law- rence and J. T. McCauley, who will bo In ad- vance of Cliarlca A. Lodor, In "A Funny Side of Llfo ;" F. A. Tolvor, for "Man to Man" (KuHtcrn), and Leon Davis, for "Man to Man" (Western). — Noteg from the Godding Comedy Co. : Eddie Ackerman, our champion trick 'cyclist, writes that he bos several new and startling fents In store for tho crowds tlio coming sea- son. Herbert Franklin Is now adding the finishing touches to our scenery, and to say we aro proud of the work Is ezproaslng it mildly. Clyde 11. Calllcotte bas signed for leads. Our company Is now filled, and Mr. Codding hag succeeded In surrounding him- self with an unusually strong cast. Along In November wo will put out our No. 2 company, under tbe namo of Fred Godding Co., for which time is rapidly rilling. Hud- sou It. Fox asaumes the management of our No. 2 company. — Harry La Hello, manager of Turner Concert Co., was married July 8, at Ottawa, Can., to a non-professional, Minnie Boland, of Quyon, Uue. — Chas. K. Cbamnlln has arranged with Howard Wall to Include "More Binned Against Than Binning" and "For His Coun- try's Ping" In tbe repertory of his big stock company for the coming season. — Tom Marks has secured the rights to "Tho Red Cross Nurgo" from Howard Wall. Iteports from Buffalo credit tblg play with pronounced success at tbe Academy Theatre week of July 0. — Manager Chlsam, ot tbo Seward Show, states that the stock season of his company at the new Casino, Paducab, Ky., came to a successful close July 18, and tbat the com- Sany will begin a four weeks' run nt the new lenwond Park, New Albany, Ind., July 10, after wblch It takeg the road at Lexington, Ky., for tbe regular season. Mr. Chiasm will have a second stock company at Padu- cab for tbe rest of the Summer, which will he managed by Calvin Randolph. Mr. Chiasm will remain wltb tbo Seward Show all tbe time, directing tho affairs of both from the No. 1 show, — Grant Heth's Comedians Notes: We S reduced a miiKlca! comedy, written by I'. . Devlne, entitled "Mr. Doolcy," at Marsh- field, Vt„ July 18, and It met with marked favor. The presenting company Included : Wilbur Martin, Grant llcth, Harry C. Bart- let t, James Donohue, nobby I'arsell. Edwnrd J. Devlne. Fannie Tewksbury Hetb, Ethel Ranger, Milton Bisters, and Shirley Mae Hetn. Thlg company will play the remainder ot tbe Bummer season In thn mountain re- sorts of Vermont, Now Hampshire and Maine. — Titos. It, O'Nell. who wag last geaaon wllh the Dot Karroll Co., hag been re-en- fiaged by Manager J. C. Welch for tbe coni- ng season. 523 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. gaggle and minstrel Doc. Waddbll, general agent of the Ted B. Faust Minstrels, wrltei : T 'Q. D.. Cunnlng- bam, manager of the company, lias opened an office at Columbua, 0. The company open; at Columbua Aug. 16. We are booked Bolld for forty-two weeks. We are not saying much about our first part, but we will carry twenty-seven props, and two sets of scenery. '1W Carr, who helped to make the late Hilly West's Big Minstrel Jubilee famous, has been engaged to do premier end ana monologue. "(Jot.' Bowen will do principal end, and direct the dancing. He has or- ranged a big dancing act In which forty dancers will participate. A feature dancer In this act will be Pete Detzel, the dancing marvel. The big feature act will be the Faust Family, nine Australian acrobats. Another top liner— the Seven De Arv lies, French pantomlmlsts and trick musicians. Other features will be Castle and Collins, who will present their well known vaude- ville act, and the Herald Square Quartet The company will number flfty-two all told. We have our own palace cars, three In num- ber, and they are gorgeous. One la named 'Tedfan,' which Is our cable address I one 'Buperba,' Indicating our superiority, and tbe other 'America.' " . Mas. Fobtell, mother of At. H. Fostell, of Fostell and Emmett, died from pneumonia and dropsy July 19. in this city. She was seventy-one years old. Biz weeks ago she contracted a heavy cold that resulted In her death. She was burled In St Michaels Cemetery oa July 22. , . Meredith Bisters, who recently closed a successful week at the Electric Park, Al- bany, N. Y., and will play a return date In a few weeks, were at Brighton Beach Music Hall week of July 20. , Benjamin B. Vebnon reports excellent business at tbe resorts of the Long Inland circuit with his vaudeville company, which closes the latter part of August. Fox and Buuubrs played week of July 13 at Olympic l'ark, Chattanooga, Tenn. Week of 20 they played Glondalo Park, Nashville. Vebnon and Kennedy, who opened on P. F. Shea's circuit of parks July 13, have other dates to follow. . , Thb Two Hewitts closed at Newark, O., Street Fair with Wright's Carnival Co. July 18, and Fee I'. Kennett presented Mr. Hewitt with a gold beaded cane. Tbey received many presents, besides engagement for next Summer from Col. H. W. Wright. The Two Hewitts will Join W. B. Watson's American liurlesquers for the coming season. Mauvixle and Oleason, who played a re- turn date at Wlllowdale l'ark, Lowell, Maes., week ot July 20, are this week at Lincoln l'ark. New Bedford, and next week will play Freebody Park, Newport, It I. E. K. Adamb, who bos dissolved partner- ship with A. C. Ansel, has signed for the seaHon with Be Kreko Brothers as a fea- ture. W. L. Dockbtadicb Is spending a few weeks at his cottage at Atlantic City. He is erecting a new playhouse at Wilmington, Del., which will be run along tbe lines of the old house he has In that city. The new the- atre, although not a very large one, will embody every comfort for the performer, and have plenty of stage room. Mbb. J. H. Williams presented her hus- band with a son on July 18, at Chicago, III. Ella Welch has closed her engagement at tbe Grand Opera House. San Francisco, Cnl., and has Joined her husband, John J. Welch, with whom she will work. The team will be known as John J. and Ella Welch. Victor Moorb, formerly Moore and Illgbt, will hereafter be assisted by Emma Little- field in tbe successful skit, "Change Your Act, or Back to the Woods," by Ed. McWade. Tbey are now on. the Keith circuit, and play Philadelphia week of July 27, with N. x. City to follow. The net will be one of the features with Martin Beck's Orpheum Show during the coming season. Notes from Ted E. Faust's Minbtbbls. — The following people have been engaged for the coming season : Tbe Faust Family of ten Australian acrobats, tbe Seven De Arvllles, musicians ; the Herald Square Quar- tet, Castle and Collins. Clen De Brum, Frank Farron, Boy Barker, N. 8. Carr, Gov. Bowen, Geo. Sims, Pete Detyel, Nick Marx, Prof. W. C. Both and Lis military band. Chas. Davis, Jas. D. Wlnuo and Fred A. Huntley. Gertie Zola has joined hands with Nina Hartford, and they will hereafter be known as the Hartford Slaters. They are spend- ing their vacation at Old Orchard Beach, Me. thb Wheeler Sisters are not with Bel- ter's Juvenile Minstrels, as has been an- nounced, but are with tbe J. C. Uockwell Dramatic Co., playing parts and doing their specialty. Lewis and Dblmobb have signed for next season with the Dainty Pares Burlesquers. John J. Harrington, acrobatic dancer, who recently finished a tour through Cape Cod with Harrison Bros.' Minstrels, was, week of July 22, at Bass Point, Nahant, Mass. Tub CnAUBBRLiNS, laaeoo experts, are at Electric l'ark, Baltimore, Md., week of July 27, and play ltocknway, Brighton, and two weekB' return date nt Paradise Roof Garden, being seven weeks this season, before sail- ing, Sept. 1, for a two years' European en- «egement, being booked solid in the best >relgn theatres. Casti.b and Collins, who will finish their vaudeville dates at the Chicago Opera House week of Aug. 3, will Join Fnust's Minstrels, to do ends and their specialty. En. FoniiBST, aerial gymnast, after closing a very successful engagement of sixteen weeks over the Pacific Northwest circuit, was, week of July IS, at the Empire Park, Seattle, Wash., and the following week was at the OlympuB Theatre, Aberdeen, with Frlti's Theatre, Portland, Ore., and Cali- fornia circuit to follow. Eddie Carroll and Agnes Clark, who played Utlca Park, Utlca, N. V., week of July Is, were last week at Trout l'ark, Cortland. Pearl Fbaseii and Viola May have signed with the ltose Sydell Co. for the coming sea- ion. Bobbt Di Hue writes: "On July 10 1 helped to lnstull seven members In the Order of Knights of Pythias. Among them was my brother, Billy De Hue. 1 leave Phila- delphia on July 23, to join the Gorton Min- strels at Skaucatclcs, N. Y." Edward Uaiit and Mllb. Bessie aro play- ing the Melville parks, presenting their come- dietta, "A Chappie's Visit," and the Imper- sonations of grout men, past and present. Gideon's Biq Minstrel Carnival will open Its Blxth annual tour at Boyd Park, Peru, Ind., Sunday, Aug. 2, under the man- agement of Harry F. Curtis. Thb Gaiitikhs (Bernard and Ada), Bong Illustrators, state that they are making Sood on the Pacific coast with their up to ate Illustrated song act. They aro booked solid for the Summer. Notes from Clark Bros.' Minstrels.— Business Is good and we nre meeting with success, ltostcr : John Clark, manager and eccentric comedian ; Cliurlle Clark, black face comedian ; I/00 Herbert, character change act ; tirade Clark, coon songs : Bobby Kemp, tramp and Hebrew comcdlnn ; Ada Delorn, terpslchorenn ; Bert Draper, baton spinner and high wire act ; Prof. Chas. Williams, musical director. Hill, Edmund and Dart Florence were at Illvermont Park, Lynchburg, Va., week of July 20, and are at St. B. It Park Casino, Wilmington, N. G, this week, with other Southern parks to follow on the Wilson- Pllmmcr circuit. Tub Troubadour Four were a feature at Celoron Park, Jamestown, N. Y„ week of July 20. They have signed for the coming season with Bam Devere s Own Co. Abnim and Waonib will produce their sew act, "The Maid of tbe Mill," at the Chicago Opera House, Aug. 27, opening their regular season In vaudeville at tbe Avenue Theatre, Detroit, week or Sept 7. Their new act la styled a musical comedy, and tbey have prepared elaborate costumes and special scenery for Its production. Arnlm and Wag- ner (who In private life are Mr. and Mrs. Armln Vogle) desire that their names be not confounded with others who work under a similar title. Tbe team comprises Bruno Arnlm, singing comedian, and Bertha Wag- ner, soprano, who have won favor through tbelr work In vaudeville during several pre- vious seasons of success. They are at pres- ent spending the Bummer at their home In Chicago. Williams and Gordon, who are In tbelr eighth week on the Qrauman circuit, are at tbe Chutes, San Francisco, until Aug. 10, with Portland, Ore., to follow. They are booked solid until Nov. 2. Till Knickerbocker Four (Frank Wil- liams, Tbad C. Packard, Frank J, Ahearn and Walter Kelly) have been re-engaged for tbe coming season by Louis Boble. Geo. and Mat Woodward played Sprln- crove Casino. 8prlngfield, 0., week of July JO, and are this week playing a special en- gagement for the Bhrlners. They have Co- lumbus, Celine, Kent and Hamilton to fol- low. Their new comedy singing and dancing act 1b making a big bit Mllb. Cabrib and Eddie Leslie, on Aug. 17, go with Weber A Fields' "Holty Tolty 1 ' Co. for a season of thirty weeks. Tom Watebb closed July 16 his third tour with "O'Flynn's Stone Wall" Co., at Ilrldgeton, Me., on which date Mr. and Mrs. Waters were entertained at Camp Frothing- ham, Brldgeton, by Geo. Frothlngham, of the Bostonlans. Mr. Waters and wife will rest In this city prior to their opening with Boble A Mack's World Beaten. Manlbi and Bosb, who recently finished six weeks on the Frank Melville circuit of Earks, are now on the Boom circuit, and are ooked solid till November. Brown Bros, and Lillian Weight are meeting with success on the Jos. J. Flynn circuit of parks. While playing the Audi- torium, Maiden, Miss Wright was presented with a large bouquet of carnations. ItALEiau and Beaut made such a favorable impression at Huntsville, Ala., that Manager Eppperson held them over for the second week, and they were then retained for week of July 13, making three weeks In all. Kittie Binoham has closed her season of ten weeks at tbe Howard, Boston. In con- i unction with tbe Three Auburns and Blng- 1am, ventriloquists, she will play the Boom circuit of parks until September. Georcje Pbabcb writes: "I have Just re- turned from England, after playing dates through the North of England. I am to be featured the coming season with Al. G. Field's Greater Minstrels. While In England I was specially engaged to sing at tbe fu- neral services of the Tate Cardinal Vaughan, held In Westminster Cathedral, there being over 16,000 people present." ■Manager Haeey Sefto.n and Mat B. Deaolb report success In their new eccen- tric comedy sketch, on the New England pork circuit. Thb Cabraib, In their new trick house pantomime act, have just finished successful engagements at Pottstown, Fa.: Sea Isle City, Mlllville and Brldgeton, N. J. At. E. Bead writes: "1 have just closed a very successful forty-three weeks' engage- ment — seventeen weeks with McKlnney Bros.' Minstrels and twenty-six weeks with Woods' Down East Minstrels, and I am now at River- side Park, Montreal, Can., booked for tbe Summer as stock comedian. I leave here In September to Join Woods' Minstrels again, for a season of forty-two weeks, opening at South Bend, Ind." Bblla McGrebvy presented her husband, Jack McQreevy, with a baby girl Saturday, July 11. 8am Stricklin's trolte of dogs, which played Oakland Park, Meadvllle, Pa., week of July IS, and made such a hit that they were re-engaged for the following week, have other parks to follow. Mabbon and Callahan played at the Howard Theatre, Boston, week of July 13. Eahle Howard, Earle and Elsie Russell, while playing at Memphis, Tenn., were ten- dered a banquet by Mr. and Mrs. Timothy 0. shay, the latter professionally known as Mabel Wrlgbt, at their cottage. Hare and Evans write : "We have returned parts and contract to J. Wesley RoBenquest which we had for The Village Postmaster' Co., and Intend remaining in vaudeville. We have a new act, by Mr. Horwlts. Helene G. Hale, a baritone singer, will make the third member ot the team. Frank Harcourt and Fannib Mat will not go with Uelmlck & Smith's "A French Spy" Co., sb previously stated. Tbey are now In their tenth week at the Empire The- atre, Ashtabula Harbor, 0., where they will remain until tbe close of the Summer season. Cameron and Toledo, after closing a suc- cessful engagement of forty-eight weekB with the Great Barlow Minstrels, were, week ot July 20, at Llndlcy Park, Greenboro, N. C. Dumitrescu, Van Alken and Vannerson were at Pain's, Detroit, week of July 20. Ukntiiam and Freeman, who recently closed on tbe Burt circuit, opened week of July 10 at the Chicago Opera House. .Norman and Bbycb write ; "After closing two successful weekB at Butte, Mont, we open at Denver, Col., week of July 20, for two weeks, and have Pueblo for two weeks to follow" Kick Bros., comedy four act, have signed with Sam Deverc's Own Co. for the coming season. Humb, Ross and Lewis. In tbelr comedy sketch, "Tbe Duke and the American Heiress," are booked solid until June, 1004, when they sail for England for a six months tour, opening at the Hippodrome, London, Eng. Tub Musical Ten Eycks report big suc- cess wltb their new musical act. They have added an extra large musical lyre. Swift and Dbvbau, who aro this week at Summit Park, Utlca, N. Y., and will play Syracuse week of Aug. 3, are booked up solid until Sept. 7. Armstrong and Holly write : "We played Electric Park, Kansas City, week of July. 20, and our first act was the big hit. We are booked solid until October over Shayue'a circuit, Burt circuit and individual parks." Notes from thb Eagle Burlesquers. — Managers Sullivan & Kraus have engaged tbe following people: Mme. Sch ell's lions, Ida Emerson, Herbert Alblnl, Ben Welch, Conroy and McFarland, Nelly McGuIre, the llusch Trio. Ada Parker, Mabel Wellington, May Mumford, Lillian Berry, Helen Wil- liams, Grace Avalon, Margaret Avalon, Con- nie Bunth, May Taylor, Amy Smith, Daisy Rice, Kittle Thomas, Sadie Clark, Carrie Lang, and Chas. Boaters as carpenter. The Boaaon will open at the Dewey Theatre, New York City, Aug. 16, and will be under the management of Eugene Wellington, with II. I. Ellis In advance. Notes from Bowan'b Pastimb Pabk, Marlon, Ind. — The bill for week of July 12 was : Lillian Franklin, contralto ; Little Cordis, In character songs; the Dalys, In the laughable sketch, "Kitty and tbe Cop," and tbe klnodrome. In all new views. Busi- ness good and weather favorable. People for week of 10: La Clair and West, Eddy Sawyer, Lillian Franklin, and tbe klnodrome. The picnic season has opened In full bloom, and we average three a week. Prof. Morton makes balloon ascensions every Sunday after- noon. The Btrect car facilities are greatly improved. Herbert Lloyd, "The King's Jester" Is being featured over the Wells park circuit, and is booked solid until July, 1004. Notes fbom Fields A Hanson's Min- BTBELS.~We were entertained at Point Breexe, Webster, Mass., July 18, by Mr. and Mrs. Joseph C. Mlron, after our evening per- formance at Beacon Park. We were con- veyed to the Mlron cottage on a private launch. It was a reunion of professionals, after an intermission of a great many years. ob Messrs. Fields, Mlron and the team of Fox and Ward were minstrels together twenty years sgo. A sumptuous repast was served, after which the invited cottagers were entertained with songs, recitations and stories by John H. Burns, Geo. Thurston, Fox and Ward, Instrumental solos by John V. Fields, and last, but not least, with operatic bass solos from the boat, Jos. C. Mlron. Prof. Arthur Grelner presided at the piano. Johnni Nalon, trick violinist was In- itiated Into the New London (Conn.) Lodge, No. 800, B. P. 0. Elks, Thursday night, July 16. Lutz Bros, closed a successful season oa the Orpheum circuit, and are playing an ex- tended Western engagement. Ed. J. Lee and wifb (Evelyn Roland), of the Pbcenlx Theatre, Columbus, O, left July 26 for a four weeks' vacation, during which time they will visit Atlantic City, Phila- delphia and New York. CLAUDE O'SHAUNESSI AND FANNIB TjBIIKE are spending their vacation at Woodstock, Ont, making preparations for their new sketch, which will be produced for the first time In New York City In September. Udell and Peabcb are filling dates on the Gorman circuit playing their specialty, "Al- phonse and Gaston." ...... James B. Donovan Is In his eighth week on the Western park circuit, under the man- agement of Edward Bhayoe. His monologue 1b a big hit everywhere. _,,-,,» Cliff Dean, while playing Banian's Point, Toronto, presented Carrie Stlllwell, of Scbaf- fer, Stlllwell and Scbaffer, with a King Ed- ward bat pin, also a beautiful royal brooch. John G. McDowell met with success In his black face monologue while at We- nona Beach, Bay City, and Riverside Park, Saginaw, weeks of July 12 and 10, respect- ively. Gus Keller, musical and novelty bag puncher, reports success over the Proctor circuit. His act was recently taken by tbe American Mutoacope and Btograph Co., N. Y. City. Sam Ricb and Shbfpabd Kamp have signed with Butler. Jacobs A Lowery's Merry Maiden Co. for the coming season. They will Introduce a singing and talking spe- cialty. Milo Vauge, bag puncher and hoop roller, writes: "I opened on the Burt circuit ot parks at London, Ont., May 25, and closed at Evansvllle, Ind., July 6. The following day I spent at Glendale Park, Nashville, Tenn. Week of July 13 I was at Olympla Park, Chattanooga, with return dates to Nashville and Burt's Park, Evansvllle. On Aug. 8 I open for fourteen weeks on the F. P. Spellman circuit of fairs." Thb Joyces, Paddy and Mable, who were at the Howard Theatre, Boston, week of July 10, have Auatln & Stone's Musuem. to follow. The Patebson A Dunbab Vaudeville Co., after playing for the past two years In Cali- fornia, are now playing Washington. We carry elgbt people, making all week stands, and have been very successful. The Dbmutus, while playing at Ramona Park, Grand Rapids. Mich., received several beautiful bouquets In appreciation of their work, which was a decided hit Earl M. Cox will put on a monologue act with special scenery and effects, entitled "A Soldier of the Cross." Notes from Main Street Thbatbe, Pe- oria, HI. — We will reopen our second season of high class vaudeville Labor Day, Sep. 7, under tbe management of Will Nash. Dur- ing the Summer months the bouse Is being thoroughly renovated. It will have, when completed, new scenery and opera chairs, etc Fred Stansfield has been re-engaged as musical director, and Jack McLindea as stage manager. Some of tbe best headline acts In vaudeville will appear during the season. Linch, who is assisted by Daisy Linden, after four weeks in the South was, week of July 20, at Guvernator's Theatre, Atlantic City, N. J., with the Boom circuit of parks to follow. His new act has met with suc- cess. They will sail for Europe Oct. 10, to fill a year's engsgement Sisters Howard opened at Forest Park, Kansas City, week of July 10, making a big bit, and are this week at St Louis Forest Psrk. Geo. A. Jenkins, of Clayton, Jenkins and Jasper, who has been In America for tbe East six weeks, owing to illness, returned to lurope on S. S. St. Paul, July 22, where tbe team will fulfill engagements until June, 1004, when they will return for a two years' engagement with the Haverly Minstrels, un- der the direction of W. E. Nankevllle. J. King Hopkins writes: "After a suc- cessful trip through Massachusetts, Con- necticut, New York and New Jersey with Donnelly's Minstrels I closed at Paterson, N. J., and am now resting for a few weeks at Pittsburg, Pa." Alice and Rosa Cheslyn, owing to a death In the family, were compelled to close their long and successful run at the Howard, Boston, but have been re-engaged for next season, to open on Aug. 17. John Hawlbt and victor V. Vass, "the Jew and the air merchant," recently played engagements at Atlantic City. N. J., and Rob's Casino, North Beach, L. I. Grace Hess, late of tbe Hess Sisters, will In the future work with her husband, John H. Flndley, and the team will be known as Flndley and Hess. Dave Cliffobd, of Clifford and Cline, mourns the loss of his sister, who died July Pearl Fbaseb, singer and dancer, and Viola May, soubrette, have signed with Rose Sydell's London Belles for the coming season. Van Bros., who are still on the Gorman circuit, open at Tony Pastor's Theatre Aug. Billy Jbnninos and Sam Renfbew are In their third week on the J. W. Gorman circuit of parks. The Cbawfobd Sisters have signed for the coming season with Joseph Oppenbelmer. for the Fay Foster Co. Kino and Crandall have dissolved part- nership. Tbe latter has Joined with Mr. Lawrence, and will be known as Lawrence and Crandall. The team will play on the Pacific coast. Notes fbom tub Gibnbt Sibtbbb, Sadie and Grace. — We closed a successful engage- ment of three weeks at Queen City Gardens, Elm Ira, N. Y., July 18, and are booked tor a return date Aug. 10. During our stay there we made a host of friends, and on tbe closing night we were presented with some beautf- August i. Eastern sportsman or hardy Westerner all agree as to the superior merits of the (rearms. For accuracy. penetration. , kIIiMIHt. duf- ability and safely thevliave no equal. All marie wttn sol lit loo frame an.l to eject at the side. Tlie old Ballard barrels used on all Marlla rifles seem to thro* the bullets a little more accurately and plant themwliha little more force lhan any oilier make, rao-pace catalog, yoo Illustration*, cover In 9 colors, mailed for 3 slumps. The M.rlln Fire Aral Co., New Haven, Ct. The Cutlery King THI MONtY SAVER FOR r.Nir2 BOARD MIN AND auction"/^ This li Whit You Have Been Looking For Mo more danger of breaking yonr bones In tbe dark passages of tbe town "opery house." You need no match; Just press a bntton and there is a brilliant and powerful white light. You can pat It in a keg of gunpowder without danger. It will not burn anything. It Just lights up the dark places. Can be placed In pocket or trunk Doits, complete, $1 Gives 4,ooo to (.000 lights before battery requires renewal. Extra bat- teries, 80 cents. Send for catalogue of other electri- cal novelties. Yon will be Interested. Electrical Novelties ot all kinds for Street Men. Mention the NEW YORK CLIPPER. AMERICAN ELECTRICAL NOVELTY AND MANOFACTCRLSO CO.. Hudson and Spring Streets. K. Y., Novelty Dept, Call on Call Or mall your orders for Canvas Shoes. Cloth Soles, tl.oo; Leather Boles, $1.60; Canvas Pumps, 25c; with Leather Soles, 60c.; Dutch Pumps, Sec; Leather Soles, eoc.; Elastic Supporters, si; Worsted Tights or Shirts, 12.00 each; Cot- ton Tights or Shirts, $1 each: Satin Trunks, Collar and Cuffs to match, spangled and trimmed, ${.00. Be sure and send else and color. Catalogue free* s. S44HAI.T ST. B. CALL, BPRIlf QFraLP. MAgg. Copyright your acta, plays, sketches and songs. It will PAY you. Man y Copyrights are worthless, because Invalid. You can- not afford to take such chances. We gaarantee a valid copyright at •man cast. Opinions and legal advice. Patents and Trade-Marks. Bend stamp for particular*. Columbia Copyright and Patent Co., Ince iigi ful floral offerings. We opened July 20, for two weeks, at the Iron Pier, Syracuse. Job La Flbor Is In his seventh week wltb the Qasklll-Mundy Carnival Co. Gordon and Gordon, who recently finished a season of eleven weekB with French's New Sensation, and nre now resting at their home In the Adlrondacks, will be known hereafter as Axol and Zola, and will present their original society sketch, "Tbe Handi- cap." D J. IIabbinoton, ventriloquist, Is play- ing the J. K. Burke circuit ot parks, lie Is nt Wheeling Park, Wheeling, W. Va.. week of July 27, and will open Aug. 10, for four weeks, over the McCuflum circuit of parks. On Sept. 28 he will play Tony Pastor's Theatre. Mllb. Db Lome, club Juggler and hoop roller, reports big success In her new act week of July 20, at Tony Pastor's. Lbm Welch, who Is with the Mabel Daiel- ton Co., announces that be Is going to Eu- rope In the near future. iiwiiimm iMttttiwwwwww SHOW TENTS. Equal to any In workmanship, shape and quality. Get our prices before buying. Agents for Kldd's lights and Baker torches. Black tents for moving pictures. Good second hand teats from 36x60 to 126x800, at Bargains. BAKER A LOOKWOOD, Successors to C. J. Baker, 416 Delaware St., Kansas City, Ho. NOTICE. I. MILLiKR, THEATRICAL, SHOEMAKER, REMAINS AT 202 WEST 33d STKKET. EALLET SHOES and COLORED SUPPERS Alwaya Kept In Stock. 8TERE OPTI- CON. $17. With Electric Arc, Calcium or Acetylene Light Illustrated Song Slides, 25c., col- ored. FILMS BOUGHT AND SOLD. L. HETZ, 802 E. 23d 8treet, New York City. J. W. GOBMAN'S PABK CIBCUIT Ca>« offer Good Vaudeville AcU 1 to 10 Weeks. Send route, open daten and salary. J. W. OORMAK, ISO Tremont St., Boston. WANTED, VAUDEVILLE ACTS -SINGLES and TEAMS. F. J. BYRTI, Manager Highland Park, Staunton, Va. ' The man thai knows your wants and aanei <*om outek. Write for Catatogue-THr ajoti COMPLETE EVER PUBLISHED. HARRY L. WEISBAUIV. , »0fl E. MadlBOn St., CH1C A0O WILL ROSSITER'S "ORIGINAL"" SHOW CANVAS WJP BA&K OB DRK80KD. 81.00 per 100 810.00 per 1000 OIKCUS AND UNCI! TOM BOORS, St.00 » HUNDaiD SPECIAL BOOKS (15.00 A THOUSAND AND U» TBRMB CASH WITH ORDER. NOT C. 0. 0. WILL ROSS ITER, 68 Fifth Av. CHICAGO, ILL Stnct-Ben and Agaata atmd far prtca IM« at a,« "«! !m" PATENTS WE MAKE a specialty of prose- cuting patent cases relating to theatrical and scenic effects. Protect your ideas, not by cheap patents but by good patents. Our theatrical clients are among the most successful machin ists, carpenters, property men and elec- tricians. Write us to-day for free ad vice and hand book on Patents. Copy rights secured on plays and sketches MUNN «&. CO. Solicitors of Patents Publishers Scientific American 361 BttOADWAY. NEW YORK Branch OBce, Washington, D. C. WIRE WORKERS "We have 200 Gallons band picked and pollened pink and white Panama Slitlli. While they Inst we will sell them at 80.50 per 1000 and 70c per 100. fi Forset-mo-not ^^i'.^§5 colored, enam- eled and Gold HUM ring with rolled plate Lord's Prayer heart bangle. We tave sold aeTfral hundred irroaato Wlrementhlaee son. They go like circus tickets. If you want to mix with the Hie ones send for our Wire No. !*6 lunft Worken cataloguei Themoat Daa. ai.liraaasia. complete book of the kind ever issued. loren, Thnrnaa e C«., 1SS WiUih in, CUagfc MENNEN'S BORATED TALCUM TOILET POWDER for After Shaving. ■aatat Uial jour barber ikm *flSS Toilet Powder afler he sha'ei >.'«. » » a.Uaaplle, ami will rRkTKat "i ,»' <* nnny skin diseases often eoottji-iji- A posliNe relief tot rairnli Ml", CIUMMJ I'lrl sram'BN, and all afflictions o l l>ir >»•».- Kl j moves all odor of perspiration. Sea Btuaa'a-the "■JBS»» S.ld everywhere, or mailed for 26 cents. Samflt trtt. GERHARD JIKVVEV CO.. BssBBBIsfc** Stallman's Dresser Traf e&lWS&JKSS within reach. No hcavylWjjJj; Ught,emopth drawer, . IloUHJ much and cost" """"'IS K ood box trunk. I««d rtjjg almost Indestnictlho. tej"* il-ajirwomaaodsi j^'^-iE. WnuaMtioo. ft*Aif _U"rI K».^tajM*hittvt»* , » 1 CTIl ATE HALF-TONE 3IKAI Cppocessco _ r-Aaaaow suilsinc. New vo»a. ftn bui Se n SQUAHE INCH MINIMUM JHIcH urtoira owwum, st. iailw ■""- August L THE •-' HEV YOBK CLIPPER: 5? MASSACUUSKTrS. i*n. -Palmer Is lo kuld na old homo week Gordon. Ihe Harrows. Charles Carlncll, and returned froui Covlngl...., . .BreaMy •*"••]' l «fi ■ MM* V.. ot July 27-Aug. 1. and Manager Casey una Mmo. Iledun, assisted by Herr. Von 1-nhu. by hlr trip.. . . . .Mnuager J. J . I. ore on in. 01 „„„„__,, ,,,.„. .,.,.„.....„ i v , lkll lH i nlll | n„.ton.-Oaly one day of last week wa» 'lierefore put on a Racially strong bill at Xotkm.-kVwI -Mower, of this city, who the Wort Kn.l. wits Initiated In the local P«rtlMail._<.oui llieai ... Unk* hw nil . S£ rttM outdoor resorts, the weather th e Hustle Theatre, consisting of Mudge and has Just closed .a forty weeks' engagement lodge of Rika wcok of 10. Ai..! „;;.-, ..,^«Li«:tlV- niuhoVi".« uf rlif « " '"Undine out for the other six a strong Noi-lou. Charles Hackle. Itussell nnd 'Pylene. with the Xelll S..»k Co.. will bo M u-xt +*+ — — »<> I '* 1 •■ t«l hurt ";V ( , ;,?"?,. nil.lv i.lo m- """■, n.Hou of anti-park weather, cool and Francis Al.hworth. nnd Carney ami Flynn season with "Our New Minister." under ihc . HKW VIIHK STATE. S » S ta,?' 1 V 1' « n ! A "' 1)o r while the receipts of the other open peotatlons of the patrons, week, and was the guest of Mr Mower. thealri-a has come to an end. The Em- " w r n \\^J-t.L^ a \ ,i JCit J™An 'R^ommer brigade varied from fair to good. CooiST S^ark ' «mi (W. C. Le Xolr Two local organizations will present £ Theatre lH. It. Jacob*, manager) wll "V,? PI , r ^ tiLsSw police officials are working to .close managert.-Wllllam H. West's Minstrels are "Life on the ITt&T m Wild Wert show ' t ' ( ^ e j„ )y as 1 one of the most -nceciafijl -'* l c » r "" „' t " ",* "*,' ' ',1^7 ,, , L "ns. Tb * nil amusement places at Revere Deach o open the Summer season 28. the next at- nl Ik* Glenmere Itlcyelc Kirk. July 2. -.10. „en*ona |„ | t . history. The Klngdon-Court- "J . ,. ' « ti.ll un . h noil liv them I. up MMua, If successful, a very aevere traction being the Corse l'ayton Stock Cm- It Is for the benefit of their loasurles. . . . * ™ ^ l " f llr the lnst. "Tho Gray Mare," "J," !' . "" . ." ' > J !'." "' l f™ "A „ " v „ k ' ,, r »V" r, tt J wl" ? be dealt to managers of these puny, Aug. 3, which will play a two weeks' A large delegation of Lynn Klky at ended L™:1» iiuT "IMplumacy." 23-23. The advance \ v ' r > ,»»>,•„ , '.^- Mi.ru.. w " A giMind si- b0 !L. n» Dleasant Sundays are their banner engagement. The last two weeks of August the ..iiu.ml session of if.e grand lodge In , , „ theatre Mug crowded at ;* K' ..."., ,, v ii], iiiw onla t ndlo? oreliea- places. as pieasaoi will V filled by Corse l'aytons l.ce Av"..uc Ihiltlmore last week nnd brought back many S -u .wrforiuaneo. ■ « t ... olve, la. -. iiIiiih I s'lilnv "V^uoviTHBiTMKJno. B. Schoeffel, man- Theatre Company. souvenir*. I a, mvni- "|U XOKKB HAM, (II. It. Jneol.a. »»nl c it .Ih" hoitr Qu to . rge eo ly 3?2%mH** »•«'■" '» n . ». w ln ^ , Q ^ 8,P C-i 0h 5 T - " ny left , OU ?* ,urd ,!! f ' ~. , . nmn«irer l.~Tl.e= Mortimer Snow Stock Co. }" "J* « | «"' , H pi " ^ ^ ', ^ ,-Vk ,H IV..k'^. '*t?nh week* Leat week broke the record for New \ork, to commence rehenrslng wth Lowell.— All the parka enjoyed very ,,| B o gave Its Inst appearauees. "CnniUe „I„ki,,ir it v.'.v uloaHiitil for all linmls In 'A fare T audiences. S. R. O. ruling at six Brady's "Foxy Orandpa" Company, which goo d patronage the paat week. was repented 20-L'J, 5ml "Kesurrcetlon" p- n !' wll ",. y 1»<«"»» f0 ^vrmanccs. and the remaining two per- opens at Manhattan Beach Aug. 10. Mr. Imrbview Tiikatiib (.1. J. I-'lynn. mana- . jri> w |„eh made n strong Impression enrller ""„;,.,,;,,,„ „ tiikatiii:, t.'niio Colliige Par* l) *i,«nces came within a few seats of being liny will All the role of Blrain Hopper, In ger..— The Colonial Opera Co. continues to mthc season. Big audiences ruled, not- nla ,. t |,, v .MeCillum. niiumgeV).- Tho' inniiii- H"5 Changes are being made all the which he scored a success last season ,,ie U sc large houses, under the direction of withstanding the hot weather. With «"« ,.,.,• llf a.ls theatre enjota sm-li .. large fnl- ffl°t"o new wngs being the latest nddl- The ground floor theatre project in I'Uts- iame« «;ilb.rt. "The Utile l>uke" was given performance .Monday. A, of '•Tu Barry ■." Vo'vl k lonil - I. lliV"/ l.ls Tint Iv " city, tl.rtt tffl n ; George Schiller Is to leave the com- Held Gas again been started. It Isglvenout , nst week, nnd this week "The Three Black , h |„ } wutM w ||| c |„so is stock .mmpaiiy ■ ,.",,,* „„ f mva ,„ w „ rl . y nluuU nbo i,. lmv - "I'ln a fortnight. " semiofficially that at n conference between cloaks" will be the offering. >n u neason. Lew Dockstndcr's Minstrels will „„ „„ M „iutice of nt leiiHt n fulr slml mi- P '?!silb MtSB Tkbateb (J. II. Emery, Wallace & lillmore. lessees, and C.'ehrn Quack- Wiu.owd.m.k Pabk Ti.KAmE (J. II. Teb- , ip m.„r Aug. :* m ,' J-,,,! "" ovouH ^stormy weather. m.t.Hn,,. • n««rl— ^KanchoB" waa very poplar enbusb, owner, of the Academy of .Music, belts, inanr.ger).— Very big utleiidn.icc ruled I'linoioii a Tiikatiii: (Howard (liiili.iu. ,• , , k c tmip.iny of excellent m a ?^eek with the patrons. Miss Hall's ex- an agreement was reached whereby n new the imst week. Prof. J. II. Crosby, on he resident mnungev) will continue open dur ng .,, i*n\*UUM\ evening nssiirea hli... n "!,' n^ work In the title role meeting with theatre will be built in the rear of the. high wire, with Ihc slide for life, proving lhl . summer, with Us ruular stock. During " \ P d ho s^ "l.e.1 As niv" w'.s nut upon '*', >„vnr The audiences were very large, present structure, with the entrance on North n strong attraction. The theatre offered the week "A (lllilcd I'ooP' waa the play lire- . ^ .. . ( i„ r i n ,. t ),e work of Mlia, In a g r at ,» l^wls an old time member of me Street, of which Wsllnce t Gllmore will Mnrvelle i.nd tileuson. Nellie V. Parker, K euted, to the d.-llglit of miu.v palrons. The ifyle to ulenao the mo¥t crltlral. itortsi Horace _". ■ the leading part. In this take a term of years' lease. It Is under- (jolnes and Hazard, and Alee Wilson, a very eleventh week openB L'7, with the llrst pro- .„;.„,,.. a favorite here, nnd a uew face In t0 -v'. offering, "A Poor Relation," apart In stood that the plans are already being pre- pleasing bill. Kor 27 and week: Prof. Jack duct | n hereof "Kindred Soul"-" „ |p ,,,;„, doiibllesH being respotiBlblo for nn "Tffc io haa aDneared throughout the coun- pared, and the ground will be broken enrly Crosby, with balloon ascensions and para- Ki.kcthic Park Is nOw flourishing nn a ttultmpl ,,ed mi enibii.ee In a ilegriM', eneh mem- "'?„.nBihe Dast Fall and Winter season. In August A number of changes have chute Jump, for the afternoon park attrnc- Summer resort, drawing great crowds day , " ( tl eonwnny niirairently exorclHlng u tr .T ""xiaiMtv" is slated for next week. taken place In the Mountain Pari Opera tlons, and 1'rof. Crosby, high wire net. for „ nd „| rU ,. A t the Rustic Theatre the * "Ve I 1 ,,,',}": ,,V. .11..!.! tl"-".- own .mi-h" ..£ " H J r ,i,.i theatre ( B. F. Keith, manager). Company the past week. Jessie Wrston, evenings. The theatre will offer the usual vaudeville Includes: Joslc nnd WHlle Bar- fr |* U( | H lu un , w ,(„,,„ |, ( ,,. ft c'nllnhnn'H • Sill nil around show was given last Annie Moore, Margaret Brown and Harry vaudeville numbers, Including the Nori-lscs, mws, Belle McConnis, Leslie Bros.. Waldorf ( i r ,.i 10l)tra renders music of nn enlivening " _A L*So2ntte the fact that no big headline Itabon left to commence rehearsing with stelnert and Thomas, lillbert Snrony, and n nd Aiemler, Zajel and Vernon, the Water- ml , llr j w ltllu the mrl.ilii la down.- Next « K ''°™ noted Dave Nowlln's mimicry the Jefferson De Angells Opera Company, others. „ melon Trust, nnd the Boston Lndles Or- k , , jr;..*,,,,, i •••,•!,„ n.lle of RUli- » cl , 8 ."'JL were excellent and Bcored one of Albena Dumas, Mildred Ashlond, Georgic CANontB Lakh Talk (J. W. Gorman, man- c h e ,t ra . mSuL" ond ?.i„v,it« Strength exhibition, etc, by Harvey and Charley Dodge have been engaged ager)— This park Is liberally patronized, ■ ,.. _ .irKKKSsnN Tiikatrk (Culm & Grant, man- the big hits, strenpn a 'ppi au ded. In thefr places. .. .P. J. Casey entertained the elpeclally the theatre. The bill for Instweck ltoelie.ter.— Lyceum Theatre (M. E. WBC „V._ ™m„ |, Vc Ih be ng piit Into llio hS&lJSE cards were Paffry and UII- theatrical company which was playing at wis excellent, and Included :G»roy. Haynes Wo | lf , manager) .-"The ^ Prjnce of LlnrsJ ,%™^ f ,," (1 |llon. ni'.l nee.1 of sumu not 1)tlic L p ifh »iTd Brvnn, and Maymo Remlug- Lake Pleasant last week, and a few Invited ,011 ! S S;vnninnlcs The picks spent two- guests, to a sumptuous banquet 22. The tons P"?"^",. time while on the stage tables were tastefully decorated, and a su- lh 'E, ~ .,n small coins thrown from differ- perb Illuminating effect was given by Japnu- plcklng up small coins u. H ton and ege lantern8 . ^ n enjoyable time followed, ,. n t parts ot the noust. Tt ' w * n good whlch , aated , nt0 the gman hoars ot the Co., ana tne ^u ^ ^ [t applBUSe mo rnlng Hargreaves' Circus will spread La .Nole urothers win give me euu.-nu.u- iiakkii theatre uas. r-. imjip, imn...™ 'rhouii.Boii. cards, out oo.y acrobatic Its canvas In Palmer 28, and Westfleld 29. ment , _ „ manager).— "The Land of the Midnight Sun f handsome residence adlncei.t to tho The latter did some oi «« "J^ patrong Mr . and M rs. Charles Smith have Hampton Beach Casino (J. W. Gorman, „,.„„,,! ,i lP Ml of the stock sei.HOt. at this Vhaatrc ^ f .^ U n n r r ,eem to appreciate their efforts, closed with the Gernian Medicine Company, manager).— Business pod all Inst week, with house Inrt w«>k. The play was singed in u nK „. ri)N i. AIIK (|.;. A . Newman, mana- did not seem u. u^ ^ JoQe8> nnd returncd to , helr nome i n soutbwlck . . „ very pleasing bill for the theatre. J. Vt • n mngnlllclent manner nnd was. wll PJtroii- uej-j.^im j. w . Uormuii Coiiiedlniis drew ! I 1 ^ J.«hl 1 Tuohey and Lacey. the Wea- Several newspaper men, on the Invitation of Gorman's Specialty Co. wll give the enter- | ZP ,l thnnmbni.t the week. >.ext week, bo- ^vell here 20-25. Tho company was mild., up ,v "" am n^ nrothers Joe and Nellie Doner, Manager Rlcaby, witnessed a fill dress re- talument 27 and week. Including: The Three g i,m|„g 27, "The Gunner a Male. . „ r „„. following poopln : Hoed and Sliaw, Sam tons, Dillon Brotnera, j oeu Mazctt, heorsal of William II. West's Minstrels at Mlllottes. Kthardo, I'ryor Brotliera. Cdcll Cook Ol'BRA Hot'sil (J. II. Moore, mana- „ „ w'nrd ami Curtail, Catherine Kennedy nod James, Mazoz^u ^ Acadcmy of auslc , pittsfleld, 24, and an d Pearce, and the Laskys. „„„.„. ger). — "Armh-na-Pogue" drew capacity |toih/ J. k. Kno" nml JobijIb Piatt. owley and R a . nda1 '- orchestrt T aid ^ the enjoyed the programme. The first public Pi.neih.kkt Paiik (S. Kdgnr Whltaker. f WUKtl nt U¥(lry performnnco week of 21). ""'"' J ' *\ nuu * ' "„ • tu " »~ lJ»»—..V *„Sr bill Very large audi- performance was given 25, at the same place, manager).— The casino, dunce pavll on nnd The play was nrodnceil In the usual excellent CAL,irOKNIA blograpb Ib current bill. *ery large uu J^ atend £j 2i aa , t was foUD(J impossible baud concerts ore attractions nt this park. m „ n ner of this company, and won well de- CALIFORNIA. j unces last wfl*' ..._..„ ( w m McAvoy, to change the date. and all have enjoyed good patronage the past H „ rv „ d success. Next week, "Men and l\o- IIowabd A— JSi5"J . nt .\ .S Lot this — "^" k a special concert Is announced for 20. raen ." I.oa Aincrlm — Tho Mason Opern Hoiiso manager).-Tbe nfty-Beventh season of wis ■ a "' , Ontario Hraph Park (JoIib J. Collins. (II. C. Wyatt. nnmager) m> . lark week en* Jlu use comes to an .end with a Bpecnn ner Bedford.-Not.%^ thsta ndlng the Adnms.— lloosac Valley Park The- manager).— This resort Is enjoying great lug July 18. nnd no published announce- JS^-SS^S'^-i^S %n bl »^^^ ^ P i»."^_?iSS-W S_tsMU!» TS iMMm HMiMm (..nn..,,,. Drown. HStta P T ^|'n ^udevfne-rf sgSwi?^Ey_^-Z-! S^fesirfe^ ^xr^vt^^pp ^w^x^wrv^x The house reopenB Aug. 17. Sheedy's Theatre (David . R. Bnfllngton. S/;f " n « « j tVo lla" w. s uresented , for the rest jammed lo the CTtcs. On 2r. the Odd Fellows plieui... AtsiiN ft Stones MbSEtM (Stone & manager). — "Brother Against Brother' Gliofle-Gl.ofla was presenteu, ?«" oascsslon. and with their friend. M.uionco'h IIimiiiank TmUTHj (Oliver Mo- Shaw, managers).— Professor A. Benlgcrs ge^eJ to draw large patronage througl.oiit of tf^wee". ... M i nstrr i, onened their ..acked the park. roHco. mnnngeri. The Nelll-Morosio Co. Venetian OondollerB, in petite concerts Is u t W( , efc Mac i^rrnlne, ballndlst ; Notj : »—™e W «»;«"» «» ,"PK boat. ' ' I closed n very successful hchboh IH wll I'ho ooeof the magnets for this week Another Charfes Farrell whistler and singer and regular •»»»!> J M^U - " '« |0 ^ o " „'„ Kltll , P „._At itorlck's lllen Park (Her- Cherry Pickers." ilM Nelll and com, y are Inst week, when "The Grand llui'iiix'st (Clnrei.cp Drown, inannger). — was given. "The Pirates of Pen- FeatureB 20 nml wwk : Muliel McKlnley, »,,rt Thorn- " * """ * — nts at uo.u per- jtunce" is on this week. w Charles DIckHoi. and loii.pnny, lu "A Prima. Uhan. Oulnten and Howard, _ a , ua „J, n " n company. _ _. ;„;.„„,,.?.« ifnrrv Harnnm of the Bar- Uhi.t.) Mt:stc> ITali. (F. W. MeConnell, ng Jtnl or;" Mosher, lloiiglilon nnd .Mosher. ton i.a Pearl Sisters, Joyce and Wllletta L ! NCULX Park (Isaac W. Phelps, mana- '°™ a .c<* a ; ; ■■ • •» ar c r / ""/iveT" Ib town "i. n.annger}._M nr ,|ere nnd I-enry play u re- Julian Hose, Young nnd Di Vole, Wnng IX.o- and the Alabama Comedy Four. Mmagfj ee r).— Patronage continues to the capacity Bum i ft Bailey J^T^J^SSmit. turn date this week. The following n.o die Four, Ilniney Fagan nnd Henrietta By- A B- White arranged a great piscatorial at th | s popu iar Summer resort. Tom Hefron, Barnum & Itnlley s circus comes ... .^ ou.c^ ^ Walton, Jennie Phillips, ion, lu "The Twentieth Century Girl," mid lobby Sunday, In hoBor of col, nam.*, one legged dancer; Mann and Hartley, In a T __ n ton — Sabbathi Pork (J. 3. Flvnn, Kitty Miller, nnd Sndlc Grace. Irving Will- the blogmph. Good business. Stone, who leaves Monday to take possession to i k i n g an d singing act : the Musical Ravens, „ T , B °™; on ; llI ^ n '„„.„« m. week of July on scored i big hit lost week. Bimluess U.Mg.uj Thkatiib.— People 20 and week: of bis new Summer home at Tunk Fond, Me. Mlirlc f ta E ni ott , Calladlst, and the moving mal "'B e . r | ; r; r "".7" c ",?„,!,",?. ^. n be the ipeclal s good Frnuka and Muybelle. In ^Tho Htugo Struck XicKBi.onEON (L. B. Walker maBager). pictureg rurnlshed an excellent entertain- a^*™ SSkSl «^ Di-een City Garoenb (M. L. Sullivan. Dutchman;" Tracy Morrow, Brothers -Week of July 27. Curio ball : Walkers ment at the outdoor theatre. t!lao?fwa ptuK* (K V. Bevlns. mnna- manager).— Last week* bill comprised: The Shock. Tom Wilson, Znrllll. Jesslcu Wilson, . imperial Minstrels, Janetta, cam»rlc marine Pask, lakeside Park and Fope Ialaqleiia l^ AitK ti.. J^^'"'^ Tul . Ho ldsworth, line L. Muldcy, Bessie York, and Hnyniond. Good attendance. .ueen: Mcfiec Brothers, >■ —:. JMgg Bench ore drawing multitudes dally, who en- BM'-7^ ' ^ ck j°^- n| - nnH ^ w ' l ,, 1 p Bpe claltles nnd Ihe Harrison Brothers. All will be Cixkijuiiai-ii Ti.kathh (It. Burs Loos, man- Jacoblc, expansionist apd MntortUinist } tno varlo „ g outdoor attractions. 1 1 nertle ^Fowler Misses Delraore, Kmerson held over this week, besides the Ml owing nuer).— Popple 21 : Kmo.t Guen, Fmtik Solera Sid, .'oriental conjurer, and others. ' XoTES A special enterulnment wl I be ^y'^S^Yu^e*"".^ FovT Marshall the arrivals: Barker and Oordou, Harry lUirns, ffiSw, Odpr A. fjor. on, lloyd ami Mitchell, , dBborne and Daley's Vanity Co., In "I/es Chat g , ven at piowers' Theatre 30, by the Clover ana y_ maiga , i««" «< |>« •• Kdliwn ulo . and lne McCnnns. , In "A Piifr of Kids:" Kiln llnlHton, eloslng Voir." Is the stage entertainment. tjlub, which Is one of the most exclusive Myst c, a ud pictures irom me i.o.sou ""notes.— Joseph Welsh, of this city, who will, a Inrce, entitled "Invested." Good ill- Palace Theatre (Charles H. Waldrpn, ln the clty The entertainment will be for trapn. bas been visiting at his home, left July 211. tendance. ir.anaeer). — This burlesque house, wnicn membera only, no tickets being placed on -_-„„..„ _Gleu Forest (Jos. J. Flynn, for New York, to begin rehearsals with "The Bjiitii'b Hummer (Miidhn (Chns, A. Smith, r.ever closes, offers a tip top show this week , e John G. Shaanon, at present mau- m Xwri— Week of July 20, tho Majesties Silver Slipper" Company Dnn qiilnhm proprietor and mnunger).— Show opens with nnd one that pleases the most exacting play; of Marlne 1>ark , informs The Curr-Bit SS^'L^ ti> bihxI buslncsii. Coining : and Jimmy Wall hnvo Issued a call to mem- „ mluHtrels llrat part for 20 and week. Other goer. "A Good Bunch of Gaiety Girls c S rr0 spondent that he will again open Flow- l" eld »« ot^X' Cosmopolitan Specialty Co., hers of the tjulnlan ft Wall Minstrel Com- features: Carrol mid Hottly, Carnation His- and "Eh, What Is It" are the vehicles of erg . ^. atte neIt season as a burlesque and J v n ee ,„^ m ;Jes,lne bll pnny, which will begin rehonrsuls In this tors, Walter Fnranelll, Grnco Morrison, Mns- tim and Introduce all the favorites ln the Taudev ui e UOU3e , notwithstanding rumors lo ln , a " '"'„?.. ki- ij' J Gorman, manager), city very won. Mr. Qulnlnn has returned from |« Abo Poscti, Noll Montgomery, Laura Alex- stock. Olio Is urnlsbed by Tom Nolan ana the contrary. Week of °0 the l^'ndon Novelty Co. played a trip to Buffalo, where he has been inoklug under and Murphy BrulhorH. Fair bnsl- I'ora White, Laseard Brothers .Belmont and - * _ . TTl^l . business ^Coining: Week of 27, the arrangement, for tho painting of some ape- mm. O'Brien, Gerald, and the Malvln Brothers. Ho i roU e.— Mountain Park Casino (W. R. L,^5|»Co rial scenery to be used In his production. Chlteh Tuhatrb (Henry Kocb. manager). Norumbkoa P1RK, AL'Bi.'nNDALE. — 'Rustic manager).— The opera company did iH """" J * , * j _ —July 111 prcsouts Kdnn Grunt, James Dini- Theatre bill for week of July 27 Includes. "»'. b m rr u ^ rk of tne ^gon In "Carmen," ".".".„ . Vtlcn.— Mnjestlc Theatre (Warren Day. < mi, c'timlflo Do Arvllle, violinist ; Lllllnii Professor T. Collins and his boxing _ kangaroo, "S«7lstoU to record breaking attend- LOUISIAKA. mannger).— "Lady Windermere's Fan" and Jlnlkn. George Ln Doux, Frank and May tlulgley Brothers, Gardner and Madden, V. »«=« The honors of the production were -The Huglu's Nest," by the Majestic Stock Stafford. Good crowds. P WoodwarC and Fontl-Bonl Brothers. ""^niv shared by Miss Scott, ns Carmen, and New Orleans West Knd (J. J. Corco- Co., drew well Inst week. They will proHcut Jtirn. — Tho F.lee.lrlc Theatre, heretofore Cudscent Gardens (Wm. H. Nell, man- «; Carrier as F.scamllllo. For week of 27 ral , niannger ) .— The warm weather drove "The Highest Bidder" and "Jim, the West- given to exhibiting moving pictures, has ager).— Sunday bill: Three Crane Brothers rii' comMn y will give "Paul Jones." large crowds out nightly, week of Jilly 10, erner," this week. added vaudeville, fcugono Cullsh, thn boy Rose La Harte, I^onard and Fulton, Annie ln V. C0 r^ ,^ s ._ T hcre will be a number of ^5 the splendid bill offered won much np- Hummit Park (II. at V. It. It. Co.. pro- aingcr. being the attmcllun 20-nnd week.... . I.loyd, Murphy and Andrews, and Emma _*_*£ ra the Casino company the coming I)lallsc aa usuiil. Venule's Concert Bond prlelorsi.— l.i.Kt week's ntlracllons drew big J. 1;. WiihTcek has let a *2r.,()0<) contract ItaJla. The above and John Keraell are ""it*™..,,,, to some of the membera leaving |,i e aBed, while Wra. Reed showed a number crowds. Two concerts are being given sun- f„ r u„. building of his Caslnu Theiitre, u booked for current week. „,„ „ _„ to loin their Winter companies. Alfi-ed f interesting new slIdeB on bis vltngraph. d nys, and drnw big. This week : Pete Ba- house which wllllie devoted to popular prlci Point or Pines (Wm. H. O Nell, mana- i"..^"'"--..,,.. director, leaves to Join the ...).„ vaudeville bill Included: Lottie West kor. of the "Chris nml Lm" fume : Delmoro vaudeville George Smile Spencer and eer).— J. W. Gorman's Alabama Trouba- •»■» ■ ■" neclIs con , pnn y . Jessie Weston will iynionds, and Bryan and Nadlne, nn ex- nn d Oneldn, parlor gymnasts ; Ilnwc and M| H s Khnlmll, of the Nelll-Morosco Co., were dours Is this week's attractloB. The iron- JJ- a _JJ th tma oomnan y also. Annie Moore C ei>tloually clever team of high class comedy Harrington, comedians: the Three Row- victims of n premature rtlscliiirgo of n cannon l.adours and John Kernell gave the Sunday a« Margaret BroVn leave for the Francis „ C r batB. Their act Is ns good as any seen at lands, nnd Knppe, comedy Jugglers. during a porformanen of "The Cliorry Pick- show. McMahon, back uomersoult high »™ '»» » __ T hesc vacancies In the this resort diirliig the Summer, und will hold iIiica Paiik (0. A. Hnslilra, manager).— oih," but were , Hot seriously Injured diver, is feature of grounds. The season of ""??? C o raD anv will be filled by Lee Oreon over wcck o«j. tT,c new offering will be John The above manager him Just secured tho AInx F.slibergcr lends orchestra ut the Or- the Pines Musical Comedy Co. came to a slid- tasino com v composer, who was L e Clnlr. vaudeville privileges at the park, and will pheuin .luring the Kasleru trip of A, I'. den close Saturday night. It was under- » m " n ' . Q i- ector fl t the Casino two years s CENlc IUii.wAT (Walter Kecgan, mana- present this week : Coran and Farnhnin, at h- |.'mnkanHt«ln Walter Goldsmith, for- stood the company would stay the entire ™" s ™' P iorence Itother. Albena Dumas, eer) — l'his popular and picturesque attrac- | e tlc comedy: M. Barrotte, soloist: Dootv nieP | y , )t (juberl nnd Goldlo, Is settled hero Summer season. Light business undoubtedly "*>»• . ITnrT ey an d Mildred Ashland »lon l a doing an Immcuse business nightly at and Drew, Irish and Dutch comedians; M. as an employe of tho Los Angiiles Lighting shortened Its stay. High cost productions ''^Xi f; rne3t J t | CKe t seller at the Casino. tu | s popular loke resort. The management, Henliu, rellncd comedy, and Richards, Jug- ,■„ Clarence Drown Is to MM ball and small business do not go well together. J-"?"',^ lfe entertained the members of at la ' rg i; C xpcn»e, have beautldcd the dark B || ng . the Orphnuni and the Grntid (Hlnlrft llnv- Lexinoton Park.— Gordon, Vidoca ana you K° tal _ p„ rK: opera Company and cave ^ Die big pavilion seems ablaxe with « i » N»*h houses), with lino olBce. In the fjraiid Flynn, the Laskys, H..M. Lorrett, and Far- "5 a } nv n t l e " d ° t est8 at a "spaghetti" party, fuendescent eleftrlc lights ot different colors nilODK ISLAND. Building. .mm and Nelson are here thU week. th , home 2 4. The guests were w i, en lit up. ,„ , . . ■ •■ ' *»» ' ■ MEOvonn Boulevard TitEATRE (J. W. Gor- « „ entertained by Mr. and Temple op Mysteries (II. Amand. mana- ProvIden cc.— "Tho Three Miiskctcors." ItMSTOIS. • .; '" man, manager).— Current week: Three Ma- "B™ Ernest and It was close to the g 0r ).— Large crowds visited this cozy little t hc offering of tho Albeo Stock Compuiiy ut carte. Sisters (second week). Hacker and ^i, ^ r ur e s of mor nlng when the last toast f em ' le ^ of 10. and lapuhuided Me, to k n eith F B Theatre (C.CharleH UivenlsBrg, resl- Pc„ri n .-At Wenst's Theatre (P. A. Ufe PA— »rt. a*rtBr±2*j£* ZSFB. was drank. fcrtof dew '»*„'» RH2''« ,™ •JSH dent malinger), week of July 20, proved in- W easl. p nil> ,.i ( .|or) buslncsM Is fair. Week and Murphy. Diamond and Hoon, ana i. , ^_ H nakcs, reptiles, etc. New II iislons are Bhown ccpta i J)o to big- audiences, though long for )(f jufy * a7 : Hnloru and company, Ooorgo J/0 . ule ' n.u n ...«,..»n»rtolMOT- Worcester— -Worcester Theatre (tells nightly, winning much iipplaiisc. Hummer p"uy. It was staged by Mai- llllo i^„||„ Kldd, Teddy McKeuua, Kelt . • ( i°? 8I S',— Dav1 .? Be ' M '^ ?n nnStnn ear v In R Wendelschaefer, manager).— The ninth Athletic Pah k (Kt ■ ,►■ » el m " n ?;, J? an . <0 lm Williams, who had played It on tho nm , ] Ct | H |..|c. Lillian C. Brooks, land" will open Its »eason In Boston early in £■ ,^ u th Ncw York players' I ay begins , IRe rK— "The Girl from Paris and Isle ot ond Jjj; ^ — - lmllortnut r oU , w ,u, , lAl . oll s,, Thk.»T«b (A. F. .lueohs, prot.rli- September..... Edgar I .Davenport has .been weea « ino Masque Ball" will be champagne" were tie «» r ' lc < ""»„ ?'*_" (ho stock company, aud the Urst mntli.ee inn „„•).— Week of 27 : Jennie f.'olborn. Mnrlln engaged by Josepfi Jefferson, and will re- J uiy ^ , * en ,| re week. Last week, ' K id. "W» jf^^^JSi %dSdM DbuESh f' " 1 '-' »'" 11 ,uo o"c'o_v a ". e llmu "? 8 and Crouch, Marshall nnd Krvln, Carnival aume work Sept. 28.. .. ... -Pe?" S$£2} Plurlbus Unum," the new play, by Leo pit- entatlon of } 4 "p- „ w ' J» H Oueen Isabella later reduced to an even three hours. "My Tr , ()i nmy jneksou, the Mldgeli.ys. a Washington society girl, Joined the Peggy • lurlu ™ u n u roved Ter y popular. SiIbs Blan- )n i,| 8 original character of y ueen I sabelia In|)|u „ ||f ,,,„ m „ , or lhe weck Nl V r) .. H .i.j,a,,„ger Jarol.s dirt away with from Parts" Co. jgt JJbTT .j • »»gg S „'££', c0 ' n tract with Messrs. Llebler and Co. of gpaln. Nw cost ncs are being raado Helen Bclmer, of tho Albee company, the iimifll pcrf.iriin.nco 211 nt Centruf Park, Savnge has engaged AV lis P. Sweatnom for ^f |, c g n r l 7 i eavc ner e Aug. 2, a week before for the production, will c extra stage nnW, wnH ft mcmber of tho original cast. On J« wll | cll was occunleil by I ho United Singers, the company that will appear in George 00 "«£ ne , na p ot tUc company goes. She Is electricians, scenic artists, etc., are prepay .-i' h e Last Word" will b.i played. and nt Tormlnuf Park, which was taken by Ade's "The County Chairman." .... ..G'rW {" e b i; 1 n r e U earsals nt the Academy of Music. i he way for what Pro'n'ies to be lio 8 r » nae " "Wn.t. She Divoik.'B Him'^ was the al- tnn Kr ,.rerecn Hlngers Prospect Heights Will Be Girls," William A. Brady's muaicai t? beg^n reuearsu^ , production ever ofr ered, al PoP"l»r prl tes In , , of ^ , w)l|( . h , he K at icrliw ), ', '"n ,'„i,tTnn>M to drnw, the attraction being farce, will have Its first performance £t* 5FJ££Z a. Glory Quaylc, In the revival ln | g city. Jolly Rd. J'^eton »III be com- a ^^ Company staged at the Umpire , Bov lng pictures and dancing. Boston Theatre, Aug. 1 J- W- G ™i n "J 1 ..vfhe Christian.- 1 ' . ,„ pclled to rest up .for two weeks, , posaiiiij , yiatro (s p iu fc Natbanson, iniinugcrM), ■ » +++. , swAm«f°f_~; SS^wKcK Kg^ifflfS&l =ii-^~lui_rr» , B5S ^ej*«H5r5^« ffS^Sf^ S?SS»Stt. , S?ffiS3 ««g«g ^TlH'Foa.rCAS.No. Rocky Po,at.-Th„ S'SKSS_H« xwia/s?rju^-7?.^fc: ^tf^_a_5_«!3S -»j-^H?5«-2 ffi.w^%i_?TaMJStt x?S!?«^ " ho ^ ,li,,y ton. The new Hub Theatre, at cor- Jllle nets, ab^ » continue to draw „nd novel specialties will be '"tfoj"^: wills and Collins, Wills and Barron, Ooorgo "I"'"" nt Chl mgo, Aug . it. ner of Washington end Dover Streets, win M^J?se crowds. .,*>**> Musical Directors Machc tea nilReynol. I. will r , „,»„„„„, Ky)lu nn ,| Douglna. Clara „,.,.„,, TI111R 1 ™ TIIM kohTII lie opened under the management of Stair & lm ™en se crowus. w t Consolidated St. introduce severnl new musical numbei «• I ho ( . , nnd , )rnco Hp e nc er, Gardner, West and HLMMKIl U lllR IP T IIK Mill I ll. Wilbur on Monday, Aug. 17, with "The Lhn- 1{ _ AT r ? l, ! ma ' n v n V pr g,._Week of 27 J. W .Cor- fill for week Aug. 2 wl be H lip A»oy. H( , nHlllno ( ;, aJ y B do MllrM „ N.dlle Chandler, ; ; - " ' T"- . . ., Ited Mall." Wagenhalls and Kemper "y- .™v,™ a , nB ^ DCC | a ity Co. will furnish en- Notes— Itlchar.l liar owe an 1 John , m rcli JmlBcUo 'miu h and little Proctor. Vnrnllon Trip lo {'"""«":"■ «•>"'•- have signed Margaret Bourne, a .B°sto° """^P'^^Tever Increasing attend- Young ' arrived here 22. and Imnwdl.tely Tu ' K e,„ ert alnment at the open air theatre aylvui lu Ilnllr in.1. young woman, ns fending woman with Louis terwunincni ior Halloway's diving began rehearsing for 1 41) •••••• J°<- "gj at crescent Park for week of 27 will bo The Pennsylvania Rnllrond personal ycon- James and Frederick Warde. . . . . -Nowal I ;. ance. I^ist we« l . imperial Minstrels liar d, the clever young actor. wa« i™'frl«i Brothers. Austrnllnn musical dueled lour lo Northern New York nml DArllng, treasurer of Music Hail, was re- ^^, and uormnn s ^ pan | c was nnr- hero 23, to Dora LliMlermaun, b n»n|irof« Srtlsts; Mnnley and itose. I u n sketch, Canada, leaving Aug. 12, covers ninny prom- ptly Vrrted to Edith M. Rowland, of Rox- ^'^'"y^l'or/a gudden shower filling the „| nal, and left with I Is i b fhk> ^or »vnox .. Youn J H |outh:" the Furleys. Barrlc and | Be nt nolnts orinlaroat to Hie Hummer tour. bury. William Ford, veteran stage door- rowly averted u a so |t ^ and T , Ue T to j„l. .the Fer«chl-Bcnd n « ,„ rhn Mells< , n(f „ |, ov ; - Murphy and ut--Nl..garn Fulls, Thousnud Islands. RnpliU keeper of the Boston Theatre, Is away on ^"^«A7uVe entire aodlence/f two 8toc k Co. .... -M«rK»w toN. " ,ne / 1 ,n Palmer, black face comedy. of Ihc St. I.awrcn.e, OiidHie, the Sngiienav. his annual fishing tour. According to let- * ou ^ ''5 V * r ca „^ underneath but for the tendent of Athletic Park, will make n 'lying okntbv Hiiotheiih' Bhowh opened a three Montreal. Au Sab h Chasm, lAikesChanipInlii ten. received from Mr. Ford bis catches .are thousand or more uu whQ gIngh( ,j ^ ^ \ork at the chjsc of the S miner engagement In Providence 27. . nnd lleorge. and Saratoga. The tour covers wonderful, and will furnish him enough P"**^ '« ™™ ° Te "ent to the deluge of season. ..... •.•Advertising Agent le Lat- > V Jjgg5m 1'AMt, MtjftMnk jrf «T, n Mrtbd of llf teen days; round trip rale, stories for a year. Uic canvas anu ga>e Hra Jfc.tJr thp TMM W » M£gra »Mgt ^SrSSl are: Delia Fox. Reno and hlchnrds. Franko »ii-,. ' ' •-! wttter - . -_ has returned from a fish tig trip, and wm JM r>)|l , w , Montro) , Ci Vnig „ nu Ardell. T The party will be In cbnrgo of one of the Springfield The past week has beet} Summer Show House, Bass resume his Summer position whb iiienew j d , tJje M|H1(CB BB nnelt, nnd rompany's tourist agents, aiwlslod by an ex- on f of gVeat activity among the theatrical _ ^"'„T: S n b f aV j 9 T'sba^ ^ manager ).-Busl- Orleans B B. Assoclatl Mt.^ .^. .gt Mgg* „ > M .^ntetat , ,„ , perl!-ii..ed lady ns Km .whose especial Wonle who are In this cltj-7 In preparation Point. Nahant :( J- J. aony , mu » , .,„, Al. ton Is suffering from a serious com ".nicn * Ciibhtnut Giwvi: THEATRE has billed charge wll bn uneseorted Indies. for the comlna ? season^ VSJlS'ZTmnt VaB with a minstrel will cause him to rest up for some Imp. -» ^"^ ,,, 2T n C omody farce "Tho T li. rate covers railway and boat fare for nAlTpDENPABKTJF. Burke, manager .— Anderson and BIHy van, w.cua He leaves 211 to spend Mm " n , ' mc nn w | l, »J , . | l ! Elephant linnortcr," and the following en- the entire round trip, parlor car seats. me.iN Tom Brow's Troubadours have proven big comblna f, W» rt 2 n E "vffllti r. folk. In ^^^UtfSJS St» tertalners : ^ohn M. Ward and Phil Phil- ,. n ruut c, hotel entertainment, transfer favorite! a :the theatre pleasing go od houses, J\. Hollls, Artnur npauiujug, tlcatloBS for the new stock the ntre to oe Kd .|, h u»ton, Marie Dole, Hose Bocon, charges nnd carriage lilw. , , «* ^thefrea^t^fict. St Belmo 11 . trapew Murphy. William Brlggs, Joan iay g^^JS^ffl^ftHrt TnVtre have Al. and Nellie Parker, May Blanchnrd, and f„V detailed Itinerary, tickets, or any ad- work and Mnitlonal leap has been the big »J^t, Theatre. Salem Wll- known os the Thlrf ni»tri Ct Theatr e, n ave dltlonal iBformntlon, apply to ticket ngeuu.. mm&Mi&i ^Ffisislrl si:lffil^3??s ^ «— - - sss^ss^ t'Qkisi !<*«, Paxjim (P. J. Caaey, m»»- wuw™ B' ,le ™« •*" 530 THB 3STEW YG3RK ^tJPPiEB. AUGUST 1. THE NEW YORK CLIPPER ■ i - ■ ♦»» THE FRANK QUEEN PUBUSHINQ CD.(Llrrllted,) I'SorniBTonH. ALBERT J. BORIB, E in to ii i i i, ah o DusiKKsa- jMgjjjjifc SATURDAY, AUGUHT 1, 1903. R A T E 8 . Advertisements— $2.80 per lncb, aloglft col- umn. Advertisements set with border, 10 per cent extra. < SUBSCRIPTION. One year In advance, *4 ; six months, $2 ; tlirce months, 1 1. Foreign postage extra. Slnglo copies will be lent, postpaid, on re- ceipt Of 10 cents. Onr Term* are Cnili. TUB CLIPPER- Is issued every Wednesday morning. The last (our (advertising) pages TO PIIESH on Saturday at 11 a.m., and tho other pages on MONDAY and TUESDAY, The Forma Closing- Promptly, Tues- day, at lO o'clock A. M. l'lcnso remit by. express, money order,cbeck, 1*. O. order. or registered letter. All cash en- closed with letter la at the risk of sender. Address All Comiiiaiilchiiona to TIIK Nil W YORK CUPPER, 47 West 2Sth Street, New York. Jtcyl^ttrei Ca!)I« Atldrcsa, "Auxuobit*." THE WESTERN BUREAU Of The O.i recti Is located at Boom 002. Ashland Ulock, Chicago, Walter K. Hill, manager and correspondent, where ndver tlsouicnts nud subscriptions are received at our regular rates. THE LONDON BUREAU located at 48 Cranbourn Bt., London, W. C„ J. P. Cou'ghlau, manager and correspondent, where ndvortlsepients and subscriptions ore received at our regular rates. Tub Clipper can be obtained, whole • hAi.i: and rbtail, nt our agents, Brent a no's dcws depot, 37 Avenue de IJOpera, Parle, Prance; H. Llllentiitil, Frledrlch Strasse 101 (Terminus Hotel), Berlin, N. W„ Qer- luuny; Diamond News Co., 07 I'rado, Ha- vana ; Manila Book and Stationery Co., 188 liBcolta, Manila, P. Lj Albert & Son, 187- lih) King St., Sydney, Australia. Tim NEW YORK CLIPPER publishes imly one edition, and that li dated from .New York. QUERIES ANSWERS). No llciillci by Mall or TelcBraph. ADDUBBHKH Oil WI1HRKAUOUTB NOT GIVEN. All . in quest oi' Htcn hiioiii.h write to •iltOHK, WHOM TllKY 8BHK, IN CAnB Olf THE L'UPPEtt.POHT OFFICE. ALL LHTTBIlS WILL W. AllVEIITISEI) ONB WBBK ONLY. If TM« KOUXB OF . ANY THKATIIICAL COUPANI IB BOL'UItT, liEt'Elt TO OUB LIST OK ROUTES (IN ANOT1IBH l'AOa. Wtl CANNOT SBND;I!OUTUd li V NAIL Olt nUHDUM, DRAMATIC, J. .11. II., Cuba. — We have no knowledge of the prearent .whereabouts of the party. Address u letter In, our caro.aud we will iidvortlse It In Tun Ci.irrKti letter list. II. J. n., Old Orchard Beach, P. 13. It., Hlnghamton, "Clyde." New- 1'ork, (>. It, Superior, 10. A,, Indianapolis, 11, J., NeWport .News, K. 1. .<}., Me'rlden, Mils. ,1. H. W„ New York, Mum. A. W. M., Toledo, anil J. A. P., Owego, sec unswer to J. II. B. V, ,»., Now York. — Any school Of acting. '|l. A., .Miirfreonboro. — Address Dick & PltzgeraJd, 18 Ann Sheet. Now, York CJty A. IJ. G„ Belmont.'— -We can only advise you to advertise In Tub Clipi?hu.bb the most likely means of securing what .yon desire. No line, of course, can gun ran tee that, you will attain your ond. . Your own ability la the only tiling to doti'i-mlue that, N. Si., AHotinu.— rWe have every reason to believe the i-nuipnnv la still 111 South Af- rica. .It whs doing well llio Inst reports we hurl from members of the company. L. II. V. W., Poorlu.— 1. Yyu would ro- idilra a list, of all the agents in the United states, mid we do not know how to advise yoti.lo nt such ■ list. 2.. We have no. know- ledge of nay Kuril H»t. Ave v.un only advise yoji to road Ibe colnmus of Tilt: Clippgii NO week an the beat method of- getting nearly what you ask. N. J. V., Newport. — 1, Wclmvo no.rcrord of n .triple Nuxnersiiiilt successfully accom- plished except from an aerial bur or high trapeze Into :i net. -2.- Yes. ;l. Addresa lttilpb Johnston. In euro of Tun Ol.ll'rr.lt. ,1. A. Mti>.. Dei foil. — we. have no menus nt know hi).-. The pitily you mention,. should lie Able to furnish you the Information with l lie pnmf to bum lint Into his statements. (t, W. M., Oliielhniill. — Wo can only nrt- vlso you- to submit your work to some local lni]M'r. The samples you enclosed posoess little merit. K. D. W.i Norfolk.— W« do not know where you can obtain mieli a list. I, J. II., Fur llockaway. — You will bnvo to niiiko your iincallon plainer, as we do not understand 1«i what unlcill you refer. 0. P. O., Chicago. — Address -party In care of the Players Club, New YorkClty. .1. II. It., Lancaster. — Watch our route list (vi eh week, or address a loiter to the iinrly In our care nnd wo will advertise It In Tim Cuvrnu letter' list. t". K. L„ Pittsburg.— Advertise your wants In Til li CLiri'Kii. fee advertising rates at tin' head of this department. W. ]•:. K„ I'eckBklll.— Miitoscopo Co,, 11 Must Fourteenth Street, and the Pliotoscopo Co.. 1-J17 llroiulH-ny, holh New York City. A. II, W„ Toledo.— Adrdess Hlrh'il CI. tltil- liiiiuiil, Hdeii ,Mysce. Now York City. II, .1. K„ Smith Shnron. — Ailuivss Lee Laiih, .142 .West, Thlrty-iilulh Street, New .York Pity. II. K. A„ Ilnrnegiit City. — lie lust season managed the Star Theatre, In the city yon mention, nnd s» far as we know will cou- iinne us mnniiger of that house the coming Kcasuti. H, II., Vermont. — I, You could only de- tcrmlnc by aiibiiilllliig file act to I number iif inn miners. J.. We nro In no position In in'ophoHy tin success or fnlluve. X We lla not know whether It would eome Wlllilii tho liiile of (he law, or not. ii'onsnlt a lawyer. 4. Wo cannot Jmlgc. 0. Sll.'.'O. li. W„ New'iKirt.— -We never answer ques- tions reintlnfr to. the reliability of anyone. W. C. .11.. .rclisarohi. — The parly, linn lieeu dead n iiimilier.of years. We have no furUiei' reroi'd I'lineei-iiliiK htm. ••Ti.xiiii." I let ml I. --Dick & PlUgi'i-alil. IS Ani\ SlreH. .Ni'H'.. York' Cllv, |i||Ii)IhIi ii bonk on the art or "ninklag'np." which will give you the Information >oii desire. CAllO-S. I P. 8. W., Celdwater.— Certainly not, -Z'L ('. S. II., Ilbston. — C's hand was 'hot dead If ho did not look at the cards asked (or; .the rtilo reads : "Should tho dealer give any ■ plnyer more cards than hc'deinaiuled, and the lilnver discover and announce the fact be- fore rnlslng-hlH cards, the dealer must with- draw the sunertiuoiis cards and restore them to the pack. V. D. .l'V'1'nmaqiia. — 1. A player in euchre can oider the denier up whether he has a tramp In his hand or not. .2. Yes. '8... Wi, Washington.— When ..playing cas- hIho for a ceftnli/ nuinbi'i- of points (Usually twenfy-one) the. first player who scores the number agreed upon wliui the game; no one point takes .any prece/dctico over another, a player winning the ' giimc (he tnoment.he.hhs made and claimed the requisite . points; sweeps lire scored as soon as made, not being turned' down . as In (ho .single deal game. In the, tatter style of game the points gained by each player nrc counted at the end Of the deal, ond Hint party which has the greatest numbor wins the game. W. A. C, Wasliliigton. — Tbo.pttrty who Iilayed low won. the came, tile, fact that. the ildder made the three be bid not giving him preference In the count, and low outranking In value Jnck and cntne, K. J. I)., Wnlllngford.— Any straight flush constitutes what some persons term a "royal" flush ; the latter term finds no place In any standard work on the game of .poker. E. 8. V. C, 'Wromlng.— ,If the two play- ers- looked at their, cards both bonds were dead. It was pot .a misdeal. Kara. J. W. P., Dallos.^lohn . L. Sullivan be- coinc oUumplou of the world, under the regu- lar rules of the P. it. when he defeated .Take Kllraln In. a battle for the title, at Itlcliburg, Miss., July 8, 1889, the fight being with bare knuckles, on turf. TURF. J, R, Cohoes.— Trotting, 2:03 '4, >by The Abbot, ugaliutt time, nt Term Haute, Ind., Sept. 20, 1000; pacing, 1 ;50Vi, .by Star Pointer, at neadvllle, Mass.. in 1897, epil Oolumtiiis, O., ln,'18D8, the tlme..la each case i^ttjg-mnde la.trjiils agaJnatftjma. ... , .„ OUR CH1CAQO LETTER. (rBOU OUB OWM C0nnE8P0ND*NT.) wesiern unrmo M the New Y'ork Clipper, Spa, Ashland Block, Chicago. Western Bnrna Of Rpoxu The last week In July witnesses the opening of, the season nt three more theatres, and unt week will bring others Into line. The engagement 'of Richards & Pringle's (leorclQs. July ii, .80, was a "standing room preliminary to the Alhambra Theatre's regular season, which opened Sunday after- noon, '20, with Nettle De Coursey, In "An Orphan's Prayer." The DIJou has had a three ; weeks' i stock company Introduction to Its regular season, which also opened Sunday afternoon with the Ilolden Brothers' "Den- ver Kjpress." On Saturday night, Aug. 1, the S.tndcbukor Theatre will begin Ub regu- lar season with the return of Piilcy & Luders' surcossful musical comedy, "The l'rlnce of l'llsen." and on the same evening the Great Northern will open with "The llurgoinuster." Of the Summer attractions which continue during the current days, "Bnues In Toylnnd," nt the Grand Opera House, may he rated an tho most successful, although "The Tenderfoot," at the .fiearborn, Is playing to good business, nnd Henry 10. Dlxey's stay at Powers' has been extended Into its fifth week. Vaudeville of excellent class, draws crowds to the Chicago Oponi HoiiBQ .and the Masonic .Temple, Manager Murdoch, of the last named resort, having last week attracted special Interest through his announcement that Cecelia I.ofius would he his tong heralded 13,000 attrac- tion. She will play in a sketch especially written for rhe occasion, opening for one week. . Aog. !l. Stock burlesque at Sam T. .link's nnd Trncadero continue to ,be . potent offerings. Trocndem takes proinliK-iice in current events through 'the fact that when the regulur seuson opens It will, with iSnm T. Jack's, . play burlesque at- tractions offered by "The wheel." The Em- pire Amusement Co., .which baa i directed Hopkins' Theatre as a burlesque resort for Hovcrnl seasons, will turn the bouse over to Stair & Havlln for bookings In their popular price circuit, Trocadcro, Just -across State Street, taking Hopkins' plncc In "The Wheel." Clark Itron.' Itoynis, on Aug. 1 7, will be Trocadero's first attraction under the nqw conditions. Stair & Havlln's foothold In Chicago will, by the addition of the Mar- lowe, iuiMnglcwoml, nnd Hopkins', he greatly strengthened, and when tho ■ regain r . season oiieim that tlrni will be represented nt eight of. Chicago's twenty, odd places of amusement. Specifically stated they will, hereafter, book attractions nt the Great Northern, Columbus, Alburnum, llljoit, Academy of- Music, Crit- erion, Mnrlows and Hopkins' Theatres — -Chi- cago's entire representation of jiopiilar prlcod comblnntlou pluyhoimcs. The past week has not been climatically propitious for our Summer parks and .amusement gardens. The cool evenings added materially ■ to the box ofllcc Inklngs nt. the theatres, and mana- gers of indoor amusement .smiled blandly, while Suns Houci, Chutes Park and the gar- dens bownlled their financial fate. There Is great activity nmong the show printing houses, where ninny managers nre pre- paring to open tho tours of their road attractions. Many companies arc nlrcndy In rolicnmil, rinil within the. next fortnight Hie advance delegation of Chicago managers will be c» 'roar with their attractions. A. -Mllo Ueuuett, our longest established the- atrical booking agent, .recently published an Interesting article which tells la detnll of Clilcngb's growing -prominence as n theatrical centre. 'Mr. Bennett seems to know of mori t linn a hundred companies which will claim Chicago as their organizing home, and he tells of another, hundred which will be partly made up here, or which will .draw heavily upon Chicago's superior theatrical resources. Space will not iirlinlt of a detailed reference to this .great delegation of prosperous the- atrical managers, but the casual observer can Bee .on every sldo immlslaknt)lc..filgrui of air Active 'Summer, .which promises early fruition In .the beginning .of the scores of road tours which have. been maturely planned In this Western amusement centre. GHano Or-KRA Uorsr. (Kred .It. Hamlin, manager). — "Babes In Toylnnd" 'enters upon Its seventh week Sunday evening, "0. The end of the engagement Is not referred to. Business -Is most satisfactory. Diumioitx TitKATlw (W. JV. Tlllottson, malingerl. — Itlchnrd Cnrlc. the star of the piece, will soon be the only original princi- pal In "The Tenderfoot." 'May l)e Sousa, Hie prima donna, severed Iter relations w'Ufi tills management must abruptly last week. and her ylnce has been taken by Grace Came- ron. When Henry Norman replaces Mr. Koiininlue. which will be 00011, the cast will, with the exception noted above, have. under- gone a complete change, nnd with some of Hie din motors, several times, ifa sixteenth week of success begins Sunday night. Piiwiiiis' Ttiu.vritK (Hurry ,f. Powers, man- ngerl.- -Ilotirv K Hlxey's engiWinent, ill v|''iielng Mm MiiKlc".aud "liver a Welsh Hare- Mi." lm« Im'cii extended Into Its llflh week, beginning Sunday night. Ills stay ,1s still Indellttlte. bill must certainly end with An- gus,!, ns nn.Ill Orrln .lohnsoa nnd Maude Pen ley will open I he regular season, hi "Hearts Courageous." SrrniuiAKiai 'riliM-niv; (i\ C. Cnrlls, nian- nuei'l.-'l'lie season here will begin , next Saliirday nlglll. Aug. ,1, with "The Prince of l'llsen." 11 Chicago 'proiliiet which iijjnln reliiiiis to I lie house of l|s lilrth. In (lie Conipiui.v will be .Tolili W. Itniismle, Trlxlo l''rlg«nsl.Arlh'iir Dohnldson,-' Nick T/sng, Irtn- lene Cotton, Helena Predcrlck, Walter'Gllf- ford, Ituth Peebles, Henry Taylor, and Ada 8t. Albans. Rehearsals ure under way for an Indcnltc engagement here. .The. interior of the tlieotre, during the Summer vacation, hns . undergone a thorough furbishing and rcluvlnntlon. ,' . ■ (liiRAT NonTiimiN TiieATnB (Mward Smith, .manager) .—With a two weeks en- gagement of "The IbirBomnster," thisnonse b«Klns Its season Saturday night. The com- pony, which bos been la rehearsal here for some time, will Include: lttttb White, Oscar j.. legman, William Ulley Hatch. Knox Wil- son, 'Thomas P. -Ulcketto, Lillian Austin, Harriet Sheldon, It. .J. Moye, and Louise Biackette.- Other' bookings for August, at this • theatre, are : "Under Suutbcm BkleB' HI, for two weeks; "Tlie Princess Chic ^3, and "The Village Postmaster" 30. Ai.uAitiinA TitRATiiG (James II. Browne, resident manager).— On 24: the prclunlnary season at .this popular resort opened with three performance of Itlchards *.Prlngles Ueorglu Mlimtrols. Attesting the potency of Jtusco & Holland's old reliable attraction,^ report of .standing room business .Is to ^be entered for the three performances. -Ln- thuslosm was rife from the start to ending of a long and diversified programme, which bad as participants .In the .olio: The Great Boomsky, tbc Campbell Brothers, Simpson and, Plttman, Dudley and Kelley, J. ; W. Cooper, Clarence Powelh and Harry Kraton. "Jim Jackson's Policy: Shop" was. the after- piece, and :the Introductory section Intro- duced the entire company In a pleasing me- lange of song, dance and story. On Sunday afternoon the regular- season opened, with "An ;Orphnn's Prayer," in which Nettle De Coursey. Is starred, "Nobody's Claim" will be .the ensuing attraction, to be ^followed by John M. Ward's production of "A Human Slave." The resort Is most popular with South slders, and .Richards & Prlsgle have given the season a lively preliminary.. Bijou Tiieatbi ( Wm. Newklrk, ■ resident manager) .—The .Holden Bros.' "Denver Ex- press 7 * .opens the regular season. Sunday afternoon,- 26. "A Millionaire Tramp-' will be the ensuing attraction. On 25 the, Frank- lin Stock- Co., after a week's representation of "The Younger Brothers, Bank . Robbers," ended- a three weeks' engagement, prelimin- ary to_the regular opening by "The Denver Express." . . ««:«■> Masonic Templb (J. J. Murdock, mana- ger). — George Primrose has proven such an exceptionally strong attraction that lie , Is retained) for a second week, beginning Sun- day .afternoon. With the Foley Twins .he scored a great bit last week, attracting the biggest business of the season. Other feat- ures for this week ore: Klfle Pay, Glrard and Gardner, the Young American Quintet, Green and Werner, and A.. O. Duncan. Chicago Oit.ua House (Kohl & Castle, managers). — Last week's bill was up to the mldsenson standard of excellence. Rnpoll'a graceful Juggling scored a success ; the I-'lve Plylpg Bnnvurds were seen In a casting act of sensational 1 developments, climaxing in a great hit; Boniface nnd Wnlulnger were successful, mid Marshrali I'. Wilder was the lopllner. Por this week: May .Howard & Co., In a new sketch ; Press Eldrldge. the Five Xosses, the Josellne Trio, Arthur Deal- ing, Harry ond Cbus. Doyle, tho Ogdens, Ilnymnu and Henry, Artie Hall, Conley and ("line, lluth Nelta, nnd Gladys Mlddlctou. Business Is big — whon weather permits. . Oi.vjii'if TiiKA-riu; (Kohl & Castle, man- agers). — The motion photographs of the Itoot-Gnrdncr fistic encounter continue here for a. fortnight longer. The attendance Is good and .Interest seems to be unabated. Lou Houseman. Is .adopting many unique methods of promoting the attraction, and the sporting delegation turns out In grati- fying response. .- Sam T. Jack's Tiieatbe (Sidney J. Eusod, manager). — Stock, burlesque -continues an ef- fective magnet here, anil In recognition, of tho popularity of the frankly clad delegation of femininity which hold sway, the cur- rent burlesque Is named "Lcgmanin," which will doubtless fill tho box office with coin of the realm. "Adonis" Is the title of another section of the show. The olio will engage Delia Ordler, heading the Ama- zonian march ; Paulo and Dlka, the Arlsato Brothers, McDonald and Cody, and Colton ami Kenyon. .Ed; Morris, Bob Vnn Osten, James Thompson, Leu- Spencer, Alleen Vin- cent, Delia Ordler, Camllle Kenyon and Mile. Dlka head the stock forces. 'fnocABBBo.TitiUTRH (Robert Fulton, man- ager). — "The Turtle Doves" .will coo this week, anil the girl in blue, remains and dances. Ituth Everett, Deda Walker, May Hllllard and Mario Theresa head the female delegation, and Frank Damsel, Guy HaWson and Alex. Carr will be the burlesque comedians. Rnl- mond and Vack, May Billiard, Moore and ■MeDermltt and others will contribute to the olio. The burlesque stock has but a few more weekB to remain, as this bouse becomes a spoke In "The Wheel," when Clark Broth- ers' Iloyals open their season here, Aug. 17. Sans Souci Park (Alfred Russell, mana- ger). — This most popular of our Summer amusement resorts offers many sensations and good vaudeville as Its magnet. Ham- morsteln's animals are tho great feature. Mile. Znhrdnn dances In the electric foun- tain. Paul Schocsslng's Band provides good music, and this week's vaudeville names: Burke Brothers and Wise Mike, the Mar- velous Mori-Ms, Kiccand Prevost, Pierce and Ro.llyn, and Adclo Purvis Onrl. When the weather 1b propitious business la immense. •Water Chutes Rub (W. H. Strlckler, general manager). — .Vaudeville names, for this week in elms. II. Nelmeyer's electric theatre, are: De Forest nnd .Melville, (he Bcntleys, Chevorcau's animals, Benton and Xelineycr, Little Texas, and' Tom Fortune "Shooting the Chutes" is the chief sensa- tion - among, the -score of concessions which attract the crowds when the weather la favorable. The season,. thus far, has aver- aged fairly well la spite of adverse climatic circumstances. Claiik Street MtiSEti5t (Geo. Mlddlnton. manngerl. — .Billy:. Andrews' . parrot-fneed mule holds the centre- of the curio .hall this week. Other attractions - will Include : -The natiitorliiai girls. In swimming and high .diving feats; silk worms spinning silk, Maud HasKett, •■ the :puper flower girl, and Grace Turner and her- colored orchestra. The -line- up in the theatre will i Include : Tho Itlod- pctts, Wheeler and Hetlow, and Madge Hart- ley. f.oNnoN Dime Museum (,W. J. Sweeney, manager).— This week: Harry .Hanover, Prof. • Moon, Molllo Huberts, Chas. Warren, May Hills, Babe Brown, Jessie Franks, John Lyons, nipt others. .Business Is fair. ■ Aptehmatii. — Brooke's Chicago Marine Band Is attracting large patronage to ,tho Coliseum Hardens. :Qn Thursday night' the .concert was devoted - exclusively to music coiupased by women. Ccclle Chamlnade, the famous French composer, was represented, n s were Mabel McKlnlby, Frieda Pauline Coltcn, Florence McPhernin, Carrie Bond .Jacobs and Kate Vnnderpool, nil of .Chicago. : ..The Tribune sick baby fund was sub- stantially augmented os a result of the pro- gramme, given at Powers' Thursday after- lUKin : fll.liOO was Mm net result. The cn- lerttiliiment was furnished bv Hen. Primrose and the Foley -Twins, Henry to. IMxey A- Co., In 'nil ncl of "Fncinir the Music;" ith-lun-d Carle & Co., In " Way Up East ;" . Rilth (White, Marshall P. Wlljler. John D. KllbeVt, •Nella Wobli & Co., from "Babes In- Toylnnd;" Edgar L. Davenport, Jessica Cree, Guyer and , Duly, 1 nnd Hen. ■ P. ■ lloul face nud llerthn .Wallailiiuei- W. Jim .MMa'-rliurh ' ,lui« been very III at his home lu ■ Mtl.Vwoo'd, a Mililiib H»l- land'a new attraction this season. Thj.WBi- Y.miv beitlns rehearsals bore- this ,*»«,* » be wIll^De atnge a rector. Bnnlc* . Goodtldi, Adelaide Phmkctt, , Cans, ^""f"^, ?"? .Davanport ,and a tafe^Jff^^gSS company will support Miss Heath-ln Carrie Ashliy-Clarke's new play ...... up&ggjg ney, and Martlncttl and Gross! were Western Cum* Bureau callers dast week, ch route to continue, their Summer park dates ftta-oft appear with the No. a company. . . . *ue ^,- p | tty terlon will open Its season next Sunday after- JJ f »f t non. with the Kllmt-Herne . Co in The Somes Boys In illssouri." Tho u Olympic and Ilaymarket will open Aug. 24, ; the *btrty-flrrt Street, 10; the Now American and .Bp«h Temple, ,30; the Columbus, 9, with "Tie Mlaiater's 8on;" McVloker's, 15, With Kelcey and Shannon, in "Bherlock Holmes. ....Prances Merton, a Chicago amateur, succeeded to May Do Sousa's role In a Be Tenderfoot," on short "notice, played tc twelve performances, and made a most credl- iable showing. She was given the .part four days bcfore-lhe was suddenly called upon. to play, and opened In It without. a rehearsal, in spite of this good showing, however, she was not fortunate enough to get the part permanently, as Grace Cameron opeus Mon- day night. May De Sousa lifts gone.to-New York... Klve -'actors who have played Peter Stuyvesant, In "The .Burjroroas- ter," are in town. They are: Henry E. Dlxey, Riohard Carle, Wm. NorHs, Gus Weinberg and Oscar L. Flgman. The -Inst mentioned opens In the part at the Great Northern next Saturday, night. . ...:.. If com r. Itlchards I leam that the Uossow Midgets will soil for New. York from Germany on Sept. 17. Mr. Blchards Informs me Yellowstone. Park, covering, six .days,, returning, directly to destination via 'Billings and Chicago, and arriving Washing- ton, .Baltimore, Philadelphia and New York Aug. 31. i ■ -. liound:trlp rate, covering all expenses for twenty-six days, except three days spent in Kim jFrnnclsco, $215; two. in. one berth, J'JOO.cach. ... ,.. . Rqund-trlp rnte, covering .all .expenses to 1.0s Angeles, Including transportation, media .in ilmlng car,, and v visit . to. .Grand Canyon land .Pasendenn,, and ,,fi:aii«poriaflo» outu .Hicoiigh California, nud returning to.tho Eaot ,.by..Oot..,i5„..vla any .direct route. Including 'authorized stop overs, . $illG ; '.two, In one L"; 1 ; 11 '' ,f, u ,' 5 . c «eli. ...Ueturttlng via Portland ¥11 iiililltlonnl will be .cliui-ged. . Rules from Pittsburg will be five less In each case. dollars I or full ifmiiii tlou apply to .ticket agents or Oeorge W. Brtyd..t:cn«riil J'aswngcr Agent, Broad/Strect. Station, .BhliadBlnhfaT ■ , — "ItniucHnnHin" Notes :Jns. T. McAlnln has rorq(ilel|kl the rosier of bis ennnomv Misnmii.* Lnlidla life, rearrnnglte jpuio f.vuery for Hie flrsl and tl|lfl|A«Ts. We ,avo. engaged .some exeellent ; inl(slclniis"-f6r 'Iho-blg bapd and orchestra.. Baby aiArlo '"'T-w-Chlc? nve of .Interost.we. have had was the revival ht Mrs., Pat Campbe)!, for a few nights, of "The Second Mrs. Taniiueray," at the Itoyaltv It is heedless now to. make reference to Hn Uimphell as Paula. The, only thing notlcis nbly different from her past performances Is the growing, predominance of the Mrs l'nv mannerisms.' These mannorlsms, of course are part of her invaluable Individuality but there seetps a tendcocy fpr them to bceonw 60 pronounced as. to become simply manner- isms ' arid nothing more. Arthur Boufehler commenced Ills revival at '"The Bishop's Move" at the Garrlck The- atre, on Monday night. The cast is prac- tically the. same as at Its first appcaruniv a short whllelago, hud the play runs with all' Its old brightness and .vigor. 1 .Beerbojlin Tree closed his season nt His Majesty's pn Wednesday evening Inst, and, Ip the course of, a valedictory address made the following announcement of his plans for the Immediate . future : "I shall open la the Autumn' with a production ' of Siiakcspenre's 'Richard II,' which 1 shall try to , make as popular and attractive ta the resources of this tneatro will permit. 1 shall follow It by a play of Japanese lite and man- ners, entitled : 'The Darling of. tbc Gods,' which has already .appeared Tn. America with enormous success, and I firmly beileyc to be a .work of great strength and Interest, una absolutely alien In atmosphere and trcst- 5 pent to anything that has yet been seen ipon our boards. One other labor 1 have ruarked out .for my own undertaking In the year that Is to come, arid that Is the founda- tion, in connection With this theatre, of a school of acting, which should supply what the press has for years described as '11 long- felt want.' To this I intend to devote a large portion of my own time and work, jntiil oil Its modest beginnings I hope to lay Hie foundation stone of an academy of dramatic art,.. or should I perhaps say. a 'Board ot Trade.' The detollB of such a scheme natur- ally; call far much care and deliberation, es- pecially when, it is aimed at making tliu movement practically self-supporting and in- dependent of ai-y public grant or private charity. I hope to be, able' to publish my scheme In. the course of a few weeks, nud In begin actual proceedings towards tbc end of: this or .the beginning of next year." . This prohouricement'by Mr. Tree Is Indeed very Interesting, biit others nre worklug for the benefit of the aspirants to dramatic fame along pretty much the same lines, and nqw Ellen Terry announces an admirable Idea, which .might be carried out with ad- vantage by many more managers. On her provincial toiir, which starts on Sept. 7, stic Intcnds to give special matinees at which tho- principal, parts will be played by the youuger membera of the company, thereby giving to them 'opportunities which managers are scl- dqn. able. or. Willing to afford. Mr. Moulllot has taken a further lease <>f Terry's iThcatre,. and "My ,Lady Molly" will run all through the Summer. ^Slr Henry Irving closes his season of "Dante" at. the .Drory Lane on Saturduy night. .Sybil Carlisle will play Lady Mary, lu "The Admirable Crlchton," from this week onward, Irene Vanbrugh retiring from tbu ea>t. ,1 1 seems that Mr. Frohmnu has en- gaged Miss Carlisle to play the;pnrt in Amer- rca.wlth.Willlom.. Gillette, and she will con- tinue, to play, Lndy Mary at the .pake of Vork's, until required to go to America. The last performance of "Old Heldleberc' takes place on Friday night. George Alex- ander will then take a short holiday, after which lie wUI make a. tour of the provinces, and. as previously onnouoced E. S. WHInrd will occupy :, tho theatre In -his absence- Saturday, ;Aug.,l, brings the run of "Mon- slour Beaucalro" toa-closo at the Comedy. After a provincial touv: Lewis' Waller, will return In, November to take up his tcunaucy of the '.Imperial. So great has been the success of Madame Rejane's season. In London that arrangements hive been made for . her to return in Oc- tober, In which case aho will Include in her repertory "Gloconda,". a play which was not included In lipr recent performances. • J..M. Borrle has dollvcrcd Ids new comedy, which 'Messrs. Charles Erobman and Prank Carbon are going, to produce at Wyndharas Theatre .|n September, with Mr. Bare In the leading part,. The piece Is not yet named, but it is a modern play, and the scene Is laid Jn and mound London. ■ • C. E. Hamilton, Charles Frohman's press representative in London, was married lust week .to Chrtotlno McGlII, who will be remembered as .the heroine of 'ShcrlocK Holmes." .. ,,,, , A historical drama, In four acts, entitled "Prances Cromwell," by Major. Arthur Grit- llths t w^is formally copyrighted at the 1'rliice of Wales' Theatre last week. ■ _ 'Trie jnuslc halls are slightly better olt thap .the 'theatres In this period of warm weather,' but as they do not depend so mucn upon advance booking they reap the lienciii or ..whatever coolness comes along. In the ia- tcr.vols.ot : tlie torrid spella. .There Is nolhlng startlfngly now In townjn.the Way of nov- elties,^ most of. the managers holding ttieir hands, 'as is the English custom, for the August ,. Bank Holiday. , „„ tf bo Oiford this week has .three American .sketcbes'on :lts;blll,.all occupying good poffl- .tlons. .ilr; and Mrs. Gene. Hughes arc here 1 and as successful as ever with .their e'ever Utile playlet "A Matrimonial Substitute. Stalcy- and Rlrbeck opened at. ; tho Hlpjo- . drome -this week with their musical trans- formation , novelty,, and aro featured ne.u to the house.: pantomime, "The. Ucdsklnj. This' act ; has lieon phenomenally .successt . in Europe, and on the night of my yslt ' tho .Hippodrome. they, were undoubtedly Hi'- , hit /of the .bill. They,, were, recalled bewro the curtain six times by the genuine n»ii ' n- .rcstraldcd applause. of the nudlence. in w » a femnrkuble fact worth chrpulcllng, WCSffiS tliellllpppilroqie Is one of the big west ban , houses which does not possess a claque, ana iBuch, a, tribute. of applause Is rare. Hugh Stuuton writes from . Paris to sj .Hint lio Is.ehloylng n few days hniirt-o , prior -to his opehldg at tho Palace and on tne . Graydon, tour. - , .' . 1 . .- ■ , „._i„„ , BIJou Jtusscll is at the Empire, IslIiiBti"'. ,nnd thp. Canterbury tbto weak. As the I" - ,mer. .house, ,1s , on ■ ,tho two . sbowB ft , WE" 1 principle., alio Is doing three turps nlgliU.*- . Oerntil Grlllln left f^iudon WtrtCpW-P'I ; Scotland, whero bo will stay a Jew days 'before, returning to America. t J regret, to' hear of tho serious ("***, Jliirgurjrlto Pish (Mm. Charles l*w»»; This talented little Iddy has given . pics'"'- to thousands, and. It .to honed .that, her.reco*- lier ilep.lrliire for Adierlca. , ... - . ,,..„\ r , fflW £Wm tontUuu's to do MenMmwj.J lic>rflV*d ^lio'trie* he shOn took 'to 4is'ftSi: iDesnibnd cameVlTfom"'HL^I/Juls^o v W| c *S aSs^^^S^^^^Wmiil^ IteportB of bis Improved' i»tidltlon, l.am ;to join thoiiwnipany- %Qft*nly%ve ieara ' ? Mor»n\n% Brtr^ita atte %f tte Tlvoll. . ,h ? nollsc will be In the hands of Nixon A Zlmmernmu, with Miller and Kituf- "3W *» managers; the samo arrangnucnt Oint ha« riow prevailed for a veiir will, ihJ lets storuiod Coney last week by boat and trolley. I.nn.ow JjinooM (J. J. Weaver, mnnn- We 'ctor Sit' trip through the pi^lncca lUsearth * M „«» iiiph for the association. \- ' ' o! m ] ^o^A6^m% v] &^^ .» SeeT-com™n7Xthe"BMou C Thfa 52 tbB & Mora mul -flVaeete7"chn7,l!» g --nop.- and ftrfime out of to 7a"ulSevlM!»*>»-- National Theatre has been TC&&&2 ponies, Gilbert SUters. tko Wilson Trio, an, S? la's"* Is a sextet c|W' "TJi jjoroltles. "ijaaia flirts." These little Jiajdehs^mske National, under the mniVucement of J Luh Rl ' r: . Max . Kosonhorg, director of arouse- MCT&lS: . :.am^lffl ^aS!L *Lff ll a* menui.— Comlnfc to tUt rustic theatre ill: hWW ™™». '." .£*_ .SW. cl0 . B f" » "ft the IJe Mora unit ffrncetp. CnnHllaa" dom and National Theatre has sflsnthamuhteW.1 Pomes, wiinert sisters, tlie Wilson Trio, and vated and la now read^for thP K L^S" 'l oa *~ Uouen : 9""J «■ «"« Wire will bo jBr'naveVfaWea'PrHace, Spain and *ojand: tw<$k iXmw^wwm'* >»- ^"^r Nelson Downs, the expert coin mnnlpu- ,..„'. galls for America next Monday/ He Jur'ns to Europe awln next, year, to fnlflU J s English and MBiBlnelitJl cpntracts. "J nlllv Farrell Is Bcorlng a hit at the Oxford. BfkiV An, mfikm tJm. M . Jps- ¥J'« ».".? a^tb^Vf^aTb^elfTli^f^rTteVnh e'patronsof thla'.house: - ■ ' rnrlmer JohnBtone a,nd MIbb Cooke have arrived In Londba: arid on OlMH night „V. aa Initial performance of 4helr sketch; 'ill's Fair In Love," at the (Metropolitan. Thev were highly successful,' and should have no difficulty 'in finding, a place Bgr themselves id the ranks of English vaudevlUe, Thll'aVllloa has quite a few Ainerlcans on its Hit tula week, frank and Jen batons are Lit They appear at this, bouse often, and ? r a conslderahle stay each IWe. ' This Is jhe best eonnneniary' on .their work, Frank Lincoln Isal&o here, aid so Is Alice Pierce, MB English, and Griffin and Dilbols. 0, K. Sato has, hec,n engaged, by the dl 7 rectors of the Coliseum, Vienna, to open In August, for a month,' to be followed// by! * ""rhe ImbeSa Bilker TjIo are at the Hfppo- Hrotae With their Jumping ohd fttftletjp net. They ere doing very well, and are present- ing soine really-. remarkable WL . %&m Eltqn Is also atlllqn the Hippodrome Mil, and so are "Bonner, thp wonderful cal- culating borse, and" Leon Mgrrja' ponies. Here, are the names of a few of the Amer- ica acts who are t lila week working in tie British provincial cities: Ned Kennedy and Us company, In their Irish sketch, .."Lire in a Tenement," and.' Uarvy. Tutt, in his whistling specialty, at the New Alhambra, Ilelfast; Clarke and Glenny, B> the ever popular sketch, "The Haunted House," nt the Qalety, Birmingham" ;''Mart!ne and son, In American ' Illustrated' songs, at the Al- immbra; Blackpool ; Capt Bevans* New York Zouaves, and the O'Brien Brothers, nt the Empire, Bradford ; Nelson's Newsboys' .Quin- tet, at the Peoples Pafnee, Bradford; the Motorglrl and Dutch Daly, at the Hippo- drome, IJrlghton ; Herbert Le Mactlde, aAncer and baton swinger, at the Emplrq, Bristol; looping the loop, at the Empire, Cardiff; It. 0, Knowles. at the Empire' Theatre, Dub- lin; Ul nawthorne and Margaret Ashton. "Tim American Girl of. Quality," the Umpire Palace, Edinburgh ; Juile Mackay, Arden and Abel, and Norman French, at the Em- pire, Glasgow; Fiugeraid, and tbe Bisters llntna, at the Hippodrome. Glasgow ; Eugene Stratum and Charles Mlldnre, at tbe Grand, Halifax; Kurtz, the- Juggler, at' the Empire, Leeds ; Simms and SlmmB, at th,e Palace, Leicester ; Geraldo, and Melr and Mora, nt the Hippodrome, Liverpool; Maude Court- ney, tbe Bweet singer of . old songa, at the Palace, Manchester.; Fred Herbert's dogs, Miiy Moore ' Duprezf, arid the -Juggling Bad- ford, and Winchester, at the Empire, Mld- dlesborbugb; Mcphee and Hill, at the EmV plre I'ulace. Sheffield, and the New Gothams, at the Empire, Swansea.. Hurt and Leo are at tho Palace, Manches- ter, next week, at tbe top of the bill. ' -Ai»-..i « PK ya-SYI/VAi yiA. ruiln.ii-iphin — The noticeable feature of tbe - situation here for ■several 'weeks pnst has been the phenomenal ' business at tbe parks. The weather baa pot only been pro), but the days and nights have bean generally clear, ana this has sent such niim- nrs of patrons to the" outdoor attractions that there lias been considerable difficulty In handling the crowds,, In about three weeks, however, the narks- will have much • more "bu Frank II. Stroud. In tho rawce Theatre (Geo.' H. Lukens, manager) • ul'!"; •,•.•••-. The Glrtrd AVemie Theatre, A,ii nL ,fl "T policy, onena for the season <%?; ?^' *'"•» Ahdrewnfiirfjson. In "IUcliaHl mSBx. JP* bookings Tor the house are ■Me by KlawftBrtgapf,' while the diwc Au^^wlth C^-irVaie^'Tbe ^^ xir^flrst iMKs sugars A?w 1>a V? V8 ' b ^ % "?<* wnmaSyropeSlng the open air feature. Ijuit week May Mellbane, and the Grlerson Slaters were favorites. The Kentucky resort Is' enjoying Its Bhara of iintrouage. • i'1-i'iwilolil. — At Spring Grove Casino (L. J. Dalle, manager). — The al tendance hns been goml, and the progrniuiiie, week ending July -'i. Is ns rolluWH; Korlirs, alack wlru walker ninl' Juggler : I'hllllp Slxlers, juvenile iK>rforn\ers ; May Dcavpnuf, song and dance; Roster, trnpete performance : (fee. and May Woodward, song and - dflhec ; Holmes and Wald. musical cumedy act. Stevbenvllle.— At Stanton Park (T. 9. Moteston, manager). — Frank Hoys' Mnrlou- eltca aro attracting the largest crowds that m£3L%; \$S£SL ■ ,per ' fWgfyteM *»»•' Visited the park this Boason. the act RS SL^^5PHS«!!S?i£!S t C d , lllla » E** <* n refined order and up to date In the past week and h roellch s Band has drawn arer u rMWfl ciminir w«ek of "7 • The o? .f.i.SiJl" the " l0 !^ ."* the *a* Rrnest and Bert. ' Zniie.vuie — At Gnnt Park Casino (F. Ingslnns. HirobnlH : the Piccolo Midgets, the favorlteo of the fair; Dccryon, porformlug horse ; Cniit. Webb's (rained senbi; Diablo, I rick 'cyclist and looping tho loop; Hlckey ami NciHou, grotestpto comedians ; tbe ' Sal- viiggls, whirl wlud dnnccrs; Uoloman's trained dogs and eats. Tho Midway la the usual scene of burner, and all the attractions are coining money. i i •t. John, — At (tin Opera House (A. O. Sklnuer, manager). — "Peck's Bad Boy" closed July 18. 1o fair business. The Win. Uweit Co. opened a two weeks' engagement '20, with a very nice production of "Othello." Air. Owen, as Iago, and J. W. McL'onnell, In tho title role, made a favorable Impression. Miss Lewis and Alias Swarlngen deserve mention. The bill for tbe first part of week of U7 Is "School for Scandal," "Borneo and Juliet" and "Tho Merchant Of Venice." ■ ' ■ ■ ' •'» IOWA. •Yw'iii Mrs S A*i i, .".IT i. , cn S - renearslng for the new run or that .vinrion.— «,enrry i»ro».- iiog nnu jony Tbursdsv of' lnrit S „ t g*J T ? tt » on , u ' c ^ opera. Uniformed girls will sell tickets Show had crowded tenta afternoon anil even- Sou .Street this r\fz' 5Jft.JSS^_!!!? '» the Ux ofuce of the Fall Festival ! log July 18. . . . . . Arrangements for opening 6he C waa r 1h'e ownefof ^xSH&^ '| ( C "S r * T - Anderson, of the Coney Island Com- SS.JaPJfi? JS3%.& H>.St WR. 'CTt* pany, 1b Improving In health A rnll- aged the hbuseTewiir rl?™ %°X^ a ffiS" ">nd wreck prevented the Grleraon Slaters when she sold 1«2 ^roLJf! u'f ^i 9 , t0 n 186 .^ and John 'T. Powers from arriving at the Bn^jXsTOhal^ffiSJyHSSS. 1 *^ L "W™ lagoon In time to appea? in the held atW'late home on Snt UEJ'SS!. SS °P CB ! n 8 performance, and, In'conHcquence. nft"r Which ; thtf 'rSSIlSS KlitT'tt ?° sbow wtts C lv * n New » « ( Jleleno York for IritermentMu Gretnw^od Cemet N e 7 M ° ra ' B » was "^ wUn ,,lnccre r< - of Huber Itoof Garilen, ^7, have been ram- Eleted, and a splendid bill will be presented y Manager Perry. '■ ««» MICHIGAN. Detroit. — Temple Theatre (J. II. Moore, ^S5^.^Tnma^Su»^SS^ f r ft Cftelnnatl wm o»» of th. strong- managerW.llllnT Bu^di "nsslsted bV purveyors at \Voodakle Park were ?o?3£i K2- ld ». ot ^K e - i emu,e SW 28* " er « , P««'ntlou« Uscnr Norrlect and George Syduey. prusenled Harrlsbnrg; — Business took a Jump far exceeding all I expectations ; good weather and big attractions Were the cause. 1 imnitatown — At Idora Park (E. Stan- ley, manager).— Tbe bill week of July 10 PAXTANO Pakk (Felix M. Davis, manu- Included: lliimaa and Lowls, Mob. B. Mack, there, Jesslu Burns, and Crawford and Man- ning all made good, arid business was up to the usual standard. For week of 27 : Ade- laide Herrmann, in "Tho Sleeping llenuty, Sej)-— rbe-Mltles Bond, prpved the greatest Barr'and Lri Salle, Lynch and Jewell, and or a Dream In Alldnlr;" llay L. Boyce, Sid- attraction In the history of the park, all the Max Smith Dno. For week of 26 Man- ney Wllmer and ' company, presenting the records Wing broken on a three days' en- nger Stanley has Barlow DtoB.' Minstrels auuedletta. "A Thief In Ihe Night;" Sailor TIkhmwI ,,r mtk nnt\ ■!-.»-— -W . .. ■_ T .«.^->v?.-iT_ m .■_ . *«T\. ! . ^ ... , .. ■ ....— ,Mn..iii ._>.&■._ «... In,.,., crowds coriflnulne big. '"81* Newton, Vornon and Vernon, nnd Le Page, ger).;— 'I'lils theatre returns to i bill. During week of 27 two The attendance was good. The Kilties thin week, after eight weeks of are pronllaefl— ;''Tnb Counter- furnish tbe bill wcclf of 20, and will open Fields' productions, which plnyo "Prince Otto." As" a special Sunday with four concerts arid many spe- bualneBs, despite Ihe yery wurm riess .Jas. D. I,ee, advertising agent lV-' Company, the crowds cori(lnulng big, berla" was the *■' special bills a felters" and "Prince Otto." As' a' special feature, Prof. Ed. B. Hutchinson, aeronaut, clnltles. r TflF will give dally exhibitions. • ' Notrs.— Harrison J. AVolfe Is visiting his Notes.— W. J. IlrlnkhurBt, businessman- motaier here. ..... lessee Albnugh: of Airon; ager of tha Stevens Block Company, was -"*' n ~ i — "*~ "" —*-*-' here 23, arranging for the appearance of hip company here the latter part of August. 1 .-. . . . .The season at the Grand Opera llouse Pain's "Last Days of Pompeii,'' was In the will open Aug. 18.. .A. Col. M. II. Welsh, city Inst week. . i .. .(.'lay Lambert, contrnct- of Welsh Brothers' Circus, was here 25, Ing advance agent for the Barnum & Hnlley en rotito to Erie, where lie will close need- Circus, vvhlcb.' Is due bore Adg. 28, and Kx- t la I ions for two big Winter attractions..-.. Manager Eugene Book, head of- the bill post- LlIHan Khoades has closed a contract for ing lirin of S. C. Book & Son, were also here. her appearance In "The P&ldler," with Joe ..Andrew M: r (H>fr, a fonngitown boy, . welch. Bnrd Brothers' Circus appeared has come tp the front- and made? hla debut been a aufrcrer with pulmonary trouble. II at Hummelstown, to big business; at the at Ayon Park night of 18, his n"ct betng a was forty-ilVe years of ago, during most of close of the porformnnce a section of seats slide of q>e hundred feet In length front, a" which ho lived In the pity of Straits. Ilo collapsed, slightly injuring a number of ptatforiri seventy-five feet high. lie saturates was a well xndwn advertising man. and tllu persons Spencer C, Charters, of the h|B clothes \vlth kerosene, setting lire to them past five years was connected w|th Walker Thomas E. Shea Compahy. who has been at previous to the start; which makes it a « Company, hill posters. Several years ago his home In this city, left 20 for Atlantic thrilling rind exciting performance Week of Aug. 10 the United Labor Carnival will be held at South Side Park. Tbe Mor- ris & Berger Carnival Co. has been engaged to furnish the attractions, and It It expect- ed to surpass anything of this line seen here. vaudeville J Weber & nyed t<> good btisUiesB," ees Manager Stanley, of Idora Park. Bocky 8r-Ri!TOS Park Thbatbb (H. B. made a flying trfp to Baltimore 28, to pur- Grlfllths; manager).— Tna Amaderi Opera Co,, chase a new musical Instrument for the which was to have continued alf Bummer, merry go 'round. ; ... .Pains "Last Days of closed Us seasqn 25. Vaudeville will be r . 0I ?I!S lT ' , uuder . t ?, e , au ?P IC8 ? °* ^?.,^ r ^J preaented the rest of the season. Atrrac- ?f lihbernlans, of this cl{y, is exhibiting at tloris for week of 27-Aug. 1 include : The the fair grounds, to big business . .The Three "Jaqksbns, Eckhoff and Gordon, Bar- generosity of Manager Wcss, of Avon Park, rett, BeBe and Barrett, Josephine Le Coy, na » bcen demonstrated on a great many oc- Etta Stetson, John Walsh, etc; , Msions, charitable and bonevolcnt orgnnl- Note— Manager Peoples, of the Roof xatlon.s being always welcome. The orphans Garden, also conducts a bathing resort, with of our Children's Homejire plcniccd Tevery, outdoor attractions, which Is liberally patron' lzed. Si . , ii Pittsburg;.— There Is' no change in the utter dullness of things theatrical In our burgh Duquesne Garden (A. S. McSwIgan, man- ager). — There will be an elaborate production qf "H Trovatore'' July 27 an4 week, with Mary Carlngton as Leonora. Business ruled Kainmnzoo. — The Academy of Music (B. A. Bush, manager) continues closed, save to the scenic artists and mechanics, who have been busy for week* overhauling," re- decorating, etc., tbe entire building for tho ensuing season; " • ' ' LAfcB Vikw Casino (Sam Mlttenthall, manager) continues to play to record break- ing houses,' tho season so fur hnrlng beau tbe best In Its history. Tbe attractions, mostly vaudeville, ate generally superior to those formerly presented at this fbcutre, a new company coming ort with every week. The liuiiEi-ALun-l'iHii WILD Wlhx Suow Is due here Aug. -■). ' • « Snjtlnnw.— At Riverside Park Casino (John MeCnrtbey, manager). — The bill week of July 20 Includes: Jones and Walton, Pongo and Leo, Fanny Donovan, tho Wade Family, arid the kjnodrome The Jeffers week at Avon,, and on 21 several hundred newsboys, representing 77>c Cicfcfand Lchdcr, The Youngstoicn Vindicator and The Tel«- gram, were, given an outing, Manager Wesa giving them the freedom of the park, with special privileges. ' • Cleveland.— At the Colonial (A. F. Marsh, B^dl^lfflSNJll'-SiS Theatre is under'golhg extensive Improve- ' bud never-been sung | n CleVetetg *t-p»>Jjt mentK a ncw molln ^ ,f 0OI . and ,, t ^ nrh|e large up to 3B. prices, la being given the current week, rbe „ nng m Tcat i uUI( ; 9tc ; . rho i, 0llB e will open P^tt^l^wr^JI.i.mtjn^cJr, "SirlWBWi^^KsJSL 2ESKE *fl|i „, • ' l.unnlnif. — Wallace Bros.' Circus Is due Aug. 4 Manager Williams, of the Opera House, has Just returned from New York, and reports having secured very desirable at- tractions for the coming season. ««» manager).— Great preparations are being Parts, andnre g lying most pleas hjp per form- made 'for the opening of Pittsburg's biggest ances. "The Telephone OlrL with Its show next month.' Manager' Fltspatrick catchy music and funny situations, was the Manager' Pltzpatrlck itays It will be bigger and better than ever, arid among the novelties he Intends to flash on our merry men end women Is a juvenile pianist prodigy— a tittle jflrV teri yc&rB Qld, who is said to shpw wonderful talent. » ;'. . ' Altoona. — The Gasklll-Mundy-Levltt Car- nival Co. scored a great success here week of July 20. From ten to eleven thousand peo- ple were In attendance several times, and the grounds were always crowded. The various attractions came fully up to the standard, ' and everybody who visited the carnival seemed well pleased with the fact that Manager Ml shier bad given tbpm all lie had promised, fiAJCHMQKT PABK T: nnce was' large here a to be affected by the company rested Thursday tbe Lutheran reunion -■* . i* «r_, ..._».„ „m,„_ u.i« M Mahhattak BnAOif. — Bostock'S Animal ***»?r te: Igf^jf RL. <3S S*^ M»toP g« Snow ha , retained Mme" Planka another 5SP!^'^.ft«ffii*%LK:iftSliriSfi week a. Its leading feature. .She Is In the bill week of July 20 Garpen (C. L. La Mnrche, manager). — "The Mikado," which Is one of the moat popular operas In this company's repertory, Is being sung tbe current week. Tile cast is as follows; The Mikado. W|llinm, Sejery ; Xnnkl-Too. Frederic Knights; Ko-Ko, J. Clarence Harvey; Pooh-Bah, W. P. Carle- tori; Plsh-Tush, Carl'Klng..? tum-Yup,' pittl- Slng nnd I'eep-Bo, the Misses Helen l)arl|ng, Josle Intropodl and Pauline Hnrjre, respec- tively : Katisha, Delia Kirch. "8a|d Pnsha" was given In a delightful manner week of July 20. "The Bohemian Girl" Will be tho bill Aug. 3, CANADA. managers).- Fhrrcll, Uiirtlness during the week was — — -o--,, .— ,----t"-- t — v-.t- ".r^..7ii i.n, weeB an ua leuuiug icnuit. mtv ih in mo principal isature. uie nets were: Al. it. wV* of Jolt 20* was' 'Barry and Wolford « teel 99* **! » "« S,r lTe Uon ntH BDd h V " cnu ' Kl H *»°' "«™»nt and wife? Florence OHIO. entertaining all the time. Note"*..— Manager Stevenson, of Chase's Umpire, has returned from New York, where Toronto — At Munroe Park (W. Banks. manager).— Tho bill for week of July 20 Cincinnati.— A mass of flame swept over be has boon booking for the coming season. ffA*J5|*5*^JSi^,fSSSI&^ l '9 l Coney Island of the West, and threatened B> Vomlses the patrons of this popuiir te_^» ii lino recital, assisted by Hiiruh Sherniiiu Mnxoii, soprano ; Jacob Sclunldt, violin ; Jo- seph HlksH, 'cello, and K. M. (.'. Msermnn, uc- compnnlst Frauk M. Wade, proprietor nud mnniiuer of "The lleggnr Prince" 0|n-rn Co., was hero 23, eu ronfo from Iowa City to Ylnton. Keokuk.— At the Cnslno Theatre (I'-d- ward Jaeger Jr., uiuungor).— The Morev Stock Co. opened n week's nngngnuiniil in repertory July 20. Tho attendance bus h i good durlug their stdy. ami iho company has given general sntlsfnctlon. Coming: Van Dyke & Knlon Co. Aug. 2-1ff Tim sixth annual fair of ihe Keokuk Hlreet Fn'r AsHiic.lutlpn will bo held Oct. 0-1)1. Mil. p. Klrclmor 1ms been reappointed ns nnmsc- menl: manager, a deserved i-ueogiilllon of his former efforts In that cupueity JchhIii laiuuiu Is at her homo here for tho Hum- mer. *■» COLOBADO. M. n . CMV w r ;.~ At tno Hrondway Thentrn (I cter McC'oitrt. manognr) the Jano Unker Stock Co.. In "Trolawney of the Well*," gnvo an elegant production July 111-20. Tho compnny Is playing to packed houses. .2S? ? ^S "•*, Ilu li. N8 , < I * ,ttr y ISIItch-Long. man- ager).— Miindo Tenly, supported by tbii Itol- Inur Stuck Co., presented ''Audrey" m*jr.. hbo uuvis a splendid irarforiaauce and tlui '•ttpndanca on 10 was a record breaker. oVftXP'™ oj^ncit his engogsment 111, nud 23,000 peoph paaHftl thruugh tho gates of the garden to seo htm "loop the loop.'t. This was the largest crowd HI Itch's has ever bud, Manhattan Bbach (J. Kdgar Clifford, manager). — Margaret Dnlo Owen and her n '• ^.«. ™.«. ...,.u v#m.i. ,1,111 hit clover company, In her one net comodv, an 08," bended the nliri0:2o. Olhors "Cabman 011 . '*'•». J'lH wore : "WhiMn'tr' hm! "lie Mojuli!! anq f Montreal. — At tha Theatre Franenlso (F. W. Haworth, inniinKcr). — The closing week of tbe Aubrey Htotk Co., lu "Lorn. In New York," had good business July 20-2fi, Soumku Paiik (LAvlgue A Lajole, mana- gers).— Big biisinwiB wus the ruin ut tho Pork dnrlpg the Week, and the efforts of tho managers to mnko the place the best altrac- m h . tlon In the city Ihib proyca Successful.' Tlio SLif; fcJMS^^CTSsS: !>.c'» were: Nellie yranklyn? I my Bjjgg 'Mllltury been cn- fourlh Mention.— ltltigllng Bros,' World's fjrenr- est Hhows are due 27, 2H. Tom Dally, uf Car No, 3, spent a few days In the Hty; he hiis tha Itlngllng Shows billed well........ Mrs. A, II. Senrls, formally known as Mine, /ae /eoiuitti. leaves for' a trip to Now York. .. The New Ornhpum Theatre Is fust being completed and is a. handsome build- 4«» ■ ■ NfnniiABitA. Omnhn. Bur- •At Boyd's Theatre (W. J. „ gess, mnnuger).— Tho' Ferrtu Stock Co. Is- gun lis thirteenth week July 20, prcscnt- tig "A Soldier of tho Kmplrn" for the first half, mid "Jtlp Van Wlukl.i" the last half of lie week. ;W«ok of 10 tho bills were "For Home and Honor" and "Knst LVunc." Busi- ness continues good. Noins.— iilnjiTing Bros.' Circus did an enormous business 23, playing (6 full ca- pacity at both performances V.Tim woodmen of the World have o. street nnrni good, Bachman's Ladles' Orchestra being the ■ feature. ' Illusions, trip to tho moon, dog und pony cl reus, old nlniitatlnn, 'cyclo whirl...... Krug I'ark Is drawing largo crowds thesn hot days. .....M. H. Hudson, of tho firm of Hudson & Judith, managers of tho now Krug Theatre, was lu tlio olty this week. and announced tho opening fur Aug. 211. Tho now tllcnlro will have § /eat- ing capacity of uenrly 2,000, and s very neatly arranged anil decorated. The local manager will be II. J. Cordon, who has been city editor of Tito lice here for the post two years. The suleetlon Is a good one. Mr. Garden has a host of frlondB, ilnd will make a most popular manager "Pony" Moore i! v ? fy .J' u,, f'. .^ M '.*."!» * 4M| courtlah.i Hencli, tho Fall festivities of Ak-riar-Iten, nnd a circus on his linnds nil nt one'e, but ho hopes to got rid of tho circus. I - 1 ' . ♦ » » WKKT VinoiNIA. Wheeiiiin- — At the Pnrk Casino (Con- rod Hlrseh, mandgor) .— Llliemtl's Band. July 1(1-18, to good business. Coming: The Kilties Aug. 3. COI.B 'VpilNOKIt A FllANK jA»fl!8' Wll.P Wkst Is billed to appear here July DO. PAIN'S "Faw. Or PoMHHll" Is billed to ap- pear horo on the fair grounds Aug. loin. Tub M ; yjiifjiHjA TJtaj* fai B urn L'x- roHiTiON will d|len Sept. Y-ll. i i ■Istfrsvllltt,— Younger k James' Wild West Hhow Ii billed for July SI Prof. Kelm and children (Willie and Nellie) left 22. to open with the "Man to Man" Co., doing their specialty. --■.. " ♦»» "GlticltMiutl.at. I,0llls limited." Five trains n day from New York to Cin- cinnati and St. Iiouls by tlio New York Cen- tral. Including "lb* Limited," leaving New York Otcao**-, itv—Adu. 532 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. WANTED, YOVNQ LADY FOR ILLUS- TIIATKD BONOS In Acts. Year's engagement. Pleasant treatment. Good Medicine People at all times. Name salary In drat let'er. Join on re- celpt of wire. W, J. MANSFIELD, Tldloute, Pa. WANTED, Good, Small Band, Double Orches- tra and Single Brass; Sketch Team, Pint Class quartet. Double Stage; Good Silent Act. Good Advance Agent Small, successful show. St, Louis Comedy Oo., Aldenon, W. Va. Mable Scntt, Mgr. WANTED, for 0. 0. Taylor'i Big Vaudeville Bliows.Good Single Performers: change for week. Join op wire. STAB OtTY, INI). ■OSIO COMPOSED AND ARRANGED for any instrument or Dumber of Instrument*. Bongs, words and music, sketches, etc. Bend stamp. CHAR, h. LEWIS. 438 Richmond 8L, CinolnnaU, 0. ACME EXCHANGE, 49 and SI W. 98Ua Street, N. Y. DIDiMlalC Stereoptlcons, .Song, Posing and DAnbAiriO. Ku-ect Slides. Liat for sutnip. GLASS BLOWERS' SCPPMEB-We make best line of goods for least money. Ships, pipes, wines, silvers, pons, baby bottles, lining and cane. Fakirs' supplies, write for prices, Chicago VU1 A Mfg. Co.. 1688 West Lake Btreet, Chicago, 111. MOVING PICTURE MACHINES, Films, Slides and Accessories; New A Second Hand, Manu- factured, nought, Bpld, Remodeled and Repaired. Entertainments furnished. German-Am. Olnemat. A Film Co., 176 E. BOlh Bt„ N. Y. Tel. 4« 1 19. IIOWORTH'S Tableaux of Erin, 46 beautiful scenes of Ireland, 4 Irish Comedies, Costumes for Living Pictures; enme and see It; good, like new, ready for road. JOHN HOWORTU, 189 Lebanon St., Maiden, Mass. For Bale Cheap. A. GOODRICH, LAWYER, 641 West Madison St., Chicago; established 1864. Business legal and quiet. Branches and facilities In other State*. LITHOGRAPHS 1 CENT EACH, nn- lettered cross-lining space; Vaudeville, Reper- toire. Burlesque, Dramatic, Opera. Bend 11 for 100 samples. Opera House contracts 60c. per loo. H. DayKNPO RT. 203 W. Van Buren BL.Omcaga. Wk*n Ton' Ara In Head of Money ^_. CALL AT f A LAWRENCE'S W LOAN OFFICE, (SmCVT/^ m * Ftr "* *▼•»••» aflA\ /a^gsss Bet 14th and 16th Sts., N. T. ■ ■JU/BaV It Makes No Difference How ^■w^ I VV urge or Small the Amount i ^^ Required, or What the Article You Wish to Pledge, You Can Do Better Here Than Elsewhere. Exceptionally Liberal LoanB to the Profession, floods Forwarded to All Parts of the United States and Canada. All Pledges Kept One Y«ar. Established SO. ARCHER AND FORRESTER'S Comedy Oo.; fourth vear; wonderful success; had two partnerSjperformcrrttliBt were pirates; not wanted again. Want to hear froth reliable young man with Novelty Act. W. 0. ARCHER, Mgr. and Prop. Hbove Co., St. John, N. B., Can. > DOOR, TALKER WANTED, also LADY TO HANDLE SNAKES. Trim your salary. No driinka. 4-l'AW MUSEUM. K1TTANN1N0. PA WANTED QUICK, CONTORTION BACK WORKER. Wire. Comedians, Lady Singers and Dancers; change for week. Harry Frank, write or come at once. Htlarles low, lint sure. HARRY DE FOREST, Oxford, N. Y. WANTED, Lady Singer who has other Spe- cialties; must be able to Make Good and Play Pi- ano some; good salary to Good People; also want First Class sketch Team; both must be able to do Singles and niako good. Good Salary to Good Pec- ple. Address PROF. ARDO, fllenwond, Iowa. WANTED, At Athlotlo Park, Bar Harbor, Me., Tent Shown. Privilege People, and Amusements of All Kinds. 46 War Ships here In a few dars. Book- ing Music Hall for Organized Stock or Vaudeville Co. Write (|t)lck. Blgsoaaon. O.E.TIndale, Owner' 'WANTED, at once, good specialty people, In. all branches, for a high class med. en., under can- vas; must come with the goods. Long season, mire money. Must lieablo tojolnon wire. Notice, State lowest salary, I pay all expenses. Want Al Pianist and also onn sketch team. TIeietsr No, No. UK. OH AS. B. HUNTER, King of Dentists, West Terre Haute, Ind. CTJRKIE HOUSE. 360 WEST 31ST ST., NEW YORK CITY.— Rooms with or without board. MRS. J. P. OURRIE. WANTED 'AT ONOB, flood AU Around Sketch Team; also flood Single Performers; Good Med. Lecturer; preference given those that fake nrgnn. Regards to friends. G. 0. Helvllle, Mgr. Modern Remedy Oo.,Leowoort. Kanawha Uo.,W.V a Show Printing, EXPRESS PAID. 100 Three Sheet [Posters, Blue or White, express prepaid $7.10 •ioo One Sheet, express paid 13.(0 U Sols Dates n 9.00 26 >, sneot, 100, 7X3, 4-4 shoots constitute a;sct. OA8H WITH COPY. C. B. & H. H. HATCH, SHOW PRINTERS, NASHVILLE, TENN. Palmer's "Uncle Tom's Cabin, MUSICIANS, ACTORS. Tickets advanced. G allies Station, Mich., Aug. 1; Vernon 8. O. F. AOKERMAN. In Expert Card and Coin Manipulator. Also Mind Roader and a Rctlned Musloal Act. Wonld like to hear from Ltttlo Lola Cotton. Long engagement to the right people If salary suits. F. R. BUT/., Mo rris' "Volcaao" Exhibition. Coney Island, N.Y. WANTED, Stork Company or Vaudeville at Scccnium 1'nrk, between On Hon mid Hucyrus, Ohio. HI, 000 pcujric from whom to draw. Seating i-njinclt* of theatre, 2,001) persons. Gate re- rrlpiB to the stock company, nnd 10 minutes <«r service on the electric lime. THE OHIO CENTRAL TRACTION CO., Gallon. O AT LIBERTY, SEASON 1903.4, WIYT. J. MILLS. CHARACTER COMEDIAN. Specially If required. Address aot E. 14lh ST., New York City. to Operators ef Automatic Picture Machines. Ho you want views lliatjret* the money? If so, I certainly have tln-in at ill ceuts a net. Enough said. GEO. W. HIPI.KY, Homer, N. V. FOR SALE — Spot Light, 6ln. Lens, RniMig Colored Slides and soft, of Calile, cost |T0, will tako fiti or exchange for gold watch. Address BHOOKB, 140 K, Ml h St ., Now York City. [1 WITH GOOD SPECIALTIES t Mast do good Specialties; M A!f for Leads • id HcstIh, SISTER TEAM. Others, write. Stmt* sill first tetter. Joist on receipt of wire. Stater's Madison Square Theatre Co., Oklahoma City, Okie. WAKTED, AMATEURS Can place a Lady, also Gen tie man of talent, energy and possessing means, to purchase neces- sary wardrobe, with an established road repertoire co. Good opportunity for the right parties. Write, stating what*mateur theatrical experience, and If possible send photo. OPTORTDNITY, care CLIPPER , N. Y. VVairitoci, People FOR CHANDLER - STURGEON GO. SEASON OPENS AT DECATUR. IND., ACQ. 20. Can place few more useful Rep. People with Spe- cialties, Comedian and Soubrette. Full particulars and salary first letter. Lonjr season to good peo- ple. Address JOHN CHANDLER, Manager, Decatnr, Ind. WANTED, WHYTE'S Dramatic Co., Man with Picture Machine, Repertoire People with Specialties. Sendphotos. CHAB. P. WHYTE, Waco, Texas. Band and Orchestra, for the EI8ENBARTH-HEV DERSON Floating Theatre, Chester, 111. Can place strong Vaudeville Feature doubling Brass. PHONOGRAPH DISC MACHINES, Extra long running. $70. Outfit with twelve rec- ords, $86. Extra large horn, largest machine made. Great for drawing crowds. Punching Ma- chine, price $26. CUT.PBJ0E TALKING MACHINE CO., 1T4 Lincoln St.. Boston, Ma«R. WANTED, TOM PEOPLE For C. S. PHILLIPS "U. T. C" CO. For balance of Bummer and Winter season, TO JOIN AT ONCE. OneforPhlneas andLegree and other useful people that double brass. July 29, Berlin, Pa.^ai, Garrett, Pa.; Aug. 1, Sandpatch, Pa.; Aug. 6, Hyndman. Pa. CBASt & LISTER WANT Dramatic amd Specialty Peeple, All Lines, A/T OIVCB. Newton, Iowa, July 21, week; Oskaloosa, Iowa, Aug. 3, two weeks. • Acme Studio, 48 AND 61 WEST 28TH ST., N. Y., Art Photographers* SPECIAL RATES TO THE PROFESSION. Up to date and novel effect. In Lobby display photos. Thomson 1 Vandiveer's dims, Miiageris and Hlppodreoe Tents Hare A record of over forty years as being superior In Material, finish, Workmanship, Style, Durabil- ity and Economy to all others manufactured. Bs> tlnatet given on application. No. 280-284 E. THIRD ST.. Clnolnnatl, 0. SCENERY Of All Kinds Built to Order. New Spectacular Stuff and two complete Faust Sets on hand. THE T IFFIH SCEHIC CO., TIFFIH, OHIO. Musicians Wanted. Slides, Clarionets, Cornets, Drummers, Baritone. All must "double Band and Orchestra, or stage. Prefer people doing concert turns. One show dally. Best treatment, best oar accommodations; ran constantly, never close. State lowest salary and all first letter. Wire or write BURK'S UNCLE TOU'S CABIN CO., Mitchell, So. Dak. Morey Stock Co. W ANTS '■■ Character Man, to handle scenery. Address, with full particulars, LE COMTE A FLESHER, Grlggs- vllle, III., Aug. 3 and week; Shenandoah, Iowa, AU|. 10 and week. ' WANT CIRCUS MUSICIANS AND LEADER HARRIS CIWCU5. Per Beate. VIOLIN and HORN. American Hotel, Pittsburg, Pa. PERFORMERS GOING TO EUROPE Should apply for lowest rates of passage, exchange and full particulars at tho Exchango Office, 93 East 14tll St., GERMAN SAVINGS BK. BLDG., N.Y Established J* years. Wanted, Male Partner, Good Amateur Singer and Dancer would like to double up wllh same or professions!. J. 0. BURNS. MI West 41 st St.. N. Y. City. Attractions Wasted for Labor Day AT OKLAHOMA CITT, O. T. Address LARRY W. REEDY, No. 100 W. Oala. Ave. Walter M. Leslie, Engaged as General Agent COHBOY & IICK'S llSIIIi E1IIUII C1P1IY. Wanted, TROMBM, TRAP DR11MER and ALTOS, Who can play, Agitators and disorganizes keep off. State lowest salary. OSCAR JONES, Bandmaster, GENTRY BROS.' FAMOUS SHOWS, Westerly, R. I.. July 80; Norwich, Ct, July 31; New London Aug. 1; New Haven Aug. s-6. AGENT AT LIBERTY. Capable, experienced; good Press nan. Reliable managers only. Give me the goods andl'U make good. H A Kit Y SCOTT, ■ ' Lincoln Hotel, Cleveland, O. AT LIBERTY AFTER AUG. 11. JUST CLOSED LONG 8EAS0N WITH HARRY LINDLEY. CM E. GUNS, Heavies and Juveniles. NEVA BARTON, Ingenues. Know the business, Have wardrobe. We want to go with a show that pays. We mean business. Write or wire," PORT ARTHUR, Ontario, Canada, care of Harry Llndley Co. Can ]nln on wire. CHAS. E. OUNN. MUSICIANS Comet and Stage: Baritone and 2d Violin, REPERTOIKE PEOPLE who do Specialties or play Brass. We never close. State lowest. DE LACOUR A FIELDS, Parker City, Ind. FOR ACTORS AND MGRS. DATE BOOKS. Runs live years, and has good Information. Send stamped envelope, addressed, Including ten 2c. stamps. W. B. WATSON, 46 Johnson St., Brooklyn, N. Y. FOR LARGE NEW YORK ADVERTISING DEN- TAL OFFICES. Mast be thoroughly experienced la dentistry. A qualified dentist preferred. Per- manent position. Answer fully, stating refer- ences, experience and compensation wanted. Address "DEMTIST," ' 41 Park Row, Room 80. New York. - Lady Musicians FOR LONQ ENGAOKHKItT WITH Norma Porter Band, Cornet., Clarionet., Baritone, Trom- bone and Tuba. Write quick, NORMA PORTER, L.ader. Mueller Hotel, Milwaukee, Wis. Pli BILL'S ID 1ST II «r a v jo ORIENTAL DANCER. And two young, wsll formed Ladles for Living Pict- ures. H. O.WILSON, Mgr. Side Show. Liberty, N. Y., July SI; Walton, N. Y., Aug. 1: Ourbondale, Pa., 3; Scranton, Pa., 4; Nantlcoke, Pa., 6. FREAKS, CURIOS, BALLY ROO ACTS, SHARK WOMAN. Must have paintings. Mastodon Fair Ground show. Season' twelve weeks, commencing first week In August. Address Immediately, BALTIMORE AMUSEMENT CO., No. 413 North High St., Baltimore, Md. L.II L 1. SLEV1 Ten years' experience with recognized attrac- tions; sober and reliable. Address WASHINGTON, D. 0. WANTBD QUICK, FOR THE 3 COUS- INS BIG CITY VAUDEVILLE SHOW, Comedy sketch Team, man and wife. Also Musi- cians. Preference given to those doubling bsnd. Join Immediately on wire. Salary must be low, as you get It every Thursday. State all first letter. Address HARRY NELSON, Mgr. 3 OouBlns Show, Troy, N. Y. N.B.— Gordon wrlghler, write. WANTED Performers off All Kinds, Teams, S. and D. Men, tor Med. Oo. Honey every night If you want It. Tickets to those 1 know. Wanted, Cuuvas Man, take charge top. FRANK EMMONS, write. Write or wire quick. DR. J. W. MUNK, Grcensburg, Pa. AT LIBERTY, Bass and Tuba Player. Address W. H. WORMELL, Gen. Pol., Dover, N. H. PROFESSOR C. M. HARRISON, King [of all wild and vicious horse subjugation and Ducking horse riders can be engaged to give exhibition In front of grand stand. For bale, sixty foot water proof tent. J. K. JONKS. Manager. 1113 Huron 8t-.Tnleilo.Ohlp. IIUUUIIUUI.! UU.V..,, WiKMU SIVUUV, Under new manager; thoroughly cleaned and renovated. First class bookings wnnted. F. L. RATHBUN, Box 237, Rockvllle, Ofc. Balloonist and Parachute Jumper AT LIUERT V. Address EDWARD COADT, 3 Mead Street, Allston, Mass. GOWNS, 8INDIC, FURS Choice assortment imported Gowns, Opera Coats, almost new. Bargain. 440 oth Are., New York. ^ZVAJV'Tj^jO ! MUSICIANS ii PERFORMERS August i, WAjvturj SUN BROS.' R. R. SHOW > place Musicians to enlarge band for Fall and Winter tour, Aerial and Oronnd Acts, first cl- one of Dog* or small Trained Animals; Ticket Seller, who can do comedy concert torn. YacJi* ;.4; Cumberland, Md.,Aug.6; fflMffi Can . Tronne oi for a TOSS CANVAS MAN. All must be temperate commodatlons and liberal pay. Work year around. l; Elk Garden, W. Va., Aug. 3; Keyser, W. Va,, Ang Aog. 6. BIG MONEY FOR GOOD, CLEAN ATTRACTIONS AT The Veterans' Encampment At SODUS POINT, R. Y, WEEK OF AM. 24. THODSANDB OF PEOPLE AWMD jg&jjjfc Qqartermaater, at Z qr,ch, N. T, t.r part.cnUr. WANTED, FOR TEETS BROS.' R. R. SHOWS, TROVER, Manager, Frlendsvllle. Term., July 28; Greenback 29, MadlBonvllle 30, Weimere 31, hixt- town, Aug. 1 ; Blue Ridge 3, Murphy 4. ACTORS MUSICIANS We require the services of an experienced young actor, who can do a swell line of- Heavies, and dress them properly; must be of good appear- ance, ambitious, and possess a quick study; a manwnocan play some Instrument In band, and willing to do so, will receive special considera- tion. We also require Actors and Musicians, In all lines, for the coming season, for our various companies; a good Comedian, Who Sings and Dances; a Small Sonbrette, with Specialties; a good Character Womsn, with a bright child that can sing and dance: Leaders of Band and Orches- tra, with Music, and for ssme can secure employ- ment for season of forty weeks, at a reasonable salary. All people engaged must be of the proper sort, sober and reliable. Management furnishes board, Actors who can play In band will always find consideration here. Territory traversed will be from the Northern boundary of the U. S., to the Gulf of Mexico. Our three companies, the NOBLE THEATRE CO;, NOBLE DRAMATIC CO., and NOBLE STOCK COMPANY, employ about sixty people regularly, and we can place really Hist clsss people most any time. Make a note of the permanent address, 129> W. MONROE STRERT, Chicago, III., and respond to this card, as follows: NOBLE BROS., Theatrical Manager., No. 3 Broadway, East Winnipeg, Manitoba. AT LIBERTY, OWEN BARTLETT, LEADING BUSINESS, COMPETENT STAGE DIRECTOR. ETTA ARTHUR, JUVENILES, INGENUES, SOUBRETTES. Botn reliable, experienced in stock and rep. EXCELLENT WAHDl'.OBK. N. B.— Can furnish three strong plays, for which I have printing and special scenery. At home for the Summer. BOX 858, Wlllonghby, Ohio. (Snhnrh of Cleveland. AT LIBERTY, Coming Season, Flute and Piccolo (Boehm System), high and low pitch; Slide Trombone. Both experienced In all branches of the theatrical business. Can furnish reliable reference. Location preferred. Can bo engaged singly or Jointly. Address O. L. BACHELOR, Flute, F. W. THOMPSON, Trombone, 882 King St., W,, Toronto, Canada. WANTED, VAUDEVILLE PEOPLE MEN MUST DOUBLE IN BAND. MUSICIANS, BAND AND ORCHESTRA. Join Sept. 1. Long season; give lowest salary; pay own hotels. . Tell all first letter. Address S. H. BUCHANAN, Hox 609, Edgerton, Wis. SLOT MACHINE DEALERS AND AMUSEMENT PARLORS. Send us yonr name and address on a postal and we twill forward you CIRCULARS OK OURNEW GOODS. , COLUMBIA AMD8EMENT CO., 784 Race Street, Plilla. FOR THE CLARA HANMER CO.. MAN FOR JUVENILES, one doing specialties pre- ferred; also PIANO PLAYER. Other Usclul Reperlolro People, write. Will advance fares to reliable people. DAVE WILLIAMS, Mgr. Clara Hauraer Co., Brandon, Manitoba, Canada. P. 8.— George Florer and wife, please wire or write. WAITED, ALL 'BODID IED. CODEDIAHS Who can make complete change for one week. Must In solter ami responsible and good dressers' Drunks or chasers don't iRSt. Play halls. Stop at hotels. No woman or tickets. Must be useful SU-VM. ",? 9 ' Ml,r J r ent le,l « r - Address. Pr! W\LIE, East Indian Med. Co,, Waterhurr Vl for two weeks. »•.*"• 1003-AT LIBERTY-1904 IVIr. Jean Poxoroft, OLD MAID, BITS and PROPS, LIGHT JUVENILES. HERKIMER. N. Y. _ BBOBST TRIO, 2*?" ™$ g t "d Y °ung "Skates." "Watch the balance." Funniest roller skate act in vaudeville today. Home address, POTT8VILLE, Pa. Films Rented. Do you want to rent head liners never More usedr We have: Trip to the Moon, wo ft,; Life of an American Fireman, 42»fL ; Casey's Nightmare 340ft.; Daylight Burglary, 265ft.; Mary Jane's Mishap, 2«ofU; Felling and Shipping Huge Trees 376fL; Gulliver's Travels, 280ft.: A Gamb'er'i Crime, MOf t ; Spring Cleaning, 210ft.; Scare Crow Tramp, 205ft.; Rome and the Vatican. ltSfL; Coal Mine, 296ft.; Climbing Ml. Blanc, woft., anil s complete line of Comic and Mystic Films. Price, $20 per weekly change of l.oooit,, with security. W. G. THORP & CO., 116 Dearborn St., Chlcagt. III. Record Stock Co., 3d SEASOH. JOIH AT OICE, Can use a few more capable Dramatic People to complete company. Also Man with picture ma- chine that can play parts. Trunk Scenery wanted. Apply, by letter only, with full particulars, J. WALLACE CLINTON, Record Stock Farm. Carrollton, Cattaraugus Co.. H. T. A I Sober. Reliable Boss Canvas Man, Also Chandelier Man, For Gentry Show No. 3. Wire or write W. 0. TARKINGTON, Mgr., West- erly, R. I., July 30; Norwich, Conn., SI ; New Lou- don, Conn., Aug. l; New Haven, Conn., Aug. 3, t andS. r BOUGHT. SOLD . RENTES OR EXCHANGES. Edison Moving Picture Outfit, complete, with Operator, for Parks, Theatres, Tents, etc. Over 300 up-to-date subjects. Films rented by week or month; weekly change. New and second band machines. Write for special circulars, etc. F. H. PUCKER A CO.^166 Fifth Ave., K: T. Cllf. WANTED, FOB i. K. Ii. u GOOD COMEDY BAR TEAM, Man with Trained Ponies, Singing Clown and Concert People. Salary SURE. Long season. Write or wire CASSETON, X. D. WINNINGER BROS. Want at once, JnvenUe Man, Man for Heavies, Charaoter and General Business Woman aM Actors Doubling Band. Good wardrobe Im- perative. Address FRANK WINNINGER, Neenak, Wis , July 27-Aug. 1; Green Bay, Wis- Aug. 2-8- _ AT LIBERT?, Miss Nellie Chapman, JUVENILES AND HEAVIES. Strong Singing Specialties. Experience ana Ability. Address „, . MIJj_ Every Managers, Attention! MAIS E. I0HIS0I. RosevUle. 0.. is now booking attraction" i for 1903-OI. Rosevllle has 1J potterieB, 8 coal mines, 2 brick plants and money for Al companies. _ — KEOROA1UZING ASD BOOKING TH* WARNER COMEDY CO., For season 1908-i. BER R. WARNER, McOregorJow*^ WIGS 6. SHINDHELM, Theatrical Wig MAKER: Goodworkforlpwprtc"- 118 West Mth STREIST, New YOW- Rend stamo for price ll»t- SKETCHES Wanted, Two Good Pef f »""|TJ . (M. and F.), for a flr" f" Written to Order, vaudeville sketch.. I *> a ' r hearse them in It. J. W. SCHWARTZ, 18 E. Kd Street. N. Y. No stam ping repij;, Huttman, Butters *jDw T ' THEATRICAL ATTORNEYS, SUITE 010, 811,' 912, 172 WASHINGTON ST., CHICAG O.___ Wanted, Repertoire People Of ALL LINES: ALSO PIANIST; STAGE 1" RKCTuR. WITH MSS. _,.,. O uo. BBUSSELL'S DRAMATIC CO , Waynesvll^u^. Wanted, Drummer, Eipetltnced, In TieiJ and Dance work. Good money 'or good w • Address CARL J. BERRY, 90S N. WO J*; *" Smith, Ark. Johnnie Coughlln, please write- Au gust 1. THE -NTZETW YORK CLIPPER- ^ r^?^^]Z 0n | be Road ^^ks^^Ez '-"^'-r^K^ 5 ?^^ sstr;r::nj: s :T J :: «(« Clipper's Anecdotes, Personal ties V ■■ » V * It VMM* Vaughn-Glnier Stock— Cleveland. 0., July Aug. 1. Carboudale. Pa., 2, Bcrantpn 4, „. Mv , . \£„ ,.,„, BpSE **. _, ._ _ U ^<1 CoSmenU Concerning Stage Folk. 025 _ 27; indefinite. • .- Nafitlcoko B. llerwlck 0, Danville 7, Burt..,, * Brooks, i^ke.Uic 'ark, Wei.b city. Mo., July Ft, "villlams— Sketch 62B ah Bootes Hut Reach Va Not Later Vlllalr. Allen, Repertory— Lowvllle, N. Y., Illoomsbnrg 8. n.^'l^V ?h».-^ H.m^i. Vukir: Au^T flak With narrrBUke 520 Than Monday. ^ l " July 27-29 ** * Rlngllng Brothers -Co oradoBpr ln „ col.. J^^lA^ i.mes Thompson— Sketch. 020 Wiedemann's Big Show (Willis Buss, mgr.) July 2I», Pueblo .JO. Canyon City 81. n . All - |. SSftSS5WSS^ri^:":::::::S Anderson st «?*»ti™' j n .v 27 . n s^ton 8 ^ w, °- Juljr ="* * ^^Satt^Sftrmc^ !l«^S^^p4 u U»,. W3SS^4iaa ""'Si? **_& 8t0Ck - Anden00 ' JU1 ' 2T - ,D - "Weary Willie Walker'; ■ (U«r, Ml. mgr.) gan 7 I-lahoj;.^ Ida 8 W.^Sa5»S»rM»^A S rB r.r»oa "w^SkSS^*: :::::::::: 027 Bingham, Amella^epertorytFrank ft?*' ' MUSICAL ^WonCro' Mrer^i. UochesW Tug. *?: "feu"**- "-*- ™" *-*■ Nu "" «a ■""' f: ,^vllle and Minstrel 528.037 mgr-J-San Francisco. til., July 27-Aug. _ . . ■ lw ".™_. ... ... „ Manchester's, Mllford 4, Peterboro ft. *%£& i.r.lt., Nor.lt,. Oakland, CI.. Aug. S-W. U rSnu« Letter 530 „„7i . „ , ... -. _ ._ _ _ „ _. . Boston Ideal Opera— Mobile, Ala., July 27, ninsboro Bridge 0. Worner 7, Newport 8. ___?* It.-.. Park.i'anion.o.. Jul) v Anr. i. Our Chicago i* 11 " 630 031 Baldwin-Melville Stock (Walter 8. Baldwin, Indefinite. Bun Brothers' (t'ui Sun. mgr.)— Blnlue. W. Can.|.ii.ll Bros.. Hhlel.U' l_rk,ri»l.»,Or...JalyiT-Aa«. 1. Our London! Letter "^'goft mgr.)— Buffalo, N. Y., July 27. Indefinite. Boom's Comic Opera (Adolph Mayer, mgr. v n A ,i ? F I k : Garden 3 Keyset 4, Cum- Carroll * carroii. Ulm.r Park, ». Y., July --Aug. I. Chess and Checkera • wo Bufl)Dton 8tofk , (Jeor „; A f u ,l, mgr.)— —Providence. U. I.. July 27-Aug. 1, Put- k r 'lnnd Md* n FroVtlmr. « Caamore * r'lor.ncr. Wtat Knd Heights, Kt Louis, An* queries Answered 030 Pawtucket, It. 1., July 27. Indefinite. nam. Conn., 3-8. BteSaSaV Can? Na2(5rC. Hboo*. mgr.)— 5 _ . _. Latest by Telegraph ^3 Bufflnton Stock (Eugeue Phelps, mgr.)— Brooke's Chicago Marine Band— Chicago, III., iu,?ff crcVk Ind Aug 1 Ibwta T I er- Caaraaas. The Ocean Pier .ocean City, N.J., July 17- 0n the ftoad 533 534 New Bedford. Mass , July 277 Indefinite. July 27. Indefinite. ' Xvllle 4 Providence S/IIudOV Cope 7. r mfii ■'tIi >i MJ-^&grt Tim "- «»- ■ Vaudeville Route List '534 Buffnton Stock (James E.McElroy, mgr.) Boston Ladles' Orchestra (Gertrude Malt- Sitwni %. SSJSOiasrj-, llsalSi^^ UaaX K^L J«hy WKh the Bill Poaters 534 _ Ka)| R M indefinite. land Hall, director)— Red Bank. N. J., silver's J llcrt— Norwood, Mich., July 2d. 17a"; g.L '' "• naM '" n '- """* , "" w ' "' T " mjr Clipper l'ost OfBce *™ Burrlll Comedy (Charles W. nurrlll, mgr.)— July 27-Aug. 7. Kllsworth SO Knst Jordou 31. Boyno City Canslla's lion a Tonle^ Ludlow Lsgoon, LuUlow, Ky„ bniler the Tents 035 champaign, 111., July 27, Indefinite. Black Pattl froubadoura (Voelckel & Nolan, fc isaorth so. i-ast joroou 01. iwyn. wu July*Au« 1. ,.-.., Muricand jton« .^...- ....••"••■•••• wo B ,„ ^ t k (Cnarle8 t A - > n u „ nli mgr .)— mgs.)— Elisabeth, N. J.. Aug. 1, Monti- To d d t Wm— Point Pleasant. N. J., July M;J&'„ h j^&. B i.? rt^ jK/sta». i ETl».«S«^. : . : . ::::::: 8? ^ !7 w 3f^de s r^ k iur3-8 Albaiiy ' IDd -; H a, orchestm-Aibany, n. v., ju,y "J SM Sf ^gPtTBfc gh* -■ — • -• —• *• »• [ Dd „^'v .TT: : 537 Castle Square Stock (W. B. Sherman, mgr.) 27-Sept. 5. head, Minn., 8-6. Detroit 0-8. ChatU.SI.iora. F.loeirto Park, Kon^O., July 17 Aug I. Kentucky ...^. •--•■-•• —nrantford Ont . July 27, indefinite. Innea and his Band— St. Louis, Mo., July 27, Columbus Carnival Co. (Johnny J. Jones, i)hinouili»*Nawsll, Altanown, Pa„ Julyl7Auir. I. Minnesota. New Jersey, Alabama oss — B™n«^, unt., juty ^, ma indefinite. gen. mgr.)— Columbia, Pa., July 27-Aug. nAuaiu.AC..rbln (irpn.um .Han Pran., July sf-Aui t. C V- rg nla- " a ° "S 1 ;,,™ „ S ,.r. « 1™I i Tmir, <« >> Klltloa Unnrl (T P J Power mar) 1 . Ulayion, Jenklna k J«e|»r, Blruilupliain, Eat-, July 17- * WeLtv'lie of-' K Youngs"o*wn. O.JtUy 2i-Au°g W 1 Eaaf Llv Coyle." Museum (B. R. Coyle. mgr.)-Bran. ^^^1^^^)^ I T A rTTfaT "RV TPT PflT? A PTT ChaSlJi t«, Southem-Oakaloosa. la.. Aug. erpooT 2 Wheeling W. Va., 3. Zaneavllle, Jon, Maw July 27-Aug. L^MrM ^SafflblSffiS^&W , liAlLui JJ 1 I ril >"»""■" ~". l ^ ' O., 4-0, Newark 7, 8. Dobbins' Military Carnival— Saratoga, N. Y., ciauwnmatara,0uv«rnator'a.AtlaiillcCliy,JulyJ7Aug.8. Ajaxajw. niiev Henrv E in "A Welsh Rarebit" and Manhattan Opera— Elmlra, N. Y., July 27, July 27-Aog. 1. • tswwr * Ballsy, lumnton Beaoh, N. II.. Xug. »A „ ,.„ ««.„,«« a m ail *k. "Faclne the'' Musi?' (Nothanlel Roth, Indefinite. . De Kreko Brothers' Amusement— Bt. Louis, Cm«h.». J...1.;, WnolworWYa Roof ti.nlen, l^ncaalar, ■saaay HUrht'a Openlnare In AU the ^f^hi^mni July 27-Aug. 22. "MUa Bob White"— Atlantic City. N. J.. Mo.. July 27. Indefinite. £** » If*™ *s '• , BIS Show Tovnat. ^jJWJ^ -^°' c r a c £;.. "HoldeB Brothers'-CM- ^ Aug. 3-8. ,,,.,- at sgTMto J gpkjr.qh jPr. Wyjle, mgr.) ^yAV.m.'.c.rol'v'a^ ^ wtek« /jSferTOL. t ______ r«~r. til Jiiiv 20-Aug 1. Olympla Opera— New Orleans, La., July 2i, —Middlesex, Vt; July 27-Aug. 1. cniiivPamiiy, Mke Contrary Oaaino, tft. jmspIi. Mn., .„^^- f-.T-t- nrivivr.« __________ ___«r< Albert Tavlor. mgr.) Indefinite. Emerson Comedy (Frank Emerson, mgr.) — July svaiik. I: lnir.Ti.ill Park. Don Muln««, la., ss., G OLDEN GATE GL EANINGS. EwlD .f o ^/ l0 X. S "jSi, 27^Aug 2. Waxafiat' "Prince of Pllsen" (nenry W. 8avage, mgr.) Falrvllle. N. Y., July 20-Aiig. 8. omnia* llart,lle.,5irto B xCoD.y laland.A v.. Julyl7. ~T~ " „ . TrK 8 ?!' ' —Chicago, 111., Aug. 1, Indefinite. Oreot Gay and Elece Feddessas— Detroit, Aug I ""^l^onirp^a-e 1 ^:^ •^VcU?J^27 K ffieJmr ,e ' B18r - ) '^^oston^LS^ina: 0.»,^-^,tt Clival --W'B'BSfflaS.K. ^ k D,a_.t.c O-eMn.. or the i^&B^ifa™^)-*. ^S^^^^^lt/^ July ' o*& S«-». ^ -~, Ju, ^i VT__ n.. h To. Ver Ynmt Tlippei! Paul, Minn., July i. I, , muei "' Lc -. . .- rt»iinlt» "U-Au* 1 C.neda, Jewle A., Manarfnuel, Mllvautn, July J7A.ia. I. •C 'lS-S July "^ -At the Colum- Ferris Stock-Omaha, Neb., July 27, .ndefl- -jggg^ - W T.llo.son, mgr.)- He m^J.err,. msglclan-Appleton. Wl... Co„ ffi * m,,^«. -mui-s--.^. Ju,y».A,,«. .: B_3SS_i „i?'wV?k. X w.U "S? _k_^_JS__ o 8 2 nlphUr SPrhW lDd - w_S___fe*«S^_a. B. wllta, KeJ. „.Vhew f'sam Dock, mgr..-I^snort. "S «~-' U «' k ""' * , -- 1 "' "^ Ju * * affiSM-M' «^KJ^ - - : Wm^KTS. L 3?^«»»a ifcWi^ w«rls3g« e O^| ^ 4| ^Comedy (O. M. Cotto, mgr.)- Aug. 1. ^"^ ^3-5 a| ^ ».^!^.»^.rfM _fSS_- 5___SR-S----»B S-» »t!-K» -T.I Bohem;. Booma (Wm. ,, W.mams. mgj , Hngville 30 Northampton 31. Batcho.ler- ^K-' "■fiSm-t TH_T 8B .-"The Lion's Heart" h/^ h^»J__J__fJs. I , , the leading role. Hu , n V ey oT l0 ^rviJiife Three Cousins Big Show (Harry Nelson, Queen Zenora Gypsy Camp— Flndlay, O., July Daly. T.tv A Konan, f,.gg,,n laland, AlUy, ». Y., July of^'wate^helkT^day?^ Hulblrt.^'SflhS* (Charles W. Burrlll. "n?gV)^o^ nSJ' Ju./^^ 1. ^^.^^^L^U^Man July i».W «_H. Park, w.HaW.,.a.J».y-A«g... "TSo^A^Ho^-Camll.eD'Arvn.e ^^_!a h TV_gV, J aa&_--,^ V ^Pa^h\guef V N" C \.» V'-^t B r" , _ ) . ^V^ZTll! ^ mgr, Tahnem ^^^^"^^W^L, t J Sr_-_°5 g-« SSp-SSki' _SS «F g l5" A' ^fan 2 s 7 ' <£ de j flD, Dav.ne SSTl 80, "^ Gr ° Uml *' 8 ° UthamPt ° n ^^ Ml? ^°. W lW% TiU^U __Am< -_f_, H. Y. O..J„.y 17- Hl^yman.'^ which Is drawing large "^s. Gran^Com^ns ^ Au g g. 1, The Soo 3, 4. n^A'Booth, DoyU, ,«,Uh, __*««,. A.», j , „g_'_ ,r ^f^ ta i^?^--a H «fe ^^3^.36-7^5: ,lalBteftd or SSl^:' July ^ i^M^miiA DAtit* ritt Bffi(pi^we!kW^ •The Three Musketeers." Big business con- Vt., 3-9 ,, j,^^,. Bryant A Savllle'a (J. Everett Mehrer, mgr.) UflUvJvVlill KOUlV LI 5 1. De,nlS[?Arth«r.0.o.ll.tai_go. July 17-A... I. tlnues to rule. . _ "Human Slave" (J- M. Ward, mgr.)— vj" _BuU«r, Pa., July 27-Aug. 1. —•-»-»-»--■■■-' H""v _-•▼«« . ijK»ulu,Hlitera, HeiliM. , Mino.0harli).toii,«.O.,Julyl7. 5mm Theatbb.— .Bill opening Sunday, jago, m., Aug. 9-15. Boom's (Fields A Hanson, mgrs.) — Merl- . Aug. I. 26: 'Jaa. J. 'Morton, Claudius and Corbln. Hera 1 a square rftock (S M. La Porte, mgr.) d c Jul 27 . Aug . lf jj ew Brltaln VhU ||Bt „ ^^ „, ., Mearty ae . jsS-gaJ Hk l_llLL"kHt*a.J>* at- a»jl _ Macarfs dogs and monkeys, Konorah, Claud —Front Royal. Va., July 27-Aug. 1. 3 .g. eairate n» It !■ possible to make at i»- » iii U »»> « Wierty. Uksvlaw I ark, Auburn, Me., Gllllngwater and company, Ethel Levey, Kendall, Ezra (Llebler 4 Co., mgrs.)— San Barlow's— Youngstown, p., July 20-Aug. 1. ]|.t of vaadevllle booklnsja. Errors D ; ',Smhit fiulto, Pwnla'., Bcheaeotady, M. Y„ July 17- Three roioa, Orpheus Comedy Four, and the Francisco. Cal., Aug. 3-8. Clark Brothers'— Eldorado, 111.. July 20, 30. which may appear la this depart- w ". «e__y. "• '•■ blograph. ., Lillian Lyons Stock (Dean a Ogle, mgrs.) Ltocitstader's, Lou— Atlantic City, N. J., „ e nt from time to time will be De Hora A (Iracete, Ludlow Lagoon, Ludlow, Ky., July Chutss.— The current bill includes: At- —Corunna, Mich., July 27-Aug. 1. July 27-Aug. 1. ._,_..« owlnit to late cancellations or trans- »Aug.l. ,,....-•— 1 tuio. Two Malvern Brothere, the Great Lyceum Stock (E. G. Gr^Jean . mgr.)— Gorao ' n . a _West Point, Pn., July 27-Sept. 12. fe „ „f dot e., of which we have to »••'•»;; • "2r: a, w .,&tJu r p«k"'l avuiu. r n J /uly Zano, and Lester and Curtain. Hutchinson, Kan., July. 27, Indefinite. uldenn .g (Harry F. Curtis, mgr.)— Peru, depend npon the performers for no- l>« «»(. < »rtl«, Waahlnnwu 1 ark, Bayonua, «, J., July GiAt'iiAN'B Theatee.— The bill for the Le W ig, Rachel, Repertory— Dcseronto, can., i n d,. Aug. 20. tl-catlon. We therefore ask all per- . d»Vw. kriols, Ithaca, K.Y., Juiyl7Aug. L current week names: Hank Whltcomb, Mex- j u ij 27-Aug. 1, Napanee 3-8. Richards A Prlngle's (Rusco A Holland, formers to co-operate with us. and im Laikoys, tU. Koitli'e. Hoiton, July ti Au». I. las and Mexlas Little Blossom, Hathaway Lakemont Stock— Altoona, Pa., July -(, mgrs.)— Ottumwa, III., July 20, Chilli- aen d as all cancellations and trans- lilllnn hii»., K«ltu'». Biatgn, July ir-Aus. 1. end Walton, Van Fossen and McCauley, definite. ,___. .,,„„ ,_._ «- cotbe, Mo.. 31, Kansas City Aug. 1-8. f era as soon ns they occur. ■ ISriJ _Sv^l«b__-^_ik ^itauniS "ft July J7- Clinton Montgomery, and the bioscope. MacDowell-Stone— Duluth, Minn., July 27, Wegt . B| w. H.— North Adams, Mbbb., July Aug.L " lg,,1 *" "y"-. J - »•'«"'. Lak.sl.Ie Park. Akron, O., July 17. a vAAil hill Af the Si.hiirtinn Innea' 1 Wahoror 3-8. ,„.,-;, 111 ft AWworth, Prance", nuuaon lark, iinaaon, Hass.,juiy auk. I, llauTfs meitm. with InTrea^iavSr. ."?. N^ii-Morosc^ St;ock-8an Francisco. Q_, . -Jggjf, i B ' rotn ' eril '_ l . bll „p.burg, Kan., July AU 7^ n ! ut „, „.„ Kr.„.. July 17-A-r 1. "S? Butt - * ,t - n,on '•"' , ' H, * u0, "" me ' "" Jl "' W - UnshaBen's reports a good opening July 27-Aug. 22. _____ „„„. j„i- 20, Mavln 30, Klrwlu 31, Woodston Aug. Aino», Wilbur. Keith's, .V Y.C.July SfAugl. Karl A Wilson. Uk. Pleasant, Mass.. JulvZ7-Aiik-. 1. Lamp's Park offers new vaudeville New York Players — Worcester, Mass., juiy . ^ Alton 3, Gsborn 4, Downs 5, Canker u, Aniriin A Pstsrs, uuvomaior's, Atlantlo city, July 17- Kcwi>urr a ilonlun. waslilngluu Park, lloyonn«, N, J., The Wpat I-'nd has a irood week In sight.... 07 indefinite. .«.«,- i;lon Elder 7. Silvan Grove 8. Aiik.b. ..... _. .. . . _. July77-Auif. I;l)oon«y Park, Alleutown, 1*b., S-S. Xl,e only down h S-n^„rt"p« , l! „. Co- Ka.-!-". May. Stock-flydney, C M«^ C o*ZoJ™t™S™ZlZ July 20. Odln ^^Tv.V_S'.^-n^.c^,fy7^ , ' ^' JU,y * A " K - ' «» ftS/c «' H ^JXXV&Stf* '' lumbla Theatre, with pictures of the Gard- 2 7-20, Glasa Bay 30-Aug. 1, Glasgow, _ Trenton^l, O'Fallen Aug. 1. Ar_.ri\,n"™dw;iuii»iy ? Park. AUK.I,Ma«., July 17. gf, OTKnAs ^^rlir>*pSay;ju y iyW.AuVl. ncr-Root fight. Business fair. S., 2, Yarmouth 3. _ Craner A Son's— Tyre, Mich., July 20. Aug. 1: Cresoeut Park, Providence K. I., M. Kmeraori, P/ldlo M., C'aptalu's I'lsr, ifsth Beach, If. Y., Cuicaoo Julv 28 —Pleasant weather Sun- Owen, Wm., Repertory— Bt. jonn, n. -., t . tlnoDe |i Brothers'— Spokane, Wash., July Arlsato Bros.. Jack's, Okjaaaa July s7-Aug.l. July IT Au». I. day hurt theatres and 1 benefited parks. July 27-Aug. 1. __ ._. .,_ ,, 111, Farmlngton 30, Pullman 31, Lewis- Aruutrouj A Holly, l-k._o Purk, Wahb City, Mo., Kinln ,,. ,h, K i, N.utorluin Park. Mnoksm, July SO- IlabeX ffind!" i^theffg^: fi.n- Oaker' Jane, Stock-Denver, Col.. Jul, 27, town Ida., Jug 1 Davenport, Wash 3. ^S'/^/wVl.H LUn. O.. July «-Aug.l; Po.u,rU, ^^Z^^W^tSS^K^^P. E. Dlxey. at Powers, and "The Tender- Indefinite. «,.„,, m .,.,, t Romaae Cheney 4, Rltuvllle O, .Noitti xoaima u, u "_!_ 1 foot," nt the Dearborn, had fair business. Payton, Corse, Stock 1^ BT ' U -^ .,? * ' Ellensburg 7, Roslyn 8. Arnlm AWajtwr. (!.(). II., Chlca»n, July r-Aug. I. y " K „ iiondorson's. Conay Island N Y . July ... .The regular season at the Bllou, with mgr.)— Springfield, Mass., Aug j^d. Chamberlain's Triple Plate— Rlddlesburg, SBtaa The, Chesapeake Beach, Mjl July Sr-Aug. I. B ?A° li : , , m "'• " em '> noa •• , -™ , > r '»«nu,H. v., Juiy ■ -riie I)7nv re r 8 Express/' and the Alhombra, Price. Bonnalr, Bfnertoi7 (Wm. N. Smith, *- » aQ ^ 81 8alton Aug _ x> jOT-am-m., Corny l-laud, N. Y., July E ? n '*^:i!_,. m., Keith's. N. V. 1:.. July 17 At... 1. with "The Ornhan'fl i Praver " onened au- mgr.)— Butler, Mo., July 27-Aug. l. feteriburg 3. Osceola 4. ».?",^"ii_-.r« Vmoln. BraJforJ Bur JulvrAu« KsmoiBls. Tim, xiilutde' Park, Walla Walla, July lo-Aug. I. splcuousl?, WeSh" considered.. T?^Good Payton Sisters, Repertory-Natchez. Miss., E| *. B| e Geor / e R-llotwd Grove, III.. Aug. 3, A V^. D laci.Tull!'iM! nP ' ' *** Y *' "Sft??* »«•*»«•„ Hmkaway il«ch, N. Y„ July vaudeville, at Masonic Temple and the Chi- July 27-Aug. 1. .„ r . g,,. _ mE , 4 Fenton 4, Oardcn llalns 0. Ashley. Plora. Kniplre, HJ Paul, JnlyJTAuz. I. Kviii. stay (ago Opera House attracted a. goodly share Post Theatre 81 of business, the 1'emple being packed — Battle Cri Stock burlesque at Sam T. Jack's and the Paxtang Stock Trocndcro prospered, and the Sans Soucl burg, Pa.. and Water Chutes Park reaped a harvest. "Pecks Bad . Boston, July 28.— Capacity was a good —Be fasi , & n Kr 8 ^ ti r 1 T t r h em , ont k . !.:Slt1e V$>*™ f> ^ C " t " * ^^ ^ aSgttT^^L^^I &£&* Iron Pl.r. C-re Mjy. JulvirAoa, I. 7TOWKSn»OTJWn. i t^s^^^3Pii 4?_^t_-_sr^- ,, - ,tt - R - «S^i SS^- ts^^&SgaX^ £&£&&&£&£&>■ proport^ns i ' B ^^K^a^e Hot Boblnaof #tick &ence To-, mgr.)- |_MQ_aStt ! _a^lJ2 2: _SS\____-_ Park. ,.«.._». „.,,J.,y 17- J^MSS^S^SSBffBL, Ark.. ^7Lm^__Tth.^ri^r.^ .,Hr S .a^-(HarW% n o^onVmr^e|: H^A sjnp.e's^'.ayton. Minn. Jul, 20, ^^Vft^jj^^^^Rj; ««_* Washlugton Par, Bayonn., K.J., July wher^ y d^l& , i_s^ W poT.W^^ Snoo^er'nramau'c F. B. and Allle (W.Dick Indian B Ill's Wild -TV«t (A^u^.tu^ Jones, ^V, , , n^U, Muslo .1.11, Bright B.«h.H.Y, Ju.y IT- n^^n^s^s^re^veffi ^^ m^nUe. 8 ^^ ^ » ^r^"ol U.gnton 7, Slat,, Sgb£Bttft»|3|i , K,*^~^ when it. was. announced that Heuck's and the 8^^ g.''w., Repertory • ""J" K r i ',' A VS- ' £3. u „ 'iui^»Aui K 'l Poierty, Kr.nk, Proctor's, hew.'rk.Juft n-Aus. 1. , __ "The Buffalo Mystery" and the i Bon Ton Bf-___ " fhnr , rn ,„ m „ ,_ LurtTuiirs^'entrslla, Kan. July V Corn- ^U%ffi:l^^^$%VftiU*m Pox. Hjr.,, Music Hall, Brlgli.oa Ba«k«. Y.. Ju.y 17- Uurleaquers. respectively, as the attractions. geward show Arthur J. chisam. mgr.; . > u ff jj, rjlrclevllle Aug. 1, Pawnee i-ark, Youngstown. 0..5A v.juT - . i>».n_ Hook H,,rin„. rark y_t i i...,ik,i (t •■■-./'Lohengrin" drew a good audience to ^ Aibnny, |„d.. July 27-Aug. IB. city? Neb.. 4-0. Klk Creek 7, Tecumseh 8. B,,i,e.A iiy.S. A. AH. Bo,t ;; n, JulrlJAug. I *»«'"< >»™ '• . £%**$£l ToMnLata- ' Chester Pork, where alt M-Sjbr attend- ge ^ rd Stwk^Arthur J. C^lsam, mp.)- u Very Bro hers-PUUburf, Pa., July 27, g^. «»«».?__>■ \S$^t\dl, f£& 'by j u . y p»" I** *«{...?.''/," "or! (C M.yTJuly n-Aug. I. Bnce were broken today Dan Rices paducab. Ky.. July 27, Indefinite. indefinite. Bmc. a Vtlls.™, ll«nd.rson»,(,oiiey lsian.i, «. v., July » WUr . K i»,t«r, llm(leri~nx cin.y ftUri* «. Y., July Jony Circus opened at Coney Island 8k ,, Karra" (Charles Frohman, mgr.i— ai- Walter L.— Tlcondcroga, N. Y., July £jX_ Brndlnt Uk.vlewPark Auburn, M... July 17" „"•*»*•'■ , ,., . _ _ . .___, The I.udlow La«on vaudeville features were 7/ nt [ c city, N. J... Aug. 3-8. M % n P Ki; e burf au, Rouse's *l'oint 31,' Sara- "a*- 1 ' _' ." 7 „ „ „ , „ ■"__?. "'""• l * ,p,rt ■ Kc "• n • e '* 1), ■ K ' V " Juljr "• Pleasing to o big crowd. "Slaves of the Mine" (C. 8. Callahan, mgr.) . Boodo, Art, Llndsnwald Park, llamlltori, O., July 17- Aug. '■ _ _ __._. , * Kansas Cir»7 July 28-Immense crowds ^Vederlck, Md.. July 31. Washington, ^^^ j Ln _ July _» u* A.W} rr_a?/__;k!r._3il_i__^^ ?. ere . ^ ForeB{ Park Sunday. In Hop- D. C.. Aug. 3-8. Phllllns'— Ber- ter PrsJrle 30, Wlnated 31, C'okato Aug. 1. Sjg "J/J,* "ft V.nd. New (X'«s7u" W-Lg. I. "rlffk.^ ?„»""'- »«l'««»5 ■» -a^l. lianvsr. Jufy W 31 slna' Theatre It was necessary to give an "Uncle TomJ Cabin, CO. Phlllipiiwr . M(ite (W „ „„,,,, m«M— St. B>ook.Br• »^ ii, ™«^^-' V!T5 Us season on Baturdav night, with July 30, „*"i^J , . ll " , , W £X n ca _, Falls 'Weet Newton 30, Port Royal 31, Bawson B Suo.fii"i, Plneburst Park, Wor«st.r, July 17 Aug. 1. tl.rrlsou, UHtaK, Keith's, Phlla., July BAur. I. itlchords A Prlngle's Georgia iilnatrelB. Wausau 2. Neillsvllle 3, cnippe wa r. im A j^ ,„„_.,,. 3> Kalrchance 4, l*olnt Br.nrn. Harry A., Proctor's Mb Ar.. N. Y.C., Jiilyl7- *., JHtylTAUAM. • (iiinlon A Hayes, Electric I'ark, Kent, 0., July 27 Aug. I; J -akrskl* I'ark, Akron, SA . (InVdnn, Don, llotilaon I'ark, fort Wayne, Ind., JulyM- Auk. 1. (irant, Mali Auditorium, Norfolk. Va., July 27 Aue I. • Jtesjaon*. The, KVItli's, S. Y. IS., Jul) 27 Aug. I; KaithV, Phlla., J*. <; reen A Werner, Masonic Trniidr. Chicago, July 27- Aug. I. < Irani ft Urant, llammaratelr.'*, N. T. (?., July 27 Aug. 2. (irtuir A Totter, Aleuar, Denver, Julv 77. Aug 1. liraca^lS), (Jlymiilk I'ark, Custunooga, Tcnn., July 27- ug I. A On ay* (Italian), Nuote.v'a Casino, south Beacli, N. Y„ July fi Aug. I; New Haven, Conn., M. • Irani, Sydney, Sheedi'* I'ark, Newport, It. I., July 27- Aug. L llaffard A Worth, Morrison'*, ItocVanay Bench, K. V., .Idly 27 Auk. 1.. Hainan, Manning A I,ola, Sherman I'ark, Ilainlllon. O., July 27-AUH. llatliawny. Belle, Kohnirr I'aik, Montreal, July 24-Aug. 1. Hayes A Whitehead, Hlilatdr I'ark, Walla Walla, July 26- 8 Jlgitklna, r Mu', A A X., Boat on, July 27-Aui. 1. lloltTAIf., (*lhn,'Terr8 llauti', Juf> 20 Aiil I. Howard, IJurtls A Jlonard, 11. O. il„ .Ulilctgo, July 27- Aag. 1. »«*»*■ Hcutt, casino, Atlanta, Mrjr-AwL 1. HfHrs, Berry A Walter*, I'rocfor'a AT W.,Ti. Y.V., July Howard A" Campbell, .Krlti'a, rortland, Ore., July 27- Howard ' rlUVera, Koreit UliblanU*. St. I.-jbIp, Jnly 27- .Aujr.il. llorton Twlna, A. A R., n»lef i'omVji*! Singhainlon, N. ylfjii'ly 27- .i;El«c- .loiiniou k Will", Kt 1 nan'a, Daltlmoro, July 37- Aug. I. JohuaoM'iei; J,Uf|lHIK, llAKirauratolo't, N. V. C, July AOK. I. uly27- JonM, Irving, Kaltli'a, Hontnn, July 17- Aug. I, JooeaA Walloo, Klveulda I'ark, Hasinaw, Mich., July 27- Aug. I. Juaaeiliui Trio, C. O. II., Chicago, July 27-Aug. I. .lurdau k Crniicb, St. lunula, July M Aug. 1 ; Muonlc Tertpla, RUlcMO, 2 8. .lohuwn k Welt, (lion Daren, lb.wheater, K. v., July 27- ku$.l »ycc a ant, (• lf-Aui. 1: Ireeljodv I'ai k, Ne«|wrl, It. !.,»*, H , _ Wylclla, A. A S., Bottoa, July 27-Aug. I. e, Laniurd, Iteeaoro Beach, BrMireport, 1 'onn. , July Auk. I. . KaulTnan, Reab*, July |.l Aug. 1. I.unoaTe). ldob Talaee, N. V. 0., Jul/ 17 Aug. 1 « TKilllnu,iur»ii(l Rii|i| . rai l>rk. Toledo, iCtt llwiriiii'a 1'avllliiii LKinonw ttl, Owlriuy'a 1' Jul* » Aug. 1 : llelWw Leber, Kdgeweter l'aik, ni. I. rUiiljla. .Mich., . Ceiili»,"5!!"juij- n-Aun. It aertVn'iSA leJA'lMiA Aline, UluierPerk, N. V., July 17 Aug, I; Belli LeClklre, litrrjr, Woonaocket, It. I., July };-Aug. I. EmC Jobil, I'rutlnr'e »1 Ht, ^. y..C a Jtiiy V Aug. I. Leny A La Vennloii, Oliwrnr I'arl, Clnclnuatl, July 20- Aug. I I.e^Hur, Merjj', WeMejvjere I'erk, Krl LeClalrVjoliu. Lealle, Kd.. tfellecla (uliinerl'erl .Ww«l , (,-. V. II.. (ililcego. July 27-Aujr. I. HtuutlinipArk, I'blbi , Jul) 27 Ami. I. r, 1'ructor-a Bd St, 1 ]!-. X.C., Jilly 27- 41 -AUK. l.riooijwui 1 Bim,.,«a|vil, n, J., -, r. Karl A De Elmer, Shield*'' Perk, rortland. Ore., July 27- iroclor'a Mh Ale., S. Y. C, July 27- KeueTC'tloa 1'ark, Utloa, N. Y„ July 27 Aug, I. Kelt k Riiilck, WeaJt'iU'forle. July fr-Aug. 1. Ketino, Welch A Noli die, Kellb'a, N, V. C. ,1 iily 27 Aug. I. Keuloii, Dorothy, I'melor'a 23rt, TrtuitiiD, N. jTi*. LirdrJ, ni"»<;, Temple, llelnill, Aug. 3A. LatjUjr A Weat, (J|jiitea I'ark, Chlragu. July *) Aug. 1; La Belle Trio, Caafnii! AllMita. July 27-Aiig. I. Lewrence. Al„ Kent, 0.. Jiilr 27-Aug. I. LaUelto, Hprlnitbarik I'ark.ll.oiidoti, Can.. July 27-Aug. I. La Motto A BcBlrlue, Klmcr'n I'ark. HiirllngloD, la., July 27 Aug. J. - L»U>» MroM., Auguata, (la,, July M-Aur. 1. i.a Solnw. The. Klvaratdc I'ark, Katlnaw, Mich., July »-Auk. 1; Ttl re rrlo* i'erk, Aunira, llh.jjl. lAaJuraBro*., Valare, Kwtqn Jul) 17-AHg. I. lAlefi. Ud.; Kelth'a, l'lill*., July » Auk. L LaiubrlgKcn, The, Cadillac, Mich., July *), 30; KalkeeU, ,11-Adg.l. I.atlmCiv A Lrlgh, Siantnn I'ark, Sieulienvllle, (I., July JT-Aiuj. I; UlyiUPl* I'ark, McKoeaiHirt, I'a., lA La JeM. Then. A Oainllle, (lion r'ureat I'ark, Ijkwranct, Man., July J7-Aug. 1 L» I'l'arl HliU'ra. A. A t>. , Boaton, July 27-Aug. I, l.atrrtmce A Harrington, Ingeranll I'ark, Dea Molnea, la,. Aug. I. Hanson, Inrlng, Cheatnut Hill Park, I'lilla., July 27- Aug. Hawlay A Lealie, Itnokway Beacli, N. V.. July 27-Aug. 1. Ilanaun, Mildred, llendeiaon'a, Coney laland. N. Y„ July 27-Aug. 1. . Hethaway A Walton, (Irauinan'a, Son Fran., July 27-Aug. lleyea A Rulta, Waihingum I'ark. Bayunne, N. J., July 27- Ang.il. Ilurcoiirt A May, Empire. Aehtabula, O., July 17-Aiik. I. llayea A Meriey, Ingernoll Park, Dea Molnea, Is., July 27- llarf li'lward', A Mile. Beaale. Highland Park, York, Pa, Jiily27-Atig.l; Pottavllle 3-8. llaynitn A Henry, C. (I. 1 II., dilauro. July 27-Aug. 1. JUamlltoa A Wiley. Lenlngion Hoof Harden, Beltlmore, M*V-Aew,J. Haurejr A Iioane, Manhattan Beech, Denver, Col , July- Hall, Artlf. C . O, II . . Ch Ic a go, Jul v 27- A 11 ». I . llerver, W. H , A Ur>., Railway Park, Athol, Mau , July 27- Aug. 1. Creacent Perk, 1'rmidence. R. I., 34. I lay t*r A Jarntt, flryatal, Denver, July 17-31. II *y*». Tojniny. Perm. Toledo. O., July a;- a ug. 1. Harrington, Daniel J., Wheeling I'ark. Wheeling, W. Va., Ju\y*AuH. r Ihwliell, Coney, Muilc Hal), Brighton Beach, N. Y., July Heath'/' Kwelcld, Hlll'a Park, Trenton, K.Y., July 27- Aug. 1. lertuann, Adelaide, Temple, Detroit July 27 Aug. 1. Ucjoar, Uhaa.. Oak Huminli I'ark, Kranavllle, lud., July 20 Aug. I ; Cheater I'ark. Cincinnati, 241. 1 lemleraqn A H9ML Uock Kprtnga Park, Eaat Liverpool, Helena, Rdltb, llammerateln'a. N. Y. C, Julv 27 Aug I. llelaton, Kate, Iron 1'ler. Cape May, July 27-Aug. 1. Herbert A Nnlin, Kami. Toledo, ().. July 27-Auk. I. Ilenderaon, Prot, Irbb Pier. Capo Mav, Julv 27-Aug. I, Jlarnjlon, Tim Marvaloui, Luna Park, Coney laland, N. V, July 27-Auk. I Hefroo, Tom, Uureraator'a. Atlantic Citv. July 27 Aug. 8. Unore A Hi. Clair, Aug I - • , Leriie. A Howard, Bellerue J'ark, Toledo, 0.,July 2ft- Aug. I. .1 Lenovn, Bert, Hock Spring Park, Lancaiter, Pa., July 27- Leksmon A Lelghton. -Lynchburg, Va, July 27-Aug. 1; Jloaooke, SA Leeei the, Coek'A Park. Emnirllle, Iod, July 27-Aug. I; (Irpheiim, Terr* Haute, U LavevJJtliPl, CTph*um.H*» Kran., July 27-Aug. I. Leon* ATUana, Naletorlum I'atk. Spokane, July 26-Aug, 1 : Khlehla' |Crk, WallKWalla, 2A lyonaril A I«onard,'IIIU'a Park, Trenton, July 27-Aug. 1 ; P,rb'a C'aalno, North Bejieh; M. ' - ■ ■ Lee. Henry, Morrlaun'a, Kockaway Beach, N. Y., July 27- Aug.. I. LeCliClr A Bowen. Proctor'a 23d Htrect, N..Y-C., July 27- .Aug. I. . _. . " I**y, Julee, Electric I'atk. Baltimore, July 27 Aug. I. l*»ter A Uiiruln.Chutea. Kau Fran.. July 27-Ang.l. I4tcliArk|,,Mr.AMra Nell. Merry. Meeting Park, Bruna- wlck, Me-JulyWAug. I. . Little HloBBorD, ilrauman'a, Han F/an., July 27-Aug. I; Linden A Xeeley, Uuvernator'a, Atluntlc City, Jnly 77- Auaj. g. ' • ■ • • • » *r • *■ Little A PrIUkow, Central I'ark, Dover, N. II., July 77- AiiK.'i. r ■ ■ . Lloyd, Herbert, Traf Mpo Park, Montgomery, Ala., July 77-AUg.l: IaleorTalina. Gharleaton, 8. C.,SA Linton. Harry, A Lawrence Blatere, KolUi't, N. Y. 0., Jnly Lit iugatona. 3), Bohoer Park, Montreal, Jnly 27 Aor. L Unk, IJIIIv. Farm, Toledo. O., July 24-Ang. I. Lovltta,Tlie. ldor* Perk, Youngatown, Aug. SA Lorett, II. M., Islington Park, lloitop, July 27-Aug. I. LuBbard Broa., Bhady Lake Park, Peekaklll, X Yi, July l.uclle A Kveraon, Cryital, Denver, Jnly 17A1. Lutein* Darren Trio, Hippodrome, Orfmaby, Eng., July 27-Aug. 1; PnlAce, Derl.y, 38. • - . . LuU Bnar. Eninlre, Portland, (Ire., July 27 Aug. I. I.ucadoa, The, Linn Palace, 7V. V. d, July 27-Aug. I. Lynch' A Lynch, Pont'Keller, Milwaukee. July 27-Auk. 1. I.ynne A Kennedy, Olyinpla Park, Clurtanooga, Tcnn., July 27-Aug, I. Mack A Elliott, RamonaPark, tirand Raplda, Mlcb., Aug. July 27-Aug, 1. .lick A Elliott, ts.; 1 Mac A Mac, Ontario Beach, Roeheater, ,V. Y„ July 27- Aug. 1. - , . ' Mack, Itoberl at. Bellerno Park, Toledo, O., July X- Aug. I. Mann, Mr. A Mr*. Danny, Koblaon i'ark, Fort Wayne, l«d„ July J8-Aug. 1. MaJeatlc Mualcal Comedy Pour, Dooney Park, Allen towo, Pa.. July 27-Aug. 1. ■ . . ilextliieui Broa., Delmar (larden, St. Louie, July 2C- Aug. I. Mantnerlte A Henley, Avenue, Detroit, July 27-Aujr. 1. Martin A Mtraro, New Central, Hurley, Wla, Judy 27- Allg. l: Mack, Anne, Sana Soucl, Milwaukee, July 27-Aug. 1. Maddux i Macley,- Emu Martini A Max MUllen, Temple, Detroit, Jnly 27-Auk. I; 0. 0. II., Chicago,' 3 8. Marahall, Talaquega Park, Altleboro, Maea, Julv 27- Auk. i. Mardo, Oakwood Park, Fltuburg, Pa., July 27-Aug. 1. Martin k Qulgg, Tumbling Park, Pouaville, Pa. July 27- Aug. I. Illokumn lire,. (.11, Iron Pier, (Tape Mav, Julv 27-Aug. llhrwlg, Fred, Form, Keller, Milwaukee July 27-Aug. I, Heynian, Joe. Hteutim I'ark, sieubenvllle, (>.. Aug. AA l|«ey ,A Lee, I'reebody I'm -k, Ne» poi i.lt. L.Jnly 27 Auk. 1. indland AilyjJ.KtaiiiTurd,Fiirt Wurili,Tex.,July 27-AukI. Hiitiwa |2). nardon, Cilntou, (I., July 27-Aug. 1; ctuion, Put-lnjhu-.il-IA - • UoldifrVorilia, The, Kelth'i. Boaton, Aug. 3A itMrMe * Waldiln, Mtvor B,.ach Caalno, St. Joaepb, Mich., JillyiT-Auy. I ;.I*kevle« Caalno, k'alaiiiaroo. 3-8. IMS A hill, Bllou, Norfolk. Va., Jul) 27AUK. I. ASjwardBroa.,llolil«uul'nil., Ft. Wayne, fnil., July 27- Aug. t , Fann, 9A' AUK.-l. Ilndanh, Matiel. Avenue, Detroit, July 77-Aug, I. Huitoa. A. L., Edlauu, SeutUu, July fl-Aug. I. Hymer A Llltio. Hlihddi' l'erk, Welle Walla, July »• Aug. I. lmlioi ft rVind, llorlcka' Clen Park, Utlca, N. Y., July 17- Aug. 1; I'eator'a.Ji. Y.C.,jx *\ liinaii A Ryan, Oxford Ijiku J'ark, Annlatun, Ala,, July Janiei A.DaTls,. Illll'a drove I'ark, Trenton,' July 17- JankeeB, Billy, Jacob* . 1',-orla. July 27-Aug. I. JeunlBga A Renfrew, niverton Park, Portland, Me., Jilly aT*Aiif.'-l,'- . ' •• "3 in\*re Park, Krle. re., July 27-Aug. L tJCnd. New Urleana Ju|y%-AUK. 1. tire (toaf Okraen, Belleclalre, «. J., July 27-Aug. 1. Lv Ruy A Woodford, Bhea'e, Buffalo, N. V„ July 27-Aug. 1. uacx, Aona, Sana mouou Milwaukee, July 27-Aug. 1. See k A May, fikm, Norfelk, Va., July S-Aug. L Halreft Broa., Cnutea, sen Fran., Jply 27-Ang I. Waddox A Wayne, raator'a, N, V. 0., July 27-Aue. 1. Marley.-Edng, (Iheetnnt Hill, P*rk v Thlla., JuIyV-Aug. 1. Maxamllha , The, Kelth'a, N. Y. C, July 27-Ang. 1- Martln A Crouch, JaCoba', Peoria, July 27-Ang. 1. Mardo A Aldo, Central Park, Dover, N. II., July 27 Aug. 1. Manila, John, Waldaraere Park, Erie. Pa.. July 27-Aug. I. Marahall A Errln, J acoba', Peoria. Julv 27-Aug. I. Mackle, Cliaa. W., Foreat Lake I'atk, Palmor, Mo**., July Marvelle A (lleoaon, Lincoln I'ark, New Bedford, Man., July 27-Aug. 1; Freeboily Park, Newport, R. I., SA Marali, Eva.liall*ton. N. Y„ July 27-Aug. I. Manning A limit. Music Hell, Brighton Beach, N. Y., July 27-Aug. I.' Mareenu (3), Avenue, Detroit, July 27 Aug. I. Melir. Agne*, Ilonimemeln'a, N. Y. 0.. July 27 Aug. I. Megnfaud Mazett, Kelth'a, Buaton. July 27-Ang. I. Manlnettl Allroaal, Railroad Carnival, Fort Wayne, Ind., Julv 2d. Aug. 1. ' ■' Matthewa, Zoe. A Maatar Harry, Forett Highland*. St. Loul*, Jul) «7-Aug. I. ' ' ' " Marline A Balino. Lion Palace. N. Y. C„ Jnly 27-Aug. 1. Major *l*ter». Park, Dunkirk, N. v.. July 2A.Aug.lT ' MaearCDog* A Monkey*, Orplieum, Ran Fran., July 27- Aug. r. Marrua A Callalian, A. A R., Boaton, July 27-Aug. 1. Mathee, Clara, Brandon. Man., Can., July 27-Aug. 1. Marlon A Dean, Lakeaule I'ark, Akron, o., July 27-Aug, 1. Marahall A Erwlh, Rlvorview I'ark, Aurora, I\L, July 27- Aug. I. Matldena. Juggling. Fort Mierlden Park, lllghwood, III., July 27-Aug- 1. Maaoulc Temple, Chicago, ML ' May- A Mllea, Oxford Lake Park, Annlaton, Ala, July 26- PAacalel, Wenoha Beach, Bay City, Mich.; July 2*-Ang. 1 : lllver.lde I'ark, 8rgln»w, 3A ... .... ._ Palmer, Xem Ca*lno Park. 8t. Joaeph, ilo., July athAux- Tj (Jrifid FalW r»rk. Joplln. 1« . , PalnmaTrlo, Natatorlum l'erk, ripokene, JulyJe-Aug. 1, ShfcliW I'ark. Walla Well*. IS. ■ ■ ' ' I'artle, Millie, Kinplae. St Paul, July 27-Aug 1. Paula AjDlko. J*ek'«, ChleaKp, Jnly 2/-A»». 1. Parro* Broa.. Keith' a, N. Y. C., July 27Aug. I. PArry, Ctilrlotte, Proctor'a, Newark, July 27-Aug 1. Paaaparte, . Dancing (21, Theatre EremlUge, Noeoow, Riiaela, Ji\I*.I7Aui:. 8. ' T . Perkln*. Ullle, Kmplro, 8L Paul, July 27-Auk. 1. ' Petlu Daniel. Chennut Hill Park, I'lilla, July 27-Ang. 1. Perry, Roe*. Frit*'*. Portland. Ore.. July 27-Ang. 1. - J'l jllpe Hlausfa, Jluuera Roof (Jordan, Marlon, 0., July Pierce Alt.'.alyn, Kan* Knurl, Chlcag*. July V Aug. I. Piper, Franko, Freebody Park, Niwj»rt, «. 1, July 27- I'leau,' Mr. A Mra. AL, Rhlelda' Park, Walla Walla, July 18- AUf . 1 : Shlelda- Park, Portlaod, Ore., 1A. ■_ . ' I'ongo A Leo. Pain'*. Menominee, Mich., July 27Aug. 1, Pompeii, Woodlynne Park, Ceoden, July 27 Auk. I. . Polo* (3). Orplieum, Ran Fran., July 27-Aug. 1. Powell/Paul. Hnhmer Park, Montreal, July 27 Auk. 1- , Puwera, Howard, Manhatlan Beach, Denver, July 27-31. Preroot A Preroat, ' Highland Perk, Konia* City, Mo., Jnly 2A Aug. 1. Price A Bedal, Iron Pier. Cone May, July 37 Au». 1. . Frtlilfoae, deli.. Maaonlc Temple, Chicago, July 27-Aug. 1. Preston. C, !>., Avon I'lrk, Youngatosvn, 0., July. H- Pric/'A'Nnrrla, Spring drove Park, Springfield, 0., July 27-Auk- 1: Bijou, Hamilton, JA Pucka 12). Proctor*, Newark, July 27-Ang.l; Fwebody Park. Newport: R. USA . _ . Qoantrelll, Proctor'eMh Ave., K. Y. C, Jnly 27-Aug. L Qulnlen A Howard, A. A R.. Boaton, July 27 Auk 1 Rackett A Haaard, Palace, Plymouth, Eng., July 27 Aug. Bfaiue A Bank*, Waldaraere Pork, Erie, Pa, Jnly 27- Ra>« (3)'. Mediaon Avenue Park. Burlington, la., July 27- auk. 1 ; Jacob*'. PeorU. HI., SA Rainbow, Frank J., Iron Pier, Cape Mey, July 27 Aug. 1. Ralmund A Vaek. Jack'*, rhlcago, July (7-Ang. L RalelKh A Beard, Olympla Park, chatunooga, Tenn., July 27-Aug. 1. R*ymohda,The; Iron ller, Cape Mav. July 27-Aug. 1. Hoe A Broaehe, Keltir*. Phlla., July 27-Aug. I. ' Reno A Rlcharda, Freebody Park, Nerport, R. L, Jnly 27-Ang. 1. Raymond A Vack, Troeodero, Chicago, July SG-Aug. 1. JUpler*. The, Paetor'vJy. Y. O.. July 27-Aug. I. RaUiaey Rtacera, Kayderoa* Park, Saratoga, N. Y., Jnly 27- Kamaa A Aroo, Delmar Garden, Oklahoma City, July 27- Aug. 1. Renoa' Trained Terrier*. Caalno, Atlanta, July 27-Aug. I. Reed, Al. P., RlvenildePark, Montreal, July 27-Ang. I. Reynard, Ed. F., Hippodrome, London, Eng., July 27- Aug. 8. Revere Slater*, Proctor'a 23d Street, N. Y. f!., July 27- Aug. 1 RenU (3), Andltnrium. Norfolk, Va, July 27-Aug. I. Reed'* Bull Terrlere, Proctor'alSd Rt.,N. Y.c, Jnly 27- Auir. 1. Reltf Bro*., Lion Palace, K. Y. C, July 27-Aug. 1. Rice A Pravoat, Hammertteln'a. N. Y. C, July 27-Aug. 8. Rice A Cadv. Kelth'a. N. Y. C, Julv 27-Aug. 1. Rlonoe i*l. Forest Highland*. St. Loula, Jnly U-Aug. 1 ; Foreat Park, Kaniaa City, SA Rlnehart, Stella, Temple. Dei rolt, July 27-Aug. L Rio Broa, Hoag Lake Park, Woonaocket, K. L, July 27- Auk. L Richard*, Dick, Tlvoll, Menkato, Minn , July 27-Aug. I. Itigby, Arthur, Cheater Park, Cincinnati, Jnly 26-Aug. 1 . Rkhardaon, Lavender, Mldwey Park, Middlelowu, N. Y., July 27- Aug I. Rlcoboho'i Horae*, Hammemteln'a, N. Y.C., July 27- Auk. L Rlcharda, Edith, Proctor'a 6th Ave., N. Y. C.July 27- Aug. 1. RoattlnoA Stevenaon, Morrison'*, Rockaway Beacli, N. V., July 77- Aug. I. ^ Rolleaton, Frank, A Co., Proctor'a, Newerk, V. J., Jnly27- Auk. I. Ronney A Forreater, Frlti'a, Portland, Ore., Jnly27-AnK. Roneklo* (3), Summit Park. Iiilc*. N. Y.. July 27-Aug. 1. Royer A Frencli, Lakeside Park, Akron. 0„ July 27-Aug. I. Row, (lerman, Cheatnut Hill I'ark. Phlla., July S7-Ang. 1. Rouen, Hon*., Ludlow Lagoon, Ludlow, Ky., July 26- AUK- 1. Rochefart. A May, Oiivernator'a, Atlantic City, July 27- Auk. I. Rnvat Japaneae AcrohaU, Shield*' Park, Portland, Ore., Julv 27-Aug. I. Royce, Ray L., Temple, Detroit. July 27-Aug. 1. Ruoaell A Tylcne, Foreat Luke Park, Palmer, Men., July 27-AUK. 1. Aug. McBwoenoy, J. II Aug. L MeDonalJ A (Judy, Jack'*, Chicago, July 27-Aug. I. JuHua, Cheanut Hill Park, Phlla., July 27-Ang. 1. A O'.Volll, Proctor'a 23d St.. N. Y. CL Jnlv27A'lg. I , Phil A.Carrie, Spring (Irovo Park, Springfield, a I u *W ■ an m I ■ • Proctor'n 23d St., N. Y. C, July 87- n» viseu; ■ m aarv. aa an* I'lllkaVMU, wuij a**f - J _ MeKennn, Tiildy, Weast'a, I'eorla. July 27-Aug. 1. teDenald. Sadie, llenderaon'a, Coney Inland, N. Y. cliitoal'i, Tom. Capitol Park, llarAford, Conn., July 27 July uly *%KI McCann Pnnilly, Marlon, O., Auk. 3JJ. MoVoy, Hugh, Hudaon Park, IliMladu.Maa*,, July 27-Aue. McCunoA lirant, Illueravllle Parki Allontnwn, Pa,, Ju 27-Auk. .1, Woodli-nne l"ark l Cnmdon, M. J, 3A Meant, Jten t>., Cheatuut IliU I'ark, Phlla,, July 27-Ang. I. Mead A BDnnett. Freebody I'atk, Newport, It. J, July 27- Melahl Trio, Morrison'*. Rockaway Beach, N. Y„ July 27- A«g: 1. 1 Merrl\la Marveluua (J). Sane Soucl, Chicago, July 77- Meyer',' ifenry, Freohody Park, Bpwport, J14L, July St- Aug. 1, • ' Melroae Tnmpp, Henderson'*, Coney Island. N. Y., July mMBi Stetalin ,' l"aatiir'i(, N. Y. 0.. July 27-Aug. 1. .Meredith Hlalure, Keith's, N. Y. C, July 27- Aug. f; Keith's Moxla* k Mexlas, (Irauman'a. Kan Fran., July 27-Auk I. '- VlJu- MfenMS),.- Kiuulre, CanlllT, Eng., July 27-Aug. 1; Alliam. Ilndya, (>. Q. II., Chteage, July IT-Ang. I. br*,1ll»*kl>ool, SA Uddleton. Illndya, 17. , MltoheH A We, Mayflower Oruve, Plymouth, Ma*8., July 27 Aug. I. Mink, J.nul«e. Iron l'lcr, Cnpe May, July 27- Aug. 1. Miller A Ktraku, lUmoua Park, Grand lupld*, Mloli., July 26-Aug. L ' Mlllettes (3), Hampton Beacli, .V. 11. , July 27-Aug. 3. MUe* A Nltram, Steeplochaae Pier, Atlantic City, July 27- Aug: 1 ; Mlll'a Park, Tronton. N. J., 3-8 Mlto(iell*«), Hampden Park, Sprlugdeld, Moss.. July 27- Aug. l;Boaluii,3A Millard Bro*., Riverside Pork, Montreal, July 27-Aug. 1; Oucbce, 3*. ■ Miller A Kearn*. Bellevu.0 I'ark, Toledo, 0.. July 26-Aug. 1. MUcbella, The, llunderaon'e, Coney laland, h. Y„ July 27- MldKlers, The, Jacob*' lVorle, July 27-Ang. 1. Mitchell A Marron, Ijikevloiv Park, Auburn, Me., July 27- Aug. I. Moore A Llttlalleld, Kellh'e, Phlla., July 27-Aug. 1; Keith'*, S. Y. C SA T^ Morris, Joe, Avenue, Detroit, Julv 27-Aug 1. Morton, Jamoa J. , Orplieum, Ran Fran., Julv 27-Aug, I. Monlgomeiy, Clinton, (Inuuun'A Ban Fran., July 27- Aug. I. Nnrrl*. Leon, l'onle*. Hippodrome, London, Eng., July 27-Aug. ). Montroee, Loulae, Freebody Park, Kewport, K. I., July 17- Aiuj. 1. Montrvll, Aumont, Mncoow, Jluula. July 27-Aug. 10. Moore A McDennltr, Jack's, Clilcafo, Julyl7-Auf. 1. Motart Comedy Four, Park, North Beach, X. Y , July 27- Aug. I. Mnrtln. Phil. Lako Pleasant, Greenfield, Mass., July 27- Ang. I, Murpliy ft Wlllard, Bellevue I'ark, Toledo, a, July 26- Muudiy^A Andrew*, Mayflower I'ark, Plymouth, Maaa., MuUeu A.Bo'reill, lllglilMid Park, Brockton, Ma**., July ITAhg. iM'artor'e.V Y.0..3A ' ~ Murpliy, Jolm, Chestnut HU1 Park, Phil*., July 17-Aug. I. Murray. Ferguson A Pupree, Lakeside Park. Dayton, O., July 27-Aug. 1: Oak ainimltPark, Ersnsvlue, Ind., M. Murphy, Mr. A Mrs. J. Tlieo , Pleoauro Park, Bridgeport, Coon., July 27 Aug. 1. MndgB A Morton, Forest Lnko Park, Palmer, Maaa, July U Aug. I. •' Murray, Rdltli, Proctor'a 68th St., N. V. C, July 17- Aug. 1. " EU UK.l. .July Nuel A Adain*. Duylo'a Pavilion, Atlantic City, Aug, Nayiiqn, Rose, Foroit Highlands. 81. Loul*. July 17 Au Newton, Billy, Mercy's Casino, North Bergen, K. J., , .27v»ug._l. •tor uly Newton Broa., Iliverton Tark, Portland, Me., July 17- Needh»tli A Wood, Brooklyn Beach, N. Y., July 17 Aug 1. Nolle. Ruth, C. 0. II.. Chicago. July 17-Ang. I. Nlghtonl (4), Hammeratefn'a, N. Y. C„ July 27-Ang, 1. Nllnon Trio. Ludlow I Ju}o«n, Ludlow, Ky., July taVAuc. 1. NIcllulaA Croix, Oakwood lVara, Plttabire;, &.,. Jnly 27- Aiig, f Southern I'ark, PlUeburf, SA North, South A Dixie, Portland, Ore.. Auk. IA Nt*t*>* 15), C. O. II., Chicago, July 27-Aug. 1; Columbia, St. Loul*. 3A Norrlsea. Tli*. Wlllowilalo Park, Lowell, July 17-Auk. 1. Nornia, Addle, Font Keller, Milwaukee, July 27 Aug. 1. Jjiirman A lloyce. Crystal, Denver, Jnly 27-31. IJsJjM o, Jiily 17Aiig. 1 ., ..re- July ~* O'Donaell Bros., Luna Park, Ctiuey laland I'lkmm" ■ Ailg.l Ire.. July 27-Aug. 1, - 1, N. Y„ July 17- ngdeua (31, C. O. II., Chicago, July 27-Aug. I. OMaWorih, France*, Forest Lake I'ark, Palmer, Ma**., July 27- Au*. 1. Onrl. Adel* Purvis, Ran* Bond, Chicago. July 27-Aug. 1. Orvlll* A Frauk. paator'a, N. V. C, Jiilv V Aug. I. Oniheua Cmneily Four, orpbaum, sau Fran., Jnly 27- Aug. I. Oriiliruni Comedy Four, nrpheiim, Sa* Fran., July 27- Raniloll, Lakaild* I'ark, Syracuse, N. >*., Aug. wley a' Owl _ S-A O'Brien A R Jekler, Rhao'a, Buiralo, July I7-Aug. 1. Papinta, Forest ifiBiilehd*. St. Loul*. July IT-Aug. I. I'uk^eboiUlrcua Weal Wood Park, Dedhaiu, Maes, SSi. Ruseell, . , O.i July27-AUK. I. Saliaret. Fnlioe Marlgny, Pari*. Fr.. Julv 27-Aug. a Kantoro A Marloir, Casino. Put-ln-Bav. 0., Julv 28-Auk. 1. Karoney. Gilbert, Shea'*. Baa* Point, Mia*., July 27-Aug. I Hoadfurd Sisters, Slilelds' Pork, Porilond, Ore., JulyW- Aug. 1. " ^ Kawyer^Eddle A Emily, Cook'e Park, Evenivllle, Ind., July 27-Aug- 1- Rawtefie A Seaf*. Doyle's Pavilion, Atlantic City, Jnly . 27- AUK. I. Raton, Pauline, the Pines. Haverhill. Maaa. Julv 27 Aug. 1 Rebel, Joeephlne. llainmerateln'*, N. Y. C, July 27-Aui. I. tj»ivyer, Uarry CUnton, Leechl Park, Seattle, July 27- Aug. I. Sailor A Bartiarettn, Temple, Detroit, July 27-Ang. |. Scott Bros., Hammemtelu'*, N. Y. c, July27-A«ut. I, Seymour A Dupre. Lakeside I'ark. Akron, 0., July27- Aug. 1 i Cheater Park, Cincinnati, 2A Seymour A Ulll, Caalno, Atlanta. July 27-Aug 1. l ^ K . ,r 'J T . 1 " t,w * Seeker, Caacode Park, New Coatle, Pa., July 27-Aug. 1. Sluwnon A Lucler. Chester Park, Cincinnati, July 26-Apg. Sbcrman A De Forreat, Washington Park, Bayonne, N. J, July 27-AUK. I. -•— » Slierldan A Forest, Midway Park, Middletown, N. Y., July 27. Auk.' 1. • Sliaw, Mr. A Mra. Larry, Railway Perk, Athol, Masa., July27-AuK. 1. •*' '»."" ■ Shannon A Brown. Keith's, Phlla,, July 27-Aug. I. Shean A Warren, Munlc Hall, Brighton Bead), R Y., July 27-Aub. 1. • . Shlonla, Lakeside Park, Akron, 0., July 27- Aug. I. Simpson, Flo., Henderson's, Coney laland, N. Y., July 27. Auk. I. Smlrl A Kesaner, Central I'ark, Dover, N. II., July 27- Aug. I. Smith, Charlie. A A 8., Boston, July 27-Aug. 1. Smith A Powell, Woaldnjton Park, Bayonne, ft J., July 27-Auk. 1. Smith, Bryan, Kcllh'*, ft Y. C. July 27 An;. L Snrder A Buckley, Ramona Park, Grand Rsplds, Mich., July 36-Auic I : Muskogon Pork, Muskegon, SA Solaret, tlornian'*, Salem, Mesa., July 27A««r. 1. Solera, (irhncs ft Oliver. H'oaKt'a, Peoria, July 27-Aug. 1. Snurtlor, Mr. ft Mrs., Riverside Park, Montreal, July 26- AllK. 1. Spanldlng, Reeves' Park. Foatorla, 0., July 26-Aug. 1 : Cedar Park. Sandusky, lA Stapletou A Cheney, Llndenwald Park, Uamllton, 0., July 27-Aug. 1 ; Kdceivaier Park, CrlUte, 0, 3^. Stetson, Walter. A Co, LeiliiRwn Rofif Garden, Baltl- more, July 27-Aug. 1; Lawrence Garden, Wmablnctoo, D..a. SA ' ■ Stovordalu.Qulntct, Hippodrome, London, Eng., July 27- Auk. 8. Bt Leona (3), Port Allegany, i'a., Julv 17-Aug. I. Strouaw A Young. BrlflKeton, N. J.- July r.Aug, 1. Stanley, May, FrUi'a. Portland, Ore., July 27-Aug. 1. Stroud, Frank II., Chestnut Hill Park, Phlla., July 27- St. Oogo Bros., Hampden rork, Sprlngfleld, Mojo., July 27-Aug. I. SL Clair, Baale, Crystal, Denver, July 17A1. Sully A Phelps, Ebcer Park, Burlington, la., July 17- Ang. 1. Sully Family, Celeron Park, Jamestown, ft Y„ July 22- Aug. I. . ■ Kwia A Ration, Casino, Atlanta, July 27-Auk. 1 Swlekard, Mr. ft Mrs., Empire, Jduunesbiuw, Bo. Af., July 27-Aug. 1. - Swan A Bambard, Henderson's, Coney Island, N, Y., July 27-Aug. 1. ' . Swift A Deveau, RchnecUdy, N. Y., July 27-Aug. 1 ; Syra- cuse, SA Sylvester, Scrvals, Cheatnut IIU1 Park, Pblla., July 17. Talbot A Roarers, Iihoco. N. Y» July 27-Aug. 1. Talior, HaiUi. Shlelda' Park, Walla Walla, July 26-Aug. 1. Tally Ho. Duo. Caalno, Savannah, Oa, July 27-Aug. 1; Greenville, 8. C..SA Jetl. Raymond. Paator'a K. Y. C.. J B ly (7-Aug. L TennUon Sitter*, Vorst Keller, Milwaukee, July 27-Aug. 1. Tenny A Livingston, Htuudard, nonaton. Texas, July 27- Aug. I. ^ :TT ^ 7^" Ttgge ft Danlele, Farm Toledo, O., July 26 Aug. 1. Terry ft Klmer, Lion Palace, N. Y. a, July 27-Aug. L Tberne ft Holdaworth, Guvomator'a. Atlantic City, July 27:Aua;. 1. ThrekeM A Wleke, Casino, Nashville, July27Aug. 1. Theobald, Dolly, Manhattan Beach, Denver, July 27- Aug. I. Thornton, Maude. A. A S., Boston, July 27-Aug. 1 . Tbomaa, Geo. II. A Co., Mpinuo Park, L'xhrWge, Jnlytr-AtiK.L Thompson A Francis, Ouvernator'a, Atlantlo City July 17- Aug. 1. Thomaa A WycolT, Peon's Grove, N. J., July 17-Aug. 1. TourUt*. The, Pastor'*, N. Y. 0, July iV-Aiiar. I. Tiiipell ft Kllment, Cook'e I'ark, Eranarllle, July 27- Aug. 1. Tajy/iier, Purvis A Towner, Boiler's Oardcn, Detroit, July 27 AUg. I: P»rk. Lima, O , SA Touhey A Lacy, Kollh's, llostwi. July 17-Aiar 1. Torcat. W|nnna Beech l'erk. Buy city, July 17-Aug. 1; Horhono, Grand Rapid*, SA - Toledo, Pastor**, N. Y. C, July 27 Aug. 1. Tonak A West, Iron Pier, Cape May, July 27 Aug. 1; Ocean Troubodour Four, Celeron Park, Jamestown, N. Y., July O-Ang.!. , . . ' ' Tr.,l)ey Car Trio, Lake Contrary Caalno, Ceooolnee, la., JolvlU-AU*. I Traluor A Button, Orplieum, Terr* Haute, Ind.. July 17- Ang. J; : .... It" 1 •)■ Car Trio, Lake Contrary Casino, RL Joaeph, Ma, July •»■ Aur L Lakeside Park, WebblJliy, 3A Trelo»rm The. Highland Pork, Brocton, Mao*., July 17- TroubaJoor. IS). Olympla Park. McKeeoportjJ Pa,, Jnly 27- Aug. I: Rj.'tlugb>pk l'»rk,Lo,ndojJ..'^„2A. -;. TrelArARnmeal, Coontoocook BlverPark, Penacook, vStt&CwS&r!* jmmji* ,** *■ Aug i; RamonaPark. GcandRarlda 2A Vine, Ethel, Dovle's, Atlantic City, July 27-Aug, 1 Vance Helen, Wlghlafld Pork, Staunton, Va-^Jnl; 27- Vaugh'n.OpoI, Empire, Rt. tSewl. *0lW_ltmi. , ValSrg, llenry. Lloa Palece, r/..Y. p., JuV 27Aug. 1, Vatj Foksen A McCauley, Orouman'*, Baa'Pralu, Jdfy 17- VarTsl'roa, Uk'evlaw Park. Aubnrn, Md.. July27-Aug. 1. Veroon A Kennedy, Jlampden Park, Springfield, Maaa. Venton. Bes fie. Frits'*. Portland, Ore.. Jnly 27-Aug. 1. ' Yedm»%7Tue, Tombllng Ruri-ark, I'ottsVule, fa,, Jnly VinrtouWhltlng, Morrle-Berger Bipoeltlon, Mltwankee, Viae * Viola, South Manchester, Cone, July 17- Aug. |. Wart, Minnie, Frltx's, Portlaod, Ore., July 27- Aug. L Wtterbury Bro*. AT«noy, Masonic Temple, Chlcoro. July Waller 1 Magill, Erb's Caalno, North Beach, -V. ft, July Wade n FainUy, Riverside P»rk, Saginaw, Mlcb, Jnly 27- WArA'wBroa. Lion Palace, K.Y.C., July 27 Aug, L ' Wjvne A La Mar, Traction Park, Worcester, Mam, Jnly Ward* % icadlaon, Auditorium, Norfolk, Ye., July 27- Walken'tJl.Keltb'*, Boston, July 27-Ang.l. . Watertneldo Trust, Tlie, Proctor"* 2Sd 8t,K. Y. C, July Welshl'&hos. A Jennie, Llndenwald Park, Hamilton, O., Jolyzf-Aug. I ; Coney I«l«jd, Cincinnati, IA Weleb.Lenn, Meaonlc Temple, Chicago, July 27-Aug. 1; Detroit. SA 1 _-«_._—. Welab, Ben, Waaiilogton Tark, Bayonne, N. J., July 27- Wrltull,' James, Casino. Lake Geyrge, N. Y., July 27- Web^,'M"«rt*ret, L«( Beach, Gloucester, Me**., Jnly 27- Ken, John A., Sana Soucl., Chicago, Jnly S6-Ang. L Weal A William*, Glen Forejt Park, Lawrence, Mass, . Weuffii'Wbl Park, Seattle, JulyKVAuK. I. ^g^Yf S' a " d "Sirfirlf 1 »T " West ft VanSiden, Music lioll, Brighton H(»ou, N. ft, g. °*? H" Y*""*.;- ":i;" ln ? lln S Bros.' July 27-auk. 1. _. -. . , _ r,f-2 " ve two Pe/formuDces here 20, to immense crowds. At night It was neces tlr"-- r Augus t 1. talned - marry- ■ commendable featore? rSi". among which waa Tom Clark with hia lr . c , !lle doga.- • Others were: John laHaggW Harry Hampaon.- the Hazels, njdii.,."' attc Sketch Company. This week tn,"?"- sad Warel- are featured, together wi'^' 11 l'N.her,- «eorge -Welslogan, S I tZ flfl r J Company In anew act e 8 " tc a Kan.na • Glty,— Koreet Park (r ■„., Brown, manager). —In Hopkins' Thenri iX d crowds were in nightly attendance, and , b h 5 bill ■ wa«- RLKCTnic Park (Sam Benjnmln, mans eSe.r).— Bltery'B. Hoyal Italian Hand iTnt' tractlng large crowds by Its excellent mu.ie . .CUfPEBlNOS.— Bjlfy 'Ahearn, The r i° h - ro^lan.pftheteainof Ahearn and Patrl t died at his hotne, 1511 Tcnn Street Kan' « C'.'f. ,«««. Thursday morning, July'o;i „f conBUmbtlon. He was thirty-three v*.™ old. Ife had been onjhe stage tor SS llfteen years. Mr. Ahern wa? taken sirk •tout a ye." ago. and for a while the Attors iFtincI generously took care of him SJ May a. blg^Jeneflt was tendered him it juty fl-Aug-i. - ^. ... Whiuolde*. The, Myer*' Lake Pork, Conton, O., July 27- Aug. I; Stanton Park, Sleulenville, ,1s. Whltuien, Frank, Carsonla Pork, Reading, Pa., Jnly 27- Whltney. Anna, Railroad Carnival, Fort Wayne, Iod., July 2b Auk* I. Whitney A Le Monde, Manhattan Beacli, Denver, July Wdtcomb, Hank, Graurnan'a, San Fran^ July 27-Auc, 1. ' William*, ' Mrs. Odell A Co., Proctor!* W St., N. Y. C, jnlylf-AUK. 1. _ _■ . ^ _" . WiOlama A Gordon. Oreumon's.8on Fran., July 27-Aug,l. Will*; Walter S., Iroo Pier; Cape May, July 27 Aug. L . Wlilards.The, Klvendde Park, Montreal, July 2d auk. 1. Wlllard A Wilcox, Proctor'a 12eth St., X. Y. C, July 27- Attt.-I. * Wiltner, Sidney A Co.. Temnle. Detroit, July 27-Auk. 1. William*. Frank A Ida, Cidllos' Garden. Columbua, O, Jnly 27- Aag. I; Avon Park. YuunKbtnarn, SA. Wlghtmon. Allen, Temple, Detroit. July 27-Aug. I. Wilton Bros., Keith's, Pblla., July 27- Aug. I. Wim< A Larkln, Overatli'sUaiden, Alton, III., July X- Aug. 1. Wood A Bay, Southbridge, Mass., July 27-Aug. 1; Attle- bororsA Wood, Francia. pjirk, Merlden, Conn., July 27-Aok. L Woodwortb. Marty, Pnictot'e aath St., H. Y. C, July 27- Yorrlck.' Joaef, Freebody Park, Newport, It. L, July 27- VeoDian. George, Rock Springs Park, East Liverpool. 0., July 27-Aug. 1 ; WheelinK Park, wncell n„-. W. Va., a f YoOTig American Quintet, Masonic Temple, Chicago, July 27-Auk. I. Youijrs 1 Brook*. Toronto, C*n., July 27-Aug. 1. Zatta, A. A S., Boatou, July 27-Auk. I. Zano, Chute*, rian Frau., July 27-Auk. 1. Zero A Zara, Chester Park. Cincinnati, July 2C-Ang. I. Zor.i A Steuon, Lagoon Iilaud, Albany, N. v., Aug. 36. Zel, Lima, 0., July 27-Aug. 1; Spring Grove Casino, Springfield 3A Zimmerman, Al. A Pearl, CcntraL Hurley, Wla, July 27- Aug. I.' Ziska A King, Keith's, N. Y. C, Jnly 27-Aug. 1. We lmve prepared bandy mailing cards wrlttch will Kreutly (aelUtsroe vsndevllle performers In sending us their bookluK*. In using these cards the performer merely has to till oat the dates, name of theatre, and city or town and State, place a one cent ■tamp. In corner and mail. They will be 'famished on application to this office either personally or by letter. MISSOURI. St. Louis. — Last week was a record breaker at the Summer gardens from the standpoint of attendance, and the patrohs said a lot of complimentary things about the quality ot tne various attractions. '.Taken all in all, the week's offerings were. considerably above the average. I Dixuab (Jaiiuen (Mr. Jnunopouk), mana- ger). — "hlddle-Ueo-Dcc" was the drawing card last week, liarrls and Sldman, as the (jormsn comedians, kept the. audience laugh- ing. Owing to the Illness of Freda Oallick, the pant of Mrs. Mcadowbrook was taken by Kuthcrlnc Llnyurd, who was very fair to look, upon, hut her voice was rather weak. Josephine Newman did excellent work, par- ticularly In the "Uosy rosy" song. Arthur Witltclaw, Blllle Taylor and Harry Walters made good in their parts. They tried Intro- ducing some local gags, which were well re- ceived/ "'Way Up East" is the current olferlug. UiuiiLANDS (Col. Hopkins, manager). — The hill of last week at the lligblauds was In every respect an excellent one. Madame Mantelll, tormcrly of the Metropolitan Opera House, furnished a number out of the ordin- ary Jn at ficnco programmes. She was de- cidedly well received. The Kaufman Troupe succeeded In thrilling the audiences with bi- cycle work, .which Is a hard thing to do In these days. Others on this strong pro- grumino were: Zabodlc, Sanona, the 1'ottng American Quintette, and last, but not least, In any thing but size, Uttie Elsie. This week's topllner Is I'aplnta.; other good ones are: Four " Ulanoa, Hose Maynon, the Scuenks, Tress Eldridge, and the Howard Sisters. Kokiineii's (II. E. Rice, manager). — "Everybody'a Friend" was the play at Mr. Rice's popular resort last week. Victory Batemon's many friends were glad to ttnd her restored to health and Jn good form. Lawrenec Uanley and tlal De Forrest again showed their versatility by appearing in funny parts to excellent advantage. A pleasing specialty was introduced In the Six ivaty-lMds, a Juvenile song and dance aet. This week the stock company returns to Shakespeare, "As You Like It" being otTered. West End Heights (Ben Williams, mob- nger). — Kelly and Keno were featured In last week's bill, and made a hit with gym- nastic work. Fox and Foxle were also well received. Other acts were presented by Margarlte Favor, Post and Clinton, Mitchell and Ward, and Lerado and Blake. This week's main feature is the Cornellcs Pony and Dog Circus. Scui'itUAN (F. N. Innes, manager). — Man- ager Innes and his band were welcomed back "home" on Sunday of last week by two big and enthusiastic audiences. Marvelous Marsh presented his act of riding a bicycle down an Incline plane which abruptly ter- minates forty feet above a tank of water Into. which the rider leap*. This perform- ance Is the talk of the town. The band and Marsh both remain this week. Suburban is the only garden In Bt Louis requiring a "ground" nOraUslon fee. Mannion's Pabk (Mannlon Bros., man- agers).— J. Aldrlch Llbhey and Kathertno 'ibayer presented a strong act last week Others on the good bill were: Kearna and C'ole, Ullllhan and Murray, Lew Palmer, and I.e Hoy and La Vanlon. On Monday 20 The Poat-DUpotch gave Its newsboys art "?i. n * 1' , x r t > n , nlon '''- Over a thousand shrill voiced kids sboutcd their approval In the pavilion. This week are presented • Three Kealons, Mr. and Mrs. Hobyns, Jor- dan and Crouch, Chgs. Sharp, and Mile. Aline. Lump's i Park (J. L Wallrapp. manager). — THf1 t .« r ' alners ■*■ •*«*•: were: Franklin and McMitt, Kolile and Alecla, Morelln, and Le Hoy and Austin. This park It 4 !S£&!9. '^ e S* ot l lcketa ' as w> Sore people could be accommodated. A splendid performM*' was given .and the show left its usual fine Impression The Grand Opera House will open on Sunday Al * * 10 ,' J*i}7 The Burgomaster." MiJ: ager A. Judith Is expected home Aug 1 The GlllhJ Opera House will open Aitl With Richards* Prlngle's Georgia Minstrel'' M.«. Hudson is In Omaha this weei' arranging for the opening of the Krue th* new popular priced house which Hudson A Judah, Stair & Havlln will control. The house will be finished about Aug. 10. and will open a week later. H. J. Conden s. popular Omaha newspaper man, will manaei the -house. * Sift ft* Bill Posies n .Tbe roster of the Pawnee Bill Historic WUld West, advance car No. 1, Is as follows: Sam M. Dawson, car manager and con- tracting press agent; Joe M. Uriel, boss bill poster ; Dave Scanlon, assistant ; Robert Mathews. H. D. Mason, Chas. Baker Ed. Baker, William Slater, Geo. Llttleneld, Andy Warn, Ed. Richards, Tom Halvlnger and Fred Pomxoy, Mil posters : William O'De*. litho- grapher ; C E. Powell, banners ; Geo. Mel- rose, one sheet boards ; W. Witts, program- mer; Robt. Winder, chef, and George New- man, porter. All the men are members of the National Alliance Bill Posters and Billets of America. A special meeting was called In Vlncennes, Ind., the night of July 22, of all the mem- bers of the John Robinson and Forepaugb- Sells Bros, advertising cars No. 3, for the purpose of obligating four new members of Local No. 11, of Cincinnati. Jerry Donovan, an organizer of the National Alliance, and a member of the No. 11, acted as president, and appointed the following officers: H. C. Wnuman, No. 11, - vice president; Edw. Braddock, No. 8, secretary; Harry Ander- son, No. 11, sergeant at arms; Joe Cnth- cart, No. 14, guide. The meeting was called to order In due form, the business taken up being the obligation of the following now members: Edw. Kindley, F. F. Smith. 11. Z. Walker and II. Horton. Preceding the obli- gation Bro. Donovan admonished the appli- cants as to their duties as members of a trade union. He was followed by Bro. Brad- dock, Blller, Wanman and Anderson, in ap- propriate speeches. After the meeting all members adjourned to the dining room of the Union- Depot -Hotel, where an elaborate dinner was served. The following members were present ; . J. 1L Donovan, II. C. Wtiumon, H. Anderson, M. C. Servlss, II. F. J, Farquhar, C. Vernerder, K. F. Smith, R. Z. Walker, Ed. Kurdley, II. Horton and R. E. Eldrldge, of local No. 11 ; Ed. Braddock, of No. 3; W. Hurst, of No. 12; A. Blller, of No. 8; Joe C'nthcnrt, of No. 14 ; C. Rodgers and Wm. Groover, of No. S ; Frank L. Purceli, of No. 0, and Jo*. KoRcnthsll, of No. 10. The officers of Local No. 10, Minneapolis, Minn., are: W. J. Edwards, president; Geo. O'Brien, vice president; J. J. Whitehead, treasurer; John Foster, financial secrctnri; Ernest Porte, recording secretary; Jobn Volto, sergeant at arms ; Gay. Bordwell, Jim Kcgai-s and I*. P. Holmes, trustees, and dele- gate Minneapolis Trades and Labor Council, W. J. Edwards, and the St. Paul Trades and Labor Council, Geo. O'Brien. Walking dele- gate for Minneapolis, J. J. Whitehead, and for St Paul, F. E. Green. Bro. Ed. Clark, formerly of Rlngllng Bros.' No. 1 Car, l( back In 1 Minneapolis, and after a short stay will leave to spend the rest of the Summer on his farm in Wisconsin. W. J. Riley, of local No. 8, Cleveland, 0., has signed to go in advance of "A Fatal Wedding" Co. (Western), management of Sullivan, Harris & Woods. Ernest Porte, secretary of local No. 10, will spend a short vacation as the guest of Bro. Ed. Clark, at his Summer home. Local No. 10, Minneapolis, Minn., reports business In a flourishing condition, with all the boys working. George Caron, of the N. A. B. P. and B. of A., No. 16, of Springfield, Mass., who has been wlhb Walter L Main's advertising car No. 1, has accepted a position with the Springfield (Mass.) BUI Posting Co. Mr. CouglTn has Joined the Walter L. Main ad- vertising car No. 1. "Fatty" Davis, of Taunton, of Loral No. 15,' of Springfield, has Joined Barnum A Bailey's advertising car No. 1. ..Geo. Venus, of Bherman, Tex., I* now a member of Union No. 15, of Sprlngfleld. Mr. Venus Is with William H. West's Minstrels this season. Joe J. Nlhlll, treasurer of the Sprlngne.d, JLass., Union, No. 15, who was at Berkshire Park, PJttsfleld, has resigned. „ . ' 'Wm. Norrls, president of Local No. 0. Denver, Colo., sends the following: 'Car No. 3 of Rlngllng Bros.' Circus arrived Sun- day morning, July 10, with George Gooa- hart, manager, and Jobn Hartman, boss bin pouter, and twenty-one men, the entire car being solid union. This makes the elgntn car leaving here this season solid union- Local No. 0, as Is their custom, gave their brothers on car No. 3 a. very pleasant even- ing, "10, In' the way of a smoker and \aaca, and all present enjoyed themselves. Denver Is ohe of the strongest unlou cities In i" e country." _ j. Phil Sullivan, of Local No. 2, New Vort. last week fell down a flight of stairs ana broke his right leg in two places. He win ■be unaote to resume Work for several weeiut ■■'— Bartlen Leffens, who was with the "Two Married Men* 1 Co. Ia«t sesson, t» now with the "Joanna Slmpklns" Co. for ine Summer. Mr. Lefferts has signed for tne lead In "The Village Grocer" Co., supporting fcathrrn Brayham. August 1. THE JNTEW YORK CLIPPER. 535 Clipper Post Office. In order to ■▼old mistakes and to insure the prompt delivery of the letters advertised In this list, an envelope plainly addressed mast he sent for each letter, nnd a written order for the letter, signed with the fall name and address and the line at business followed by the sender, must also be enclosed. Please mention the date (or num- ber) of TUB CLIPPER in which the letters sent for were advertised. LADIES' LIST. I. Au»tln Slaters Ardclle, Both Anderson A Leslie Adams, Clara B]nk ley, Mabel Button, Aggie Urttton, Nell. Burt, Nell Bolton, Chart. Earlowe, Inej Bates.BenelOc Bertrand, Helen Brannlgan, Sadie Bealle.Annerte Bracbord.Jullo Harrington, Jenett Bates, Irene lilnke.Mra.Har Boyd, Irene Bcllonl, Elena Beaumont, Maud Bennett, Laura Bates, Irene Ueacb, Flo C. Batcheller Sisters Carve, Louise Cardownle, Louie Comstock, ■ • Laura Campbell, Wright C'nmmeron, Ol. Castle, Agnes Clifford, Bess. Cayrew fc Hayes Celeste, Grace Cardownle ' Sisters Castle, Agnes Clifford, Bess. Campbell, Vino Carey, Eva Cnrler, It. Carter, Bertha Clicslyn, Alice Carmen, Belle Chester, Alice Bevcre, L. A. DeVoy, Lulu Delisle, Maude Donovan. Fan. Drain, Stella DeMllt, Gertie Dlckerson, Blanche Dorian, Berth. DeWolfe, Rose Dnrlow, Vict . Dupree, Minnie Dressier, Marie DclKuego.Lulu DeShon, Ruth Davis, Hess. DeLora, Maud J hivenport.LU. D'Arvllle, Jeonettc D'Estelle.Bert. Dorian. Bertha Demester, Mabel Elden, Sylvia Everett, Fan. lingllBh, Mrs. W. P. Evans, Lizzie Edmonds, Nell Eder, Lizzie ElklnB, El eon Forrest, Edyth Folsom, Maud Faust, Daisy Frlgansa, Trlx Franklin Lyd) a Fits, Mrs. li.W. Franklin, Eat Fenr, Emma Franklin, Lyd. Frarler, Pearl Flamme, Guss Florence, Win. Fenz, Emma Fartardeau, D.I. Forrester, Selma Fuller, Agnes Favor, E. 4L GoldenFranklc Gracey. Mrs. Dan Garnella, Mrs. Robt Gale, Roth Gordon, Belle Gandy, Louise Gleeson, Mrs. J. H. Glasly, Emma (ill), Sadie GIbney, Avis Holmes, Ceclle G. Hammttt, Marie Hall, Ethlel Hart, Kitty Uazclton. Mabel nillmnn, Jen, Hlllman, Louise Henshaw, VIn Hall, Ethel M. Ulllman, . Louise Johnson, Rose Jordan, Mrs. Fred James, Millie Jarver, Blanch Jaeger, Fran. Karle, Nolle Kelcey, Fran. Knott, Roselle Kllgour, Annie J. Bhcrns, ' Sallle Lee,- Amy Lewis, Knth. Lowry.Hazcl K LaJtar, Irene Lewis, Belle Llnyanl, Coth. Lamson, Flor. Lee, Gert.. Lee. Stella Leslie, Mabel Lewis, Alma E Lund, Pearl LaVernc, Madallne LaFlelds. Flos Melrose, Car. E. Mercler. Edwlna Miller, Ella Milton, Lola McHnle, Trlx McCoban, Minnie L. Mnckey, May Mack. Myrtle McElhelne. Edith Morgan, Kittle Morrlson.Julia Maddon, Thel. Marry, Dollle Minos, Annie Maynard, Claire Mack, Florence Maclntyre, Owen. Mathews, Jolly Montrose, Bes Mascotte, Vlolette Nkfbols, Nell V. Navette Sisters Nellsen, Marie Norton, Mabel Newell, Maude Nelson, Kath. Nice, Kittle Oakley, Mrs. Frank Palmer, Daisy Palmer, Alice Potter, Ella Paul, Nettle Perl, Amy Perl, E. Plerlot, Helen PutnamSlsters Rumford, Nell Richard, Abble Rice, Nancy Ramsey. Clara L. Rich, Frankle Reld, Hazel Rogers, Lora Redding, Frnncesca Richard, Ah. Rayinoud, • Tcarl Raymond, Mrs. Redmond, Est.' Rodney. Louise Reynolds, Ray Robinson, Elethia Stewart. Lizzie Sloan, Helen Stevens, Lll. Starr. Lll. Swartz, Rosa Slegel, May Stevens, Josephine 'encs, Joe JJnrkcr, R. A. 'towers. Eld. jloidman, Paul "lake, Har. Barton, Robt. Bartone, Bart Barnes, Fred {hiker, Haf. i JJaldwin, H. 8. Barneys, The Hates Trio Berger, F. & Burton „ (mnglclan) Beno, B. J. 'Kick, J. L, Buckcmdyc. "" „ ,. . Chas. "nrtlno, Burt Buttons, oupr I|nnbenr Bros, Brlnklev, „ & & 0. Bunnell. ««,. Uootb, W. E. Barnard, Fred Bell, Alex. Beck, L. J. Bryant & Savlllc Crane, Wm. A. Clark, W. F. Colin, WU. Clifford & Burke Crane, Lawr. Cressey & Dayne Coates, Sberm Campbell. Wright Carroll, John Cousins, J. W. Cole, Robt. Chandler. Joe Carney, A. Campbell & • Cnulflold Conboy, Kelcey Cooper, I. M. Colbys, 4 Checsman, Wm Corrialla; John Crabtree, Geo: CarrA Burns Conlan, Wm. J Coleman, C. H Corrlgan,' Jas. CattalanoEmtl CannlloAFona Conway, M. Chamberlain. F. W. Crouch, A. B. Carlos, C. B. Cralgs, Mus. Coughlln, Jno. Callagban, John Casey, F. Cooper, C. Cole. ' Harold W. Caroll, Ben. Coccla, Aurel. Charters, Spencer Cambell. D'Arcy Coburn; J. A. Callahan, Jas. Claudius, D. D Cnstleton-Otls Coleman. R. Clyde, John Catnlona, Krall Olayton, Fred Cook, Ben Dawson & Booth Davis, Jns. Drone. Sam DellAmcs, H. DcEstang. Marcy Donnelly, Jim Davis, 10. E. Dari*. F. W. Dumltrescu. N DpEstn, Har. Dixon, Bowers ft D. Dnvls. C (!. Dunmnt, Frank Dobbins.- 3, If Dumltrescu, J Domorest, Robt Dempsey, Jack DeLuna, Walt. Daly. A. H. Douglass, M.G. DeOnzo' Bros. Delwarno & Ivy Dashlngton, Alb. DcVaro k DcCnrlo Davenport Hnr Delavoy. W. Doll, Chas. Dengon, Edwin Devlin, Jas. F. Elthicrs, Al. Eno. H. W. Engleton, C. F. Earl & Hampton Edwards Bruce Eldrldge, Robt Eversole. Wm. Edner. Geo. English, W. P Elliott. J. J. Frederick, Har Falke, C. H. Fllnn. Wm. Forrest. E. A. Elrst, Har. Flint, H. L. Ferris, Wiley Fulton, I. C. Fagln, Noodles Fraser & Lor en i Fox, W. H. Mk, Ira Fentellc. Hnr. Fltz & Webster Fuller, L. J. Ford, Bart Fulton Bros. Field, G. I. Flekns. Eug. Fenz, Chas. Felix. Edwin Fields. N. D. Foy. H. Fredo, Geo. Forrest, A. J. Fowler, F. D. French. A. Fltz. K. W. Fondelll. G. Fletcher, C. It Fentelle & Itadcllffe Falrmnn, Ens. Frances, Chas Krlnuot, Jules French. Leroy J. Franklln.Chas. Finn, Jos. Flack. W. E. Fletcher. C. L. Fronchelll & • LCWlfl General Amuse. Co. Gngnoux. The Gorman & Leonard Gordon. F. M. (Jenero A Baiter Garzlncttl, M. Gavin & Piatt George, Har, Grant, W Garon. Andy AM. Gllnserettl, T. Glrnrd, J. W. Gray, Ed. Gray, Wm. Oray, Wm. Gregory, Marv Garons, The Glldtouch.J.W Gogooux, W. Gankel. A. E. Goodtrlend, _ Oscar Gordon, Har. Goodhue, Will Goldsworrh, J.W Oaaklll, F. W. Genajo A Thcol(Oc) Green, Sam Goldsmith, Sol Graham, J. H Goldworth, J. W Hont, W. H. Hermann, P. L Hamilton, C.G. Uowe'sGt. Lon- don Shows Howard, L. A. Horner, Ben Hagar, Frank Hllllard, Roy Hughes, Chas. Howard, — (ol BrochardAII Hording, Chas Hawkins, Robt Holmes, Jack Holmes, W. E. Hlnes, Sam Haynes, M. P. Hougerous, C. M. J. Hall, Albert Hart, Jos. Howard A Burke Harts, The HowesGt.Lon- don Shows Harcourt A May Hassen, Ben Hoyden, Thos Hlckey, J. C. UowesOt.Lon- don Sbows Hidoman Bros Howard, W. J. Hood, Sam Hale. W. A F. Hcizleman, Fred Harrison Hugh Hogan, Gus Herbert, Thos, Hutchinson, F. B. Hawkins, Robt IlosQeld. E. J. Hlglnbothnm, C. K, Hodge, J. H. Horn, Chas. E Hunsaker. S. C Holmes, W. J. Harrington, Walt Howard, Wm. (strong boy Horner, Snm Heny, Frank Hanbrlck.Cbos Horcker, -Chas Hunt, G. B. Hard, Fred Jenkins, Chas. Johnson. D. Judge, Paddy Jalbert, T. J. Johnson, Petcr Jordan, Fred Joe. Rubber Neck Johnson, F. W Koster, Chas. Kelly, T. P. Keehle, Frank King, John Kernel!, John Keeshln, C. U. Henella, — Kail, Geo. Klnsncrs.LouIs Kraton, Hnr. Kohl, Wm. Keeler, L. A. Karnatz, J. F. Krlcger, Prof. Klcliners, The Kings, 2 Kndcl, Al. King. C. II. Knrmont.Cba8. Knupp, Ed. Kelly, Ward Kelly A Vlolette Lee. H. V. AB LcRoy A Cloyton Lane, Art. Loraine, Har. LoBose; Ed. Lowrle, Wm. I,nmolnes, The Lucodocs. The Lylc. IL J. Lawrence, J. F. LaMar, Hor. Lorklns, John Lavender, Geo Livingston, ' David Lister, J. E. Lclgbton, Frank LawTonce.Jack IjiIIo, Mr. Lester, J. W. Lewis, Orlen Lucler, Ben Lemon's Stock Co. Leon. Bert Llndbloom, Alt LoVnll, Jus, Lucler, — (Simmon AL Lalfataf Bros, loonier, John littDon, Fred liCslle Bros. Leonard A i.eonard Lyle. II. J. I^imbert. F. II LoSey, Bud Lawrenco. Del Lonoro, Ern. Lawlor. Chas. Leo. Frnnk Lenox, Geo. TaiiIr. L. R. LaRelle, Wm. Lllford, Har. Lnwlor, C. B. Lawlor, ctnol Morton, C. E. Rich, B. L. Niiddox, Dick Rnlmund. Jim McKeon J. U. Scott, Oliver Miller, Jos. Stetson, Wnlt. McDonald, Stcwnrt. Billy Mike Secley. C. W. Mayo, D. N. Strond, Lucas Murray Wm. Stevotis, Hat McWIlllams, Saunders, J. J. D. St. Leon A Murphy AGano MeCusIck Monroe, Al. Southcrtand, Morton.Hnrold Roy McltncAWyate Smith, J. H. McDonald, Snow, Ross Frank St. Pierre, A May, G. E. Smith, J. A. McDowcll.Jno. Seebaek, Har. Marshall A Schiller. E. A. Ervln Sliarpstecn, McDade. David Vern. Martin Bros. Soner, John Miles A Ireland Steele, Har. Martlnettt A Sun Bros. Grossi Stclllng, Fred Murphy, Jas. Stokes, J. W. Monroe A Sparks, Charl. St. Claire Sullivan, Martin A HnrrlsA W. Qulgg Stanley, H. C. McCarthy, Spldell, W. E. Chas. Seymour, 0. G Morton, II. C. 81ms, B. P. McBrlde, J. S. Short A Murphy, Jas. Edwards Morrison, Jas. Sun, Geo. Morton, Chas. Sargent, F. P. Moss, A. C. Scnmmon, A.O. Marveltc tc Stephenson, Gleason J. W. Moya, Tom Sassorla, Chas Moss, Fred Sharpsteen, Mayo, II. D. Lewis Matthews, Smith,, W. C. Jack Snyder A Momlncc, Alex Buckley McMnhon, Tim Sun, Gus Manning, Tom Seymour, F. V Slock, Harry Swaa A Miller, A. M. ' Ilnmbord McAulIffc, Jcr Sterling E A E Mnrlce, John Samuels. Geo. Mann, W. O. Sisson, O. P. McDowell, Solgrlst, Toto Mclb. Stevens, E. J. Mullen, Geo. It Stout, ft E. Mcnkemlller, Swnlm, Jerome H. J. Stnnley, C. II. MaddoxA Smllh, Billy Wayne Sheak, Fred Milton, Har. Spolford, Chas Mack A Mack Simpson, F. W Martin, D. A P Toole, J. E. Marks, Joe Thurston, How Manning's Ent TcnJJrookc, Moulton, Har. Jas. Murphy, A.J. TIedemann. Manning, WC H. B. McClore A Thor, Musical liaw Tourjcc, Daml. Macgulrc, ~' SiThatchcr. Jas. Morrison, Lew Trcylllc, T. P Meaker, Geo. Tlghe, liar. McGlnley, Taylor, Ben. Bob A E. Thomas A Milton, ft W. Thomas Manning, Bill Titus, F.J. Millard, Sam Thorn, Art. MoTammen. Trissell, Billy Julius Thatcher, Geo Moore, Vic Toble, Ira Mathews. J. E Tcets, Bros. M e tie r , F. W. Turpln, Ben Siarvln (care Tessler. Wm. of J. Gates) Thompson, Marks, Tom Barry Marlon, Herm Tlppel, R. B. Matthews, JC Thurston. How Moore, Vic Taylor, F. Lee MnniiMtB, The Tliayer, A. A. Newman. Alf. Toomey, C. M. NIchol, R. D. Tessler. M. M. Noble. H. V. Thor, MUBlcal Nichols, R. D. Varannlcr.Juo. Nesbitt.Wm.H. VanUuscn.H.A Neumyer, W. J Vandcrvoost, Nye, Ned _ R B. Norcross. J. M. Votos. The Nlssen, Walt. Via, E. J. Nye T. F. Vanscoy. W. A Nichols A Croix Van, It. B. Nudos, The Vandervoost, Norcross, J. M _R B. Nye, T. F. Van, B. B. Newell, Vic. Woodward. Norton, E. S. „ Geo. Newman, A. Wire. Sydney Nolan, Fred Wlndlsch, J. O Obcrfelt, Har. Wilson, F. II. Orr. Walt. Wheeler. P. L. Oldlleld. II. V. Whltlark.W.H. Orton, Gordon Williams A Owen, J. E. Wnlker 01 1 fans, 4 Watson, Lew Owen, Frank Wilson, Fred Overton, H. R Wntson, C. P. O'Brien. W. W Wnrda, Al. Tarker A Wayne. Al. Alvora WMttler, H. II Totts, W. L. Weltzcll, Jas. I'atton, Geo. Warrington. Powers, . . Geo. J. T. (10c.) White, Jack Totts, W. L. Wilbur, II. C. ricrre, D. C. Welsh, G. A. Peters. 'Mont Waters. J. M. i'owell, Mr. West. Mgr. Ponlers, 3 Wlclo A Povner, C K. Deliano l'ake A Nelson Whlte.E.B. lc. Plnkncv. Robt West. DoFor. Price, E. A. Wnrd, Joe rage. Wm. M. Waller A Phillips. Jack Moglll Pnttersons, 3 Warn. Geo. Powers. J. T. Wrljrliter, Gor. Polk A Rollins Wllllnms. Potts, W. L. /T L.G.(0c. l'nrrv, F. G. Walker. F. L. l'hllbrook. Way. W. J. H. L. Woodthrope. Ronaldos, The Har. Itoeers A Warsaw Bros. Hllpcrt White W. C. Rawlston, J3ob Wnrd. Frerl Reno, Ed. Woodwnrd.Geo ltavtnond. C. R Welsh Bros, lto'lmund A Wobb. Wra. B. Vack Wlggln, Bert Itoznlez A White A Mnlonc Simmons Reap. Will WHIcox, W. 8. Beno, Eugene Warner. B. R. Roekwood.Hiir WhltneyClrcus Richards. H. S Wllllnms, Rio. Adolph Malcolrn Roberts, A. Wenver, II. \. Russell. John Watson. Laa. Rossmyn, Holl Wire. Sydney Reno, Geo. 11. Wagoner. UlleyAIIucbcs Wm. G. Itolison, Billy Wilson. Jack RlnglnndMlns. Whirlwind. Kit Com. Co. Wobster, Mr. Rice, L. F. Wuterbury. Rivers. Art. .. Ed , w ' Richards. 11. 8 Waters. M. F. Ilenton. Edw. Welier A Pearl Rudlslll, Ilolit. Wlieeler. Relyea, C. E. _ Wm. .1. Rowland. J. 1> Vackloy, Leon Romnlo, Fred Yackley, 15. L. Rehan, John Yarrlck. Jas. Itoycr, J. Yard, Geo. Royer. J. SEE NOTICE AT 1IEAO OP LIST. ♦*♦ OEOnOIA. Atlanta At the Casino (Jake Wells, manager).— Ponce Do Leon Park- The vnmlc Till" bill week «f July 20 was one of relne. SS and mirth, and rti gt^j syrfcjtlg; Hon. 'I'll bill Imliided: llerlw-rl I.lojil. Ilj MnrVel.Mm foHoas. Enielle »»,m-r JMrr nnd Wihb. Iks Hrlirnde*. and Mltcliell nnd Cain- Vaudeville Is the bill for week St. Under fit Cents, Notes rnou Uinui.inq BitoTiiEns' Woiii.d's C.iiEATEST 8UOWH. — Estclla Swoycr, a sister of Ida Mlaco, menage rider and contortionist, has been added to ilie big list ot performers. Charles Crook, a promising young somersault rider, Joined at Kansas City. Martin Dollnrd, of Uie .Acrobat lc Dullards, has taken pictures of everything of Interest In nearly every city visited by the big show this season, nnd In a Alary has Jutted down notes relative to the pictures, lie will tnke them hack to Germany nt the close of the season, and will endeavor to demonstrate to his friends Just how this good old country of ours looks. The Dullards were Imported by Rlngllng Brothers, nud the present season Is the lirst they hnvo had in the United States. The monster plpo organ, one of the many new processional wonders ot the Rlngllng Show this season, Is one of the big features of the parade. Professor Cross Is tin accomplished organ- ist, and plays everything from rag time la "Old Hundred." Fred Ledgett and wife (Dollle Jnllen) recently visited their old home In Rockford, III. Sirs. Lodgptt's sister, Linda Stevens, returned to the show with her, nnd Is now a member of the ballet In the beautiful spectacular production of "Je- rusalem." Albert Crnndnlf, the orlglnntor of the burlesque mule act. Is celebrating the ar- rival of the llrst Miss Crnndnli. Mrs. Crandall, who was one of the Leon Sisters, acrobats. Is at the home of her mother In New Albany, Ind. William Sells, of Sells A Downs' Circus, visited us at Des Moines. Business con- tinues big. Just as It bus been since the open- ing In Chicago. The red seats, the extras, have been In every day, nnd the six doors nt the tront have been opened dally. Only one day hns been lost this season, July IT, nt Ft. Dodge, la. A rain that greatly re- sembled a cloud burst was falling when the first section arrived, and the llrst wngoiis oil the cars went through the streets and sunk to the hubs In the mud. Colonel Dele- van "hoop roped" them, nnd even with twenty-four horses was unable to get them to the lot. The stable wagon broke In twnln, and as the rain continued to fall in torrents Charles Rlngllng ordered all the wngons bark to the rnliroad, nnd decided that it would be Impossible to show. Afler considerable difficulty the wngons were drawn from the mud and reloaded, and nt six In the evening the four trains pulled out for Dcb Moines. Louis ami Judy Pin- mondon entertained Topcka rvlnllves and friends at Omnhn. Mr. MeCrncken, father 'ot 'Snmuel' MeCrncken, contracting ngent, visited the show nt Kansas l.'lly. Oddettn, Ronton nnd Green linvc Joined for concert work. Chester White, of the black top staff nt electricians, nnd Wilson Keece, superintendent of wnrdrohe, spent two days at the home. Ft. Dodge, In. The Tinnitus, midgets, arc new nddltinns to the side show, nnd Chnrles White has Jollied for rube clown work on the hippodrome, truck In the big show. Notks Know Axdiiew Dovxm McPhee'h Bio "Uxcle Ton's Cam.n" Co. — We opened our season under ennvas nt Ncchec. ' N. !>., May 20, with everything new nud the best that money could buy. The show consists of two cars, fourteen, head of ponies, two donkeys, ten dogs, eight chariots, steniu calliope, and white and colored bunds. Our new nnnd wngon arrived last week, and, drawn by six white ponies, Is a special ha- rm with the big parade. We crossed Into Canada, .playing Manitoba, Ontario, Province of Quebec, nud returning to the Stales nt Greenville, Me. The business hns been the greatest In the history of the show. Mr. McPhce visited Stetson's "U. T. C." Co. nt Ontario. At Shcrbrook. Quebec, we nil visited the Walter L. Main Circus. Mr. Shaw, Mr. Smith nnd Mr. Rutherford spout Sunday with Big. Sautclle's Big Show, at Old Town, Me. The show hns covered almost 4.0(10 miles since the opening. Manager Ruther- ford made n flying trip to Boston nnd New York recently to close contracts for tho rest of the season. The show will close nt Me- dina, N. Y., In October. Roster: Andrew Downle MtTliee, proprietor: Bert Ruther- ford, manager: Fletcher Smith, ngent, with three assistants; Arthur Fordhoin, leader of band of eighteen men : M. A. Lowcry, tender of orchestra of eight men ; Mrs. A. D. Mcl'hee. Florence Forrester, Mrs. Henry Marshall. Mrs. Wilson, Hnby Lois Wilson, Master Howard Wilson, Mrs. Harbour, Mnrl- ott Brothers, J. It. Wllfion, Henry Marshall, E. Barbour. Henry Bllx, Geo. Burton, Bud Nairn, C. W. Musselman, W. II. Billings, the Alabama Quartet, McKay nnd Crosly, and the Plnkncys. C. J. Wnlker. boss can- vas man, with eight assistants ; Fred flrow, boss hostler, and two assistants ; Joseph Sans, chef; Charley Stewart and Mackinaru, porters. Notes fiiom Sits BnoritEns' Sinn Snow, D. II. Lano, manager. — My business this year Is ahead of any previous year. So far our banner day nt ltlchwoud, W. Va., netted over $200 aide show receipts, exclusive of the annex. Dig show gnve three perform- ances that day. Following Is complete lioiui- flde roster: Mile. Lano, snakes, nnd I.nnos. Punch nud Jndy; Tellos, alligators; Llzelte, mind render: Josephine Brown, Circassian ; Wnrd Sisters, Mexican Inipuleinent act ; Swartz, magician : AJnx, Greek Hercules ; Denns, gtnssblowcrx: four cages smnll ani- mals. Mont MurencI and six genuine Hin- doo dancing girls, the Hindoo broom mystery and Hindoo musicians ui'o a big feature. Moxs. A. Lk claim's IIigii Class Enteii- taineos opened In Torre llniitc, Ind., July II), under n new canvas, 50x130, to excellent business. The following well known vnude- vlllc nets nrc engaged for a fen weeks' run : Gnldle nnd Star Kulgliiim, Hurry St. Clnlr, Dan Cofctello, Dotty Morgan, Dolly Former, the Jarretts, and Jess Fill ford; Edith Do Shelley, pianist ; Wm, Do Shetley, ad- vance agent. The show carries a' band of twelve, of which Joe Mucnzer Is lender. Tho performance will consist of vaudeville only. IioN'iiF.ni Bros.' Show Notes. — The Show during the week commencing July 13,- with the exception of the llrst day, which wus n "rain out." bus been the best of the season so far. The stock Is now working well under the new trainers. The company Is entirely new throughout, nnd the show Is running smoothly, although the weather Is actually Hie sultriest (hot could be endured. Eternal vlgllnncc is the pries of success, nnd there Is no exception to this rule here. Howard Boiihcur Is up from 5 a. m. till 2 A. M.. working an hard as nny of the work- ing force. It hns been . the . hn rdest year, to keep a full working force In I lie history of lue show, and there has been more trouble experienced with illrorgnnlzers. Win. II. Tib- lills has taken charge of the advance, with Lew Brooks, and A. G. ISonlictir lakes the trained stock bock with the show. The Brennuns have joined Dr. Conrnd. whose aggregation Is now touring Indian Terri- tory. Rosteii or Eaoi.es with the IIadoreavk Show. — Aerie lull. Chester, I'm. : Prof. Clms. E. Kacrrher. Frank Loiigbollom. Fred Bid- die. At. Knccht nnd Jnme* Ebersolc. Aerie 400, Holyoke, Mass. : Adams, of Adams and Jury ; Tims. Hnrgrncves. Win. Lykens, Jack Dovle. Chas. Cohan, Thos. Dc Vnn, ,\Vm. Murphy, Mae Wells. Henry Knignrd. Hurry Strnuse. .Harry Drlsrnll, Titos. Crmn, Clms. Lacy. Edward IMwnoii. Aerie 2110. Man- chester. N. II. : Morris Dnvls, James Thomp- son. William Tessler, Harry Burton, Jack' Rettenbougb. Vincent Unrig nnd James O'N'ell. Aerie 110, Trenton, N. J.: Italic Ilynu. . ' 1 1 ah ii v H. NnVEH. side show Inlker. closed wllh the Jnbwir Xhoiy at :HI..,l"XppJ); M"-. Julv 1!>. ami joined Rlngllng Bros,' Shows at Dcs Moines, In., IS, Notes kiiom the Te.clg Bros.' Show. — Wo are playing to banner business through Virginia, turning them away three days Inst week nt Cuebuni, Glndevlllo and Norton. The Inttrr town wns our banner day for thu Me do good work In comedy, nnd In ably assisted by n dozen or inure ex- ponents. Coticcrt Is Inking big. while the side show, with Wild Rose, na tho chief at- tract Ion, Is doing good business. Many of the men hnve been taken Into the Magics. At Holyoke. Mass.. July 17, "Pole" G. Hell, Archie Rover, Bert Fortune, Frank ranter, Frank llowen and Tom Brown were matin members of aerie 400, of thnt city, nnd nt Sprluglleld. the following tiny, Richard Hen- bell, Frnnk W. Blnsacr, James H. Conley, Howard Deetz, William Chnytev, Albert Ben- nett, Jnmca Jordan, Lloyd tiwyhel, Sntu Cohen, Clinrlcs S. Cnok, Reginald U. Moors, Thomas : V. ' Mrlntlro, Alexnnder Hotilher- Innd." Charles K. PfelnVr. Chnrles Mitchell, Charles II. Gowdy, William II. Lnyiiiiiii, Myron linker, Henry B. Bell. Keller Mors. land, Arthur Jnrvls, llnrry Tare. Hlrbnrtl Jones. William F. Pnrker, Wllllnni E. Klrseh. Waller Wlsemnn, John II. Daley nnd Samuel Bender were uested In nerle 1IH, of Sprluglleld. The credit for such a. Inrge clnss Is due In llnrry Clark, who Is nil enthusi- astic Eagle worker. Phasic. WutiTixuEn, baritone, anil .lenii Brlckncr, cornet, hove Joined the Great Mel- bourne .Shows for the rest of the senBon. Bu.viiKUU niton.' Snow Notes. — At Burr Onk the night show opened to a good at- tentlnnce, In siiltu of u storm niipronclilng from the Northwest, which hod been brew- ing for seviriil hours alter a day of sultry bent. l'lie performance wits cut short by the high wind thnt iireceoded n heavy rain of short duration. The iinnouncement in I lit) audience Hint (he storm was Hearing Hie danger line cleared the tent Just In time, nnd llm headwind dashed the top to lbs ground In nh Instant, brcAklng one of tho centre poles lu two, and. tearing a long rent In the top of the tent, hut no Injury was sustained to the property nnd no one wns hurl. Mrs. Wm. II. Tlbblls Jollied the show nt Burr link. Mr. Tlbblls, her bus- liniul, Is In charge of the advance. Lew Brooks, of the advance, no litis been sick, Is bolter. A. G. Banhcur Is wllh thu show, helping Ids brother with trained stock. Tho show Is doing uh line n business ns usual. At Lebanon Harvey llninllloii, a young Koiituekhin. who Joined Hie show nt Her. rlligloll, Kiin., suddenly disappeared while the concert, wus going on. Shots were heard down n long the rnliroad trucks, Northeast of Lebanon, nlstut the time he wns supposed to bans gone away. The authorities were iiotllled next morning and Hie officers of Lebanon nre searching the fall weeds In I ho direction whence the shots were henrd. Ilnm II ton left, bis satchel of clothes nnd salary due him, nnd no one ahoul the show can account f<)r his sudden dlsilpnimraiico, as he was well liked by nil tho members of tho company, and wns a good, sternly young man. ' Notes kuom tub Curat Wam.ach Wil- liams HiioWh. — The coiiililele roster ot thlB show I'm: Wallace Wllllnins, owner; Arthur Jerome, ctiucstrlan director ; V. Ed- wards, In chnrge of concert ; Geo. Stokes, boss iiiiivns it nt 1 chandelier mini, with fuiir assistants : Arthur Buff, chef, with one as- sistant; Jut* MoKny, properties, wllh nun nsslstant. We have one of llm hentest band wngons on llm road. Our tup Is fiO, with 3d foot middle piece. Evoryllilhg Is brand new. Luke Williams Is lender Of the build nnd orchestra, with the following people: Vest Idee. A. Kendell, Bolaml Wllllnms, Herbert Wllllnms, Clms. Adnms, J. J. Murks. I'liiis. Muyengo. Our hand nud iiamtlu In a feature with Hie show. ,Tho following Is the roster or the iierfiirmnrs : A. Jerome, trnpczlst ; V. Edwards, singing clown ; Lil- lian Jerome, soiibrelte ; Al. Leonburt, clown nnd Juggler; Clms McCoy, slack wire mill Juggler; Everett McCoy, on Hie light wire; Rice and WIllliiniH, In u musical net. Wo opened July SO, nt Polo, Mo„ lo capacity, mid the proHnects of n good season lire very bright. ItosTiiu in-' Skehiieck Snows, Cnil Ablen, main. gei' : .Frank Mkeibcck, owner; Joe Sker- lieelt, business iiinimger : Mrs. Flunk Sker- lieck, treasurer: Mrs. Ida Skerbcck, assistant treasurer; Harry Dickinson, Kid Show; Prof. Joseph Sojip, lender of bund, with fourteen pieces ; .1. While. Ed. Storms, Bud Dlibbel, Fred Meyer, "Old Man FrllK," II. Lemon, Curl lA-slle, Gus Kroiischnuble, Carl Lcstnltz, Kid Butler, traps; Turn Donovan, Lee Houston, A. F. Botls, Peurl Skerbeck, Amanda Skerbeck. Ida Skerlwck, llosn I "•- verc, ltose RnynoltlH, Kltly Lewis and Bessie De llnrre. Joe Marline, boss canvas mini, wllh six osHlstniits; Dull Itlckiirds, hostler, with four assistants ;. Prof., Tony White, pony show : Bub Trony, clief, nnd t.wo llttnkeys : -Prof, rifiifc.n. magician and con- cert: Ktl. CuMgrovo, aire .wnlker. Minder ".••of ll Sin H.M'tei.i.e Snow Notes. — We nre now In New Hampshire, adding lo the dully In- creasing number of new friends unit patrons. Several new nnmes hnve been placed upon the pnvroll within the Inst few days. Includ- ing: llbuicho lllllnrd, etvuestrlenne: the Nudos, Klutz, the funny man: Arthur An- derson, the bug piper, aiul others. "Klepluuit: Curly" placed his left hand In the month ot Roger, our big eleplinnt, July 21. A sur- geon of Berlin thinks the band may bo saved. Fred l OSTEW YORK CLIPPER. ArcirsT i NKW TURK C1TV. Ilevlew .anil ("m mrnt, — The weather the pnBt week was for. the most part favor- able to Hie outdoor resorts, and prosperity ruled. The. local Indoor resorts also drew (■ood patronage. The continued attraction for the week ending July 25 were : "The Karl of l'nwtncket" at the Manhattan, •The Runaways" At the Casino, "The Wizard of Or." at tlic Majestic, the Dubs Orchestra at Maiuhon Square Oakukn, ■Japan at Night" at tho Madison Squauh Roof flllll. Hummer opera al Trkhai-b Garden, and Lew Dockstader'H Minstrels at Manhattan Beach, the last named cloning <\n that df.(e. Dim mas By I he t. V- Vq» lor stock • companies, with added vaude- ville featured, were presented nt Pjioctoii'h Fifth AvostiK, nRHHm. Htbkbt Hud onk Vtemmm and twrnti-kiktii c^tuekt Variety entertainment was fur- nlHhed at Crystal (Iaiiiikn, Pkoctob'b Twen- TI-TIIIBD UlBIIII. 1'AHAIIIBB OAKDBNB, lON* l'ASTOR'8, KEITHS UNION SQUARE and WON Palace. Hammer vaudeville was al»o pre- wnted nt HmoitTON Reach, Hendkrron'b Mi sic JIAM. and M» 1'ark, Coney lBland, MoiiuisoN'H Urate Hau., RockBway Beach, ii ii J the Floatinu Hook Garukn. 1'roctor'a KIttb. Avenue Theatre (J. Austin Fynes, general manager).— tor trio. wtock company Ib presenting Lord Cbuin lev" and the various roles were well taken t/r'e of Wallace Ersklne, In the title role, gave a good occonnt of hUelf. and Verner Marges nraul Wb&Xmm. Beatrice Morgan mi Alice «5ale were happily cast. Tto others " !e7aHenu* The sketch, which s from the lien of Mrs. Williams, was well portrayed md ?ound favor The bill further named: llowe llerrv ond Walters, musical comedl- L r. Adatis. Illusionist ; Russell and O'Neill, Irish comedians ; John Leach, wonologW. loan Banremorc, and company,, ft, f.,* 8 ^ .ttlled "MainBellc Mephlsto; Lcelal and itowen, comedy ncrohats, and the kalatccb- nojeope. (K v A | bce general ?ill\ with the weather conditions mo^tCorlble and a capitally enteitalnTng UU I Is bsrdiv necessary to announce that overy seat contained an 'occupant « Mon- dav July 27, when the flrBt number of UiIb week's programme was given- an encourag- ing hand of welcome. The bill contn lined tho following well known and popular vaudcvlr e numbers : Keno, Welch and Melrose, n K t?lo of 'skilled acrobats, and Introducing .■xcollent comedy as well; Chas II. amitu md I Frank J. Brynn, conversational corne- lians and singers; the Fnrros Bros., expert balancers ; Ua*rry Linton and tho UwrenrB Sisters, In a singing and dancing act .Chas. M. Ernst, mlnstroT comedian : the Sisters Meredith. In their novelty. ''Hiawatha. . nice and Cady, clever German comedians. Ksfe Bernard: '"The Eternal Questioner:' Zlska and King, In mystery and i mirth ; tho Folly Trio, In entertaining comedy, the Maxsmiths, In an expert performance on the dancing ladders; Wilbur Amos, who Jug- gles In a novel way; tho GrcgsonB (Charles and Klorenco), rellned singers and dancers, und the motion pictures. Pastor's Theatre (Tony rnstor, mnna- «or).— The excellent bill provided toy Mnna-. ger raster 5* h's patrons here this week met with the entire approval of, large audi- ences on Monday. Jujy 27. when, with the mcathor perfect (being Invitingly cool), noth- ing remalm>d to bring out the full Pastor clientele hut to provide a list of entertnlners which would be Biire to please all tnstea. Tlio bill tilled every, requirement, and gave the utmost satisfaction. Jnnot Melville nnd Rvlo Stetson, who may very aptly l>e termed l«ul- Ing vaudeville comediennes, la effecUve prlBln- alltv wid style of work, liead the bill ; Maddox and' Wayne are equally effective as laugu producers. In "Tho Messenger Boy and the Thespian ;" tho Tourist Trio (Jwk Silver, V. P.'OsttUI nnd Alice Silver). In really liar- monlons vocallsm ; Orvllle and Krank, expert equilibrists ! Josle and WUJIe Barrows, In n neat Blnglng and dancing act; KnymioTKl Teal, woo sings nnd .talks entertaliilngly ; Brooks Bros., i-omedlnns ; Cook and Hall, In humor and musical comedy: tho Gagnou*. experts In Juggling; the Rapiers, eccentric Hinging and dancing: Becson. Malcolm and Rceson. lornedy sketch; Toledo, "the twisted rube." ond tlio vltagraph are listed Jn one of the liest hills of the year. Crystal Gardens (Klaw & t)rlangcr, managers!. — "The Hurling of the"(iallery Gods. Ned Wnyburn's iMInrtrcl Misses, nnd the English l'ony Ballet continue to be the lending features here. Harris' Orphan Boys Bmul. and Dnwes and Seymour are ■ recent nd'Utionn to the nrogmmmo. Manhattan Theatre (nnrrlson Grey Flake, mtinagei').— "Wie Kntl of I'awtiickot ' continues his very pmfllnlilo stiiy In this cltv. Ihc nineteenth week of which began July 27. with no signs of a departure . In view. Paradise Iloof Gardens (Oscar Ham- mersteln. manager!. — This n-eek'shlll names: "Agn." an Illusion : Victor's Bovnl A'enetlnn Band, Gillette's flogs, ltlce and l'revost, Five Juggling Johnsons, Klccnbono's Horses. Ag- nes Mnliv. Bros. Scott, Josephine Snbel. F.dlth Helena. 1'our Mghlons, Grant anil Grant, nnd the second edition of "l'unrh, Judy & Co." Majestic Theatre (Geo. IT. NIcolRl. manngerl. — "The Wizard of t)i" began tlio iwenty-BOTenlh week nf Its engagement here Monday, July 27. to continued prosperous business. Atlantic Garden (W. Kramer's Sons, managers!. — The bill this week Includes: Billy Howard and Katherlne Harris. In a comedy net. "The Adventures of Haiqiv lloollgnn:" Satsumn, Japanese Juggler; Har- ry and Sadie Fields, In Hebrew character Impersonations : Smith and Bowman, two colored comedians: Clara Shaw, operatic Kotirnmt. nnd flir. Kill© Ijwlr Dri^ltnatH Proctor's Flfty-elahth Street Thea- tre (J. Austin Fynes, general manager).- — The root . weather, combined with an at- tractive hill, served to ' attract u good sized crowd to this house Monday, July 27, when the stock offering was "Sly Sweetheart.". Belle Gold, lu the'tltle role, was equal tn all the demands of ' the part, and was well liked, applause being bestowed cs|ieclally for her song rendering. Edna Arrbcr Craw- ford made her usual • success, and In the chnracter of {4sbbV Fleeter was the typical ndventitress In every particular. . Robert Cummlngs, In the part of Dr. Oliver, Was in his element, and the other characters were rajMbly handled. The cast : Farmer Ilotzwell. Richard Lyle ; Doctor Oliver, Rob- ert Cummlngs; Tony" Faust,'Joseph Wlllard; liurllvy llarcourt, OuneanufbrrlB : Joseph Shot well, Charles W. Klngr George Wash- ington Hnofc, nobcrt Milton; Tina Hut /.well, Belle Gold: Louisa Fleeter,' lOdna Archer. Crawford ; Mrs. Hatzwell, Mathilda Deshon. Between the acts vaudeville dlvertlscmenl was furnished .by Marty Wixnlworlli, In his clever Impersonations of' other performers, and Kdlth Murray, who. In her coon Imper- Konatlons, songs and dances, was the recipi- ent of vociferous applause. Sunday's con- certs, July 26, attracted the usual crowds. Next. week, the lost of the Summer season, the stock will present "Three Wives to One Husband." The Full and Winter season, of combinations will open Aug. 10. Harlem. — Proctor's One Hundred and Twenty-fifth Street Theatre (J. Austin Fynes, general manager). — Business fell off somewhat during tho not spell, but picked up during the latter part of the week. This week opened good, with bright prospects for a continuance. ''The Old Coat." wUh BTed- rrlc Bond In the cast, was presented, and < vldontly gave satisfaction, meeting rounds of applause. The vaudeville contributor was alary Madden, with the kalateehnosoope. Casino (Sam S. k Lee Shubert, mana- gers). — The- twelfth week of "The Runa- ways" began Monday, July 27, at. this popu- uar theatre. . ■ ■ r ' The Floating Hoof Garden Is still catering to capacity crowds on pleasant evenings. ', „■..■ Madison Square Garden. — John S. Dubs and his Metropolitan Opera House Or- chestra, on Monday night, July 27, began his ninth week. ■'■ < Madison Square Roof Garden (Ku- hlshlbl & Aral, managers). — "Japan by Night," and the opera; "Otoyo," are the con- tinued potent magnets here. Tub reoulak reason at the Broadway The- atre will begin Aug. 31, .with James T. Towers, in "A Princess of Kensington," as the attraction. Nat m. Wills, In "A Son ot Rest," will open his starring season Aug. 17, at the Fourteenth Street Theatre. • John H. Sr-KiNOEB has notified all vaude- ville performers that play-Sunday nights at Ms house to give particular attention to the vocal parts of their offarlbjtB. Audiences at the big Weat side theatre' «re especially fond of hlgV class ballads, and. Mr. Springer In- tends to revive the almost lost art. Leading publishing houses nnd composers are delight- ed at the announcement' of the new policy. «s It means on appreciative hearing ot many new efforts. A Sunday night appearance at the Grand la now much sought after, and It behooves the performers to follow closely its manager's Instructions. Lion Palace (J. H. Pblpps, manager). — Circumstances have been favorable toward roof gardens lately, and this plnce has en- joyed Its full share In the way of attend- ance, the garden being well filled nightly. and the opening gives promise of another good week. The bill 1b a good one, present- ing the following people: Warsaw Bros.. Itelff Bros., Mnrtlne nnd Balmo, Crawford Sisters, Henry Valberg. Harry Dudley, Terry and Elmer, the Lucqdoa, and the Lambs Four. Brooklyn.— 'Manhattan Beach.— The mu- sical comedy, "A. Chinese Honeymoon," Is the attraction for the week of July 27. The costumes arc beautiful, likewise scenery. The engagement Is for two weeks, and from all appearances business Will be big. Lew Docksuder's Minstrels did excellent business last week. Pain's "Last .Days of I'ompel!" continues. The high dlver.'who drops head- foremost from the top of a high pole Into a body of water about four feet deep, is a new end reigning sensation. BRIOliTON Ukach Mi-sic Hai.i, (Wm. T. Grover, manager). — The business at this resort still continues big at every perform- ance. The bills are all excellent, and arc well received. The bill for the current week : Shenn und Warren, linro Fox, the conjurer and Illusionist ; the Fleury Trio, Parisian dancers; West nnd Van Slclen, In "One Sum- mer Day;" Job. 11. Manning and Floyd Hunt, In "The Irish Pawnbrokers," and Loney Haskell. Hbnderbon'b Miibic Ham, (F. Faber, manager). — The vaudeville Is as follows: Boyco and Hllaon, assisted by Mildred Han- son and Sadie McDonald ; the Simpsons, Swan nnd Bombard, Melrose Troupe, Collins nnd Hurt, tho Mitchells, Kate Dahl, Tossing Aus- tins, NellloFlorede, Carroll und Kmory, Gas- tun and Stone, Foster and Foster, the Gorham Comedy Four, Gerald's Theatre, the Kretlo Fnmlly, and Clara Adams. Luna Park (Thompson & Dundy, own- ers). — The many attractions have drawn large crowds dally. Knch week something new Is given tu the public. Bkkukn Beach. — The comedy, "The Strange Adventures of Was Brown," will ho produced here, with Will 8. Rising ns Cnntnln Courtney. ■ Notkh.— The Spoonors, who sailed for I'moiie the first of the montth, will return on the St. Louis, leaving England Aug. 8. Jessie McAllst'jr, who accompanied them, will re- turn on the 'same steamer Hyde & Behmnn's Adam Street Theatre la bpoked to own Aug.. 31. Many Improvements and alterations have been made In the house. . . . Harold Kennedy, of tho Snooner Stock Cotn- jiniiy. Is located at Providence, It. I Rehearsals for Watson's Theatre will com- mence In two weeks On Wednesday, Aug. r>, there will bo a Midway Day at Luna Park. • * «■» ' WASHINGTON. '*•- i r ,.' r Seattle. — At the Grand Opera House (John Cort, manager ).-r-Ruhard J. Jose's Minstrels appeared Jnfy'.iMO, to food busi- ness. The house will be dark until the latter part; of August. ...<.-.'- • . Seattle Theatre (S.IP. Howe, manager). — Pollard's IJllputlnn Opera > Co. 20-22, In "Dorolhy ;'' "A Gaiety Girl" 2.1-2B. . .KattM Pauk Thbatiik. — New people: Del- phlno and Dolmorn. tho Francelllns, Devnney and-Allen, and Edwin R. Lang. La Petite Tiikatiik. — Now people: Wells and Wells, the Urals, Harry Walton, and Edna Foley, -, Edison Thbatrb. — New people: Roselle nnd Hostelle. Edward Dolan, Darthold, Geo. Sweet, nnd Ed. Poultor. Crtbtai. Theatre. — New people: Mr. and Mrs. Al. PIcnn, Prince Bonny and Princess ■1'iiy. and Prof. Del Adelphln. ■Peoi'le'r -and Pauk Theatiikr (J. K. Smith, manager). — New faces: Kahn and Kahn. Two Rrnns. Bartbold, Swor and Mc- Greevey. VI Vaun Sisters, Belle Williams, nnd Connors nnd Conner*. CoMtqiiB ThbatIib. — The Four Rragdons, Three Rosebuds, Slmms, . Hart and Hart, Jobn Ritchie, and Jack Madden. HuriBB Thbatbb.— New faces : Morris and Walton, Boyle and Lewls.Jhe. Soldier Quar- tet. ■' 'I' '■' " ^7#I'I»-T. . • • , 4 i » it ..,.«..■,. """™™»" • ' '«'» ipfi "peraiic — Do Voll, expert whlstlfr, has been- en- soprano, and the Elite I«ady Orchestra. 8 *ced by the Regal Slock Col World of Players, ,_ Willis L. Holmes, who has been spend" log the Summer at the CbBlu o' Lakes,. In wTsconsln. has signed for the coming season to do the heavy with the "In Convicts Stripes" Co. , ,_, — Claire Tuttlc will star next season in repertory, under the direction of H. L. Btro- golf. The company will tour the South, where good time Is booked. , — Dan Sully commences rehearsals . at Woodstock, N. V., Aug. 24. m — P. p. Craft, manager of Conroy *: Mark's Enterprises, writes that no expense will be spared to mnko a grand success of Ihelr production, "The Rising Generation, which will be headed by Conroy and Mack. Every piece of paper and all scenery and properties will be new and the best that money can provide. A large assortment: of new and special four colored lithograph work Is being gotten, out by the Metropolitan and Erie Lithograph Companies. Several, members of Wm. Barry's original cast will be members of our company, which will number twenty- four people. Messrs. , Conroy and Mack are resting at Atlantic City, N; J., prior to open- ing their season on Sept. 3. - — Manager Edw. Todd, of Little's Opera House, Conshohocken, Pa., writes: "Big Im- provements have been made In my playhouse. The stage has been enlarged, and can accom- modate almost any show and bang any size drop. The building Is heated by steam and lighted by gas and electricity. There Is a hydraulic elevator to all floors In the build- ing, nnd there are accommodations for sleep- ing for all the company. In the basement of the building there is a restaurant. The house opens Sept. 12, with the Park Comedy Co., which will present 'Under Two Flags.' — J. L. Barnett, manager of the Opera House at Troy, O., was a Clipteb caller July 24. He Is In New York booking at- tractions for his bouse. — "Alexander the Great," the new play In which Wagenbals A Kempner will present I.ouIb James and Frederick Warde the com- ing season, has for Its chief motive ambi- tion versus love. The progress of the. plot shows Alexander to be alternately torn by these conflicting emotions, the latter being finally triumphant, lie fails to realize the futility of ambition until he arrives at what be imagines to be the end of the world, when there are no more worlds to conquer. He then discovers that love, after all, la the great- est of human emotlonB, and the only com- pensation for the struggles of existence. The dramatic suspense of the play Is pro- vided by the Intrigues and perfidy of Per- dlccss, the role which will be assumed by •Mr. Warde. Mr. 'James will appear In the title role. — Augustus McCune, who so successfully piloted Louis James and Frederick Warde In the record breaking tour last season, will again handle the business management of this famous duo. The season will open. Aug. 31, in Grand Rapids, from whence the company' will proceed to the far Northwest. The vehicle used this year will be a play founded on "Alexander the Great," and written by Collin Kempner and Rupert Hughes. — Regal Stock Co. Notes: We will open Aug. 17, playing week and three night stands In Iowa, Illinois and Wisconsin. The rep- ertory will Include several successful melo- dramas. Including: "Sapbo" and "Monte Crlsto." Special scenery will be carried. The Bosar Trio have been engaged as the specialty feature. — Beaumont Claxton has lately disposed of his new play, "The Minister's wife," to Geo. A Weller, who will give It a scenic production In the popular priced houses i he coming season. — Notes from the Morey Stock Co. : We opened our season at Keokuk, la., July 20, to the largest audience that was ever In the Casino to witness a dramatic per- formance. The repertory for this season In- cludes: "A Woman's Way," "Michael Stro- gofl?' "In Dixie's Land," "Little Miss Mili- tary," "The Game of Life," "Article 47," "Queen Sylvia" nnd "Cleopatra." The ros- ter : Fred E. Le Comte and Frank Fleshcr, managers; Luella Morey, Margie Steers, Car- rie Lowe, Minnie Deneau, Marc Robbing. F. A. Murphy, Guy O. Frltts, Karl Bayard Steers, ft J. Holiowny. J. B. Ball, Fred Burr, Elmer Cox and Master John Murphy.' Special scenery complete for esch production Ib carried, and the territory for this season will be the same as was played for the past four years, Iowa, Kansas, Oklahoma and Texas. — Charles J. Lammers, after one hundred and eight weeks, has closed with the Arnold Stock Co., ss heavy man and stage manager. He will go with "For Her Sake" Co. next Benson. — Harry Dull's "Weary Willie Walker" Co., Eastern, will open at Dundee, Mich., Aug. 8. — The Southern Amusement Association Notes : The association, composed of Col. R. L. Whlttlnghead, Jacksonville, Fla., presi- dent ; M. E. Kosemanne, Atlanta, Ga., vice president ; Judge J. H. Brown, Macon, Ga., secretary and treasurer, and Bruce Conquer, Louisville, Ky., general manager, was formed at Macon, Ga., July 1, with a capital of f 100,000. The association will put out the following companies: Nell Litchfield, in a scenic production of "A Daughter of the Confederacy," the company numbering thirty people;. Walter Currier, In "The King's Jes- ter,.' with thirty-five people ; the Jefferson Stock Cos. (Eastern and Southern), num- bering enghtecn people each, and Lea, hypno- tist, and an all star vaudeville company. — Edward Curran and Madge Milton have signed for the coming season with the Hol- den Bros., for their repertory company. Re- hearsals began July 21. at Rochester, Ind,, and the season opens Aug. 3, at Lafayette, Ind. Mr. and Mrs. Curran have been spend- ing the Summer at their borne In Sherman, Tex. : — Edwin A. Butz severe his connection With the Suburban Park, St. Louis. Aug. 10, to Join Harry Stetson at Elklns, W. Va., to do Sergeant Dubourg, In "The French Spy," for the coming season. — Chaa T. FaleB' Comedy Co. Notes: Good business Is still with us, and return dates In New York State have been asked. Our Rcencry Is a feature. Our opening piny Is "The Church Across the Way.'' We will spend tho Winter In Florida, as Mr. Fales Is a favorite ' there. — Walter V. Coyle writes: "I closed with tho Summer Stork Co. at Eureka Springs on July 11, and am now resting at my home at Chicago; III., preparatory to going out with Roland 4 Clifford's big scenic produc- tion. 'Over Niagara Falls,' Western, going to the coast and back." — ''The Trolley Party" Notes : This mu- sical farce comedy, under the management, of J. J. Flynn. Is doing well on the Flynn cir- cuit of parks, with the following company: Robert Garnella, May Shirk, Tanner and Gilbert, Florence Brooks, Chas. Saxon, Chas. "Sandy" Chapman. Violet Hlllson. Jobn Cummlngs. and Carl Hand, musical director. — "E l'lurlbus Unum," a three net comedv drama, by Leo Dltrichsteln, was given It's Initial production on any stage July 20, 'at the Worcester Theatre. Worcester, Mass., by the Hunter-Bradford Stock Co. Wm. Har- ris has purchased the play. — Charles' Frohman last ' week' obtained the American rights for Sardou's new play, 'The 8orceress." ' — Orrln Johnson will commence bis star- ring tour Aug. 31, at Powers' Theatre, Chi- cago. " . — Chas. E. Bloomer, has been- engaged by Ernest Shlpman for his production of "As You Like it." Mr. "Bloomer Is summering at East Moriches, Long Island, ■ Encasements- for Lincoln J. Carter's attractions : "The Darkest "°"^. "H*? "f Aug -24, at Crown Point, Ind.: Chas. Lee- kins, manager; JoJ.n F.^lley busineBH man- ager'; Cbas A.' (Karl) Gardner. Jack White, Vib i. E Belts, Lew K. Miller,' Cbas. Kyle. F. W Hickman, Carrie Le Moyne, Jennie White, Joe Famswortb. "Down Mobile," opening Aug. 2.1; at Appleton, Wis. : Harry Scott, manager; J W; Login, business manager ; Lem B. Park- er, Clyde Hess, Will Wolfe, Del Vecchlo, »era M. Conway, Jess Parker. Frank Colton, M. W Tyler, Wm. Everson, Mobile Quartet. '(Her Only- Sin;" opening at Benton Harbor, Mich.; Aug. 18: Frank Wallace, manager; Iiarrv Earle, business manager ; Katherlne Inter, Ada Nevlll, Mary Stoddard. John T.. Nicholson, J. Edward Trevor, Frank Durant, .1.' Hooker Wright, Peter Miildoon, Jefferson II. Hoffman. "Too Proud-to Beg," opening at the Academy of Music, Chicago, Aug. 23 : Frederic Kimball, manager; Harry l»reen- way, agent;- A. B. Lynda, J. A. Simons, Ed. Hwaln. C. F. Lorraine, Fred Eckhaxt, Clar- ence Dull. F. De Pung, P. Arthur Boylan, Rose Mildred Boylan, Stella Boylan, Marie Nelson, Ht. Geo. Uussey. The new "Fast Mall." opening Aug. 31, at Braldwood, 1)1.: Edmund Manley, manager ; James Forbes, business manager; Walter Mack, J. G. Mc- Farlane, G. F. Bltd, Will E. Raynor, C. B. Radford, Fred Boett, Louise McFarlane, Ethel Campbell. "Two Little WalfB," No. 1 Co., opening Aug. 1, at Benton Harbor, Mich. : J. L. Buford, manager : S. W. Pascoe, business manager; Burt L. King, A. Snlley Guard, Melvln Hunt, Francis Jones, E. 1). Price, J. D. Murphy, Robt. Harland, Blanche Shirley, Nell Gibson, Cora Denrab, June IJames, Lollta Lamb, Stanley Lamb. "The Eleventh Hour," opening In Cleveland. O., Aug. 3 : Obas. A. Sellon, manager ; C. H. Potts, business manager ; J. C. Cline, Her- bert O'Connor, Ralph Menslng, John Phlla- ben, Edgar Morris, Jas. McCarty, Wm. Dex- ter, Will Showerman, Marie Tower, Florence Willis, Helen O'Connor. "The Heart of Chi- cago," opening In Detroit, Mich., Aug. 2: John Whltely, manager; W. W. Potts, busi- ness manager ; Garrett Campbell,- Ed. J. Dnllon, ThoS. Fitzgerald. Geo. C. Bice, Her- bert Bentley, Clarke and Gllmore, Ravenna Knowlton, Carolyn Maxwell. "The Flaming Arrow," opening Aug. 16, at Racine, Wis.: W. F. Jackson, manager; Kurt ElBfeldr, business manager ; J. Moog, agent ; Robert Leeland, Clarence Bellalre, Had Weston, Chas. Tremalne. Ed. 8. Alien, Tom Colborn, James Young, Helen Vaughn, Florence Bel- lalre, De Forrest Turkey, Isaac Green, Romeo Green, Hiram Green, Cornelius Johnson, the Original Indian Band, fourteen pieces; the Arapahoe Indian Quartet. "Two Little Waifs," No. 2 Co., opening Aug. 16, at Kenosha, Wis. : J. A. Brehaney, manager ; A. W. Cook, busi- ness manager ; Edwin A. Brehaney, agent ; the Ellsworths, C. 11. Farnhnm, Ed. J. Lee, Joe Doming, Chas. L. Morgansteln, Jack Morgan, J. Francis O'Neill, Lotta Emmons, Marlon Hyde, the Ellsworth Children. "Alaska" opens Aug. 10, at the Criterion The- atre, Chicago: Martin Golden, manager; Ernest Elsfeldt, business manager; Wade Rhine, Bruce Rlnaldo, Ted F. Grlffen. Taylor ' Carroll, Lincoln J. Plummer, Peter Muldoon, Nanon Everette. Minnie Carroll, Helen Ray, Rose Emerson, Sherman S. Wbltbecfc. — Notes from the Howard Stock Co.. tin- der the management of A G. Howard, How- ard & Lunn, proprietors : We are now In the eighth week of our Summer season. We are meeting with success and establishing a repu- tation. After a few more park and Summer dates the regular season will open at Glens Falls, N. Y., after which some fair dates in Western New York will follow. The roster of the company is: J. N. Machan, John Whiteside. Leo Lunn, Harry Ford, Edmund Francis, W. A. Havens Adolphns La Foun- tain, Nana Bascon Howard, Annie Evelyn, Mamie Lincoln, Plxley, Margaret Rathe, Emma Wlteher, Baby Rosser, and Clint Cool- man, In advance. . — Notes from the Clara Hanmer Co. : We have Just finished our seventy-third con- secutive week, Onr only lay off during that time was five days, on account of the fire, and five days after losing everything we opened with new scenery and wardrobe for a week's engagement at Edmonton Alberta.' We are playing East. Roster: Dave Wil- liams, Walter Brooks, Bert Griffith, Howard Stlllman, Major Oleary, Frank Stirling, Claude Griffith, James Govello and Rose Go- vello. musical team ; Clara Hanmer, Dora Griffith, Gertrude Penrle, Mabel Prentiss, and Little Flossie. — Chnrles Frohman will, the coming sea- son, present Fay Davis In the title role of "Lady Roses' Daughter," George Fleming's dramatization of the novel of that name. — Mrs. Langtry will begin her season In September, at the Savoy Theatre, New York City, In "Mrs. Deerlngs Divorce." — "The Earl ot Pawtucket" Is to have an parly production In French at a leading Parisian theatre. — Louise Mitchell will next season be fea- tured as leading woman with "When the Bell Tolls" (EaBtern), opening In St. Joseph, Mo., Aug. 30. — Felix Fantus has signed with Robert II. Harris for the Harris-Parkinson Stock Co., opening Aug. 17, at Lexington, Ky. — Notes fro» the Field Stock Co.: We nre now In our fourth week In stock at White Sulphur Springs, Ind. Ter., and so far business Is good. We have four weeks more, when our season closes for the Summer, and we start our rehearsals for the one night stand attraction, "Ay Bane Swede." People now engaged with the Summer stock are: Ezra' Walck, Dorothy Primrose, Alme Syl- vester, Tom Smith Russell, Louisa Gwlnn, Richard Bosanka and Frank Sylvester We change the bill three times a week. . — Mabel Blake, who has ben spending her vacation In Nova Scotia, has signed lor next season with the Standard Theatre Stock Co., of Philadelphia. — The West End Theatre, of this city, opens on Aug. 22, with "A Gentleman of 1' ranee," In which Willis Granger,' the young romantic actor. Is. to star. « — Ji oteB * rom tae Lillian Lyons Stock Co.: we are In cur fourth week at Curdy Park, Corunnn, Mich., and business has been exceptionally good. The company will re- main here one more week, and then take the road. The roster Is: Lillian Lvons, Gertrude Davles, Bessie Seabrlght. Blanche Edwards, Frank J. Dean, A. B. Ogle, Ray- mond Ketchum, Reginald Knorr, Harry Arn- 0ld i JTr al J k Hagor. Prof, Harlan W. Davles and Edwin Hoyt. •.""".ii!""?* 1 " M - J ' Markey. of the King Royal Theatre, of Owen Sound. Cal., has se- cured for this season a first class line of at- tractions, W. B. Sherman's Castle Square Stock Co., who Bre now playing a three ■weeks engagement, are meeting with crowd- ed houses. Roster: H. Marrs, manager; J rank Sevcnsaks, Geo. Olml, Richard B Mallny, Fred S. McKey. Jack Conlon. R. B Carsh, Arthur Olml, Jack Moore. Beatrice Gordon. Mabel Hastings, Emily Hughes and g&g5gF f * h " was t»;&g t £Sg%ti2& Ct s on Aug - &tf Gallonvay. Lillian Sullivan, Eliza MasonfaBd H. 8. Nortbrup are new members of his com- pany. ♦fcHi 8 ' *fc L* Porte will close the season of the Herald Square Stock Co. at Front Royal, Vs.. Aug. 1. after a successful engagement of twelve weeks. All the members of the com- panv have secured positions with good 'corn- p 1? 1( 1 i f !£; re '5 u " , £ ** Mon - Mr, La Porte and 7t ar^SJi. ^ P v rte .> wl " TlBlt their home ?heWn J tersea,o Y n: «**>""*«»>« «« on - 3"'¥ ana8 ? r T % D - Johnson Is making needed repairs nnd alterations on the ODcra House, Montlcello. Ind., and will openTls season Aug. 24. with Frank Adams in "An the Comfortt of Home." auBn »s, ■ ah — '.'A -Wise Coon" Noles: »J a-four-act muslcal-farcc'comedr - .i,v"""-" the road Oct. 8. TImT coZanv . ' ? k ' forty-eight people, with twoTS,? J hll B V ml * r » special feature for- street naSifc2 n,h J? « feature Tor the street parade An .SP w,al chestra of fifteen mus clans win V bIe or the special direction of "of A u ?. M " f° me 7- Edward Denton Is resDonsihu"? , " the story of ."A Wise Coon." ■&". SiJ".' by James Settle. The Harr» vf ~ k '« Music Publishing Company haJ aiZnPf responsibility, for the fiften v^ umed ,hp that are used In thll production v" ml * r> W. A. Lord has succeeded "in u^J}™^' show for forty weeka The comnS' ns ,flf play chiefly, one, t™ and three nShl?!.^" 1 and also tne week stands on ManaieV SmJ,^ Canadian circuit. The prlnclnals m th ll1 ' are.: Madame Bright, Fred U' P jS„ ,n . tlle ,«« Settle, Mark E. TaVor,^eMC«f„i on i, 1 5 ,,a SSS'fe- EKai-^W - WS 38 xoT'Ji? 1 ** tr0!n tne Prank E. Lone r„ . We open our season Aug. 10 at rviLL C ?' This will virtually be the opening o? C .V"' house, as It has undergone eVtensfve * "i** The stage will have entlrelv 'new Z? n alr "' After this date we have severa^f ftff, '//i the season is booked nearly solid rn'i'" 1 The roster: Frank E Long- ii r "J" 1 * Herbert Dobbins, John O'lfrlen ' fijftfi Alll, Geo. Drew, Morten Parvin n ad Brook, Mrs. Frank Long ?Naaf Sui Iva/pT tt Lacy, Clara Mortimer 5 ,' Carrie & and "New England Life," ••RZtanfcrfs ' % Sunny South" and "Turned Up." We cSr ^^mT^ and P"!** t0 * ^h play Til >a !S! L fc V urw »« specially strong. h6 .PendWhe^moJr If Sfs h^e InSfe booked nearly solid in the East andsLh Playing- the i arger 8tan|J The comnan, 735 *"'* Taad * T, " e '*»t^ aTroup? — Raymond Hitchcock arrived In thin city from Europe last week — Jess Dandy has been engaged by Hear* W. Savage to play the role o? lfans \a«,7 tne 0n con?l; T s h eas I on' nCe °' ™" a " ™« EuTopeX^ arrlTed lB th ' 8 d * ,fon , T 4 1 "!? H'SKar, on July 22, gave a nnlr claim deed to I'eter J. McNulty Vnd other, executors of the Henry F. Bennett estate' ^ Ve fi ng P ro P«ty 'n New York City. The" consideration was nominal, and the tranV fer was a egal formality connected with the recent settlement of the claims of the former actress against the estate. — Lionel Barrymore had a narrow ewane arEa B rian?fton n 1% * VwJs j3 e b x y hausted Ver ^ ^ " 0t ^«S — "Girts Will Be Girls," the new musical r™^',,, **".'* P. roduc « i hy wniSm " Brady in Boston, Aug. 24 ' »PrXt?v ra £».S!?.T V H °P™ *er season in 25tI Pessy In September, at the Mon- to^be h^lead.n^an. 1 ^' 16 *"' — TEXAS. ^fjj&m- l.M the Roof Garden The- SL!r%£ ?„ heat ' njanagen business week ending Ju y 18 wa B good. For week of 20 nr.7? r Jr ltr / Lanl P 8 " ls 'he bill offered by Xll S? I ? lBB , Con >eay Co., with the McFad- S!^ S i?ii n i? a^.return engagement as the vaudeville attraction. The week opened to good business. Standabd Theatbe (Frank De Beque. manager).— Holland and Byrd. after an ab- sence of some six months, returned 20, and opened In a neat sketch. Other new people: ilfll tr B . u .[ t0D ' Marguerite Randolph, Math- kSai Ma »hews and Alice Fairbanks. Those \ii dlD » g 2*%;. Cha8 ' and Ha "'e Verdler, De Mon and Clifton, Ethel Russell, Clark and Emmons, Jphn Williams, Jen and Georgia Powers, Lulu Lawton. "Hotel de Tablets" is the stock offering. Business opened big. Cbown Theatre (Phil Epstein, manager I. n.i^Sr wd Hero," with Chas. Gates In the iliL B . ro L e, »S re< ^J l *a a good bill at thlB house *eek of 20. Shadrtck and La Rose, In a character sketch, entitled "Going to the upera, and Carl Copeland, ballad singer, were the openings. The others In the olio : n t '\ri» ( l at ,? B ^ zllda - AJ^'a Dashlnrton, Rose u. : J; ltc ?? n '. Cl l aB - H °e». Ne'lle Williams, Jim Wolfe, Lizzie Mitchell nnd Ada Yule. Busi- ness opened big. s .•H" ,I "'T"7 he c y<' e Park Summer The- a ' r e °Pened July 18 with the Spooner Dm- P at ' c . c <>-. ,«n the "Pearl of Savoy," to the largest business of Its history. This theatre H" destroyed hy fire July 11, and has been reouiit, with many improvements, namely, arger seating capacity, boxes, and a much larger stage. Manager McAdams 1b very lortunnte in securing a big lot of scenery which was stored here by a stranded com- Pjay l fl st season, hence the early completion or the new theatre. The Spooner Dramatic J- - ' la . a good repertory organization, and Is booked for a three months' engagement, with change of bill three times weekly. This com- pany carry with them several clever spe- cialty artists. 4i» OREGON. -i' Po J t . , ,f* a — At the Maronsm Grand (Cal- .vin Helllg, manager). — Richard Jose's Mia- Btrels did: good business July 13, 14. The theatre Is now dark, and will remain so most of the time until Aug. 17, when Amelia Bing- ham will open the lull season. Baker's Thbatbe (George L. Baker, man- ager) ls dark. COBDRAt'B Theatre (Cordray & Russell, managers) Ib dark. EuriRE Theatibe (George L. Baker, mnna- fer).— .Business continues good. Following is the hill for week of 20: Lillian Leslie. Allen J. Shaw, Tom HIH. Mclntyre and Primrose, Christy and Willis, Marsh Craig. Conroy and Pearl, Hay ward and Hay ward, the bioscope. Shields' Pabk (Edward 8hlelds, mana- ger) did big business last week. Following is the bill for week of 10: Campbell Bros-. Odell and Hart, BollI and Bolll, Marie Stod- dard, May and Babv Owen, Marjorle Mauill- vllle, Wise and Milton, Dan McGreevy, the polyscope. Fritz's Nbw Theatre (A. Dollman. man- ■JW). — Howard and Campbell, Odell and Hart, the Calibans, Rose Perry, Mam e Perry. Minnie Ward. Emma Gilbert, Dcss |e Aernon, Mae Stanley, the Esmonds, Roney and Forrester. Ebickson's Music Hall (H. D. Grlffln. manager). — LoulBe Lister. Lewis Sisters, Ladles' Ideal Orchestra, Mae E. Glldden, director. Blather's Coscebt Haix (Ell B. Davis, nwnagerl.— Maud Clark, Flora Wheeler, Glolc Eller, Leooore. ♦ »» SOOTH CAROLINA. Charleston, — At the Isle of Palo"; Haynes ft Redmond's . Comedy Co., In "loo Much Married," drew big crowds July 20- 25. Lavlne and LeonardT-D'Eatelle Sisters. Sabine and Mallonle, and Leah Russell ars booked for 27-Aug. 1. ATTEST.! THE TsOEW yobk c:lippe:r: 537 BERRY aod WALTERS ^udcoille andminstrd BASEBALL John B. Wilis has engaged the following 3 for iron Pier,. Cape liny,' N. J., (or f*° p , e n f July 27: ThreV Hickman Broa., £2i «!vd Sadal, Prof. Henderson, Fowler Vri fwfitbt Fprtlner and Fortlner. Topack *;S W«t Kate P Helston, Charles Ellis, Wnl- S ■& W*»V Cwf' 8 Barrenger, and .Frank J'JfcS^'ANDMSON,' of Anderson and Wal- i.m has prepared for presentation In vaude- Sf2 the dVeam scene from "King Richard m' an Imitation of the late Thomas vio» Special scenery and costumes will ESl and the act will open with an entlre- r bm» travesty. Anderson and Wallace £, booked to open at the Orpheum. Port- i.n.1 Ore.. Aug. 10, end the new act may h?a be presented for the first time. uJls Stuabt, of White, Stuart and com- M nv Is spending her vacation at Indiana furbor InU, a few miles from Chicago, on bVsnores or Lake Michigan. She win join •i.tton White when their vaudeville season 25 at the Farm Theatre, Toledo, 0., Aug. °4 continuing "Paris" and "Dickey" as thilr sketch offerings. Miss Stuart's cos- ines which have always been a feature, win be more elaborate than ever next season, sod her specialty, will be continued as a fea- ture of toe offering. Ed Mabsh will go with the Wine, Woman and Song Co. the coming season. Agoib Collins has returned to this city from Ontario Beach, where she spent the Summer vacation. Martin and Quioo, the original man and a half, while playing the Frank Melville cir- cuit were a feature of the show. Week of July 27 they play Tumbling I'ark, Potts- fill*. Pa - . . . . . N'aolb and Adams presented their sketch. ••An Actor for a Night," at Lexington Roof Garden, Baltimore, Md., week of Juiy 20, and met with success.. They are at Doyle's, At- Untie City. N. J., week of Aug. 3. Ar Fbeerodt Paek, r»ewport, R. I. (M. n Sheedy, manager). — Adglc and her lions drew the banner business week of July 20. Announced for week of 27 : Delia Fox, Reno nud lUchnrds. Louise Montrose, Franko Finer. Misses Mead and Bennett, Craig and Anlell, Hoey and Lee, and Henri Meyer. !n the Japanese annex Yosef Yarrlc, Orien- tal necromancer, has been re-engaged. Work nn -Mr. Sheedv's new vnndevllle theatre In New Iledford, Mass., Is progressing rapidly, and ta the relations betweens contractors and workmen are most cordial, it. will un- doubtedly be ready for the opening on the October date set. Him, wkkk of July 27 at Washington r«rk, Bavonne, N. J., Includes: Sherman aid De 'Forest, Ben Welch, Fisher and Clarke, Gertie De Milt, Hayes and Suits, Smith and Powell, Bailey and Bailey, Eck- litff and Gordon. Ubako, of Drako's sheep and dog circus, rc rites: "I have closed my park season, and an laying off at Cleveland, 0., as a guest of Frank P. Spellman, with whom I am en- gsged for the rest of the Summer, playing his circuit of Western fairs, making: my sec- ond season over the Spellman circuit, as one •if bis leading free attractions. After closing over the fairs I expect to open at Cleveland » big animal training quarters. In conjunc- tion with Mr. Spellman." Cokn and Conrad write: "We sail for London July SB, to fulfill our European cork. We are booked up to 1005 on the Moss tour, Barrasford tour, Stoll tour, Llv- rrmote tour and the Grandon tour, and also '■n the continent. We have been very much pleased with our American visit, and we hnve been well treated by all." Eddib Cauroll and Aqnbs Clark, who played Trout Park, Cortland, N. Y., week of July 20, are well booked up for the Summer. lilAiu and McNulty are In their twelfth week with French's Sensation Co. This la their second season with this company. Walter Daniels, after spending a season at Atlantic City, will open Aug. 3 at Keith's Theatre, New York, with Boston to follow, then opening on the Kohl A Castle circuit •4, with other good time to follow. The Two Little Puckb are at Proctor's, Newark, week of 27, and next week are st Newport, R. I. They have signed for the totnlng season with Wm. Keogh for his new melodrama, "New York Life,' 1 to play parts •nd.do their specialty. George Oiucib, of Oracle and Potter, writes : "After sixteen weeks on the North- western circuit we opened at the Crystal, Denver, Colo., July 27. We will remain In (his city until Sept. 2, when we will take cut our own company. We had to cancel with the Wllber Stock Co. on account of my III health, but I am Improving here. We will play through Southern Colorado, Texas, New 'Mexico and Arizona, and remain all iyimer at Phoenix, where I intend to open » small vaudeville theatre, giving a con- HnuotiB performance." ytttm and Hart, who are on Shay's cir- cuit at Nahant, Mass., will open at Austin & Stone" a, Ttoston, Aug. 10. They are booked up until the end of the year. _ Tup. bill week of July 27 at Morrison's Jheatre, Rochaway Beach. N. Y. : Henry l-ee, George Evans, - Milan] Three, Rontlna and Steveua, May Evans, Hafford and Worth, Alexius Inio,..and Ilowley and Leslie. Ciias. E. Tenny has joined his former Partner, J. E. Livingston. • Gusale Addison will work single In conjunction with the earn. They are with Hewlett & Blacks "nrlesquers, touring the South. Mae Mazelle, Spanish singer and dancer, "ho Is In her seventh week at MIddleton's Museum, Chicago, will remain there for the J*«aon. Her Spanish dancing Is a decided " Dewitt C. Yodno, of OIHe Young and Hroiher, will return home to Columbus, O., Jiter spending a few pleasant weeks with "lends at Atlantic City, N. J. Henderson and Ross met with success it Rock Spring Park, East Liverpool, 0., week nf July 5ft). Owlet and Randall, In their new act, Jumbling Tom," are meeting with success on the. McCullum circuit of parks... « . H. Habtet and Co., In their new act. entitled "The Bed Room Up Side Down," •re meeting' with success over the Boom circuit of parks, and their time is well booked Vbrnoh and ' Kennedy played Plnehurst 1 »ric week of July 20, and are at P. F. «MI a Hampden Park, Springfield, Mass., thl» week. Madob Anderson, who Is In her fourth jeek on the Boom circuit of parks doing i'e« Dgln S specialty, is meeting with sue- The Black Sisters opened July 20, for IW WOTfes, nt Heller's, Cape May,.N. J., and •re making their usual hit i.ulun Ramsey and Estellb. Ardabth P.?"* Joined hands and are working the "estern circuit of parks., They were, week . "J" }}' 20 - " Cleveland, O., with Chicago Iu follow. They report success. . .. NATIONAL ! LEAGUE, HEW YOBK BASEBALL CLUB, AT POLO 6R0UNDS, NEW YORK. . BQgTOir; JULY ST, »8, 39. Violettb Mascottb . on July 25 con- cluded the twentieth week of her seventh season as stage directress of the Howard Athenaeum, Boston, Mass., -stock burlesque company. Miss Mascotte, having been re- engaged, will continue in the same capacity the coming season, opening Aug. 17. Franco Piper sails for Europe July 20. lie states that out of his forty-three weeks In America he has only lost two weeks, the time required to travel to and from San Francisco. Lou Docthitt will hereafter be known at Lucia Smith. Stage mechanics. The Daniels Scenic Studio, of Chicago, contributes the following: "We have applied for patents on adjustable 'Knock pown' roll up frames for set stuff and box scenery. it . docs away with all over-laps and other faults found with scenery put together with shutter bolts. Our frames look the same as the ordinary frames from the front. They are cross railed and braced, and all painted with a new idea in coloring,, which makes it possible to roll the frame stuff up without Injury to the scenery, and also makes it possible to protect the scenery from the rain or being Jammed and battered up in trans- ferlng and on railroad trains, as It all rolls up in tarpaulins like drops, easy to handle and very simple to put together. We Im- agine this Is going to revolutionize the scen- ery for traveling organizations. We also are applying for a patent on a new clamp 'for holding the drops to frames or battens. We also have a new and very valuable form- ula of dyes that do not contain acid or any other injurious chemicals that is used in what Is commonly called 'diamond dyes.' " The Grand Lodge of the Theatrical and Mechanical Association of Canada and the United States met In convention at Toronto, Can., July 27. A large number of delegates, representing the seventy-live different lodges, scattered all over America, attended. On the evening of the opening day of the con- vention a reception was held in Shea's Theatre, and a capital musical programme was arranged. It was the first occasion on which the Grt id Lodge has ever honored Canada with Its presence.- Very pleasing features of the programme were a moonlight excursion on the stearner Chippewa, 28, and a banquet, which is to be held Wednesday evening, 20. Florence C. McCarthy,. of the Springfield l Mass.) Lodge. No. .IS, of the N. A. of T. 8. E.. has been attending the national conven- tion of stage mechanics at Columbus, 0. "Budd" Cassldy, who has been at Foun- tain Park, Great Barrlngton. Mass., has sev- ered his connection with the park and re- turned to Springfield. Lincoln Morse, of Local 53, has accepted a position as stage carpenter with Clark's Royal' Burlesquers for the coming Beason. Milwaukee's Invitation to the Interna- tional Alliance of Theatrical Stage Em- ployes was accepted, and the city will en- tertain the boys in 1904: Charles Gibson, acenlc artist at the Illi- nois Theatre, Chicago, was In Milwaukee week of July 20, assisting. In preparing the scenery for Edwin Thnnffouser's production of "Hcsjrrectlon," at the Academy, week of 27. • ' . » INDIANA. •Terre Haute Tne-Caslno Park (Brel- nlg & Robertson, managers) Is enjoying first class patronage, and an excellent performance la being given The bill, *w»ek of July ID. Included : Billy Link, Armstrong and W right, ChflB. Hecklow, Raymond and Veck, l^wis and De Grey, and II. Gay Woodward. Com- ing week of 20 : Brazil and Brazil, Mr. and Mrs. J. Cerl Allen, Alf. Holt, Chrlsto, Dan Becklow. and the klnodrome. The perform- ance will open with a minstrel show, which will Include Borne of the very best voices In the city. ■ , Clark's Garden (Geo. E. Clark, BOJUVi gcr) opened week of 10, to big business. The iirogmmme Includes: Tralnor and Button, Jesse Babb, Tlppel anrl-Kllment. and Anita Fnlvre. Coming week of 20: Mr. and Mrs. Albright, Tralnor and Bntton, " and Frank Cowar. The attendance d"r' n 8 tD « nast week was a record breaker.; . . , Notes.— Reese Prosser, tenor of Field s Minstrels, has been spending a few weeks in this,' his' native clty. ! II. Guy Woo* ward, now playing at. the Casino, and Mr. Brelnlg, of this city, have completed all ar- ranjrements to open n first class circus the middle of next April, which will 'carry sixty- five people and travel In six cars. The new organization will play the Southern route. Mr. Woodward closes his engagement here next. w»ek' to go East, where he opens Sept. 7, with "Under Two Flags.". .... .It has been decided to postpone the building of the new Pythian Theatre until next Mfr....^. The Bamum * Bailey' Circus, Is bllled.here for Bept. 2 0. \ Evansvllle. — Oak Summit ". Theatre was well patronized week, of July 20, and of- fered the following list of attractions : The Three Dragons, Warren and noward, Murry K Hill, Chrlsslc Morrison Jones, and the Nogeds. The klnodrome was also a good drawing card. Joe Burk Is acting as secre- tary and treasurer at this place, and Is sb ponular as ever. _ , _ West Heights Pabk (Francis Rogers, manager).— Week of 20: The Great La Velles, Chas. J. Burkhart, Dick and Effie Guise, and the Butler Sisters. Chas. J. Burkhart proved .such a drawing card he was compelled to remain at this place an- other week. _ Cook's Park Theatre (Harry Lawrence, manager). — This resort Is playing to good business, and Matt Foster, the popular door- keeper of both the Grand and People's The- atres, Is acting in the same capacity at this Rface. The Morrises, Zelura Hollas, the llngstons, Tlirelkeld and Wlcke. and Dot Lee Ellsworth comprise the attractions. TitB Grand and People's are undergoing repairs, and by opening time will be better than new. The new managers have taken charge and will spare nothing to make both places attr active. Indianapolis, — At Falrbank, Marie Val- d«, coutralto; B. llegae, baritone) Louisa PROFESSIONAL HOTELS and * BOARDING HOUSES. PROFESSIONALS, TAKE NOTICE! Leal than ( minutes' walk of all tin leading theatres. ElegSBt roquia, all convenience; board In tbe city. Write ahead for room. MRS. MrORATIl. , . ' i ; 10 OLx Place, Boston, Bass. SENSATIONAL BARGAIN .-Show Oulfll- sort. Round Top, extension eaves, with 30ft. mid- dle, all in good serviceable condition, exception- ally well roped, Poles, Stakes and Ropes, Scata tor ■iuo, Folding Reserves . for loo; Stage, Scenery, Curtains and Masking s, 4 Baker Lights, a lSxlS Square Tents, line order; Tables, Ohalts, Cou, <;as Stove, fall outfit Dishes and KItobsn Furni- ture, all new; Stake Fuller. Hanes, Toon, Oil Oana, Tranks, Boxes and Chests, Street Piano, very loud; sell tor J150, or $120 without piano. Who wants Enterprise Stereoptlcon, brand new, Gas and Acetylene Burners, with Trunk, Oangt and Curtain, cost us, for §30 ? Write or wire quick, COL. BLANK, Dexter, Minnesota. P 8.— Or would take partner with good show for fair season. WANTED— For Stevens and Mosaman Com- pany, Medicine Performers for Comedy, Old Msn Part and Specialty. No tickets. Tell all In letter. Raymond, 1 U. WANTED, for V. 9. Army, competent Band Mu- sicians, able bodied, unmarried men, between agea of 21 and 05, citizens of United States, of good char- acter and temperate habits, who can speak, read and write English. For Information apply to Re- cruiting Officer, 18 Hanover SL, Boston, Mass. ; 26 Third Ave., New York City; 303 Fnlton St., Brook- lyn, N. Y.i 618 Broadway, Albany, N. T.; Main and Seneca Stn., Buffalo. N. I.; Bastable BulMlng, Syra- cuse, N. Y.: 1318 Filbert St., Philadelphia, Pa.; 204 WeBt Fayette St., Baltimore. Md.: 800 West Fourth St., Cincinnati, Ohio: 82 West Madison St., Chicago, III., or Third and Olive 8m., St. Loole, Mo. 100 LETTERHEADS by mall, 40c.; half tone, §1; 83ds, 20c.; letbi, soc: ,\i, §0c.; conponn, 18c; hards, 60c., etc.; samplea, 2c. Roc show Print, Olivet, Mlcu, FOR SALE— 1903 Model Edison Moving Pic- ture Machine, Voyage to the Moon Film and 2 Set" Song Slides, §126. O. RAY, Cumberland, Md. Brhaney, soprano (second week), and Os- tendorf's Band, week of July 20, did a very- big business. Wallace's Circus Is due 27. Notes. — The opening of the Park Theatre has been postponed until Aug. li, and the Empire Theatre until Ang. l! The lobby of the Empire Theatre Is being newly decorated and the bouse thoroughly reno- vated for the opening. ««» WISCONSIN. Milwaukee. — Kdwln Thanhouser still has the local theatrical Held to himself, nail his popular stock company Ih packing the Academy at nearly every performance, "The Climbers" was the offering the past week. Edgar Baume returned from his vacation, ihkI was warmly received. "Resurrection" will be put on week commencing July 27, and "What Happened to Jones" week of Aug. X Sans Souci Music Hall.— People week of July 27 Include: Jessie A. Cozette, Glbsoit Girls, and Anna Mack. Business continues- to improve, and there is no doubt Manager Charles K. Witt . has got them started in earnest. ,. ••• Fount Keller. — Manager Richard Becker offers the following bill week of 27 : Addle Norma, Lynch and Lynch, Tennlson Sisters, and Fred Herwlg. Business good. Notes. — Milwaukee's first horse show, which was held at the Exposition Building, under tbe direction of Dr. De Garmo Gray, 20-24, was a pronounced success, and will be repeated next year Albert Brown, In tbe role of Dick Sterling, In "The Climbers," at the Academy this week, scored tbe hit of his career as a menrber of the Thanhouser Co. Manager 0. F. Miller, of the Al- hambro, narrowly escaped being shot 23. He was sitting In his office at the theatre, and was surprised by a bullet which sung through the air but n little distance fro his head. It came from a shooting gallery located next to the Alluimbra. Mr. Miller left for the East 25, not to escape the bullet, hut upon business Riley Chamberlln, for many years the comedian of the Thanhouser Co., has signed with the Boyle Stock Co., at Nashville, Tcnn Charles Gibson, scenic artist at the Illinois Theatre, Chicago, was In the city this week, to assist In the prepa- ration of the scenery for "Resurrection," at the Alhambra, 27 John B. Casper, treasurer of -the Itljou Opera House, was married 21 to Elinor Wcbar, non-pro- fessional A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Albert Brown Sundny morning, 10. Mrs. Brown Is known to the stage as Grace May Lamkln. and Is a pop- ular member of Edwin Thanhotiser's Co ... . Mrs. Gilbert Faust (Eva N. Carr), who re- tired from the stage three seasons ago, was especially engaged for the part or Ruth Hunter, In "The Climbers, ' at the Academy, ..ul, ..f »tn Thn Un,,lu.llu,aa, I'nrnl. week of 20. The Morrls-Berger Carni- val Co. la drawing crowds to, I'abst Park and will remain until Aug. 2 "Banjo" Millen. who replaced "Dare Devil" Tlndel with the Morrla-Berger Show, performed tbe feat of riding down a toboggan slide on a wheel, and diving Into a pool, of water, from Monday to Thursday, but la attempting the feat Friday night he missed the water, and, while not seriously hurt, he will not be able to perform for some time The Luella Forepnugh-Flsh Wild West Show Is heavily billed for Milwaukee Aug.' .1. a i » MARYLAND. Baltimore. — Electric Park (A. Fcnne- man, manager). — Prof. Jules Levy will again play at the Casino week of July 27. and the vnndevllle bill Indluder: Delto and Zelln, the Chamberlains, Geo.' W. Day, and the Adonis Trio, the performance concluding with clnebgrapb pictures. Monumental theatre (James L. Kernnn, manager). — The entertainment for 27 and week will be furnished by A Certain Party Burlesque ' Co. and Charmlon, trapeze per- former. The Innocent Beauties closed a good week 2D. . - . aa» KENTUCKY". Padneah. — The Casino (James E. Eng- lish, manager) closed last week, and will hot open again this season. Manager' English hss been fortunate as regards the weather, and tbe season baa not been a success. The Street Car Co. which owns the theatre is on a deal for a stock company to take tbs theatre for the rest of tbe seaaqn. . - Forepauou-Sellb Bros.' Circus Is booked for Aug. 4. ..... a i . — ' Howard Hall, who has , bean rusti- cating on his farm In Michigan, for the past two months, has arrived in tbe city to pre- pare for his i opening In "The Man ■ Who Dared," at Boston, Aug. 17. Arnheim's 'Sh* Semi-Annual Remnant We have mastered, a great principle of retailing — loss with profit- Th,e sacrifice we are forced to make at this .late season is always compensated for by the gaining of many naw patrons, who get to learti the Arnheim way in taking advantage of our special offer. Cut price here never means cut quality. We cannot afford to let a single suit leave pur shop which is not worthy of championing the fame and reputation of bur establishment. The same tailors who craft for you at full price build your, suit now. They only know how to make clothes best You buy garments worth double the asking at $15 for a full suit, $11 for coat and vest and |4 for pantaloons. If you are disappointed, so 're we, and we will make the suit over. ARNHEIM, BROADWAY AND NINTH ST. NEW YORK. WANTED. MUD D1LLM CO. WANTS Comedian with Specialties, Juvenile Man, Man (or General Bus., Heavy Msn rnr Summer and Winter. Write quirk; special delivery. State salary lor balance of Summer; also for Winter, Spoclsliy Acts. Address W. A. DILLON, Bellows Kails, Vt. COLUMBUS Comedy nnrt Vaudeville Co.— Wanted Immediately, two Mink Inns, violin arid guitar; Bister Team, Magician, gouil Comedian; H weeks In theatms, Summer salary, then Whiter sea- son; all expciirtc* paid on arrival. Wire or wrlto F re 1 1 J. Muckley, Opera House. Illnton, W. Vn. Jack Troy ami Orace lieiioe, wr.te. MAUD G. NELSON, please ruiuiiiiiiilciitu at once with family on amount of serious lllneits. LOTTIK .nkj.Son, Atlanta, (la. WASTED dUIGK-A First Clasa Photo- 8 raphe r. State lowest salary and experience In rat letter. F. J. TURNER, Florence, Miss. FOR BALK, POSES PLASTIOUK OUTFIT, Banper I0HS, $s.'>. Dancer Banner, (Jostnniei, tit. Bone Race, si-'., scluclbor, 20 St. Marks Place, N. V. WHO WAlfTS UBi-Tlie Only Coon and Jew. Joe B.-OURO A MRYKRS-Nat II. A tin horn lair and a thousand faces. Would like lo join Burtesiiuo Show. OURO A MKYBItS. care of CLIIT-ER. MUSICIAN'S! Send-for descriptive clreulnr and m-lces-of the- Ilolton Cornets and Slide Tronrnones. They are generally conceded to be the best for professionals. Address FIIANK HOLTON, 70 Madison St., Chicago. ■ KBTCHES, Travesties, and every form of stage novelty written to order; highest grado or work. Joseph Kershaw, 8M Buttomyoort Ht.,Pollq STAOK COSTUMK* for All Occasions Made Very Reasonable. Fancy CleAninir and liyettnr, Altering and Iteiuilriiiir at your Prices. Send postal. Bl'KNADKL, 42W.2Ith St., N. V., Theatrical Tailor, Cleaner and liyur. ' SIDESHOW AMD PLATPOHM MBN- The real thins la tlio Two Head Hockailola. It's the only thing RettlnK Iiln imiiiey: its a whole show. Price or Hockailola and SxlO nalntlnir. $46. W. NEL- SON, SVatO^rdenSt., No, Cambridge, Maaa. WASTED— Edison Concert Phonograph (lar- gest size); records fur same; also Sacred Song Slides, second hand, Al. condition, Oheap for cash. HARHY W. FRF.K8K, caro of Cummer Lumber Co., Jacksonville, Florida, FOR BALK, at your own price, complete Magical Outfit, Including trunks, printing matter picture frame, etc, Inclose stamp for nanipleof Dr Frlttte'e Antlneptic Powder. The Dr. CIS. Krlttzo, Ohemlcsl Co., P. 0. Box 4Iv, Albany, New York. FOR BALE, Show Property, good as new, only used six weeks, consisting: IHxwrt. inarnuc; eon. big top, with Soft, middle, 10ft. walls ; 3i>x«!in . dress- ing room, poles, ropes, stakes, complete; carved band wagon, scats 12 musicians; also ticket, bag- gage, cook house, chandelier wagons; tin Irish Jaunting Cur, photographs If desired; ear runs; VI bund uniforms, circus paper, stationery; inline, title. Chas. I.«e's0reai London Shows, wilkcshsrre.Ps. AT LIBEKTY-A Well Known Character Jnvenlle Actress, Is also refined Vaudeville Artist; gives Illustrated Recitations and Songs. Refer- ences exchanged. Address MADLINK IS., care of CLIPPER. GAR WANTED, for passenger service, Combi- nation. Sleeper and Bsggago, or one that can be changed Into one with little expense. Will cither buy or lease same. Address WILLIAM TODT, July 20, Point Pleasant, N. J j Aug, 1, Toms River, N. J.; Ang. 8. liamegst, jj. J. FOR BALE. 60ft, Round Top, with 30ft. centre; 10ft. side wall; new marque, stage, scenery, circus seats for l.ooo, trimmings for top, stakes, all complete and new. Will sell cheap. ERNEST II. JOHNBON, Bo* 111, ETWaUirloo, la. for SALS or Rent, Mechanical Wsx Figures, Illusions. Pine Snakes, Marionettes, Paintings, Smiled Animals. Show Stuff. Bond stamp. I buy Show Stuff. J. D. eWEET, AUantlo City, ». J. WANTBD-LADY MUSICIANS, ALL IN- BTHUMENTS. HILTON..IW Lexington Ave,, W. V. 0. FOR BALE-Tent Mxfls, I Pole Push Up Top; top will last another season after this; has Poles, Ropes, Stakes, Stake Puller, sft. Wall. Flsgs, Sledges, Five Torches, Four Lengths of Five Tier Seats: also one o>,xiaii Tent, 6ft. wall; both tenia ready to set up. Price, Fifty Dollars. Address aiido IIHOS.. Platsimmm, Neb. WANTED, the DeetBlnifing and Dancing Come dlsn in the Medicine business; PIANO PLATER (sight reader), experienced: change for week. State all- and lowest: no fakoa wanted; money sure. MODERN REMEDY 00., Camden. Me. WANTED, GOOD SINGING AND DANC- 1NO COMEDIAN, Sketch Teams, Man for Illus- trated Songs, piano Player who can fake. Good, Useful Peopht stall times. People who wrote he- tore, write again. W. J. MANBKI ELll, TldlOntS, P«. AT LIBERTY for first class circus or medi- cine show. Must bavs tickets. RUSSELL A i PAW, tMO Wood St., Wheeling, W. Vs. WANTZD-M EDIOISE PERFORMERS, Those who, play Organ preferred. First class Irish and Dutch Coined una. Also Strong Silent Turn. Change (or week. JACK. 0. RREDE, Mitchell, Iowa, AMERICA'S DEBT AND GRkiATKST Circulars. SCHOOL Indorsed by Press anil Public. IKE DMI, ETC (Up-to-dato In every detail.) Buck, Jig, Skirt, Novel Oike Walk, Elocution, Singing srd Rag-Time Hongs, Vaudeville Aou, EtO. ENO AOKMFVTH BRQITRKD. SOI 1 001, ALWAYS OPI N. PROF. F.J. Ill DOE, ■las Annie O'Day nud uthetl. (Open all Summer.) GRAND OPERA HOUSE. I Indorse PROF. RIDOE as the only Performer and Professional Dancing Tate, her in Chicago. FRED J. WILDMAN, Theatrics" Agent, 187 La Salle at., near Madison, Chicago, HI. MelNNERNEY'S THEATRICAL COLD CREAM. There are many Cold Cream Preparations on the market todsv. Home are GOOD— others are BETTER— Hut Molnnernej's Is BEST. T The Ingredients of Molunerney's Gold Cream are puro and harmless, and when yon onoe use this preparation you will want no other. Other good qualities in Its favor are Iti delloale perfume, smooth whiteness and cooling properties. And It does not noit as much as many of the far Inferior preparations. . - 59c. LU, FOR 8 ALU OKXiY AT \stV a im E D SOBER, RELIABLE Property Man. IVIt t ast Utiderratimtl El<3otrloit>^. CALL OK ADDRESS, WALDRON tfc BRYANT, 11168 BROADWAY, N. V„ ROOM 1«. WANTUD, FOR «rc polite nun UKDEB OAITAS. A good Piano Flayer and All 'Round Performers for 3 nights and one week stands. Out Winter and summer. Long engagement to. right people. Tickets lo people I know. , . CLEM HACKNEY, Albany, 0». WAKTBD, TITS A PLATER, One show per day. Silver's Ten Nights Co. 3AMKH HILVER, Liberty, N. T. P. 8.— I want 10 lengths s tier scats. Rep. People. Salary low, ss yon know it Is sure. Piano Player; also Woman with Child. Show opens In Ne- braska. Address qnlek. HARRY ROCKADI, 1321 (ilenarm St., Donver, Colo, AT LIBERTY, FOR BURLESQUE, FARCE CO HEDY OR REPERTOIRE, N AGEL AND ADAMS, Novelty and Comedy Change Artists, Introducing ClQti and Ligtning listen Juggling. Both play parts, singles »nd doubles. Wesk Aug. 8, Doylo's Pavilion, Atla&tlo City, N, i. ;...#', ! R. ; ..♦,...,... - * - • •'■ h? 538 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. Avm n ON AND IFTfeR AN. I OUB NEW 3 OFFICES WILL fcE LOCATED IT No. 40 WEST 28th STREET. ELfcMTO* IT YOUR~SERVJCE. LfiW DOCKSTADZRS GREATEST SONG SUCCESS* by BRYAN and MULLEN. Frmi. Till HIW YORK WORLD, July 14.— "It wm not ant ng, "Irtilrn," that the ]irrfnrniunc«- (Mkoirml life. Tilts was : . until Mr. IHckntadar appeared In kit ■ ong. "Utile*," (hit the iirrfnrmiince toe a on real life. Tlil« itm not rip» down on tin- programme, bat It made one or the ifanM t hit* of Hie H*ian, anil bid* fair to rival the "Jonah" ning In "In U«- homer." Kvrn the two baa* drum* mcil by the band could not drown out the ilith encore, and Mr. Unckilndt-r might be singing yet had he sot fled from the .tage." > nndience aui ne kiiow. *i a*. .. —> — - ■ _ - .or every on..' la It necessary for us lo say anvihitiK more about it r Don't waste your time trying to get something an good, aa It has never been written. Hear it and judge for yourself. A synopsis In writing of the following gongs will not be of any bencm to you. only ask that you allow us a small part 01 your time In our oillce to f urtner your Interests, and to (how you an assortment of gems, any one of which win please you ) * and MULLEN S LATEST: Grass Is Always Orssn Where th. Under m F What Would tha Nalghbi Sunbeam and tha Rose Just Enough For Two .ay? ODE A and ADAMS' Where the Palm Anna, IVIy Dixie > Betsy Bright Eye She Cornes F"r« I Wants a LVIan L.llc Somebody's Somebody NEW ONES: »s Oently Sway r Old Q< ■orgl. "That's Mow I Love You, Mame MY HEART BREAKER RAGS* By CHA8. DANIELS (Nell Mrs*), who wrote "HUwitha." A 6rut lon| by i8HU Critter Writer. "TAXN'T NO DISGRACE TO RUN WHEN YOU'RE SKEERED. EMEST HOGAN'8 Greatest Laugh Getttr, Shad. Alone and has No Competitors. "TO-NIGHT," "LENORE/" CYMBELINE. "I'M GOING TO LEAVE," "MONA," •"? mn ,htn on " or »•• 0,her » >«" unlimited «*. RBW YORK STAPFi Dol. Adam*, James O'Dea, Vincent Bryan, James tHUlea, Wm, Reduelil, Hike Bernard, Carl Frollch. HOMER HOWARD, New Tork Representative Andres* all communications to Dotrolt Oillce. ■ • ■ ._»■■»,.■—. ■naaaaWanv jj _ i_ anaraw «*_ „_ ^"fo^.^eTCfe'et. ■VinKXTlS'E. Y '-"W AttmiElR FUB. CO., iff S KS, muceluiteotiSe . 4NOTE8 FROM OBIIECItI'8 JUVENILE CoN- cbiit Co. — We have Just closed a successful engagement of ten weeks, under canvas. The company Is taking a rest at Mnunger Ob- Trent's Bummer home, Qt Minneapolis, pre- paring for the Full dates. We still have a few open dates during August and Septem- ber. The Wilcox Uroa. have Joined us. The company now Includes: The Obrecht Juve- nile Hand ; Mile. Julia, serpentine dancer and illustrated songs; Master Christie, magician; Baby rJarnli, songs and dances ; Nellie Ob- recht. nge eight years, cornet soloist, and the Wilcox Bros., Frank and Charles, slack wire and globe act. We have some of the best fairs in Michigan, Iowa and .Minnesota, 'booked. - r • . KUTKB FROM Kt HWHl' e l'AVJLIOS T/HE- ;ritB.— After Jive weeks In Winnipeg wo are once more back In Wic States. A yery pleas- ant ssrprlsc with the show was the marriage of A. Stuart L*wls and Mlnnl* Thurman, on Tuesday nfternoou, during our engagement at (irand Forks, N. D. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis . were the recipients of many pretty and useful presents from the different members of the company. J. JV. and Pauline Hlghta are with the show. Tills is their fourth Bummer with the llennctt Show, Mrs. Sights as lending woman, and Mr. sights In the capacity of manager. Mr. Sights reports business ns being very good through Northern Minnesota, North Dnkotu and Manitoba during tho months of May and June, but snyB the show Is moving out of the wheat belt as rapidly as possible now, as the wheat crop in North Hnknta is reported- to" be; the poorest in tin yearn, and business is beginning to fall oil on that account. Mr. Sight* Is now busily engaged booking the sixth annual tour of tlje radtae Bights Co.. which will open In September, when Southern Minnesota nnd South Dakota will be toured on three night BtnndH, 'with special paper and special scen- ery for each production. '■ notes FJtoH ihk ijAMnmnoER Zoo. — Hver since our arrival In Michigan we have done a phenomenal business, and, barring a few • escapades of the ape, Mandy, which escaped at Mason, Mich., July 0, we have had no unusual happenings. Mandy escaped from her cage nud took refuge In h lotty tree, and ail efforts to dislodge her proved futile until the local lire department got a hose, and, ' moltntlng their tall ladders, flooded her with water for two hours. After standing the terrific' wetting that length of time, Bbe loosened licr hold nnd fell seventy-live feet into n tarpaulin. Half the people in the town lost tbclr dinners in order to participate In her capture. C. V. Lambrlgf cr Is now engaged on the education of Oley, the blue faced inandrllln. Wo had Wm. Main for a visitor ut Onvosso. llo has retired from active show liusliH'SH. and is engaged In the livery busi- ness. -Job. Ferrari visited US nt Knglnnw, nod pronounced our collection of giant npes very line. Mr. Lambrlgger Is negotiating tor sonto rare animals, which. If secured, will make this eoo one of the most complete on (no road. ■ . IiKurck Julias IIoutain has withdrawn enlrclv from the MacCartan-lIoutnln Amuse- -ment Co., in which he acted as president Rnd general mnnngcr. and Is now identified with IIoutain & Scbwerln, vaudeville agents and managers. . _„. . „ Pa. II. F. Parker, late with Wilton's Com- bined Shows, was, on July 18, taken to St. Anthony's Hospital, ltockford, III., to under- go an- operation. ' ...,,. W. K. Mabklk, of Swallow 4 Murkle s Floating Palace, while out In a launch on Hie Mississippi Itlvcr below St, Louis, fell overboard Into the river and was rescued hftor much difficulty by William Iteno, of the Three ltenos, who was with him st tho time. ... Notes fbom Ban Inmax Remedy Co.— Wo have not seen n railroad track or a eteani trolley car for seven weeks, as we are traveling by team 'inland. At Kast Middle- burg. Vt., we gave up the hall to Al. Mnrtz & Co., -and, for the llrst time In thirty-two weeks, bad the satisfaction of sitting In front nnd viewing nnothcr show, and we .thoroughly enjoyed the sensation. We put tho MertBO show on how to get their Cwr- I'kb every week on Thursday, ns we do. Al. Mnrtzo .gave us a fine announcement from tho stage, and we followed him In on Tuemhiv. night, to a big house, which kept up nil week. We arc aging n banner busi- ness ever slnco wc struck lnlaud. Doctor Wvllc, our manager, celebreated Ills blrlh- dn'v on Julv 4, txilnR sixty-three yearn old, and we hail a banquet at the Glen House after the show, to celebrate It. The com- pany gnve tho doctor sn alligator dress salt cam*. Th"rp have been no changes in the companv nnd tfre not likely to be. Wc are nil happy and glad we tiro with the East •Indian lt«medy Co. Wo play Middlesex, Vt., week of July 27. .The M'okhkri-\xi>. at Woodslde Park. Phil- KdelphlR, owned by Prof. Painuhiislkn, Is .now hi Its seventh week. From the begin- ning the Wonderland luis been a decided sue- wsB in every respect. Prof. 1'ainnhnslkn lias receidi.v purchased tlto fuuioun Onrretta troupe of licrfiirnilne birds. This addition to his own large rnllci't loti makes a troupe of ncveuty-llve performing birds. In con- nect Inn with the birds n troupe of llfleen performing dogs, following Is the bill for last week: I«e lH'iit. clown Juggler: Mettle Jack, magic; Mordehno, puses: Maggie Col- IIuh. Illustrnted songs; the cluongrupli, .lay Paige, rlny modeler, nud Prof. Panahsslku's birds ajnd dogs. • Hhwitt, Illusionist, writes: "Myself and fnurilr recently returned from a llshlng trip in Wyoming, oue htiudred miles from the mllroad. ami are Hon' at lite Yellowstone \ntlonul Park. We |«i*sml throuuh the town hf ttnsln the day tioriuuu ami WaJtei-s were takcu from ttic ruu'Aty Jnll ami shot by a mob from the noted Hole lit the Wall country. We were three hours ahead of the Sheridan stage robbery on our trip by prlvnte conveyance. The robbers got $400 In cash and a new pair of shoes, taken from the driver. Had they stoped us instead they would have had a good clean up. 1 leave for Chicago Aug. 8, to prepare for our com- ing season. Our business has been good." NOTEB FROM THE GERMAX MEDICAL AND Novelty Co. — The roster is as follows: W. J. Mansfield, proprietor and manager, with moving pictures and illustrated songs, mario- nettes, and Topay, educated horse ; Mrs. Lulu Mansfield, singing and dancing soubrettc; Frank Mansfield, Irish comedian; Bruce Clark, black face comedian, singer, and doing all styles of dancing ; Prof. Chas. Kissinger, organist, also eccentric comedy banjo and guitar soloist, illustrated song singer and cornet tlst: George Perento, hand balancer, sensational high dive, silence and fun, traps and sailor perch, and Dutch comedy ; Mrs. Alice Smith, skirt, reel and buck dancer; ])r. R. M. Smith, expert dentist and lecturer. We opened at Titttsvllle under our new top, "Oft. round top, with 30ft. middle piece, fold- ing seats and chairs, 10x24 stage, four seta of scenery, sleeping and cook tent. Business fair, nnd the show la the talk of everybody who sees It. MINNESOTA. St. Paul. — At the Metropolitan Opera House J L. N. Scott, manager). — The Ferris Stock Company did big business, nnd enter- mined well pleased audiences, week of July ll>. with "Monte CrlBto." For week of 20 ■The Two Orphans" will be produced, fol- lowed week of Aug. 2 by "My Jim." KUPIBE (A. Welnholier, manager). — Busi- ness was big week Of July 20. New people for week of 27 are: Flora Ashley, Llille rerkins. D'ArvIIle Sisters, Millie Partle. Do La rvo Slaters, Upal .Vaughn,. aad. live others. Those holding over arc: Mamie. Hoswlnk Norris, little Lavere, Polly O'NeiHj*. and Frank Krnest. Brkreks. — The new baseball park was dedicated 20, the Governor of the State, Mnyor Smith, and many other city and county officials being In attendance to see the fame between the locals and the Mlnnenpo- la team. ...'.. .The St. Paul Carnival, for tho benefit of the nubile baths, will be held on the new baseball grounds, July 27 to Aug. 8. All railroads will give reduced rates. Helen A. Marks has received the largest vote for Carnival Queen. Among other attractions will be Lockharfs trained ele- phants, the Piccolo troupe of midgets, Pot- ter's dog show, Jabour'H carnival and circus attractions. The Knights of Pythias nnd other fraternal organizations will participate. In the street parades. * Dnluth. — With the hot weather and street medicine shows, theatres are not doing very well. Lyceum Theatre (C. A. Marshall, man- nger). — Tho McDowell-Stone combination is In the second week of Its engagement nnd business Is growing. Tho bill for July 20- 21! and matinee was "La Tosca." For 2!1- 2B and matinee, "Under Two Flags," with Florence Stone ns Cigarette. For 27-20, "Under Two Flags" will be conHnued ; "Ala- bama" 30-Aug. 1. Metropolitan Opera House (J. T. Con- don, manager).'— The stock company Is in its Bccond week : "Carmen" was the bill July 20-22 and matinee, and "The Fringe of Society" 2.1-25 and matinee. For 27-20, "The Little Minister;" "The Burglar" 30- Aus. 1. Parlor Theatre (W. J. Wells, manager). — Tills house Is in line with the others. The bill for 27 and week Includes : Ned nnd Lulu Clifford, Mnmlc Allen, Stetson and Nixon, Mons. Andrews, Nelson and Nelson, Sadie Murray, nnd the stuck. Tho new farce for tho week Is called "The Fly Catcher." TtiE Beatty Bros, have opened a vaude- ville nnd moving picture show under canvas on the large city lot, and will stay for the Summer. . i < H NEW JERSEY. Fenney, Goldsmith and Hoope. Thompson and Francis, Hall and Hughes, Madge Daytelle, the Harts, Dorothea Sisters, the Great Lyob. Lulu Thlest, Cammlllo and Fona, Daisy Lin- don, Sisters Clausen. Steel Pieb (J. Bothwell, manager). — Big business still cornea this way to greet the Iloya! Italian .Band, the Orchestra Verdi, and Murphy A Gibson's Minstrels. Inlet Hoof Garden (C. W. Grant, mana- ger). — Good houses are always drawa by Grant's Big London Gaiety Company. Rotish) Frank's Girst Camp < Frank B. Hubln, manager).— Crowds flock dally to the camp. ««» . DEATHS IN THE PROFESSION. Frank W. -WAdswostb, a musician,, died July 20,' at bis home'lh New York City. He was-hornln 1890, In- Macclesfield, Eng.. and at the age of seventeen tie was a member of the orchestra at the Theatre Royal, Man- chester. In 187°; accompanied by bis two brothers, he came to America, and soon was connected with a theatre orchestra in New York. Later be became flute add piccolo soloist with Levy's Band. He afterward held a similar: position with Gllmore's Band, and upon' the death of that famous leader Mr. Wadsworth Joined Sousa's Band, and continued as soloist with that organization for seven years. Her retired from that band a few years ago, and had since confined him- self exclusively to metropolitan engagements. He last played at Manhattan Beach Inst Summer, with Frank Daniels' "Miss Sim- plicity" Co. , ••Hilly" Aheabn, of Ahearn and Patrick, •died July 23, at his home in Kansas City, Mo., from consumption, aged thirty-three years. He had been on the stage for nearly fifteen years, nnd was well known in the profession. He had been 111 for about a year. The remains were Interred under the auspices of the Actors' Fund. George. W. Dickson, a well known West- frn_manager. died July 25, at bla home near Indianapolis', Tad., after a short Illness. He was manager of the Grand Opera House and the Park Theatre, In his home city, nnd the High Street 'GRera House, Dayton, n., besides theatres in several smaller- In- diana cities. B. L. Farjeon, a novelist and- play- wright, died suddenly July 23, at his home in Hempstead, Eng. He was the son-in-law of Joseph Jefferson, having married Mar- garet Jefferson in 1877. ■*«» ALABAMA. No Mattejr if You JtXro FAR FROM BROADWAY We can make your clothes to border Jnat the same.' Our perfected Mail Order system Is siKh that we say "NO FIT, NO PAY." We don't want your money it you don't llko the clothes. We employ only high class Journeymen tailors and our cutters arc all experts. We prepay ex- Fress chsrges everywhere, t costs yon nothing extra, to buy by mall; and you can't hue because our guurantee protects you. Mobile. — At the Monroe Park Theatre (M. A. McDermott, manager). — Week of July 20 opened with "Pinafore," to good business. The same opera was repeated Tuesday and Wednesday nights, to large and delighted audiences. Wednesday night's performance, 21, was a benefit tendered the Young Men's Hebrew Association of this city by the Boston Ideal Opera Co., the house being sold before the doors opened for the performance. The opera, "Giroffc- Glrofla," was put on the rest of the week, to continued good business. Mascotte Theatre (Ducournau Bros., malingers). — Wonderful business for. the heated term prevailed at this bouse week of 20. Quite a number of new faces have been signed for the Fall opening, some time In September, and many novelties are looked for. Notes. — Messrs. Mosely k McKay, former- ly managers of the Boston Ideal Opera Co., playing at Monroe Park, have gone to Merid- ian. Mi.is., where they will put on opera, as formerly announced. After the Bummer en- gagement Is over, they will" take the road with the Meridian company Drey's Military Band, of this city, has disbanded, but there are prospects of a new band, to be organized ut once, for the convenience of all concerned. Atlantic City. — Ocean Pier Music Hall (Harrv D'Msta, representative). — "A Chinese Honev'moon" closed a most successful two weeks' engagement July 25. Coming: Lew Dockstader's Minstrels week of 27. "Miss Hub White" week of Aug. 3. Wllllnrds Juvenile "II. M. S. Pinafore" continues to draw big crowds nt the matinees. Ocean Push Theatre (Ilnrry D'Ests. representative). — "His Sister's Shame," week of 27. marks the lust week of a successful Montgomery. — At Wells' Casino, Pickett Springs (Ernest Looney, manager). — "A Turkish Texan" held the boards week of July 20. Mr. Parsons and Miss Urquhart made decided hits. The cast la well balanced. Note. — Jake Wells, of Richmond, Is In the city, and is negotiating with the owners of the Auditorium for a lease for the coming season. - e ■ » VIRGINIA. Norfolk. — At Ocean Mew Casino (Jnko Wells, mannrer). — The continued warm weather Is beginning to make Itself felt, and business at this resort Is of a most satis- engngemenV of the Miller & Kaufman Play- JgS. «"& Vaudeville Is booked for "t -S?^"? "gtiUSte. \ "$ZJ*Z££. Auditorum Theatre ( J. M Barton, mail- agor). — People for week of July 27 nre : Tho Bijou Theatre {Huntley * Moore, man- agers). — The Huntley-Moore Stock Company continues playing lo good houses. At'DiToniuM Pier (G. W. Clements, man- ager). — This house is meeting with big suc- cess. Announced for week of 27: Lottie tillson. Faustina. H ula, ll suad Wood, Adell, Three Famous Armstrongs, Miles nnd Nltrlm, De Wnltn Sisters, Works, comedy bicyclist, and the vltagmph. Doyle's Pavilion Theatre (Frank Goldle, manager). — The same business continues, lllllcdlo appear week of 27: Three Hounding Pattersons. Lawrence Crane, imperial Four. Herbert Bros.. Franklin Sisters, Copland and CopclHUd, Hie Three Londons. Sisters Sawlollc. Coililns nnd Collins. Nellie V. Nlrhols, Scott and Princeton. Carmen Sisters. Weston and De Veaux, (Minnie Warden, St. John and Le Fey re, the Zwllcrs, Adams and White, Freda Lancaster, the WoocUborp*, Miller and iMny. John Zimmer, Doll and Burden, llnrrv Courtlnml, nnd GolrMc. St. Clair ami Uoldle. Gt'VEUNAToa'a Theatre (Sydney Fern, lunimger). — lliiber, Prince' Albeue and May I. a llraut. Throe • Mrlvln HlTiMierH. A; "Van ciofitV'Ohlo.'" Tliorne nnd Holdsworlh, An- trim and Peters, Tom Ucfrvu, Uraddock aud Three Folre Sisters. Warde and Mndlson, the Three Hentzcs, Mell Grant, Mollle Barry, John P. Curran, and the moving picture ma- chine. Business Is good. Bijou Si'MUkr Garten (Abb Smith, man- ager). — People who open here for week of 2 1 are : Allle Dale. Kate Bond. Mack and Mhy. Hoey. and Gill, and Chas. M. West. Business Is good. * Peteraborgr. — At the Academy of Music (Wm. E. French, manager). — The Roselle Opera Co. rendered "Covsllerla Rustlcana" nnd the third act of "Martha" July 23. Tha attendance was small. Fernpale Park Casino (Jos E. Hurst. manager), reopened 21, with the Cummlngs' Stock/ Co., In repertory. s | ■ Stanntoa. — At Highland Park Casino- (V. J. Byrtl, mhnager). — People for week of July 20: Copeland and Copelnnd, Helen .Vance. Fred Miller. Minnie Wardell. E. Will Hen's- ley, and Helen Pelleller. People for week of' 27— are: Uaiiy Doris, child performer: Foster Ball, Jenre- and- Henard/aud- Helen Vance. SAMPLES FREE. SUITS $15 to $35 Trousers $5 A postal card will bring our handsomely Illustrated Catalogue, a lull line of samples, and our im- 6 roved Self-Measurement lanks. Wa lnYlte CLIPPER readers to call and see us when tn Sew York. Come and "LOOK CB OVER." It's the way to find us out. W. C. LOFTU8 & CO.. Custom Tailoring Only. 1190 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. Next to Proctor's Fifth Ave, Theatre. When yon call at THE CLIPPER office for your mall, step arouad the corner on Broadway and see our srylee. ED.PINAUD'S CD. PINAVD'S Eau de Quinine Is. the best Hair Restorative known. It preserves the hair from parasitic attacks, cleanses the scalp and positively removes dandruff, it Is also a most excellent hair dressing. Ths swse! and rednedodor which 11 leaves In the hair makes It a toilet luxury. the HEATH Shirt Waist IMPROVER. A Welcome Addition to The Shirt Waist Suit. SIZES From 3S to 38 Bust. BY MAIL, 81.00. Thv Heath Corset Co. 1 14. Fifth Avenue, NEW YORK. (Mention CLIPPER.) Universal EdiSOIl Exhibition KINETOSCOPES, FILMS. NEW AND SECOND HAND. Song Illualratort, $12 up. Cloak Effect Slides, 2"i cents up. Song Slides (colored), 28 cents up. loo Plain Blldes, just the thing for advertising. $10 per loo. ~ Renting of Machines, Films and Bone glides a Specialty. ALFRED L. HARSTN & CO., Tel-8812 leih. 1»8 East 14tb St., N. T. WANTED AT ONCE, GOOD REPERTOIRE PEOPLE, Lsdy for General business. Must he llrst class. Long season. Salary sure. Write or wire. ' " 1RKNK JEAVONS, llrtdgcvllle, Pa. THIS TilIUMFH ANT RUNAWAY* CA8I JVO "roadway anrt 39th Strcc* ^^■f"-*^*^^ V Eves., 8:16. anm.M aa TUB SUCCESS OF SUCCESSES THE RUNAWAYS and MISS FAY TEIMPIETON. PASTOR! 1*3-146 E. 14th St. near 3d Ate. Contlnuou* Performance! 13 to 11 P ■ MELVILLE and STETSON, THE TOURISTS TRIO, ORVLLLE and FRANK, J03IE and WILLIE BARROWS. RAYMOND TEAL AND AS EXTRA ATTRACTION, MAPDOX sad WAYNE, 5 B. F. KEITH'S International circuit. Theatrical EnterprUa. E. F. ALBEE. General Manager. HIGH CLASS VAUDEVILLE. 8. K. H0DGDON, Booking Manager, AsioclMoa of Vaudeville Managers, St,. James Bhlg., BroM- way and 26th St. N. Y. ■ Huber's "£ Museum GEO. H. HCBER, Propr. WANTED AT ALL TIMES, Living Curtoaltles, Freaks of Nature, also First Class Vaudeville Acu for Theatre. Address J. II. ANDERSON, Haospr. CARLIN and OTTO This week, Sacandago Park, GloTersviile, K.T. The Bickett Family, GREATEST OP ALL AERIAL GYMNASTS AND A0ROBATS, HAVE A FEW OPEN PATES. Address GRAND RAPIDS, Mica. FLYING BANVARDS CASTING ACT. 2 Ladles and 2 Gents. Permanent address, CHAS. BANVABD,935 Montlcello Ave.,Clilcago, III. A NOVELTY. NEWTON BROS, In their original comedy, entitled "MIXTURE." En route J. W. Gorman's Parka. TR0G1DERO QUARTE1TE, JOE BIRNE3, ■ ■ Bep. DONT WORRY GET, BURRO W S$TRA> IS WARNING TO MANAGERS. THE FREEZE BROS, Are the Originators of Spinning and Jagjlbuj Ttiy bourlnes on Hands, Knees, Head anil Feet Hut- taneous. Act copyrighted and patented. Flynn's Circuit tor 12 weeks. . The Musical Holbrooks Care if NEW YORK CLIPJEJL BROBST TRIO, GEO., MADGE and YOUNG "SKATES." "^J"* the balance." Grotesque, Buck and Fancy mc» Daaclng on Roller Skates. _ ,. Homo address. POTTSVILI.E. j^ _ COOK and HALL, HARMONIC HUMORISTS. This week, PASTOR'S THEATRE. New Tort C itv. CARLIN and OTTO ypwWY GERMAN COMEDIANS ; ILL." LAST SEASON; I .«>£J! A , Pn KOPPi I WAS IN . THEN. BUT I>H("JOLIEF>) J0LLY-1KT Por open time (or ''open" " " oysters), adr. pr. route or agents. FOR HELMICK AND 8MITH'8 BIG SCENIC PRODUCTION OF THE FRENCH SPY, SISTER TEAM and address of GOOD DRAM*TI PEOPLE In all lines. Scasou opens Aug- Address HARRY STETSON, Mgr.,Kavr Wi«^. Vt/ A tV TE & > Leaalns; Man to Direct niage-o'" » of playn; Wotunti not over ».1, f<" °' B ral Rnaine*.; Cornet, Doable Vloll", Lrsil Band anil Orelieatra. DR. H. D. nUCKEIJ. West Hotel, Mtnu»«H, weight ami ejiierleiice. 1/mg seiison mill sure money. Hlnle lowest lu llrsl lelter nnd send pboloor cut. No time to dicker. Address J. II. HICYAN, ., J" Oen. Del., Kent, Ohio, J 540 j&i THE ISTEW YORK CLIPPER. 'August i, THEODORE F. MORSE. IN NOVELTY FOR BIO NUMBER. READ THE CHORUS Pic ked " 'Tlio' I am king of thecocoannt grovc,I'm lonely; Sweet llttlechampanzee, I love yon only. ■Too' you are only sweet sixteen I want too lo be my Baboon queen- If yon'Il agree, yon can rule win m High np In the cocoauut tree." CopyritjM 1903, HOWLET, HAVTLAjTD & DRE88EE. Words by EDWARD MADDEN. b|T every Manager and finger as A WINNER. Thanki to NELLIK FLOHEDE, BILLY HVRHAT and duuirninai uugiuu. ___ t _ i . When \A/e \A/er© Two Little Boys MARCH BONO Words by EDWARD MADDEN. READ THE CHORU8 The Muilc, like the wordt, haa got •em all "Skinned a Mile." Sensational Song Slldea ready Aug. 1. Thanki to ED. GALLAGHER (Gallagher and Barrett) and FRANK HOLLI8. DEAR OLID GIjR — DON'T OVERLOOK THESE — SAME OLD CROWD— waltz Oroh estratlona Read y for the . Above la An y Key— Pobl fahad by FRISCO. St. Ann Building. FIRST CHORDS I I When we grow np we'll both be soldlen And onr horses will not be toys- ' Then, I wonder, If yon'Il remember When we were two little boye." ortflC of them all, Foaturod by tho only DICK. J o 8 C song hit. IT'S THE MAN IN THE SOLDIER SUIT— march song! the HOUSE OH BROADWAY. "Did yon think I conld see yon crying When there's room on my horse for you; Climb up here, Joe, and don't be sighing— Ht can go Just as fast with two. CHIOAOO, Grand Opera Home Block. 1440 BROADWAY (40th St.), NEW TORE ramaiy. .KENNEDY The Clever Singing and Dancing Comedian, Engaged at the Highest Salary Knr Paid One Single Man in Repertoire, a» Well aa the Three Beat Feature Specialty Aet* Ever With a Popalar Priced Attraction. Marie McNeil, Mallory Bros, and Brooks, Grace Halliday, The World's Greatest Lady Cornettlat. Musicians, Singers, Dancers, Etc. ALL WITH • Genuine Coon shouter. THE FENBERG STOCK B CenueeAl Leading Woman, Heavy Man. Other people, -write. Address GEO. M. FENBERG, 305 Knickerbocker Theatre, New York. PLAY THE NEW HOUSE IN LINCOLN, NEB., THE AUDITORIUM. SKATS 11,600. CENTRAL LOCATION, ALL TRANSPORTATION LIKES PASS TDK DOOR. MODERN STAGE (WXMft. OPENING), COMPLETE SCENIC EQUIPMENT, ALL LATEST APPLIANCES. Boa* Terms "to Bast A-fc-fcrac-tloris NOW BOOKING, TO OPE* ABOUT SEPT. 1. Address E. 0. BEWICK, Manager AUD1T0BIDD, Lincoln, Hob, STATE FAIR WEEK IS SEPT. 7-12. WHO WANTS IT? LONG-ALE THEATRE CO WANTS IMMEDIATELY, Vandoviiic Team, man ami wife, or Single Vaudeville Feature to change specialties. Am compelled to advertise again on account of misrepresentation, and shall continue to do so until I havo secured competent people. Address ' HAL. HARDER, Flandreau, S. I). Join at Rook llaplds, la. Reference: First National Dnnk, Iowa. HAL. BARbER. Mgr. Londale Theatro Co., Flandrcati, S. 1). MARION FRANCIS CO WANT UTILITY MAN. Must Join on wlro. Stal o salary. GEO. K. RODINSON, lloyt's Theatre, So. Norwalk, Oonn. YOU ARE LOOKING FOR ME IF YOU WANT YODR ATTRACTION HANDLED ON BUSINESS PRINCIPLES LOOK. Thoroughly Experienced, em- bodying these essential ac- quirements: Strict Sobriety, Al Liberty, ADVANCE AGENT, Control Over Peopl" Blralghtforward lluslness Ability, Good Pre«s worker, Heavy lllller, always attentive to the Interests of employer, all-day workor; original Ideas and brains of my owu to cope with all emergencies. Address SIM FOLSOM, 12-a WabaBli Ave., Chicago, III- niSNIE LODISE FEBGOSOH, JACK rERGDSON, Al LEADS, HKAVIEit, CHARACTERS, Al 0IIARA0TBR8 nnd Al STAGE DIRECTOR. JUVENILES. Thorpng hly competent. Address J . II. FKRQUSOK, Latta Park Slock Co., Charlotte, N. C. AL CARLETON Comeily Character. "A Siring Town Yap," of Onrlotou and Torre, In Vaudovlllo. IfcKUSXOI AI*rS,Gre>t the Best For Professional work the (lenulno COURTOIS CORNETS and SIJDE TROMBONES have no equal. They are sold by n* along Willi the tieat of EVERYTHING In Iho Musical Instrument Line at prices that are the lowest In New York. Scud tor Catalogue anil Price List. Mention CLIPPER. am urc »w« j HOWARD FOOTB, 88 B. Sad Btreet, New York. ,i . ,' , ........ J • .! . , i ...... , Lillian Mason WANTS FOII REPERTOIRE, Heavy Man (nut be tall), S. and D. Comedian, Character Han, Man for Props and Parts, Piano Player, S. and D. Soubrette, Large 'Woman for Charac- ters, and other useful people, write. State lowest aalarv. Pay your own. Tickets to responsible people only. Season opens Aug. 10. Address LILLIAN MASON, H851 Perry Street, Denver, Colorado. TAKE NOTICE.— If yon drink, don't write lo me. SUMMER RESORT FOR SALE BY ADMINISTRATOR. PBICE LOW AND TERMS EAST. The finest and best paying Resort in Central New York. Must be sold to close an estate. Elgtity- flve acres of ground. On the shore of a beautltul lake. Hotel, Dancing Pavilion, .Carousal and many other buildings In first class repair. Average dally attendance now a.ooo people. Twenty minutes' ride on double track electric railroad from city 150,000 Inhabitants. Also connected by Del., Lack, and West. R, R., Boulevard and boat line. Resort now In full operation, write at once for particulars. photographH,etc..to GEO. II. BOND, No. 18 White Memo. Building, Syracuse, N. T. PICTURE MACHINES. New and Second Hand Stereoptlcons, Films, Song Slides and Supplies. Picture machines re- built with all Improvements. Rheostats any volt- age.' Mechanical effects for acts made. Expert repairing dono. NEW YORK FILM EXCHANGE. ' N. POWER, Mgr., 117 Nassau St., New York. Phone 8300 Cortland. "TH n m i Want Man for Heavies, Juvenile. Must play brass. Also a good HuBtllng Agent. Tickets, if known. Address ASIIBURN, Virginia. Will E. Rooth, R. a. Paytan, write. WANTED, REPERTOIRE PEOPLE For balunce of Bummer bcsboii and next; Pr»p. Man to do bit, Soubrette and Heavy Man. Name specialties If you do them. Balary low. Bank re*. R. R. fares advanced If I know you. Fritz Adams, Maud Phelps, Sheridan Holmes and Florence Hamilton, write. R. A. CHAPMAN, Wolverine Theatre Co,, Butternut, Mich. WANTED, YOUNG LADY THAT CAN AND will sell goods and novelties In the streets and at fairs, 3 hours a day. Balary one-half the profits. State age, and send photo, and full Information In first letter. No tares advanced. Snap right party. Lady playing some Instrument preferred. Long season. CU8UMAN B.TIBBETTS, Manager Opera House, Preston, Minn., Bill Poster, Distributor, CLUB JUGGLERS Sand for Illustrated Catalogue^Frai. FRED B0«»0T, 502E.i9Hisi„h.y. Sam-The Mitchells-Ray In clever novelty Acrobatlo Act. Open week An*. 10. Strong Specialty for road company, which will Join after sept. l. We deliver (he goodmno joking. Address 374 « W. fith St., Blmlra, V. Y. TROUPE WANTED, TO PLAY IN HALL DURING FAIR WEEK, AUG. 24 TO 29. DR. O. A. THOMAS, Mfg. Hall, Horse Cave, Ky. WANTED, SIN6LE PERFORMERS; ONE THAT Oan do good Straight In Acta; stop In camp; money sure; limit $s. Wire quick. FRANK RAYMOND, Fandon, III.' WANTED, BALLY H00 PEOPLE, MUSICIANS, Speelers and S. and D. Soubrettcs; good salaries lo right people. Nn fares advanced to strangers. Address FILIPINO MUSEUM, Sao City, Iowa. LADY IUSIOIAIS WAITED, Good Sight Reader, Clarlonettist. 'Collolat, Pianist for Lady Orchestra. Address. LADY ORCHESTRA. Tut In Bay, Ohio. TRAP DRUMMER At Liberty Aug. l. Good line of Traps. Location or Rep. Co. preferred. II. P. GRIFFIN, 13 south Fountain Ave., SprlucrfleM, Ohio. . WANTED, A UNIVERSAL OR KlNBTOsCOPH HEAD, with or without Slid. lag liar. Edison's latest model preferred. LECTURER, care of CLIPPER. J ~ w "Show Talk" «<>-"-• Booklet, wuvn sum pjj£nSs\lk SOME OF THE TIME OF ORVILLE m FRANK Novelty Equilibrists and High Glass Postnrers IS OPEN; their act can be seen this week at PASTOR'S THEATRE. On at 4."6 and 10.03. Their Home Address Is 1G0« THIRD AVE,, New York. >A/ A F" O R BUSBY BROS.' HIGH GLASS SHOWS AH kinds of GOOD CIRCUS PEOPLE i acts must be finished, don't come here to practice. Show stays out until Jan. 1. Can use n few more GOOD MUSICIANS. AI>»HBSS, BTJSBY BROS., PA If A. ILLINOIS. THE LeROY STOCK CO., Heavy Man, Gen. Bus. Man and Man for Characters. Must dress their parts. Good wardrobe on and off. Join, on receipt of wire. Consider silence a polite negative. . Her. LeRny Stock Co., Marshall, Mich. FOR MePHEE'S BIG UNCLE TOM'S CABIN TO JOIN AT ONCE, Woman for Ophelia, Man for Haley and St. Clali,- Woman for Eliza and Emlllne, Cornet to double stage, nnd other useful Tom people. Long season. Must be sober, reliable, experienced Tom people. Those doubling brass and doing special- ties preferred. Two car snow. Address, for 10 days, A. D. McI'UI-.E, Care McFhee'a Big "Uncle Tom's Cabin," Cumberland Mills, Maine. STETSON'S BIG UNCLE TOM'S CABIN COS., Muslclanes for White Band and Orchestra, Colored Jubilee Singers and Dancers, Lady fur Ophelia, who has little girl for Eva ; Electrician who can piny brass or small parts; also Agent nnd Manager, who has had experience. Address LEON W. WASIIWJIIN, - -Oscar Paul .nnd Jube Johnson, write. 214 W. 42d St., New York City. Gorton's Minstrels, SLIDE TROMBONE PLAYER ; good, strong business Cornet • Player ; Trnp Drummer. Answer by wire, and be ready to Join on receipt of wire. Also good TOP TENOR, for Solo and Quartette. Singer answer by mall. Address C. C. PEARL, Manager, ' Gorton'B Minstrels, Skancatelcs, N. Y., until Aug. 1. Wanted, Sister Team TO FEATURE. Must look alike, play strong parts and have good singing and dancing specialties. Also SlnglDg and Dancing Soubrette, Man for Juvenile Leads, Bin* log and Dancing Comedian. For repertoire — Wanted, Dramatic People In All Lines. Good salary nnd long season. Company opens Aug. 31. All must have good modern ward- robe. State age, height, weight and salary first letter. Address ■ . - C. H. COLSON, McCooK, Neb, AT LIBERTY FOR NEXT SEASON. THE 3 IRISH GRADUATES. •A New Irish Extravaganza Act, by The 3 Graduates, THE O'DONNELL BROS.. Ed- ward and Con., In conjunction with the most natural Irish woman In America, JOSLIll J. CONLAN, In their new Irish farcelette, written by a farce comedy authoiventltlert, MRS. HOGAN'S TRIP TO LUNA PARK. This act constitutes comedy Interspersed will; music on the IRISH BAGPIPES nnd VIOLIN, Irish Jig Dancing, Irish Hornpipe Reel Dancing, up to date In every detail. Would like to hear from first clnss managers only. Perm. Address THE THREE GRADUATES, S3 Irving Street, Brooklyn, N. X NO ANNUAL CARI IVAL Or-TM* BRIDGETON HOSPITAL ASSOCIATION, AUG. 31 TO SEPT- 7, INCLUSIVE. Last Year Played to Twenty-five Thousand People. Will DO BETTEB THIS YEAR WANT A " K'nds of Attractions on Percentage Plan: Big money for everybody. IV All A Would llkertxrhave One -Ring Circus, Herman or Jap Village, Gypsies, .In- dians, cood Tout nr sirl« Rh™« Mystic Maze would be popular. Write all Informs- H. L. TYLER, Brldgeton, New Jersey dlons, good Tent or Side Shows. tlon to HRNRV I¥ Y KJifi r i^^ I> T? bt ?' 1 *?.? B i ca JP ncat - Want g '°°<> Attractions. Best town between - balle and Peoria. Would like to hear from Shakespearean ns well ns other good pi«> 8 - ' ■ ■ W. W. EAOLESTON. Manngor- WANTED, FOR THE 6th ANNUAL KEOKUK FREE STREET FAIR, S?i l !L5' , uEi , 2! THI ? V ? B 5 T \ 0ct - "• *• »• ■ Bnd ">, ***, »'* Sensational Outdoor Ads, LwP nlXpii s&i? 1 i? L A .? r '. al Ca8 ". ! " t or lwtl,r » Ac «< Acrobats, Jap Troupe, Jugglers, etc.; a *o Firrt S R n-r* y «m.«^. A r l .7 ,al A . r9na ' .^«nclto, Electric Theatre, Uavo of Winds, Ferris Whool. Mlntaluro Railway, Millie Christine, etc. Addr esB ED. F. KIRCIINER, Manager Amusements, Keokuk, 1«*»^ ._.***— I ,nuil AND DRAPHRY DANCKR. OolorandllghtefrecUjuMnrpasaedbyanyactofltaklnd. Responsible managers only. , „ , WILL SBOOR, No. 66 Konwenhoven Place, Brooklyn. ». **»' AUGUST 1. THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. 541 AT I^iBltRTY THIS SEASON, DAN SHERMAN and ..». MABLE DE FOREST, On account of the EMPIRE SHOW not going out Address WM. MORRIS, Agent. KLIEGL BROS., ■ • ORIGINATORS OF ELECTRICAL EFFECTS. REFERENCES, PRODUCTIONS SUPPLIED, REFERENCE: ■. -Darling of the Oodi, Babes In Toyland, WIzbM of Oz, Venice In New York, Du Barry. Lew Dockstade* Minstrels, Over Niagara Falls. Under Two Flags, Ben Hnr, Weber A Fields'. Produc- tion*, Madame Butterfly, Etc. Metropolitan Opera House Productions. . • - UNIVERSAL ELECTRIC STAGE LIGHTING CO., cor. 88tb St. and Broadway, New York. ilCtffilJli'5 BIG MINSTRELS, W. B. HcCALLUI, Owner and Hanager, 10 FIRST CLASS SOLOISTS, Nothing But the Bast. ' 80 FIRST CLASS MUSICIANS for Hand and Orchestra. 15 FIRST CLASS SOMtl and DANCE MEN. A. BIO F-BATURE ACT to Close Olio. All must be strictly sober. Address alt communications to WM. B. McCALLCM, Cook Opera Bonsff. Rochester, N.Y., or for week of July 87 to WM. JOSH DALY, Russell Honsc, Toronto, Can THE GREAT ENGLISH VAUDEVILLE PAPER, THE AKD YH9ATRB RKVUS^W, 40 1 &tjraja.€L 9 London, FOREIGN SUBSCRIPTION, --.---.. PROFESSIONAL ADVERTISEMENTS, - - - »•. 6d. • o. Ss. Bd. PER YEAR Single Column Inch GRIFFITH'S RHEUMATIC, NEURAL- GIA and HEADACHE TABLETS. RELIEF IN HO MINUTES. A certain core for Inflammatory, muscular and chronic rheumatism, gout, sciatica, colds, la prippe, pains In the shoulders, arms, lege, back, •tiff 'Joints, neck, etc.; 80c. a box. Inquire at druggists, or sent by mall. FOR FURTHER PROOF a trial package will be mailed to you on receipt or a 10c. o.ln. w. H. GRIFFITH, Ph. G., Prescription Pharmacist, 67 Third Avenue, cor. 11th Street; New York Oily. From Mr. Ed. Lester, if "Nugget Trie." MR. WM. H. GRIFFITH— DEAR SIR: It affords me great pleasure to add my testimonial to Hie many yon receive, and so rcnly deserve, and do- lag bo I deem it my duty, not only to my brother and sister professionals, but to any who are anllcled. I can ohecrf uliyveuch forme Immedi- ate relief my wife experienced after one trial of your Rheumatic, Neuralgia and Headache Tablet*. I will highly recommend you> Tablets to all sufferera. AL. W. MARTIN'S UNCLE TOM'S CABIN V. J .'..' • (WESTERN), * Lady lor Topsy, Trombone, B. and 0.| Tuba, double brats; Cornet, double Viola, and Trap Drummer. Join Chicago Aug. 10. Address .«j v j AL. W. IABTII, 1508 Tribune BIdg., Chicago, 111. MURRAY COMEDY CO., Man and Woman for Leads.' Must be good looking, have elegant wardrobe and strong enough to feature. Also Comedian with Strong Specialties, a Character Comedian and Piano Player that can arrange. All must be strictly first class and able to Join upon receipt of wire, Wonld also like to hcarfrom Good Character Woman. Send photo sure. J. HU8 SMITH, Manager, 120 S. Mulberry St., Muncle, Ind. WANTED, P-OR . . THE METROPOLITAN STOCK CO. and DOROTHY REEVES COMPANY, FIRST GLASS REPERTOIRE PEOPLE 1m all lines, ELBCTBICIAN, SCENIC ABT1ST and PIANIST. State all In first letter. Management pays HOTEL. Address CLIFFORD REEVES, Charlton, Iowa. ' P. S.— Can book two more Fair dates In NEB., KAN. or MO. AIM. GLASSCOCK'S BIG COMBMTM SHOWS, Band Leader and Musicians of all kinds, Tumblers, Bar and Trapeze Performers, Clowns, Riders, wire Walkers, Good Acta of Any Kind. Good treatment and top salaries for Qoodl Performers. Olve full particulars in flrst letter, Btatlng salary wanted. Will buy healthy Young Elephant, Camels, Lions, Tigers, etc. Address at once .. ALEX. GLASSCOCK, Sulphur, Ind. Tar- JOE KING'S COMEDIANS. ALL SPECIAL PAPER. ALL SPECIAL SCENERV. K. NAMBO JAPANESE TROUPE, FOUR PEOPLE (VAUDEDEVILLE FEATURE). irlng E. II. Wlllard's plays (special scenery). WANTED, to open Aug. 24, .Heavy Man, Oharat an, Clever Child. (Others, write.) Full particulars. Pay own board Address K. NAMBO. Wire at once, care of "Billboard;" Cincinnati, Ohio. "W ANTB D « THE BEST PEOPLE OBTAINABLE FOR REPERTOIRE. Character Woman. Those doing specialties given preference. Also Specialty Acts WMHI art. Strong Novelty, for Feature All Hoyalty Plays, if you haven't At modern ™« » "J "ircenave stamp. State full particulars and salary (ft Is sure) first letter. Rehearsals begin -Aug. e. Two weeks' sileneo a polite negative. Send photos or m ograinrpes. C»n »™ Hraa 11 Ch Id wllrr Olever Specialty. Don't need an agent; time all booked. . Address HARRY ANDERSON, Boutn Boston, va. CAN PLACE AT ONUS OF ALL KINDS TO ENLARGE Sig. Sautelle's All New Railroad Shows AERIAL BHoniFti mn an KINDS OF CIRCUS PERFORMERS WANTED IMMEDIATELY. *1» WX^ 00™ 8 WORk"nu CLOWN "who can put on lively ring and MngdlOM, .g!M* Lon « DUMB, best of treatment and good salarlos If your acts aro worth them. Wire ^wesf 'ai.ry. ■ aiQ. BADTELLK, care flig. Santcllc's Railroad Shown, as per CLIP! I Route. IN THE DUKE AND AMERICAN HEIRESS. Now playing Keith Circuit to success. Booked solid until IBM. Open In London on Moss A lours on July 11.1904, for six months. Allcommnnicnt oub to JO PAGE SMITH, New York; English Agents, C'ADl.E BROS., IPS and IQB Strata, l/moon WANTED. THOROUGH REPERTOIRE PEOPLE Foroen'l Bte. (All Around), Peoplo that do speolaltlti. £ Dd J? w $/A8 'tanas. One of tie above Wplajpleno for one specialty. I pay all. CHA8 lowest, eto. Jotn on wire; t night - T. FALE8, Malone, N. Y. WANTED, SHOWS AND OF" ALL KIND* OW HIOH OL.A8S ORDCR, FOR THE "' TEXAS STATE FAIR The Acknowledged Largest and Best State Fair in the World, lasting 16 days and nights, STARTING SEPT. 26. Never Less than 20,000 People Attending Daily, arirj people who spend money. This year the wheat crop and corn crop is the largest ever harvested in the State, and the promise of a record breaking cotton crop, which insures the Success Annually of this World Famous Exposition. TO HEaB FHOI HIGH CLA8S MIDWAY ATTBACTIOHS, TO HEAB FBOI ACTS FOB FBEE OUTSIDE ATTBACTIOIf . TO HEAB FBOI BXHIBITIOH FOB IB FB01YT OF 6BAND BTAHD. TO HEAB FBOI FBEAKS FOB 8I0E SH0W8, Etc. WANT Oan Use Some Skotoh Teaims and Musloal ► t» SUITABLE FOR REFINED STAGE ENTERTAINMENT. If your show, or act, is not well 'built, well dressed, not of high class order' and run by people of good address, don't answer this ad. Any one signing with us and misrepresenting themselves or act will premptly be turned down. Mention your business and, give full particulars in first letter. State very lowest terms. All photos of people and acts will be promptly returned Address ®ir>:iv:E>Y smith, ' Secretary and General Manager, Texas State Fair, DALLAS, TEXAS. J. H. HUSTOX, or ..-., . The Kioto Show*. . Box 1070, DBNVEB, COLO. 1808 1004 CATALOGUE 0,000 copies ready July 1. the old catalogue useless, one, so as to avoid delay. C. A. TAYLOR 39 A 41 E. Randolph St., 180 W. Madison St, CHICAGO; 181 W. BStli St., NEW YORK. The many changes make Drop a postal for a new Trunk Works. THE ONLY PLACES TAYLOB TBOIKB Can be bought. We have no Agencies. SCENERY Globe Scenery Co., Painters of High Grade Artistic Scenery, Honae and Road Stun* of All Descriptions. GLOBE SCENERY CO., Tiffin, O., No. 14 to 24 Empire Park Place. YOU WILL BE CONVINCED OF THE PRESTIGE IN A "CROSS" LETTER HEAD Free Samples, Contracts, Tickets, Envelopes, Etc. CBOSS 808 DEARBORN ST., CHICABO. Pkg. Bt/QE MONEY, 16c. BOOK OF PUTS, 30c, shapV STREET MEN A BEAUTIFUL 84 PAGE BOOR, with Elegant Portrait of', each President, from Washington to Roosevelt. .- .600 word lite of each. Much other In- teresting matter. Attractively bound. Big thing for Fairs. BELLS FOR 10 CENTS. |8.00 FEB 1O0 TO YOU; Sample, ects. In BtampB. GREGG & CO., 133 E. Canal 81., Cincinnati, 0. EZBA KfiHDAU'8 2D BOOK-ALL HEW. GOOD mW-i^.'Z&P'™ SPOTS — ° f Wlt ana Hnmor - Esra Kendall's 1st Book-ioo.ooo sold. By Mall, a&o. each. Address EZRA KENDALL, - Mt Vernon, N. Y. Address M South 7th Ave. Do You WANT MILITARY GOODS? BAND UNIFORMS, ARMY or NAVY SUITS. TENTS, GUNS and EQUIPMENT OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. From Government Auction. No matter what yon want In that line I oan ■npply It, New or second hand. Send for catalogue B. B. ABRAHAMS, 223 South St, Philadelphia, Pa. II a ti One soft. Round Top. 20 Middle, 6ft. Wall; one 40x60, one 48ft Round Striped Top, two Flno Crank Pianos, Hand Organs, Gasoline Torches, Bsker Torches, Canvas Seat Benches, Folding Or- gans. Send for Free Barguln Booklet. R. H. ARMBRUSTER, Springfield, Illinois. WANT GOOD STEADY MAN TO TAKE FULL CHARGE OF STAUE for Balance of season, opening Aug. 17. Wrlto at onco. ■ J. M. FOLEY, Empire Theatre, Ashtabula Harbor, O. BEST PRICES PAID FOR FILMS, FILMS, IF GOOD SUBJECTS IN FINE CONDITION. Send list for estimate. Picture Machines, FILMS, Bongs, Etc., wanted and for sale. HARBAGH & CO., 809 Filbert St.. Phlla.. Pa. WANTED, PIANO PI.AY1IK (Lady or Gent), MAN and WOMAN for Gen. Bus.1 JUVENILE MAN and WOMAN for Props snd Spe- cialties. State all flrst letter: wn pay board. B. A. NKVIUS, Victor, Iowa. Exhibitions furnished, with Only real Torpedo Parachute Explosion Act No agents. BALLOONS FOR SALE. Prof. Onas. Kebrlch, 11 Centenary St, Blnghamton, M.T. YOUNG MAN, 6000 AMATEUR ACROBAT And CONTORTIONIST, wished position with p o- fes'lonalshow. Mutt furnish wardrobe. Willing to star; at low wages. GEO MOUNT. Fleming-ton, N. J. WE WANT SHOWS FOR STREET FAIRS, SEPT. 1, 2, 3, 4. GOOD SHOW TOWN. 8,000 peo- ple attended last year. J. W. MARSH, President, Keystone, Ind, FOR THE h All Artiste engaged for the above Co. will report for rehearsals AUG. 3. at COLUMBUS, OHIO. Kindly ac- knowledge this Call. G. D. CUNNINGHAM. Mgr. AT sf ■ T IT (Jan ""' * t* w niore Singers for (Auartette anil < liorui, also J-* " * *»• First and Second Violin uutl Uarilnne Mr Uaml and On heirs. AL W. MARTIN'S UNCLE TOM'S CABIN CO, astern.) All Ladles and Gentlemen engaged will please report for rrlisarsal at lb* A UIIAJUIltA. THE ATRE, Chicago, 111., MONDAY, AUG. 10, at 10 A, M., sharp. Acknowledge this eall at ostee to F. C. COOPER, Business Manager, 1508 Tribune Bldg., Chicago, III. AL. W. M. LAST CALL ROBIE'S BIG SHOW, THE KNICKERBOCKERS, Will begin rehearsals MONDAY, AUG. 3, at BCI1KIT7.EN HALL, Ifl 8A1NT MARKS PLACE. All people engaged report promptly at 10 A.M. Answer by wire or letter to LOUIS ROBIE. 1439 Broadway. New York. WANTED-A FEW MORE CIIOUVB GIHI.S. THE BLUE RIBBON GIR: All Ibo Artists Engaged tor the above named Attraction WILL ABBEIBLJ FOB HEHEAB8AL8 I0HDAY HOfiSlHO, ADD. 3, 1903, at 10 o'clock, at PABK TbTATBE, Brooklyn. Please acknowledge this call promptly by letter to ', '. ._ JAMES HYPE. Managar, Park T^eatro, Brooklyn. Lsdles and Gent lenicii engaged for this company will kindly report for Rehearsals, MONDAY, A.ffl). 10. at 10 a. M., at HEINBOCND HALL, Mn7 West ,14th HI., near Nth Avenue. AckuOMtdgo CALL by mall to 1IAKRY MOKHIS, lloora 16, lam Broadway, N. V. City. HSHSE 1 RENTZ-SANTLEY company. All persons engsged with the aboro company will REPORT FOR nEIIEAJWAL al MURRAY DILL LYCEUM, Corner 3*tl» St. and Jd Ave., N. Y., Monday, Ang. 3, at 10 A. M. iharp. Kindly acknowledge receipt of tbis lo AUK LEAVI1T, Manager llr,NTZ KANTLKY CO., Oan place a few more good Chorus Ladles. Ouro Morris Exchange. 4,1 West Will Ht„ N. Y. City. WASTED, FOR THE BIO SCENIC MELODRAMA, "THE WAY OF THE WICKED/' Leading Woman, Hinging and Dancing Soubretto, Heavy Man, Juvenile Man anil a Hustling Agent. Must f>e good looklnir, experienced pioplo and swell dressers, state all In first letter, Heasonopemt Aup M at Lorain, Ohio. Address F.K. JOHNSON, Electric Park, Kent, O., until Aug. 0; alter thai. VKRBECK THEATRE, Lorain, Ohio. ' —^^—1 — — — i i i OncelHadASweeiheart Sweetest, prettiest love I sllnd over wrltles. Pror. copy and orchestration for stamps and prognm Ureal M'Klnley Soug lilt, f VICTOR PL' B. ( .Otn'll.O. OlimMllDI. COMINO SOON I A RABBIT 1 * FOOT CO. The Funniest Colored Show on Earth. See It and he convinced. Can use Good Performers and Musicians, male and female, all litres 38fl. Combination Car for sale cheap for cash. Will eat and sleep twenty -six people. Will bay Baggage Car and Stqam Calliope.,, Address PAT CHAPPELLE, as per route In all Professional Papers' DID I Understand too to say yon wanted an Original Sketch written Well, then, address ...>••■>• J. J. WABKES, 716 Westminster St., ProTidenoe, R.I. sg* T^E JSTEW YORK fflJEPJEB, ■ ■■ ■ ..«,■■■»■ | i i , .i ^ . i T . ^i -— ay-sssf i ^ ssj ssjs sjjj I ■ T ' .. '*'. i. * '- ' " * Aug tjst j. To American and European. Vaudeville Agents. HENRY ACROBATIC rant five rears » nature will) THE tlREAT iubscm ASD Baii.EY snows in both Europe and America. "To 111 out- WHO THINK they can Tumble:" Mr. Henry Is the WORLD'S t'lumplon Lightning Trick Tumbler, and Is ready n> mf-ei all w long uueil, romlltloii of property und lowest price, first letter. Address inall only. A. UhlUTHIBN, care Lee Advertising Agency, 1005 Unity Hut hi I >i K, Chicago, 111. NwV N e d HARRIS-PARKINSON STOCK, OI.RVKR TOVWn WOMAN MB JUVENILE LEADS. CAPABLE OF HANDLING AN EXCELLENT LINE OF PARTS; TWO OI.KVER CHARACTER ACTORS-ONE TO MANAQE STAGE. Tell all Oral letter. Pleased to hear from those who wrote before AGENT, WRITE Rehearsals Aug. 17, Lexington, Kv. CLEVER KOBT. II. HARRIS, Bloomlngtun, Indiana. IM I803-4. THE LITTLE 8UNBEAM AND EBB OWN COMPANY AVANTKD l.MMRDIATKIWi Juvenile Leading Mao, light Comedian, Character Woman to do Heavies Property Man wllh Specialty, one who has or can rim Picture Machine preferred. GOOD PEOPLE lu All Linos wrlto wllh fnll particulars; send photos and lowest salary; pay own hotel and be ready to loin on receiptor wire. llchorsuls Login Aug. 4, openUlynVslde Park Aug. 17. Address II A. Illinois, Manager, Aldlm- Hotel. Aabland. Ky. MANAGERS-Wcok of Oct. 19 Open for Ohio, weeks of Jan. 'Jt, Feb. sand inOpenlti Penna. All other time BOOKED. TWO HEWITTS Just Closed 15! Weeks Free Attraction Street Fair. W. B. WATSOl'S American Burlesquers A. KOEHLER & CO., Theatrical Gostumers. ENTIRE COMPANIES Oil INDIVIDUALS FITTED OUT. TRICES REASONABLE, ESTIMATES FORNISTIRD, THEATRICAL JEWELV. 64 ONION SQUARE (East), botween 17th and 18lb SUX.New Tork. Mention CLIPPER when calling or writing. 5 § POPCORN YANKAUER & CO.. MA VI IPACTCHRHB, 156 WEST-B'WAT, I. T. 8BBLLBD POPCORN AT WHOLESALE. BROW tob; Band, Vaudeville. Museom,' Side Show and Con- cert People In all branches of the business. Want a Oood Freak for platform show, with banner. All museum and side show people must hare banners, andnone but the beat wanted in any. lino., state what you do In first letter and lowest salary; re- member, you get every cent; show payB board and transportation, lint no room rent; all week stand-*. People who have seen me or who nave written, writ*, again. Show opens Aug. 24. AJso want TwpQoodAlt Day.Door Men. Circus Acta qtall kinds wanted for season of low. Six months' of solid work, commencing May 1. All people giving satisfaction this year may have contracts for next season If wanted. Boosers, Chasers and Kiekers, save your stamps, I have no Use for yon. POP BROWN. 717 8o. Beech St.. Syracuse, N. Y. LOOK, MANAGERS! "HE WISE." AT LIBERTY. The Hoopers, MR. andT MRS. R. L., SKETCH TEAM, in their own up-to-date acta, Introducing sieg- ing, talking and dancing, as It should be done. Acta away from all other*— without dpnht the be*t acta ot tni in kind In vaudeville. Bob, does B. P., Rube apd Tramp; Lena dooa Soubretta; see her as soldier Boy. We " have all new costumes tins , We can furnish enough laughs for any show, and can change acta for a week. Managers of Repertoire, Farce, or any good company wili- ng to pay what we are worth, and pay it every "dress, stating your best salary, KL. HOOPER, Oakland City. Indiana. week, address, stating your best salary, R.L.HOOPE P. 8.— Regardi to friends. ATTRACTIONS For Street Fair and C arrival, / . SEPTEMBER or OCTOBER. Correspondence solicited. Address J. F. PARKS, Chairman, Lock tips. 4W, Berkiqy, Virginia. ■ ■ MEDICINE SHOW, AIR RIFLE, 6AME, SLOT MACHINE AND SOUVENIR HEN, AT TENTION. I am the CHEAPEST MANUFACTURER In New York of JEWELRY and NOVELTIES. ■ ALFRED GTJGGEVIIEnr, 429 Broadway, New York. The Perry FREE Carnival and Street Fair, Free Shews and Pay Shows Wanted. R. W. HE ATOM, Perry, lows, WANTED. FOB SUN'S MINSTRELS Dancing Team, must do buck da.icffig; Mnslcal Team to double bass and tuba. Leader 'orches- tra to double band. Cornet to double orchestra, Property Man to double band. Other useful min- strel people and musicians, write. Address FRED u. FOWLER, 1438 Broadway, N. Y. City. WASTED, For BALL and SAMPLE'S UNITED WAGON 8H0WS, Strong Solo B-nat Cornet and Tuba for B. and a, a No. 1 Versatile Comedian In late songs, dances and specialties. Other Musicians, Circus and Con- cert People, write. Slate particulars, lowest sal- ary and be ready to Join on receipt of wire. II ALL AND SAMPLE, Lake Benton, Minn., Aug. 6. PALOS PAEK A 3S RB * **"*"WA# * ******* CHICAGO. The scenery of wooded hills with creeks and springs makes it a charming place for home. It is healthf ul and restful. Fare lac. Many families have located, and among them quite a few families of actors who find It convenient to their business and a line place for home. We sell large lots, 6px 160ft. on timbered hills, at $229; (10 cash and $6 monthly; send for literature; names or actors given by request. MonsonsYCo., 144 La Salle St., Ohloago. No. 37 Kingston St., Boston, Mom., U. S. A. Manufacturers of SUkolene Tights, $150; Worsted Tights, $2.00; Cotton Tights, $1.00; Equestrian Shirts, samo price as tights. A special discount of 10 per cent, allowed on all goods. Give as a trial; that la all we ask. Write for prices on any- thing In the knit good* line, Deposit required on all orders. FOR SALE CHEAP, 8 SLOT MACHINES, 4 ELECTBIC GBAPHAPHORES, and 4 PICTEBE HACHIHES. No Reasonable Ogcr Refused. PF.ARCE A SCHECK, 18 S. Gay St., Baltimore, Md. WANTED, FOR BEEGHER'8 UNCLE TOI'S CABIN. Will pay cash for SMALL PONIES and DOGS. Can use man lor Marks, to double Deacon or Cute; Baritone for band, double orchestra; Trombone it. 10. ; Lcador orchestra, double band; Colored Buck Dancers who can sing. Address FRED D. FOWLER. 1430 Broadway, N. Y. Oily. HIGH CLASS MAQIGAL APPARATUS At Moderate Prices. Large stock, immense Variety. Illustrated Catalogue Free. A. ROTERB8RQ, 144 Illinois BU, Chicago, HI. Wanted, GOOD ATTRACTIONS For Colombia Opera House, THBMUNT, ILLINOIS. FHKD U. TROUT, - - Manager. THE MUSICAL XE>1V «YCK8 K\«AOKD. _-. ■• Waittt Quick, Leialig Dogs and Otters; Good Performing Healthy Monkey*: second i|and Rolling Basktt. • -'HaRKY OK FORKS* r . Do Forest pug show, Oxford, p. v. OXYGEN GAS THE LATEST MADE FROM v^aTOBT of -ijemcE, Makes lt« own cos, but requires no forced nrassare, no. hot retort, no. farnace.no hot water, no heat „t anr kind. No imse- in wrong Place, Causes , no dljappolntnionts, no .tallurefi. no delays, , 10 ac t ideni« P A ClilLll C AN USK IT WITH a-KKlTKCTbAlfOTV.Welj .tsboutSu pounds llnclu •>■- - ■ Itlspo«ltlrB. It Is automatic. It mnkea PH It K Ox yeen Oaa (otbers only 85 per eeot>. ■go It ttve minutes or 24 hour; In au booaaraadfoaanf lougth o 700 CANJJL>! FOAVKK. LloL. STiioNOKlt than produced, by ctber portable gas making used cbemlr.de. u.-* Urujy • .-IV..-U inn IT bldlngtbgraie) itrankeeitan lynnco. Stoii us.nit gas, It stops making'' NoWuklS chftr>ia V BS s7 THE lbadin O HOUSE IN NEW YORK. r\S For Wigs, Tonpees, Grease Paints, Face Powders, PRICES REASONABLE, WORK GURANTEED. No. 30 VF. jlSUi It., Ifew York, near CL1PPBR OB»- THEATRICAL STAGE PROPERTIES. Best Equipped Wopcrty Shop In New York. We make ererytblng used back of the curtains. TURNER COMPANY. JM loV , ^TS^ B B «^v.%WW , Sr.!' , • WRITE FOR ENGLISH, FRENCH AND AMERICAN STAGE MONEY. Mil ITARYi^nAnQ Uniforms, nuns, swords, Revolvers, Cannons, Tents, ate. '*■■«-« ■ **■» ■ VwVWO Everything In tho Military Line-fully described In our large Magazine Catalogue, containing net cash prices wltu upwards of 2,000 llluBlratlous. Price of catalogue, 16 cents— mailed on receipt of « centa In stamps, mentioning this advertisement. Customers write us that our"CATALOGUE IS WORTH ITS WEIQ1IT lu HOLD." Wo have the largest stock In the world of mllltarr goods from Government auctions. Denier* Supplied. Krsncls liinnermsn, 619 Broadway, Newiots NOW 18 THE TIME TO HAVE YOUR MUSIC PUBLISHED We write Sketches, Parodies, Monologues, Music to Words and Words to Music, Publish and Popularize Songs; we pa; royalty. PIONEER PUBLISHING COMPANY, Baltimore Bite, Chicago, III. JUST THE THING TO SEND TO MANfiGERS AND AGENTS, YODR PHOTOGRAPH ON A POSTAL CARD. Let them see how Jon look. It you caunot call for Bitting wo will make your Postal Photos from any picture voti may send m.'tind return same with "" order dllcd. 26c tor Three Photos. II a Dozen. Sf'ItEItE'lt, 'Fotografer. - -^ HO* Broadway, New Yorlt, block from CLIPPER PI"-*- J rSDTF ..DBS, BATONS, OUN8, ROLLING HOOPS, GL0Di:s, ROMAN AXIS. Anything In t tie Juggling Lino. Best aooda. Lowest Prices. for a lBMJMTALOO AND NEW JUSOLBBS' BOOK. Address U. a- A« SUPPLIES.-^ A §t4IHp km -.j UAlALlUlt A.'Lini EDW. VAN WYOK, 1068-c: Pullan Avo., Cincinnati, AL Wont go to Europe — LAWRENCE, "VAUDEVILLE'S BEST MIMETIC." —Too bnsy here. BALLOONS NEW AND SECOND IIASD. 8oM umlM a positive gtinrantec to M as repre- sented. Send for circulars. NORTHWESTERN BALLOON CO., :i-» Fulton Ave., Ohlcaio^lli- DOCKSTADER'S. wilminqton, del. " Reliable ArilHts can always secttrc convenient time to suit their rdntte. WANTSB-Acts for •■ — an. ... medlat» add later dates. Address W. L. DOOKSTADER, Ohelsea, Atlantic City, »• *- jUJGUST J. THE yTEW YOfiK <3LfPPEe. '543 hi LADIES AND* GENTLEMEN ENGAGED FOP. THE ABOVE COMPANY WILL KINDLY AS' ALL W»" M \0iM AT THE LONDON THEATRE ADO. 10, AT 10 A sL? SHARP. KUiULl AS ANSWER DY HAIL. W. S. CAMPBELL Ho. 200 East TMrty.tUtl St., He* York City, H. Y. p. S.-Can nse a good Leader that canarjange. silence a polite, negative. NED WAYBURN'S MINSTREL MISSES. gust lie a pianist with vaudeville experience. Apply W letter only, statin* lowest "Salary, experience s-irt rererenccs, NED WAVllimN, New York Tlicatre, New York. VM. ALEXIS and COUTURE BEN (Formerly COUTURE BROS.), AT LIBERTY For First Class Company fop Coming: Season.' A High Glass ACROBATIC AND CONTORTION ACT. ■ i '" "* ' ;' '• ,- , Past (wo seasons with Bam Berlbner's Gay Horning Glories. "Would lie pleased lo hear from First Class Managers. "., ALEXIS and COUTURE. General Delivery, East Brookfleld, Mans. risvlnglogoodbmlness all Summer. WANTED, REPERTOIRE PEOPLE IN ALL LINES, FOR SEA- SON 190=1 and*. Address E. G. UKOSJEAN, Manager, 'Hutchison; Kansas, indefinite. kmm D ARVILLE SISTERS Irene They are one of the best sinter teams I ever hid. Tlieir Singing, Solos, Cornet and Fencing drew i larger crowd every night. Tills vaudeville house Is on« of the tijiest. A. WKlNlIOLZER, Prop,; Em pire i Th eatre, St. Pawl, Minn. and DEANE, The' acme of all refined dancing net*. LAKESIDE PARK, Aekron, Ohio, ■•It's up to you ■" KcntcelReavy Man, Tall Character Man. Man for Josh with S|ierla!ty, Soulirette and Dutch Come- : in; mii-i Iiotli slug and dance. Character Old Woman, Juvenile Leading Lady; people doubling i*nil preferred; Musicians and Lenders. Pay own ML Address " • ■ D. JB. ive>vi», Msniger "UNCLE JOSH SPRUOEBY" CO., 75 Ply- niouiU Place, Cliteagn, 111, WANTED- AT ONCE, FIRST CLASS COMEDIAN WITH SPECIALTIES. Mast Join on .receipt Of Wire. Other Useful Repertoire People, Write. State Everything First Letter. Address A. E. DAVIDSON, Mgr. Davidson Stock Co., up to Aug. 1; Detroit Printing Co., Detroit; stlcrthat Academy of Music, Saginaw, Mich. CLASS BLOWERS WANTED AT ONCE. I«ng season. Never (lose'. Ro*eand II Myers, write or wire. This week, South Bend, Ind.; next week, Saginaw, Mloh. -Address ANDREWS' ULASS PALACE, Care o f Ferarl Bros.' Carnival Company. WANTED, FOR LOWERY BROS.' SHOWS, wod Wlro,Bingle Trapa or Chair Act, or any mioii Acta, for small show. Also good Singing or raining Clown. Must Ikj ready to Join on wire. SUM : lowest salary ln'Hrst letter, and trtake It low, "U Is sore. Address GEO. II. LOWER Y, General Del.; Pittsburg. Pa. WANTED, FOR FITZ & WEBSTER'S NEWEST, '■» BREEZY TIME" CO., Strong Baritone or Cornet Player, willing to double light props. Light Comedy S. and D. Juve- nile Svho doubles horn or drum; also Tall Eccen- tric, same double. S. and D. Soubreltcs. State age, height, weight salary (Co. pays bo vd ; holo's ). Immediate engagement. Always an opening for. good people doubling brass. Address ., * M. 11. NORTON, Manager, as per CLIPPER route. WANTED, Character Woman, " *■ ■' ■-■ SOME JUVENILES; IAN, GEBEBAL BUSINESS. GORMAN!) A- FORD, Oawegatcllic, N. Y. ■I ana Park, Coney Island, F. Y. Aug. 10 ONLY Open Time BIJOU CIRCUS. WANTED ^UICK, JUVENILE MAN And Other Dramatic People, Jinn for Props and Parts, alio Male Pianist. G. HARRIS ELOO.V. Alexandria, Ind. Med.Show send stamp for our "(iATLINO GUN." MED. OFFER— A sure "Coin Getter" anywhere. Make^ WORN OUT territory good as new. This Is the "Coming Wogon." CLIMB ON. Anything you want fOr "Onicc Graft" WE PROTECT YOU. Address EMMA SUPPLY CO., Rock Island, III. DALY'S "TEN NIGHTS IN ABAR i ROOM"«0. Wants All Kind of People for Band and Orohestra •onstage. Run all year around.' Tent In Sinn- er, houio In Winter. State lowest salary. (Car "now). Ho resdr lo Join at once. Wrlje or wire O.E.DEYERLE.-MgT., Mitchell, So. Dak. Wanted, Repertoire People, ^ui n ? Man - ola Mm >. Leading Lady, and others. °»i»ry low, but sure. Long contract. WALLIS A SMITH, Managers, 10U3 No. Itvlog Ave , Fremont, No!>.- S*NTE0, MED. PERFORMERS OF '' tluds; Sketch Teams and Singles; Organ (i TMn?, r ? fcrreo ' HERBS OF . LIFE MED. CO.. !ii»0MSON, Mgr., jm N. 12th St.', St. Louis, Mo I Want to Purchase A No. 1 Altrac- iinnI? r - p .? ,rorll,Bnow - Must stand close Inspec- "onana the wearaud lear of (he road. _PROF. OhAM, Denver. Ross Co.. Ohio. Ny Musicians ftt Liberty **Ta;K SEPT. iol; filters and leidetv write. ■ — 1 _. AOjdn-HM Box, Demi woo d. S. liak.' au . ,,,B Week "Who I» Who! Co. irmani Nellie Bell Leonard __ _ Address care if ACTORS' FUND. v5lt!P ED » MUSICIAWS: « in & SB T llA^o^' DmM8:AS ": -— ' '. •■ Lock U oorroj. Si'r anipn. Pn' ; b|.wni, , i5?. A,<; i I > l*rKtt-' FOK' 'BALKS AND, "'■CIALTIES. iVrifc or wire nnlrk, ' • B • DR. UEO. LESTER, MollCC, III. 1 IT Stationary position preferred. Can leave at once. Address JOHN LONG. 30T So, Main St.. Fostorla. O. WANTED— To Correspond with Medicine Go. or small Specialty Co. Rattling good einnd for 8 or 4 weeks in booming lumbering town. For par- ticulars address R. E.BANDIIACK, Cross Fork, Pa. FOR LEA.SE, Combined Sleeping and Dining Car, Suitable for traveling companies. Also BAGGAGE CAR. NEW JERSEY CAR WORKS, LAKE VIEW, N. J. CLARENCE FAGG, 40 lionil St.. New York City. AGENT AT LIBERTY. J. KIXGHOPKINS. Address PEDRAL HOTEL, Allegheny, Pa. Regards lo friends. Wanted. Comedian for Med. Show; Week STANDS. MUST BE UP IN MED. BUSINESS. State all first letter. MONEY Sl'KE. DOC F. WELLENDORF, Seymour, Wis. R. F. P., No. 3T. For Sale, 7 Miniature Tableaux and Cage WAGONS, a Wft, 'Coach and one Set or-Scencry. FRANK ADAMS, wrMo;_ my letter was rvtorncd. ' J. M. L1NDSEY, Marshall, Mo. WANTED, .PARTNER WITH $250, TO TAKE Half interest In VaudevllleShow; act as Treasurer. Now on road under canvas. IIAITY DICK TURNER, Silver Pluto Showy, Cranhury. N. J. saav| »1#sC» Recitations; and Headings. Kl fl Y a. Catalogue. Free. AH dra- f\ iP - " # -r"J Jtattn papers ror sate. « ^Ts^asofn^lisPonTeaVo. S. A II. Colli).', Sniibretle b> Jiou bio Organs > Silent Ae.ls, Banjo Com.; Ten A E*. afler gluing..- PRU-RI-TA DRUG CO., Rock IsUno, ill- WANTED, Repertoire, Juvenile Woman todo light lends, Juvenlie, Heavy aud CharattcrMan, Al Pianist, and Mao for Props tihtl Parts. Other Dramatic People' write. Stato age. height, experience and lowest salary In lira letter. CHARLES KING, 464 W. liltli St.. N. Y. ST. JOSEPH, IVIo. j ; . POPULATION, 110,000. Bijou Theatre SEATING CAPACITY', ABOUT 100. OPEN FOR DATES. A. H. PENF1ELD, Still on "D,"St. loieph, Mo. PRINTING fob TENT SHOWS SEND FOR PRICE S-CATAL.6«UE. hiKhesui & co., "SS&StA S- WANTED, BALLOONIST PARACHUTE JUMPER. ForOnoUr More Weeks. Address COLUM- UPS RAILROAD COMPANY', ColumlmVGa., stating Open Dates, Terms. Etc. Din in in, Pittsburg, Pa,, THE HOME OF GRAND ' OPERA. Open time for big shows — Oct. 10 to Nov. , Sensational Danolng Act. Can alao use Several Refined Up-to-date Spielers, Anything that la NEW. NOVEL and MERITOR IOU8, write. Address R. R. REYNOLDS, Orl'TWf AttracOona Committee, Cincinnati TmXl Faatlval, .•• r 76 Perln Bldg.. OINOIWNATI, OHIO. Wanted—Look— Want ed. Eagles' Old Home Week, AUG. 29-SEPT. 7. BELLAIRE, OHIO. POPULATION, 12,000. Wanted, Independent A No. l Tenl Shows, Korrls Wheel. Mlnlaturo Railroad, Merry (lo Round, anil ANo.lBcnssllohal Free Allracllon. shows tniist heolenh; nothing immoral tnlonticd. lf|0U.'W1inta llve'town come to Bcllalre.Ohlo. F.ver> faotorv working im.l plem.v nr money. Six ratlrnBda entering the city. 100,000 population lo draw from. Monoy horo for privilege pooplo. Remember the dale, Aug. 2» to Sept. 7, lota. Address • ...... ,,-.,' ROBERT HUTCHISON, Chairman Amusement Committee, 4ulii.(!iiem«oy St.. ilellslre.Ohlo. THEEE WEEKS IN PITTSBURG. 'S 15 TRICK. CLOWN AND LEAPING DOGS 15 Last Week, Oakwood Park; This Week, Randolph Park, Next Week, Southern Park. . . ,,, Seenic Equipment BY Horace N. Smith, STAR THEATRE, B V F F A L O, Jf. Y. THK NEWEST OF THE NEW MELODRAMAS, I THE JOHNSTOWN FLOOD. ! Time all tilled. Season Opens Sept. 1. WISTrn Lending M.iii, (lontecl Ih'ttv.v. Light Irani all, comodlaii.w Ith Specially: Characli'r Comedian, Strong old Man ; Hnubrctte.wltli Mpccial- tV; woinnii for Advontunw, and other Dmmnilo People, Hustling Ageut. Also Union Carpenter and Property Man. State age, height, photos, l( con- venient. EDWARD HOUGHTON, Baluvlii, N. V. Electric Effects BY Chas. I. Newton, Grand Optra House, NEW YORK CITY. WANTED, FOR "THE BEST IN THE WEST," REGAL STOCK C( .. I'LAY ... BE ACTORS, HAVE WARDROBE, BE LADIES AND OENTLBMEN. MONEY 1 PAY BOARD. SPECIALTY FKATURE IS TUB ORE AT RON All TRIO rat HEAVY MAN, TWO (1F.NKKAL ACTORS, JUVENILE WOMAN WHO CAN BE LADIES AND I1ENTLE. 30.. MM "" REI CAKIB A t'O. to, OPEN IT. BXAUMOWT QjLAXTOW, Wyoming, I nlisolutely guarantee YOU to he able to perform Hie famous Spiritualist Medium Table Feat, as I am now retired from the stage. An Act which Is absolutely anil Indlacrlliahly startling In It! won- derful myatory. Making furnitnro itppilreutly alive and WILL MOVE at your command (no wires psed), and strong men UiHied aboiu us If Ihcy were InfantH br thla.wondortnl force. 'Vim i-ocret o[ a celebrated operator. Andlcnots mintliled and awestruck. Make Ibis a feature ol ynurnoxt lour. Never falls to arouse intense excitement. Address J. 1 ». CHESTER, ilioomlngtw, 1|). . ■ FRANK P. SPELLMAN'S FAIR ATTRACTIONS— . THE BEST ON EARTH. I want to hear from sots suitable for free attractions, In front of grandstands. Silent Acts, having open weeks, write. Can use Double Trapeze, and Rinnan Rings, slide for Lire Acrobats. Hear in mind, yon must deliver the goods. I want these acts for Individual fairs, as my Eastern and Western shows aro tilled and booked solid. Also want good Sketch Team* for week Sent. 4. I play VO Individ- ual fairs. Make salary your lowest, as yon get It. I pay nil transportation. Silent A'Mh having open weeks In September, write. I may DM it for you. All iiuIh work as free attraction* on certainly, , No tide show grafts. You must liate tho wardrobe and ability. Address FRANK P. HPELLMAN, - Oen. Manager Cleveland Theatrical F.toliHngi'. l,)»onru Theatre lllilg. Cleveland. <>lilVJas>Aw til *J!e ccule any one producing it without our connenl. j , ' WALTERS and ANDRKWS, 76 Plymuultl PlttCC, Chicago, =S5 MURRAY, FERGUSON, ALMY DUPREEand CO., In their farce comcdy'sklt, enllrled •'TIIAINIMO A IIUSIIANO" icopyrlghl). Aug open; also Sept. 21 and later. July H, LAKESIDE PK., Daytou.O.: Aug. 'J. OAIC SUMMIT I'K.. Evansvllle, Ind. ■,l EAST 14th STREET, New, .Yprk, perm. JEAITRE and EENAUD oSSSSli COBfl^DIANS Big Hit at MmllayPark, Orcenslmro. N.C., 10-2.1. INVITE OFFERS FROM FIRST CLASS ROAD ATTRACTIONS. 27-1, Highland l'ark.Klauntoii, Vs.; 3-s, llrcciivllle, K. C. I. A. MURPHY and GLOISE WILLARD, Tpe
- "A partleularly effective number on the | Itoyal party Id • the feats of the Aurora programme Is the drill by the Aurora Zou- Zouaves, whose striking exercises Include the nves, a highly efficient military organization, | scaling of a high wall, which Is accom- wbose marvelous skill In their difficult ma- ; pi I shod with astonishing cleverness and noenvreg hns attained the height of per- ; rapidity. "— LONDON 1'OST. fectlon."— LONDON TIMK8. "It is said the Aurora Zouaves are me- "Interest was especially displayed by the 1 chanlcal devices made In the Bbapc of men and moved simultaneously by electricity They are conected by Invisible wires, and operated from a conceled key-board In the cellar of the garden. In no other way can the amazlne precision of their evolutions he accounted for. Mere men could not drill like that."— MOW YORK HUM. . "The Aurora Zouaves, a huge red-legged centipede, whose marvelous celerity and pre- cision has astounded the military men In town." — NEW YORK JOURNAL. "Still another decided feature was the prize-winning drilling of the original Aurora Zouaves. There hnve been many zouave drills seen on exhibition, but nothing charmed so much as the splendid work lost night. entire company scaling n blgh wall witli the nld of their guns."— NEW ORLEANS ITEM. E arn This Is NOT a Burlesque on Aerotiatlo Work, nor a Ballet Dance, but a MILITARY DRILL, Introducing ORIGINAL Fancy Gun and Foot Movements, Executed with Great Rapidity K a with a PRECISION UNEQUALLED, and a Cadence NEVER Attempted by Others, Culminating with a Startling Escalade of the HIGHEST WALL, on Record Breaking Time, taking ALL ONLY COMPANY IN EXISTENCE DOING THIS. Managers and Agente, Address and Accuracy, an>l GUNS OVER-THE CAPT. A. H. TARBLE ■1»* , Car* of Ferepaugh I1VIE a. r till Iros., route. 1 . OLD HOME WEEK AT BRIDGEPORT, CONN. CONCESSIONS AND PRIVILEGES OF ALL KINDS TO LET In and around the Great Auditorium. Holds 12,000 persons. An Immense concourse of iieoole will attend during ten days. AUG. 'M TO 8BPT. .7, Address . TILE OLD HOME AUDITOniTJJI CORPORATION, 23 Arcade, Bridgeport, Conn. Circus Partner Wanted With a few thousand to Invest In a small ral'road show by a thorough practical, experi- enced, energetic hustler that knows the clrcua business from start to finish. Bow to equip, bow to run It after, and where to take it to make good, money Fabulous returns for the small amount Invested Correspondence solicited now for the coming next Sum- iner-of 1904 ; experience not necessary ; am now on the road, have a good reputation, well known In the business. Small fortune In a few yearn. Don't bother me unlcs you liavo tho money to deposit nt the appointed time. EXCB1XENT, CLIPPER, N.Y.CIty. DE PETIT Theatre Co. WANT8 REPERTOIRE PEOPLE IN ALL LINES, Leading Man, Heavy Alan, Character Man, Juvenile Man (for Gen. lilz.). Woman for leads, Character Woman, Pianist, Al Agent. Photo and programs and lowest salary llrst letter. We pay expenses. GEO. M. DE'HPEXIT. Alexandria, Minn. P. S. — Can use a few Pair dates In Iowa, Illinois or Wisconsin. MANAGERS IN ABOVE- TERRITORY, SK.N'D OPEN TIME. ,. \A/ A NT E D , A 600D AGENT, Who Can Get Dates and Not Afraid of the Brush; GOOD DBABATIC IAN, for Tramp, in Ten Minute Act Mjist Ftoke Piano. ALSO STRONG SVECIALTY. Will be in Chicago week of Aug. 10. FRANK HEWITT, Caro of A. Roterberg, No. ""US • Illinois Street, Chicago, 111. THE HOWARD STOCK CO. A 1' Singing and Dancing Soubrette, Man fo r Heavies (some leads), Comedian with strong specialties. All muBt bo A L A. O. HOWARL7. Granville, N. Y., week July 1!7 : Bellows Fnlls, VL, weekTug. 3 nagor, Aur 3 QUICK, Leader for B, and 0., Slide Trombone and Baritone ALSO GOOD, USEFUL REPERTOIRE PEOPLK, Men nnd Women. Week stands,' steady work, Slimmer and Winter; sure salary, courteous treatment, live In special waterproof houao tents In Summer, hotels in Winter. Sleeping and dining accommoda- tions first class. Disorganize!*, booscrs, etc., keep away.v; Re-llable people, state full particulars and lowest salary first letter. Address 1 BENNETT'S BIG TENT SHOWS. Fargo, Nor. Dak. \7SJ A JM T E !>♦* fr ow . *h«» Olrl from Ohill MUSICIANS ANX> ACTORS Who Double In Brass. FARCE COMEDY PHOPI.E WI- Alt Lines. Specialties Acts, a Clever Soubrette with strong specialties, Musicians for band and orchestra. Tell everything In first letter; show opeus Aug. 1!7. ltehearanls colled In Chicago, Aug. IB. ' Address JOHNSON A SMITH, lBlS'.Trlhune Building, Chicago. III., In care NATIONAL PRINTING and ENGHAVING CO. WANTED MYRKLE-HARDER STOCK CO., Musical Director (piano), Scenic Artist, Vaudeville Act. Either a Clever Team or a Strong Single Act. 40 weeks' work to the Right People. Tell It all first letter. Season opens Aug. 10. Address Ul'GE.NE J. HALL, Manager. WANTED QUICK! First Class People, in All Lines of led. Business. Strong Sketch Team, Musical Team, Irish and Black Face Comedians and Dancers ; also band of six or eight mouthpieces, who can double, for my Big City Show. Direct DR. J. M. PRENTICE, week of July 27, Augres, Mich. ; week of Aug. 3, Turner, Mich. ; after that. Tawas City, Indefinite. IRVING FRENCH CO. Wants Al Leader. Able to Direct Orobestra, Arrange, and Up to Date Overtures; aiso Man tu Kun Picture Machine, Deli Song Books and do Dancing Specialty. All 3 night stands. MRS. IRVllfQ FRKNCH, 3614 Ellis Ave,, Chicago, lib WANTED, FOR Orchestra Leader (must double some horn in band), Minstrel People In All Lines, Tenor and Bass Sing- ers. No farei. Best of accommodations. Address TROUSDALE BROS., Esihorvllle, II. WANTED, FOR WHITNEY'S ONE RING SHOW, ONE PERFORMER that can do-two good acts. Also BILL P0STKR. Must be sober and n II able. State ail In first letter. Sure salary; no tickets. Eorton, Mich., Aug. 1; North Adams, Mich., 8; Plttejerel, Mich.. <■ O. A WHITNEY, Mgr. WANTED, Partner for Musical Act. One that doubles cornet or slide trombone; com- edian or straight man, one that has some Instru- ments. Address GEO. J. GKEGOK, Colchester, Conn., care of Show. TELEGRAPHIC ADDRESS, LONDON I "Bravlsslruo, London." "Parts: "Uptodate, Paris;" B MID INCH I 134, Long Acre, London, . [TIAnintLLI W.O.; 20, RueTaltbout, 'aril. Two to three years' engagements guaran teed to big attractions. K Choice Lot of PYTHONS, all sixes. Also Bolls, Turtle Head and Fixed Rattlers (all broke to handle). BOSCO DENS $20.00, UP. J. HOPE, 86 N. »th St., Philadelphia, Pa. PniNTINO &-°0° dodgers, 4KH0« li ruin una wnr ds or ie«a, $i.w. Fun In., 80 . count. Send for samples ot all kinds of email s bow print- ing. Cheapest in America. VOLUNTEER PRINTTOO OO.. RernnMavtlle. Pa. THOSE FAROE COMEDY PEOPLE, VICE »~<* VIOLA Guvernator's Theatre, ATLANTIC CITY, If. J., SIS PERN, ... Mm|tr, WANT SITUATION for NEXT WINTER SEASON With Grizzly Bear, the largest In captivltv. Wrest- ling, Acrobatic, Dancing, Boxing Bear. To open in Sept. Perm, add,, UP,, 121W. 26th Bt., Now York. VAN FLEET, , '"TJES 47 WEST 88th STREET, HEW YORK. KARINA, French and Spanish Singer and Dancer, * With New mud Magnificent 'Wardrobe, with at First Class Repertoire, woald Like to Hear from Managers. Address .- *00 WEST !»oth Street, New York- COL. n. L.wrllTTINGHEAD, M. E. R0SSMANE, JUDGE J. H. BROWN, BRUCE CONQUER, PRES. V. PRE8, SEC.andTreas. GEN'L MGR. The SOUTHERN SSZ. Inc. Booking Ageney, Promoters, Park Circuit, Scenic Studio, WANT. FOR JEFFERSON STOCK CO. (Eastern, ABE MEYER, Mgr.), L. Lady and Man, 8. and". Comedian; Scenic ArtiBt, to Play Parts, or Operate Edison Klnetoscope. Open Aug. 26. Photos and lowest salary. WANT, FOR JEKFERON STOCK {Southern, SETH PEEL.Mgr.), ten weeks at Cramp's Park, Macon, Ga., before regular season, opening last of September, S. and D. comedian and fon- brette. Advance Man, Good Melodrama, with paper, Illustrated Song Acts. WANT. FOR KFAL LITCHFIELD, In "A DAUGHTER OF THE CONFEDERACY," Second Advance Han. WANT. FOR WALTER CURRIER, in "THE KING'S JESTER" (Musical Farce, 35 People), Sister Team. Other ui*- M people, all lines, write. Vaudeville people write. (First class Booking). Address all communications to coNQiCER «fc BROWN, „ 'Home Office: loo Hardeman Ave., Macon, 0a. MORS., ENTRUST US WITH YOUR OPEN TIME. WE WIL L FILL IT FO R YOU. CAPABLE PERFORMERS WANTED THE RIGBY" STOCK CO., For we UBe none bnt modem royalty plays. Explain all In first letter. Send photo, which wlU I* returned. Address ALBX: RIGBY, Manager. 2631 So. 16th St., Philadelphia, Pa. THEATRE MANAGERS IN 1N D. and OHIO SEND OPEN TIME. Important Notice I Pending decision in the Catt. Co.. N. T., court*, before whom ray action for absolute DIVORCE from my wife. Carrie R Lewis, la under appeal, I have reconsidered my determination to take en tour Mansfield's U. T. C. and Jason Joskins Co., And offer ronte already booked for sale; also my services as Bus. Mgr., Treasurer or Agent. Cau for- nlsh $6,000 cssh bond. Slxseasons with Davis and Keogh; last season AKslstant Mgr. for A. D.»<" mm* »m,vw UBBll IIUUH. 6*1 Phee. Use no Intoxicant* Can play anything in Tom or Ten Nights. H. STANLEY LEWIS, Adv. Manager Well At liberty afier circus season. ager Welch Brothers' Circus, en route CHAS. K. HARRIS ^ HARCQURT COMEDYCO. Leader, Piano Player that ran arrange, Boy to sing Illustrated Songs, and Woman for ingenues and soubrette; one with specialties preferred. Those who wrote before, write again. Address CHAS. K. HARRIS, Opera Honae. Bengor, M«- The Warde Stock Co. Wants A good Leading edlan; a good, ig Lady, a good Singing and Dancing Soubrette, a good Singing and Dancing I r J* u ,^J r 1 ,>J^, e » y- 8oh «. Tellable, hnstllng Agent, on salary and opening night bonus. »°»kl SniWf?? 1 '^ I pay all after joining. Villi particqlars and pnoto. in flrst letter. Reheartw oall.Sept. j.atOauwIasa.Penna. Adddresa . _. HOMB OFFICE, W. T. WARDE, Mf r., 215 West 8th St, Wilmington, Dei. AUGUST 1. THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. 54S ••ACT.. THE CYCLONE... ROTARY HAND FAN. 1 BOTSSIAUror Agents. Bell* every- when and to ever; body, A bonanee for Picnic. Fair. Show and Street Baleenwn. It's a auramer cooler and generate* a strong drift of »lr WITHOUT vitii.i I and with JO alUKTloi «n|l > slleM Mnwit e» tke (teak, tt baa a three. bladed polished Aluminum Fan, Polished Wood Handle, few parte, la extremely almpla. noiseless, light and artistic. Owe 1.900,000 R.Urj Fan sold lail jrar. yet comparatively few peoplehaTo seen one. Cetera to nrnkl .At, WOlaS AID child. Frlea, eeatate pats, It seals. AgenU and dealers wantedererywhere. Fllg aleneaala. Write for parttculare. EJTTKRPRISE MFG. CO. 156 LAKE STREET, CHICAGO, ILL. fllllATURE RAILROAD CO 407 BROADWAY, NEW YORK CITY, N. Y. GOLD MEOAL SPECIAL. For Parks, Summer Resorts, etc Hauling Capacity, 28 Tons. Earning f 1 ,000 In six days. With prope r care wil l last 25 yra. (COREY'S LOCOHOTIVK WORKS UHER 20TH CENTURY DAZZLERS No. St, Ladles' or Gents' Gold bhell King, set with two 20c u Oenlary diamond Cut Brilliants Uke cue. Koch 70o by mall.Send for our Catalogue of W.trfces, Jsw.lrr, filifrrware, flat* Brilliant., Sralrls. tad Girt Show Uoodi, Eerie Bo.p, Prof. Wereeetea'e Sreaae Palais, Basel Cork, Fsee Pswi.r, sir. Bo«ill,r'. Bote B»k>. Best pl.t. te key. The OLD RELIABLE B. a UHER & CO. St Weketk a,.., Calcese, UL * WINDOW CARDS LETTERHEADS CONTRACTS 334 DEARBORN 5T.CMICAGO. BALLOONS Oa. Generator*, Airships and Models. AEBOHAUT LEO STEVE1S, Box 181. Madison 8q., N. Y. STAMP FOB PRICES. TfVIGS A. M. mm CO.. Wiif Makers 119 N. 9tk Sr. Philadelphia GREASE Pa.nt, ponders, rouge SEND STAMP FOR CATALOGUE" SHOW; PRINTING r 3,000 a color 1-9 ibeeta, |I9. »00 Special Engraved Stands, 1 3-tc. per sheet. Interchange- able Standi, 3 colors, for Stock Companies, » 1-Uc. per sheet. Catalogue Free. Stook Street Fair Paper MORRISON SHOW PRINT Detroit, Mich. SIE.EL COOPEB CO., Sole Agents lor Chicago FOB THE THEATRICAL TRUNKS. gfg^ned for OIYINQ THB BHJTSATISFACTION. TWTH PFPY calciui and 720 rlinnipln Avi., Minneapolis, Minn. Largest Stock of Slides, Films and sup- plies In toe Northwest. Good Films ism..— wanted. Bargain Lists. ^SOapBJRB FlLLKlf PROMPTLY. Fill Miglcil Appiralit, ILLUSIONS, TBIOfJS, sTto. Orand End of Century, fall* Illustrated. BOOK CATA- Looub;, aso., free by mall. "ataJogqeof ParlorTrtckafree. MARTINKA A CX)., UttK, a ■■■ SI >Y. Money Makers OUR PUNGHIN8 and LIFTING MACHINES An tti BEST »i HANDSOMEST EVER MADE. Thsf est ibt Monty mi ALWAYS WORK WELL Grip Test*, Picture? an. FtDdJDgZ Machine* ARE OUR SPECIALTY. Write for Catalog THE CAILLE BROTHERS COMPANY, 1*S»T-145T Woodward Arsaai, DETROIT. MICH. Oar Color Dial and Card Machines are the Leaders. 'IS "CIS CIRCUS CANVASES, Poles and Stakes, SEATS, Flags, Etc. ten^rxiDD'S PATENT CIRCUS LI6HTS. •IDS SHOT PAINTINGS. FRONTS AND BAB NEBS F0B8TBBET FAIRS AND 0ABN1TAL8. BLACK TENTS FOB MOVDJQ PIOTDBB WOBX. OUR NEW OFFICER SALESROOM, 273 V..I..I St, liar Wir.il, CHICAGO, ILL. ELY /WNUWCTURErTOr SHOW CANVASSES HlkOalM.Tl| £>s I •Sj hts, t S . 90, Worsted Cottoa TlghU, ■ fata, from t » . S 9 up i Shlrta to match all itms price MstbUl Pomps, BS c e n t*| al t> i, SI.OU1 Elastic Snpport.n, i samples oaltlvely a d«- poelf>eciulred. Satisfaction guaran- teed or money refunded. 8PI0ER BROS., 88 Woodbine St.. Brooklyn, R. T. Old stand bat new address.) •rs, gl.Ofli Klastle SB] tl.OOj Cloth Supporters. Bend for catalogue aad af tights free. TPoaltlve RIP AN S TAB0LES are the beat dyspepsia medicine ever nude. A hundred millions of them have oeen sold In the United States In a single year. Constipation, heart- burn, sick headache, dizziness, bad « breath, sore throat,and every other Illness arising from a disordered stomach are re- lieved or cured by Rlpan Tabules. One will gen- erally give relief within twenty minutes. The five- cent package is enough for ordinary occasions, AH druggists sell them. MADISON'S BUDGET, NO. 8. 20 great Parodies, live new Comedies and Afterpieces, two Original Acts for sketch teams, eight Orand Monologues, Including two for Tramp and Hebrew, new Hebrew Talking Act, besides hun- dreds of Original Qags, Comlo Epitaphs, Doctors' Testimonials, etc, etc. 88 pages. OSK DOLLAR per copy. •'Fall of bright parodies and fanny sayings." ROGERS RROS. L. J. K. HKIL, (agent for JAMES MADISON), 1104 Third Ave., New York City. Isdlclne Men's Supplies Anything yon want. Cheapest house on earth. Elegant printing, and all you can use of It absolutely free of charge. Bend for free lectures, sim- ples and "pointers" to-day. 1 can save yon money. J. T. B. CLARK. SI] Walnut St., Kansas City, Mo. WANTED, SMALL ATTRACTIONS FOR HARVEST HOME PICNIC, At WI8HAW PARK, Aug. 11, 12, 13, 14. For space address C. 8. KIRCH ARTZ, Reynoldsvllle, Pa. Cornet and Trombone, ORCHESTRA ONLY, Wanted, for Regular Road Season with OLABA TURNER CO., opening Aug. 17. Mnst report Aug. 14. Address JOE 0. KE88NICU. Care Clara Turner Co. Chelsea, Mast. AND BERTHA WAGNER. A HIT FROM THE START. NOT A SINGLE DULL MOMENT IN THE ACT. ALTOGETHER IN EVERY WAY ONE OF THE FINE8T. MOST ATTRACTIVE AND MOST MERITORIOUS OPERATIC COMEDIES EVER SEEN ON THE VAUDE- VILLE STAGE. 1 Feast of Musical Fancies. ENCORE IN ONE. As encore In one we give a roaring Bur- lesque on Orand Opera, for which we carry our own special Drop Curtain. Time of en- core: 3 Minutes. flaf wnel-EC Tr|C . Uaffj AMET'S OZO-CARBIJ 5EHDfORCIRCyLAn. mm* '. no 1 5TEHE0PTIC0H & FILM EXCHAHGE j ; N kerosene^ W.B.MOOH E M ANA6ER . ; {gasoline or mantle, j 1 08 FR A NK UN "ST, CHICAGO. \ OR FTH ER James Millie THE SAVOYS LAUGHING HIT WITH RINCLING BROS. Originators of tho Boxing Act with LaSy on Hippotliomo Truck anil other Novel Entrees, assizer] by Punch nud Puff, the Worlds UroateHt Ping Pong Dogs, Have Open Time for our ACROBATIC COMEDY SKETCH after NOV. 15. Home address, Capitol Ave. Meridon, Conn., or Mingling Bros., as per Route. *50.000 worth of ZOBO Musical Inst ruments so ld last year. " It h.a got to be a very haul night when I do not gat my 120 "rake oil." I am using four of your ZOBO Cornet. In ray show and they are dandles." P ROP. DIBBLE, 5 t«t« Line Mill., P.. All vou fellows who think thnt Zobo Is any old thing or a kind of toy— why you're innklug n hig mistnke. Send for catalogue to-day and get the duck meat out of your eyes. STRAUSS MPO. CO., US W. 14th St.. Dept. J7, New York. We Have For Sale and Lease Baggage, Stock and Box Cars, :.«(, LONG. Desirable tor show companies. Reasonable tana*. Write for particulars. ARMS PALACE HOME COMPANY, W. A. Y AOKR, Oen'l Mana NO. 12M MONADNOOE CHICAGO, ILL. CAR bLD'u, OUUNO ARN1H. EASTERN MANAGER8 WE HAVE A SPECIAL Sunday Concert Act, lu which MI88 BEllTUA WAONER appears In her gorgeous European gown., which have created a sensation at all Sunday Concerts since our return from Europe. Now Booking for Next Season We shall begin the regular season with MANAGER H. II. I.AX1KIN, at the Avenue, Detroit, Sept. T ; Cleveland Sept. 14. PERMANENT ADDRESS, Hotel Bismarck, CHICAGO. WEEK OF ALIO. 8, CHICAGO OPERA HOUSE REMEMBER, REMEMBER, WNM THE PHOTOGRAPHER Announces startling reduotlons for his Artlstlo and Up-To- Date Photographs, Nothing like it has ever been offered by any photographer. Ms SH.00 Venetian Panels reduced to •3.00 per fu; Little Red Riding Unod, 550ft.; Gulliver's Travels, 260ft.; Life of a London Bobby (Policeman), 200ft.; Salmon Spearing In the Rivers of the Oreat Northwest, 170ft.; Pittsburg Fire Department. 60ft.; Cutting and Hauling Huge Logs In Canada, 370ft; Kun on Board a Fishing Smack, loort.; DeVoy Revolving Ladder Act., 00ft.; A Trip to Mars, otherwise known as A Voyage to the Moon, sooft. , sod fifty others. 8RND KOa LIST. SO F- Electric, I^TXBIIV'S NEW STBRBOPTICON, with Calcium or Acetylene Lamp, -His. 00 up, The CINEOGRAJPH with STEREOPTICON COMBINED, llftllUCDCll RinnCI Complete with Blectncfrn CV UIDITiTtla MflliCI Complete with Eectrlo Lamp and Rheostat, tlC Unit CndAL ItlUUtL, Lamp and Rheostat. #9Ui CAIIJDl I IUI1 jnUUtj^ Calcium Lamp, Films and 3< Slides. # I 9i LAROKST MAltCPACTUKBH III THE WOULD. 21 S. Eighth St., Philadelphia, Pa, JUVENILE AND GENERAL BUS. MAN TO DOUBLE BRASS. Also PIANO PLAYER DOUBLING BARITONE or TROMBONE. Clever Repertoire People, write. Address N. Y. CLIPPER. "THE D ALL ID HIT OF THE CENTURY." "DON'T LEAVE OLD KENTUCKY." Words and Music by ARTHUR H. HASKINS. Positively the Grandest Ballad that has been published in years. * * ■*=* *—». -■=» ■■=* -« r -«=- -a=» »» MAGICAL By ARTHUR II. HASKINS. A Pretty Little Ballad that will win encores wherever sung. Prof, send stamps and program. Non-prof., 2£ cents each. J. P. HASKINS pt over 800 miles, then remit whole amount. fa.00. 1 ' I ! i . • • « . . i : SIMONS A 00., CENTRAL TRUNK FACTORY, Estab. ISM, U4t North Tth St., Philadelphia, N. Y. AGENCY, Cor. 30th St. ft Broadway. Prices 75cU. iwi than at Phlla. Factory. LOUIE DAGRE, THE FUNNY LADY JULY U0-II3, DRIiHAR OAHDEN, OKLAHOMA OITV. •AND lota. FOB OATALOaui Bo. a. I IO AND I IS GREENE 8T. (Near Prince), New York. Theatrical Supplies, Grease Pains, . . . Tights, Wigs, . . . THEATRICAL JEWEUNJ^r' Gold I Silver Trimmings, Spangles, Etc., We sand gootfa C. 0. D., ■ubjact to lntportloR, out require ■ Di posit on all Oiwara, Bend acta, for Ostalojue Ho.«. M. 8TRA88MAN. ATTORNEY, 863 Drosdwsy, New Tork City. EDISON FILMS, Send for New Film Supplement, No. 175, rirlng titles and descriptions ot Orer One Hundred New Subjects. Following are a few of the latest: St. Peter's and the Vatican SCENES IN ROME. Front of St. Mark's Feeding Pigeons In Church, Venice. The Enchanted Cup. Happy Hooligan's Fourth of July. Washerwoman and Chimney Sweep. Daylight Burglary. Shooting the "Rapids," Luna Park. Mary Jane's Mishap. Egyptian Fakir with Dancing Monkeys. Egyptian Boys In Swimming Race. Casey's Nightmare. A Scrap in Black and White. Policemen's Pranks on their Comrades. Razzle-Dassle Sleeping Beauty. Blasting Bocks In Harlem. London Zoological Garden. Rattan Slide and General View ot Luna Park. Glimpses of Venice. Street Scene In Hyderabad. Eating Macaroni In the Streets of Naples. Bdlsoi Exalkitton Ilnetostope, 1115.00. Edison Universal Klnetoscope, S75.00. ESiSOH MANUFACTURING GOMPANY, ™Sl£°^£.l OFFICE FOR UNITED KINGDOM : 62 Gray's Inn Road, Holborn, London, W. C, England. EUROPEAN OFFICE: 82 Rempart Saint Georges, Antwerp, Belg. 8CULINO AOktNTS: THE KINETOGRAPH CO 41 B. 21st St, New York City. KLEINE OPTICAL CO 62 State 8L, Chicago, III. PETER BACIGALDPI 933 Market St., San Francisco, Cal. "A WORLD WIDE MBCDLATIOK." THE OLDEST AND MOST INFLUENTIAL THEATRICAL AND VAUDEVILLE JOURNAL. THE ERA. ESTABLISHED lOT. 49 WELLINGTON STREET, STRAND, LONDON, W. C. FOREIGX SUBSCRIPTIONS, 33*. per annum. PROFESSIONAL ADVBRTIBEBIENTS, 6d. par lime. 4JEHI0AJ ABTTSTE8 VISITIrTa THE METROPOLIS USE THE BRA OFFICES U THEIR FBBMA1IBHT LOltDOH ADDRESS. 2,500 ARTI8TE8 ADVERTI8E IN ITS COLUMNS WEEKLY THE BERNSTEIN TRIO, "ST Vaudeville's Brightest Juvenile Artists, RJIK'IWiE.SSMrffift.'KiKS At Liberty for Farce Comedy, Vaudeville, or other good company, for next season. Permanent address, 335 WOODLAND AVE., Cleveland, 0. National Theatrical Exchange Long Distance Phone Maine MX. Incorporated. General Theatrical Business. Booking Fairs, Parks, Opera Houses, Theatres, Routing Companies. NATIONAL THEATRICAL EXCHANGE CHAS. J. CARTER, Prest. and Tress., Chicago Opera House Bldg., CHICAGO. SPECIAL AGENTS for UNIVERSAL EDISON EXHIBITORS' KINETOSCOPES • FILMS* Wl(*oOIIGSIEREOPIICOH(B[LlOWS)$15 BONGS 40et*-SONGS BOcts. PER SLIDE. GELATINE SHEETS CofiO 1 525». 17x21, DOZEN SHEETS BY MAIL $3. CLOAK EFFECT SLIDES (£!i) 50c. 100 PLAIN SLIDES, SCENERY, ETC. * I A EXCELLENT FOR ADVERTISING SHOW J> I U. "Harbaoh's New Wonder." KEEPaCOOL— ELECTRICITY OUTDONE. CALORIC FAI EH6IHE, $8.00. ALWAYS READY-HAY BE USED ANYWHERE, COMFORT AT SHALL COST. CATALOGUE AND PARTICULARS MAILED. IDEAL MACHINE FOR LIGHT POWER. "newaSedokdHand*' mglf LANTERNS fM* BOUGHT 8c SOLO WANTED, Manager for Theatre. I want a live, hustling man who has had experi- ence In managing theatrei, to take an Interest in my Plalnfleld Opera House, known as ST1LLMAK MUSIO HALL, PLAINFIELD, N. J., and become the resident local manager. Best town In >ew Jersey snd only house In the town. _ _. 8. F. SHERMAN, 8M West «d St., Sew 1 ork City- IT HAS AIBIYED. The Wonder of Wonders A GRAND PORTABLE LIGHT That Will Illuminate Films In lotion Picture Machines. It Is STBONOER THAN the usual OXY-inD. LIGHT. Is VERY COMPACT Jmsy be carried in one band) WEIGHT 801b BOXED. _._ „ Is 8IMPLE In CONSTRUCTION, very EASi ■<> MANIPULATE and LOW IN PRICE. Send for circular, etc. HARBACH & CO., 809 Filbert St., Phlla., Pa. MVWWWWIMVIWWIWVVWMaiWWIMWMWNM^ For KIDNEY TROUBLES and CATARRH aftke BLADDER. Cures all Discharges In 48 Hours CAPSULES , .VHinS b^nlh* Ar Ma . pit PWWWyWW V WW**M** DRAMATIC. VAUDEVILLE. CIRCUS. Copyrighted, 1903, by the Frank Queen Publishing Company (Limited) Founded by FRANK QUEEN, 1863. NEW YORK, AUGUST 8, 1903. VOLUME LI -No. 24. Price 10 Cants. Hi$s Capper's Incites, Personalities ail Counts, coNCBNnca STAGE FOLK and Sometimes OTHERS BY JOSEPHINE GEO. At tola time of the year one may walk He distance of ten blocks or more on Broad- way, in tbe theatrical district, and find the thoroughfare closely lined with members of tbe profession. Along the curbs, at dis- tances of only a few feet, are groups of actors stationed along the line, while tbe spaces In front of the stores are blocked with them, many of them wearing a worried look, these presumably not having yet signed for tbe next season, and all, with few ezcep- profeselon, which they finally adopted, and In which tbey have since achieved many suc- cesses, they bad given less time to tbe study of Coke than they had to tbe perusal of Shakespeare. Jack, especially, bad affected an exaggerated mode of attire, this being bis own vanity even before be bad finally broken Into tbe theatrical ranks. On one occasion, while practicing law, h j had been engaged by tbe plaintiff of a case where the opposite side had for a witness an old Irishman, whose sympathies were ail **qBltfBHBP' by the various artists employed on the New York magailnes and newspapers. At tbe dally display there waa a liberal sprinkling of tbe theatrical profession, many of the moneyed members of which purchased largely of tbe art wares banging on tbe walls. Before one of tbe sketches, studying It Intently, stood a prominent actor. The young artist, who bad put much thought and time Into his beloved bit of work, waa standing near, watching for a possible purchaser of It. Seeing the visitor's apparent deep In- a smile, reminiscent of those days when the too-far-developed product of tbe busy ben was used by an audience aa a sign of their disapproval, "but 1 know a good egg from a bad one, notwithstanding the fact that I never laid one." "Be sure and be at the theatre to see me on tbe opening night," waa the parting In- junction of tbe atar of a Broadway produc- tion, not long ago, as be left a friend at the corner. "Not me I" was the reply, la tbe slang of the day, "Why nott" waa the query. "You know well," was tbe answer, "that I never attend rehearsals." "How do you do, Hiss Evans I" said a tall, lanky youth, whose dress betrayed the fact that he waa a would-be actor, "you're looking aa young and lovely as ever." Llszle Evans, who baa recently been en- tlons, bearing the recognisable hall mark of their profession. If one Joins any of these groups of Idle Thespians he will And tbe conversation to be about people and matters concerning their profession, or the busy talkers will be ex- changing stories, the subjects of which are usually members of their profession, — In bet, "shop talk" predominates along the Blalto these days. When the "hard up" actor Is burlesqued °o tbe stage he Is more often than not rep- resented to be In need of a hair cut, In some Instances because of the tack of funds, ^and Is others to appear dramatically picturesque. A man of this type was striding along "roadway the other day, when one of a roup of well known middle aged actors, landing by the Empire Theatre entrance, tapped another on the shoulder and pointed to the passing brother actor. "There, Jack,- said be, "there is a 'dead ™>ger' for you fifteen years ago, wben we * oib Joined the profession In Boston." Then followed the story of how they both bad de- cided to adopt the theatrical, Instead of the legal profession, for which they had been •ducated. "But I certainly never let my hair grow ■ the uncouth length of that fellow's,'' ex- "aimed the other, with a look of contempt « the object of their observation. "Indeed yon did," waa the reply of the •for, who proceeded to relate a atory that concerned the cut of his friend's hair. The two had been eldcg out a lean ex- ««nce u advisors to those In legal straits. "Wn having strong leanings toward the gaged to pis/ tbe star role In "Cosy Cor- ners," tbe play made famous by Adelaide Thurston last season, was thus accosted on Broadway tbe other day. "Pretty well, thank you," replied the little comedienne, politely, although she did not remember ever before seeing tbe young man. Noting that be seemed to be of tbe profes- sion, and bad possibly In some past produc- tion been In tbe same company wltb her, ond not wishing to Injure his feelings by the fact that she did not recognise him, she added: "And bow have you been since — since — " "Ah, I see you have forgotten me," Inter- rupted the forgotten one. "Let me recall myself to you, — I was tbe young man wbo swept the leaves from tbe stage after that Autumn scene In your play a few years ago." with tbe defendant Whenever the answer to a question tended to Incriminate his friend bis answer would invariably be; "I don't know, Sor," the constant repeti- tion of which finally Irritated the legal ex- aminer to such a degree that he angrily, and with some contempt In bis voice and manner, exclaimed: "Do you know anything whatever?" "Falx, an' I do then," retorted the old Irishman dryly, and with a significant look at Jack'a long tresses trailing over bis collar, "I know me way to the barber shop." 9 Not long ago there was a week's exhibit and sale at the Waldorf-Astoria of original paintings, sketches, drawing and eartoone, terest In It, be spproached tbe actor and Mid: "You appear to admire that sketch, sir." "Admire It 1" exclaimed tbe old actor, "no, Indeed, I was only thinking what a daub It was, and wondering how It ever came to be hung bere among tbe pictures of those wbo are supposed to know how to paint" This withering criticism took away the breath of tbe young artist, who rallied, how- ever, a moment later, and retorted : "Well, as you're only an actor, you're not expected to understand the art of painting pictures, nor to know a good one from a bad one, — you never painted one." . "That's tbe truth, I never did," drawled the old actor, with a quizzical Inflection and FRAMED, BY JACK CANTWBLL. Like a picture without a frame Down tbe atalra my sweetheart came, In that gown of lavender, Just a moment to confer Home small favor and a smite, Aa I lingered there the while. But that smile upon her face Would have given Venus fame, As she paused wltb youthful grace, Like a picture without a frame. Then I, knowing well ber charms, Framed tbe picture In my arms. 550 THE STEW YORK CLIPPER. August 8 Cbc$$. To Correspondents. W. A. BniNKMAN. — The very thing we bad decided on; but tbe suggestion It welcome, as showing tbat course to be agreeable. Bbo. Walcott. — Tbank yon for letter. We decline waiting 2 or 8 months for tbe Dr. to make a move ; what can be think tbe tournament waa organized for? If you will Indicate which of these games best Illustrates their openings, pro or con, your opinion would be valuable and would be gladly pub- lished. Tiffany * Co., City.— Package promptly received. Thanks. Gbo. B. Cabphnmb. — Answered by post. W.m. Schaveh.— Good for solutions, and your estimate of Mr. Williams la amply merited. We put you up a nice Job tola week. Bbo. Reichiielm. — We fancy the slight addition Is not unsatisfactory. , . .^ B. L. Rbicb, New Orleans.— In default of private address we direct to N. O., and hope the screed will reach you. Bbo. Sbouin. — A small bit to you ward. C. B. St. Maurice. — We have addressed, you via Le Sport. Trust the mlaslve will connect and prove acceptable. Bbo. Chablick. — To prove you are not forgotten. J. Fairfax A Sons, Sydney, N. 8. W. — We are much pleased to accept, and trust the "ex." may long continue to our mutual advantage. Henbv Chadwick. — Well written, old Cmpprrite; thank you. Yea I "Change" overtakes all things sublunary. Bbo. SrKNCER. — Accept thanks for friend- ly notice. Enigma. No. 2,430. From American Oheet-Kute. "Transcription" of Salvio, Bt W. R. IIcnrt. 61 HHiH for an American amateur to discover. If any of our readers has a termination be thinks Its equal, we should be much obliged if he would forward It. — Ed. Cmppeb. (d) Tc take R, would hasten defeat. Bolntlons. 11T WM. ACHATES. Enigma 2,427, Fart I.— 1. .Kt to K 0, Kt to B 3; 2. .1 to Kt 5, double check, K to It 8 ; 3 . . R check, B takes ; and r mates. . . . Part II.— 1..B to B 6, If R takea F check; 2..R takes R, P to R 4; R takes F; then to Kt 8; then C. to It 8 din check, mate. Also at 4..R to Kt 5 ills check; and to R 5, mate. If Black 2. .P to It 3 ; 3. .11 takes P, Kt moves: 4..R to Kt 8 dl« check, or Kt 6, etc If Black 1..P to R 8, or 4; 2..R takes P, It to Q sq ; 3 . . It to Kt 8, double check, K moves ; 4 . . R takes R, etc. PROBLEM 2,427. l..Kt(K4)Bf)f KtXKt S..OtoR6 RXB a..KtxRP Any 7..Kt-B8d+Rlnter. 8..Q x R, mate. Toll seems to have won pretty handily, Mr. Schweitzer has a year's possession of tne memorial "Farnsworth Cup." Also at Monte Carlo. This Is the game with which . Maroesy is supposed to have knocked out or time the DANISH GAMBIT. Marocxy. I »»»•»._ Marocry. Mleses. l..PtoK4 2..P-Q4 S..P-QB3 4..KB-B4 6..QBXP C..M2 7.. Castles 8. .KB Q6 B..O-Kt« 10..hVB4 11..KPXB 12..R-Ksq PIOK4 18..QBxKt QFX« - H..KRVP Q-ber2f) 15..Q-KKtJ CasUe.QR KPXP QPXP bPXP P-Q3 Q Kt-B 3 17..2-it6 gB-Ksq O 11-K. 3 KKt 3-Bfq XB Kt-B14 tin B -K2 1 18..Kt-Q2 Kt-Q« 10..K.RxB(e)QxB Kt B3 20..O-KtS *-Kt6 n..l}Kt-B8 R-Ktsq 22..0-R4 QB« tt"K-Ktsq QXKt. and White subsides. 2,.KtxKl+ K-Rsn R-K Kt sq RKtS 8..Q-R4 4..1I B8 problem Is rather good. There are three other mates In less; hut I omit criticism. — W. 8. MEN WHO HAVE DEVELOPED WESTER N AMU SEMENTS No. 10. QKt6, 7, QRS, 2, QB2, 3, K6, KBB, Kt4, K2, and 8, t t I I t QRsq, K2, KB3, Kt4,andRJ. White to play and give mate In fifty moves with a Rook's P, checking with the other It's I', at tbe 40th move. Salvlo's original po- sition (1,(104) Is not In Alexandre's "Beau- ties." Probably It was found faulty. But re-Met. Since we are on curiosities, let's take a look at one by Fonziani, like our Problem, all Pawns, and we think but little known. * fil* I t t t t hlsK12,QR2.'KRsq, Q4, K4, KB6, Kt 4, 1U. White to play and win. Problem No. 2,430. A Chess Drama, in V Acts, Dedicated to Mibon and Phania, on their golden wedding. BT 0. BEICHIIELU. This timely stratagem was preceded by the following note: "Deab Mibon and Phania. — I read that two dear friends of mine are to celebrate their golden wedding. I ac- cordingly address you, feeling tbat I am a member of the family, having known you so long. Allow me to send you the enclosed CO move problem In commemoration of the most happy event." BLACK. WHITE. White to play and mate In fifty moves. Came No. 2,430. Admitting tbat our problem department this week will tax our beat not a little, it seems the right thing to place this branch of the subject on the plane of brilliancy. A prise brilliant, from Am. Oh. Weekly. Q'S GAMBIT EVADED. White, Plllsbnry. 1..PUG4 2..P-Q1U 8..QKt-ll8 4..qn-Kt« a.. KKt Black, woiir. FI0Q4 F-K3 K Kt-Bf . Kt-ll 3 0..P-K8 »..QR-Bsn. I'-QRtB 8..BPXP KPxP B-K 3 Oasllos 9..Kt-K6 10..P-II4 11..B-Q3 12.. Castles 18..B-hU8 14..KR-1I3 16. R-hl«8 18..B-Ktaq 17..BPX U-Kt3 P-OR8 P-«4 P-B 6 (a) P-Kt4 R-K(q r-Kta KtXKt Kt-Q 2 (?) White, Plllsbury. T Bsq 21. 0-1) H..KI-R4 28.. Kt-B 6 M..R-hl« 6 25..QR-B4 riiiBuu 18. QB > 1D..Q-UI 20..1UBI Blaok, WolIT. KHXB Kt-B sq Q-her 2 P-Kt6 — The cornerstone of the new Iroquois Theatre, In Chicago, was laid July 28, with appropriate ceremonies, In the presence of a large number of theatrical men. CHARLES FROHMAVS PLANS Charles Frohman arrived In v* v«-. from Europe on July 28. \vi,.Mt ..vll! about his plana Mr. Frohman said- "NmS before have I been Interested 1-, « „..£ ventures. Since I left this city ;iii,. e Thi ; tres have been added to those 1 air-id? SS" trolled here, and 1 will be ln:, r . ; ,ted i» seven houses in London. " ■ "My English plans are all complied- th« principal thing now Is my Amerl.nn setun and the carrying out of the plana alreid. laid. Some very considerable rcariT.i] B em,n, will be necessary, owing to the dtluv la th# completion of the work on tbe new "thestii. In New York. William Gillette Is atwort on a comedy for me, and Clyde Pitch la writing a comedy, which will be produced Ibis season. Augustus Thomas Is at work on another comedy, which be will deliver to me by Sept. 1. There la a new play, h, Richard Harding Davis, entitled 'ltnniom'i Foil/,' which I have accepted ; a new n!a» by Edward E. Rose, written to mv order' a new play by a young American gtn' Gladys Unger. entitled 'Richard llrlnslei Sheridan,' which I secured In Kugland- a new play. In five acts, by Mrs. Hodgson Bur- nett, and a new play by Paul M. Potter. "Of musical plays I have The Three Llttu Maids,' the English company tor which! headed by G. P. Huntley, of forS people, will arrive here this month, nnd win open early in September at Dalj's Theatre 'The Girl from Kays' I shall produce at the Herald Square Theatre In November. I have a new musical niece by Ivan Carvll nnd Sey- mour Hicks, which is to be produced at toe Adelphl Theatre, In London, in December and I have also secured a new piece by Sid- ney Jones (book by George Jessop), tbe com- Siser of The Geisha,' entitled 'My Ladr oily,' and a new musical piece by Mr. Ed- wardes, entitled 'Madame Sherry/ I have secured the American rights of the ne* Gayety musical piece, which openB In London the new Gayety Theatre In September. 1 have also arranged the tours In America of Sir Henry Irving, in 'Dante,' who comes to the Broadway Theatre in November; Marls Tempest, In 'The Marriage of Kitty," which will be seen for the first time In New York about tbe end of November, at the new Hud- son Theatre, and Mrs. Langtry, who returns to New York to open the Savoy Theatre oa Sept 6, In a new comedy. ''Owing to the fact that the Empire The- atre opening has been delayed, John Drew will begin his season outside New York, la one of the two plays that I have for him. One Is by an American, and the other by an English author. Maude Adams will open In October, and come to New York early In December. Edith Mathleson, who Is it present In England, will return for another tour In 'Everyman,' and will be In a Shakes- pearean production before the close of tie coming season. William H. Crane will reach here from Germany about tbe middle of this month, and will open in 'The Spenders.' dramatized by Edward E. Rose. Annie Rus- sell will continue in 'Mice and Men,' but will return to New York during the season in a new play. Fay Davis will appear In •Lady Rose's Daughter.' William Faver- sharn will appear In New York In an en- tirely new play, and In this connection I may say that after the run of 'Ulysses' I eball produce Stephen Phillips' play, 'Herod; in which William Faversham and Julie Opp will appear. Clara Bloodgood will continue to tour In The Girl with the Green Eyes,' and will return to New York and appear In a new play by Clyde Fitch, under my man- agement. "My English plays Include 'The Admlraile Crlchton.'by J. M. Barrie, In which I will present William Gillette, and I bare also another new play by Mr. Barrie, which I will produce in New York this Winter. Then there is The Man from Blankney's,' which will be given by Charles Hawtrey, who will open his season at the Criterion ; a new play by Jerome K. Jerome ; the drama, 'The Best of Friends," by Cecil Raleigh, which I pro- duce at the Academy of Music about the middle of October ; the new drama which li to be produced at the Drury Lane Theatre in September; a new play by Anthony Hope; 'Cousin Kate,' by Hubert Henry Davles, which I produce with Ethel Barrymore, at the new Hudson Theatre; a new plsy M Haddon Chambers, entitled The Golden Si- lence," In which Virginia Harned will play. and which will go on at the Garrlck Theatre, London, on Sept. 1 ; the drama, 'Cheer, Boys, Cheer,' which created a sensation In i-ngland, and which I hope to produce at tbe New York Theatre after the run of 'Ben llur ; a play, entitled 'Gipsy,' by Sydney Grundy: J ■ new play by Henry Arthur Jones, entltiea •Whitewashing Julia ;' a dramatization by George Fleming of Mrs. Humphry ttardi novel, 'Lady Rose's Daughter ;' a new play by Henry V. Esmond, aJso one by Justin Huntly McCarthy; a new play, written bj R. C. Carton, the author of 'Lord and Lady Algy.' and a new play by Capt. Marshall. 1 shall produce 'Ulysses,' by Stephen rwlUp*. at the Garden Theatre, In September, ano 1 have secured the entire English >Pf*w« rights of the latest play written by Arthur W. Plnero, which Is not yet named, ana which I shall produce here and In England. "As to my season In London: lhe ad- mirable Crlchton' will continue to run _ si the Duke of York's, to be followed by a new Plnero play, with Irene Vanbrugh and U. B. Irving. At Wyndham's Theatre I pro- duce, In September, J. M. Barrie s new plaf. For the Vaudeville, where Miss Tcrrlss and Seymour Hicks are still playing Q»«"' Street," I have secured a new play by capt- BaBll Hood, and at Christmas will put « a new Christmas play, by Ivan Caryll ano Seymour Hicks, entitled 'The Cherry Oin. At the Prince of Wales I expect to eoaV^ the run of Tbe School Girl" for another year, after which I shall produce, w »n George Edwardes, another musical Ml 'W Leslie Stuart This will postpone the pro- duction of "The School Girl' in New "St until a year from September, when it win be produced by the complete English cob pany. Including Edna May. At the Anono Theatre, following The Girl from Kays, Mr. Edwardes and myself, will P™^ 1 ] •Madame Sherry," the musical play wn lc £ r) 1 . will also do In this country. At the 1." terlon, on Sept 1, I produce R V. Esmond • play, "Imprudence," and this will be W lowed by a new play In which I will PJp sent Margaret Anglln to an English auoi- "My foreign attracUons v also Include » French company, headed by Mile. Vila* This organisation will arrive In NawWJ In October, and among the special K at "'T •nHii h» •!.» \«nin • 'Tjui Hnmme! am r«* will be 'Le Main," 'Lea Hommes nix _ ru- pees," "Pour une Etolie,' and 'Ue.'J™.^, Client' The composer of the music tc i£ Main" and several other pieces, Henri W*™ accompanies Mile. Wlehe to this » un iL' e In addition to these I have aecurea i» Sorceress,' by Vlctorlen Sardou, which wi be produced by Sarah Bernhardt, la ^",, a new play by Pierre Barton, a new pw by Pierre Wolff, also 'La Raboullleuse. roc- cesg of the Odeon Theatre; a comedy. * # titled The Third Moon." I haye also a play by Henry Lavaden, tbe »; th0 {X n .ty erlne/a new play, written tor BcJane. ^ Henri Bataille; a fifty minute pl«J-,% e •Cranquebllle," and a one act play. "{.'„ been System of the Dr. Goudron," which na- dramatized for America by Richard iw Davis. I have a dramatlMtlor^ mnae , M Haddon Chambers from "e f I, plerre Tour,' and the play of '^te, W> tM Berton, which 1 shall produce du. mr^, season at the Garden ^ea, tr , e ,„?^« r ' and Germany I have The Blind Passenger The Mountain Climbers.' _ Augusta True goes with "Maud Mullet.' AUGUST 8. THE NEW YOBK CLIPPER. §51 jjgjd eptlle and minstrel. rnr vaudeville bill at the Winnipeg, r.. Fair, held July 20-25, included the fol- 2bb acta : 8*m Lockhart a elephant!, Cant. a-.hb 3 seals, Gollman's dogs and cats, A. M. SSSw Whirling the Loop (Charlie White), Kcofo Midgets, Hlckey and Nelson, Three i iinc'tons, the Balvaggls, Mske's horse, trwroyan,' 1 "Darkneaa and Dawn," by Von jChii ■ Hand's great firework display. The intire' bill under the management of J. H. Allen, of Armstrong ft Allen. Au Holt informs us that be ia not tbe wrson of that name who la billed In tbe Ester of the Curtlss Comedy Co. He says oV Is doing bla new tramp sport act and ""hekbert Swift Is at Southampton, L. I., tor a few weeks. His minstrel co. tor tbe romlne season will be known as Swift A vmenon's Boston Minstrels. Tbe co. wilt hire tbirty-elght people. Prof. Db Blakbb and bis dogs, who re- «ntlv closed at Steeplechase Park, Rocka- war Beach, L. I., has signed aa one of the feature acta with the Dot Karroll Repertory Co tot the coming season. Eddie O'Bbibn and Willis Q. West, who hive an entirely new act In preparation for next season, are at present playing Wil- bur J. Tucker's Independent circuit of parks. Week of July 27 they were at Compound Park, Southlngton, Conn. Thomas H. O'Neil has been re-engaged (or the coming season by J. C. Welsh, man- ager of tbe Dot Karroll Co., to do bis spe- Billt Bowman, late of Bowman's South- ern Minstrels, will sing during the coming season before clubs in Maryland, District of Columbia and Virginia. Nellib Burt, who Is designing ber new cos- tumes for the coming season, will appear Id tbe olio of the Brigadier Co., hi which ihe scored a success last year. Jones and Sutton, while recently playing Lowell, Mass., purchased a corner lot at Willow Dale from the Bowers Brothers. 1'bey will build a cottage at once. The Topst Tubvt Tbio (O'Connell, Gold- amlth and Forrest), who recently finished successful engagement! at Utlca, Elinua, Bloghamton and Buffalo, are on the Burt circuit at Meyers' Lake, Canton, O., with Akron, Toronto, London, Ontario, Detroit, South Bend and Toledo to follow. The Trio go with tbe Topsy lurry Yaudevllllans next season. Jack T. Williams Informs us that be has retired from the profession and baa settled down at Enderlin, N. D. Bi'bt Parker, who was at Dayton, 0., week of July 27, has Springfield to follow, and then he goes to Cincinnati to Join L. M. Boyer's Who, What, When Minstrels. Talbot and Rogers, who have been meet- ing with success at Lake George and Sara- toga, hare signed for tbe coming season with Henry Lee's Players, under tbe man- agement of Weber & Rush. Notes fbom Auditorium Theatre, Ches- apeake Beach, Md. — William Wasman, pro- prietor; Chas. Wasman, manager; isador Wasman, treasurer; Louis Robr, pianist. Tbe following people were seen there week of July 27 : Chas. and Gussle Arlington, Cbas. Wagoer, John Avery, Tom Green and George Moore, Dave Racker, Addles Sisters, Joe Woodvllle, stage manager. Clarice Teufleton has played the fol- lowing parks, and gave satisfaction every- where: Southern Park, Pittsburg, Pa.; Homestead Park, Homestead ; Olympla Park, McKeesport ; Kenny wood Park, Duquesne ; Homestead Park (return engagement) week of July 20, and the following week was at lake Alma Park, Wellston, 0., with other good work to follow. Williams and Murray, who recently doted on the New England circuit of parks with their new act, "A Trip to Cobb Town," have Baltimore, Washington, Atlantic City and Philadelphia to follow. - Morse and Gallagher, who sre now In their eighth week at Pinafore Park Theatre, St. Thomas, Can., where their act has made an Immense bit, bave been engaged for the rest of tbe Summer. Notes wok Sewells' Point Theatre, Cape May, N. J. — We opened our season June 27, under the direction of M. Rudy Heller, of Heller's Amusement Enterprises. Keith's Theatre, Philadelphia, with 8. M. torle, local manager, and Hall Lawrence, press and advertising agent. This popular resort Is drawing crowded bouses twice dally, presenting only the best In vaude- ville. Allmon and Wilson, who have been en- gaged for three weeks as a special attraction at the Grand View Pavilion, Sodus Point, k. r., have much good time to follow. Hakter and Janet, after closing two suc- cessful weeks at Denver, Colo., where they presented their comedy sketch, will open on Aug. 3 at Seattle, Wash., on the Edwin R. Lang circuit Forbes, slack wire walker and Juggler, woo is booked up solid at the Summer parks, *"' go with tie Who, What, When Min- strels. Matt Kennedy and nis wife (Hazel Bar- rett) are spending a couple of weeks with Mr. Kennedy's parents at Cumberland, Md. Klidzio, acrobat and contortionist, who on Inst April broke his kneecap while doing "is act, had the misfortune to sUp and fall again on July 21, and broke the saxne knee- t P V, u . e ' 3 stopping with and being treated by Dr. M. C. Bristol, at Bay City, Mich. Dracula has closed with the Ferarl Bros.' uarnival Co. and opens for a tour of the Konl 4 Castle houses Aug. 10, at the Chi- cago Opera House. The fivb Flyino Banvards appeared re- cently as one of the features of the Chica- go Opera House bill. This act includes .2 ™™bers of the original Four Banvards, ana cans. Banvard Is the manager. Their time Is well booked In the vaudeville houses. m i f l:T H AlIDlLLB, AND EDNA LESLIE, Who met with success week of July 20 at Han- g*» Point, Toronto, Can., have Olcott 5? acn and Lake Ontario Park, Kingston, ;3i ' . to' 10 *. After playing the Can- ■ „i?, a cl "ult for McMsban A Dee they will continue on the Ohio circuit of parks. f„H p,NTA ' wno *"»« at her California ranch ""' months, left for St. Louis July 20, io oegm, 26, a three weeks' engagement at torest Park Highlands. «» H h P v "°lds, German comedian, who is l-.J!. H5!*}' a,lt Bta «e manager at Torresdale fn, rk ',. rhlI adelphla, Pa., Is well booked up [ or sir weeks. •SnEBMAN and Da Forest are negotiating vi ? ext »e«»on, as Manager Elrlcb, of the r.? r pl1 ? § h ?w v with which company they %t g, booked, has canceled Its tour. 1,1= E Lbm (Wilbur and Leona) report •rt s ", c ? eB « w1th tDelr singing and dancing •inn t Iy , Dntch Uncle," at Lake View Ca- nnV. Kalamaroo, week of July 20. They ,"i Evansvllle, Terre Haute and Chicago ttL L. low - afte ' which they are booked for ww? y ' ,lx weeks ln the West and on the laciflc coast, opening at the Empire Theatre, iN>nver, on Sept. 7. — 5"*** L. Brown, after having been In retirement for three years, returned July 20 hi „ w *? k at the Howard, Boston, where iin.i ored a hlg hit with bis descriptive linv ln « t aD d Impersonation of the Bowery L- He Is open for tbe coming season. stW,™ JJ 014 TaOOSDALB BBOS/ BlO Ml.V- rnnli ' — "'■ company's prospects for the n»«l g 8e ?' on a " Tery bright. The eom- fm-i, y i. w "i number about twenty people, in ;uiling : band and orchestra. Both will be !™J °? features. Nearly all the people „ i ""n engaged and the performance will ZJ"S strong. Time is all booked till fcthervme. U? T "* M ° a 0p€BS ***' **' Notes from ma Quinlax 4 Wall Im- perial Minstrels.— it would be difficult ,0 , And a busier place than the headquarters of this company, where the final prepara- tions are being made for tbe second annual tour of the youngest, newest and awellest show. The remarkable record made by this company last season, Ha Initial tour on the road, was a source of gratification to Mr. Qulnlan s legion of friends, who look for hlin to Increase bis success the coming season by putting bis company at the head of Amer- ican minstrelsy. An Insight Into the plans for the coming season gives promise that such a prediction will Tie fulfilled. This sear Mr Qulnlan has completed the plans for what It Is believed will be tbe most elaborate first part that American minstrelsy hns ever known. His "Reception to the Diplomatic Legion" last year was magnifi- cent, and set the theatrical world talking, but this year he will produce a brilliant first part that will exceed In elaborateness last years huccess. The new Bret pert will be known as tbe "International Military Biv- ouac," and it will be Bhown with a wealth or scenic and costuming effects such as a minstrel show has never known before. In the centre of the circle all tbe vocalists will be seen costumed as representing the generals commanding the armies of the lead- ing countries of the world. The first part setting will represent the company Btationed In and about the famous Dewey arch In N Y. City. The flags of all the countries will be displayed. Tbe olio will be new, pre- senting many acts never before seen on the minstrel stage, and will be beaded by Jimmy Wall, and will Include the Trocadero Qunr- tet, the Majestic Musical Four, McGreevy HrS 8, ^ HerDert and Rodgers, Frank Miller, Billy Barr. and the Adelaide Trio, ln an acf entitled "Physical Culture." Beside these there will be two dancing novelties, tbe dancing jockeys and the electrical dancing sunflowers. The street parade will be known as the parade of the captains of minstrelsy, and will be a decided novelty ln minstrel parades. Roster: Dan Qulnlan & Jimmy Wall, proprietors; Dan Qulnlan, manager; Joe Relder, treasur- er; C. 0. Sbultz, general agent; Al. Prim- rose, assistant; Herbert L. Swaney, lithog- rapher and programmer; Joe Blrnes, vacol director; J. W. Llndley, band master; Chas. E. Worrell, leader of orchestra ; Dan Quln- lan, Jimmy Wall, Joe Relder, Al. Primrose, C. O. Shultz, H. L. Swaney, Joe Blrncs, Steve Prldeau, Walter Brower, Jack Sample, Walter Dorsey, Hugh Brown, Joe Brockel, C. Marks, Emlul Suoers, G. Mandell, Harry Belmont, Frank Miller, Billy Barr, W. F Herbert, P. McGreevy, J. McGreevy, Will F. Rodgers, Chas. Cooper, J. N. Fay, Chas. E. Worrell, H. M. Jackson, Carl Purkall, F. Mc- Gllard, J. Nelson, G. S. Craver. B. L. Aren. W. T. Collins, V. E. Terrlll, H. A. Simon £',.. w v Bindley, Harry Kldd, Chas. E. Wollf, Will Larklns, Tom Brown, Ed. C. McKeever, L. M. Shutt, S. P. 8tratton, E. Adelald, Joe Adelald, Mark Adelald and Harry Larence. Milo Vaooe, bag puncher and hoop roller, writes : "I have Just finished successful en- gagements over the Burt circuit of parks, also at Glendale Park, Nashville, where, after the first performance, I was engaged for a return date by Manager Alley, to follow Chattanooga. My act met with suc- cess ln the South, and was offered ten weeks of Southern fairs, but would not ac- cept, ss I go over the Frank P. Spellman circuit of fairs. Eastern, as one of the two big feature free attractions, making my third season over the same territory, and with the same line of attractions. I am now punching five bsgs at one time, and also bave a new apparatus in construction, in which I will Introduce some new novelties In bag punch- ing." Will Manning and bis entertainers ar- rived from England last week. Wsi. E. Dai.et writes: "I am very sick at St, Mary's Hospital, Brooklyn, N. V., and would be pleased to see brother Eagles and professional friends." Ritchie and Francis play Beechwood Casino, Summit, N. J., and Hudson County Park, West New York. The Hartford Sisters closed a success- ful season at tbe Howard Theatre, Boston, July 2S, and are resting la their cottage at Kevere Beacb, Mass. V. P. Woodward, tambourine Juggler, who Is playing tbe Gorman park circuit, was, week of July 20, at Norumbega Park, Au- burndnle, Mass. Mabel Lloyd, now appearing at tbe Madison Square Roof Garden, ln "Otoyo," will, on Aug. 3, begin an engagement of three weeks on the Shea circuit, opening at Buffalo. Miss Lloyd will present a monologue. Hubebt Duncan writes: "I am now In my eighth week on the J. W. Gorman circuit, und must say that my act, 'Studies ln High Art,' Is meeting with a moat flattering suc- cess. My efforts have never before been bo highly appreciated as this season through New England. I will work with Mr. Gor- man until the end of August, after which I go to New York for a few weeks." Hebmion, a Parisian dancer, who has at- tracted considerable attention with bis dance at Luna Park, will close there Aug. 1, and, after a two weeks' vacation In Atlantic City, will join tbe Mabel Paige Co. at Wllkes- barre, Pa., 17, as tbe vaudeville feature. Leona Raymond and Edna Wayne, after ►pending six weeks at Bath Beach, L. 1., N. Y„ started to rehearse July 23 with Wat- eon's Americans, this being their second sea- son with this company, which opens at Cincinnati, O. , . The Thbee Keatons scored Btrongly last week at Mannlon's Park, St. Louis. Buster was tbe headline attraction, making one of the biggest comedy hits of any act ever play- ing the park. tub Musical Ten Eycks are booked solid until October next, with their new musical act, with which they report fine success. Pearl Danfortii, character singing and dancing comedienne, was one of the most successful acts of the programme at Plum Island, Newburyport, Mass., last week. Notes from the Royal Imperial Juve- nile Minstrels. — We are In our fourth week and are making a great success. We are at Woodslde Park, Philadelphia, with Sea Isle and Atlantic City to follow. The show was staged In excellent stylo by Geo. Bundy, who deserves great credit. Itoster: Marvelous Holden, Juggler; tbe Hicbleys, comedy sketch; Geo. Pickering, eccentric dancing; Baby Bundy and picks, featuring Master Robin Freer, monologue comedian ; Robt. Duncan, mimic; Gordon Bros., Jules West, Master Shine, Glancy, Ennls and Specks, tbe extra attraction being Nerve Brothers, acrobats, and the craboscope plc- Lbvina and Kitty Gray open on the Frank Melville circuit of parks, commencing Aug. 3, at Southern Park, Pittsburg, Pa. Their act, "An Unexpected Visitor," they re- port, has been meeting with great success, I.erlna successfully presenting his tramp musical act. They bave played through the Southern parks since June. IlEOUCEI) HATES TO SEATTLE, TACOMA, PORTLAND, VAK- COl VEH. OR VICTORIA, Via Pennsylvania Railroad. On account of the Trans-MlsslsslppI Com- merclal Congress and National Irrigation Association meeting at Seattle. Wash., Aug. 18 to 21, the Pennsylvania Railroad Com- i,any will sell round trip tickets to Seattle, Tacoma, Portland, Vancouver or Victoria. July 31 to Aug. 13, good to return until Oct. IB. at rate of $87.80 from New York, and proportionate rates from other points. For full Information concerning routes ana Hop-over privileges, consult nearest ticket agent Robebt Fulton's Jolly Grass Widows Co. is rehearsing at tbe Trocadero. Chicago, to begin tbe season at the Standard Theatre, St. Louis, Aug. 23. Manager Fulton prom- ises a number of radical departures from tbe features usually seen with traveling bur- lesque organisations, cblef among which will be a two act extravagansa, "One Night and Gone." Joseph E. Howard has written the music and will stage the production, special scenery, elaborate costumes and electrical effects being carried for the production. Mr, Howard -will be one of tbe leading members of a company, which will Include Guy Raw- son, Alex. Carr, Phil Peters, Ruth Everett. May Hllllard, Marie Theresa, Montrose and Butler, Tilly Stork, Vrankle Clare, Gertie Dunlap, Alice Mason, May Walsh, Mabel Lachman, Grace Addison, Lola Vernon, Georgia Russell, Frankle Goldte, Alice Gordon, Florence Wells, and the San Fran- cisco Male Quartet. Max Ferhman will be musical director, and Gus Hogan will again be manager, back with tbe show. Tbe mem- bership will include dancing girls, specially engaged ; cborua men and show girls, and tbe company will he carefully drilled and the production wilt be supervised by Manager Fulton, leaving Trocadero to open Its season fully equipped In all departments, and pre- pared to stand the test of comparison with any like organisation wbich tbe forthcoming season shall produce. Sam Stucklin and bis performing dogs closed at Oakland Park, Meedrllle, Pa., July 25, after a two weeks' engagement, and made quite a hit. He has a circuit of eight weeks of fairs through the East to follow. Dad and Clara Huntoon have gone to EI Paso, Tex., for a season's engagement, under tbe management of James F. Uanlln, Dad to be scenic artist, and Clara to play sou- brettes. For the past two seasons Mr. Hun- toon has been amusement director of the Marine Roof Garden, Chicago. The Ki.ns-Ners report success for their act. They play four weeks In this country, and then sail for Paris, France, to fill a two years' contract, under the personal management of Mr. Relyea. Chas. Garvin closed with tho W, M. Cole- man Cirrus In Chicago early last month, and Joined his partner, George Searcy. They arc doing a black face singing, talking and tlimclng net, and open at the Kntcrprlso Thentrc, El Paso, Tex., In stork, Aug. 1. Wayne AND Lamar bavo finished five weeks on the Shea A Wilton circuit of parka. They are booked solid until April, and open on tbe Kohl A Castle circuit agnln Sept. 28. IItmes and Lewis, comedy acrobatic and aerial art, were at Ross Park, Blnghamton, N. Y., week of July 27, closing the show. They played a special engagement at Scenic Park, Cleveland, O., Sunday. July 20, and were engaged by Frank Spellmnn to play a few weeks ot fairs. C. C. Pearl, manager of Gorton's Min- strels, writes: "The show is going out in better shape than ever before, with every- thing new, and equipped In a style far ex- ceeding any former effort s. Season booked complete, and everything looking right for a successful season." Tub rot.t.owi.vii are booked at Morrison's Theatre, Itocknway Bench. N. Y„ this week : Minnie Sellgmnn, Three Mortons, Yorke and Adams, Sydney Grant, Yomomoto Bros., Agoust and Weston, nnd the Three Westons. May and Mii.es have closed a successful four weeks' engagement over tho M. C. Alley circuit of parks. They bavo had their travesty act rewritten, nnd Inform us that It Is better than ever, They have some good work booked ahead. Patciikn and Clifton, with their new act, have closed a successful tour through tbe West, nnd will return to New York io Join the Slaves of Opium Burlesque Co. for the season. Mr. and Mrs. Larry Shaw have closed a successful engagement on MnurU-o Boom's circuit of parks, nnd will open at Tony Pas- tor's Theatre In September, with the Kohl & Castle ami Keith circuits to follow. Kr.FiR I)B Rock writes: "I have been con- fined to my bed for six weeks here In Toledo. I am now In St. Vincent's Hospital, where n surgical operntlon will be performed. If I survive I would like to hear from profes- sional friends." GEO. AND MAY WOODWARD. etter known ns tho "Sun- ilr new character comedy . Rgo, and has been wild some of the beat companies on the ronu. Their net litis been very siiccesful In vaude- ville, and they have been making a big laughing hit on the Frank Hurt circuit of Summer perks. The above picture represents Geo. nnd Mny Woodward (liette burned Rubes''), who are rapidly going to the front with Ihelr singing and dancing act. Tills tentn Joined hands six years i Henri French writes from Bern, under date of July 18, as follows: "I am at present at the Kursaal, Bern, and remain here un- til July 20, then I open at Sempost Thea- tre, Schenennlnger, On Sept. 1 I open at tbe Scale, PariB." Henry and Youno report success playing the Pennsylvania and New Jersey purks. They opened last week at Steeplechase Pier, Atlantic City, for a three weeks' engagement. Cody and 8ennettb write : "Wo have played around New York since April 27, being held over at each engagement for tho following week, and at one house we held over for seven successive weeks. Last week, et Hocknwny Beach, the manager wanted us for this week, but we could not stay on ac- count of opening on a circuit of parks." Mrs. May Stewart, with ber trained high school horse, "Dude," appeared July 4 at Superior, Wis., giving her exhibition at the Eagles' CarnlvalT She has been engaged as a special feature for tbe Dulutb County Fair, week of Aug. 17. Melville and May write : "After six weeks of successful work In tbe Soutb we are home again, and will organize our road company at once. We played Wrlghts- vllle Beacb, N. C, for one week, and were signed for two more weeks after tbe first performance." Fred J. Titus writes from Los Angeles, Cal., under date of July 23, sb follows :^'Tho surgical operation was performed on Lvdln Yeamans Titus today at tbe California Hos- filtal. Mrs. Titus was on tbe operating able one hour and a quarter. The tumor weighed nearly five pounds. The operation was most successful, and the doctor says when Mrs. Titus recovers she will be ss sound as steel. The patient Is doing well." Nellib a. Hill, a member of the firm of Rice A Barton for the past four sessons, has been very ill since January with rheuma- tism. She will retire for tbe coming sea- son to regain ber health, and remain at ber home In Atlantic City, N. J. We arb inkoumeii that the Lexington Roof Garden, Ualtlmorc, Md., has been playing to excellent business. Lam week, with Hulii Wiley, John I. Jack, Gcorgo Marlon, Playwright Blossoms Jr., Leon Herrmann, Jules Hurtlg, Hoatrlco 1.00, Ashley and Barton, Gallagher and lllld, and others 1 have forgotten, and that Is only a port of tho American theatrical folks In Purls at present. Tho latest ar- rival is tho popular Percy G. Williams, of the ornheiim and Circle Theatres, Mr. Wllllntim took his wife to the Moulin Rouge, where Phroso Is making an enormous success, and occupied aisle seats. When I'hroso walked down tho aisle ho suddenly recognized Mr, Williams and bis wife, and In passing bo put his hands on Mr. Williams' shoulder, nnd the latter arose and screamed "Electricity I Electricity I" and ran yelling up the aisle, causing an uproar In tbe bouse. Ills wife saw tho Joke, aud helped to msko It more serious by standing up and falllug bark In her seat fainting. Six attendants helped her to tho wnltlng room and revived her, but could not find ber husband. Us had really left tho theatre, and they took his wlfo homo In a carriage, 'Where all met and had a groat hurrah over It. Tbe papers next day were full of tho affair, and It cer- tainly scat Phroso stock up, as tbe people can't believe ha Is alive. -Mr. Williams will be Joined here. July 22, by Manager Meyorfeld, of tho Orplieum cir- cuit. Ha has so far booked soveral good acts. Novelties are very scare here. Then ngiiin, nothing can bo seen In the Hummer. Max Rogors and Leo Harrison certainly had a grand time In Paris. It was Max Honors' first visit, and Loo could not get him away, but he had to go home for rehearsal. Joseph Herbert, tho well known comedian, Is translating a book from tbe French for Anna Hold's sbow next year. Tho work Is by Rlchcpan, and called "Miss Napoleon." Jules Hurtlg, Barton and Ashley, Beatrice Leo and Jerry Hart spent a few days here, and innile Paris bowl In a short time. At the Ambasscdcurs ore tho Lowell Brothers, putting In their two months at Hint house tor tho next two years to come, ns they have been engaged for four yeurs, In their comedy acrobatic sketch, At the Jardln D'ICto I And the Elks, two white people, but who are really the first to do the "cake walk" iu Franco, and who mndo ii great deal of money teaching French people to do the cuke walk, and it is dono at every gnrden, theatre, fair and evon on ths streets hero, and the ICIks have been made famous by tho walk. On tbe bill In big let. tors are also tbe Mecrs, Just from America, Hvcrybody knows what Alf„ his protty wife and brother do, and can easily know their succccss, being the only one of Its kind over hern. Tbey go fishing with II. II. Felber and bin wife for two weeks beginning July At the Olympla looping tho loop continues, under tho management of Madeline & Bar- ber, who, I am told, have reaped a fortune In a short time, having a dozen of "loops" over hero at ono time all over Europe. A new comer over here is Ln Petite Jane, supposed to be an American girl, and who, I hear, is doing wonderfully. Her Impresario, a Mr. Feluer, Is certainly spending lots of money In booming Iter. A new act shortly to come out here, under the management of Agent Marlnclll, will iiuiko them talk, A handsome young woman starts nt the top of a building and goes down mi Incline on n bicycle. Arriving In the centre of tho chutes she leaps a space of forty feet, land goes up another Incline, It Is really a most hazardous feat. I was one of tho parly who visited It last week, In tho company of Manager Stelncr, of the Wlntergnrtcii. Berlin. At tho Follcs Marigny, where Saharet Is the feature of tho rovlow, "Leg P'Tlt'i Fomm's" ("Tho Small Woman"), Is also Morris Cronln, and Francos Wylio, ths latter the lending feature of tho vaudeville. Ho goes on In his Juggling act at 10 r, m., and makes tho people talk before tbe review goes on. Wo also have a cako walk, with ten colored people, dlreot from Now York, headed by Mnttlo Phillips. For tbe close of tho re- view they had, up to a few nights ago, a cascade of beautiful young women, but It came lo a disastrous end tho other night, when the ropes broko and the sixteen girls fell 'way down Into the cellar on top of each other, together with the Iron props, etc. I happened to bo In tho dressing room of Huhnret when It happened, and was one ot tho first to give aid. I-Jach girl was strapped to tbe machine, and we had a dim- cult task to undo the buckles. Thirteen of Why Not See Manors Fnllsf You can do so with no extra expense If you travel by tbe New York Central lines. — Adv. diem wcro sent to the hospitals, with legs, arms and ribs broken. It will cost the man- agement a big sum, and the theatre mechanic Is likely to got At least six months In prison, tin ho Is responsible for such things ln France. Wood and Bates are playing In Rotterdam, Holland, and, to all accounts, have made their usual success. Sam Albortus, of Al- burtus and Bertram, has left for America, to spend a few weeks with his folks In Chicago, having been over here six years. Claude Bertram goes to London to await his return. Horace Goldln opens at the llausn Theatre, Hamburg, the end of August, making his first appearance on tho continent there, Florence Moore, a young singer, also opens at the Wlnterrnrten, Berlin, Aug. IA. George Marlon, general manager of the Henry W. Ravage forces, remained Just ten days In Kurope, and returned to start work for ths Winter. . 552 THE NEW YORK [CLIPPER. August 8. World of Players, — Notes from Broadhurst A Currle Enter- prises: Notwithstanding all report! to tbe contrary, May Voltes la under contract with Messrs. Broadhurst & Currle. and will go with "A Fool and Ilia Money" next season. Ueorgle Irving, Madge Melbourne, Dorothy Marlow, Marlon Flake, liutb Balne, Maude Klllott, Fern Bnllentlnc, Georgia Wblte, Lily Hart and Edith O'llelllcy are with the Nat M. Wills show. Tbe managers of tbe enter- prise have received the models, through John Wanamaker, of ten Parisian costume cre- ations, which are Inadequately described as "dreams." Tbey will be worn In "A Son of Rest," which opens at the Fourteenth Street Theatre Aug. 17. by tbe young ladles whose names appear above. Mr. wllla will open the season at Saratoga Springs, N. Y., Aug. it, and will play a week prior to tbe Four- teenth Street Theatre engagement. — Notes from "A Fight for Millions:" Malcolm Douglas' unique spectacular melo- drama, which was so successful last year, will open Its second season at tbe Star The- atre, New York, Sept 7. Tbe play will have a number of new features, Including some novel scenic effects, and It will be one of the strongest productions of Us kind on the road. Mr. Douglas, the author, will per- sonally direct tbe tour, which embraces tbe principal cities of the country, and Eugene a. 1'ond has been signed to go In advance. Among those engaged for tbe company are : Nicholas S. Conway and John Dempsey, each of whom will be seen In his well known specialty ; Lyda Powell, Zonzetta and Martha McOraw, John A. Cunningham, George V. Hodges, Bert McEwen, Edith A. I'ond and Leslie Raymond. Sixteen people will be carried, with a 00ft. baggage car for tbe scenic equipment. This play will also be seen In London In the Autumn, and will afterward tour the English provinces. — Cliff Dean, formerly of Dean and Jose, bos signed with Wm. IS. Lawrence, to play a Cblmmle McKadden character and manage tbe stage, in "Tbe I'rlde of Newspaper Row," a new piece, coming out tbls season. — Lou Miller, baritone singer, has severed bis connection with the Bison City Quartet, and bas signed tot the coming season with Ward & Yokes. — The Earl A Martell American Stock Co. will open Its preliminary season at Sioux City, la., Riverside Park Pavilion, Aug. 2. with tbe following roster: II. II. Earl and Oliver Martell, equal owners; Oliver Mar- tell, manager; Nelson Compsion, stage di- rector ; Geo. llargart, electrician : w. J. Hodglns, stage carpenter ; Wm. Dowlan, Dick Tracy, Homer E. Oullbault, Bert Crowell, the I'JsterbrookH, Lenora Wentworth, Marie A. Nellson, Julia Itaymond Tracy, Anna Gardner, Jean Earl and Jesse Barchus. Through the courtesy of V. W. Cbamberlla and Geo. W. Peck, of the Cbamberlln, Har- rington A Co.'s circuit, tbe company Is now rehearsing at the Opera House, Rockford, HI. The engagement at Sioux City is for four weeks, and the company will take the road about tbe first of September, playing the cities in tbe middle West. Tbe season is booked almost solid. Manager Martell promises a strong repertory of unusually good plays, vaudeville features, perfect and complete productions. — Clara Matbes will spend her Summer vacation at the Lake of the Woods, where sbe will also rehearse her new plays and pre- pare for ber next season's tour, which will, as usual, extend to the Pacillc coast and re- turn. Miss Matbes Intends to have a larger and better company than ever next season. and to the players already engaged sbe will add a number of other people. New plays, with fine printing, are contracted for, and a more than usually pleasant season seems assured. — Charles Helston writes: "Since I have been working alone I have not lost one week. 1 recently finished four weeks' work for Man- ager John B. Wills, at Iron Pier, Cape May, N. J., and have signed wltb tbe Jere Alc- Aullffe Stock Co. for tbe coming season, to do specialty and parts. The company opens at lied Bank, N. J., Aug. 8." — Louis G. Menko, general representative and press agent for the Sullivan, Harris & Wood's attractions, which Include: "The Fatal Wedding," "For Her Children's Bake," "Jim Bludso,' r "Evil Men Do," "Wedded and Parted, "Ilachcl Goldstein." "The Ped- dler" and "King of Detectives," bos been re-engaged In tho same capacity. Mr. Menke has also been re-engaged as press agent for the New Star Theatre and Ruber's Fourteenth Street Museum, New York City. — Clarence Bellalr and Carolyn Mnckoy- Iiellalr go wltb "Tbe Flaming Arrow" Co. the coming season. — Owen Bartlett and Miss Arthur closed a very long and successful season with the Tolson Stock Co., at Little Itock, Ark., and are now at their homo In Wllloughby, 0., a suburb of Cleveland, where, In company with other professional friends, they are spend- ing the time boating and fishing. — Eugene J. Hall has signed for the Myr- kle-llarder Stock Co., which opens on Aug. 10, at Washington Court House, O. (fair week), the following people: C. Walcott, Russell, Del Henderson, Guy miner, Frank Christie, Bruco Richardson, Jos. T. Kelly, Klberta Ray, Ueorgle King, lloso Kelly and Amelle Bayard. Tho stage will be under the direction of C. Walcott Russell, and Walter J. Echols will go in advance of tbe company. — Notes from Harry Clay Blaney's "Across tbe Pacific" Co.: We open at Elizabeth, N. J., Aug. 8. The roster Is as follows : Harry Clay Blaney, star and man- ager; Edwin Fuller, business manager; James J. Williams, agent; Harry M. Fen- wlck, Frederick Ormonde, John 10. Kelly, Edward Buchanan, D. ID. llnnlon, Chinese Johnny Williams, Frank Sanford, Frederick Preston, Major Mort ICplor, Silas Charlton, Earl Dickson, Bike Gregory, Master James Goodrich, James Corbett Doran, Fred Euner, Paul Dodge, Horry King, Btove Bowling, Roy De Poy. J. F. Bradley. Ralph Jersey, Augusta Hcldrann, Augusta Gill, Kitty Wolfe, Francis Dcsmonde, Kitty Edwards, Viola Vanderhoof, Cora Vinton, Carrie Maye, and Blaney a Rough Rider Band. — Joseph Tottcn goes to the Thirty-first Street Theatre, Chicago, stock for the sea- son. — James Colvlile goes wltb Valerie Bur- gers. — Winona Bridges and husband have signed wltb tho Baker Stock Company, Port- land, Ore. — Charlotte Sevcrson, Frank Klldny, Lionel Clarke, Alberta Lee, Robert Barrett, Mack Stanley Wood, Robert Irving. F. W. Bernard. Margaret Nelson, Jane Rldgwny, George Thompson, Eric Kcsscr and Joseph Bister go with Wnlllck's "Queen of the Highway." — Victor Harvey, Tliomns McMnhon, Wil- liam O'Dny. Stevens Hills, Dan McCallum, 11. Suits, Charles II. Youug and II. Edwards go with Walllrk's "Through Flro and Water." — Mary lllytli, Nan Hcwlus, Thomas Smith, Ed. Granger, James Powers, Carl Jones and Edward Martin go with Marc W. Ilnniey. — Geo. A. Sullivan bus signed for next sea- son with Moullon, Thompson & Moulton Co., and will bo In advance of the Clara Turner Co. — J. D. Beck has signed for the coming sesson as advance agent of the Murray Comedy Co. — James Collins and wife go with "Tbe Child Wife" Co. The 20-llonr Train Between New York and Chicago Is (he "20th Century Limited" by tbe New York Central and Lake Shore Railways. — Adv. — Notes from R L. Crescy's Enterprises : We have engaged Lucia Moore as leading woman, and Fred Montague as leading man, for tbe stock company at tbe Gllckman Theatre. Clara Thronp, wbo plays tbe lead In "A Ruined Life" the coming season, will be starred In a big musical comedy season of 10O4-'OP. "Out of the Fold" closed a very successful four weeks' engagement at the Great Northern Theatre July 18. Tbe last matinee was by far the largest of tbe engagement, as we turned them away. Tbls show will open tbe new Stair A Havlln house at Omaba, Neb., Aug. 23. Tben goes to the Grand Opera House, St. Louis. It Is booked solid over tbe Stair A llavlln bet- ter class house circuit. — Edwsrd O'Connor, Irish comedian, has been engaged by J. W. Rosenquest for tbe "Robert Emmet" Co. — Notes from tbe Heuck 4 Fennessy En- terprises : Joseph J. Dowllog has been en- gaged to stage Heuck A FenneBsy's "Tbe Charity Nurse." which opens at Merlden, Conn., Aug. 27. Tbe play, which was firBt tried the latter part of last season, will be seen for the first time In New York at tbe Star Theatre, during week beginning Aug. 81. The cast is a large one. Including: Selma Herman, Joseph J. Dowllng, Myra Davis, James P. Lee. Richard T. Williams, John A. Boone, William Burt, Walt Whit- man, Thomas Cnrr, Emily Mncpherenn, and two little children, Leona Evans and Made- line Lee. — Edesse Fowler has been re-engaged for the lead In "Uncle Josh Spruceby," making her third season with that company, open- ing July 20. Chaa. D. Perkins has been re- engaged by Trovers Vale for tbe character comedy In tbe Eastern "When the Bell Tolls" Company, opening Aug. 1, at In- dianapolis, Ind. — Claire Tuttle has been enjoying a va- cation cruising among the Islands of Lake Erie on tbe steam yacht "Osprey," belong- ing to her brother, Dr. Carl Tuttle. — Fred De Von, who recently closed at the Riverside Casino, Asbevllle, N. C, bas signed with the Edsail Wlnthropc Stock Co.. to do general business and sing illustrated songs. The season In Asbevllle was very pleasant and enjoyable. — Kilroy A Britton have engaged the fol- lowing people for tbelr "An Aristocratic Tramp" Co.: W. N. Hnmmltt, Evans and Maltland, Larry Sutton, Geo. E. Cole, Edytbe Mae Hamilton, Lena Sturglss, Frank F. Bunn, Frank L. Gregory (the Great Greg- ory), Buzz Bambrldge and Mse Britton. Will Kilroy, manager. Tbe show opens Aug. 10. — Edwin Weaver and Nelle Wilson, wbo have been enjoying their vacation at Fort Wayne, Ind., have signed for the coming season with the Davidson Stock Co., which opens Aug. 17. — Wllmer L. Walter closes his engage- ment Aug. 10 wltb tbe Riverside stock Co., at Asbevllle, N. C, where, since May, be has been playing leading and heavy busi- ness, to Join tbe Bowdoln Square Stock Com- pany, of Boston, which opens Its season Aug. 17. — Manager C. H. Smith, of the Majestic Theatre, Boston, bas signed a contract with Chas. F. Atkinson as general manager of tho Boston and large city productions of "Qnlncy Adams Sawyer," which plays Bog- ton Theatre three weeks, opening Sept. 28, nnd follows with four weeks in N. Y. City. Only large cities are to he played wltb this company. — The Corse Payton Stock will open Its Benson at the Court Square Theatre, Spring- field, Mass., Aug. 8. David J. Ramage, who has successfully looked out for the interest of tbe company for a number of seasons, will again assume the reins of management. Daniel McClure Is to be leading man, and Violet Barney the leading lady. Others are: Ulysses Davis, A. O, Miller Jr., Harry ltuwley, Harry Mantel), George Ralston, Harry J. Thomas, Harry Morrison, V. H. Finth, A. G. Bonney, D. II. Morrison, Dora Lombard, Ida Thomas and La Petite Blos- som. The repertory of plays consists of : "An American King," "Tholma," "The Irish Corporal," "Michael Btrogpff," "The Two Colonels. 1 ' 'The Beautiful Slave," "Denlse," "Women's Temptation," "A Child of Des- tiny," "Over tho Hills to tbe Poor House" ana "Only a Woman's Heart." — Charles J. Lsmmers will be wltb the "For Her Sake" Co. next season. — Ed. C. Gldley has leased the Opera nouse at PasHnlc, N. J., and the same has been added to the Wallace Gllmoro cir- cuit. George B. Reno hoe engaged II. C. • once of TJf ~ Dream." This make's Mr. Demutb's fifth Demuth to go In advance o Monroe In _bia new pla eorge W. "Widow Dooley's consecutive season with Mr. Reno's enter- prises. Mr. Demuth Is In charge of the nmuBcments at Bergen Beach, N. Y., during the Summer. — Ada Bradford, after closing a six weeks' engagement at the Empire Theatrv, St. Paul, started for Billings, Mont., to fill fourteen weeks at the Garden Theatre, but was taken 111 while on route, and had to can- cel her latter engagement, Sbe Is Improving nnd expects to visit her parents In Oregon City before returning East. — Henry F. Wlllard, manager of the Mabel Paige Co. and tbe Paige Comedy Co., Is tbe first repertory manager In the field to Import u feature vaudeville act. He brings to this country the Marvelous Hcrmlon, a Parisian dancer, to be featured with the Mabel Paige Co. This dancer comes direct from the English provinces. Hcrmlon carries twelve largo trunks of costumes and effects. The Mabel Paige Co. opens at Wllkcsbarre, Pa., Aug. 17. — Adcle Alcott, wbo spent tbe month of June and part of July at hor home, at Peoria, HI., left for Chicago July 22. to begin rehearsals for "Tbe Bridge at Midnight," which has Its Initial performance at the Criterion Theatre, Aug. 0. She has signed tor tbe Juvenile lead. — lCmnv Alton, Inst season' leading woman of tho Howard-Dorset Co., has signed for tho coming season wltb John Connera' Ameri- can Stock Co., Chicago, opening Aug. SO. She Is spending the Summer with her parents in Peoria, HI. — "The Game of Life," an English melo- drama, which was drat produced In this country last November, will open the season, under the management of Frank T. Klntzlng, at tbe Third Avenue Theatre, New York, Aug. 1, continuing there fur the following week, and Is booked for the season on the Stair & Havlln circuit. Several new scenic embellishments have been added to tbe equip- ment of this thrilling piece tbls year, and n number of clever specialties interpolated. The roster Includes : J. K. Hutchinson, Ro- unds Iininbridge, Collin Varrcv, Nye V. Mei- slinw, Lily Sinclair, Evelyn Haven, John C. Carlyle, Mabel Morton, Gilbert Douglas, B. C. McGuire, Albert Wells, Frederick May- linrd and Harry Allen, — Bummer happenings at "Tbe Maples :" Delia Prlngle (Adams) and G. Faith Adams have had a large addition built to their n I ready spacious Summer home, "The Maples," at Kuoxvlllc, la., and recently bad a house warming, which was attended by ninny prominent people of Des Moines and Knnxvlllc, and also many of tbe show folks who are spending tbe Bummer West of Chi- cago. The Prlngle Company will open the season Aug. 12, going to the Pacific coast, carrying eighteen people, many of whom were with the Delia Prfngle-Corso Payton Co. Inst year. — Clara Mathes will enlarge her company. The route Is to California and return, and tho engagement Is a continuous one. — Clark nail Is advance agent for Willis Granger, In "A Gentleman from France." — Henry Alnley, the English actor, who Is to Join Charles Frohman's forces next Bcason, has sailed tor America, — Notes from tbe Irene Jeavona Co.: We are in our fourteenth week, under canvas, and never In the history of this ever popular company has the business been more satis- factory, giving tbe very best of satisfac- tion. We are playing only tbe highest class dramas and tragedies. We have lately added a new electric lighting outfit, and It greatly adds to our performance, as It enables us to use the proper light effects In our produc- tions. Our popular leading lady, Irene Jea vons, makes many friends, and tbe many re- ceptions accorded here every week Is ample proof that she Is a great favorite. We close our Summer season early In September, and, after a two weeks' lay off for rehearsal, we open our regular season, which la booked solid through the Southern States, playing only tbe largest houses, and we look forward to a very pleasant and prosperous season. Roster: Irene Jeavons, Maude Young, Myrtle Added, Marie De Barr, Thos. Jeavons, T. Hoffman, Ed. Mills, Leon F. Rice, Chas. D. Maxlowe, Ingram Kylle, Walter H. Everstinc. Frank Roland, George Milton, Will Mitchell, George Bender, in charge of canvas, with five assistants; Thos. Jeavons, sole owner; T. Hoffman, manager: Leon F. Rice, musical director; Walter H. Everatlne, stage mana- ger; Will Mitchell, electrician and properties. — "Tbe Iron Mask" Co. Notes: The fol- lowing have been engaged for the support of Earlo Doty, opening Aug. 17, at Chicago. SuBan Irwin, Roaalyn May, Jenuette Ever- ard, Karl L. Way, Rlcbard Moncrlef, Lle- wellyn Watklns, Edwin Barring ton, Geo. M. French, Frederick Earl, Herman Q. Smith, business manager; John MacElroy, treas- urer. The season Is booked solid to April 1, after which time Mr. Doty will present a Shakespearean repertory through tbe West. A car load of scenery will be carried, and a complete line of special printing made. — Notes from the Lillian Lyons Stock Co. : We are playing a Summer engagement of eight weeks at Corunna Park, Owosso, Mich., to a wonderful business. We are playing two bills a week, and carrying a strong line of specialties. Our roster In- cludes: Frank J. Dean, Arthur B. Ogle, Ray- mond Ketchum, Harry Arnold, Reginald Knoor, Edwin Hoyt, Frank Hagar, Borland Davles, Prof. Parker, Lillian Lyons, Ger- trude Ramadell, Bessie Seabrlgbt and Blanche Edwards. Our regular season opens Sept. 2, with five fair dates to open wltb. We have eight weeks In Michigan, and then into Canada and New York. We get six of Tub Old Rbludi,b every week, snd are always glad when tbey come. — Conroy & Mack Notes: An entirely new scenic equipment Is being made for Conroy & Mack's production of ''The Rising Generation," which will open in October and play tbe larger cities. Conroy and Mack will surround themselves with an ex- cellent cast, and they will doubtless make tbe bit of tbelr lives In "The Rising Gener- ation." The towns will be billed two weeks ahead by Walter Leslie and two assistants. General Manager Craft has recently ordered three styles of lithograph banners to be used ahead of the show. The line of paper will be very extensive. — R. L. Crescy, manager of "Out of the Fold," "A Ruined Life"' "Dora Thome,' "The Price of Silence," "A Gamblers Daughter" and tbe New Marlowe Theatre, Chicago, was In town July 24 and 25, and on 20 left for Chicago. — Bertha Vera Blake and Nena Naomi Blake, who were with Anna Hetd'a "The Little Duchess," are spending the Summer at Lily Dale, N. Y., on Coasodaga Lake, In Western New York. — Adele Rafter, of the "Blue Beard" Co., Ib spending the Summer with her parents in Dunkirk, N. Y. — Notes from Stetson's "U. T. C." Co.: We are doing a good business, as is usual. Mrs. Leon W. Washburn Is very III with Eerltonltls. Otherwise everyone Is In good ealth. — Geo. A. Woodward, musical director and manager of Renwlck Pork Theatre, Ithaca, N. Y., was suddenly called to his borne In Brockton, bis rather being dangerously ill. — Tho "New Bight Bells" Co. opens the season at Warwick, N. Y., Aug. 17. Every- thing Is entirely new, we are Informed, In this season's production. — Otto and Lena Oretto have Joined the Marie Fountain Theatre Co. for the seuBon. Mr. Oretto will do comedy parts and special- ties; Miss Oretto, soubrette and specialties. Mr. Oretto bas again joined his old partner, A). Beasley, and will Introduce his new ver- sion of "My Friend BUI," a singing, talking, dancing nnd acrobatic act. — L. M. Deeds, treasurer and bookkeeper for Lowery Bros.' New Olympla Shows, closed Aug. 1, to accept a position as treasurer with A), W. Martin's enterprises. — After several seasons of retirement, Georgia Kelcey will return to the stage. — Frank T. Klntzlng has disposed of hlB Interest In the Herald Square Opera Co., and will devote his attention to his "The Game of Life" Co. — Henry Miller and his company have begun rehearsals at the Criterion Theatre, this city, and Miss Anglln Joined them July 28. They will start for San Francisco on Aug. 10. Miss Anglln, at the conclusion of her engagement with Mr. Miller, will return to London, where she Is to play under Chas. Frohman's management. With Mr. Miller she will play In a repertory Including: "The Devil's Disciple," "Camllle," "The Taming of Helen," and a new version of "Le Malt re des Forges," tbe manuscript of which she bad Intended to bring from England wltb her, but did not receive In time. — Ezra Kendall opened his season, in "The Vinegar Buyer," at Asbury Park, N. J., July 24. The cast Included, besides Mr. Kendall : C. H. Crosby, Frank A. Lyon, Ralph Dean, Hoy FaJrchlld, John D. Garrlck. Harry Hunlon, Frank A. Howson Jr., Helen Sa- linger, Lottie Alter and June Mntbls. — Drlna De Wolfe has been engaged by Chnrles B. Dillingham to be, with J. II. Gllmour and Helen Tracey, the principal sup- port In the company that will be headed by Jessie Mill ward, and which will present a modern comedy, "A Clean Slate," by It. C. Carton. — Willis P. Sweatnam has been engaged by Henry W. Savage for an important part In George Ade's new comedy, "The County Chairman," which will be produced in Chi- cago In September. — Lottie Williams will star again next season In "Only a Shop Girl." Sbe will be the second attraction at Weber & Fields' New West End Theatre, this city, beginning on Aug. 81. — J. M. Colvlile, Henrietta Vadere and Robert Kclley have been engaged to support Vnlerlo Bergere, In "The Red Mouse," H. J. W. Dam's new play. — Julia May Gilford and Robert Fltz- Blmmons (the pugilist) were married July 25, In Snn Francisco. — Mrs. Gussle J. Bennett has been granted a decree of divorce from Charles C. Bennett, an actor, known as Richard Bennett. IIBDUCED RATES TO SAN FHANCIS- CO AND LOS ANGELES. Via Pennsylvania Railroad, Account National Encampment, O. A. R. On account of the National Encampment, G. A. It., at San Francisco, Cal., Aug. 17 to 22, 1003, tho Pennsylvania Railroad Com- pany will sell excursion tickets to San Fran- claco or Los Angeles from all stations on Its lines, from July 81 to Aug. 18, Inclusive, at greatly reduced rates. These tickets will bo good for return passage to reach original starting point not later than Oct. 15, In- clusive, when executed by Joint agent at Los Angeles or San Francisco and payment of DO cents made for this service. For spe- cific Information regarding rates and routes, apply to ticket agents. MelNNERNEY'S THEATRICAL COLD CREAM. There are many Cold Cream Preparations on the market today. Some are GOOD— others are BETTER— lint Mclnnerney's Is BEST. The ingredients of Mclnnerney's Gold Cream are pore and harmless, snd when yon once nse this preparation you will want no other. Other good qualities In Its favor are Its delicate perfume, smooth whiteness and cooling properties. And it does not cost as much as many of the far inferior preparations. 59c. LB. FOR SALE OHXY AT sEP.PIINAUirS ED. PINAVD'S Ea\i de Quinine Is the best Hair Restorative known. It preserves th* hair from parasitic attacks, cleanses the scalp and positively removes dandruff. It Is also a most excellent hair dressing. Thesweetandreflnedodorwhlch It leaves In the hair makes It a toilet luxury. the HEATH Shirt Waist IMPROVER. A Welcome Addition to The Shirt Waist Suit. 8IZKS Prom 39 to 38 Bust. BT MAIL, 11.00. The Heath Corset Co. 1 14 Fifth Avenue, NEW YORK. (Mention CLIPPER.) Baseball Park To Let. Suitable for Baseball, Football, Exhibi- tion or Other Purposes, At WEST NEW YORK, OPPOSITE Nth 8T„ NEW YORK CITY. Capacity, e.ooo. Perries connect with trolley cars passing these grounds. Sunday baseball and all legitimate exhibitions permitted. Address W. W. N., oare of CLIPPER. LEVIN BROS. ALL KINDS OF GOODS HANDLED BT STBEETMEH. WRITE FOR CATALOGUE). 80-82 H. Olh St. Torre Haute, Ind. Attention, Band and Orchestra Leaden! Do yon went to Learn to Compose and Arrange Mu.lci If so, send He. stamp for trial lesson. Nothing to pay nnttl you nave been taught Lessons 1,2 and 8 If these lessons do not convince you that this is Strictly legit- imate, then They are Pree. Don't write un- less yon have a thorough knowledge of the rudi- ments of music, and Mean Baslness. C. W. WILCOX (Harmonist), 1539 Broadway, jj jr. POPULATION, 110,000. Bijou Theatre BEATING CAPACITY, ABOUT BOO. OPEN FOR DATES. A. H. PCNRELD, 8tatlon "P,"8t. Joseph, Mo. PRINTING TENT SHOWS SEND POK PRICKS- CATALOGUE. BjjMU & CO., "cVNCtrf^TL g- J. W. GOBMAN'S PARK CIRCUIT Can offer Good Vaudeville Acts 1 to 10 Weeks. Send route, open daten and salary. J. W. GORMAN, 180 Tremont Bt,, Boston. McCOMB, MISS., NEW OPERA HOUSE. BEST SHOW TOWN IN MISS. R. R. shops pay $100000 monthly. GOOD KKPERTOIRE and ONE NIOHT COMPANIES WANTED. House always rilled. R. R. and faotory town, awnji A. J. HACKBUT, Mgr. and Prop. HIGH VLuim MAGICAL APPARATUS AtModsrata Prices. Urge Stock, immense Variety. Illustrated Catalogue Free. ""■*"■■• A. ROTERBERO, 146 Illinois Bt., Chicago, 111. Wanted, GOOD ATTRACTIONS For Columbia Opera Hon* , Oper TIIKMONT, ILLINOIS. FBKD H. THOUT, Manager. SHOW CANVAS *$$£> BT TIIE J. C. COBS CO., DETROIT MI OH ALSO POB SALE 100 SPRDOK POIJtt S THE BAR* OE DREaSan. Jhe Cutlery Kino THC MONCV SAVER FOR RHle? ■ OABP MCW ANDAUCTlowiy fi; 2iJ^SLt^JSSBXSJS^J^mm Ji*m quick. Write tor Ca«al»ove-TH?Hoti •LET! EVER PUBLISHED. "°" COMPL HARRY L. WEISBAUM .tag B. Madison it., CHlCAOfe BALLOONS AND CARNIVAL GOODS All Fresh Stock. ONE GROSS IN BOX. OVa GAS BALLOONS an made of the best Preach rubber In three colors, red, bine sm green, that Inflate mil sin, war- ranted best quality < piece rubber. "o- PerOroa. «60. Aborted colors 15 11 1. White rattan switches... 11 00. Fancy covered wains..., 1 h _WHISTLINQ BALLOONS. Ko. PerGioa. U. Assorted colors |l )| 66. Assorted colors 200 66. Assorted colors sm 68. McOlnly too 160. Berpents BM 80. Flying Serpents 3 to We also carry full lines of Walking Canca.CticapJewelry Pocket KnlvcB.PlckontPrlMs Return Balls, etc.. snd mite jwnurn jians, etc.. ana male np selected lots for $1, in, 120 and up. Catalogue milled - on application. oue.,YONOE&CO, TtM and gt. Charles BL, BT. LOUIg. MO. PATENTS ( WE MAKE a specialty of prose- cuting patent cases relating to theatrical and scenic effects. Protect your ideas, not by cheap patents but by good patents. Our theatrical clients are among the most successful machin- ists, carpenters, property men and elec- tricians. Write us to-day for free ad- vice and hand book on Patents. Copy- rights secured on plays and sketches. MUNN eft. CO. Solicitors of Patenis Publishers Holentlflc Americas 361 imOAHWAV. NEW YOU K B ranca Olee, Washington, D. C. <| W |HT Ls6fc mm E2RA KENDALL'S 3D BOOK-ALL KB*. GOOD BRflV, A pure tonlo of wit sad humor. Jut oat SPOTS ° r W " ana BamoT - Eira Kendall'. 1st B00E-IOO.OM toll . By Hall, sso. each. Address EZRA KENDALL, 60 South 7th Ave., lit Temon, M. T. Do You WANT MILITARY GOODS? >iu aoYemment — ■ No matter what jon want Is that line I can .apply it Hew or second hand. Send lor catalogue. B. B. ABRAHAMS. jaa South St, Philadelphia, P*. Acme Studio. 48 AND 51 NEST 28TH ST., N. Y., Art Photographers SPECIAL RATES TO THE PROFESSION. Op W date and no»el effects In Lobbj display photos^. MEDICINE SNOW, AIR RIFLE, GAME, SLOT MACHINE ANO SOUVENIR MEN, -^T TEN XI ON- I am the CHEAPEST MANUFACTURER In 1" )W JEWELRY and NOVELTIES. UJipjrr, s. k D. Corns., Soubrette loE"""'?.""** null silent Aots, Banjo com. n; •}"-_■ ffl joining. PRU-RI-TA PBDO CO.. Roc" 'j ^iii avwvWVWWWWWVWWlrWWrWWy For KIDNEY TROUBLES and CATARRH aJtie APSULES ZrliP BLADDER Cures all (Discharges to 48 Hours \se ■@ AUGUST 8. THE NE¥ YOBK CLIPPEE. 553 MASSAC Hl'SU'l IS. iimiton. — The first gun of the local Fall mid Winter 'season Ik fired by Ihe Grand onera House and Mimic, Hall, whoso doors lire to be opened .Saturday night of thin week. Lfist week was another good one for indoor ie»orts.the weather being, with one elocution, v/ry comfortable In the city. W. H. ONolll, nf the Crescent Gardens and Point of Pines : Thomas Early, of "Darkness and Dawn ;" nnd Frank W. Mend, of the Wonderland, have been summoned to appear In the Chelsea I'ourt Monday, Aug. 8, and plead to the charge 'of violating the Sunday laws. The former Is charged with running nnd main- taining a theatre on the Lord's Day. and Hie latter are charged with running and pro- moting public diversions on the Lord's Day. These resorts are located at Uevere Beach, nnd are only a small part of the Summer sIiowb the Btate police has been waging war against. .' ■ ._ _ * . _ . . THemont Theatbd ( Jno. B. Schoeffel, man. ngerl. — Tills Is the thirteenth week of "Peg- gy from Paris." and on Aug. the one hundredth performance will be celebrated hv the Introduction of several new features. The committee of the Franco-American league, heretofore composed of but two mem- bers, will be Increased to four, the vaudeville team of Trask and Gladden working with pan Baker and E. H. O'Connor. One of the new numbers recently Introduced Is rendered by sixteen young women, dressed In hand- some gowns, who step on the stage from large bandboxes, to assist Georgia Calne. Miss Calne, owing to Illness, was out of the cast' several' times last week. Her place was acceptably filled by Eulalle Jensen. Business continues et or quite closo to ca- pacity mark. "The Prince of Pllsen" Is an- nounced to begin a four weeks' engagement Grind Opei:.» House (George W. Magee, manager). — The sixteenth season of tills house opens Aug. 8. "The Child Slaves of New York" will be the opening attraction. nnd will continue through the following week. The play Is a melodrama and re- ceives Its Initial presentation here. It was written by Charles E. Blaney and Hownrd Hall. Among the players are: Jaquelln Lewis, 'ienrvle Muck, the Child Slaves Oc- tette, aud the Child Slaves Boys' Bund. MfJSiC Ha j.i. (Stair & Wilbur, managers). "Dowu by the Sea" opens the season of this bouse Aug. 8. Fanny Curtis, a Bos- tonlan, heads a strong cast. A number of changes have been In the theatre since it closed, the most conspicuous being the new arcade entrance, extending from Washington Street to Hamilton Place, and which gives this house three entrances. c.irai; Square Thbatbe (J. II. Emery, raannger). — "Her MaJeBty" Is being presented for i he first time at this house this week by tin- stock. Mary Hall Is seen In the role originated by Grace George. The full strength of the company Is used, as the pro- duction requires a big cast. "A Poor Re- lation" was Immensely popular last week, the chief honors falling to Horace Lewis, whose Interpretation of the leading chnrncter was great. Next week, "Her Lord and Master." Keith's Theatrk (B. F. Keith, manager). — Thin week's bill Includes James O. Bar- rows, John Lancaster and Co., In "A Jolly Jollier ;" James Thornton, Itae and Brosche, Dereada and Brecn, Walter Daniels, Collins, and Hart, Charles Ernest, Clifford and Hall. Wilton Brothers, the Lucadoa, Kussell and Buckley, Davis and Walker, Fadette'B Wo- man's Orchestra, nnd blograpli. Evenness of bill characterized last week's offering, which was a very good one. Dillon Broth- ers, Irving Jones, Ciishmnii, Holconibe and Curtis, Joe and Nellie Doner, Three Westons, and Mnsoz and Mnzett were the best cards. A great novelty Juggling net wan given by nwlcy and Itandull, who deserved n better place on the bill. William Cahlll was out of the bill after early part of week. Austin & Stonb'b Museum (Stone & filinw, managers). — Professor Bcnlger's Ve- netian Qondollers made a decided hit last week, and hold over another week. Countess Van Nell. In her great needle threading feat, Is again the big card In the curio hall. Stage show : Emerald Trio, Lillian Held, Goodwin Brothers, Jessie Le Coy, Huddard and Hoppe, Dolly and Barney Flynn, Oldene Trio, tha Harringtons. Lulu Brown, Hathaway Sis- ters, Ktbel Graham, Park and Beaumont, and Henry and Franks. Palace Thhatrh (Chns. II. Waldron, man- ager). — "The Country School," a musical burlctta, by Lew Carroll, aud "The Watch Dog," a comedy, by Thomas and Watson, are hilled for current week. Vaudevllllnns are: The Parkers, Frank Emerson, Finn and War- ren, May Hussell, and John C. Hart and com- pany. Nickelodeon (L. B. Walker, manager). —Walker's Imperial Minstrels, Fred Blake and Eddie Rice, boxers; Jnnuary Jacobs, ci i ii for I In Hint, and Mile. Jen nc I tn, cambric queen, are curio hall features for this week. In the theatre : "Lc Malt re do Hotel" In- troduces Nellie Hartford, Chas. II. Sovern, Ionise Gray, Dolly Perkins, Viola Kutchings, nnd others. NouuMnEOA I'auk, Auburndale. — A great vaudeville bill Is being presented this week. The HomaldoB. Cooper and Bailey, Kelter Tom Browne, and Yacklcy and Bunnell con- stitute the offering. Crescent Oakum (Wm. H. O'Nell, raan- nger). —Quaker City Quartet, Flnlay and Burke, Hlce Brothers. Udell nnd Penrcc, the Nnrlsses, and Murphy and Andrews sup- ply this week's bIiow. Point op Pinks (Wm. H. O'Neill, rann- ncox).— Manager O'Neill Iiob reorganized the Vines Musical Comedy Co., and under the direction of Fred Perkins the company Is seen' this week In "The Tinted Venus." Marlon Manola has the title role. Sunday bill Included Marlon Manola, Three ('rune Brothers, Gardner nud Madden, Gertrude B. Fitzgerald, Arthur McGalvery, Frank Liv- ingston, and Lynn Cadet Band. Lkxinoton Pahk. — Week of Aug. I : Mc- Intyre and Rico. Van Brothers, Sam Drone, and HID and Whlttaker. •Mkuhord Boulevard Theatre (J. W. Gor- man, munnger). — Ellnore Sisters, Fltzglhhon, McCoy nnd Fltzglhhon, Ah Ling Foo, Eldora and Norlne, Bush and Gordon, and James Jrwln are current entertainers, Notes. — Aug. 17 Is the date set for the reopening of the Howard W. L. Mel- horn, a BoBton singer, Joined the "Peggy from Paris" Co. last week Lillian Law- icpco haa been visiting friends the past week at North Falmouth Jay Hunt, of the Bowdoln Square, and his family are at Ashevllle, N. C Thomas P. Wright, ft , Keith's, is . spending his vacation at Itinodnlc Harry Hnrwood Is at Little llnmond Island, Me Christine Blessing, Rose Bonudet and Annie Buckley hnvc been engaged by Henry W. Savage for "The County Chairman.'' Jerome Sykes, In "The Billionaire," will begin his tour In September, with a three weeks' engagement ut the Colonial Cbnrles It. Sturgls, busi- ness manager of Ward tc VokeB' Co., Is at Itovere Beach "Beware of Men" fol- lows "The Child Slaves of New York" at • he Grand Opera Mr. nnd Mrs. Thomas Jefferson have left Buzzard's Bay and gone to the White Mountains for a short sojourn. Mr. and Mrs. Frederic Ormonde, who nave Iteen visiting the parents of Mrs. Or- monde, In Boxbury, have Joined H. C. Itlaney's companv. In "Across the Pacific." • Margaret York, a member of "Peggy from Paris" Co., left last week to become a bride Manager C. H. Smith has resigned from the Majestic Theatre management, to • oke the management of "Qulncy Adams Sawyer" the coming senson Mr. and Mrs. Campbell Gollnu are at their Summer liome at Gloucester. Mr. Gollnn has a four years' contract with David Belasco "Oumcy Adams Sawyer", comes In Hie Bos- ton Sept. 28 Mm BclaHcu; of this city, will sail for London Aug. 7 Grace Hii- bnrt Tiffany Is spending the Summer with her parents In Lowell. part incut, npiienred ut. the I'olul of Pines Theatre 2, in HOprmio select lolls Kits Snrln»rU>lil.—.u the Court Square Thp- n ,'. rp .°V.. C - 1,c Xolr - malinger).— William 11. nests Minstrels gave a most enjoyable even- ing a entertainment July 28. to a largo house. Lvery number was heartily encored, espe- cially the solos of James II. Sutllcr, Aubrey Prlnglo nnd CharleB K, Onno. James King and 1 red tlnber, the end men, slmplv kept Hie audience in a continuous uproar.' The olio. Including Mnrnhy nnd linno. The klelmcrs. mill Kartelll, ware good. The show closed with a satire on "The wizard of Oz." Corse Pay ton's Stock Company Aug. 3-15, Hami-dkn Park (J. F. Burke, manager). — A programme made up of first class vaude- ville acts drew good houses 10 the theatre all the past week. The Cain Japanese troupe gave the free exhibition nnd were well worth seeing. Clarence Logan's Policy Play- ers arc the attraction In the theatre this week, and for the free feature the manage- ment - Is negotiating for one of the ' most sensational of outdoor attractions. Forest Lake. Palmer (P. J.' Casey, man- ager). — The season Is progressing finely and each succeeding week finds larger crowds discovering the many advantages of the varied attractions. Mudge and Morton were the Stella attractions of the past week's bill, which enjoyed One business. Tom Brown's troubadours are underlined for this week. Gossip.— -The Springfield Aerie, No. 1-18, of Eagles Is to held its third annual clam- bake and outing at nivcrslde Grove, 5, when a throng of bIx hundred strong will moke an attack upon the bivalves. The marching battalion of the aerie Is fast rounding Into shape for the grand conven- tion of the order In New York, early In Sep- tember, when they are sure of making a good Impression. The Westflcld aerie Is to hold Its clambake at Woronoco Park Aug. 20. Louis l'arlno, of the opera enfe, leaves u for a three weeks' vacation, the trip to Include New York, Philadelphia and Atlan- tic City Culver's topsy turvy, which has been In Paris, France, for the past two months. Is now to be seen In London, Eng. James It. Gill nil in, manager of the Academy of Music, Northampton, with his family, Is sojourning at Money Island, Ct„ for a short time Clara Blandlck, of the Hunter and Bradford Summer stock company, nt Worcester, closed with the com- pany Saturday, and left for New York, where she will commence rehearsing with "The Christian" company, in which she Is to assume the role of Glory Quayle. The company will open at the Academy of Music, New York, Aug. 10. MIbs Hlnndlck's place with the stock com- pany wtlll be taken by Sue Van Dusen Manager Haver, formerly of the Academy of Music, Plttsfleld, is to have the management of Wallace & Gllmore's Fllchburg bouse, nnd E. J. Gates will look after the Academy of Music until bis new opern house, at Home, N. v., Is ready, which will be early In 100-1. State President Adrian L. Potter In- stituted a new aerie nt Chlcopec July 20, when sixty members were given wings, nfter which the following officers were elected. P. W. P.. John C. Ttourke: V. P., John M. Dneen; W. V. P., John Movnllmu : W. P., Dr. W. M. 15. Mcllen; W. S., Jeremiah Cor- coran; O. G., Daniel Welch; Chaplain, Ed- mund Dwycr : treasurer, John Fliiniignn : trustees, Adolpb Plon, Frank Fnirell and T. C. Carrlgan. Visitors were present from Holyoke, Westfleld, Chlcopce Falls and this city. An nerle was nested nt Fltchburg Aug. 2. Among its charter list are nine of Hie men of llurgreaves' Circus. Paper was put out tills week for a charter list at Palmer and Ware Myron Ba- ker, of Baker, Armstrong and Baker, with Walter L. Main's Circus, met with a slight accident at the afternoon per- formance at Plttsllold, 25, while riding the 'cycle whirl. He attempted to stop his wheel too quickly while the machine was at the top of the whirl, und was precipitated to the elevated stage. It was found that, al- though no iHines were broken, he was badly bruised and cut. .. .Arthur Jar vis, a Jockey, was thrown from his horse, sprained his ankle nnd was somewhat bruised, which will Interfere with his appearing for a short time only Alex Wilson, the ventriloquist, is to appear at a lawn party at Floreuce, 0. . . . Maude 0. George, of "When Johuny Comes Marching Home ' Co., Is visiting her parents In Ihts city for a short time. ■ Lowell, — Inclement weather had affected the out door attractions at the parks the past week, and the attendance him not been up to the usual high standard. Lakeview Theatre (J. J. Flynn, mana- ger), — The attraction nt tills popular house the past week was Hie Colonial Opera Co., In "Three Black Cloaks." The vocal numbers were In good hands, and were liberally ap- plauded. Business was very satisfactory. For current week, the same company, In "11. M. S. Pinafore." Willowdalb Park (J. H. Tebbetts, mana- ger).— There was a very pleasing bill In tha theatre the past week, Including: The Nor- rises, Stelncrt and Thomas, and Gilbert Ha- rony. The park attraction for the current week its Capt. Sidney Hlnman and life sav- ing dogs, and for the theatre a vaudeville bill, headed by Earl and Wilson. Canobib Lake Park (J. W. Gorman, man- ager). — There was an excellent bill in the rustic theatre the past week, and enjoyed by very good business. The numbers wcro: Ward and Currau, Fltzglhhon, McCoy and Fltzglbbon, Ah Ling Foo, Eldora and Norlne. and the La Nole Brothers. For Aug. 3 and week the bill will Include: Ward and Cur- ran (second week), In "The Terrible Judge;" Prof. Collins nnd boxing kangaroo, "Lanky Hob ;" the Darrows, Reel nnd Shaw, Klllecu and Murphy. Business Is very good. HAMPTON Beach Casino (J. W. Gorman, manager). — The casino has enjoyed liberal patronage the past week, and a very pleasing bill Including the Three Mlllettcs, Ethardo, Pryor Brothers, Udell and Pearcc, and the Laskovs. Instead of the usual vaudeville, the N. II. Music Teachers' Association will hold their annual music festival In the ca- sino. The programme will consist of twenty- five "State"' soloists, assisted by the N. II. Philharmonic Orchestra. The stars will be : Clara Snxton, sopruuo; Adah C'ampbell-Ilus- scy contrnlto; John Young, tenor; Stephen Townsend, baritone; L. Wlllnrd Flint, basso, and Edwurd Baxter P«™ Plnnlst. , Pinbhuiist Park (8. Edgar Whltaker. manager). — The inclement weather affected the attendance somewhat the past week, during Die afternoon converts, but evenings were well attended. s Lynn. — At Shay's Summer Show House, Buss Point, Nahiiut (J. J. Shay, manager',, the business last week was big. Die Al. Anderson end Billy Van's Minstrels occupy the boards for another week. Goiimin's Guidbn Theatre. Salem VVil- low* (M. J. Ikiylc, manager). — This doom Is doing a capacity business. The current bill Is rhe New York Comedy Co., which In- cludes John TIH's marionettes, Harry Smith and Jto'ie Ressner, Carlln and Otto, Mitchell nnd Marron, Fnrnum and Nelson, Fred Stuber. and Cnthcart. Notes. — J. Graham Murphy, of this c ty, late of the CaBtle Square Stock Co.. has signed with the George Obcr Co.. and will sturt on the road Aug. 30 Eddie Mum- ford, another of Lynn's promising young ac- tors, who wbb with the Franklc Corpcntcr Co, loBt season, haB signed a contract to ap- pear with Ward & Vokea next season Gertrude Bentrlce Fitzgerald, daughter of inspector Fitzgerald, of the Lynn Police De- .. sopr C. Drew, singing and "dancing sniilircl le, of Boston, who since her recent Illness bus been enjoying the sea 'breezes ill Nnliont, has r»- Jnlneil the "Busy Izzy" Co.. with which she traveled last season A great amount of work Is being done In Mm Lynn Theatre In I he way of renovating MM Improving the place, ami everything will be ready for ihe opening, which occurs the Inst of the present month. The regular season will. It Is under- stood, open wtlu the Frnnkle Carpenter Co. as the attraction Stuart Brian will bo the musical director nt the Lynn Theatre next senson, having been re-engaged by Man- ager Harrison. Worcester.— Worcester Thentre ( Felix It. Wondclscbaefer. manager). — The final week of the New York Players begins Aug. :i. The company wll produce "Dr. Jekvll nud Mr. Hyde." with Mr. Breesc In the dual role. Sue Van Duser comes (o take the plnco nf Miss Blandlck, nnd will piny the role of Florence Jekyll. Last week "The Masquer- ade Ball" played, to excellent patronage, and the farewell which the public tendered Miss Blandlck on her Inst appearance must have been exceedingly gratifying. Lake (Worcester Consul. St. By. Co., mali- ngers). — Week of 3, J. W. Gorman's Ala- bama Troubadours. Immense crowds are In attendance twice a day at this popular out- door theatre. Pineiicrst Rustic Theatre (Shea & Wil- ton, managers). — Young's Concert Co. and the City Brnss Band give sacred concerts on 2. During the week of 3 Young's Ideals, Including the St. Once Bros., Kittle Bingham, Mai low. Plunkett and Thornton. Kenney and Clnhane. Marshall, and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Young, will furnish the vaudeville. Notes. — Hunter nnd Bradford have signed with Felix R. W'endclschnfcr for another Ben- son of Summer stock, to commence Memorial Day. Jtnit Miss Blandlck, Mr. Handy- side, Miss Bradford and Miss Franklyn re- turned last night to New York, where they begin rehearsals for the revival of "Tho Chrlstlun," at the Academy of Music Victor Benolt, a Worcester boy, will mnko bis npiiearance with the New York Players this week. ItivKiiTiiN Paiik (lid. Newman, malinger). — Large crowds were' In nltendauce at this resort week of July 27. J. W. Gormnn s Imperial Minstrels furnished a very- enter- taining programme, contributed by the fol- lowing members of the company : Bob Evans, Jennings and Renfrew, New I oil Brothers, llotilnnd nnd Oulnii, nml the Pre- mier Quintet. ♦«» OHIO. North Adams, — Empire Theatre (James Sullivan, manager). — West's Minstrels ouen- ed the regular season July 27, to a largo audience. The company is one of the best organizations that has visited this city In years. Vali.kv Park Theatre (W. P. Meade, manager). — "Muldoon's Picnic" opened 27, to fair business. Business continued good during the balance of the week. Bmini-m & Bailey's Circus arrived In town 2(1, and pitched their tents on the fair grounds. They played two performances 2, to almost the capacity. Note, — Mea Lorkln, a member of llio "Snu Toy" Co., nrrlvcd In town 24, after a senson of forty-four weeks with that com- pany. Miss Larklu Is visiting her parents here. Taunton.-— Subbatln Pnrk (J. J. Flynn, mnnugerl. — "The Trolley Parly" proved a great drawing card week of July 27. Tho Amerlcun Minstrels arc due week of Aug, 3. TAi.AQi.'KnA Park (E. V. Bevls, manager). — For week of Aug. 3 will hnvc Iiottnop lc Tolman's Mudtown Rube Specialty Co., con- sisting of Crane Bros., Fred and Bessie Luclcr, James Francis Dooley, Wood and Ray, and Allnlre and Cavllle. Wooiiwaiid'h Sprinq, commencing 3, will have the Old Kentucky Jubilee Singers. Diotiton Rock and Lakeside Paiiks have the blograpli and lllUBtruted songs, as well as concerts, for drawing cards week of o. Cincinnati. — The dead walls are again bright with dazzling lithographs Hint tell of the coining season In Hie dramatic world. Although the wizard of the weather hero promises hot dog days, another week will see the Inaugural of the run of HIOH-'IH at two of i he holmes and others have announced the date of their openings. The .Summer senson Is waning. Opera will end In another week at Chester Park. Chutes Park (l. M. Martin, manager). — The Chutes Pnr» Opera Company closes Its Mam wllli the presentation of "The Bohemian Girl," which will be singed Aug. 2. Floyd d'Aublgiif will be cast as Tbnd- deus, nnd Annie Llchler ne Arllnc. At tho vaudeville theatre: Heyninur nnd Duprco, James B. Donovan, Brazil and Brazil. La- redo and Blake, and Charles Heckler will ap- pear. Last weok Zam and iiara, nud Bertha Dorian were favorites, while Charles H. King, nn old time favorite, went on to till out the bill. The Kilties Band will come to Hie Opera House u. Coney Island (W. E. Clark, manager). — Vaudeville will be resumed 2, nfter n week of the successful reign of Dan Rice's Dog and Pony Circus. The Harrison Brothers will put on "Running for Senator," aud Will Bensley, Helen Kollltter, the Boltou Quar- tet, Fred. R. Hume and Caprice Ia-wIs will be seen. Business Is good. Luulow Laiuxin (J. J. Weaver,' manager). — 'The Kentucky resort la setting Its- shnro of patronage. Director of Amusements Max Rosenborg announces the Eight Cnriiallas. the Butler Sisters, Charles Biirkhart, and Christie Jones ns his entertainers at tho rustic theatre 2. The Zoo (Walter Draper, manager). — Rose Fisher Smith was the soloist nt the inusicnle given by Frohllch's Orchestra dur- ing the week. mnr Oiiand Oikra House (Harry Ilnlu- forth & John II. Hiivlln, managers).— Tho season will open Sept. 7. Coi.iimiiia Theatmu (M. C. Anderson, manager). — Announcement has Just becj nindc of the opening of the senson Aug. 23. Hkuck'h Ol'HRA House (Heuck, Fennessyft Stair, managers). — .lule & Elmer Walters' new melodrama. "The Buffalo Mystery," which deals with the Iturdlck vase, will open the season here t). PKoi't.H's Theatre (Hubert Heuck, mana- ger). — I'M. F. Rush's Bon Ton Burlesque's ■ire coming tl. to open tho season at tho home of burlesque. Snow Slioi' Talk. — Al. Grume, formerly treasurer of the Pike Opera House, Is gulag 1o Indianapolis to Join Max Anderson's forces at the Grand Opera House. .. .John A. Avery bus resigned ns press representative of the Lyceum, People's and Hcttck'a. Ho goes to Chicago. His successor Is Joseph Weber, furnieily secretary to James E. Fonnesscy. xDuiugec Fvnnessey ran In for a day, on business vonncoted with the now Heuck & Fciiiiossev theatre, ou Vine Street, and then wont East Jennie Strauss, Cin- cinnati's girl violinist, may Join Sousn next season. ,. ..Manager John II and IIohs, the Two Ixunbcrts, and Morcluntl nnd Fagnn. .. m llnyton. — The Park' Theatre (llnrry K. Feleht, manager) will open Aug. 3, wlili "The Buffalo Mystery." "When the Hell Tolls'' Aug. tl-S. I.akksmii: Park (Jus. A. Kirk, manager). — 'I'lie popular act of "Until, Hlg nnd Clair" was retained for another week July 27. HlK business. Faiuvikw Park ((.'. G. Gross, manager). --Till' Glasgow Stock Co. presented "The Valley of Kentucky," week of July 27, to full' business. , H'biikii'h .Military nA.vn gave two con- certs nt this nark July 20-21), to hlg business. The attaches oi» -rim Park Tiikatiik, of this city, sent a bnndsome llorul piece to In- (llitiiapolls on tho death of Geo. Dickson, who was ono of Hie lessees of the house. NiiiKiusky. — At Cellar Point Pleasure. Resort (Geo. A. Boeckllug. mnuager). — Week of July 2(1 proved n record breaker In point of ittli'iidanrc, the theatre being packed nt i very performance. The olio consisted ■ of Hie Three Lelllots, Ilnlght and Dean, tho Three lCelsey Sisters, klnudronic, mid Ack- ley's famous band. The programme for week' of Aug. 2 Includes: Geo. II. Adams' Company, In comedy; Harris and Walters, loinvilliiim; Spuiildlng, equilibrist, and the klnndrome. Cahlb Park.-— Harris' Nickel Plate Cir- cus had big business July 27. Morris A Berger's Carnival Comimny comes Aug. 4-H. Columbus. — Empire Theatre (II. Wise- man, mnniiRor). — "The Climbers" plnycd, to packed houses, week of July 27. Due, week of Aug. 3, "Winchester." Oi.entanoy Park (J. W. DnesenlM>ry, munnger). — "Unhy" played, to fair business, week of July 27. Week of Aug. 3, "Silent System" 3-5: "Truth" 0-8. Hum Street Theatre (A. G. Ovens, manager) opens In August, with "Railroad Jack." here from Odin, Mich,, Aug, liivlln arrived 1, nud went dl- linijoke. — Mountain Pnrk Casino (W. It. Hill, miiiiagcri. — The opera company gave a very satisfactory production of "Paul Joner. week of July 27, to large attendance. The ntlr.ictlon for the week of Aug. 3 will be "Thi Bohemian Girl." Footi louTH.— Tho Opera House will open for the season Aug. 21, with George Sidney, in "Busy l/zy." Arthur Alsten, nf this city, manager of "At the Old Cross Roads." Is spending the month of August with his fnmiiy at Asbury Park The Empire Theatre will open Its soason tho first week lu September. ■ Lawrence. — Glen Forest (J. J. Flynn, mnnnger). — Tho Cosmopolitan Specialty Co. held the hoards week of July 27. to good busi- ness. Coming, week of Aug. 3, "The Trol- ley Tramp." Canouie Lake Park (J. W. Gorman, man- ager). — The Bostou Novelty Co. came, to wry good business, wu-k of July 2. Coming, week of Aug. 3, the Alhambra Novelty Co. < i » niSTItli T OF COLUMBIA. Wnslilnirtnn. — After several weeks of an absolute dearth of theatrical amusement, tho longest period of "nothing doing" that has occurred for several years, the season Is being opened during tho present week, at the Acndcmy of Music (John W. Lyons, manager), by that excellent melodrama, "Slaves of the Mines," the snmc play which ns "Pennsylvania," opened this house last seuson. "King of Detectives" 10-1 n. The Lyceum (Eugene Kernnn, manager), and the Lafayette (Ira J. La Mottc, manager), will open their seasons one nnd two weeks later, respectively. These three liniisus aro con- trolled by tho Stulr-IInvlln-Kcrnan Mana- gerial Association. The Grand (Miss H. Wlnnlfred De Witt, mnnnger), one of the chain of theatres owned hy P. It. Chnse, Is now undergoing a complete remodeling from Its magnificent lobby entrance, through nil Us departments, to the utmost limits of Its stage. All of the most modern Improvements are being added, nnd the house, while It was oil that could be desired before, will open Its season about t. 14 with a splendor that will dazzle Sept. and surprise Its great army nf patrons... The National, Columbia and Empire at each In the hands of the renovators, all things necessary being done to open their doom during the next few weeks, nnd Ibv season will be wide open before the last week in September Cabin John Bridge Pork and Chevy Chase Park are supiilylng all the amusement possible during the In- terval of no theatrical amusement, and they have been welt patronized, «•» MAINE. Portland. — At McCulltim's Theatre. Cape Cottuge Park (Hartley McCullum, manager/. — -Judging from the size of the audience* attending. It would seem that everybody with their sister, their cousin and their aunt, turned out to enjoy and applaud the players' efforts In their pleasing presentation of "The Belle of lllchmnnd," nt this resort, week of July 27. Tho "Wigwam yulnlelte" (a name adopted by several Jolly members of the company) added value to the even- ing's entertainment by their pleasing vocal selections. Week of Aug. 3, "A Family Affair," will be the bill. Oem Theatre. Peak's Island (C. \V. T. Oodlng, manager). — Week of July 27, "Miss Hoblis proved to be one of the most pleas- ing bills of the Reason thus far presented hv the stock ut this house. For the week of Aug. 3, "Christopher Jr." Jefferson Theatre (Cahn & Grant, man- agers). — The Daniel Ryan Stock Co. open here 8, for a four weeks' run, In a repertory of popular plays. The house has been dark since July 18. 'Will. rect to St. Louis to arrange for the opening of his bouses there. .. .Louis Bauer, uno of the old line of theatrical door keepers, and for years on duly nt the I 'Ike nnd Robinson's. died July 20, nt the Branch Hospital, of consumption. Ills widow Is wardrobe mis- tress nt the Grand, nnd his daughter, Alum Bauer, one of the pretty girls In tho chorus of the Chester Park Oporu Company. Max (.'. Anderson, of Ilia Columbia-walnut, has gone lo Sun Francisco John Reagan und Dollln James, who did a turn at the Ludlow Lagoon Inst week, were mnrrlcd July 27. They were with the Wallace Circus during the season The funeral of Ksslo Kiinpp, the dead "Wizard of <)t" flrl, was held ut St. -Mary's Churoch here. ler remains wore brought to Cincinnati from New York Maria Dal r Is training little people for a run of Juvenile opera at Coney Island. ■ Cleveland At the Colonial (A. F. Marsh, mnnnger). — This house closed Its doors Saturday night, Aug. 1, after a most successful season of comic opera. Tho com- pany presented "Tim Rounders," for the first time In Cleveland at popular prices, nud the performances of Hie present weok reached Hie standard attained by this popular com- pany at the beginning of Its snuion. Harden (C. L. La Marcho, manager).— "Tho Bohemian Girl" is being sung the cur- rent week. Francis Sadler, tho Cleveland baritone, who has been singing In Now York for some time, Is tho Count Ariihvlm, The other roles aro ns follows: Arllnc, Helen Darling; FlorcsHn. Curl King: Thnddmii, Frederic Knight; Gypsy Queen. Dolln Nlven; Dcvllshoof, William Scllcry ; Captain of Ibo Sword, Edw. Everett ; Hilda, tho nurse. Pau- line llnriee. Tho popular "Mikado" was sung .week of July 27, and pleased tho many patrons. "Tho -Chimes of Normandy" will be given week of Aug. 10. Lyceum (J. K. Cookson, mnnnger). — Tho Vnughn-Glnser S4ock Co. Is producing "Jim tho Penman," tho currant weok, all of Mr. Ghiser's company being still with him. "My Friend from Inula" was tha attraction Inst week. Cleveland (J. K. Cookson, manager). — 'Pills house opened Its doors Monday uftor- uoon, Aug. 3, with "The Eleventh Hour" ns the drawing card. This piny was given here last season, and was well received. Manhattan Beach. — MUs Ora Cecil, tho young woman who is nppcnrlng at linstock's with n group of leopards nnd panthers, Is tho star feature the current week. She has made a big hit nnd the fact that her nnlinuls arc still partly untamed odds to the thrill of her act. Mine, Plnnka also appears with her trained linns, and Cnptalu Robert Mnc- I'liorson continues his training of Wallace, l ho untamed lion. Other foatures aro: Wll- sua, wlih his trained bears; Dehorn, the snake charmer ; Hie monkey that loops Hie loop, and others. Arnb, the gorilla, still at- tracts his shum of attention. Dr. Buckey has resigned his position of secretary and Ircnsitrcr of Rostock's Cleveland Show, and has Iuhmi succeeded by C, W. Argo, who had formerly been tho show's announcer nnd lec- turer. Mr. Argo Is one of the most popular men connected with this plant, and Is ono of Mr. linstock's oldest and ablest men. R, /.. Aqtilnton continues ns linstock's general mnnnger. ('apt. Robert R, MocPherson, Hie principal animal trainer hero fur Hie show, Is the hardest worked man in the aggrega- tion. He is constantly nt work brnak'ng In new animals or showing off the old ones al- niidy tuitglit. Toledo. — Farm Theatre (Otto F. Kllves. manager). — The current week's bill was not up to the standard. The attendance has been fair. A strong bill Is booked for Ang. 2 and week, and includes: Dolnn and Loiiharr, the Itexos, Howard Bros,, Hie Three Sisters Kel- cey, Al. Stern, and Grecnn nnd Warner. Casino Theatre (Frank Burt, mnnnger), — "The Bohemian Girl" scored well July 20 nnd week. "Plrnlos of Penzance" will be ■ting Aug. 2 nnd week. Bkllevub Park (J. W. MrCormlck, mnnn- ger). — The hill nt this park 20 and week has been only fair: attendance light. For Aug. 2 and week Manager McCormlck an- nounces a strong bill, viz. : Al, Lawrence, Lloyd and Waltonc, the Brlttom, Henderson stculieiirllie — At Stanton Pnrk (T. S. Moleston, mannger), — The Evans, Davis nnd Evans Trio, In song nnd dance, pleased well, special intention being called to Mastor George Evans, In his dinning specialty. Its Is well limited tho boy wonder. Latlmnro nnd Leigh aro Ihe star attractions. Tim crowds aro liicrcuslng each night, and tho large cnsluo will hardly hold tho people who dock |o see Hielr not. Coming Aug. 3; Bay Cox, Joe Ileymnn, and Ihe whttesliles. Tho Grand will open 22, with "Zlg Zng Alley." Morion. Tim New llubor Hoof Garden, nniler the management of Chns. H. Ferry, was opened July 27. to capacity business. A splendid bill was presented. Including: Ilarr.and La Salle, Phillips Sisters, Doro- thea Kcycs. George . und , May • Woodward, nml Prof. Fleer's moving pictures. Bill for week of Aug. B. In part, will be: Dan and Holly Mann. McCnnn Family, nnd Minis. Fnrher Sparks' Circus Is billed for Aug. 8. .. Al«r —At Lakeside Park Casino (Harry llnwn, manager).— J. Rerimrd Iiyllyn. nil Akron favorite, nml n good hill had hlg houses .week of July 27. For week of Aug. •I: Mr. nml Mrs. Perkins Fisher, Senator lionk Hell, Carter and Ross, Von Kami). Topsy Turvy Trio Tho carnival given under MM niisplros of tho local labor unions has boon n Dig success. The General Amuse- ment Company of Cincinnati, under tho man- agement of Chns. B. Arnold, produced tho Midway attractions. **+ LOUISIANA. I * New Orleunn— At tho West End (J. J. Corcoran, manager) .— Notwithstanding tho dally rains weok of. July 2ft good crowds ylsllod tills popular Inko resort nnd en- Joyed tha splendid bill offered, Including: Veiizrln's Concert Rand, Rood's popular vl- Ingrnph and tho vaudeville bill: Bryan anil Nndliui (second wenk) scored ns benvlly ssi I hey did tho first, with tholr clover skit of ihinclng ami acrobatic work. John Lo Clulr. tho now feature, won much npplniiBo for hlsi excepilonnlly clev«r Juggling work, and will hold over weok nf Aug.. 2, while thn nsw I'omurs will bo tho Pucheco Family of acro- bats, seven In number, who luivo boon rust- ing up here .for tho past few days. Scenic Kailwat (Walter Keegon, mana- ger).— The usual big business was douo at this jsipular pavilion work of 20. aud Mnu- ager KtPjnn continues Improving his uinm- mnlli building weekly. Aiinand'h Illusion Palace (tl. Arnnml. mnniigor).— Mile. Inn, tho beautiful and dar- ing snnkn rhnrinor, has proven a big drawing card at this cosy little Illusion pnlnce. and big audiences applaud hur at each perform- ance AWIUJfW Park (Ed. F. Snnmons, mana- ger). — I'ho gorgeous production of "14112," by l.he splendid Olyraplii Opera Co., week of 211, with Richard Hnrlowe, thn woll known femnlo Impersonator, as the slar, proved u big treat lo the patrons of this strictly llrst class resort, and a splendid paying Invest- ment to Managers Beamons nnd Macholto, for full houses was tho ruin throughout I ho engagement ; tho encores received for each of the specialties kopt the programme work- ing long overtime) at nvory performance. Comedian John K. Young, who madn his Initial appearance, replacing Jolly Kd. Knglo- ton, who has returned homo for a much needed rest of Iwo or thrcn weeks duration, scored big, and Jumped right. Into big favor. Car rick -Major, tho able baritone, made miiny now friends with his clover character spn. chillies. Others deserving of special moll. Hon, besides Ilnrlowii nud Young, were Istttlo Kendall, ICittilco Clarke Drake, Kdnu Brutn- Icy. Harry Llghtwood, nud Leo Addc. Much credit Is duo In lh» huge and well drilled chorus, who, for tholr dances, drills, ale, were thn recipients nf unbounded apprecia- tion. For week of Aug. 2 tho bill Is "The French Maid," to lie followed, wenk of l>, by "Ship Ahoy." Notes. — I-ovcHc, America's well known mimic, scored Ihe biggest possible lilt nt Ihe Suburban Park (Vlrksbilrg. Miss.), weok of 211, and has returned burn for a rest,... Mannger Kd. F. Senmons left for Los An- geles, Cal., 21), to nrraugo for the opnnlng of his Ol vmpln Opera Co. early In September. During his absence Malinger W. II. Mu- chette sml his hustling business representa- tive. It. II. Priest, will lie In chargo of Athletic Park Rob Pltklu, tho young actor, Is resting up here for the Sum- mer with his relatives. He fans bean en- gaged for week of Aug. by Mm Olympla Oporn Co. and will be seen In "Ship Ahov," No morn popular Orlcnnlan ever trod Iho boards tliiiu Bob nnd n big reception awaits him The local lodge of Klks organized Iwo baseball clubs ami played at Atheletle Park week of 24 The entire plant nt Ihe 01 via |dn Onern Co. will bo moved from here about Aug. 31, with Los Angeles, Cal.. ns lis destination Illll Trouble, Iho popular doorkeepor nf the St. Charles Or- phcum, tins been appointed ticket agent nt the Indies' entrance at tho Baseball Park by Treasurer fins Wctiar. UTAH. ■■■•sow p ■ 1 Malt Lake.— Halt Lake Palace Thontro U. Myers, manager). — Weok of July 27: Simons and French, Horn Pellet ler, llurdell and Zarnlll, Seymour nnd Chester. For nlnrt days, beginning July 211, Dlnvolo loops tho loop, and Kllpnlrlck appears In his sen- sational ride down the stairs. Caldeu'h Park (J. Bergermnn, mnnnger). — In the vaudeville theatre: Tho Lowes, and Mllo. L« Forne. , ,__ 554 Titfe Istew irbBk bti^Pi^teR. AIjgi gust a mHSirtJMatJFrai THE FRAN K QUEEN PU BU8HIN0 C(L(LlmHid,) I'HOPHIETOM. H ALBERT J. BORLB, EDITORIAL AMD BDSINlgf. MANAaiB. SATURDAY, AUGUST 8, 19fJS. RATES. AdTwUiement*— 12.80 per Inch, ring]* col- umn. Advertisements «et with border, 10 per cent extra. 8LB8CIUPTION. . . One year In ad vance, $4 ; lix months, 92 • three months, ■ $1. Foreign pottage extra. Blngle copies will be aent, poitpald, on re- ceipt of 10 cents, Oar Terms are Caah. THE CLIPPER Is Jsiued every Wednesday naming. The last four (advertising) pages 80 TO PBE8B on Saturday at 11 a. »., and 10 other pagea on MONDAY and TUESDAY, The Forma Closing; Promptly, Ton- day, ait 10. o'clock A. M. Please romlt by express, money order, cheek, P. O. order or registered letter. All cash en- closed with letter la at the risk of sender. Address All Communications to THE NEW YOILK CLIPPBK, 47 W«at 28tb Street, New York. Rcgtitcred Cable Aiircts, "Anxjiowii," THE WESTERN BUREAU Of Tub Curns la located at Boom 002, Ashland Block, Chicago, Walter K. Hill, manager and correspondent, where adver- tisements) and subscriptions are received at our regular rates. . , , ■'■>•., THE LONDON BUREAU Located at 48 CrAnbouan St, London, W. C, I. P. Cougblau, manager and correspondent, where advertisements and subscriptions ace received at our regular ratea. TilB CLIPPER CAN BE OBTAINED, WHOLE- SALE and retail, at our agents, Brentano'a newa depot, 37 Avenue de 1'Opera, Paris, France; M. LUieuthai, Frledfloh Btraaao 101 (Terminus Hotel), Berlin, N. W., Ger- many ; Diamond Newa Co., 97 Prado, Ha- vana; Manila Book and Stationer/ Co., 128 Ksuolta, Manila, P. I. ; Albert A Son, 187- 1 ill) King St., Sydney, Australia. TOE NEW YORK CLIPPER publishes only one edition, and that la dated from New York. QUEftl ES ANSW ERED. No Replies by Mall or Telegraph. i i ADDBE8BEH OR WnBBBABOCTB NOT OIVEN. All in uuebt or such should wbite to those whom tu>.v ftJvEK, in cahe or TUB CialTKlT post omcM. All letters wild. HE ADVERTISED ONE WEEK ONLY. Il> THE ItOUTB OK ANY THEATRICAL COMPANY IS BOUOHT, RE FEU ' TO OTJB LIST OF ROUTES ON ANOTHBU FADE. WE CANNOT SEND BOOTES III' MAIL Oil TELfcllllAPH. DRAMATIC, , A. P.. Bowling Green. — We have no knowl- edge of the present whereabouts of the unity. Address a letter In our care, and we will advertise it In Tits Clipper letter list. theatre. 3. A. It.. I'nluiiihiis, — Address the party In rare of Debtor & Co.. Knickerbocker The- atre Building. New York City. . 1). A. It., Wilson. — Advertise your wants In Tiik CMrTKR. W. M. F„ -Trenton.— 1. We do not know address of party. 2. Any dealer in musical Instruments. _ ...... MILLIARDS. POOL, ETC. - • F. M, T., Rochester. — C could not lose the game, nor tho wnger u|wii the wimp, until U beats him, C, out, ut the finish of the game. CARD*. Constant Reaper. New York. — tu the two handed game a player can meld out, not Ifclug, required to <«*<• a trie* after melding, if ho has the rcqAilslto 1,000 points, Mountain Park Casino. Uolyoke. — B must be given the next card from the top of the pack beforo C receives the cards he called tor. .J. K.. Rochester. — The jack scores. When the dealer turns Jnck, and a misdeal occurs aftertcordt. even though it be In the same hand, or If he turns jack and the cards tbo nut by reason of the same suit being turned, he Is not debarred from scoring the point. J. M., Franklin.— If the dealer gives to any player too few or too many cards, ahd the player discovers and announces tbo fact before raising his hand, it Is a misdeal : the cards roust be reshuffled and recut, and tbe dealer deals again. F. L, Rochester. — Tbe jack of hearts turned up counts one point for the dealer. Bee answer to J. K. C. h. H., Newman. — 1. Any straight flash, which consists of five cards of the same suit, in sequence, constitutes wbot some persons < nil a "royal" flash. The lat- ter term finds no place In any standard work on tbe game of draw poker. 2. The habd counts 28 points. O. A., Grand Rapids. — The jack of spadea turned by the dealer counts for him. See antwer to J. K. T. F. H. and A. G. K., Hoboken.— 1. A stranger should bo Informed, before sitting down to play, regarding any special rules made by "the house," differing from the re- cognised laws of the game to be played. 2. They should continue playing up to 1.2G0, and Bhoutd pay more attention to their scores. DICE, DOMINOES, ETC. F. II., Ashtabula Harbor. — The game Is unknown to ns. ■ • •• ATHLETIC. ' W. R. S. — Wo have no record .of distance accomplished by a woman In a walking con- test of that duration. RING. A Rrader, Little Foils. — His right name Is Joseph Youngs and he was born at Red- wood, N. Y. BASEBALL. F. X. T, Antwerp.-—]. No. 2. It was a fair hit ball. 8. The umpire can run around the bases If he chooses to do so, but it was in- discreet in him to notify the runner that be had not touched a baas. He should have waited until the ball bad been thrown to the base and then passed judgment on the play. 4. In defining a balk, Rule 83, Tsec. :fc says: Any delivery of the ball to tbe bat by the pitcher while either foot la back of tbe pitcher's plate, and be Is not facing the batsman, as denned In Rule 20. . E., Kalamazoo.— -The bet is a draw, as rain prevented the third game with St. Louis. The New York game had nothing to do with the bet. . OVR CHICAGO LETTER. Luncheon eat Nick's," a sketch by Kate Jor- dan Vermllye, In which she will be assisted by Pedro de Cordoba and Frederick Kauf- man — two members of E. n. Sothern's com- pany. But there will be "others," Includ- ing Charley Case, Josephine Gassmao, the Piccolo Midgets, the Juggling Mathleus, the Wonderful Jordans, 8mTth and Fuller, and (FHOSI OUB OWN CORRESPONDENT.) Western Bureau Of the New York Clipper, Room SOS, Ashland Block, Chleasro. Saturday evening, Aug. 1, two more the- atres entered upon the regular season — the Studebaker, with "The Prince of Pllsen," and the Urea/t Northern, with "The Burgomas- ter." On Sunday afternoon, 2, the Criterion opens, with "The James Boys In Missouri." Next Sunday afternoon two more of Stair & Havlln'fl eight local theatres begin tbelr sea- son—the Academy, with "Bbamus O'Brien," and the Columbus, with "The Minister's Son." ,A week later. ID, McVlcker's will open, with Herbert Keloey and Effle Shannon, in "Sherlock Holmes -," tbe Tbirty-flrat Street Theatre will begin a preliminary stock season, with Ellta Proctor Oris as tbe star, In "The Crust of Society," and- Hopkins' Theatre will return to the drama, after a few seasons of burlesque, with "A Thoroughbred Tramp" as the Orst of the. Stair A Hovlln bookings. Novelty finds no place in the current offer- ings, bat everything shown upon the local boards tor the week wblcb opens Sunday has been previously tried and not found want- log In drawing power or capacity for enter- tainment of varying sort. "Babes In Toy- land," at tbe Grand Opera House ; "The Ten- derfoot," at tbe Dearborn, and Henry E. Dlxey, at Powers', are continued attractions — tie last of Chicago's Summer shows. Obano Opera House (Fred It, Hamlin, business manager). — The Hamlin-Mitchell presentation of "Babes In Toyland" goes Into its eighth week Sunday evening. The first change In tbe cast will then be made, Frank Hayes succeeding Elmer Tenley. Business 1b still Immense. DKAfUtouN Theatre (W. W. Tlllottson, manager). — Richard Carle's "The Tender- foot" enters upon Its seventeenth week Sun- day night, end the customary weekly change In principals brings Henry Norman to re- place Stage Manager Roumalnc, as Honest John Martin. Business is good. Studebaker Theatre (C. C. Curtiss, direc- tor). — "The Prince of Pllsen" opened the house season Saturday night, Aug. 1, with these people In the principal roles : Jobn W. Ransouc, Trlxle Frlgenal, Arthur Donaldson, Nick Long, Idalenc Cotton, Helena Frederick, Waller Clifford. Rutb Peebles, Henry Taylor, and Ada St.. Albans. During tbe Summer good work bos been done by the decorators, curpenters and cleaners, and the Interior uow presents a roost attractive appearance. "The Prince of Pllsen" will stay at tbe house of its birth for an Indefinite period. Great Northern Theatre (Edward Smith, manager).-!-The season here ibegan Saturday night with "The Burgomaster," booked for two weeks, and presented by these principals: Ituth White. Oscar L. Fly- man, Riley Hatch, Knox WIIbou, Thomas V. Rlekette, Lillian -Austin, Harriot Sheldon, R. J. .Move nnd Louise Bracket*. Workmen are busy dny and night changing the tjulnry Street front and moving the entrance about lifty feet nearer to Slate Street, making on enlarged and much handsomer main entrance to the orchestra and balcony. Powers' Tkeatiie (Harry J. Powors, manager). — Henry K. Dlxey, in "Facing the Music" and "Over a Welsh Rarebit," enters upon the sixth week of his prolonged en- gagement Sunday night. Mr. Dlxey has scored a great personal success. Criterion Theatre (Lincoln J. Carter, manager).— -The Klimt-Heam Co. opens the house season and the tour of their "James Boys In Missouri',' Sunday afternoon, 2, billed for two performances dally through- out the week. . On Sunday afternoon, O, the Kllint-Hearn Co. will present, for the first tlmo on any stage, tbe new melodrama, "On tbe Bridge at Midnight." Ai.iiauuiia Theatre (James H. Browne, resident manager).— The Holden Bros." Co. opens Sunday afternoon, 2, for a week of "Nobody's Claim," in which Bernlce Howard la conspicuous. Last week Nettle De Cour- se}- opened the bouse season with presenta- tions of "Au Orphan's Prayer." a "heart Interest" piny, which pleased large crowds. On !) John M. Ward will bring bis new pro- duction. -'-'A Httmau Slave," for a week's presentation. Ili.iot: -Theatre (Win. Newklrk, resident manager). — Lillian Dcvln will be prominent in Elmer Wiilters' Co., which will Rive two dally performances of "A .Millionaire Trunin" during the week beginning Sunday nfloinoon,. 2. Lnat week the Holden Bros.' Co. presented "The Denver Express," with n few "Sttiihu" matinees, good business re- Hultliig. ('liming tl, "Tbe James Boys lu Missouri." Masonic -Temple Root-. Theatre (J. J. Murdock, manager). — Manager Murdock-s *'J,0(H) attraction — Cecelia Loftus— oyeoa E Jrvuuva a. lav* svi uuur, uuaiua umu a- unv, — — — ordan and Crouch, Geo. Primrose's en* cagemenL Which ended Wednesday night. was productive of the biggest business of tbe season. His stay was cut short by the death of his wife, and he left for Buffalo Thursday morning. The Foley Twins fin- ished out the week without tbelr dancing master. Other favorites, like Green and Wer- ner, A. O. Duncan, and Waterbury Brothers aod Tenny, made tbe bill one of excellent entertaining qualltlea. Jessie Baxtlett Davis plays her annual engagement here next week. Chicaoo Opera House (Kohl & Castle, managers).— Two acts new to vaudeville are featured bere week of 2. Robert Gay- lor and company will be seen In a con- densed version of "Snort McAllister," en- titled "A Society Squabble," and Arnlm and Wagner will show their new act, "Tbe Maid of the Mill." Arensen, Lew Sully, Russell and Locke, Johnson and Welle, Barry and Johnson, Martini and Max Million, and Princess Losores will also entertain during the current days Business is excellent, and vaudeville of splendid quality prevails. In last week's bill May Howard was seen as tbe special feature In a clever comedy aketch, In which she was assisted by Joseph E. How- ard and others. The sketch proved vastly entertaining, and Miss Howard's personal success was pronounced. Olympic Theatre (Kohl & Castle, mana- .ra). — Tbe motion photographs of the Root- ardner fistic encounter enter upon their third week Sunday, with business excellent. The regular season of continuous vaude- ville opens here 24. SAM T. Jack's Theatre (Sidney J. Euson, manager). — "Legmanla" and "Adonis" arc continued stock burlesque offerings for this week. Paula and Dike, Alleen Vincent, Co- ram? Kenyon, Ed. Morris, Bob Van Osten, Lew Spencer, James Thompson, and Delia Ordler are principals. The olio names: Carleton and Terre, Paula and Dlka, Colton and Kenyon. Klnzo, the Suttons, and Lar- kln and Patterson. Business Is excellent, tbe season considered. Tbocadero Theatre (Robert Fulton, man- ager). — "The Pas-ma-la Olrls" holds atten- tion for week of 2. Alex. Corr, Guy Raw- son, Frank Damsel, Ruth Everett, Deda Walker, May Billiard, and Marie Theresa aTe principals. The olio names Mr. and Mrs. Jack Burch, Harris and Walker, Prof. Wyngarten, and Deda Walker. Tbe bur- lesque stock Is entering upon Its last fort- night, as this house becomes a spoke In the burlesque "wheel" 17, wlien Clark Bros.' Royals Initiate the new order of affairs. Business Is good. 8ans Souci Park (Alfred Russell, mana- ger). — Hayes and Healey are this week's vaudeville beadllners, presenting their bur- lesque circus set. Mallory Brothers and Brooks, tbe Flood Brothers. Burke's musical dogs, and tbe American Quartet are other entertainers. The many concessions and novel devices for entertaining the crowds are largely patronised these days, good weather affording opportunity for excellent attendance. . Water Chutes Pabk (Wm. H. Strlckler, general manager). — Large crowds continue to swarm tho enclosure at this popular re- sort, "shooting the chutes," "looping the loop" and the giant swing being tbe chief tensiitlona. Chas. H. Nelmeyer provides good vaudeville In the electric theatre, tbJB week's bill naming Das. Pollers, Irwin and Proctor, Martin and Hewlett, the Clarkes, Mayer, .Mayer and Martin, Trep, Terrlll and Trep, and many others. Clark Street Museum (Geo. Mlddleton, manager). — Mrs. F. V. Rlelll's Italian Or- chestra is tbe chief attraction here for week of 2. Other curio ball features will include : Capt. Stabler, the man with the rubber arms, who was wounded at Hampton Roads ; Prof. Weed's opium den, and Mrs. Matthews, the long hnlred woman. In the theatre the at- tractions will include : Carrie Winner, Law- son and Curtis, Hettle Kenton, and Barney First. Aftermath. — Among the recent engage- ments through Bennett's Dramatic Exchange are : Rose Evans, Arthur Marshall, Edwin Brown, Joseph W. Walsh and wife, with "For Her Mother s Sake," In support of Marie Heath ; O. T. Burke and Kdward Dalley, with "The Royal Slave;" Geo. E. Lemming, Gale Satterlee, and Claude Rollins, with Richard Buhier's "Paul Revere:" Lou Nelson, for Maloney, In "Moloney s Wedding Day :" May Sargent, with "The Convict's Daugh- ter ;" Bert Jacobl, with "The Minister's Son ;" L. D. Ellsworth, Blanche Brcnnan, with Jule and Elmer Walters; Florence Les- ter, Craig Roylston, A. J, Sharpley, Passte Lester, and Richard B. Soley, with "The Heart of tbeOznrks;" Geo. B. Connor, with "When .the Bell Tolls ;" Dora C. Horn, with "In the Shadow of the Gallows;" Bessie Fox, with Will E. Carroll's Stock Co.; El- mer Ellsworth, Maude Stuart and Maude De- Mar, with Lyman Bros.' "At the Races ;" H. I. Forrest and Bartlcy Rtcc, with 'Sha- mus O'Brien ;" Scott McKnrlane. with "An Aristocratic Tramp ;" J. Edward Trevor, with "Her Only Sin ;" Nat Duess, with "Alaska ;" Anna Reed, Catheryne Swan, Beech and Gage, with "Alphonsc nnd Gaston ;" Lee BORk's, Edgar Hall and Lou Streeter, with "When the Bell Tolls;" Harry Llowellvn, With "The Old Plantation ;" Carrie Howard, with Bobby Gaylor, in vaudeville ; Lou San- ford, with "Over Niagara Falls;" Winona Bridges, Allen St. John, and Norma Hyatt, with "The Christian ;" the Leland Quartette, with "A Tcxsb Steer ;" AgneB Bruce Drew, with the Avenue Theatre Stock Company, and Kate Dalgllsh, with Louis Morrison b ten days' open air performance of "As You-' Like It," nt St. Paul Maurice Free- man and Jcssallne Rogers have been en- gaged by Chas. P. Elliott to play leads with tho Thirty-first Street Theatre stock com- pany, opening the regular season 24. Ed- win Barbour will be stage .director, Joseph Totten Smith light comedian, and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Sterling are re-engaged from last si-nson's company "Men and Women" will be the opening bill of tho Player's Stock Co., at tbe Bush Temple Theatre, 30. Grace Ilenls and Joseph J. Sullivan have been re- engaged for loads When tbe American opens, 30, the bill will be "Mr. Barnes of New York." Laura Alberta will be loading lady, with Florence P. Leslie second leads Jacob ' Sbubert will be resident manager of the Dearborn.. Theatre when It Is. turned over to the Shubcrt Brothers and renamed the Garrlck. Meanwhile Chicago's original Gar- rick Theatre, on Milwaukee Avenue, Is pre- paring for Its third season as a" stock thea- tre, under the same name. There Is sure to be confusion "Tbe Tenderfoot" management announces that It has no time booked Inter than Nov. 10, hoping to break into New York. By that time the cast will also probably be decided upon, as a result of almost weekly changes of principals dur- ing its past sixteen weeks at the llcnrburn. .-. ....Charity Mnrtln continues the soloist nt the Bismarck Gardens, where Dungc's Hand Is entertaining great crowds The Coliseum. Js. largely patronized by our more or less thirsty music lovers. Brooke's Chicago 'Marine iltind Is the attraction ahd the 1-lldlcwelss people furnish beverages "Out of tho Fold'' will be the opening nt- traelion nt the Marlowe Theatre. Jingle- wood. wliPii.R. L. Crr-sc.v opens the lbouse with Slnlr & tlavlln bookings, early in Sept ember. - The rpstrlctlanlsts promise to proWst the Sunday opening of the .theatre, although Mr. Oresry hopes to compromise by forcaolnj; .the. Sunday matinees. ...*».. . The Knights write me from Newark, . Mo., fhirti they rm enjoying a pleasant vacation on tbelr farm, having ^betn. compelled to close their Summer vacation on account of sick- was .-..' .Uivm hiougbt the Kins-Ners into Chicago Saturday from the Rmgllng ipoow. They closed. at Hastlnga. Neb., compelled to forego a. season's engagement. ... ..Members of Olive Scott's Minstrels were in town last reek. Tbe show openB at Milwaukee, 10. Hattle Oarmontelle writes me from Maetanaw* Park, Mich., where she Is spend- ing the Summer, that she has been re-en- gaged tor Dick Ferris' Grace Hayward Co., as sharactcr comedienne. Marie Pavcy, whom she Is visiting, will be leading lady of the same company, also re-engaged . . . . Loulie Urebancy writes that her success at Fair Bank, Indianapolis, resulted In her re- engagen.ent for n Becond week. The local newspapers speak of h«r singing In enthusi- astic praise When Orrln Johnson oponn tbe regular season at Powers', SO, "Heart; Courageous" will be presented for tbe first time on any stage. ■»' » Olll LONDON LETTER. (FROM OUR OWN CORRESPONDENT.) Clipper Bureau, 48 Craabonrn Street, Leicester square, London, W. C. Jolt 28. Hugb Morton has departed from the Prim- rose path of musical comedy for the nonce and has made his debut as a farcical writer. His latest effort, "Glittering Gloria," was produced on Tuesday night at Wyndham's Theatre, under tbe management of Frank Curion. The piece Is frankly and un- ashamedly a farce, but it has tbe distinct merit, not too often found In farces, of being Irresistibly funny. It goes with a roar through three acts, and In the end It would be difficult o analyse tbe cause of tbe amnBement It creates. The story Is in- genious. Gloria Grant Is an atractlve little chorus girl, who Is In the habit of receiving expensive presents from her acquaintances, and has recently set her heart upon a diamond necklace wblcb she hss seen In a jewelry store. This is to be given her by an old friend, Jack James, in memory of by- gone days, but as he Is now married the purchase Is to be made ostensibly by bis friend Archie Toddleby. Mrs. James ac- cldently discovers the purport of the gift, and to save himself her husband Invents a story that he was himself only an agent for a fictitious Minikins, and to heighten the effect of bis tale he presses Into his service a country solicitor named Zebedee Poskett, wbo consents to Impersonate tbe supposed purchaser. Tbe plot Is thickened by James and bis friend being discovered In Gloria's fiat, where they only escape by hiding In two trunks, in which they are packed off en route for America. They are eventually rescued from tbelr enforced confinement at tbe station, and peace Is re- stored by Gloria's returning the diamond necklace to the distraught wife. James Welch, as the solicitor, wbo Impersonates tbe fictitious Mllllklns, was exceedingly funny throughout, and he was aided by a bull- dog, which proved a valuable acquisition to the dramatic stage. Dorotby Drake mfde a pretty and fascinating Gloria, and the other roles were effectively borne by Laur- ence GroBsmlth, Stuart Champion, Jobn Dix- on, Lenox Pawle and Dora Barton. Some time ago I referred in these columns to the revival in Dickens' plays, or rather In the dramatizations of his novels. The movement seems to be Increasing In Interest, and now a writer In The Daily Chronicle says that It Is strange tbat no manager has thought it worth his While to revive any of this great writer's stage pieces. His comic burletta, entitled "A Strange Gentleman," was produced at tbe St. James Theatre on Sept. £0, 1830, under Braham's management, and ran for fifty nights, a long run In those days. "The Village Coquettes was mount- ed at the same house on Dec. 6, 1830. This Is the comic opera dedicated to Harley, who was the Martin Stokes, Bra- ham appearing as the Squire Norton, and the music was written oy John Mullah. Then there Is tbe farce, "Is Sbe His Wife?" which was ataged.at the St. James on March 6, 1887. His other farce, "The Lompligbter," was to hove been produced at Drury Lane in 1838, but tbe piece did not please Mac- ready, and consequently it was not publicly played. With the aid of Wtlkle Collins, Dickens dramatized "No Thoroughfare," which was produced at the Adelphl on Dec. 26, 1867, with Fetcher as Obehriezcr, and Webster as Joey Ladle, and "Mr. Nightin- gale's Diary" was the niece performed at the Devonshire honse on May 27, 1851, In the writing of which Mark Lemon had a large share. In Mr. Tree's revival of "Richard II," at His Majesty's, It will be found that be has arranged the tragedy In tbree acts, with about three scenes In each. Two of these latter will present very striking tableaux, illustrating, respectively, the entry of Bo- lingbrokc Into London, with Rlcbard as his prisoner, and the crowning of Henry IV, In Westminster Abbey. The Lyric Theatre closes July 25 so that the cast may enjoy a three weeks' holiday. On their return they will find "The Medal and the Maid" rewritten and repaired so as to make a further run. Charles B Cochran 1ms arranged with Charles Frohman to take Mile. Charlotte Wclbe, the well known Danish actress and pnntoralmlBt, to New York In October. Mile. Wclbe will, during her engagement In Amer- ica, appear In "i.e Main" and other plays of her repertory, .In which she has already been seen In London. Mrs. Langtry Is rehearsing Percy Fen- dall's modern comedy, "Mrs. Derlng's Di- vorce," with which she starts her season In New York early In the coming Autumn. Paul Arthur will be her leading man. Marie. Tempest, visiting tbe provinces for the first time, begins her tour of "The Mar- riage of Kitty" at the Grand Theatre, Bir- mingham, on Sept. 7. She sails for New York In November. On Aug. 8 tbe "Dickens Syndicate," headed by Messrs. Cnrtwrlgbt and Harry Nlcholls, proposes Introducing at the Adel- phl a new version of "David Copperfleld." in which these actors, as Peggoty and Ml- cauber, respectively, will have the help of Madge leasing ns Little Emily. The cast will Include also Ben Webster as Steer- forth. Robb Harwood aa TJrlah Heep, Frank Cooper as Ham, Nancy Price as Rosa Dnrtle, and Harrington Poote as David. WHsou Barrett has been negotiating for a London theatre, wherein to produce In London his now ploy, "In the Middle of June." which was tried the other day with much success on a provincial etage, and is to go to the United States later on. In It Mr. Barrett figures as 'comedian," and not sr hero of melodrama, his role being that of IVrrcnce Kenturk Sprlngbourne, an Irish strolling player, who. In 1601, Is shown to bo associated with the debnt of one of the first women appearing on the stage. At present I. M. Barrle does not wish anp details to-be made public regarding the new piny which he has written for Mr. Froh- mnn. nnd which is to be produced at Wynd- hnms Theatre. The date of the production will lie the beginning of the third week In r% , l".7' llT 'r * m "»>\ *« Mr. Hare and Gerald Du Maurler. who have already been mentioned. - Mnn Bnuclcnult has been en- gnged to take a leading part. As Is UKiial in the Autumn season, Arthur Collins _lu tends to reopen Dmrv Lnnp Tbea- WM wl11 be somewhat different from tbo ordinary melodrama w|th which Mr. Ra- leigh h nt» lias been associated, although Containing several -powerful and dramat'c seehaa_-.it is to -be. colled -'rTBe^lo<5a™T«e '^ and should ba ready for production about the beginning of September. Some Idea „t its nature may be gathered from the f.,, that Mr. Raleigh describes It as a spectacular meio-farcc. ««-ui« _A new ballet, with music by LcodoI.i Wenxel, will be produced at the Empire ii September, and will take the place of "a Duel In the Snow," as Paul Martinet tl I. obliged to leave London to fullfll « contlnen tal engagement There la still little that Is hopeful in the reports that come to hand regarding tbe con ditlon of Dan Leno. Physically the Imurove ment seema to be pronounced, but at present tbe mental progress Is not what the thous- ands of friends of the little comedian would like It to be. I regret to have to announce the death which occurred this morning, of Mrs. Charles Warren, known professionally as Margiier Ite Flsb. and at one time as Baby Benson one of the cleverest child performers on the American stage. Mrs. Warren, whose bun band, Charles Warren, Is the courteous ami able manager of tbe Wltmark publishing house in London, waa only thirty-four yen.-S of age. She had been 111 for a considerable period, nevertheless her demise came as a shock to her husband and relatives, and to tbe members of the professional colony lu Ixjndon. Tuberculosis, to which sbe fell a victim during her tour In South Africa, a couple of years ago, was the cause of her death. The funeral will take place on Satur- day. Cooke and Miss Rotbert write from Mos- cow a newsy and interesting letter, from which I extract the following: "We have been here a week ; our success Is tremendous There are many acts here In Moscow at present who have had all kinds of trouble at tbe frontiers. For instance, an acrobatic act bere on tbe same programme with ns, who have used their acrobatic pad for years, were compeHed to pay a very heavy penally or leave it at the frontier. Yesterday wc dined with the representative of The Hew York Journal, Who is making a tour of the world. He tells me that he met Robblns, tbe American bicyclist, In St. Petersburg. His opening Is delayed owing to his bicycles being held at the frontier. Smith and Do- reto (my former partner), who are at the opposition Theatre Yard, had tbelr revolver and blank cartridges taken away from them at the frontier, and were nearly arrested, na the Russaln government does not allow fire- arms in the country. They have borrowed a gun now, which they are using, aod had to have a permit from the police before they could use It. I brought with me two guns and five hundred cartridges, and shoot my gun every night.. I have no permit, and there Is nothing said about It. So you sec this Is all lack ; if tbe officials want to be mean they can, do anything. My advice to artists coming to Russia is, first of all, to be very polite, and don't use newspapers In any part of your trunk to cover or wrap any- thing, as they fear 'write ups' against the government. For Instance, the people hero In Russia are ignorant of the Servian dis- aster, as the papers were not allowed la the country. Houdlni, the handcuff king, has finished his engagement at the Yard, and opens at the Zoological Gardens. The Man- hattan Four left yesterday for Achen. Mor- ton and Elliot have just arrived. La Belle Dazle and Mile. Bartho, the toe dancers, are on the same programme here, with us. Eph. Thompson's elephants finished and went to St. Petersburg. Tcbernoff's dogs arc still here. Last Friday the public of Moscow gave a benefit to Mr. Aumoht, as a celebration of his twelfth year as director of Aumont's The- atre." May Moore Dupres writes from Grimsby to inform me tbat she Is having a highlx, successful tour of the provinces. She nsl turns to London to open at tbe Oxford on Aug. 3, for a month b engagement. Corn-' blned with the Oxford she plays Islington,' Belham, Brixton and Bermondsey. She then plays Lincoln and Halifax, sailing for South Africa on Sept. 10 for a twelve wecss' tour. BMou Russell begins a tour of the Moss Empires this week. On Monday she opened at tbe Empire, Edinburgh, and made the ' success that Is usually assoclsted with the appearance of this clever little lady. Billy Clifford is now a fixed favorite at the Tfvoll. As I predicted, he has made a study of his audience and now knows ex- actly the matter with which to please them. He reports to me many offers made to him to appear In musical comedy and plays *!Bonner," the calculating horse, remains at the Hippodrome. Although the show at the Hippodrome this week Is largely an nnlraal one, the nerformance of "Bonner stands out In marked contrast to all such acta that have appeared here before. The ability which this horse displays Is truly extraordinary. ■ On Aug. 3 George Fuller Goldea, much lo the regret of the Palace management, begins his eight weeks' engagement on the Bnrrns- ford tour. Charles Morton, finding Golden the biggest card he has had In years, tried to retain him continuously until Christmas, but Mr. Barrasford was unwilling to let go the star be had secured. -Mr. Golden re- turns to tho Palace to continue his run Im- mediately after be finishes his work in the Barrasford houses. The Robert Baker Trio are presenting their act at the Hippodrome. The members of the combination are working In better shape than ever, and their Jumping feats seem to grow more and more marvelous. Hnrry Hurst now does a hurdle Jump around the -ring which always brings down the bouse. • Jules Hurtig sails for America on Sat- urday. Ted D. Marks will probably sail un the same day. Both gentlemen expect to revisit London In the course of a couple of months. • _. The "Phroso" act continues to astound ilia Parisians, and the Moulin Bouge has offered the manager. Geo. Webster, a prolongation of one month. The Three Luclfers are booked to appear on tbe Livermore tour, beginning next week at Bristol. M. S. Fitzgerald, of Fitzgerald and the Sisters Roma, sends me n collection of .re- cent bills of tbe Barrasford circuit, which he Is now playing. I notice that tlief* clever • club manipulators are Invnrloniy either on the top or on the bottom. The bill of the current week at the Tlwll. Leeds, gives 'Mario and Dunham ns head- liners. Rackett and Hazard are at the Empire. Stratford, this week. This team has ,not missed n week since tbelr arrival in Lng- land. T. Nelson Downcs sailed for America last Sunday. Stsley and BIrbeck continue to be head- liners at the nippodroroe next to the bouse production. "The Redskins." _, . Tom Bricc. formerly of the Collins Trln. Is now one of the New Gothams. This week they- are at the Empire, Leeds. ... Mr. Warwick, whom many Americans win remember aa the courteous assistant mana- ger at the London, has been appointed mana- ger of the Granville. Walliam Green. .E. A. Pickering, formerly the assistant manager of tbo Albambrn, has been np- polntpd manager of the New Tlvoll Thea- tre of Varieties, Capetown, Soulh Africa. :'— James rK. Hackstt has contracted wllh Pierre Wolff, the author of '-'Lo Secret de Pollchlnelle," for a comedy for Isabel Irving. The actress will continue to play the coming season In "The Crisis," but will appear In it. Wollt'a now. play tbe following season. W. II. Thompson, who is to ploy Hugiienets cole, in "Le Secret de Pollchlnelle." will ft" to; France. to consult the French author ami actor on the details of tie American prodtn-- Men' or the >I«C Which' Mr. Hackctt win make la the Autumn, AUGUST 8. i i THE 1SHEW YORK CLIPPER. 555 PENNSYLVANIA. to thea- *i.ii.iHelrl»l«>.— Only two WMk » *re !!i now before our active list of thea- tHv t,t I' lie augmented by the opening of ""JK'oI tho« "which Dave: been Idle due- ? hP Summer, and after (bat each week „» £ «"™ or m r ' Jter b tbe " 8t i , In ft m niime the outdoor parka ore doing the D, ',f .Ml e business, and, with tuc Ideal ba Jv.» weather Which we have been enjoying ffSmSm p»»t. a " n P»« ar t0 ■» mnkln « Kr rill's B" on TllTATHl (John Kolrnns, .1.1.11 1 manager).— The offering by tho son closes with the Albee Stock Company 8. for a short mention before beginning re- hearsals at Rochester. 17, as lending woman !? J n tne Pllla ee of the King." William 11. Turner finishes at Keith's the same day to prepare for bis starring tour In "David NEW YORK STATE. INDIANA. Boffnlo. — The theatrical Interests havo liidlnanyolla. — At Falrbank, l.otilso in LJi'nt those which have been Idle dur- to . M "lhe Siinuncr. and after .Jntt each week *J an ""v , ! tot, J. h "»e been very popular and ^1 see one DtfSl balk mnnt-y Kcr rMHl«nt successful In J'fovldence .'.Forbes Rob- ertson and Gertrude. Klllott, In "The Light thnt Failed," have been Isioked at the Provi- dence Opera House Nov. 2. 1 — '*—* MISSOURI. been unusually well maintained up to date Breluiney, soprano, continue* her popular ; sue- this Summer, but now, ns the signs of the cess. Mrs. i.. Do Camp, baritone, and On- regular openings are In the nlr, an* the tenderf's Hand also appeared wwk of July . — .i.._ ........ r. t_ ......ii.. i — , i ■»!■« . "7, itnslness continues vory_blg. I'ahk Theatre (Dickson (t Talis,! t. mnnn- ***** l™"- L™Ynfeiu hv I j fimlil ers).— 'Vhen the Ifell Tolls" Aug. 3-r>, Cfl ta ' "c L b ^;. rt J !•.«.. Tim., wnifo" it u ^ew lofK t,riico Morrison, or two utile _v>aus us. . _, . ___ _„„ qi„»„_ t,„. ,„ t ,„.„„,i .„ m,.. « oDlzation this week Is "The Bri f St. I.onls. Last w«.ir imran ™m, n.a " A Wise (!uy :" Kleury Trlu, • hottest we"Xror.Ve^U e n n n dT , he ,1 e. B t $ft£ ggS* S%^ I »»«"«>rrtlientres did excellent business. Af- "'•fff ffiL"*"tf Vl" 1 *'?!? Setfcrary," while rehearsals arc being . S5 for the coming week. "Confusion, 2LS last week, was delightfully funuy, p [h kent the audiences laughing continually. " k-i-iT n's Nnw TnBATBB (H. T. Jordan. Jklent manager).'.— The current week is enounced as the openlug of the Fall season !mi" house. «nd an exceedingly atractlvo Irocramme has been arranged. Those con- F,iimtlne to the entertainment nre: Tom vl™ and company. Bert Howard and Lcona iiitnil Johnson, Davenport and I/>relln, Kr- thunder showers caused the audiences to dwindle somewhat. Dklmau Gaiuikk (J. C. Jnnnopoiilo, mana- ger).— The St. Louis public have realised that It Is a very capable group of performers at Delmar this Summer. Last week's pro- gramme enabled them to show their vcrwn- tlllty. The offering was " 'Way Dp East." preceded by a ballet nnd vaudeville acls. 'leo Carlo. The n,l tend- ance nt this park during the past week has been only fair. Notes. — The Casino has played to crowded houses all week, and the performance Is the best given this season. Mr. mid Mrs. J. Ncurl Allen nre the fhvorlres nnd Are hulk- ing a great hit.. ..Jerry Muynnrd, who bus Ik-oii singe cnrpenier nt lho Grand for sonic time, has left, to accept n position of n similar nnture with the Columbia Theatre of -Chicago .Hose Melville, a resident of St. rani.— At Dig Metropolitan Opera House (I,. N. Scott, manager). — The Ferris Slock Co. hnd only fair business week ot July 211, III "The Two Orphans," business being hurt by the carnival. For week ot Aug, 2. "My Jim;" week of I), "Shunuis O'Brien." I'lMi'iiin (A. Welnliolner, manager). — Busi- ness wns light week of July 27. Now peo- ple for week of Aug. It ure: Alice Brady, Kitty O'llrlcn, llnlmn Holmes, Charles Hurt, Lnclllo Blake, Hie Zliinuci-iunns, Nelson ami Nelson, l.lllle Howard, ami May I'reslini. Those holding over arc: Llllln Perkins, Nut- He Herbert, Do Lean Sisters, Polly O'Neill. Flora Ashley, mid Opal Vaughn. , Charles Burl wns engaged as singe mannger 27. Note. — The SI. Paul Carnival opened 27, under very Haltering auspices, and the at- tendance lias l.con hirge ever Kinci>.tln> open- ing. There have been iw miles of one kind or nnother nightly. All ot the nltrnelloiia o» the grounds are la full blast, nnd the fun has been hilarious. The Knngoroo Court has been n star feature u( the attraction, and (he fines collected have largely augiueuteil the receipts. The plan bus been to niiiko indiscriminate arrests on the grounds niul over thn business part of the city, nnd to tnko the unhappy culprit before the court nnd line him n dollar ur mora for some sun- posed offence, such as "being tis> gisitl look- ing," "fllrllng," etc. The fun will contlmio until nnd Including Aug. 8. Itnliilli. — At the Lyceum (C. A. Mnmhnll, manager). — The IiiihIuchs Is growing ns the engagement of Melbourne McDowell nnd b'loieuee Stone continues. "Under Two Flags" was put oh for the first time here July 211, and lint) large houses fur six nights unit two mm luces, the latter being to S. It. /).. Mr. .McDowell Is not In the rust of this phi.v. "Alnhniim" wns the hill hO.,Aiik. I. "Trilby" will be the bill 3-fi. "Antony oiul Cleuputnt" Summer iu (lie Adlronducks la In rehenrsnl. this city, left recently for the Knst. mid will siiend the ^ Increased crowds week of July 27 nnd wl start Its fifth week Aug. 3. Two bills will lie presented, "Resurrection" aud "A Fight for Honor." ^s- Notes. — The King Company rehearsals will begin Aug. 10 Colonel M. II. Welsh, of Welsh Brothers' Circus, was here 27, arranging for the appearance of the show ot Steelton, Pa., Ang. 10 George ft Fisher, comedian,, has left the l'nxtang fltock Company to join one- of the Charles K. Blaney attractions Fred Alles, late manager of the Norrlstown, Pa.. Opera House, was here 25, to close up business. .Prof. F.d. R. .Hutchinson, aeronaut, Mammon's Park (Manulon Bros., mana- gers). — It wns a pretty bill of Summer vaudeville that was offered at Munition's Inst week. The Three Kealons, uud (he ltobyns shared the first hopors. Others on I his good programme were : Jordan and Crouch, Charles Sharp, nnd Mile. Aline. This week the Robyns remain, lu a new sketch. Other entertainers are : Crawford and Man- ning, Mayme Mitchell, Ferguson and Puss- more, and Armstrong and Holly. Lump's Pauk (J. L. Wnllrnp, manager).— The features last week were: Beverly and Dnurers, Franklin and McNutt, It it IT and Cuslck, Dunn and Williams, Hays and Fields, proved a big drawing card at Paxtang Park an( | the, Georgia Minstrels, week of July 27 Luther Pell, a canvns Hasiiagbn's I man with the Bard Brothers Show, fell from a trala 29. near this city, and Ids right ankle was fractured. He Is nt his home In Ijincaster, Pa. George Rawlston will leave 10 to Join the Corse Peyton Company. Joseph Frank, who will manage the Grand Opera House and New Lyceum Thea- tre for M. HelB, is here. Charles J. Carpen- ter, whom he succeeds, left for Norrlstown, Tn., 29, to manage the Opera House at that place. Mr. Carpenter has been, nssc elated with the N. Appell enterprises for fifteen years. » l.nncnster. — At the Roof Garden (John B. Peoples, manager). — Attractions for week of Aug. 3-8 Include: Callahan and Muck, Harry C. Stanley and Doris Wilson, the Three Dumonts, Mndge Fox, Todd Judge Family, Dnlto and Kella, Smith and Powell, etc. IIockt Springs Pabk Tiieatbb (H. B. Orlroths, manager). — Attractions for week of .3 Include: Cook and Silvio, Barton and Wakefield. Hazel Davenport, Lavinc and Ai- nu, Sblffcr and French, Tecl, magician; Tom White, etc. Carrie Nation drew thou- sands to this park 2. Andrew Jackson, bicycle performer, was Injured by a fall, caused by a cable breaking, 28. (Hasltngen Bros., managers), nrl Fisher led nt Hasbagen's lost week, his Germnu comedy work being very good. Other members wore: Ward and Mitchell, Knlhass, Fox and Foxlc, the Moores, and "The Cooney Island Girls," by the stock com- pany. This week appear: Sully and Phelps, George Thomas, Frank and McNalr, Myrtlo Paiisch, and George Welslogel. Columbia Tiieatbb (Frank Tate, tnana nochosler. — At the Lyceum Thentro (M. K. Wollf, manager) — The stock com- pany provided tho rattling farce comedy, "A Bachelor's Honeymoon," July 27 and week, drawing large, houses at every per- foi-uuiuee. "The Nominee" will be the offer- ing for Aug. 3 mid entire week. lUKni Tiieatke (Jns. K. Boyle, business manager). — "The Gunner's Mate" was I he attraction Inst week. immense audiences enjoyed the performance throughout tho week. "The Duchess Du Barry" will Isi given week beginning Aug. 3, with Elizabeth Breyer in the title role. Cuok OI'eiia House (J. II. Moore, mana- ger). — Capacity audiences witnessed a lino production of "Meu nnd Women" Inst week. This house will close n must prosperous season week of Aug. 3, with "Trilby" as the ilunl offering. Ont.uiio Beach Pabk (John J. Collins, manager). — Malt's Buffalo Band begins a return engagement Aug. 3. The exhibitions of fireworks last week were larger nnd finer than ever before seen at this resort, drawing gatherings that packed the park nightly. Notes. — The Lyceum Theatre opens (he regular season Aug. 21, with Dockstadcr's Minstrels Hnverly's Minstrels will be- gin the regular .season at the National The- atre Aug. 24 The vaudeville season 'of the Cook Opera House beglus Sept 7. Term Hnntc Fair nnd Trotting As- sociation have in-ranged fur n monster cele- bration nt the fnlr grounds, 31 to Sept. 7. L'lghtron pay shows, under the direction of Fenirl Iirolhers, nnd n iiumlier of free shows have been arranged for. Running races Will be held each duy, and excursions run on all railroads entering the city, Messrs Marx Meyers and Chits. DiiUln will havo the entire management. r.vniisvUlo. — Oak Summit Theatre con- tinues playing, (o crowded houses, at two performances dally, and la offering a slrohg list of attractions, The week of July 211: The Great Gny, Assisted by Mile. Pcddi'ssiis; liiiuru I lea ne, Hie Irish girl with a coon voice; CIiiin. 1 1c clow, neroballc comedian; Dnrmody, llie hingh maker; Florence Abert, female eutertnlner, and the kluoilrome. Cook's Pauk Theatre (Hurry I,nwronre, manager) offers an entire change of bill for week of 2.1, nnd Is doing it nice business. Tipple nnd Kllment, lu a novelty mimical act; Dot Lee KlUwOttth, sonbreltu. uud viienl- Ist ; the Lees, In n character sketch, culled "tty Dutch Uncle;" Zelnm Kollns, singing comedienne, and the' Buyers, In the nemo of vaudeville. Kddy Bayers gives a free ex- hibition of Hying and balancing trapeze every evening before (ho nvrforumure. West Heiiiuth Pauk (t'has, )l. Stlnson, lessee, nnd Francis Hovers, manager) Is doing big business, und offering good utlmc- tlons. Week of 20: Teed, Luzoll anil coiu- fnny, In "A Scandalous Affair;" Fiiiinlo rankel, high class singing specialty ; Mdw. Armstrong mid Ruslo Wright, modern travesty artists nnd eccentric dancers, In- troducing Miss Wright's wonderful one foot endurance act, and Butler Sisters, Hinging and dancing. This park Is lo open on Aug. 10 a new theatre, culled the Unique, and Mktiioi'Oi.itan Oi'kiia ItoMN (J. T. Con- don, uinnnger).— lluslness wns fair for thn week of July 27. "The Little Minister" wns given Hie first half of the week, and "The llnrgtnr" the Inst half. For week of Aug. 3, "The .Musketeers" uud "Fnncliiin." l'Atii.oii Theatre (W. ,1. Wells, mtjpn- ger). — Business Is fair. Bill Aug. 3 nnd week: Hnalle nnd Swnln, Kildlo Collins, the Wheelers, Minnie Howard, Oscar Boyd, Neil and Lulu Cllfforrt, F. R. I'eglev, ami Mnhcl Davis. The new skit for lho week Is called "The Rubber Neck."- ' Qkntrt linos.' Dog nnil Pony Show will give four performances July 31-Aug. 1. W. J. Power Is building n Ihmilre at lllbhlng, this Sidle, and will have It ready for opening Hie latter part of August, »» » — i CANADA. Queliec. — Jncipies Curlier Ilnl] (L. Iter- tln, itnnhuger). — "A Jolly American Tramp" Co. iilnyeil, to jmekeil houses, July 23-2(i. (.otulug: June Lyiulorff and D. Tureen, In French comedies, 28. Tivou (UliPMNH. — The Robinson Opera Co. closed, to poor business, 18. Iiouls Veranda has assumed tho mnnugeincnt of tho gar- dens, and will book attractions In conjunc- tion with Solimcr Park, Elinlro. — At Rorlck'a Glen Park (Herbert Salinger mannger) The Munhnttnu Opera wl " P |ft y nothing hut vaudeville In tho new ger).— -The pictures of the Root-Gardner fight Co. played, to capacity hiiHlnesg, Inst week, houiw. 'Tlie lions* now heliujc used will have attracted fairly well last week. This week presenting 'The Pirates of Penzance." "Tho " begins the regular vaudeville season at this Mascot" Is being sung this week. theatre with n generous bill, composed of: Riai.to Music Ham, (F. W. McConnell, Boniface and Walzlnger, Robert Fulgom nnd manager). — People engaged for week of Aug. 3: Mr. and Mrs. John B. Wright, Amelia Adams, Bessie York, Jessie Adams, Mno Laurence. The following have closed two successful weeks: Mnrtlcrc and Lenry, Irv- ing Walton, Kitty Miller, Sadie Grace and Joe F.gau. Business Is good. . Queen Citv Guides' s (M. L. Sullivan, matmger). — The I loldswnrtbs, Bessie York, and the Lenrya havo been drawing good crowds. Notes. — Tho various attractions at F.l company, the Nosses, Hooper and Dnvls, Kitty Wells, Artie Hall, Harry aud Charles Boyle. Coney and Klein, the Lcsslngwclls, Boss Lee Tyler, and the Bcnulngtons, Altoonu. — Eleventh Avenue Opera Honso (I. C. MJshlor, mannger). — The season opens Aug. 8, with "The Scout's Bcvengo" as the Nnynon. Charlie nnd Willie, Pan Inc Moniu first attraction, followed by "Arross Twins. Clark's dogs, a Kaniai City. — At Forest Park (Lloyd Brown, mannger). — Big business continues with all the attractions, and In Hopkins' Thentre the attendance showed a decided In- crease. The bill wos made up of the fol- lowing acts : Zabodle. In a good hand balanc- ing dlsplny ; Little Elsie, la her soups and drldge Pork nre playing to capnclty business. Impersonations; Drawee, in a splendid Jug- Rehearsals have begun for Qulnlnn It gllng act; Saonu, In Impersonations of Wall's Minstrels lu the Lyceum Theatre, great men ; Mine. Mnntelll, In operatic se- lections, which were enthusiastically re- ceived, and Prevost and Prcvost, In their acrobatic turn, "Fun In a Turkish Bath," Tills week the new comers will be : Rosa Pacific" 10, 11, Clark's Rovnl Runaway Bur- Rlanos re 12, "The Irish Pawnbrokers'' Hadcr Twins, Clark's dogs, nnos. _ _ . Electric Pabk (Sam Renjamln, mana- ger).— The Inst week of Ellcry's Royal ltnl- lesnuere 12, "The Irish Pawnbrokers" 13. Lakemont Pabk Theatre (B. W. Marks, ger) — The last weeic ot j;.iiery s ; »oy». n,..- 0(wra c - ^„ B , manager).— The Lakemont Stock Company Tnn Band drew large crowds, ami en the year •round, anil Is now hospital he was pronounced to bo not so- The Auditorium will open Its season oa getting all the patronage, "kindred Souls, rlotiMly hurt. y a Kirn Humwy, July 20. Wloiilpiu: At thn Winnipeg Thenlr ping his head long enough (Ctaa, o. Llmlsny, miitiiiger).— At Wllhu riun «h lie was out of lho opera Co. played, lo S. It. 0. houses, weel ending July 25, 'Aug. 23. .alio Willis Wood will open Pro^ Idenee Tbe iJist Word" Is the o])0 *, t Scp t. l, and the Orpheum about Sept. offering of the Albee Stock Co., at Keith's 15- ttliarles Lovenbcrg, manager), the week of s Aug. 3. Among the productions during the _. j op . el)]l xt Casino Thentre (E. P. remainder of the atock company's engage- „•,,,„ ^nnogcr).— A strong bill drew rncnt will he A ' ' *»'» give, and P., K-viMBR (Spitz Katierme Rober ^Hamlet," which was put on Vaudeville between the ai jenceau Case" Aug. 3. Attendance at a^J^SJC liossn. onened July 2(1. for one this house continues large, especially at raatl- gcttlng'all'tlte patronage. "Kindred Souls," Try the stock, preceded by a curtain rnlser, "A Happy l'alr," amused large audiences all the week. The slock, week of 3, will give the comedy made successful by Roland Reed, "Lend Me Your Wife." 4 l » CALIFORNIA. »Iet," which was put on week of July " {"^'o,, .... „.,,] Murry. Vaudeville between the acts, w tit "The a»«l "'"Vl" K ""k. *r " SnrcWII. mnnager).- -lemeneeou Case" Aug. 3. Atlendnncc at m ^^ KI J l0 l agn orM . ne d July " this house continues large, especially at mati- nees. But one more week of the stock com- P»uy remains, the house openlug tbe regular reason Ang. 17, with "The Child Slaves of hew York,' 7 Chnrles E. Blauey's latest play. _, Notes.— A strong hill was that nt Rocky Joint last week. The entertainers at the Ijorest Casluo were: Fisher and Clara. W. J- Holmes and Lira Holllster, Powers BroUi- era, F.lmlra Sisters. Stelncrt and Thomas, l^tirine Bayward. Gladys De Marec, KHty HolTinnn. Nellie wills nnd Monte Collins. The Crescent Park open air theatre continues to draw good audiences, for the week of Aug. 3 the bill contains the follow- ing names : Brothers Taneau. W. 8. Hnrvev_ * Co.. In "The Bedroom Upside Down: the Murrnya. Harson and Drew, In "The VII- and Blchlngs Mldillcfown At the Rtratton (0. S. HiiHinwnv, manager),— This house will o|ien Aug. fi, with Black Palll's Troubadours The Casino has been remodeled, making It ' Hfate, Los Anuelen. — At the Mason Opera noiise (II. V. Wyntt. mannger). — Amelia Bliiglinm Is the attraction Aug. It and week, {•resenting "A Modem Magdalen," '"Kin 'risky Mrs. Johnson" and "The Climbers." Big business Is assured, MoitoHco'H BuntiANK TllPtATRH (Oliver Mo- . ..if . week . nnd will play a return en- gagement beginning 30 Tho Winni- peg Industrial Exhibition closed 2fi the most successful fair lu lis hlsiory. All the pint form nnd Midway ntlmctloiis left for the South 27 The Noblo Theatre Co. continues lo do good business at River Park Summer Theatre. COLORADO. Deliver. — At week, nnd drew immense crowds at every pcr- f To™!-Managor Cburcblll Is In Chicago. on a short business trip .Lawrence and Harrington, and Prevost and Prevost. who were popular favorites at the Casino last week, were entertained by friends at tie Hotel Trnckenmlller after the close of their engagement, 24, one of the llnest houses In upper York H — and the name chnnged to the Straiten, after r0 ", t ' u -, mann .'f. c . > ( the present owner, W. D. Stratton. presented .Lhc (. ♦ ■» WEST VIHQINIA. .lames Nelll and eoiupuiiy lo good busi- ness, week ending July 'Jr.. "A Contented Woman 2(1 and week. "A Gentleman of France" Is underlined for Aug. 2 and week. Oiil'llKtlM (Clarence Drown, manager).— People July 27 : De Kolta, Bailey and Mmll- son, Hodges and Launch mere, Mabel Me- Klnley, Charles Dickson and company. Hlllclt Garden* (Mary ported by "thn Bnffowa Hliiek Co., In' Elllch-l/mg, mnnnger).— •Mniiiln Fenly, sup norleil bv thn Bellows Hliiek Co., In "Tlit lalMe iMInlslcr," week of July 2(1, drew well Wheeling; At (he Park Casino (Con- rod Hlrscli, managerl.— Coming: The Klltlca , 30, to good business Pain's "l4ist * ' • ..j Days of Pompeii" at (nlr grounds Aug. 10- Paul Gllmorc. who last season appeared ,„_' Wallace's Circus Is billed lo appear here Aug. 30. 4 ■ » Inst seas In JohnDrcw's former role In "The Tyran nv "of Tears," will the coming seiuwm be seen In another Brew role on tour, (hat of I^rd "Jack" I-nroley. In "Tim Mummy and the Humming Bird" which Manager Jules Murry has secured. The tour wilt open nt Trenton, on Sept. 22. and will toni 'the lead- ♦ »» S U L , dge ,;0 A t nde'rsor!r.Vf«bel!r , Eve 8 : 1*^*?***** * No""- 8 ' — "MeFafldeh's Finis" will open Its sen- son nt Atlantic Clly. Ang. 17. Marguerite Ferguson, Ja*. E, Rome, III linn and Herllhy, Delhi Ranney and May linker will be Seen for the first time In this play. Do Vole, Julian Hose. Good business, Chutes THkatrh. — 27 nnd week: Vlrglo Hall, ballndlst: James Duncan, Irish: Mile. Tyrone, acrobatic dancer: Edgar (Ionian, hnrltnue: Phil Slewnrt and Ernest Cuen, song nnd dance, closing with die farce, "Who Died First'/" Good crowds. LYitii! THRATiiv: (T. L. Tally, manager). — Melville Callah, singer; Mario Oilelfe. bal- ladlst; T/coia Ford, dancer; Baby Blythe, Good allendance. This was Miss Fetily's hist week. She bus Is'en lite best rlrnwltig ciiril the gnnlens hns hnd. Robert lirouot, In "The Last Appeal," week of Aug. 2. Manhattan Beach (J. Edgar Clifford, mnnnger).— This Hummer resort hns hnd great business. The bill week of July 211 : Eugene Thomas, Henortta Natalia Delgiulo, Kn.thei'tnc Knlghi, llnnvy and Donne, Powers anil Theobald, Martin mid Ilidgwny, Whiting and Desmonde, Amnlln nnd Mnnnlu, nnd Miir- gitret Dale Owen nnil her company, In "ills 1/irdslilp, the Hurglar." Hiioaiiwav (Peter McCotirt, mnaagor).— Tho Jane Onker Block Co., In "Itecatisq She Loved Him So," had good bouses week of 2(1, Hiniimnu Iliioft.' Grrateii SlInwH, 27, 28, turned people away at every performance. 556 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. Under M Cents. Notes from Sam Dock's Kbvbtonk Shown. — We are now la our llftecnth week, and bave played to uniformly good business since our opening. Since entering tbe State of Pennsylranla houses bave been big, especially In last season's towns. At Wo- mclsdorf. Pa., July 26, we gave a special ficrformancc to tbe InmateB of tbe Orphans Iome. Roster: Sam Dock, proprietor and manager; Sadie Dock, treasurer; Ammon MuBsolmnn, superintendent; Billy Slioucb, In charge of reserved scat and concert tickets ; Jas. Marks, boss canvas roan ; Frank Clark, In charge of stock; Sblrl Wright, chef. Performers — Ammon Musselmnn, Hurry Moyer, Curvln Zeck, Mastlue snd Moyer, Sadie Dock, Clara Dock, and Sam Dock's troupe of trained- ponlCB, inule», dogs and donkeys. Prof. Weaver's Cornet Hand of Bcven pieces furnish tbe music. Concert — Musselmnn and Dock, Strother Gray, and the Weaver Bros. (John, Mack and Frank). W. Morrow Talt and Baymond Bell were re- cent visitors, and Win. F. Ilotuan, an old showman, spent the day with us at Wo- molsdorf. We will make a long season, closing In Virginia late In November. NOTSB FBOM HACKNBY'S POMTb VAUDE- VILLE. — We have been out, under canvas, ten wcekR, end played to a packed tent every night. The following people are with the company: Clem Hackney, sole owner and miuiager: Mrs. Clem Hackney, treasurer; William Rawls, contortionist and stage man- ager; Edwin Dunont, comedian; May Allen, soubrette ; Fred Wright, light comedy ; Emma Hackney, Illustrated bodcb ; Lottie Olenmore, soubrette; Will Avery, leader of orchestra, nod Will Ross, advance agent. Will Bawls was presented -with a gold watch nnd chain by the manager last week. We carry five canvas men and a band of ten pieces. We will be South all Winter. Willi and Hassan, equilibrists, are play- ing their return engagement at the Gran Clrco Orrln, Mexico, and will return to tbe States In January, 1004. Balfr Boot Is doing the contracting for the Gentry Bros.' Shows this season. Notes fhoji tub Glaubtone Snow. — Everybody lb camp calls Manager Gladstone "Lucky John," as every performance has been attended with perfect weather, nnd the show has made an enviable reputation at every stand. This has encouraged tbe man- agement to enlarge for next season, when new wagons, new canvas and two extra lengths of reserves will be added. Woods and Woods (Jim and Pearl) are mnklng a laughing bit with tkelr work, and are bard at practice on a comedy aerial act. The Gladstone Children are gradually worklDg out tbe detallB for a Juvenile side show. Bertie Forest Joined at Oskalooea with her troupe of educated canines. Everybody well, and The Old Reliable always gets bere on time. Notes fbok Canada Frank's Railway Snows, F. M. Myers, manager. — We are now carrying on* eating and sleeping car, also ono flat car, aa 80ft. round top, with GOft. middle. Roster: Lamont Bros., double traps and tumbling; Alberto, contortionist and rings; Great Martlno, balancing traps, slack wire and lire baton; Bert Myers, com- edy bars and clown ; K. M. Myers, with bis troupe of dogi and ventriloquism ; Mandy Myers, serpentine dancing ana singing, ana Prof. Harry Smith, with a band of ten pieces. Shorty Thomas Is boas canvas man, with eight assistants. Ijaknum & Bailit Notes. — Ono of the unique features of tbe Baroum it Bailey Show . Is Pauline Vloll, with her jumping Itusslan wolfhounds. She has seven of those rare animals, whose grace and beauty ?reatly augment tbe popularity of the act. nvarlably their feats of leaping over stan- dards through openings little larger than their bodies, and finally the wonderful work' of Boris, a beautiful black and white animal, and Alexis, a red Caucasian hound, draw demonstrations of approval from the audi- ence. The prodigy department of tbe Bar- mim - & Bailey Show, which Is part of the menagerie exhibit, Includes tbo following peo- ple : Chas. V. Pease, director ; the Horvath Family of Midgets, the Imperial Russian Troupe, the Karseys, with their myrlophone ; Leah May, giantess ; Krao, the missing link ; Lionel, the Hon faced boy; beautiful Marie, human mountain ; Miss Gilbert, bearded lady ; Beatrice, the leopard girl ; J. W. Coffey, skeloton dude; C. B. Tripp, armless wonder: John Hayes, tattooed man ; Rob Roy, Albino dislocations ; Blgnor Toraasso, Billy Wells, Iron skulled man ; Ell Bowen, legless aero- but; Maxcy, noodle king; Prof. John L. lluum, expansionist and contractlonlst ; Mile. Marie and her musical doc; James Morris, elastic skin man ; Mile. Clifford, sword swal- luwcr ; Slg. Bolaros, fire king, with Prof. Fredericks, musical director. Tbo member- ship of Lodge No. 1, B. 0. A. T., has in- creased within the last two weeks to a total of three hundred, At the meeting on July 2(1 Rlxty-flvo candidates were Initiated. It Is tbo opinion of everybody connected with the' show that few cities are in a more pros- perous condition than Schenectady. It Is like- wise ono of the best stands we nave visited this season. In spite of the pouring rain ilia big top was completely 11 lied at both per- formances, even the box seats being sold out. Tin; city and Us inhabitants are thoroughly cosmopolitan, and few towns in this country can boast of a better street railway system or more beautiful residence streets. , (Notes fxoh the Walter L. Main Show. —At Cambridge. N. \., on July 28, occurred the marriage of our popular equestrienne, (Jlga Reed, and Dare Devil Cyclo (Nick How- ard). The popularity of both made the mar- riage one that will be long remembered by the employes of the Main Circus. Our dress- makers nnd Col. Hugh Harrison, our popular diamond dealer, are kept busy, and now the now routo card Is out, stating we are on Long Inland woek of Aug. 24. The colonel la trotting all kinds of orders for diamonds and different fancy Jewelry. Everyone Is well and happy. The show Is doing such a big business it brings a pleasant smile and haulnmui to ovcrybouy. IIahht W. Hhmon wires from Jnneavllle, Wis., under daito of Aug. 2, as follows: "Liiclla Korepatigh-Klstb Wild West Show wns bought nit receiver's sale here, Saturday, by Eric Lithograph Co., who have leased Btinie to John A. Barton. Show reopens Ap- pleton, wis., Aug. 4. under my management." Tin; Baiinum & Bailey dressing tent was the Hceiio of a very pleasant celebration on Monday, July 2T. The celebration was In honor of rho twenty-fifth annlversnry of Krnuk Molvlllo's wedding day. Mr. Melville Is the popular and efficient equestrian direc- tor of "tlio Greatest Show on Earth," nnd In known to circus loving Americans as living one of the greatest of all bareback riders, nnd nlUiMigh ho retired from tliat lino of work some years ago, ho Is still remembered by all who have ever seen him for his daring nnd finished feats of horaomnnshln. NOTKR FUI1M 0. O. T.VYl.OH'8 BtO VAUDE- VILLE Snows. — Wo opened up May 3, nnd with the exception of three weeks of rainy weather wo have been doing a good business. We make all week stauda. and we have a swell outfit, consisting of 2t>0ft. of 10ft. side wall ; stage, 12x14, three living tents, 12x14, and scats for flvo hundred people. Wo bill like a circus, using special paper, and nro touring Western Indiana. Roster: C. O. Taylor, proprietor and manager; Mrs. C, O. Taylor, treasurer anil ticket seller; Art, Fellows, black face comedian ; Jack Eel- uiws. comedian and banjo : Mr. snd Mrs. Fellows, sketch team, anil Philip Rush. leader of orchestra. We are all well and happy, nnd look forward for a prosperous season. The Old ltm.iAiu.n Is rend by all, and the "ghost" walks every week. E. L. Melville, gymnast, with tbe Fore- pnugh A -Sells Bros.' Circus, has In prepara- tion for next sesson a new sensational aerial novelty. No IWIsB-t-fcor it You Arm FAR FROM BROADWAY We can make yonr clothes to order Jost tbe same. Our perfected Mall Order system is such that wo say fi NO FIT, NO PAY." We don't want yonr money If yon don't like the clothes. We employ only high class Journeymen tailors and our cotters are all experts. We prepay ex- fircsa charges everywhere, t costs you nothing extra to bny by mall, and yon can't lose because our guarantee protects you. SAMPLES FREE. SUITS $15 to $35 Trousers $5 A postal card will bring our handsomely Illustrated Catalogue, a full line of Samples, and our lm- E roved Self-Measurement tanks. We Invite CLIPPER readers to call snd see us when In New York. Come and "LOOK cs OVER." It's the way to And us out. W. C. LOFTU8 & CO.. Custom Tailoring Only. 1190 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. Next to Proctor's Fifth Are, Theatre. When you call at THE CLIPPER office for your mall, step around the corner on Broadway and see our styles. FOR SALE, 9100 CASH, Four Columbia Oraphophones, Ono Cent Slot Machines, with two storage batteries. All In good working order. fib each. Original cost, $i-J5 each, without bat- teries. J. M. 8CFFRINS, DM Penn Ave., N. W., Washington, D. 0. FOR MALE, A 40 by «0 foot tent, 80 foot mid- dle piece, 10 foot side wall (Kansas City make), In llrst class condition; » centre poles, side poles, stakes and ropes complete ; lo lengths circus seats, a tiers high; loo folding chain, 100 12 foot long Hat seats, one 12 by 18 foot stage, 8 sets of scen- ery In oil, wings, curtains, proscenium arch. 4 prop, trunks and aU necessary tools, 8 gasoline lamps. Everything in Al ordsr. Now being used In Toronto as a medicine show. Tills la one of the finest theatre outfits ever gotten up. It cost When new over $800. $200 will take the entire lot. Write quick. THE K. E. KARN CO.. 182 Victoria Street, Toronto. Canada. A GIFT TO FAIR GROUND Workers or MEDICINE PEOPLE— For Sale, 1 Hale Ring Round Top, eort, with sort, middle piece; lOQuarter Poles andiort. Side Wall, Canvas Wagon that forms Btage 18x20, Scenery, Prop. Boxes, Folding Organ, etc.; Slake Puller, Tight Ripe, 5 Baker Burner Torches,'!) lengths 9 Tier "Beats, Advance Wagon, Cook Teat, 18x30, waterproof; Spring Cots, Bea- ding, stove, etc.; In fact, everything to set up and start right In bus. at once. Also good company, all organized. Will almost give It away If taken at once. Call and seo It all set up until Aug. lo, at Davison, Mich. Address Dr. Thompson, Davison, Mioh. Whan You Axe la Need of Mo»ey ^■^ CALL AT ff% LAWRENCES yjff LOAN OFFICE, ^f^W/^L HSU First Avenm, BsAlf/s^Bn Bet. 14lb and 16th Sts., N. Y. W W GM It Mikes No Difference liow ^mr B ^HiT Largo or Small the Amount t ^^ Required, or What the-Artlcle Tou WlBh to Pledge, Yon Can Do Better Here Than Elsewhere. Exceptionally Liberal Loans to the Profession. Goods Forwarded to All Parts of the United States and Canada. All Pledges Kept One Tear. Established 80. WANTED, for B. 8. Army, competent Band Mu- sicians, able bodied, unmarried men, between ages of 21 and 36. citizens of United states, of good char- acter and temperate habits, who can speak, read and write English. For Information apply to Re- cruiting Officer, T8 Hanover St, Boston, Mass.; 26 Third Ave., New York City; 883 Fulton SU, Brook- lyn, N. Y.; 618 Broadway, Albany, N. Y.; Main and Seneca St*., Buffalo. N. f.j Baatable BnlMIng, Syra- cuse, N. Y.: 1316 Filbert St., Philadelphia, Pa.; 204 West Fayette St., Baltimore. Md. ; 309 West Fourth St., Cincinnati, Ohio; 82 West Madison St., Chicago, Ml., or Third and Olive Bta., St. Louis, Mo. MUSICIANS I Send for descriptive circular and prices of the Holton Cornets and Slide Trombones. They are generally conceded to be the best for professionals. Address FRANK HOLTON, 70 Madison St., Chicago. FOR sale or Kent, Mechanical Wax Figures, Illusions. Pine Snakes, Marionettes, Paintings, Stuffed Animals, Show Stuff. Send stamp. I buy Show Stuff. J. P. BWECT, Atlantic City, N.J. MUSIC COMPOSED AND ARRANGED for any Instrument or number of Instruments. Bongs, words nnd mnslc, sketches, etc. Send stamp, OHAS. L. LEWIS. 42!) Rlohmonrt St., Cincinnati, 6. ACME EXCHANGE, 4li and 51 W. astb Street, N. Y. DADPAIUO Btereoptlcons, .Song, Posing and DHnURInu. Effect Slides. List for stamp. HOWORTH'S Tableaux of Erin, 46 beautiful scenes of Iroland, 4 Irish comedies, Costumes for Living rictures: oomo and seo It; good, like new, ready for road. JOHN HOWORTH, 139 Lebanon St., Maiden, Mass. . For Sale Cheap. A. GOODRICH, LAWYER, 641 West Madison St., Chicago; established 1864. Business legal and quiet. Branches and facilities in other States. lithographs l CENT bach, un- lettered cross-lining space; Vaudeville, Reper- toire, Burlesque, Dramatic, Opera. Send $1 for ISO samples. Onera House contracts 60o. per 100. B. DAVENPORT, »3 W. Van Biircn St., Chicago. LADY or GENT With traveling i day stand Comedy Company as TICKET SELLER or TREASURER. $600 cash re- quired, flalf Interest In everything. I have Printing, Coiiinany, Bueiiery, Edison Plo'ure Ma- chine, etc. Company opens Sept. 2. No expe- rience necessary. W. E. CLARK, Manager, Conoy Island Theatre. Cincinnati, Ohio. GODDING COMEDY CO. Wants Good, Novel Vaudaville Act. Single or Double. Trick 'Cyclist preferred (Comedy). Address 0. U. COTTON, En ton Rapids, Mich. ACTORS and MUSICIANS For balance of Summer season and Winter engagement. O. F. ACKERMAN", PALMER'S "UNCLE TOM'S CABI.V" CO., ASHLEY, MICH . WANTED, Strong CABHIVAL Attractions for FAIR CIRCUIT, that Will Draw Crowds, All Privileges For Sale. CIRCUIT, SEPT. 29-OCT. 24. E. J. ROBINSON, Secy., Ark. State Falrand Circuit, Rogers, Arte. BARGAINS 1 A IM TEAM. FOR SALB-One Fine Set of Musical Slolgli Bells (Deagan's make), with Rack complete. Never been used, and cost thirty dollars: twenty dollars gets them. Aiao One Fine Glass Xylophone; a real novelty; Bounds like musical chimes. Cost fifteen dollars, but will sell for eight. Address Frank H. Bandich, P. O. Box 4IT. Mobile , Alab ama. FOR SUMMER AND RE6ULAR SEASON, Tall, HEAVY WOMAN for some characters; COMEDIAN with specialty, S. A D. preferred; GEN. BOS. ACTOR with specialty, one with Pic- ture Machine considered. All must have ability and wardrohe. Write all. Ready to Join on wire. Photos and progrumB returned. Sobriety essen- tial. Friends, write. LORNE ELWYN, Au Sable Forks, N. Y., Aug. 6-8; Lake Placid, ». Y.. 10-16. Luciers 1 Wants a Black Face Song and Dance Team, or Two Single Black Face Comedians. Must do ends. Write quick. Long engagement F. J. PALMER, Join at once. Address Box *B, Onset, Maes. WA1TOD QUICK, MILLER-BRYAN GO, Heavy Man, Character Man, General Business Man and Woman, Good Specialty Team (Han and Woman). Must play email parts. Agent snd Piano Player (man). Glva full particulars. We cIobo In Chicago next June. PROF. A. L. BRYAN, Baton Rouge, La. WANTED, FOR LABOR DAY Ottumwa, Iowa. SLIDE FOR LIFE, BAG PDN0HERS, JUGGLERS, Etc. Send terms to J. F. BTRNE, Chairman Committee, No. 621 Jay SL, Ott nmwa, Iowa. PEOPLE WANTED. SI. PAI 1HEA1U MANGE Ars Placing Dramatic People, and can place more at once. If In this locality, make yourself known. If not, write. JAMES W. EVANS, Manager, 76 B. Fifth St., St. Paul, Minn. WHO, WHAT, WHEN. CALL All people report Aug. 28 at HENNEGAN & CO., Show Printers, Cincinnati, Ohio. Want Double and BaBS and Tuba. L. M. EOYKR, Mgr. Note— All time tilled. Mnslclins, no trunks. WANTED, Hustling Agent, That can book and route. A 1 Night Stand Bur- lesque Show. Must be a press worier, acquainted wltu bouse managers, nave a personality, and work for Interest of the show. Sobriety essential. State lowest salary, refersnees and full particulars In first letter. Address BURLESQUE MANAQKR, Care of CLIPPER Ofllce. WANTXD VOB TH1 WARNER COMEDY CO., Man for Leads and Heavies, Actor that can sing Illustrated Songs and good Specialty Team. Tell kail In flrstletter.wlth programs. Rehearsals Aug. 10. BEN R. WARNER, Manager, McGrsgor. Iowa. iys on Time. One 14x48, one ions, one 16x26, with in. walls; one 60ft, Striped Rd. Top, ono, Crank Piano, several Hand Organs, fins Folding Organs, Rust- less Wire Hammocks. Lawn Swings, Ballyhoo Umbrellas, Mammoth Gaslollno Lights. Bargain Booklet free. R. H. ARMBRU8TER, Bprlngflcld, Illinois. Mod.Show jVIgrs. Send stamp for our "GATLINO GUN"UED. OFFER— A sure "Coin Getter" anywhere. Makes WORN OUT territory good as new. Tbla Is the ''Coming Wsgon." CLIMB ON. Anything yon want for "Ofllce Graft." WE PR0TEOT YOU. Address E MMA SUPPLY CO., Rock Isla nd, 111. At 1*113 or ty, A, BUFORD CURTIS, MUSICAL DIREOTOR (Piano) AND ARRANGER. Ocean View Casino, Norfolk, Va. WANTED, FOR E. G. SMITH'S DOG AND PONY SHOWS. CONTORTIONIST that can do two other acts. Other useful people for season South. Must Join on wire. Name your lowest and be ready to join on wire. Hold n day or so as mail may have to be forwarded. Address PETERSBURG, PA. FOR LEAftE, Combined Sleeping and Dining Car, Suitable for traveling companies. Also BAGGAGE CAR. NEW JERSEY CAR W0HK8, LAKE VIEW, V. J. WANT SITUATION for NEXT WINTER SEASON With Grizzly Bear, tbo largest In captivity. Wrest- ling, Acroliatlo, Dancing, Boxing Bear. To open In Sept. Perm, add., R P.. 122 W. 'jutti St., New York. BOSTON FILM EXCHAlfSE. Second Haad Films, Song Slides and Machines Bought, Bold and lxohanged. set WASHINGTON ST., Boom 42, Boston, Mass., opp. Adams House. JUST OUT, 124 PAK ILLUSTRATED MAGIC CATALOGUE, 26c. ; SUP. CATAU, Be None free. Only N. E. Agent for Mabattna, 10c W. D. LBBOY, 103 Court St,, Boston, Haas, WANTED, Several First Class 11 AR1IS OF ABILITY. Most be capable of doing high class work. All year 'round engagement. THE CHAS. F. THOMPSON SCENIC CO., DETROIT, MICH. L. lT5faike?s "Faitesi Dancers on Earth, All tbe Largest Women In the country. Open Aug. 17 at the Nickelodeon, Boston. Fairs to fol- low. Address L. B. WALKER, 51-67 Hanover St.. Boston, Mass. WANTED QUICK, Specialty Team, Piano Flayer and Fall Acting Company. Leroy Stock Co. R. B. LKROY, Mgr,, Mar.hall, Mich. 30 DAYS SPECIAL OFFER TO PIANO PIAYERS 30 "Der Mutter Traeume" Waltzes, AND "The Elite" Two-Step, Will be mailed to any address In the United States, for the sum of 10c. each. No stamps. Orchestra Leaders, write. * JONES PUB. CO., 1310 Webster Ave., Plttabnrg, Pa. Wanted, Musicians. Two Cornets, one Cornet to lead band, E-flat and B-flat Clarionet, liintone, Trombone and Alto. State salary In first correspondence. Money ab- solutely sure, rain or shine. Wire or write quick to WM. KKDPPEL, Band Master Bosco Show, Lone Rock, Wis. P. 8.— Can use organized band. AT LIBERTY, GEO. CLARE, CHARACTER COMEDIAN, SPECIALTIES, STRONG SLIDE TROMBONE. IARJI MASON OPERATIC, SOPRANO. JDVENILES, SOME CHARACTERS. Address GEO. CLARE, Slonz City, Iowa. Care of Arcade Hotel. Harry E. Anderson, BUS. MGR., TREAS. or ADVANCE, At Liberty After Ant;. 8. Address 118 W. CENTRAL AVE., Delaware, O. MUSICIANS WANTED, FOB WEARY WILLIE WALKER CO. Good salary, long season, B. and O.; Cornet, II. and O. ; Clarionet, Tuba and Bass, 1st Violin and Alto, OrchtBtra Leader. Must Join on wire. Co. opens Aug. 8. Address HARRY DULL, IS Bethnne Ave., Detroit, Mich. PHOTOGRAPHS Cabinet Photos of yourself for selling, $ao per 1,000. New Edena Carbon finish sample, 10c. IITIIOC HUSBAND OR WIFE PHOTOS, SS.00 VlUnt eerl.OOO. FORTUNES. 60c.; Samp. 10c. ^MACHINES ForI " L,tteraandFatani ' EDKNASTUrno.. R08 Arch SU. Phils.. Pa. I MARTIN COMEDY CO. Repertoire People, Leading Juvenile Man, Man for Heavies, Character Man, Agent that can act some, Juvenile Lady, Soubrette Lady, Piano Player that can play small parts, either lady or gent; can uso a good Fakir. Address TOW MARTIN, Parlor Theatre, Duluth. Minn. WANTED. The advertiser has a grand spectacular exhibition; needs money to produce It at St. Lou 1 1 Fair. Greut money maker. H. G. F. KTJBCK.K, 90 Buffalo Ave., Brooklyn, New York. MAN FOR JUVENILES AND HEAVIIS, JUVE- NILE WOMAN, GENERAL BUSINESS WOMAN, GOOD MAN FOR 0ENERAL BUSINESS, MALE PIANO PLAYER. People with specialties pre- ferred. Must be able to join immediately. ALLEN A KARLE. Perry. M. Y., weokof Aug. 3; Mount Morris. N. Y., week of Aug. 10. WASTED, L4DY l'ADHSTS For Store Gypsy Camp. Opens Sept. 7. State age, experience, fnll particulars first letter. Good costume and street ulothcs essential; all photos returned. Address GYPSY LUE, Hotel Hills, Blooinlngton, Illinois. Wanted, fir Olderfer's World if Nwelties, High Class Specialty People that Double In Bran, Sironi; Musical Team, Sketch Team, Musicians that Double In B. and O. Will open Sept. 1, under canvas, for fonr weeks. Bonked solid In Opera Houses after that. Wlutor'a work to right people. Salary Bure; can give hest of reference. Address nil mull to CHAW. OLDERFEIt, Kankakee, III. STREET MEN, TRAIN AGENTS And DEALERS. Send stamp for our complete M. O. catalogue with wholesale price list. UNIVERSAL SUrrLT CO., 1« La Sallo St, Omaha Building. CHICAGO. WE ALWAYS HAVE THE LATEST NOVELTIE8 ^Ar• A IM T E D , A COMEDIAN WHO IS A HUSTLER AND HAS A STRONG VOICE, E?, r .1 ,l £ fl . l 2, ( 7!,2, ln 5: lll s" » ,1<1 Talking Act. Address OUAS. G ari IELD, late of Osrflcld and Gallagher. No. 23 Charles St.. Cleveland, Ohio. Hartshorne Opera House, Hartshorne, Ind. Ter., C. R. Blrnbaum, Mgr. NOW BOOKING ATTRACTIONS FOR 1903- '04. Managers address. August 8 casino KaSaS" THK STJCCKSB OF SUCCEsgEa^ THE RUNAWAYS And MISS FAY TEMPLETON PASTOR^ 1-Stlx Street. ' CMTIMOIS PERFORMANCE. ED. M. FAVOR and EDITH 8INCLMH JOE and NELLIE IIOXFR MYLES^McCARTl'vAco AITO A8 EXTRA ATTRACTION ^ EMMALYN LACKEY A CO., In Owen Kiu . Musical Comedy, "AN IST t;RME"/n" Jw( » B. F. KEITH'S HIGH C1VASS VAUDEVILLE 8. K. HODODON, Booking Manager, Aasoclitir. Huber's "£ Museum GEO. H. IIl'DEK, Propr. ■J WAflr ?S I> AT ALL TIMES ' "ving curiontta. Fre-lts of Nature, also First Class Vauaevl'hs aS for Theatre. Address J. H. ANDERSON SmS GARLIN «o OTTO A SPLENDID SUCCESS. The Bickett Family, GREATEST OF ALL AERIAL GYMNASTS ASD AOROP-33, HAVE A FEW OPEN DATES. _ Address GRAND RAPIDS. KIcS. FLIlYfi BANVARDS CASTING ACT. 2 Ladles and 2 Gents. Permanent address. CHAS. BANVARD.936 Montlcello Ave.,Chlcan o. I;i, A NOVEI/TY. NEWTON BROS. In their original comedy, entitled "MIXTURE. 1 ' En route J. W. Gorman's Parks. TROCADEO pRTfTTE, JOE BIRNES, Rep. WARNING TO MANAGERS. THE FREEZE BROS, Are the Originators of Spinning and Jnggllni Tim- bourlnes on Hands, Knees, Head and Feet slnal- taneons. Act copyrlghtedand patented. Flynn's Circuit for 12 weeks. GARLIN and QTTO A HIT EVERYWHERE. AUG. 10-17 OPEN. Fred -HUMES & LEWIS-Caprice Comedy, Acrobatic, Aerial. This week, Sbea'i Theatre, Buffalo. N. Y. Have a few Wrdamosta, THE MUSICAL Ten Eyclis STILL WORKING . Vice AND Viola ;WAWT A JOB. Cole and Clemens 1ST THE JTJNKHAN. Chestnut Hill Park, Phlla., Pa., this week. COOK and HALL, HARMONIC HUMORISTS. This week. BILL'S PARK, Trenton, ». J. WA IM E O, LECTURER, Strong, Dramatic, for Entertainment : at tbe PitUbnrc Exposition, St.pt. a to Otl. »4, State qaallflcatlon* nnd lownt term.. SOSMAK & LANDIS, »30 So. Clinton St., Chicago, III. At. JL,it>e:rt3*> P. J. KANE, SINGING AMD DANCING COMEDIAH. One piece or Al Rep. Show. Last season prlnrlpsl Comedian Bennett-Moulton Co. A.1drc»- i. '• KANE, C. W. Parks' Stock Co., Lalrobe, Fa., Aug. 8-8; Gallltzen.l'a, 10-15. , WASTED AT ONCB, ALL ABOUHD BEDICINE PEEF0BBEB3 That can change for nine nights. Must bt : a , Ootid Singer and Dsncer. and a hot afterpiece »'["[■ Also want Organ Player that can do siral»nN Tell all In Qrst letter. If.jou cannot Jolu uoot ask for tickets. Address nV Ia DR. R. J. ATKINS, Fairbanks^ Of all kinds. Male snd Female; Band g***eff Man with troupe of Tralnc* Dogs. Stop at now* I pay board. Stato lowest salary. MACK'S GEORGIA MINSTRELS, Genesee, Potter Co.,Pa., Ang. ia AT LIBERTY, _llnd Verene JUVENILE WOMAN, Experienced, reliable, Al singing specialty. Mana- gers of companies touring VI est add re s' 504 E. 14TII ST., Ncw_lorK^J^. Miss Mary Alheling, AT LIBEBTY. onsl or Jnvenlle Bole.! * Emotional tlltty nnd Api>*nr»m« 1JHKASr?SdhT.. Ne ■ens- r York WHITE FOB CATALOGUE OF »'«• Whiskers, Broom Brushes and Novtlt les. ^ the same Wig Makers Chas. E. Marshal enir-oj He has gone out of business here - Vi C. C. DOLAN. 824 Green St.. Lo_c kport li; — finveriMtor's Theatre, ATLANTIC CITV, N. Jm — SID FERN, - - ' "•"■ A UGUST 8. TABLE OF CONTENTS. Page. Miss Clipper's Anecdotes, Personal! tie* and Comment* Concerning Stage Polk. 54!) 1'ercy Hasf/ell — Sketch 5,"0 iliarles Kronman'« Dans nso Hurry Corson Clarke— Sketch SiW) Belle Gold— Sketch 6.10 V„„ilevlHe and Minstrel 551, 501 (jeo. and May Woodward — Sketch HI I iur European Letter 661 World of Prayers 552, 5(11 ilnr L'hlcago Letter 554 our London Letter 5.14 Under the Tents BM 4 -hem aad Checkers .150 Onerles Answered 6.14 Latest by Telegraph 557 ( in the Road .1.17 Vaudeville Houte Mat 557, 558 Willi the Dill Posters 558 Clipper Post Office 550 Iienlhs In the Profession 550 Miscellaneous ••••••; • •• 550 S»w York State — Review and Comment.. 500 Music and Song 501 THEATRICAL CORRESPONDENCE. ■Massachusetts 553 District of Columbia 553 Maine G53 Ohio 9-13 I.oulHlunn. 553 Utah ...;• •■•• 553 rennsylranla 560, 560 Ilhode laland 655 Missouri 555 New York State 555 West Virginia 555 Indiana 555 Wisconsin 555 4'allfornra 555 Minnesota 555 4'annda 655 4'olorado 55.1 Teias, Connecticut. Iowa 558 Alabama. Maryland, New Jersey 550 Washington 560 Michigan 585 Tennessee 500 Virginia 500 ( Iregon 500 Illinois 061 LATEST BY TEL EQRAPH. Monday Hlaht's Openings In All the Bis Show Torrni. THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. 557 Us ™™f., 1 '"' Aug. 4.— The ami opened a regular season Saturday night, with tuscoc & Holland',, Georgia Minstrels The MrfornST < wcked ' , and ' ™ry satisfactory performance was even The usual lm. mense Sunday crowds turned I out t 'both the parks yesterday. At Forest Park Hop' whf!.h 11^ v 1 "" 1 a nn ? vaudeville bill, fn w. c . at iT H?, ynor and . hpr tropical birds ZSkiM ^If ln , ow i at Eloctrlc Park S01- audi nD appeared, to delighted Hoston, Aug. 4.— The weather yesterday was clear and cool. The Tremont. Castle Stiuare and Keith's were packed. The Pal- ace and the museums were well filled Amusement plnces at Revere- Reach were open Sunday and did a big business Yester- day wag only fair for parkg and beaches, owing to a cool wave. W/shingtox. Aug. 4. — "Pennsylvania" oiiened Its season, and also the season of the Academy of Music, last night, to a large house. This is the first house to open. On tbe Road. GOLDEN GATE GLEANINGS. ■•The Vlnearer Buyer," "Janice Mere- dith," "The Butterflies" and "Zorah" Make Up the New Bills (or the Week. (special Dispatches to The New Yoek Clipper ■San Kbancisco, Aug. 4. — At the Columbia 'theatre, Ezra Kendall opened last night, In •■The Vinegar Buyer." 'California Theatre. — Tills Is the third week of the Nelll-Morosco Co., with "Janice Meredith" as the bill. Alcazab Theatre. — White Whittlesey and company, In "The Butterfllca," Is the current week's Mil. Centbat, Theatre. — This Is the third week or Ilerschcll Mayall. In "Zorali," sup- l«rted by the Central Stock Co. (Skand Opera House. — Raymond and Cav- erly are In their third week, with "In Wnll Street" as the current hill. "In Harvard" Is scheduled to follow. Ttvon Opera House. — Cumllle D'Arvllle continues here, In "The Highwayman," to crowded houses, supported by Edwin Stevens and tbe Tlvoll company. •Fischer's Theatre. — TThls Is the fourth and last week of "Under tbe Red Globe" and "The Three Musketeers." Packed houses rule here at every performance. "The Big Little Princess" and "Quo Vass Ibs" follow Aug. 10. URPiiEUtf Theatre. — Opening Sunday, 2, for the week : Kaufman Troupe, Roberts, Hayes and Roberts, Dooley and Ten Brooke, Geo. E. Austin, Mme. Kononili, .lus. J. Morton, 'Macart's dogs and monkeys, Clau- dius and Corbln, and tbe olograph. Ciiuteh. — Opening last night : Hathaway und W'ulton, Hank Whltcorab. Three Kuhns, Little Blossom, Lester and Curtln, the Great /a no, Mexlas and Mcxlas, and moving pic- tures. Gkauman's Theatre. — Opening last night : Van Kaussen and McCnuIcy, Maude Still, Clinton (Montgomery, and bioscope, besides h number of holdover acts. Notes. — At Sutro Heights, Saturday and Sunday afternoons and evenings, Aug. 1, 2, four special open air performances of "As You Like It," with Nance O'Nell as Uona- llnd. und James J. Corbett as Charles, tbe Wrestler, will be given James Madi- son left for his home, Baltimore, Md.. Sun- ilajr (July 20), after having spent a pleasant and Interesting visit to this city with his folks and fellow professionals. He will visit New York and other Eastern cities on business connected with his theatre The old German castle,' on top of Telegraph 1UII. used as a concert hall on Sunday after- noons, and formerly conducted as an amuse- ment resort by the late Gustave Walter, Duncan Ross, and other managers, was de- stroyed by Are on the morning of July 25. It was one of the landmarks or the city. FnOM OTHER POINTS. Reports of Good Business from the Varlons Sections. Chicauo, Aug. 4. — Plxlcy & Ludcrs' mu- sical comedies, "Prince of Pllsen," at the Studehaker, and "The Burgomaster," nt the 1 J rent Northern, opened the season for those 1 heat res Saturday night, to Immense busi- ness The Criterion's season was opened by "The James Boys In Missouri," with two Sunday crowds Pain's "Ancient Rome" "pens on the West side Tuesday night, for three nights "Two Little Waifs" was Sunday night's attraction nt tbe Calumet. South Chicago, and "A Unman Slave" played lowle'a Opera House, Hammond, the same evening, with olg bualness reported Sunday was a big day at the Sans Soucl and Water Chutes Park, warm weather bringing out the crowds Cecelia Loftus began nobly In making good for her three thousand collars at Masonic Temple, and the Chicago •Jpera House was packed, with fine vaudeville on view. ...The Aluambra, with "Nobody's Halui," and the Bijou, with' "A Millionaire I ramp," had big Sunday crowds. .. .Stock burlesque at Sam R Jack's and the Troca- •lero prospered Immensely "Babes In J'oyland," at the Grand ; Henry E. Dlxey, at Powers', and "Tbe Tenderfoot, 1 ' at the Dear- Itorn, were continued attractions which profited on Sunday. St- Louis, Aug. 4. — Uavlln's Theatre "pened Sunday, to two big audiences, with 'Tbe Orphan's Prayer." Tbe Columbia Hieatre began the regular vaudeville season Monday, with good attendance Summer gardens report no let up In business — Delmar "frera "The Cleezer," with extra large chorus ; 1 l>e Highlands did big business nt the Sunday "penlngj and George Primrose made it bit : 'lie Suburban offers Inues' Hand and vnudc- v "le : nt Kocrner'a the stock company Is making good with "The Three Ounrdsmcn ;" 'he West Knd, Hnsliiigen's, Munnlon's and l.emp'g offer new vaudeville, and have good prospects for the week. PiiiLADixprciA, Aug. 4. — Audiences of ex- •client slxe were nttrncted to the two Keith ""lines ; the slock compnny appeared to ad- vantage In "The Private Secretary," and ".capital vaudeville bill entertained at the * iirstnut Street house The parks fared All Routes Mast Reach Us Not Later Than Monday. DRAMATIC. Aubrey Stock, Eastern, Mittenthal Brothers' , Thla list Is made ap as nearlr »e- enrate as It Is possible to make m list of vandevltle booklnars. Rrrora which may Appear In this depart- ment from time to time will he ovrlnsf to late cancellations or trans- fern of dates, of whleh ire hare to depend npon the performers for no- tification. We therefore ask all per- formers to eo-operate with ns, and ■ end as all cancellations and trans- fers as soon as they ooonr. Vtlnn • Trio, Proctor's, Newark, N. J., Aug. i-S; Jtoclotwuv Hench, N. V., tola. Aiktnlul A Tsvlnr, Hhas's, BitnVo, Aug. s-S; Host f.ske llrk, WonnMieke), 11. I , II) 19. Ailnina, lien. II, A l'o,, <'nl»r Point. HnnJusky, O,, Aug. A, ,1m. K , Liins Park, Coney tnUnd, N. V., Aug. .ti*. ArouM A W«»Idu, Morr!-.>o'n, Rockswsy Resell, N. V., AllU. 3-S. "A«s," f»r»ill«> Koof linntent. N. V. C, Aug. M. Allwrt, Allle, Hljou, Norfolk. Vs.. Alls. sa. Alliene A l.» Rrsnt; IJiirernslnr'ii. Allsntlo City, Aus. .lx, aIbiIik ill. lli'nil«r»on'«. Coney lsUml. N. V., Aus. .IX All IIrmkou lii'ii Troup.', f.on* I'srk, I'onoy lulaial, N. V.. Alls, S-"- Auierlcnn Tninuielem (4), Haas lAks Park. Wooiiiit, 11. I., Aug. ,1S. Ami-rli-sii Slam (3), Hemlerinn'K, Coney lalsiul, N. V., Aim. M Aitittll.i A NUiioln. Msnhaltan lliaoli, Denvar. Auk- .IS. Aiiuuan A Hartley, I'nictur'a, Newark, N, .1., Aug. as. Antrim A relate, (luvernalnr'n, Allsnllo city, Auk .tS: I'roctor'e, Newark, N. .1., 1U IS. Anilareon, fltivernainr'e, Atlnutle City, Aub;. 3-19. Arvilaen, C. 11, II., ClilCHgo. Aotf, 3-H. Anileraon, Mstlan, Credent Park, i'mrluom-e, K. I., Aug, ».«. AruiKtninK .1 Holly, Mannlnn'e Perk. Ht. Louis, Aug. SH. Annairons A Wrlalil. Itei'vea' Park, Ko«tnrla, (1., Auk, 3S; Saiulo.ky. Ill IB. Atnliii a Wajncr. C. It. II.. Clilcaan, Aur. 3 * Auburn. Mamsrvt, Palsce, Hull, F.nxUuif, Aug. .'IS: Kin- I'lrc Ltrurpixil, lu 19. Aelitnn, Jnelc, lams Park, Coney Island, N. V., Aug. .IS, Austin, lien. K Orplioiiui. Man Fran., Aug. .is. Htrncs, Paul i Co., Washington Pnrk, Baynnne, N. J., Aon. s-s. HsKgossinis, The, Empire, t^mlim, V.nt-, Aug. 3- 19, Hnrry A Julins.m. C. (). II,, Cllluuiu, Ailit. .1 KT llnrtletr. . Mr. aim Mrs. Harry H., Ploiwure Hvach, Hrldse. , Aug. It| I'ns: port, I imn , Aug. ,1S. Ilnssett, Morlloier, North Ailsnts, M lor's ikl St., N. v. cm 1,1. Hi'ainoont, Nellie, Keith's, N. V. C, Aug IS. Heauns.Tlie, Hlnker's I'ttllliin, Wllilwuml, N. J., Ang. .IS, Beulons, The. Tlvoll Music Hall, llulhlu, Aug. S*. Hi-nnor. Kmlllo, l"ln nf Palms. Charles Inn. H. II., Aug. 3 X. Psosley A ivileiler, Coney Islnnil, Clnohiuail, Aug. Tls. Hi'otlei , M usirni. Klverttilo Park, llangnr, .Me., Aug. .Is. Hell Trio, l.iinn Park, Cnney Island, N. v., Aug. 3H, Hell A lllchanls, Doinllng's Casino, llookaway Hessih, N. V.. Aug. M lleesnn, Malcolm A Demon, Proctor's, Newark. Aug. 3 a. .is; , ....toil. D. Ilmianl, Klele, Keith's. Hills,, Aug. :l 8. llnntlian A Kn-einan, Hitckoy's, .tullnl, III., Aug. .1 Hell. Hapator Krs.nk, t,akushla Park, Ak ion. IV, Aug. 3 S, iiliuiu, liraoio, H r-r r, Hohlneon Park, Knrt Wayne, linl , Aug. i*. Hlxley. HMgar. A Co., Kellli's. N. V. I'-, Aug. .'I a. make, Lulu. Kmiilre, Hi. Paul, Aug, a s, Hlai kb'.r.la isi, Mora Park, YnuiigaKiwn, "., Aug. 1 a. iilouui. Lew, ,» Jane Ci«i|i.ir, Music Hall, Hrlgliton He»ch, N. V.. Aug. **. Hlosnoin, Little, Chutes. Hnn Fran.. Aug, 3 A Hull nn Ouartat, Com-y Island. Cincinnati, Aug. is lino, la. lliuullug, Caaeailo Park, Watervllle, Me,, Aug. .'IX. llnnilo, Art. l.lmlenwHlil Pnrk. Ilanillloii. n, Auk, .1 Si Cheater Park, 1,'liieliuistl, IU-19. Holsva, Four, Klaoirle Park, Baltimore, Aug. lis. Hroad way Octet, Waahlngtun Park, Hayuunn, N. J., Aug. llraill A Htnll. Cheater Park. Cincinnati, Aug. '1-8. Hiailley, May, A. A H., llmton, Aug. .1 s. Ilrailv, Alio-. Kinldre. SI. Paul, Aug. S A llrarhanl. Mile., Manlialtan Beaidi, tiinver. Aug. Ill (A. Hrlttons, The. Ilolleiue Park, Toledo, <>., Aug. Ji. Hnir.kAway, Floronce, St. Nicholas Harden, N. V. <>., Aug. Hrennan, lleo. A Lllla, Lincoln Park, New Hedlurd, Aug. 8-S. Hrown, Lulu, A. A «., Iluiujn, Aug. 3 », Ilruus A Nlnn, Itamona Park, ilrand Kaplda, Mich. Aug. SB; Central Park, Dunkirk, N. v.. Ill 14. Hrown, Harry (1., htectrlo Park, Baltluinre, Aug. , IS. Hrown A Hartolettl. Lakeside Perk. Wehli City, Mo„ Aug, 2S; aiandale Pnrli, Naalirlllt, Teim., 10 19. Murkier, Arthur, Klectrlc Park, Haltlmnro, Aug. , IS. llurton, II II. Novelty, riaktand, Cat, Aug., 3 19. Ilurto Hljou Clicue, Luna Park, Coney Island, N. Y„ Aug. M, llurke'a Musical Doge, Hans Houcl Park, I Hileago, Aug. II s. Burns. Harry, Iron pier, Syracuse, N. v., Aug. JS; tin*. ernatnr's, Atlantic Cltv, lIMe. Ilurion A Hnniks, Lake Contrary Caslnn, Ht, Joseph, Mo , Aug. IS; Forest Park, Ml. i.uuls, a-ls. Buskirk A lllcli. Mummer Theatre. Unrtlauil, N. V., Aug. IIS: Saratoga, luia. " Hiirrh, Mr. A Mra. .luck, Troowlaru, Chicago, Aug. I H: Ft. Hlietldan I'ark W-U, * Burrows A TravlaCo., Pleangw Heath, Brlilgo|Nirt, Aug. Huriiock Hlalets, Doyle's Pavilion, Atlantic City, Aug. llurton A Ilurion, U. I). I!., Cliloauu, Aug. :i s. Colunihla. Ml. Issils, 10-19. Hniler, Amy, Hemlarson's. Coney laland, N. V,, Aug. :t X. Uiinllck, K. Lewis, llakwood Park, Plttshiirg, Aug. ;IM; WnsliliiKloii.il, (l!, 10 19. Hurry, .Mm D., Chestnut Hill I'ark, I'lilla,. Aug. »•*. Carter A Knas, Lakeslda Park, Akion, I)., Aug, 3-8; Kent, tl„ 5-15. C imllln A Fona. Hu viiriisiur'a, Atlantla Cltv, Aug. Its. Cnslellnt A Hall, raslno. Term Haute, Aug- 38; Mnn. nhin'a Park, XI. Louis III. 16, Cupltol city Trio, flwynne Oak Park, llalilinm... Auk J ,h. Casiiiuto A Florence, West End llelghla, Ht. Uoils, Aug, «-8;OAkMuininlil'srk,Kvanavllle,1iiU,tli9. Calii A Hunter, Mountain View Park, tleruixiitown, N. v., Aug. 3s, Canieroiil, Luna Park, Coney Island, N. V,, Aug. ;i s Cannonlella, Lagoon laland, Allwny, N, V . Aug. 3 X, Cameron A loleoo, AruiaraoQ, M. C, Aug. 3-S. Cauiphull Urns,, chutes, Han Francisco, Aug. Ill 19, Certer. Hertlia, Caiw Mav, N. .).. Aug, .1 s. Carter A llluford, Mors Park, Voungatuwn, ()., Aug. i 8. Castntms, The, Kelth'a, N.V.I)., Aug. Sd, ' " Casad, Mr. A Mrs. Clias,, l.akealdn Park, Day toil, O., Aug, Rarll'n A llttn, Halein Willows, Halani, Mno, Aug. 3 8. Case, Charlie. Masonle Teniplu, Chicago. Aug. 3-8. Carton A Csriuli, Kill's CsjIiio, North BmcTi, N, V., Aug, dairies Carl, Klectrlc Park, HprloRltelil, I),, Aug. 3 8: Forest Park, liayton. II., « 19. Cherry t Hates, .lllddlctown, Conn., Aug. IIS; Putnam 10-16. ChlnuulllA A N«w*ll, Mliellpnl Park Wilmington, 0*1., Aug. 3-8, Chamherllns, The, Keith's, Fhlla., Aug. Its. Chester, Charles, Halt Pulrice, Halt Lake (Illy, Utah, Aug. 3-8; Manhattan Heash Denver, llMfl Chrlstoiiher. Avon Park. Yiiuugatowii, (>,. Aug. M. Cletsloro, Mile., Luna I'ark, Cony Island. N V„ Aug .1 s. Clayton, Jenkins A Jasper, Caiiterhury and Brlston, Loudon. F.ng., Aug, .1-8; Canterhnry III 19. Clausen Hl«i«rs, (luveruator'e, AtlantloClty, Aug, ,l«. lionnvan, .!>« fl . ChMtef Pars, Cincinnati, Auk. 2 8. Iimiar, .ion A Nellie, I'oator'a, N. Y. (?.. Auk. SB. Ititiaa A I-anh.irr. Farm, Toledo, 41., Auk. 2-8- Dolftn, Honor A Belle, Hartford, (una. Am. .18. Diniray, Will, Lake .Vaaaobealc, Manchoatar, N. II, Aug. Dorian, Bartlio, BCanle. Park, Cleveland, Aug. 28; Belle- vue Park, Toledo, y-l.v ■ • Dorothea sisters, Saratoga Park, I'uttatown, l'a.. Auk. .18. Dnoley A Tenbronke, Orpheuiii, flan Fran., Auk. »8. Dunbar, Irene, Hendemon'a, Coney laland, S. Y„ Aug. SB. • •' Diitnltraarii, Van Anion A Vnnoeraon, Paln'a, Chicago, Aug. Silt? Kurle, Ylolot, Kenlon'a, Buffalo, Aug. 18. Marl A Wllann, Willow Dale Park, Lowell, >laa«. Aug SS. Kcklioff A flordou, Dornoy Park, Allentown, Pa., Aug. Kldridge, Preaa, Kornat Park, St. Loula, Aug. 38; Foreit Park, Kfiiih.'U City. Ill IS. L'llatyurtha, The, Auditorium, Nurfolk.Va., Aug. 3-8. Klltiore Maters, Hlion'a, Bu Halo, Aug. 3-8. h'nierald Trio, A. AH., Norton, Aug. .18 Kmmett, Hilah, Shleldi' Park, Wall* Walla, Aug. 2-8. Ki>|», Ceo. A Lnreitn, Cayuga Luke Park, Bene* Fnlla, NiY..Au«,W.' ' Kntit«, Kdivard, (ireabody Park, KfVliML B. I., Aug. 38, Krmit, Charier, K»nh'», Anatoli, Aug. 3-8. Kvorett Blalera, Wcaxl'a, Peoria, 111., Autt. .18. Pudette ilrrliektro, Keltiia, Hasten. Anir. 38. Farley, latnea A Bonnie, Hong Lake Park, Wnonaockot, B.I., Aug.lW Falvre. Anltii, Lima, 0., Auk. 3 8. Favor A Sinclair, l'talnr'«, N. Y. C.AUg. 3H. FniiiiiH, Tim (2), Ocean Pier, Sea lain City, X. J., Aug. as; (irean PIKr Caalno. Ocean city, in Fawn, Lolo, Idura Park, Youngatnwn, Auv. 38. Xerguaon A litipree, Oak rititnmlt Park, Kmuarllle, Ind., Ang.f-*; ATflllie, Detroit. 10-13. r'ornuaon A l'oaamoro, Maun}nn'a Park, St. Loula, Aug. Fei-r'ar, Onlo A tin., l"Toeiof« flth Are., N. Y. 0., Aug. IL9 Klalur, Mr. A Hra. Purklna, Lakealde Park, Akron, 0., Auk. 38. • Flawy Trio, Shea'i, 31111810. Aug. 3-8. Flyan, Dolly A Barney, A. A H.lii.aton, Auk. 3 8. Flaherty, HiiKliey, Proctor'a IWlli Kt., N. Y. (.'., Auk. 38. Fletcher, Arthur, waahlngton Park, Bayonne, N.J., Aug, Flortcle, Nellie, "Electric Park, Baltimore, Aug. 18; Waati- Ingtou Park, ltnynniie. N. .1., |o-lS. Flnoil llmtlian, Kaua Hoilal, ClilcaKn. Aug. 2 8. Ford, Tom, BIJuu, JCnrftilk, Ya., Aug. W. I'olletL Loiinlt, Monroe Park. Toronto, t'nn., Aug. .18. Fox A .Melville, Partliaiinn, Llvcrponl, Kng., Aug. 3 8; Hip. podronie, l.nmlon. 11115. Kin, Iraro. Co., Kreeliody Pal k. Newport, It. I., Aug. a 8. Foater A Fnater, Proctor'a M Hv.; N. V. 0., Auk. M Forber .Worm., Holier Roofilarden, Marlon, 0., Auk. 38. Folre .s|»ibh Auditorium, Norfolk, Ya., Auk. 1-8. Frevoll, Kdpewater Park, Cellna. 0., Aug. 3 8. Friend, Al„ Paauir'a, N. Y. C„ Auk. 38. Kraier A Mtcb. wtar, Berinonev: Kng., Aug. 3-13. Furmaii. Iladlr, Blu'll|iUt Park, Wlliiilnj/ioii, IM., Aug. 38. tlaaton A Mtnna. Pleaaure Beach, BrhlKeiHirt, Aug. :'. 8. Curoii, Andy A Ma/.le, Caalno, Ontario Beach, Itoclieater, N< Y.,Ang. in. ' ■ (lanlner Broa. I'ark, North Beach, N. Y., Aug. 3-8. o.-illaodn. Kellh'a. Phlla., Aug. 1 -p. , cay, I "In nil Park, Klkhait. Ind., Aug. 2-8. Couh a Nehon, Hpndprann'B, Coiiev ialan ilalh-tra Monkeva, FreehAdy Park, New|inrt, R. L.Aug.S -8. Oiuriioux, The, Inlet- Pavilion, Atlantic City, Auk. 3-ta. iiiivin A Plan, I'm k, Kniithht-iilitp, Mas.*., Auk. s n ; Tain. itnoga Park. Attleboro, Maaa^ ID IS, (luaainaii. Jljsrplilm., Maannlc Temple, ChlrAgo, Aug. 38. (fay; the (treat; Oak flnnmilt Park. Kvanavllle, Ind., Aug. 2 8; laland I'ark, Klkhart. Ind., it in (laylnr.HoWiy, i\ 0: ll„J;hlcagfl. Aug. 38. (larrlty Hlatem .■ Monumentnl, IhiltlmoVe, Aug. 3 8. illlkey, Kthel, Midland Beach, N. Y., Auk. ;i-a. lillllhan A Murray; Ij\ke Conlrnry, Ht .loieph, Mo., Aug. .1-8; Klit-lrloPurk. Kntiana City, III lv OIllH'it ,V ciunm, J.una Part, Coney laland, N. Y.,Aug. (Ilbmu A Naah, Cryatnl, Denver, Auk. .'lis. (Illlrtte'a Mualcnl Dogt, Paradlae Itoof Hardens, N. Y. C. Aug. 3/H, , oibsAn Olrla. Knrai kidlaV, Mllwnilkea, Aug. 38. (Ileeanu. .1. II.. Kelth'a. Phlla., Aug. 38. Olaaa, chailea, l '. O. II., t.'hliiiKo, Aug. HH. ll.ddle.St. Chlr.l lloldle, Dojle's, Atlantic City, Aug. Uoisjwl/i Bro«., A. r .l 8;, Bnalun, Aug. 3-8. UoKKln A Dnila, Kiiiplr*, Newport, Wales, Aug. 3-8; Em- Idre, Noitlnghitm, Mult., Ill IS. llorham Comedy «), lluiideraon'a, Coney laland, N. Y„ Atui.au... ', '. (lulMV, Luna Park. Cnilev Talitiul,' K. Y., Altg. \9. Oonlou A llnyos Lakeatdii park. Akron, O., Aug. 34; HMntnn Park, HtPilliaiu-ltlp, Ill-Ill. Orabt'Atlriinl. Pamillse Boor Harden, N. V. 0., Aug. 3 8. tlrahaiu, Mar;ii'U A Co., Pnwtor'a m mi., N. Y. 0., Aug. .1-8. • i HiayA (liahain, Now Haven, Conn., Aug.ja o races Ph.nienrtale Park, NaMlivllle,Teiiii., Aug. 31ft. HreKsuna, The, Kelth'a, Pjillu , Aug. 38; Paator'a, N. Y. 0., ilieen A Warner, Farm, Toledo, , Aug. 28. Urav A tlrahAiii, Havln Bock Park, New Haven, Aug. 3 8; Coney Island, N. V,, in I*. Orant, Hyilnoy, Morrlaun'a, KoCkaway Bench, N. Y., Aug. Haley A Bond, Clieaiiiiiflllli Park; ITilla.. Auk.Hs1.| Hnrcoiirl A May, Umpire, Aahtabula Harbor, O., Aug. 38. ' Hathaway A waltnn, Chulea, Kan Kran,, Aug. 3-S llaiiil. Bro*„ Pastor's, N. Y. i" , Aug. 8-8. Hurrlngtmia, The, A. A 8)., Boston, Aug. 3-8. ' Hart,' William A Kdlth, tluvernnior's. Atlantic City, Aug. .18. Ham ev A lloaDi', Manhattnn llemdi, Denver, Auk. 3*. Ilnri'lsnn Bros:, Coney Island, Cincinnati, Aug. 2 8. Hart A Bessie, Pottsvllle, Pa., Aug. 3-8. Harvey A Lee, Henderson's, Coney Island, N. Y., Aug, 3 8. Halliiway'a Diving llorsos. Mora Pnrk, Youngstnwn, Harvey, W. 8, A Co., Crescont Pork, Pmvldeneo, II. J., Auk. tf. 1 1 nyus, Kdiuuml A Co., Mualo Hall, Brighton Hooch, N. Y., lleiiileraon A Hoax, Bellevuo Pnrk, Toledo, O., Aug. 28; Temple, BWrolt, 10-13. Haskell, Lonvy, Keiths, N. V. <)., Ang. 3 8. Held, Lillian, A. A K, Boston, Aug. .18. lleidovv, Clnis Ohoator lVuk, ttlnolnnatl, Aug. 2 3; Lske- slde Park, Akron, 111-18. Ilealh A lixculslu, Caaluo Pier, 8ca lain City, N.J., Aug. 3 8. ' ".' . ' ' . Herbert A Nolan, Avon Park, Yoimgstowu. Aug. 3,8. llecklKr, chillies, Cliester Park. Clnoliltiatl. Aug. 2-8. Uluof Hardens. N. Y. C,, Ann . . Penrln. 111., Aug. 18. llefiiin, Tom. lluveruntin/a, Atlautlc City, Aug. 34 Helena, lidilll, Pnradlau 1 llertlinl, Jemle. .laoobir, Peoria, III., Aug. .18. ..."I.. .....,, ,,„1*1UIII,M P, Jlllll i'elon>n. .lalnOstnwtt, N. Y., lu-IS. llenulnga, Trlu, DnytoV Atlantic Clly, Aug. 3-8. IHgitlNa I Phelpa. iSistor'a, N. Y. C„ Aiu;. 3-3 Hlckey A Nelson, winter llai'ten, lleilln, llor., Aug. 3- Kept, ilk HlhU'it A Low la, (ludiVoy'a Pavilion, Hiund Itaplda, Aug. Howard A Keeuiin, Luuu Park, Oouoy Iiland.'N. Y., Aug. Ilnirord A Worth, Woihlngton Park, Bayonne, N. J., Aug, 8-8, Hindis (Ji.-oailun. Pol lu-Biiv, ().. Aug. 1 15. llognii. Krnest, Kelth'a, Phlla.. Aug. 3-S. llorilaworlh'i, Tho, Kelth'a, N. Y,C„lAug Phlla;, BUS, Aug. 3-8. Kelth'a, lloyt, Add w„ I.lpu Palace. N. Y. c, Auk.|S-8. Iluliiies A Waldod, Lnkovlew Casino, Kalamazoo, Aug, 38. llownril, Llllle, Empire, Kt. Paul, Aug. 3-8. ■ loll, Alt'., Miibiiilmn i lanlen. Kt. Loula, Aug. 3 8, llowanl Hlatera, Weimar Park, Oklahoma Clly, Okls., Ault.3-16. ■ . llowanl A Bland, Keith's, Phlla., Aug, 3 9. Holmes, llelemn, Kiiiplre. St, Paul, Aug. ,18. Borne, .laniea, A co„ KeUh's, N. Y, a, Aug. 3-8. H Howard Broa,, Farm, Toledo, <)., Aug. 2-8 Hume, Ktetl.lt., Cmiey lalahil, Cluclhnatl, Aiig,: Hume, Unas A Lewis. Pastor's, N. Y, ('., Auk. 3-8. Iluelin, Mualpnl I'.lecti'lc'Park. I'tlra. N. Y., Aug. 34 H nines A Lewie, Shea's, llutuilo, N, v., Aug. 2-8. linhni A Conn. Paatlir'a, N. Y. I*., Aug. 3 8. ' ivIuV, ■ r ■ '.....'. . . . Kern* A Cole, Riverside I'ark, Saginaw, .Mich., Aug. 10-19. KHceyiHIMers (.11, Farm, Toledo. Aug. 28. Kennedy Children, Athletic Park, Bar Harbor, He, Aug. Kennedy, Lion Palace, N. Y C„ AOg. 3-fl, KerpsACole, Kainntm l"3rk, Hrand Rapids, Mich., Aug. Klraifo Broa.,' Topic, -'Billings, Mont , Aug. 38; Ktllway Park, Hreat Falls, lu-lft. f King, Joe, illenJale Park, Naahville, Tenn., Ang, S ll. Kl«rn. Ott Bros. A Nlckeraon, Krb's Pavilion, North Beach, N. V.. AUK.3-IS. ■ ■ Klaron Sisters, Lion Palace, N. Y.O., Aor. 38. Klnoilyke Knur, Tumbling Dam Park, Brldgetnn, N. J., . '. ■ ' August 8. AOg. 3-8. Kn) ' ' Aug. 3 8. -V InuesK a Ityan, tlleuilale Piirk, Naal lliglnin, Lee, I', o. 11,,-Chlengn; Aug. 3-S.. Tenu., Aug. 3-8. .i^l'K- 3 '" gbt, Kathrlne, Manhattan Beach, Denver, Aug. 38. Koppe, Sprlnglake I'ark, Tr.-nton, N. .1., Aug. .18; Caainri Her, Ocean nty,N..J„ 11113. • ■ Koijorali. Oriiheuiu. Kan Fran., Aug. 38. Knlina (3), Chnti.a, Kan Kran., Auk. 3-8. i.i.i;lolr A West Vt'ou-t's, Peoria. II)., Aug. 3-8. Lawrence, Al., Bellevuo Park, Toledo, o , Aug. 2 9; Hettc. Loo.lim, (Tan., Aug. 3-8.' La Ford, Charles Temple, Detroit, Ang. 34. LaWolne-.Tlie, Park, Canton, ().. Aug. 8-8. 1. »iwint». The, Bullevue Park. Toleilo, O.. Aug. 28; Ood- frey's Park, Hrand Itaplda, Mich., (MS. I.atlinoie A Leigh, olytnpla I'ark, McKeeaport, Pa., Aug. Lackey, Einmal) A Co., J'aator'a, N. Y. C. Aug. 3 8. I.arcilo A lllake, (.'heater Park, Cincinnati. Aug. 2-8. .leas, Then A Camllle, Plum Island. Newbiiryport, Mass., Aug. 3-8. ' ...'•< Lane A Suiannelt.i. .Incoba', Peoria' III., Aug. 38. Lavlgne Slaters, l,'. O. II,, Chicago, Aug. 3D. La/ellea, The, F.lectrlc Park, Baltimore, Aug. 3 8. l.iiupells. Jenniii tie A.otla, Electric. Park, Newark, N, 3., Aug. 3 8; Kvcky Spring Park. Lancaster, Pa,, JO- Jr., I.awaon A Nahon, Avoh Park, Yiiitugsrown, Aug. 38. lAZ.aros, Prtnccaa, C. o. H:, Chlcagii, Aug. .18. Lloytl A Waltone. BellevuB Park, Tnledo' O.. Aug. 2-8. Lloyd, Anna. Henderson's, Coney laland, N. Y., Aug. 38. Lii Bar. Af'-' 1 '-, Cleveland, O., Aug. 2 8. Li'lghtriu A LelKhtoii, Wells' Park, Boanoke, Vn., Aug. S- 8. Rlchiunhd 1UT|5, . Leiinn, Little. Proctnt'a 23d Kt., N. Y. (:., Aug. S8. Leona ,li Leonn. Shields' I'ark. Walla Walla. Aug. 2 8. Lo Clair, Harry, Preebodj-Park, Newport, R. 1.,-Aug. 3-8. Lr-nnza. Itamona Park, Hrand Itaplda, Mich., Aug. 3-8. Lee, Hugh Y, A Bessie, Waldauiere Park, Erie, l'a., Aug. I.e. Bat. Cleveland, ()., Altg. M. J.e Clair, ,Tphn, West End, New Orleans, Aug. 38. Isiwla A Ityan. Shoa'a, Bulfalo, Aug. 3-8. Lester A curtain, Clnitaa, San Fran., Aug. 3-8. Lewla, Caprice C, Coney Island, Cincinnati, Aug. 2 8. Lo Coy. Joalc, A. A K., Boston, Aug. 3-8. lair". The, Clark's Haldcn, Terre ftaulc, Ind., Aug. 38. Lo Mnyue A 1* l.ange, Inlet Pavilion, Atlantic city, Aug. WIS. Lcatef.il lurry B„ Proctor'a 23d Ht„ N. Y. C, Aug. 38. Leonard A Leonard, Fib's Casino, North Beach. N. Y.« Aug, 3-8. Litchfield, Mr. A Mrs, Nell, Rlverton Park, Portland, Me., . Aug. H Livingston (J). Tlvoll Oardena, Queboc, Can., Aug. SJ3. Linden A Kecloy, Uutornalor'a, Atlantic City, Aug. 3-8. Lloyd, Herbert, lale or Palms, Charleston, H. ('.. Aug. 38. Lomhatd Broa., Washington Park, Bayonne, N. J., Aug. I.ock'ett, Mottle, Waahlngton Park, Bayonne, X. J., Aug, 3-8. Lovltts, The, Mora Park, Youngitown,0.,'Aug. 38; Belle- vue Park, Toledo, 0,, BIS. Lnl'tiiH. Cecilia, Mtisunle Temjde, Chicago, Aug. 88. Luralne A Ilea ard, Empire, Portland, Ore,, Aug. 38; Em- pire, Seattle, ID 22. LovUta, Thc.'ldora Park, Y'oungatown, Aug. 3-8. Lorett, H. si., central Park, Dover, N. II., Aug. 3-8. Lot/. Bros., Empire, Portland, Ore., Aug. 18; Empire, Seattle. 1622. ' ' Lnbilnu Btrrell Trio, Palace Heibv, Fug , Aug. 3 8; Em- ' plre, Wolverhampton, 10 IS. Lynna, Hendflraou's, Coney Island, N. Y., Aug. 38, LuendOH. The. Keith's, Boston, Aug. 3.8 Lynn A Kennedy, oxford Lake Park. Armlston, Ala, Aug, ' 38. Lvoh. The tlreal. Hn veruator's Atlantic Clly, Aug. 3-8. .Macklln A Mpoie, itiiou, Norfolk. Vs., Aug. 38. Mann. Mr. A Mrs Danny, lluher'a Hoof Hardeu, Marlon, O., Auk. 3-13. Mauley A Rose, Hong Lake Park, Woonaocket, H. I., Aug. 38. .Man-art.'aDoga A Monkeys, Orpheum, San. Fran., Aug. Madden. Mary, Proctor'a SKI h Kt., N. Y. C, Auk. 34. Mnrehall A Erin, Mndlaou Avenue Park, Burllugtun, la., AUg. 18. Maxainlth Duo, Keith's, Phlla., Aug. :t a Muckle, doe, A. A S.. Boaton, Aug. 38. .Msrjriii-rlte A lltiuloy, .Masonic Temple, Chicago, Aug. Mason A Raymond, Casino, Palrhnven, Wash., AuK-i-ZH. Miiuk A Elliott, Itamona PaJk, Hrand Haplda, Mich., Aug. 28. . Mnthes. Clara, lint Portage, Can,, Aug. 10-13. Manning A Lola Halinea, Lake Ontario Park, Kingston, can;, Aug. is. Mai 11 til A Max 1 slllllan, C. 0. II., Chicago, Aug. 18; Columbia, St. Louis, iikis. MnrYelln A 1. Unison, sheeily'a, Puwiucket, R. L, Aug. 3 8; Freehody Park, Nnwiwrl, 10-lt. Mmlotta, llodlroy'a Pavilion, (Irani! Itaplda, .Mich., Aitg, 111). Marshall, Plnehurat Park, Worceater, Maaa., Ang. 38; Southinsdge, in in. r Murdn, Caaciule Park, New (?astle, l'a.. Aug. 3-8.' Maicel's Bus Reliefs, Sluslc Had, Brighton Beach. N. v., Aug. SJL. ' ' Mahr, Agnes, Paradise Hoof Hardens N. Y. I'., Aug. 38. Murtlll A lllltgewuy. Mallhattnn Beach, Denver, Aug 18. Martlneltl A Hroasl, lloblaou Park, Fort Wayue, Aug. 38; lugeraoll Park, UoaMolnoa, la., 1018. Murtyue. Eddlv, Atlantic Cusluu, Ocean City, Md., Aug. iliiy'A Miles', Term Haute, Ind., Aug. 1015. Martlno A Balno, ( 0\brhlge, Mass., Aug, 3-8; Webater, Mathleus, .luggllng, Maaonlc Temple, Chicago, Aug. 38. MatlllU A Musette, h'ull h'f. N. Y. l\, AUK 3 8. McCarthy, Miles A Co., Proctor'a, N. Y. C. Ang. M. Mel-anil FAinlly, lluher'a Itoor Harden, Marlon, <)., Aug. 38) Tumpla, Detroit, 10-13. Mccuue A tirniit, Wnodlynnn Park, Camden, N. J., Aug. Melntoali, Tom, Foreat Lako Park, Palmer, Muss,, Aug. 18. Meyer A Maanii, llnnlon'a Point, Toronto, Can., Aug. 38. Merodlth Slaters, Kelth'a, Phlla., Aug. is; Keith's, Koa- ton, I01B. . i ' Meakln k McCartliy, Proctor'a 2MKt„ N. Y. C, Aug. 3 8. Meyer, Beu. Pliuisuiti Ilea. Ii, Bridgeport, Aug. is. Meers (3), AIIoiioImu, Bhickpnul. Kng,, Aug. 3-1S. Mexlaa A Mexlaa, Chutes: Sun Fran., Aug. 3-8' .Minor, Frunk, Coronndo Beach, Cal,, Aug. 38; San Diego, Allies A Mil am, Hill's Park, Trenton, N. if., Aug. 3-8. Mitchells (3), Fnrco ljik.ii Park, Palmer, Maaa., Aug, 3-8. Millard Bros,, Quebec, Cap., Aug. 3-8; Valleyileld, Can., Mllnnl Trln, Music Hall, Brighton Butch, N. Y„ Aug. 3-8. Mlllerahlp Slaters, Washington Park, Bayonne, N. J., MillDtto* (3), Central Park, Dover, N, 1L, Aug-. Si. Muoro A Llttleileld, Kelth'a, N. Y. C, Aug. 3-8. Mollis, I, eon, Ponies, lllp|ejdrooio, Loudon, Eug., Aug. Morris, Ethel, A. A. K., Boaton, Aug. 34. Montgomery, Clinton, Oraiiiimn'a, San Fran., Aug. 3 8. Montroll. Auoiont I'heatie. Moscow, Rusala, Aug. 3*16.'- Moore, (leu. W„ Empire, Portland, Ore, Aug.. 389; Em- pire, noatt lo, 10-22. .. , Moreland A Pagan, Belleviie' I'ark, Toledo, 0., Aug. 2 8. slobre, .lohn A Mahle, Jncoua'. Peoria, III., Aug. 38. Muoto, tluaale, Proctor'a Hid St., N. V. (1., Aug. 18. Mortons (3), Morrison's, Kockaway Beach, N. Y., Aug. 34. Mortou, .laa. J., Orpheum. Sail Fran., Aug. 34. .Morrla A Morris, Ciyatal Hoot' Hardens, Jackaouvllle, Flo,, Aug. 10-11. Mozart Comedy Four, Henderson's', Coney laland, K, Y., Aug. 3 8. ■' Minion, Heitrude, Saratoga, X. Y,, Aug. 3-8; lUiaca, N. Y..10.IS. Mullen A Coralll, Paator'a, X. Y, C, Aug. 34; (Houceiter, Milan.. 1 0-1 ft. ' Miirpliy A Wlllnid, Itohluaoti I'ark, EL Wayne, Intl., Aug. 3-H, ■ Murphy A Androwa, Crescent (lanlen, Revere, Maaa., Aug. 3-8. Murphy A Murphy, llondcraon'a, Coney laland, N. Y., AUK. 3 8. ' ' Murtht,, Julut 11., Olytnpla Park, McKeet[wrt, Pa., Aug. 34. ... Murphy, James, Chestnut Hill Park, Phlla., Aug. .18. Murphy, Mr. A Mrs. d. Thou., lleuderiou'a, Coney laland, .N.Y.. Aug. 34. Niiwn, Tom A Co., Kelth'a, Phlla., Aug. 34. Ncndhiim A Winsl, Bergen Beach, N. v.. Aug. SB. Nelsilnla, Park, Seattle, Aug. 38. Newton llios,. Merry Meeting Park, Brnnawlck, Me., Aug. 34. Newlnn, Billy, Calvin Park, Wcstflehl, X. .1., Aug. 34; llulwr's. N. Y.C.10U Xebon A Nelson, Fniplm. tjt. Paul, Aug. 34. Nlhn, Mine., Itamona Park, Hrand Itapnla, Mich., Aug. 34. Nichols A Croix, ltlvetslde I'ark, New Brunswick, N. J., Palmer, Lew, Ornnd Falls Park, .loplln, Mo.. Aug. M Paktnn'»ArtOallery, Henderaona, (Viney laland, N. »., Aug. 34. . . . . ■ Paloma trio, Shield"' Pnrk, Walla Walla, Aug. 2-8. Paxros Bros., Music Iln.1t. Brighton Beach, X. Y.. Aug. S-8. Polala, FlylriKIO. F.lectrlc Park. Ballltnore, Aug. 34. Paaaparts, Dancing (J), Theatre Erlmluga, .Moscow, Bus- PaulfnettrAPrquo; Doyle's, Allantlc.Clty. Ang. 3-8. 1'elletler, Helen, Coney laland, Cincinnati. Aug. 24. Pel rson,, Marie, Henderson's, Coney Island, NY., Aug, Piccolo Mldgeta, Maaonlr Temple, Chicago, Aug .18. Pleau, Mr. A Mri.;Al., Khlefda' Park, Portland, Ore., AOg. 24. ■ ■'' •' Polrers, (3). Sohmer Park. Montreal, Aiik- 38. Polk jt Traak. Ayetlue. Detroit. Aug is. PolE A' Kolllua, Shea's, Buffalo, Aug. 3 8. I'olnisill. Cape Mat. s. J.'. Auk. 8-8. I'owera A Theiilaild, .Manhattan Bench, Denrer, Aug. 38. PrevostA Prevost, logerwtii Pork, hp* Molnea, la., Ang. .14; Delmar Harden, likla City. 1022. Preston. Slav, Empire. St. Paul. Aug. 3-1. I'uoka.-Llttln (2i, Freelmtly park, Newport, R, I., Aug. 38. Preston, (?. L., AvnhPntk, Yoiingstown, 0.. Aug. 2-8. "rice A Nnrrls, BIJou, Hamilton. O., Aug. 34 Jiilglev. Tims .1.. Chestnut Hill Park, Phlla.. Ang. 34. Baa A Benedetto, Luna Park, Coney laland, N. V , Aug. 3-8. Barkens (t), Lion Palace, X. Y. C. Aug. 34. Hahisey Slaters, Ijike (leorge, N. Y., Aug. 3B. Itiiuim A Amu, Mannlon'a I'ark, Kt. Louis. Aug. 38. Ituiil.b A Clieedera, C. O. 11.. Chicago, Aug. 38. Itacbett A llajard. Empire, Hackney, London, Eng., Aug. M; I'alnce, Blackburn, HI 15. Raptill. Leo, Columbia, St. Louis, Aug. 3 8. Hays (3), Jacobs', Penrln, HI., Aug. 3 8. Balelgh A Beard, olvmplii Park, Chattanoogii, Aug. 34. Be vane, Misses, Proctor'a, Newark. N. .1., Aug. 34. Havana; The. (luvernn,or'a. Atlantic City, Aug. 3-8. line A Brneche, Kelth'a, Boston, Aug. 34. Kexns, The, Eann, Toledo, o , Aug. 24. In- yiuinl, Ed. P., Hlppodriiuio, London, Eng , Ang. 3-13. ltentr.es, Tho, Auditorium, Norfolk, 'Yn„ Aug. 34, RlxforilBrus. Kelth'l. N. Y.C, Aug. 34. U\ck Family, Putnam, Conn., Aug. 24. Kiel A Prevost, Paradise Roof Harden* N. Y. C„ Aug. 34. Klnnns (4). Forest Park, Kansas City, Mo., Aug. 24; Lako Contrary, Kt. Joseph, Ills. Klo Broa., Court rVpiaro. BnrlnjdtfM, Maaa Aug. 38. Blchanl'a (S), (lodfrny's 1'avlllou, (linnd Rapids, Mich., Aug. 34. Itlcebono'n Horaea, Paradbc Hoof nardein, X. Y. C, Aug. 34. Jainea A Davla, Doyle'a Pavllluti. Atlantic Clly, Aug. 3 8. VSg* (»)..Coll JeaillluM, Ktev-e, I'dstor'a, N. Y. (!., Alig. 38. Chicago, lO-ts, Nlghtona (t), Paradise Boor Oardena, X. V. C, Aug. 34. Nosaes (8), Columbia, Kt. I. mils. Aug. 34; Bans Souel, .lealiie A lloiuiud, Hleenvllle, S. (J., Aug. 38; (IrePliaborO, Jennet ts, The, iiuveruntor'a, Atlantic City, Aug. 34. .leunluga A lteulrew, tlormim'a Park, llvuuawlek, Me., Aug. 34; Lakevlew Park, Lenlatnu, 10 is. JelliTHun Cecil, tiislii nj 's Pai llkm, (Iraud Itaplda, Mich., Aug. 3 8, . . .loluiann A Wells, C. 0. 11., Chicago, Aug. :tK Jnlinsiiii, llnvpupurl A Lorella, Kellh'a, Phlla., Aug. 3 8. douusohs IS), Juggling, ParadU' Bool Harden, X. Y.C, Ang, 38. ' .Ionian A Crouch, Maaonlc Temple, Chicago, Aug. 28; Sans Knucl, Chicago,* IB. , r •lonlons. The, Maaonlc Temple, Clilrotro, Aug. 34. Lane, Leonard, Newport, It. I., Aug, 3-8. Kaurman Troupe, orpheum, San l'ran., Aug. 3 «. Kentie, J. Wat t en, lllll'a llruyc Patk, 'ITemoii, N, .1,, Aug. Kenton, iionithv, l'rnciur'a, Newark, N. J., Aug. 38; PriKitor'aHh Ave., N. Y;C.. litis. ' Keliv A Aniietie, Saratov;* Sprlugs, N. Y., Aug. 38; (lleua Kalla, 10 a North, south A Dixie, Portland, Ore., Aug. 3 1ft, Norman, illrndalu Park, Naahville, Tenu., Aug, 37; OH uipln Park, CliattnnooKn, Id 13. Nobles, Mr. A Mi h. Milton, shea's, Buftaln, Aug, 34. Nuivlaii Trio, llanlon'a Point, Toronto, Can.. Atlg. 34. Nurrlsaas, The, On'scent (lanlen. Bevere, Maaa,, Aug. 34. Nolirenii, The, Proctor'i 83il St., N. Y. U, Aug. 34. Olieilln A Havel, Mori Ison'a, Kockaway Beach, X. Y, Aug. O'Brien, Kittle. Empire, St. Paul, Aug. 34. O Riled A West, (Ireat Barrlllgtoti, Maaa., Aug. 34. Onato Troupe, Lima Park, Coucv Island, N, Y„ Aug. is. Oi loir Troupe, l.unn I'ark. Coney laland, N. Y., Aug. 34. Osburne A Plley, Lake Ontario Park, Kingston, Can., Auk, 34; llanlon'a Burnt, Toronto, 10-13. Oil. Mabel, I'nieior'aStli Ave., N. Y. 0.,'Aitg. 34. Owen, Margaret Dale, Manhattan Beach, Denver, Aug. II ■ - tlwlev A Hnndall, Lakeside I'ark, Rvracuae N. Y„ Aug. i Mj MuunieParV, Ttimnto. ('nil;, H)1S. - Pasculal, Klveraliln Park, Savluaw, Mich;, Aug, 1.8. Pachuco Family, Weal Kud, New Orleaua, Aug, 3-13. « Wlghtmatl, Allen, Temple, Detroit, Ang. 14; West End, wilBatsa "it Oordon, OraainM'a, San Fran., Aug. 34; WIBIarn.'. Frank ."id* Avon Park. YounKatown, 0.. Aug. 24; Hanlan'a Point, ToronUj. Can.. 10-16. Wilson A Bloom, sea Breeie Pavilion, lrondequolt, N. \., White'rfBi'nka A Winona, Riverside Park, Baogor, Me., WheftiarVv, Pleaaare Bench. BrWgeimrt i Ajtg. 34. Wilson A Daly. Park, Columbus, Ha., Atig-l2». Wise llarrv, Pleasure Bench, BrldKeport, Conn., Aug. U Woial A Bay. Pnrk, Attleboru, Mass.; Auk. 34. , Wood, Francis Sx'hlte o»k P»rk, New Britain, Conn., WnltA Mark, Weaet'P, Peoria, HI , Ang. .14. , Ynekley A Bunnell, Xnrnnilietm Park, Aubiirndale, Maaa. Yankee llomedy (I), Proctor'a 2kl Ktroet, N. Y. C, Aug. 34 Ye'onmo.Oeorge, Wheeling Park, Wheeling, W. Yo., Aug. Yommnoto Bros., Morrison's, Rocknway Beach, K. Y„ Yiyke A Adams, Morrltou'e, Rockawny Beach, X. Y., Y«ui£» A Brooks, Olcott Beach, N. V., Aug 34; Casino, Toledo, O., 10-lS. Zaola, BHou, Norfolk. Va.. Aug. 34. /.mil A Vernon, Electric Park, Baltimore, Aug. 10 16. Zara A Stetaon, Ijigoon Island, Albany, -V i., Aug. 34, Proctor'a, Newark, N. .L, 10-15. Zarrow A Zarrow, Avon Patk, YoungstowB. Aug. 38. Zano. The meat, Chutea, San Fran, Aug. 34. Zel, Raymond, Spring drove Casino, sprlugtleld, 0., Aug. 24. Aug. 3 15. Zlnimermans, The, Empire, St. Paul, Aug. 34 Zenn, Carl A Zeun, Manhattan Beach, X. V, A' Zlaka A King, Kelth'a, Phlla, Aug. 34. We have prepared bandy mnlllntr card* »vlili-ii xvln greatly facilitate vaadeTllle perrarmer* In eendlnB; u* tlielr liookinita. In ualnv tbeoe cards the performer merely nan to till oat the dates,' name of theatre, and city or town and State* place a one cent aitamp In corner and mall. They will be- farnlibed on -application to thU office either personally or by letter. — n Klc.ton, Canton, 0., Aug. 34; Akron 10-18. " ■ ' , . ■ lllpley, Tom, Waahlngton Park, Buyonne.N. J., Aug 38. T7|Jal» si Is A Dill Fl-sk.* *A4i.s> ^^^^""^■'■'"""''^^■^ ttPiib iDc iiill rostcfs. Jlanaflehl 10 16. llnnahloa (3), Noruniliega Pnik, Auhurndale, Masa., Aug, .34. Koblnson A Orrint, Empire, Portland, Ore., Aug, 38; Em- plre, Seattle, iO-ti. Roberts, Hayes A Roberta, Orpheum, Ran Fran., Aug. 34. Iliivre. (tar L., Shea's BillTalo, Auk. 14. Rosea (21. Proctor'a, Newark, N. J., Auk. 34. Mobera (4), Proctor'a 43d St., N. \\ C., Aug. 14 Kusaell A Locke C. 0. II,. Chicago, Aug. 34. Himell A Buckley, Keith's, Boiton, Aug. 34; Keith's, K Y. ().. 10-18. Biiaaell A Dunbar, Clmer Park. Brooklyn,}*. Y., Aug. 38. ltussell, Phil A Carrie, Cor.k'a Park, Evanivllte, Ind., Ang. M. Russell. Sine, Palace, Boaton, Aug. 34. Saliaret, Kollaa Marlguy, Parla, Fr., Aug. 3 IS. Sawyer. Many Clinton, Shields' Park, Tiicoma, Aug. 6 1.1; Shields' Park Portland. Ore , 14 W. Santoro A Marlow. Caalno Harden, Cleveland, Aug. .18. Sawyer, Eddy A Emily, Cook's Park, Evanavllle, Ind., Aug. 38. Saxon, Pauline, Cuontoocuok River I'ark, Concord, N. H, Aug. .14. Satlford Slaters, Pack, Mcminn. Mnas., Aug. .14. Sabel, Josephine, Paradise Hour Hardens, N. Y.C, Aug. Sent! A Howard, Chestnut Hill Park, Phlla., Aug. 34. Scott. Broa., Parndlno Root Harden, N. Y. C, Aug. 38. Suhreneck Bros,, Shea's, Bulliilo, Aug. 3*8. Sevmour A Dupree, Cheater Park, Cluclouatl, Aug. 24; Bntiliison Park, Pint Wayne, nil.'., seligman, Minnie, Morrison's, Kockaway Beach, N. Y., Aug. .18. Sefiou A Deagle, Doyle'a, Atlantic City, Aug. 38. Seeker, Wllkce A Co„.luuctioii Park, Beaver Falls, Pa., Agg. 34. Sharer A Slend, Bijou. Nnrfolk, Va., Aug. .1-8. Sherman A He Forrest, Proctor'a, Newark, N. J., Ang. 34. Sluunrocka (3). Old Hrclianl Beach, Me., Aug. 38. Shaw, Alice A Daughter*, Mualc Hall, Brighton Beach, N, V.. Ang. 3-8. Shaw, Allan .1., Empire, I'nrtlnnd, Ore., Aug. 34; Empire, Seattle, 1010. Shannon A Brown, Keith's, N. Y. C, Ang. 34. Slddon Broa., (luvririintor'a, Atlantic City, Ang, 34.' Slil, mill, .Mi belli Patk. I.llua. O., Aug. IS; Park, Spring- Held. 'J IS * Kinlrl A Kessner, Salem Wlllnwa, Salem, Mnia,, Aug. 38. Sinltb A Fuller, Maaonlc Temple, Chicago, Aug. 34, Smith A Arada, iiudi'rny'a Pavilion. Ornnd Itaplda, Mich., Aug. 34, Smith A White, Park, Mention, Maaa., Aug. 34. Snyder A Burkley, Maaonlc Temple, Chicago, Aug.O-lS. . Solarei. itlverton Park, Porlland, Me., Anir.34. S|«ioner, Utirlt Duty, Froehndy Purk, Newport, R. I., Auk, 38, SpAuhllug, Cedar Park, Sandusky. 0., Aug. 24. Si'lsSoll Bros , Fort Slierldim Park, Hlghwood, III, Aug. 24; ill vim view Park, Aurora, 'i is Htataou, Wtiltor, A Co , Isxwreuce Oarden, Washington, If. C, Aug- 3 S; Itoeki Point, B. I., 10-16. storu, AL, Kami, Toledo, 0. Aug. -'8. Stelnert It Thomas, Itncky Point, It. I., Aug. 34; Lincoln Park, New Bedrord, in is stiivnrdule (julutet, Hippodrome, London, Eng., Aug. 31S. stetileton A Chanpy, Edgewater Park, Cellna, 0., Aug. 34. Still; MailJ, (Iriiilninn's, Sun Frnli,, Au-i. 18. Strand, Frank II., Chestnut Hill Park, Philadelphia, AUK. 3-8, Ktewiirt A Lit Croix, Knllspell, Mom., Aug. 34; Capitol Mualc Hall, Helena, in is Stover A llrauaui, A. A M-. Boaton, Aug. 34. Ktnber, Fred. K„ Kulaiu willows, Knlem. Musa., Aug. 34. Stanley A Wlla'jn, Woolworth Itoor Harden, Lancaster, Aug. 34; Avenue, Detroit. 10-16, Kteln Krolto Family, Proctor'a «d St., N. Y. C, Aug. 34. Kt, Clair, Artie, Wont's. Peoria, 111., Aug. 34. Kt. Onge Urns.. I'liiehurel Park, Wurceslcr.Maaa., Aug.38. Struck, Prof., Keith's, N. Y. C, Aug. 34. Sully, Low. C. (1. 11., Oilcago, Aug. 34. Sully Family, Celeron Park, Jamestown, Ang. 34. Talhiit A Itogars, Keneca, N.Y..AugJ-3; Bliiihamtun.10-15 Tally Ho Duo, Hi-aenvllle, 8. c, Aug. 3-8; Richmond, Vu., 10-IS. Teal, Bayinoiiil, Ponco de Leon Purk, Atlanta, Ha., Aug. 34; ltoainvnlr Park. Richmond, Va„ 1013. Trod A Luzon, Woat End Heights. Evnnavllle, Ind., Aug. Thompson A Serbia, Pimnlo's. .Newport, R. I., Aug. 34.' Thome A llolilsivorlh, Elect tic Park, Camden, N. J., Aug. 38 ' Tlirokolil A Wlcke. Cnalno, Nuahville, Tenn , Aug. 38, Thurutnti, Jiiiuii-., Kelth'a, Boston, Aug. 34. Thompson A I'rwiils, (luvernatur'a, Atlantic City, Aug. 34, , , fhnniaa A Wycoff, Capo May, N. J., Aug. 34. homes A Hall. Proctor's, Newark. N J., Aug. 34. Thomas, Eugene, Manhattan Beach. Denver, Aug. 34. Till, Joint A Luulta, Brunswick, .Me , Aug. 34; Salem Wil- lows. Kafcul, Mans hi- is. Tlnpell A Kllment, Kalrvlcw Park, Decatur, III., Aug. 3-3. Tlllsou A Itlehliigs, Crescent Park, Providence, Aug.3 8. Tuiaiy Turvy Trio. Lakeolde Park, Akron, <)., Aug. 34. Tonack A West, Casino Pier. Ocean City, N. J., Aug. 34; Boyle's Pavilion, Atlautlc City, 10-16. Tuuhey A Lacy, Kelth'a. Phlla.. Aug. 18. 'I 'miner. Purvis, Towner Park, Lima, ()., Aug. 34. Tolodo A Price, lain* I'atk, Conoy laland, N. Y., Aug. 84. Tnrcat, IMimnm I'ark, Hrand llnphls, Mich., Aug. 34; Sans Suiitd, Chicago, ff-IA, Tiniiliailoiiis (3i,Kprliighank Park, London. Can,. Aug. 24. Tialonr A Tempest, MaHsaboatc Pavilion, Mancueiter.N. II. , Aug. 38. Troubadours (it, Junction Purk, Boater Falls, Aug. 34. Tiirnour, Millie, Lako Michigan Pnrk, Muskegon, Mich., Aug. 3,8. ••' ■ I'ntliiiii.c. II.. liailiorm Park, Hrand Ranlda, Mich.. Aug. 2 8; Lake Mirlditun Purk, Muskegon, 1116, I'rtiuliart, Isabellc A Co., Kelth'a, Boston. Aug. 34; h'olth'S, N. Y. C, 10-IS. Yali Cleei and Mule, Luna Park, Coney laland, N. Y., Aug. Y»ne. Ethel, Kteeplechaie Park, Atlantic City, Aug. 34. Van Fnuasen A McCattloy, tiraumau's Kau Fran.. Aug, 38. Yah Hauf tleorgo, Chestnut Hill Park, Phlla., Aug. 34. Vcdmara.Thc, Highland I'ark, Park. York, Pa., Aug. 34. You Kanip, Lakealtta Park, Akron, (>., Aug. 34. Ylca A Viola, OreeiilltUl, Maaa., Aug. lis. Waterbutv Broa. A Tenny, iteniunu Park, orand Ruplds,, Mich., Aug. 34. Wiitrnua. Mr. A .Mrs., Blvcraldo Park, Saginaw, Mich. Aug. 23. ' Waddell, Frul., Empire, Portland, Ore., Aug.38; Em. plre, Seattle, 10-ti. Mailer A Muglll, l'rua|i«ct llanhn, Brooklyn, N. Y„ Aug. 34; . Wuldron Bros.. Empire, Portland, Ore., Aug. 34; Em- plre, Seattle, 10-tt. Wiivne A La Mar, Paator'a, N. V. C. Aug. 34. WsfiliirCl Mendet, Sprlngbiitik Park, London, Can., Au ". lO-ISl Westtins(l), Morrison's, Kockaway Baach, N. Y,, Aug. 34. West A Wllllanta, Highland Purk. Brockton. Mass., Aug. 34. Velah, Clin*. A .leinile, Lakeside I'atk, Dayton, 0., Aug, 28. Welch, Lent, Temple, Detroit, Aug. 34; Orpheum, Omaha, 10 IS. Welsh, John J , Rhlehln' Park, Walla Walla. Auk. 24, Welttell, JameJ, Kajdeaose Park, Saratoga, N. Y„ Aug. 34. Webb, Margaret, lll|lilaml Patk, Brocklon, Maaa., Auk Whiting A Pes Monde, Mnubnttnu Beach, Deuver, Aug! Whitley A Bell, Vi 'aalilngton Park, Bayonne, N. J., Aug. Wbltinati, Frank, Highland Park. York, Pa., Aug. 34. Wbltnev. Anuls, Hotilson Park, Fnrt Wayue, Aug. 38, While A Slnimuns, Hornej 1'iuk, AUehtowu, Pa, Aug, lVhliroiiili, lUnk, lamtM Kan Fran., Aug. 34. Whlihig.-Kloreuce, Empire, Kt. Paul, Aug. 33. A correspondent sends the following unique description of a. game of baaeball, played by the baseball nines on Advertising Car No. .(, of tbe Ilut-iiura & Ballev Show, Known ns the "TerrlbleH" nnd tbe "Horribles," on Sun- day, July 20, In Cortland, N, Y. Tbe Horribles were beaten by t licit- rivals by a score of 21 to S3.' Al. Kiel, tbe cur mana- ger, was tbe official umpire. Coaches Ilo- hlicll and Dttjimit were on tbe point of being; lined during the gniue for tbe very unpro- fessional way of coaching their brother play- ers. The lilts of the game were made by VI*: CoOke, Kick Carter and l'ete McLaughlin. Another striking feature was the striking out of' the "Pittsburg Stogie," Alible Cohen, or Canton, and Cottlaau Harris, of "Uncle Tom" fame. Another hit of tbe game that we should not forget was the running of Hurley Willie nnd Tele Ilnlir for first base lifter hitting the ball. The runs by these men are mentioned on account of the quick time that was made, both of them being out of ti-Blnlng. Honors are to be divided evenly between the two rival captains, eg each made some plays that we can be proud of. Harry (ilnttly, "Bharkey" from the Fatherland over Hie sea, played his first game of ball, and he proved a howling success, tins Bork and l'ete Ilnlir were the producers of Borne very queer curves for Vic Cooke's benefit ; one was culled "the hretzel" and the other "The Hying Dutchman;" these were used frequently during the gume and were of the fiiizzllnir order that uiukes a batter step nick. The day's sport ended with a ban- quet, which everyone enjoyed to the limit. There were over live limnlreil free admissions at- the gate when tbe game started. The roster of the teams — Terribles: Howard Church, Win. Diipont, Abble Cohen, Alt l bishell , l vtc ilium, J. Moran, ' l'ete Bahr, Vic Cooke and Ous llork, batteries. Hor- ribles: Win. Hhea, Hurley White, T. Oleury, Cortland Harris, ciiuh. Uulld, Harry tilattly, Cbas. Peterson, Carter and l'ete McLaughlin, batteries. Klchnrd I,efever, the star pitcher of . the "Horribles" tenin, was at home vlsltlug his folks and took no part in the gume. 'h'rsMii Tx>cul No. 1, Chicago: Brother "Kid" I,oug Joined Ijocal No. 1 last week, llrotlier Davidson, of Ijocal No. 12, Is In Chicago on a visit, mingling business with pleasure. Attorney Ktuutiiicl Frledlander, at- torney of the alliance, Is contemplating n llshlng excursion to Horton, Wis. He lias been trying for the past two weeks to In- duce National Secretary J. J. MoCormlck to mcuompany hlin on tilts trip, but "Mac" stt.Vs Hn- I'tiiiiiot see Ills Way clear at present, owing to the stress of the alliance business. They hope, however, before long to enjoy a trip up the lakes, stopipug nt South Hnvcu nnd n few other lake ports, wbero they will put In their spAre time In trying to organize new locals. Doc Dunning, financial secre- tary of isMtil No. 1, is busy these thtys. Aschbacher Dros., of St. Mary's, 0., write: "Tbe bill inciting business In tills clly has hecn tbe best In several years past, and our -boards 'have been full at all times. Tho dis- tributing for this section Is beginning to be better; several contracts have been booked in the last few days. We have, Blnco tho forming of our present Arm, taken several nearby towns, Including Cellna, New Bremen, Monster, New KnoxtrUle, Mouiton, Glyn- wood and Kossuth, and are now prepared to render the best of service." I'i-nm Local No. 8, Pittsburg : The follow- ing members of Lornl No. 8 will be on the advertising staff at tho Bijou Theatre this senson : John Vnrley, Prank Babr, John Cnrvlll and Geo, W. Lowery, lithographers ; Ceo. Aberncthpy, I). T. Judge, Arthur Wldner, Mil posters, ana C. It. Wilson, advertising agent. Bro. Al. Norlngton, of Local No. ;i, wno has been with Al. Martin's "Undo Tom" Show, was in tho city Aug. 25. He Is on his way to join the Chester De Vonde Stock Co. as ngent for the coming senson. Two new members were taken In by Local No. 8 Inst Wednesday. They are both on tho Younger-James advertising car. The Ilnrnum & Bailey car arrived In I'lttsburg July 27, with I red Beckmnn In command, and tho boys were given a gnoil hearty welcome to the Binoky City by tile local boys. Arthur Eldher, of Local No. 3, Pittsburg, has left the Walter L. Main Show, and was In New York last week, en route to Pitts- burg. K Rlshop, of Local No. 2, New York, ia with Korepaiigh.8ells Bros.' Shows. He re- ports business good nnd states that the boys are all In good health. J. C. Knight Jr.. bill poster of Ccdartown, (in., controls boards la Ccdartown, Hock- umrt, Dallas, Go., and Piedmont, Aln. From Port Mudlson, la, — II. J. Miller come In July 27, with enr No. 2, of the Fluto Sliowa. As u result the city looks like n street fair with the banners and post- ers put out by the 'bill posters and pro- grammers of the show. Tho raster of tho car Is as follows: II. ,1. Miller, car manager: bill posters: V. It. Corbet, Jack Schlonk, Joe McKcrnan, Dnbul Lewis, and "Bluff," their mascot, a little fox terrier. Mattrlce 1C Claln, of Local No. 8, Pitts- burg, has signed to go In advance of Byrnes' "KlRlit HellR" Co., this making his second Bciusun with this attraction. Charles II. Marks, a member of Local No. 1.1, Omaha, Neb., 'died last week on ills way to Denver, at Park Junction. Bro. Mark's lint) been In poor benllh for some time. His friends advised him to come to Colorado, as they fell the change might he for the bettor. Bro. Gallagher was with him to the Inst. The rcimilUB were taken In charge by Local No. «, and were shipped linst for luii'lnl. Bro. Marks has been" Identllled In the bill posting business in Uuitbu for years, and was very popular. ' ' Walter Gllmore, n member of Local k-„ ., hai-resumed his position as advertising «..L: of the Stnr Theatre, New York i. iW ?,' IqwIng'rdeiJibets of I^ycal No. 2 have iJ.IL* engaged by Mr. Gllmore as his oaslstant." Jake Bcnzlngor, boss bin poster • IS Hates, H. . Uffi rey, Denny ' DuMdnc I-'d 2JB Hanson. AL Toweil and Bill Hart, huj^S ters; Al. Blake, Tom Lyons. Mat Till 1 nui Bernard' Gllhooley. Iltlingrapbers y "" <1 Gns Hot lie, of Local' No. 2 has rclnrnet from lils^two' weeks' vricai Ion, benem Sd hv his trip, and has resumed h s position on. the Casino forces. l "° Notbh from Advertising Car No 1 nt t« dlnn Hill's 'Wild WcKt.-^SInce H a' Ll took ehhte of this ear the force oi posters Ims lieen Increased to tho fall ..* imclty of Hie crir, nhd tho show Is now heli. billed tike the big ohes.' The oppoilUu, mS5 ittrong through the hard 'coal regions. Aui ,,, the recent ' additions to the Foster or £ car «,* D. Cardwell, W K. VS? Kd. Baker, Clinton Wise nnd Joe Urn» An experienced car nalnler (Hoffnian. of i ' dlana, Pa.,) nnd xarnlslter was carried with the car f.or. three wcejts. and he guv c it n first class job of decorative painting, llulslie up with three coaUt of varnish, and leliei' ing and. gliding, lteports from (lie show are very gratifying, its .big. business Is ihe story told In every letter. TEXAS. Ft.. Worth — Roof Garden Theatre (Joe H." Wheat, manager). — Business, week radliu July SM, was satisfactory, the Curtlss Comedy Co. presenting "Under City Lamps" nnd "The Widow from Borne." Week of 27 opened well, 'The Two Orphans" being presented by the same company. The vaudeville bin in. eludes : Dot Kay, the 'Morrisons, and Harry SxANDAitn Theatre fFrnnk Delteqne mnn- ager). — Chos. H. Clark presents "The Mas- querade Ball," with the full strength or ilio Btbek company, week of 27; The -olio brings out : Holland end Byrd, Clark and KnmtoM JOhn Williams, Chos. and Hattle Verdler' Alice -Fairbanks, Jen and Georgia Powers' Kthel ltussell, and Lulu Lawton. Btisliiess continues heavy. ,Cbow» Thiatre (Plill Kpstcln; manager) —'The Slack -Statue" Is unveiled by Hie stock company at this house week of "7 The people -In the olio: Shadrick and La Hose, Ixittts, Cltas. Gates, Alvin Da.shlni;lon. Clias. Hoey, Nellie Williams, Jim Wolfe Hose B. -.Mitchell, Ada Yule, anil Liy/le Mitchell. Business opened big. Notk. — iM imager Phil W. Green wall nnd Treasurer Mltchi'Il Greenwnll. of the local Greenwall Theatre, have returned to Hie city, after on-extended business and nlunsu re trip to California and New York. Mnnngcr Greenwall states that tbe bookings fur Hie house here for the coming seitsou are Hie best lie has ever had. Houston. — Grand Opera House (.lake Schwartz, manager). — Juck Tuylor's reiHT- tory Co. opened July 27, for a four weeks' engagement, lo Immense houses. The com- pany Is on excellent one, and comprises the following people: Jack C. Taylor. Lniirn Winston, C. J. Lionel, Fritz Lelber, Sam Hrannky, Chag. W. Burcli, Dorothv Hosa Bourne. Eleanor Franklin, Hoy Hailing, Cbas. W. lluich. and Droit nnd Lewis. Nkw Rtanpabd Thratiib (Alvlilo & Las- ■errc, managers and proprietors). — Business continues phenomenally large. Week of "7 : "FmiHt and Mephisto Jr.," a two net liur- icKtitic, was thrown out as nn appetizer, iiiul seemed to catch the large audiences merrily, as everything In It was applauded repeated- ly. The people: Bessie Louise King, It. A, Hewlett e. Kiln Kaufman, Gtissle Addison, Klenor Dtmbnr, May Mulqueeu. Jos. Living- ston, Frank Perez, Charles K. Tenney, Dodle (iregory, Master Leopold Iteecc, Btilali LV- man, Lauretta Clifton, Lillian Palmer, Jim Illuck, Olgn. Howard, Pearl Gllmore, Lulu De Mar and Ernest Bailey. Notes. — Bert D. Boone, trombone plnyer. left 27 for Denlson, Tex., to try and regain his heal lh Mori-Is Michaels, nt Hal- veston, will manage Sweeney & Coombs' Opera House this Fall Two new |inrks lave been recently opened here, Hi'tiiiiier nud Highland Parks, and will soon begin lo bonk attractions. Diillns. — 'Cycle Pnrk Summer Thentro (C. H. McAdams, manager). — Thin theatre continues to draw heavy patronage. The Spooner Dramatic Co. is headed by P. R. and Allle Spooner. The rest am : Frank Dudley. Boy Sutherland, Edgar Mayo, Kd. Spooner, Michel Ingrnhnm, .7. C. Rice. Sum F.moii, Master Marseilles, Anno Hurrlsoii, Katheryn Vnn Khbc and Mary Hesntne. Camp St. Tiikatbb, which has been closetl for the past two months, opens Aug. II. sinlT : Geo. C. Denlson, proprietor; Clins. W. Gates, manager; Robt. Adding! on. lender of orchestra; W. L. Learaon. leader of hiintl. The people are : Chas: W. Pope, Carl ('o|ie- land. Mabel Derringer, Llllle Kllswnrlli, Muiiii ltaymond, McCain and Hall, Annie Milton, Frank Bennett, and Majorlo King. ■ t Austin— Hyde Park Theatre (Etl. lies- serer, manager).— July 27-31, .Geo. W. Scott's Company. , ♦ <» CONNECTICUT. Iiridureport — At Poll's Theatre (S. Z. Poll, mannger). — West's Minstrels played this house night of July SO, to big Imslm'sa. There will be no other attractions until Hie regular season opens, about Aug. HO. Smith's TiiBATnH (13. C. Smith, mana- ger). — Manager Smith has decided In drop the name "Colonial," adopted for this the- atre last season, and will continue the house under the name of "Smith's Theatre." Lew Dockstndcr's Minstrels Is booked for Hie ufternoon and night of Aug, 8. The regular seuson ojiens 17, with .Too Welch, hi T 'Tlie l'cddler.' f The house has been rcnovnied 8 during the Summer months, nnd several im- provements in the methods of exits added. l'LEArntm: Beach (J. V. O'Brien, wann- er). — Booked week of Aug. 81 Gaston mid Itone, vocullHts ; Harry Wise, barltono so- loist : Ben Meyer, Juggler: Mr. and Mrs. Bnrtlett, musical team; the Burroughs ,* Travis Co., In "An Indoor Circus." Notes. — Florence Hamilton, playing Icno" for the Corse Payton Comedy Co., returned to her home In this city .10, after a uiniilh In the Grt-en Mountnlns of Vermont. Sho will commence the senson at Springfield, Mass., Aug. 10, with a company of her own selection. «■» IOWA. Hi'* Molnea. — Insoraoll Park (Fred Bu- chanan, ninnager). — Week of July 2«: Frank Fox, Brown, Harrison and Brown, Lawrence and Harrington, Burke's musical dogs, ninl linycs and J Ion! 1 v. Big crowds attend every pevformance. Week of Aug. 1 : Colby Family, Prevost nnd Prevost, Marco Twins, t tic Three Koatons, and Frank Foi. NoTiis. — Foster's Opera House will open with "A Friend of the Family" 10.... Tie Grand Opera nouso opens 17. with the Chase-Llstcr Co A farewell festival will be given fl„ to Kay Cord. Mary Nomina Sam Slegel, Frederick Howard, nnd Rcdiuon Snyler will appear. * ■ 0«in.i> Itniilila. — At Greene's Opera House (Will S. Collier, business manager) the season opens Aug. 18, with "A Friend of the Family." Vaa Dyke & Baton < -": 24-20. .... .Busby Bros.' Circus gave a gwl perfiifhintico nt Marlon.' July 2S. ... i., ' .».» — Maurice Levi, the composer, returned from Kurope laBt week. T* AUGtJSf 8. THE JSTEW YOEK OLlPPMl. 55& •mnti frost Office. in order ti •void mlatakea and to i.,.irru tuc prompt delivery of the ! JKS •dvertUed In , tnls Hat, an invelone j>UtlnIjr addressed mast be Sent ?«r«ftch letter, nnd « written Srfci .for tne letter, aliened with the rnil name nnd nddreaa nnd the line at business followed by the sender, „•■■•! nlao be enclosed. pleaae mention the date (or nam- er) of THE CLIPPER In Which the ?ettera"«ent for were advertised. LADIES' LIST, Esmond, Flora KlammcSlstets Fnust.Vera 8c Francis, Grace Forrester, Josephine Foote, Emma Farcll. Flo Fltz, MrsKW Forrest, Etljrth Forrester, June C. S. Arthur, Kitty Adains, llobe Andrews, l;Io Aiken, Sadie Allen, Mario Amileton, May Adclle, Mile. Ainent, Mrg.D Adains, Grace Allen, C.H. Adore! Sisters Andcr8 °fele«n Dulpln, Hilda Broughton, Madeline Ilnrclny, Anna llolton, Charl. Hell Sisters Hurt, Haiel lliirncttc, Edna Itrooke, MrsC Ilnrtcll, Bess Hntes, Irene Illggar, I^iura Bannister, Mrs. Fnuiklc Drown, Laura Ilostedo Sisters, 2 Hlalr, Hazel Brown, Mrs. C. F. Dartrara, Mrs. Burdo lllsckford, Lot Iturborkc. Marie lllako, „ Mrs. Har. Rates, Irene Bulla, Mrs. Fred Itaikinan, Freddie llancroft. Maud W. Ulackford ft West Roth, Mile. Ifriiuimcll, Mrs. nenu Kurgass, Nell llnnsall, Marie ('ulllnnn, Irene A. (.'Inyton, Jose, CarincnSlslcrs Clare, Helen Carlo, Nana Chester, 1,11. B Cornell, Edna Clark, Madeleine Clifford, Cam. Curniantelle, Hiittlo Clark, Kath I'nmmottu.Ncll Cotton, Mabel ('amble, Vlnu Corner, Imog. Clieslcr, Ida ('lieslyn, Itosn Claxton, Kate Celeste, Urnce Dale, Virginia DoVutighn, lrono D'Arvlllc, Jcnnctto Duval, Ant. Hclmo, Hot Dean, Lll. li'Arvlllc.Tcan Dudley, Thel Dncre, I/iulo Di'Miiy, May Uunovun, Fan. Drake, Helen DnliPiin, Millie Dellaven, Mln DcMIII. Ocptlc Dale, Vlrglnlu Ksrlc, Fern Kills, Mamie Kills, Edith L. Kvans, May Krral, (lay. Klwoodi Fan. llhvood, Fran. Kckcrt. May belle Kgbert, Mollle Kiuentld, Noll. Klwoocl, Fran. Kvuus, K. M. Flynn, Mrs. Matt Fenz, Emma Florer, Belle Foster, Myrtle Gilbert, Clara M. Oracle, Irene Gordon, Grace Gray, Evelyn Gandy, Louise Gray, M. E. Gordon, Alice Gladys, Elsie Gordon, Lll. Gordon, Flor. Gardiner. EM Greortc, CoraJl. Hansen, 'Mary Hamilton, Leona M. Hilton, Alice Uanmltt, Marie] Bovine, J, A. llourcltc, T. J Davis, Austin Doyle, Eddie DclMontc, Al. Elser, Geo. Edmunds, W.O. Emerson, Frank Edwards, Al. Erwood, R. J. Everbart Gt. Emerson, Frank Emerson, II. A Emerson ft Omega Finn, J. Ferree, Owen FIndlcy, P. A. Flatb, I*. II. Frazer ft Lorcnz Folsom, F. I'. Frlnz, liar. Fox & Foxle Fits, K. W. Fallon, Thos. Foster ft Foster Frank, II. C. Fordham, A. Fa Ik ftSenmnn Ferris, Willy McIIale, Trlx Martinez, Mrs. Ant. DeLange, Christine May, Lone St. Morton, Jen. Mui'lllu, Edna Marvin, Helen Melbourne, May Montrose, Bcs Madison, May Maltlund, JeBS Noble, May Newman, Car. Newton, Mart. Newell.Jlaud L h l JJ\°- *« Norton. Maud Fuklnos, Jap. Troupe Fisher, Fred Ogden, Mrs. Wm. 1II1I. May Hlllycr, Maud Hall, J. M. Uatnllno, Mrs. John Hownrd, Beru Herring, Ella Ilurd, Isabelle Hughes, mile Uenly, Ella UolTman, Mmc Hamilton, Eatcllc S. Hadley, L. B. Harris, Elesa Itiirto, Knlli. Huldswortb, Mrs. Leslie Irving, Esther M. Irving, Isabel Irwin, Adclle Ivans, Loltlo JclTersnn, Catli Jane, Karlnn .Tosslyn, Dora Katz, Bess. Knowlos, Mrs. ed i, Klmball.Nottlc Knowlton, Sadie King, Boslo Kclccy Blst., 3 Kecnc, Alma Klnnand, Irene IClng, Mazio l.entull, lO. I .est (in. Edith Llpman, Jen. Lcston, Edith I«wIb, 'i'rlxlo Leslie, Grnco Llttlckabo, Mrs. L LnPortc, Mac Unglcy, Louise LCSliC, Mrs. Fred Leslie. .Mrs. Will LaPonto, Ad. Milton. Ratio McFarland, .Mr... Phil Moran.Piiulini: Molliiirn, Vnn. Madden. Tbel Mills. May Marshall, • Mrs. F JInrguerlte, Miss O'Brien, Tess. Omeaga, Olllo Pantzer, Blanche I. Powers, Jack Paul, Nettle Patterson, Jcnnctto Pope, Bess. Powell, Nettle Palmer, Ida Putnam, Katie Price, Lll. D. Rose. Blanche C. Aherns. Wm, Auor, C. 8. Adams, Itobt. Alexander; J. Adams, E. L. Ander«on,W.M Allen. J; 8. Alexander, J, Acliu.iliil, A. B A meson, Alf. Allc, Qnl.ie ft Onkcs Armstrong, Rllllc Avolo, Chas. Albroclit, Fred Alexander, L.v. Avery, Dan Andrews, J.H Allen, Bcarl AIccoo, Har. Anthony, A. 8. Austin, F. E. lllondell.E. B, Burke, M. B. Burk, Alf. Hougld, C. C. Bcrkcll, Chas. Bntty, Paul linker, E. D. Bench je Dowers Barrett, J. Berrell, OcoB McVarland, Mrs. Phil Harry. Sadie Mny, Prairie Morroll, Madge Marcttn, Mny Meeker, -MJn. Mooney, Mrs. J. Marlon, Louise ClUNTLBMBN'S LIST. Ross, Opal Raymond, Pearl Rooney. Carrie Roualdo, Eva Itenaud, Maud Reed, Helen lllohurdson, Madge Rufrcll. l'lilllls Ray, Helen Russell, Ivy Richardson, Bos. C. Raymond. Daisy Rnyc, Miss Russell, Gcorg Raymond, Mzzle B. Seymour, Vlrg Sinclair, Est. Swlggcrt, Gert Stewart, Liz. Seymour, Liz. M. Snwtel'o, Marlon Spern, Muy.E. Seymour Sis. Smith, Geneva Btowart. Belle C. Sneers, Anna Strceter, Mm. L. E. Sloanc, Blnncti SaUdo, Kara Satour, Loulso St.Johii.Glndys Thomson, Dell Thomas, Mny Tempest, Edyth Tudor, Lily Taylor, l*oulso Tilxeda, — Thuraton, Flor Vernon, Lottlo Vera, May Victor, Alph. VanSlclcn, Ida Wilkinson. Mrs. Mnur. Wilbur, May WclKli.Moy win. in , Doll WcllcH.Oeorgla Warren, Edith C. Walsli, Dlnnch Wilbur, Beo Wheeler. Kdnn Wells, Edna White, Lll. M, Wlilarrt, Hnzel Walton, Graco WuKliliurii. Roso WiiNliburn, Lll Williams. Eva Wnlsb, Mny Wilbur, Doll Rlackblrds, Boycr, )",. M. Bailey, B. 8. Markers. The Black, Billy D Uelmnut, Har. Bucbblnder, Julius Rurke, Jack Bailey & Mjidlson Baurns, J. 11. Brobst Trio Burke, Win. Butler, A. B. Merger, Dan Banta, Arthur Da rr & Lasallc Breen, ThoB. Druno & Russell Brlgljano, G.T Browns, 4 _ niondolls, Tbe Burkhart, F. J Brown, II. B. Barlow, Peter Bryant & ,„ Bavllle Bells, Musical Bell, Alex. Burke, J. F. . Bergorou, A. Bowers, u H. Bnindow, Rug Bombay, Mr, Bernard, Jup. Belmont, Hnr. Barrows, Will Betchol. Frank Bantu, J. R. Bonner, C; W. Hutlcr, A. F. Iluller, Geo. A Bradley, .Mr. Blnckaller.Art. Butler, Art. Bryant fc,. , SaVlllc Baldwin Jr., S. Q. I'niokB.Corney Bouncy. C. A. Brady, Wm. J. Belmont. R. J. mm. Art. Bryan, Vine. Conway, M- Cosgrovc. J. Clifford A Burke Chambers. •How, Curtis, J. Courtrlght. , W..T. D. Culhane. W. K Carter, Illlly Corucll...W. E Clinpellc. Pat Camlllo* Folio Colby Family C'ulhaue A . . Cham Caesar, Frank Caufman. Guy Cressle A Dayne Burirrnflr.Fra'k Cootta. Jan. Bbmiob, The Cftjtl,,K. p, Coc, Eddie Coleman, Ant. Cullnguan, N.O Collins, Dan Crcssy, W. M. Clemens, E. L. Clifton, J. D. Clcehottl, Th. Conboy, Kola. Chamberlain, F. W. Clement, Clay Clark, Har. Cannon, C. H. Ciunplou, Dave Canilcs, R. Daalcls, Walt Deasnuer, Sam Doyle & Granger Durrcl), Guy Davis, B. Dllgcr, Eddy Dare, Har. Deagon, Art. Drane, Sam Drlscoll, J. B. Dnrrcll, Laur. Davis, J. J. Davidson, Al.E Dumllrescu, M Day. J. L. Domlnqucz, H. DcBlcro, Arn. Dee, Matt Del more, Leon puBS&Johnson [lev I lie, K. J. Dolnn, Bognr DcCsrlo. Fred Drunc, Grunt Doll , CllilM. Davidson, J W Devorcaux.The Decker, Al. DuBois. Edw. Dcmpsey, J. W Doineroe, W. U Divine, /. A. Donnzetitfl. Louis Dare. Har. Doyle. Ed. Da-Shlelda.Wlll DeCorum, J. T Dante, Cnrl Douglas & Ford Dixon, J. C, ' Fnust, Eugene Flood, Frank Flntow, J. L. Francis & Irving Flood Bros. Forrester, Chas. Floyd, W. T. Finn, Joe Flynn, J. J. Grimes, P. S. Grcgor, Oeo. Griffin, Gerald Oaffey. Tom Oarsfde, JaB. Germain, Har Gordon, Lloyd Griffin, Wm Qllmorc, Frank Oormnn. Dick Grechl, Signer Olcason, 0. R. (Iruett. Alb. Gnffcy. Tom Guptlll, R. G Gcnero, Tom Oootfrcnd.O.L. Gardner. F. A Gaunt, Wm. G Goodrlck, JW Golt, Geo. T. Gnlottl, C. F. Gngnoux, The OllTctt, Wm. Grlgg, Wm. A. Olbbs, W. II. Goldsworth, J. W. Galgnno, A. F. Glln8crctt.v, Tony Glynn, Nlch. (Jllroy, Chas. Gray, F. W. Gould, G. (Oc. Gllmore, Bar. Golden, Geo. F fllcmoy, J. R. Gardner, W. F Gnupard Bros, (lllmnu, F. Grant, Colo. Grey, Norm. Houlihan, P. V Henderson, R. C. Honsclicl.Frcd Hilton. David Hall, E. J. Hubbard, T,, C Hcnella, Joe lliuly, J. R. Hopkins, J. F. Hall, Eugene Harrington, W. II. Hall, Scott Harris, Geo. Hcbort, J. A. Herbert. T. L. Hull. E. J. Ilubor, John Hale & Francis Haiunott, W N Henderson, Frank Bong, Grant Itoyt, W. B. Hnrddlg, — (Jug.) Hlrsch, K. Hcnella, — Hull. Geo. Hnckolt, J. K Hcaly, John Honderson, Dell Hayes, Tom Hickman Bros., .1 Hamlin. Elmer Hall. E. J. Hamlin. Wm T Howe, J. L. Hukl, Frnnz Holmes. W. J Had field BtockCo, HnsMngs, Bon Illgglns, BenJ, Illckey. C. V. noran ft . Paulettc ttolden. Tom Hoidsworlh, Cbna. naves ft Suits IIail„W. Irving Jr.. 3. I lines ft Ryan Ives, A. D. Irwin, Jns, Jenkins ft Shcrck Joyce, Jack Jnhn. Arthur Johnson, 0. B Jones, E. C, Jack, Hnnny Jenkins, Ed. Johnson, T. J. Jolinson, W.H Johnson. J. » James, H. W. Jones, l^rnnk Jimenez, F. Kelly, Wnlt. Kane. J. M. J. Kelly. Bob KnlmoH. The King, Wm. F. Kelfy, J. ft Kelly. «. ft I. Kolvootl, Jno. Kldil. A. 1«. Kenilnll. Frn'k Knowles, How Kaufman. I. Kl Intent. E. Klin.'. CliOS Kclley ft Vlolette Keeble, Frank Keel urn, John Kntzes, Hor. Kcndrlck. Alf. Kuhle, K. Knae, Har. Kissinger, Chas. Lewis, David I*wls, Wm. II Lowery, Jas. Ijiur. A. Lelghton, Bert Lnuo, II. D. LnPlerre, Fred Leonard, Ed. LcVord. Wm S Latto. Geo. LnVan, Jas. Lcl'age, Fran LcClalr, Har. Leslie, M. D. Lyle, II. J. LaXoIr, Chas. Lorctte, II. M. Lltt. Jacob LaVnlts, Tbo Lyons, G. A. Lamb, S. K. Leo, Frank Lyons, Jasq. IjiiXole, Edw, Lewis, II. 8. Lee, J. P. Leslie, Fred Laments, 2 Lava rule, Frank Leslie, Will LnHennc, Har Leo, L. V. Irflgh, Bert Lafiarrc. Ed. Leigh, Percy Lyons ft Lyons Lydlng, Geo. Lesslk, Hadji LaSnllc, II. E. LaBelle, Wm. LaMolnes, The Leon, Burt LaVnughn, Lawr. Lunn, Leo Mulr, Will Murphy ftGano Mvll, Louis MuiT>hy,Frank Matthews, Wm Mazuz ft Mazottc Mario, Ben Musaelman, A Marks, Clar. Mltchel, Jesse Marlnella, V. Montroso, Har Murphy, A. J. Muddox ft Wayne Melville. Har. Mack, It. J. Miller, Fred DEATHS IN TIIK PltOKKSSlON. mi$«naneduj. JtUW JKftsKY. Atlantic t:l*y— At Ocean 1'ler MJisltf "■ HT Hall (Hnrry D'Esta, rcpresentntlvo).— l*w T S? — ^Y° Dockstadcr's Mlnstrcla closed a big week Wo only A „„ i. coinlmr: "Miss Bob Whlto" weekot nit at Ft. 3. . Russell. Clint. Ueno, W. 11. Rogers, W. F. Rnmza, Geo. Italmuud, J. R Tlnnsom, II. P. Uyder, Tony lllngsdorf, V C Rosser, J. M. Rosa I re, B. Bheehnn, Dnn Shcrman.Robt. Scovllle, N. Savlllc, Chas. Sutherland, K w. Simon, IauIs Seaman k Monto i Starkey, C. B. H old the theatre to John S. Clarke aud Ed- clowns, received runnda of applause and fntnun for week of a : Paullnettl and Plquo, Stanley ft win Booth, and since then had been living kept the audience In roars, of laughter, »* n,,. ncnnlng* Trio (John, wnttlo anil Ar- in retirement. The Interment was in Green- they do In every town and city. After the thur), Tony Kennedy ami Ted Evans, 1< Mas. M. Ahousta Gaiibkttson, who wa» . • ■ ' ■ "• } — „" ■ formerly the proprietor and manager of Iho d b . Hone's Mkbioinu Show Notks.- Walnut Street Theatre, Philadelphia, died nre still playing to good business, in that city on July I'll, aged eighty years, had one bad night sine Her mnldcn name was Tucker, and she Wnyue. Hid. ; that was ... ,...,.. _. «*•«•■».»»» ••• «— .— -»«j- was born In New York. After- her husband s j-. our large tout was torn to audi nil rcsentatlvc). — "Hla Sister a Shame hail death, In 1858, she heoaiuo proprietor of tho extent Hint we were obliged to lower It to a pmd weckenlug porform- malntnlncd, nnioug the meuibcrs lielug: John nnce we were greeted with a fair nudleuee, S. Clarke, Peter Itlchliurs, Auu Cowell, Cor- and on 22 and T.i our scats wore lllled anil in that city on July 33, aged eighty years, had one bad night since our openlna; Tucker, and she \vnyue. Ind. ; that waa nt Antwerp, D., | July Ochan 1*ibr Thkatob (Harry^p Bata, rep; . . . . rcsentatlvo).— Husluess remains good with llostock'a trained domestic animal*. Bijou TllHAtRB (Huntley ft Moore, man- ogetB). — Excellent business la .toalntalnad by the Huntley ft Moore Stock Co., la rcpsr- nella Jefferson, Harry Buscolu. Sara llemple. wo wero obliged to put up morn seating t or v Edwin Adams, Fanny Wallack, and many rneaB. At tbo opening of the performance Imtlb'r 1'AVtt.ioN Tiirathr (Frank Goldle, others of note. lu 18(15 Mrs. Gurrcttsoji tho Lcvau Bros.. Chas. and Frank, acrobatic manager). — ltlc.buslnoaB at all times. Pcr^ Cummctta Studley, Sam Street, Jule Samuels, Dick ally as Harry f*! Murr. a comedian, died In Smith, C. M. Chicago on July 211, of heart failure, aged Samuels, Dick thirty years. On June 1 he broke his knue- cap and had been 111 ever since. Ho had been with "We, I's ft Co.," Henderson's Arabian Nights," Chas. H. Yale's "Twelvo Stnnall, Floyd St.Onge Bros. Snnun, Byron Sheehan, J. C. Strickland, E.C Seymour, 0. G wood Cemetery, New York. openlug of the show Dr. Hope .gives hla « tf-Jlllaniann and LiUtle Gilbert. JVin. G. Harrv Baiiti.ktt, who upiKsared profession- introductory talk on hla medicine, atUr i^. clnlr uud Cliarle* F. Bowen, Billy How- whlch It requites three and somotimea ,, r ,i n nd Kutherlne Harris, CoMOxM aittl four people to carry medicine to the twutnd, Bailey Dawaon nnd Mac Booth, buvers of the seats. After tho medl- tho Burdock Slaters (Lola and Minnie), cine sale Prof. Carl Lo Koy gives hla slack wire mid trapeze acta, which never fall to bring good applause. . The Unlit- Hnrrv Heftnn nnd Mny Dcngle, Morris « es Hurry Jomes and Mark Davis, NoiBc V. Nlcliols, the Zoellers (Edwnrd and.Tlim), Temptations!'' had starred three season* hurs (Oscar and Mattte) arc atlll making a ton and Horry Do Venus, .Oeraada and In "Widow llcdott," and waa Block comedian big hit with tholr sketches and specialties, iireoii, KtRth W. Itlchards, Kd. Nogel ami ot the Howard Athennnm and Bowdoln and In alnglo Bpeclnlllea Mr. Gulllhur la i^n| e ..\,|r m a, Will CoiinnllJ- and Alnlnij Shannon, Har Square Theatre, Boston, for four sea sous, meeting with buccmb with his Billy Klu, Howo, Krwln Lnncniter. James w. Henry niwl Sllbone. E. where be produced several of his own plays, blackface. Irish and Dutch songs, o* well as Dorothy D. Young, Minnie WnrdMl, thu Snow, Geo. W ills last engagement was with "Zlg Jsng arc he and bin wife In their Iron jaw feats. WoodlhcriM (Harry nnd Flosslo), JaB anil Stelllng, T. Alley." Tho little high diving dog "Topay" caiia«a i A |,' C nrn Heftly, llemettn and La Itue. Schumackor, Uilinbb Kenneth Ruouakt. an actor, was the people to gaze with wonder as ahe does itnrry Courbtanil, and Uoldle, 8t. Clair auu Oscar drowned on July 20, while bathing nt West- her daring feat. Tun Ou> IUUam-m Cur- (loldle. ._ . St.Clnlr, Geo. hampton, N. Y„ according to a report sent it.b Is received regularly each week and la uuvunNATon'H Tubathm (Sydney Fern. by Otto Bauer. warmly welcomed by us all. malinger).— The same big honaes continue. Mauob Wiwom, a ballad singer (whose Notes from Db. Wymb, or tub Inman Announced for week of 0:- A. Von OMfe, name In private life wna Isabella Fraicr), Rbukdv Co.— I Intend to enlarge my ahiiw Albcito nnd La Brant, t!animlll(> and Fona. died on Sunday, July 20, In Utlca, N. Y. to eight people on tho atago, and open with testers Clausen, CImb. Dunn, "Luvltt, Slil- Steele, Al Stetson ft Hermnn(2c. Shnffcr, E. R. Smith, J. II, a nilnRtiel Hint part, nnd close the show dona BrtK),, Anderson. Hylnnil anil Grant. Sully, J. F. hurst began an engagement nt tho Dewey doing a good business, hut the ueconuuoiln- peters, Braddock and Fennry. Street, Jim Theatre, Utlca, N. Y., June 20, where thoy tlona of the halls In tho smnlloc towus aro Ini.bt Boor (Iahokn lOllff W. (Irnnt. msn- Sothcm, E. n continued until fulllilg health compelled her not what I uin usod to, nnd I can, with en- agar). — Good business rules with Cliff W. Stowe's "H. T. to rest. She gradually Improved, nnd wont Urged co., play tho largest of the towns and uriiiit'a Big London (laloly Company. C"Co. to Casino Park, where alio played until cities In New England, anil with tho claas htzb), I'ikr (J. C. Bothwcll, mannger).— Springer, J.H July 15, when she was taken sorlouBly III, of show I Intend giving I can. mako tho crowded day nnd evening to hear .tho Royal St. Leon, and the following day was removed to St. admissions almost, if not unite, pay the outlro Julian Band, orchestra Vvnll, and Murphy Otis (10c. Elizabeths Hospital, suffnrlng from heart expense of 'Uin show, and look to iny sales for fc tHbson's Minstrels. • Sully. Will trouble, where sho died. The rcmalus were my profit. I have no fault to find with KoVINuFiiamk'h U war C'AMl'.— Big crowds Stanley ft Interred In New Forest Cemetery, Utlca. business In tho small towns, but 1 bavo n t all tlmos Cnmmctta Wh ham: just been Informed of the deal h nlwiivs had a big show, and 1 bavo always Notkh. — The biggest thing In amusement Slegrlst, Tnto of Mrs. Fronklc Klrkputrick (professionally done better wllh n big show, for wo cna tako c-irt-luH on the carpet now is the irniisforiiiii- Steison, Walt, known us Franklo Barry), which occurred towns of- 10.(100 to 50,000 population and t lon to come tills Fall lo Young's Pier Muslu Heeback, Hnr. May :I0, nt Cnrbondnle, Knu. Death was plcoso them. 1 have six abort versions of unit, w | ia]l it W |M hv. turned Into a magnln- clue to ivphoid fever and other, compiled- my own product Ions, with juat seven peopo t .,. u t a || tjm year theatre, which will mwin tlona. Mln- was the owner nnd trainer In the cast of each, nnd all laugh, and tbats tiiocxpcndlluro of |7n,(KJV. It will bo com- of the Challenge Troupe of French poodle whnt tho pooplu want. . .. , plutel and ready to.iipau lu February, JOO-I. dogs. She had been on the atago for tho Frank B. Hubin, manager of Roving The capacity will be nliuiit LIM10, whlrh can Frank's Gypsies, nnw united allows and oiihIIv fin mulled on Uio ground llimr.ninl In various other attractions, has fully revov- two bnl.'oidcK. Klnw ft Tlrlniigcr, and JiiIoh cred from Iho serious burns he rocolved by Kalin will do the iiooklng for this new Iioiiki<, (juggler) Manloy, Mor. Mi'lrnse, I'. C. Muddox, It. C. Marlon ft Pearl Melville, Chas Mason, E. A. Miles, I'M. MerwIn.Gco.C Miidgo, A. A. McLaughlin, Frank Manning, Jack Mnyinr, Frank Mangcan, Jack Mack, It. B. Morton, C. E, McCord, F. 1' Murphy ft. Btnnloy, 11. C. Snuiuols, Geo. Shoomnkcr, Jack Sun, Geo. Silvers, 8. Stanley, Wm. Siddnns Bros. Soehlke, Aug. Smith ft Blnnchard Simmons ft Speucer Slegmau.Geolt Swcot, C. K. Stanley, II. C. Thome ft Uoldsworth past twenty-live years, and was tho daiighlcr oi the veteran showman, J. M. Barry, pro- fessionally known an Dnd Barry. tfAMUMHR t'iHH (M^rs. Charles Warren), ot the temn of Warren nml Fish, died on lumping lu nnd averting a big Urn on Juno „ m i ulmudy t.hesu. Ilrins liave coiilrncls for !t7, at Alluntlo City, N. J., fur which Man- lt number ot big ill I met Ions for this thonllv. July 22, In l/oiidon, Bug., after a lingering nger Hublti received a vole of (hanks from I'lm prcsnnt uismiKmueiit, with Hnrry D'Esta Illness. Her huslinnd, Cluirlos Warren, who over one hundred nf thu Irailliig cltlznns „ H repnsMUilntlvu (his present position), will Is general manager for the London branch nuil business mini »f Atlantic. -Lily. bo reUJneil. gnnernl malinger fo of tho house of M. Wltinurk ft Sons, survives her. l.iiinii: ICmikk, an nctress, who was airs. J. II. Wnshliurn III private life, died on Aug. 1. She wns born March 211, 1HII0, and rando her first professional iippcnrniico with llav- Tompklns,W.J crly's Juvenile "Plnefore" Co., In 1880. uk.hu, vww ......,v, ii i ■ Travis, Norm. Her nott nppcarnncu was In vaudeville, at JumcB Hurt, loader of band. nnd orchestra, Tucker, Frank Miner's nml the London Theatres, on tbo with twelvo peoples tho_Jnrrolts, royiH Eng- Tbacker, W. II Bowery, Now York. Sho then played with llallen nnd Hart's First Prize Ideals. Her ilrsl dramatic work was with Lilt ft Davis' sho City. NllTKS rilllM MllNH. A. I.k) Cl.Alll'H ENTKB- tainbbs. — Wo opciind our tfilltliiK season nt Kingman. Ind... July 20, to capaclly: pusl- tlvely turning hundreds away on our third night. Rosier :i Mons. A. Lo Clair, proprie- tor and mnniigert Clarence Kont, guiieral agent; Hyduoy. Hurtle, usslslnii, ugont ; iVllllnrd Mcncndcz.R/l 1 ' Mack, John Malilon, Elliot, O'Brien Makowsky, B. Maxwell, 10. F Mestou, Chas. Morgan, Jack Myers, w, II. Maaulng. E W Marks, Tom Miller ft May Manchester, O.A. Main, W. L. Monroe. Q. W. Mack, Until . Murray, W. L, Mljjimtil, Ern. Mill one. 0. W. Mack, Lew ■Miller, F. T. Melrose, Wm. Norcross, J.M North, South ft Dixie Noary, J. Nelson, Billy Nash, C. L. Nelce, Larry Nola, Joe Nusmyth, Bill Norton, M. U. NornuiuH, Jug. O'BrlcnTroupc Osborne, C. G. Onzo. Art. OrlolT Troupe Olt. J. E. O'ltourko, Wm Parker, Harv. Plnkham, Ralph Peck, AVm. K. Price, C. I. Provost, How. Prontzol, Puul Prentiss, P. B Parker, Bert Palmer, Lew Probnaco, Irp. Poarl, Billy Puscy. C. A. Parento, Geo. Patterson, Pad Pcakc, W. H. noibrook, II 1 Pierce ft Rosclln Plcton, — Pluo ft nun Price, H. M. Pock, W. K. Ryder, E. D. Reno, Dick B. Rcldft Glllierl Ray. J. J. . ItnJmond, Jim Rose. I>oii Itohblns, F. A. Rome ft Ferguson line, J. G. Itose. II. Rossmyn, Hoi! Ruscltlo, L. Ross, Henry Slchards, J. J. osc, . I^ew Richards. Ot. Reeves, Jack Ritchie. Geo. Itoltulr. ("has. Ramsey. G. L. Thumuni.llmv Toay, Fred Trcinpor, F. K Thurston, II E Taylor, Frnnk Trimly, Ita.vin. Tbornloti, Jns. Towner, P. K. Thurner, I'M. Van Bros. VunDoornum, Ncal Vernon, W. VonlclhiftNInn Vernon, R. B. Van- Bros. - Vurncy, Vlv. VauVcchtcii, Ed. Vack, F. II. Wilson, Fred Wilson, J. L. Waltoun ft LcClorc West ft llsh marlnnottcs : the Marlon Sisters, Hurry Coslollo, Hnrry St. Clair, Don Lc», uiuglcbui ; Kent and Marlon, Dottle Morgan, Frllghiiui Fsmlly of four, Mile. Loltlo, Llltlo Goldle, "Stowaway," and tor seven seasons played Ihe boy role, Chiirkiiy, with grout sui. CHH. She uflerwardH played with Klnw ft ley. Lillian Sturr, Charles Javortiorj^ WlUJMl nn(1 man ,i K ,. r )._.p,nnrmm , a sousoii fur vaudi. Krlunger's "Great tMotropolls,". Proctor's ft ' Jcssln Wolfunl, Mile. Mile. Eslollo Do Hliiit- rulfrann. — At tho ii|sra Hniisn (John J. GiMilacliliiM, uianager). — llaverl.v's Masto- don MliislmlM reiHiiteil for rehniirsnl nt this Ihenlro July 20, und will open tholr siasoii, as wnll as tho Ics-iil llientrlciil season. Aug, 7, H. AUiuagcr GocIhi'IiIuh has ruliiriind from hlii bummer vocation, spent at Jersey seaside re- sorts, and the punt wnek has boon kopt busy gutting IIiii bouse lu readiness for Friday night. This tliontro Is only mm year old, and needed but llltlo in Iho way Of renova- tion. ■ ' " lIMoii TllliATiiH (Mrs. Hen Leavltt, owner Brine, boss canvas man, with three assist- 50X1 10. vllle Is n week off. Thoro aro some Improve- meiiis at the BIJoli, a liberal supply nt paint, with tho diiciirntor's nrt, enliuricliig the tippoariinrn of tho Interior. This boillo opens Hiiliirdny ululil. Aug, 15, with LIlu Tignr Lilies, who remain tho week ot Aug. It, ■ . ' Pr.Ni.'ii.hiNiis. — Talk of a new Patcrsmt Turner's "Eiigllsli Rose," Joseph Murpby, lu auls. Cunviis, I ... "Kerry (low" uud "Sluiuiiltuo :'' Kittle Bouncy Nutkm kiiom Causbi, ft mink s Black Hhn- iiiul many others. Her greatest success wus nation Cd.— Nothing succeeds like success, lu boy's uarls and Irish ehuraclor work. Her Everybody Is well, and Hie show Is making Inst engagement, was with "Tho Pay Truln," good. Tills week finds jut enjoying ttWiMt plnylug tho dual rolo of Bessie Burton and breezes nt Mnnln Crus, Cas.,- pluylng a street Foxov. carnival. Punch Jones, imd.Douglns Ilnnks MUH, Hmi.TZ, n wull known Froneh dosed 20. lu Sati !• rauulsco... W« 1 .''« W J H "'>' theatre has long boen liirililgi'd luanit rumors singer, died In Purls on July 110. Sho wus J. E. Simpson Joined us lust weak In Him n( mi 1U |,ni| „ t,> the fold havn been ospe liorn In Spain In 181ft. . Francisco. .. . • (1 ||,||« r ifo. tbo rmsfc. tbroo months, i Thmw Ikiiiih Baiirii. the veteran atuso door Kplfal raoM Diiinnm. muglclnn and lllu- rumors n>suinoil shnpo Inst wook.whnn Hio keeper nt the Plko anil Itoblnsiin s Theiitrcs, gionlst.— Tills iui motion will go out tin p K tersnn Amusement Company took tllio Cluclniiatl, died July 20, nt tho Brunch coining senium under ,tho niaiingeuinat of J. t„ „, t ,■„,.(. ,,f ground, 011-&0 Van llnutnn llnspllnl, that city. Ills wlfo and daughter n. 'I'aylor, whn Is simrliig nocxisuise to niukn nireel, measuring luixl'jil feel, it Is to hu Biirvivo hi in. it lli-st iiluss In every dotull. Special ptMr Is knasm us Iho Msjcstlc uud will bavo a sent- Juan Maiioaiikt Davkm-urt, onco n well now under way, uud will lie ready by Aug. I. (tur-caisMUar of a.ftllO. .McHlfutrJck ft Son known actress, died Sunday evening. Aug. 2, 'r-i,« new Illusion, tliti "I'llglit of Zara, Is uru niimmncrd uh iIIiii nrchlteirls.. Wllllnni from cancer, at hor Hummer home. In Lynn, nearly completed, iuiiI will bn olio uf Uiu uiost ||. Wuison, nf burlasniiu famn, Is prusldent Muss. She wan born lu England In Mny, beautiful over presenlcil, roipilrlng fivo spu- „f tlin conipiiny; and uhls fact cimisinI nmny ViiuSlelen IbIIU, and slxty-llve yenrs ago slu- niado her ,.i n u y cotistruolod trunks to transport. Tho t„ hollnvn that tho hoiisn wss to bo glvim luge doluit lu tin; l.'nllod Htutcs us Little H tngc suitings urn all new u '.leklc, In "rim Hpoiled Child." She played u/ho i|| K |tul work of .Mr. J n "Richard III" lu tho lending cities of u ovn| excelled by nous; III Hla P.I In America, England and Ireland, and Inter up nd most oluboriilv. Dloiinn Is, wo, liu- . his back uuil front hand imlmlng of twoalynins cards, Is luar- Wuez, C. II Waldrnn, J. A. Watson, 0. P. Wlloy, Oscar Wlnne, J. M. Warrcll, Paul Watson, F. Winder, II. 11. Wheeler, W. E . Wcstlako.W.D. opera House, Now York. Aflor touriug the J7 B ft er which llii'v will lour the couutrl/ Wellzell, Jas. United States sho retired for a few yonrs |,i;,yliig Suite fairs. ., Over ono Hiousuiii: ........ ,l... .,,....., .....If.... I,n. m .mil,. Inllt ' *, . _.,,. til I.. liver to vaudeville. A denial, however, bus lieiiu 11111110. nml It is now staled Hint the Hie- illm will Imi IIiii Iniiae of legllliiuilo ilrnnni ■illly. . llriiund In lo he broken ut mice nml property man. Winkler, A. Wolf, Jack Warsaw Bros. Watson, Sam Walters, J, E. Wellcr, G. A. West. Joe H. Wardn.Al. WoodHun, I^tfo White, P. J. Watson, G. P. Wcntworth, Wnll. S. Wollf, J. II. Wallls, Art. ft Co. WlndlHch. J.G. Walker. II. E. Wolf, Dnrry Wilson, T. L. fr/im iho stage, making hor re-entry Inlo yitrds of silk will bo reuulrcd to mukn Ihulr niblic life at Nlblo's Garden on Feb. 0, 1805. (oHtuim*, our .Informant,: states, which will In u play of her own translation, called CJ vu ,. v eialsuatc, and they cliangu ovcry ".Mesalliance." In which she again toured the j UVi country. Alias Duvonport, besides, unpeared in the roles of Colombo, in Brownings play, yen W. l -under, who was an olllcer In (lie Union Army, and who was killed In lint tie In Novem- ber, 18U2. During the Civil War 'Mrs. Minder and her mother took entire charge of tho military hospital at Port Royul. In recent venrs Mrs. Lander has lived iiiilclly lit her t" ..... \<„, l,ii U „tlj ItllV THA lull t' Uflll ALABAMA. Mobile — Monroe Park Thontro (Mlkii A. fiiin'o oTMassaciiusetts Bay. The body w|ll MeDarmytt, aa«n«jny)>^r»,Jwja« ,Maa lie sent to Wi.slilngU.il. D. giillory, seating IH)0, new orchestra seats, similar in those to lm used nt tho New Amsterdam, Now York City, four nnw boxes, elegantly furnished, a patent sounding board, and an iilalsirato forty- eight sunburst light. Tbo house Is ilncoratcd In Vd and gold. Mrs. II. P. Honllor's prlvaln box bus .been superbly furnislird by her frlciuls us a murk uf tholr esteem. The Ly- ric will now scut 1,80(1 people, NoTKS. — No ditto has been set for Iho Itlnno.XW 20c Znni Kara 8KH NOTICB A.T.IIRAD OK LIST. 'he com- j-uilKeu illinium ^Mtr .. .u... n ..... n .. .« „.... iMjTKS. — I lie iiuiiiuiij eucn Nipiin ■» In Eiiglund. nnd was known In this eiiuiitry m , P cii for lh« snuwu Aug. 10, Willi "Tl from the staging of several plnys In New (}„„„, f ute" The house lias been coi York theatres. pleteiv renovated during Ihe Hummer...... The Empire , Theatre will open Its second seo».in Sept. 7. A slock company - a vocal quart ot. <■»■ ^»» 111 lie «» — Harry M. l'rlco, Herman character com- '-■-itly with Chas. A. Mason, ns'on, In, "Jtudutph snil •y m, edliiii, will slnr Mason mid .■mm rJSsSSiSS 3&%£*ES&m MpaL%mwm i'b latest novel, "On Satan's Mount."* be the manager. . ,. ^..:'l *««• «*• open about Dec 20. Tlltou'l 560 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. JKW YOKK city. Review and Connrat. — There always Appears to he more or less rivalry among Hip managers of the lorn l houses to he the llrst to open the regular season, nnd ench year flees the opening n little earlier. The Third Aveniiv, Theatuk had the honor of helng the first to throw open Its doors for the Fall and Winter of 3 D03-'04, the event occurring Saturday evening, Aug. J. "The Hump of Life." a melodrama, In live acts, by W, Howell Toole, was the attraction, and the cool weather usslsted In drawing a good attendance On the name night Ht. Nicholas Carpus reopened with a vaude- ville bill During the week good hind- nem was done at the various houses '■The Earl of Pa.wtiir.kel" at the Makhat- tan; '"The -Runaways'' at the Casino, "The Wizard of. Qz" at the Majkhtio, the Duns Orchestra . at Madison Hquark (Iaiidks, "Japan nt Night" at. the Madihun Squarii Boor Oardkn, Hummer opera at Thrback Garden, and "A Chinese Honeymoon" nt Manhattan Beach. Dramas by the F. F. l'rnrtor slock companies, with added vaude- ville features, were presented at Pboctor'h Fifth Avhnur, FirrT-Kioirrii Strrkt and Os« Hundred anii Twmntt-kipth Struct. : Variety entertainment was furnished at Proctor's Twhntv-thirii Struct, Paha- ursn Gahw.ss, . Tony Fahtor'n, Kmth'b Union Squamc, Crthtal Gamikn and Lion Palacr. Summer vaudeville was also pre- sented at RumitTON Bkach, Hkndbrson's Mvnic HAM, and Luna Park, Coney Island, Morriron'h Mijhio Ham., Itockaway Beach, find the Floating Hoof Uardkn. Procter'* Fifty— lichth Street Thea- tre (J. Austin Fynes, general manager). — The current week is the last of the stork company nt this house, and on Monday, Aug. :i. the play selected for the company's fare- well wan the farcical comedy. In three acts, "Three Wives to One Husband." The sev- eral favorites of the stock were heartily applauded by a full bouse. Kdna Arcber Crawford gave new proof of her versatility, showlne- to especial advantage. . The other characters were well taken care of, and laughter and applause were abundantly be- Ntowed. The cast : Gabriel Garlcol, Verner Clnrges ; Uncle Donehard, uVlcbard Lyle : Andrew Dobchard, Robert Cummlngs: Uncle Dothebny, Joseph Green : Ralph Dotheboy, Arthur Buchanan; Hezeklah Smith, Albert Vesule; Uncle Willow, Giles Shine; Mrs. Garlcol, Ada Levick ; EuphlemlH llatterby, Kdna Archer Crawford; .lullet Garlcol, l/orna Klllott : 'Marie Bonnet, Leslie Rlnghnm. The vaudeville Interpolations were furnished by (Mary Gladden, whose monologue specialty went strong, and Hogbcy Flaherty, whose clever and graceful , dancing won for him the oipresjton of the most hearty applause. The regular Fall and Winter season of com- binations opens Monday afternoon next, Aug. 10, when "The Slaves of the Mine' will be the offering. Sunday's concerts, Aug. 2. attracted the usual paying crowds. Keith's Theatre (E. V. Albee, general manager). — The patrons of this house turned out In large numbers on Monday, Aug. 3, when the new bill for the week was pre- sented. The bill 'is varied nod ef>Hr»ncral excellence, so It Is sure to please all at some- times and some at all times. James Home and company have' the conspicuous place of the programme, and give a capital presenta- tion of the old time furoe, "An Awful Fix, In which Mr. norne Is most capably aided by the efforts of Harry llrooks, Florence 'Slack and Corlnne Cantwcll. Victor Moore and Emma Uttleflcld are a very close second in con- tinues. Third Avenue Theatre. — Manager Martin J. Dixon ojiencd the houso for tho season Hatiirdny evening, Aug. 1, with "The Game of Life," a popular melodrama, which remains the attraction for this week. Business opened big. The cast : Prologue : Agnes Havana- croft, Evelyn Devon ; Master Walter, Mabel .Morton; Orasv Tate, John C, Carlylo: Real Grit, J. K. Hutchinson ; Geoffrey Vnngbnu, Howard G. Iiouglas: George Malcolm. Fred- erick Mnynnrd ; Etllth Nliilcolm, Kolliula Boinbrldgo : Splgpot, B. C. McGitire: Pedro Gnmaro, Collin Varrey ; Hick Kuvnuaiigli, Nyo V. MoIhIih w. The play : LoMy Good, Lily Sinclair ; Dick Knvantiugli, Nye V. Mol- shaw; 'Florence, ltollnda BiMiihrUlgo ; Geoff- rey Yniiglian, Howard G. Douglns ; redro Gnmaro,' Collin Varrey: Walter Bnvenscroft, J. K. HutcUlnsou: Agnes llavenscroft, Evelyn leaven j.Joso Vaiidam, John C. Carlyle; An- tonio, B. (.'. McUuIre : George Mhlcoliu, Fred- erick Moynnrd. Next week, "The Limited Mall." 'Whdku k Fiklhh' Co. will commence re- hearsals at their music hull Aug. 8. Willie Collier and his company commenced to re- hearse "IN'monal" lit the Bliou Aug. .1. Ruber's Museum (John II. Anderson, manager) . — This popular resort, which has catered to those interested In nature's freaks, and also those who are Interested In u wolf Htnoked and well appointed museum, opened for theaeason ou Aug, ,1. It Is the llftoentli Npaeon of lluber's Museum, mid the four- teenth year of (Mr. Anderson's cnpublo man- agement. Dining this time many museums have been launched la this city, but lluber's has a dear Held today, and it stands as the "survival of the fittest." During t lie period of darkness the entire premises have been refitted und redecorated, ami they uiv lis bright He the decorator's art could make litem. Both Inside mid outside blight and harmonious colora greet the eye at every point, and an agreeable general ulr of clean- liness pervades rue whole. The aluge calls /or unstinted praise, us It has bceu pro- vided with a new outfit of scenery, wlillo Improvements can be noted In many other directions. The walls and dome of the tho- utrc have also been rodocorutd In neutral Guts which attract the eye. The building was crowded ou the opening day, and It Is perfectly safe to predict that another year of success will ho added to the many gono before. The transient features of the mu- seum halls for this week tire: Mottling and lli-iiii, .In their 'cycle racing treadle: Miss TiiiiIhoii, liandless wonder; 'Mine. Morello mid Iter 'trained spaniels : G. Bobbins, scleu- 11 lie ibag puncher, and Jose Marty, clown .Higgler. There Is a long list of capable oil- lertnlners III the t beat re, nod the place was packed on Aug. It. Nt. Nlohulaa Garden. — This resort, reopened, for. the second tlmo this setisop, nlglil of Aug. 1, with Wm. T. Douglieriy as lessee, and William Alexander, business man- nger. An audience of good slue ut tended the opening nlglil, mid Monday night. Aug. .'!. when the following bill wits presented : The Great Lnfnyetle and Ills own bund: Florence llrockwnv, In n "Limp the lamp:" Dcuiiko Bros., Montgomery and Pearl. Marl Inn and Bliiiio, Ida Howell, Morris and llowen, Abbas Ben Omar, anil the Montre Sisters. Manhattan Theatre (Harrison Grey KjHke, inniiagerl, — The present Is the twen- tieth week of the remarkably profit able run of "The Enrl of I'nwtuckcl. ' Lawrence li'Orsav was III on Thiirsilny night, July .'in. and Frank -Monroe, the stage iiiiitinger. idnyed ills role that evening. Mr. D'Orauy returned to the cast the following day. Majestic Theatre (Geo. II Menial. manager).- — "The Wizard of On" Is How lit Its twenty-eighth week of capacity business. Casino (Sam S. & Lee Kliubcrt, malin- gers). — "The Hituawiiys," still extremely popular, with Fay i'ctniitclon welt to the fon> In favor, Is now In its thirteenth week. Atlantic Garden (W. Kramer's Sons, managers). — Orvllle and Frank, novelty acro- bats; Crawford and Hun*. In an eccentric comedy sketch ; riendrlx and Prcsrott. sing- ing and dancing duo : Edwiird and Glllam. colored comedy team : Eatella Wills, voonl comedienne, and .the Elite I-ady Oreli<>stra are the attractions for this week. Madlaon Square Hnnt Garden (Ku- blshlbl a Arol, ronuagers). — "Japan by Might" and the opera, ''Otoyo," remain na the greatesi conceivable drawing cards for tbls roof, Lunatic;" Mylos McCarthy, tutalsted byAlda Woolcotk presenting "Tho Race Touts Dream : ,r Al, Friend, Hebrew comedian: Conklev and McBrldc, In comedy talk nnd expert 'dancing : Mullen and Corclll, ncrobatle comedians: Ituhof and Conn, la "The Mini from Klondike:" Humes, Ross nnd Lewis, In a coraedv skit, "The Duke and the Ameri- can Heiress:" Al. Wlayne uud Irene Laiiinr, npiniiring lu graceful comedy contortion : Steve Jennings, In songs und dunces; the Hatch nros.. In u refined musical act. and the American vltngraph, with u complete change of views, are included In this weeks bill. Paradise lloo( Garden* (Oscar lima moist ciii. manager).— The bill for this week names: The Mysterious Agn, the Illusion; Victor's Royal Venetian Band, Glllctl's dogs. Rico and Provost, the Five .higgling John- sons, Blccobono's horses, Agnes Mtibr, Brothers Scott, Josephine Sabcl, Edith Hele- na, the Four Nlghtous, Grant nnd Grant, nnd tho second edition of "I'liueh, Judy & Co," The Float Ins Hoof Garden emit limes to attract largo audiences when the weather Is propitious. . . Madison Square (iorilro. — John S. DtiMs ami the Metropolitan Opera House Or- chestra are now In their tenth week of oc- cupancy here. Cryatal Uarilen (Klnw & Erlanger. man- agers). — "The Durllng of Gic Gallery Gods," Nod Woyburn's Minstrel Misses, the English Pony Ballet. Harris' Orphan Boys' Band, und Dawes mid Seymour are on the current week a hill. Manaokum Rich & II.miiiis olid Frnuk Me- Keo have anuouucod some of their pinna for the coining season. Mr. McKcc Is I lie inuiiugcr of Amelia Bingham, Mary Aliiuner- Ing und Arthur Byron. Mr. Byron is to bu hiiinchcd as a star tills season, lu it Clyde Filch play, culled "Major Amlrc." lie bc- gliia u» u star at the Savoy Theatre, on \ov. 10. Miss Mautieiing will begin bur sca- suu here with the now your at the Garrlek Theatre. She will remain bore for live months. In tho three months before her coming to New York she will try three new plays; "Judith," an emotional drama, by Ramsay Morris; ft comedy, by Leo Dltrlcb- Hteln. and a historical play, by Justin Huntly McCurthy. Beforo Miss Manner- lug cuds iter engagement she will appear In a Shakespearean play for the first tlmo in thin country. She will not piny Lady Macbeth or Juliet. Amelia Rliightitn Is now uelliig In the West. For nor engagement here oho baa several plays under consid- eration, but none lias been selected for her opening III this city. Rich & Harris will open the Gnrrlck Theatre on Aug, IT, wllh u now farce, "Vivian's Pupa." John C, Rice nnd Thomas A. Wise will have Die principal roles. On Sept. 7 Andrew Mack will appear at the Fourteenth Street Thea- tre In a revival of "Arnah-nn-Pogue." Mr. Mack will remain under the management of ltlrh ,v. Harris until Dec. 1. Thou Charles Frnlnumi will become his manager, and be will put lilni lu the Wilson Barrett piny. "I.udy Motile." At the Academy of Music, on Sept. M. the melodrama, "Drink." will be presented. Chillies Warner, the English nclor, has played In this more I linn ii.lHH) limes, and he and his English company will present It here under the management of Rich & Harris. Di:t,AV IN THU CONHTRbCTUIN of KhlW & Eiimigcr's New Amsterdam Theatre will prevent the opening of tbls houso the first week III September by the Rogers Brothers, In "The Rogers Brothers in London," as an- nounced some tlmo ago. After conferences with Nat C. Goodwin, who was booked to open til. tho Knickerbocker In October, lu Klnw & Krlmigcr's production of "A Mid- summer Night's Dream," lu which ha will play Bottom, and with the Rogers Brothers, Klaw & Krlaiigcr have so arranged the Knickerbocker bookings that they will open for a run at that theatre Monday, Sept, T, following the opeiilug week at tho Star The- atre, Buffalo, Aug. Ml. Naii.vn Fiianko, the violinist and concert master of the Mjetrapolltnn Opera House Or- chestra, was forty-two years old on July 24, unit his associates gnve him an Immense wreath of flowers and a five hundred dollar silver service. CtiAjtt.KH Hrnrt Uki.trb*7 IlelnrlclTCoiT rled's first lieutenant nt the Metropolitan opera House, returned from Europe on July Proetor'a Twenty-third Street The- atre (J. Austin Fyncs, general manugen.— Opening Monday, Aug. a, for the week, I lie bill enumerated below gave great satisfaction to audiences of good size. For topping hon- ors are presented the Steln-Eretto Family, remarkably clever acrobats and band jump- ers, who made a great hit, as they deserved to do. Foster nnd Foster. In a taking brand of eccentric comedy ; the Yankee Comedy Four, a qiiurtct of much merit, both In tho singing nnd comedy line, nnd Rcatu Curtis, vlollnlste, all scored heavily. Harriett Graham nnd company presented n comedy playlet, by Mattle Keene, entitled "A woman's Intuition," which MIsh Graham nnd Geo. Albert Haley acted with telling effect. Others on the bill were : De Laskas, the magical cooks; the Nobrens, trapeze net : the Roberts Four, In "The Doll Maker's Dilemma." Interpreted by Allyn, i'earl, Leo- nora and Nettle A. Roberts ; Gusslc Moore, In songs; Harry B. Lester, with his mono- logue ; Little Leona. in Imitations. The kslatechnoscope continues. iiF.oiNNiMi Sept. It), and lasting for two weeks, a novel exhibition will be presented at. Madison Square Garden. It is entitled Cummins' Indian Congress nnd Life on the Plains, and. according to Director General Frederick T. Cummins, of the enterprise, seven hundred people and three hundred horses will bo used In the exhibition. The entire arena space and basement of the Gar- den will be devoted to an Indian village of tepees, wigwams, wlklups. bogans and adobe huts, teeming with typical Indian life. Some of the special features will be : The bead worker* of the Sioux, Cheyennes, Wlnnebagos nnd chlppcwuH : the Navajo blanket weavers and ■silversmiths : the lima, Apache, Aban- nakii and Mmpiols basket makers; Maricopa, Znul and Lnguiia pottery makers, making the most wonderful exhibit of the Industrial life of the North American Indian ever presented. The wild Western features, with the attend- ant riding of bucking bronchos, feats of horse- manship by Mexican centaurs of the plains ; rifle shooting will be In the hands of a hun- dred cowboys and Mexican vaqueros, all brought together for this presentation of the life and habits of a race fast disappearing from the Western plains. It Is announced ■that the finest collection of Indian art craft, outside the National Museum at Washington, will also be a feature of this exposition, and ■will consist of basketry and bead work from every known tribe, pottery and sllvcrwork, and the most wonderful collection of the priceless Navajo blankets ever brought to- gether, with relics of Indian curios from every tribe from Alaska to the Gulf of Mexico. IlEiMticit Coniiikd has engaged for the Metropolitan Opera Co.: Caruso, Kraun, Naval, Dlppel, Scottl. Calve, Sembrlch. Gndskl, Schumann-Helnk and other eminent artists, and has made a provisional arrange- ment with Edith Walker, the contralto of the Vienna Court Opera. Mme. Gndskl bos of late years been one of tbe most useful and hard working members of the company, a singer whose Industry has advanced her many degrees toward the highest standing, and one whose versatility and obliging na- ture often got the management out or eta- bar rasing situations: is was almost a matter of course that Mr. Courted should reengage her. She Is undoubtedly an element of strength to the new Impreimario. Tub vawdrviu.h and musical kntkrtain- mbnts given on the steamer General Slocuiu, beginning July 21, arc a pleasing Innovation to Itockaway excursionists. Ki.aw ft IOiii.axokii have decided to open the New Amsterdam Theatre In October, with N. C. Goodwlu, In nu elaborate pro- duction of "A Midsummer Night's Dream." Ri'iiuAiisAi.s began July 27, nt the Gunick Theatre, of "Vivian's Papa," the new farce. by Leo Dltrlchstcln, which will open the season nt that playhouse on Aug. IT. Tho company, bended by Thomas A. Wlae aud John C. Rice, Includes: Battle Williams. Hither Tlttell, Hanoi Chappel, Gertrude VMiltty. Llllle Hall, Margaret Kvans. .Mar- garet Slulcolm. Agnes Thoniilyke. Tcdtllo l)il Coo, Kstliryn Clarendon, Estellc Wler, Thomas Burns, J. Ilercsford Hoi Us, Wll- riiim J, Mahony, Jack llorwltx, John Watts nnd liunies Graham. Edwaiiu J. Ni'i:knt has been engaged as business manager for the Pahst Hoof Gar- den. Tub dkrtinies of the Grand Opera House the coming season will be looked after by Claude RobliiHou nnd E. Rrouson DougltiK. The former will act In the capacity of treas- urer, pnrl the latter us press representative. Mr. Robinson has bon connected with I be lvlaw & Erlanger bouses In New Orleans for some years, while Mr. Douglns la mi old < u»o scribe. Manager Springer's Intercuts should be well looked uftor. Ax.nik Kumhem, will be neon In New York during the coming Winter la u new play with a part speelully written for her. Miss Russell will appear curly in the season lu the principal cities In "Mice and Men," with ua extended engagement at the l'ark Thea- tre, Boston, which Is to be entirely re- modeled. When she comes to New York it Hpeclal compiinr will lie organised to Hike "Mice nnd Men'' on tour. "This Bostoniaxn," a theatrical and operatic organization, was Incorporated at fi°ffi& JL *1 0, » ' , "'. v -»• with a capital of «6«VM)0. Tho minclpnl office is In New York Uty. The directors aro: Honry Cloy Riuiiiiboc, William 11. MneDonnld, A. Parker Nevln. I'.mlle Biigulcrc nnd Boudon 0. Charl- ton, of Now York City, Ciiaiimsh Tiluk.n, who was connected with the business department of the F. F. Proctor forces, was found unconscious In bed at his honie In Jersey City, on July 20 with a bullet wound lu his head. Lying beside him wna a pistol. His family believe the shooting WM accidental, ns nothing has appeared to J. 111 '"!", 1 , ""•Y'blng contrary to this belief. Mr. fildcJi leaves two daughters. He wna the son of Miirninduke Tllden, of Larchmont ,,,.' i? n, i?. «i„P.epi>t-'w of Tollee Commissioner Tlioimui W. Tllden, of Jersey Cltv. „.? 1 - W'tmaiik & Sons dedicated tlielr new J Ilmnrk Building, 144 and .140 W. 37th Street, New York, Tuesday, Aug. 4. The popularity of this publishing Arm was at- tested to by tho large number of tlielr friends who thronged tho building from morning until late In the day. The visitors were delighted by the hospitality, and every- one appreciated the coiiipletonoHs and bcaulv of the new building. The dedication cere- monies were Impressive, and were followed by the "o|ieii house." Daniki, Fiioiiman has laten compelled, on account tit the building strikes, to delay the opening of his new Lyceum Theatre mil I Oct. V>. K. H. Sothori. will therefore begin his season In "Tho I'roud Prince" In Detroit, on Sept. 28, and remain on tour until the Lyceum Theatre la ready for his reception. Harlem. — Proctor's One Hundred nnd Twcnty-liftii street Thentro (J. Austin Fvnes. geueral manager).— The week of Aug. 3 opened big, the house Mng literally packed. "David Garrlek" waa the offering, aud was presented In the usual fine afyle. The vaude- ville was good and met with approval. Lion Palace < J. H. Phlpps. manager).— The usual crowd nttended the opening per- formance Aug. n, and showed their approval by freely bestowing the most heartv an- piauso. The bill: Maddox and Wayne. Orfeo Onnrtet, Marlon nnd Pearl. Add W. Iloyt, Klaron Sisters, Two Racket ts, and Dixon, Burton nnd Yeon. Till i \kw ; Star .will open Its season 10, with the Black Pattl Troubadours. Brooklyn. _ Manhattan, Brighton and Coney Island are continuing to offer at- tractive eutertalnmenti to the crowds that gather dally, Manhattan UBACU. -"A Chinese Honey- moon" began the second and last week of Its engagement here, to capacity business. Aug. :i. The cast contains many clever players. Including: John Hensbaw, Toby Claude and Edward Clark. Excellent business ruled last. week. "The, Sleeping Beauty and tho Beast" next week. _ fuwiiiTOS Beach.— At the Music Ha (Wm. T. Grovcr, manager) un excellent bill was presented, to a crowded house, n. The bill is Headed by Jean Marcels Baa Belief and Living Art Studies. Others are: Ed : mund Hayes & Co.. In "AW lie Guy: Lew Bloom nnd Jane Cooper, In "A Picture from Life" Alice Shnw nnd her twin daugh- ters, clever whistlers : the Melanl Trio, musi- cians; the Pnrros Brothers, and the vita- graph. „ . Luna Park (Thompson & Dundy, own- era). — Carnival' of Nations will be cele- brated nt this seaside resort on Wed- nesday, 5. A big vaudeville bill has been arranged, as well ns many other Interest- ing acts. Those who appear are : Will Hill, Howard and Kcenan, Osnnto Troupe: Camer- onl, .Mile. Cieodora, Joale Ashton, Sle Has- san Ben AH and his troupe of Arabs, Turkg nnd Hindoos. Van Cleaf and his mule Pete, James R. Adams, Gilbert and his goats, Go- liah, the strong man : Paleto Gomlngo. Burto Lowande, the Bell Trio, Toledo nnd Price, and the Orloff Triple Bar Troupe. There will also be a novelty act, an elephant shooting tbe chutes. The attendance for July 4 last was over 142,000, but tbe man- •agemeut expect to exceed this number on the carnival day. "The Trip to the Moon," "20,000 Leagues Under the Sea," Hngeu- beck's trained animals. "Babbling Brook" and the "Infant Incubator" are drawing large crowds. HBNDERaoN's Mdric nALi, (F. Faber, manager). — Standard bills are being pre- sented, here weekly. The bill this week is ns follows : Dixon, Bowers and Dixon, Lyons, the juggler; the Simpsons, tbe Two Alex- ius, Hoey and Lee, Irene Dunbar, Smith end Bowman, Murphy and Murpby, Three De Fay Sisters, Amy Butler, Three American Stars, Jnxton's art gallery, Gorham Comedy Four, Anna Lloyd, Gates and Nelson, and Marie Plerson. Bergen Beach. — "The Strange Advent- ures of Miss Brown" In enjoying fine patron- age at this resort. Note. — The Columbia Theatre, for the coming season, will be opened under a new policy, with a musical comedy company. <« » MICHIGAN. B Detroit. — At the Avenue Theatre (H. H. Laniklii, manager). — With a return to straight vaudeville this popular place of amusement presented to its patrons, week of July 27, a bill View Casino (Sam Mlttcnlhul, manager) a Hue vaude- ville company drew crowded bouses week of July 27. A company headed by Mattle yiekera will play week of Aug. 3...... The about "Siepl ? 1 M " 8lC Wl " OP ° n • tuc B * a8on tUSPSSSLJ* R lverslde Park Casino oo 01 '?, M , cCart liey. manager).— Week of July JO: I'ntban, Jones and Walton, Pongo anil Leo, Fanny Donovan, Wude Family" kliio- M^ ra . c ^ M BOO i\r b J" ;ind ««*"<™t business. ;,»if,a d i M 'o Wntrous and others make up the bill for tho current week. ■ +—* . WASHINGTON. Seattle — Grand Opera House (John Cort, manager). — Dark, \«««u Seattle Theatre (J. P. Howe, manager). ^ 1 o«"l r >n 1 V ABK TMATRK8 (J K Smith, manager). — New faces- iniVn hiV„».i^ OrV 1«&*W£3££X%£& ^Llte? nQu^QSSSB, Lovellc. Yerxas, Frank Walsh Birdie Diamond. Hazel Adams, Allle Delmar Baker and Fonda. Ola Hayden uoln,Rr ' Comiqum Theatre.— Nen- fnees ■ nn^i. and Lewi.. De Mora SuterT lajS&tl Srnt (Jesnette Bernard), Ncal nnd Nen I Whlffnf Sisters, Allle Delmar, Violet L?»le Mau.1 Jiargeson, Edison klnetoscope p lctureg •i"~ i, K , a ! ,e .A." en Vox n »« signed with Chas Mite. DeT " B **««••<*., ■" UdK,", ^August r, TBMKKSSKi!!. Nashville — At . Glendale Psrl- p ■ (Y. C. Alley, manager).— The nttInH. C,l " ln ' , this popular' park for the past roc-fe "' been phenomenal, and the &£» ftS had each week an excellent offerinr a . nM " 1 t ? ng o, Cftr i WM made "P 'or the week"*; JfiT 27. Fox and Sumier's comem— ■ 8. Irish Rehearsal," took well ami hi? *• An Mons. Qullmette, on the s ,M "**JS a master of his '-profession ^ ThVeUt'eld nT Wlcke had a refined musical offerlmr lh nntl Ing versatility. Eddie hJ^" 1 *** dancer, was a clever performer, lav inS ™ ' recalls than tlmo permitted. ' Smm n "SE frog man, has an effective style i„,w.',.."' tlons. The Yale Duo gave easily ii,'h 0r exhibition of club swinging seen „ 8 ' b J:« tlon, and rounds of applaiwe greet M*^ appearance. Leonore Wlctle had an e,i C aw J pleasing programme of Illustrated Ronatfffi the lawn, at ten thirty, Steeple JadTn,.-. a slide for life of 000 feet. enveIoned?J sheet of flame/whlch was a dtrtogSeL wiek of Aug. 3: The Ottes, Brauneck Sisie» rSS ^hullta. Three Graces, Darmouy. 1 ' T hr ,'' soi'gs ' ^ I,yan - ninsiraSi Centennial Park (Justin Thatcher m „, «,K«).-;The Orpheua Opera Co. con, mieTfo draw good business, and Is giving ex.elle ,i performances. The offering last week »I "The Mikado,", while week%f Aug y »«. Grand Duchess" will hold the boards Notes. — Al. W. Fremont, the 'nonuh,. heavy of the Vendome Stock Co oTllZ season. Is making a bit In light onera Jack Roselelgh (iHke Levy) is spending "i vacation at home here, and li being Sw," ly remembered by his many friends.. 1 Bud Horn Is home, after a season of ealllone playing... Oct, 14 and 13 Bsrm.m '£ Bailey wll give two days here, wllh their enormous tented production. i Memphis.— At the New Lyceum Theatre (Frank Gray, manager) "Marriage by i.nli tern" and "Cavnllerin Ruatlcana'" were nZ Rented July 20-22, to fair attendance. "The Chimes of Normandy" was the bill for 'S---, This ended the Summer opera season" it was decided by the management to termln- MB , the engagement, the patronage not lus- tlfylng Its continuation. The members of the company havo left for the East, some of them to fill engagements, others to ihelr homes. This leaves Memphis without amuse, ments until the opening of the Knll sen. son. Manager Gray reports a strong list of iutiire bookings. Manager Morrison, of the Hopkins Grand Opera House, promises lbs liest stock company ever presented to m* patrons. Manager Stalnback, of the Xew Auditorium, is renovating, nnd offers more comfort nnd better attractions. * i » PENNSYLVA NIA— (See Page RIB.) Plttsbnrar — Already the notes of pre. purntlon for the continue season ore heard nnd It will not be long lief ore nil our show shops will be In full blast. llroi.Ts.vi; OASMOm (A. S, McSwIgnn. mannger).— There Is to be a revival of 'The ^llkado for one week, commencing Aug. :i "II Trovntorc" drew n big weeks bustaess np to Aug. 1, Harrv WiLLiAM.s' Academy op Misic i I lorry W. Mllllams. manager). — Having been renovated and brightened during lis period of closure, tills house will open for the season of 10<)3-'04 afternoon of :i, wllh the Ibin Ton Burlesquers. ,„. H , , . J0 ".. 1 ' , . , . EAT,1R {K - G'tllck. manager).— wlll.'nm II. West's Minstrels will be the open Ing attraction It. Notkh.— Diamond Street, the thoroughfare on which the Grand Opera House siaads, though Its entrance Is on Fifth Avenue, having been widened, thnt house has been set back four feet. The Job was accom- plished without cracking the building In the slightest degree Thore was u strlks among the mnsmis employed In the erection or the new Nixon & ZlmmerniRii Theatre Inst week, but the matter was adjusted and work resumed. It. Is thought that the liou«e will be ready to open Oct. 1 Pittsburg Lodge, No. 11, B. P. O. of Elks, gave Pain's fireworks exhibition, "The Last Days of I'ompel!," at Exposition Park, dining Hie week ending J, +—+ YIHOINIA. Norfolk.— Ocean View Casino (Juke Wells, manager). — Vaudeville seems lo have caught on In great shape at tills resort, and lnislness has taken a boom that is Indeed gratifying. Vaudeville Is booked for week of Aug. 3. Bijou Theatre (Abb. Smith, manager).— People booked for week of Aug. II are: Allle Albert, JCaola, Tom Ford, Sbafer and Stead, Malkban and Moore, nnd Harry Howard. Business good. Auditorium Theatre (J. M. Barton, man- ager). — People for week of S are: The Kolre Sisters, the Elsworths, Mollle Barry, and the Throe Rent7.es. Business good. Lynchburg; — Rlvermont l'ark Casino (Jake Wells, manager). — The PaniAmerlcan Minstrels scored a success here week of July 27. and everyone who visited the Casino was well pleased with the fact that Manager Wells had given them a good show, John Healy, .the clover comedian of the company. proved n good drawlug card, and was called out several times after his act. Petersburg. — At Ferndale Park Caslao (Joe E. Hunt, manager). — Tbe Cumiulugs Stock Co, gave good performances of "Pink Dominoes" and "Dollars aud Sense," to fair patronage, week of July 27. • » » ■ ■ OREGON. Portland. — Empire Theatre (George h Baker, manager). — Business continues good. Following Is the bill for week of July -• j Lutit Bros., Fred Wnddell, Roblnaon and Grant, George W. Moore, Loralno nnd How- ell, Waldron Brothers, Allen J. Shaw, 1)11- gea, and the bioscope. Shieldh' Park (Edward Shields, mana- ger).— Karl and DeElmer, Prof. Hunt's ting and monkey circus, Burrell and Barrel II. Walters and Hagan, Edward Ponlter, Uolll nnd Bolll, Kdwnrd Raynioud. and the poly- scope. Fn'rz'N New Theatre (A. DollmRn, mana- ger).— noward and Campbell, Odell and HB«i the Calibans, Rose Perry, Mamie Perry. Min- nie Ward, Emma Gilbert, Bessie Vernon. Mae Stanley, the Esmonds, nnd Hooney and I nr - rCt, t<-' r - „ Ml EiucKso.v's mdric Ham, (H. D. Giifllii. manager).— Louise Lister. Lewis .Sisters, DW Ladles' Ideal Orchestra, Mao E. Gllddcu, di- rector. _ , Blazier's Concert Hall (Ell B. Davis, manager).— Maud Clark, Flora Wheeler, Olole Eller, and Leonore. - »»» _ — Ida Howell has decided to ft** «• vaudeville, and has signed wllh rata, Blnney lo piny one of the leading pMnt ™ his new production, "Child Slaves of W» York." _ 12.00 SERGE SUITS 3.98 MBH'g J5.00 RBRGK MJITB .jx^MS !»0,00 HaTISLUVKIlSKKOBSlITH. "•'" M.00 OPTIMO SUITS \ ! J t'4.00 CAHSIMKKK SUITS J'lg II). OO rAWRIMKKK NUITS...: n 'V. 11.00 BLACK DIAGONAL SUITS... "•" lft.OO BLACK THIBBT SUITS,....; »•».?, CAMBROB, 20T Fiatbuih A»e„ Brooklyu, »• •. AUGUST 8. THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. 561 juor lfl of Players. Votes from the Klaw & Erlanger En- Ji^i'aon • The dramatic version of Hudy ard thing's d S» Wght that Failed." la which fcawVErianger will present Forbes Bob- * SSi and Gertrude Elliott the coming aea- " , supported by the company that appeared Siii tiem in London, I* arranged In a pro- Z*K nicely with us, S£..h'J ,r * Bet I lDft ' n " h «Pe 'or our opening wtilrta occurs Aug. 24, at the GrniuV Oner. House, Marlon, O. .Mir. and Mrs. Long have where they have enjoyed a much needed rest It being the first vucatlou they have had in three years. The gowns which will be worn by Miss Long will no doubt prove a very strong attraction to the ladles, as they «rn without a doubt as tine us anv ever worn In repertory. The following plays will be presented : "A Nutmeg Mat Fogg's Ferry," "A Struggle for ti [ Plays THEATRICAL HOTELS l»ntl mam houses. PROFESSIONALS, TAKE NOTICE! l-ess titan s minutes' walk of all the leading theatres. Elegant rooms, alt convenience: board In t he city. Write ahead for room. MRS. MtdRATH. 10 DlxPlaco, Boston, Basi. ponied by his daughter. Lucille, he is visit- ing New York, combining business with pleasure. • — May Valentine, who' lias been with (Jus Hill's Hoys! Llllputlnns Co. for the lust three seasons, has been reengaged to play the leading sotilirct li' part the coming season. Notes froli the Edsnll -Wlnthrope Stock Co. : This company, under the direction of John daman, will begin rehearsals Aug. IP, In llnrdstown, Ky., opening at the same place 17, and after playing (teveral Kentucky fair dales will work dlrec' South as far us Florida, playing the larger Southern cities. We have engaged, as one of our sneclul vaude- ville features. Dorettn, who will present her sensational Illusion dances. Wc will carry fourteen acting people, including one of the strongest olios of polite vaudeville, for which we have had a well known scenic artist get us out nn elaborate drop, Following are our vaudeville people: 1 Edoall and wlnthrope, rellned sketch ; the Great Hortense, novelty stilt walker and dancer; Doretta. the illu- sion dancer; Fred D« Von, song Illustrator, •mil l tussle Adair, the Alabama col ton blos- som and coon ehoutor. We look forward to n long and pleasant season. — The' following' have i'e a engaged for •he Lillian Mortimer Co. . Armstrong and Wright, Crosco and Miller, Norman It. Field, Henry Alexander, St. George Dagelen, Jnck Lnwronce, J. B. Lane, It. C. Virgil, 4ns. Miller, Jack Martin, L. !■:. Johnson, Chan. Mackintosh, Clara Brown and Blanch Horn. •Vaaon opens Aug. 24, at Bloomlugton, III., I lie company will produce three new plays. — Will F, Crockett has closed with I ho I urner Stock, after n pleasant Summer sea- son of twelve weeks, at Niagara Falls. \. >■ He writes that he will rest a few weeks nt (.'amp Hello, Kendallvllle, Ind., before Joining the Harris Parkinson Stock, which "|s-ns at Lexington. Ky.. Aug. 17. — Notes from "The Two Merry Tramps" '«■■ We will open our fifth regular season in Itelvldero, III., Aug. 8, carrying fourteen people. No pains have been spared to make <>ie play as big a success sb heretofore. New scenery has been added, as well na an abund- ance of new printing;. The route will be shout tUe same as last season, ns all 'mana- gers desire return dates. --Joseph Carroll, of Fisher and Carroll, writes : "T will arrive In New York Aug. ."•. JJ arrange the remainder of our time for the coming season. Previous to coming to Mt. 1 lemcus I "suffered a great deal from rbcu- mutism, but at the present writing I fee! so greatly Improved that by the time I finish my twenty-one bnths I feel sure I will bo entirely cured." „,.— Daniel F. McCoy writes us that ho will open the season of "Maloney'B Wedding" A"g. ; J.t. The show plays most of the prln- '■al cities between New York and tho Pa- ine coast. Ho lias engaged the following neople for his new enterprise : Lew Nelson, .""ik Mitchell, Johnnie Mack. Mat Mur- PliJ'. Henry MeClaln, Maud Sutton. May jwgent, Jessie Stevens, a chorus of ten, "I'll ud of twelve, and nn orchestra of seven fees. ,'j-Ik, atreet parade will be a big fen- 'tire, everything will be new. and an entirely new scenic equipment will be carried. — Jack Conlon writes: "Having Just re- iiirned from a successful tour of North- si, b "!, ^onitJa wlcn the Castle Square in o Co, » .' c ' 01 '* wltn 'M" company on u',1'. i, to J° ln tbo muBicnl comedy. ''A Boy sSS 4 ^ ,«P*»Mr »t Asbury Park, N. J., lUSiir Maltel-Haatlngs, the mezzo soprano. w»». i n . * n 8»g*d for the lead In "A Boy " anted. <.„~"-. f,, wge Samuels' "rooking for n Wife" u'lii "" he Kun rehearsals. The company win comprise twentv-flvc people. The lour ' ■'•""king for a Wife" will begin at As- ••• i J Vj lrk nn A "«- 22. Manager Samuels' ■ ne Scout's Revenge" Co. opened Its sea- AoVI th i! °P*™ Bimi In New Rochclle. num.. '• ^™* WB " n '»° th« opening Of the f'Kiilnr rtenaonof the theatre. The at tend- Bll< :p was,, we are informed, Inrge. '■ "lles- r.rrectlon," "Original Sin." "Little Boss," 'Two Orphans" and "Cinderella." Kach idnv will lie presented In Its entlrelv, with special scenery and mechanical effects. Our print- ing will be of the best, and manv novelties are to be used In advertising. The company numbers twenty people, and ns a Bpeclal vaudeville feature we have engaged the Mu- sical Hewettes, five In number. The business staff IS as follows: Benner, Long 1c Wise, proprietors; Chas. W. Benner, general man- ager; F. B. Wise, business manager; Frank »l. Long, stage director ; Xelllo H, Rutledge, musical directress; V. f^wls Valtone, scenic nrtlst ; Roscoe Slater, master of transporta- tion, and Chas. K, Themberg, stage carpenter. Time Is nearly booked up, Rn d prospects arc bright for a prosperous season. — W. L. Busby, who has managed llto F.conomlc Theatre, at Clinton, la., for the jinst live years, will munngu flic Ktnpire. Theatre, at Gulncy. III., the coming season. — Notes from the Jack C. Taylor Co. : We ore In the sixth week of our Summer season, and business has proven morn than satisfactory. We opened a three weeks' engagement nt the Orand Theatre, Houston, Tex., July 27, to the largest house In the history of the theatre, (he house being sold aolld at 3 p. si. on Monday. Mr. Taylor and the company made n hit, and business continues big. The roster: Taylor und Simp- son, proprietors; lten F. Simpson, manager; Jnck C. Taylor. Ben V. Simpson, Cecil J. Lionel, Chas. W. Burch, ttdwln ('. Stewart, Fritz I, I flier, Bert West, Hoy Balling, Qns- tav Hempel, Kleanor Franklin, Lmirn Win- ston, llelalne Unite, Dorothy Ross Bourne, and four vaudeville features. — "The Stain of Oullt" Co. Notes: The company opens Aug. 25, at Topeka, Kan., n season of fifty-two weeks, covering the country from the Atlantic to the Partite coast. The opening will be nt the New- Crawford, In Topeklt. The cast Includes: Oscar Dane. J. ('. Turner, James <.'. II, -e nan, Geo. D. Melville, Oeo. F. Miller, R. J. Denecke. John Hacker, 0, K, ("Hubo") Wad- dell, K. J. Kelly, II. A. Musnn, Abe Simon, Chas. W. Daniels, Lillian De Wright Booth, Mamie Conway, (iernldlne Man- chester, Hnrii Bernhardt, nnd Itnchcl Acton. The lour to the coast will be muds over the Southern route, returning by the Northern. The compnny will number thirty people. The scenery is entirely special, und will require two cars In its transportation. John II. Ifnvlln anil Win. Oaren. who own the drums, nnd who will give lis production their personal direction, have spared no ex- pense, either In the selection of the cast or the staging, both In the scenery and Hie ef- fects, of which there are quite n unrulier. — Among the Important book plays Hint will he seen during lite coming season In drnmntlzed form nre "Lnily Hose's Duiult- ler," "LOVM Mary," "The Spenders," "Check- irs" nnd "Miss Petticoats." The latter will lie Kfllhryn Oslennnn's vehicle for her Initial starring tour. — Roster of the Evans nnd Ward Comedy Co. : I'Mwiinl F. Bvnna, sole proprietor nnd manager ; lOilwtml II. Titus, munnger; Frank l. "line, stage malinger: Chas. Stevens, ad- vance agent : Herbert Cole, muslin I director; Fdwln Stave, props; Frank Lolme, llnrry 0. Davie*. John R. Wllllmns. Will K, Lodgo, Sam Itoutb, II. C. Moor. W. II. Word, Frank It. Kviiiis. Alice Cole, l.uurii Mnyltlll, Agnes ll.irnn, Jennie l'hlliim. May llnble. SiihIc w.llsnii, Alice Mnylilll and Florence Illllford. — Hosier of the I tin son & t.'olmnr Comedy Co. : James Unison. Duve Colmer. Mil. Les- ter, II. Phillips, Ned Dolnest. J. Brooks, Waller Chiitluiin, Harry Itoblnnou, Frank i '..llliis, May Wllnier. Lnwrv Bell Irene Shun- non, 'May Hell and May Clnrck. Staff: Bd- wardF. I'!vnns, manager ; John Llltey, business mnnager: J. Brooks, stage manager : T. lilhons, agent : George Collins, musical direc- tor. --^ D.J. Homage reports that the opening of the Corse Peyton Stock Co. nt lite Court Square Theatre, Sprlnglield, Mass., .Monday nfternnon, Aug. :t, was the biggest In the history of the bonne. — II. B. Slgman closed n successful Sum- mer cngngemeut us pianist nt Ijnuglinn's Theatre July 27, at. Springfield. III. On Aug. 17 he will Join the Harris, Parkinson Co., nt Lexington, Ky.. for the coming season. While In Springfield Mr. Slgman Joined the Ragles. — Harry Xyc, last season agent of the Mnmle Fleming Co., has been engaged as advance agent of Joe King's Comedians, opening Aug. 24. — Information as to the whereabouts of Frank J. Phillips, advance agent for an opera compnny touring California. Is de- sired by Auroii Phillips, Howling Oreen, 0. — .Madeline Siulol closed six weeks of Summer engagements Aug. 1, and lias slgacd with a lending musical comedy for the com- ing season. — Adolph Knoll, who has been with Ous. Hill's enterpr'ses the past seven seasons. and Is now In his second Summer with Thompson k Dundy's "Darkness and Dawn," Coney Island, N. v., litis signed with Mablc Hazel ton's Co. for next senson. — Richard Obee, who will again be In nd- vaucc of Rose Coghlan, returned lo New York Aug. It, after an extended European tour nn business nnd pleasure. — C. B. Radford, who Is spending the Summer nt Sault Ste Marie, Mich., has signed with Lincoln J. Carter. ROOMS WITH OR WITHOUT llOsHD, 21.1 HBaONIlAVGNUK. CORNER OKTIIIIITKKNTII STREET, NEW YORK. MBS. HABDMAN. WIIBN III TOW VtUlK STOP AT ItU W. 40th Htrtirt. HANDSOMELY I'URXI.HIIRO ROOKS, ELKOAST HOAKII. U.OSE TO BROAUYVAY. I'ARIAIH, TIAKO. UATII AND TELEPHONE. REASON- ABLE RATES TO THB PROFESSION, music and $on& Notes 'from the Black Pnttl Troubadours : This company opened Aug. 1, at Elizabeth, N. J. The roster Is : Voolckcl & Nolan, proprie- tors nnd managers: Mote. Sisseretta Jones, "Black Paltl:' Robert Keiley, Hilly Ward, Leslie TrlRlet. A. D. Boyd, William Nichols, Mack Allen. Win. Ilallback, James P. Reed, Juines Worles, Allle Olllain, Win. A. Cooke, ,1 F.d. Oreene, Johnny Jones, Ncltlc <*o(T, Oeorgle DohlM, Sarah Greene, Lucy Irwin, Liivluln HciidiTsou, Ida Forccu, Ada ltoliln- son. Olivette Williams. Mablc Turner. Hen- rietta Plcaud, Maude Turner, Lulu Thomas. ICxccittlve etnff— H. Voelckel, moauger wlUi company ; John J. Nolan, manager In ad- vance ; J. A. Hayncr, muslcnl director : II. D. Collins, assistant manager; .1. Ktl. Oreene. stage director; Snrnh tireenc, In churgo of the wardrobe. Mile. Elsie Dc Verc, a French singer, ar- rived here July 28, to loin the ZlegflcM Opera Company, In Dc hoven ami Klein s rpern. "The Red Feather." Mile. De Vere hns been singing In Paris and on the con- tinent for a number of years, hut tills Is her first visit to America. Margaret Ilnli- liard Ayer also has been engaged for "The Bed Feather" Company, Bd. Rogers, who has been with the TV Ind- oor Music Co.. lies been engaged by the Harry Von Tllzer Music Co. Mnrla Slrakosrli. s dnughter of the late Max Straknsch. who inude her deliul several seasons ugn, was married on Saturday. Aug. 1 to Dr. Oeorge J. King, a non-professlonnl. ' Pauline Joram, an American prlnm donna, mourns the loss of her husband. Baron De Bush who fell before a railroad train and died ahortly afterward, nenr Northampton, Bug. ... Uaudcoillc and minstrel. Jn.r.s Kihtii;. of lltirtlg & Senmon, re- turned from Europe last week. He spoke of the remarkable success of Williams & Walker In London. He has planned to take two companies of negro players abroad next season, one company to tour Russia, the other to pluv in Germany. TRD D. Marks, who Is back from abroad, was very enthusiastic last week over the Isabella ltosnti Caserlnl Company of operatic harpists, which ho Is to bring over In Novem- ber. 'There are twenty-two women In the company. IIi.htdx. the Juggler, after filling a suc- cessful two weeks' engagement nt .Manhattan Heiicli. Denver, Col., opened July 27 nt the Edison Theatre, Seattle, Wash., and has eight weeks In that city to follow. 1 1 1 i.i. A.M> Eii.Mfxns Ami Bam Fuhmxck were nt Wrlghtsvllle Bench Casino. Wilming- ton, N. «'.. week of July 27, and are this week nt Mndley l'ark Casino, Greensboro, N. C, 'llioy are playing the Pllmiuer & Wilson, Jake Wells, and Southern Amuse- ment Co. circuits, and arc booked for the entire Summer, after which they Join the Arnold Stock Co. for u season of fifty-two weeks. Kniii. AMI Alicia on Aug. 2 begun their second week nt I .chip's Park. Si. Louis. They recently played South llcnd. Ind., nnd during May and June plnyed parks through llhlo. Jack axd Pah. (Burt M. and Vynnlel closed a successful fifteen weeks' engagement nt Eclipse Park, St. Louis, Aug. 1, where they hlive been doing the principal comedy null sonbrelle purls, and introducing ihelr specialties In the stock. They will rest n week or two nt Miss Paul's home, M uncle, luil. P. L. KnwAiiDM writes from London, Eng., as follows: "'Honour ,s " decided hit ut the IllpiMMlrnme. His |Hi|iiilarlly sinr «i Frank's Washington Piirk. Bnyomie. N. J., week of Aug. ll-H: Broadway iictclte, II afford and Worlh, M'lllerhhlp Slslers, Archie Flelclier, Whlleley and Hell. Tom Ripley. Mnltle Lockoil. nnd Paul BnrneH and compnny. Tut: Biiowninu Sistkiih' Summer season of twenty-two weeks ut the pnrks will end with I ho Wells circuit In li few weeks. La Claim and Wkht plnyed Hie Chutes, Chi- cago, Inst week, which was lliclr Iwcnty-llrst week without a break, and l hey are backed solid up to Sept. 7 In parks. They have signed with At. Martin's Eastern "G. T. C." Co., and begin rcheitrsals with same Sept. 14. l,oii La Clair will play Murks, and Helen West will piny Emlllne nnd do her specially. Aiiki.k PC1IVM Onhi lllled a return en- gagement ut tlte Snus Soucl Pink, Chicago, last week. Khe will close her park dates Aug. m. and will start her third season will! Harold Cox's fair circuit Aug. -'1, for six weeks. Tin: Brashh write: "Slnco closing Willi Hie Will -S. Heck Carnival Co. we have been verv succi'ssfiil, and have not lost n week. We were engaged by .Manager Spencer, of Wllrtwooil, N. In for week of July 27. and after our first performance were offered two weeks, which we accepted. This Is our flrst time East, and our act Is making n bit. We have several return dates," Tub Tiiiikh Shamiiocks (Gordon, Vldocq nnd Flynn) closed on the J. W. Gorman circuit of parks Aug, 1, and will play other parks tlio rest of tills senson. They aro ut Old Orchard Beach, Me., week of Aug. :i. FitANK O. HAM, Is managing the stage at the Chutes. Chicago, Gils season. Next Fall lie will resume playing vaudeville, Introduc- ing bis talking, singing and Instrumental spccloity. Tub GfiKAT Gay, handcuff manipulator. Is held over for one week more nt Oak Summit Park, EvaiiBvllle, Ind. Wll.b It. Swob writes: "I am holding, with my wife, u carnival on the high was, hi roulo to- Capo Nome. Alaska, under a twelve weeks' contract with the Monte Carlo 'Theatre. Willi Is'st wishes to 'I'm: CbiPl'Eii. of which 1 am taking the flrst copy In this year." Matty CVMMX ash Li:w Ai.iikiit have dissolved partnership. 'Mr. Albert will work n lone hereafter. Bill, week of July 27, nt the theatre, Risky Springs Park, Lancaster, Pa., was: The Three Jacksnns. Short and Edwards, Barrett, Belle nnd Barrett. Kmina Wesloa, Kttn Stetson and Bert Lciinou. Good busi- ness tin; entire week. MAgy.ii/rTA Is filling n successful engage- ment on the Shnyne rircull. Ills wife and Infant daughter recently spent n pleasant week with Ulin at Springfield, 0. Si'kxckii ami Hki.ii nre engaged by Butler, .lucolis & Lowry for the Cherry Blossoms Hurlesnucrs. The team played last week at Hill's l'ark Theatre, Trenton, N. J. KmnciR Esimktt ami Mounts Kanb plnyed n successful two weeks' engagement, at the Auditorium and Jlntlmlomny Theatre, On- tario IIciiiIi. N. Y. , „, .1. Bkiixaiiii Dyi.lym hns closed his Western tour, nnd returned to New York Aug. II, lo rehearse with Hyde'B Comedians. Emma Whitk pl»y fl d two weeks at Fen- ton's Theatre. eM week at the Tlvoll, with four weeks to follow at Crystal Beach. John C. Bloom, clown magician, has closed a successful season of thirty weeks with the Big Eureka Comedy Co., and Is at his home In Buffalo, lie announces Hint he will play through the Northwest, beginning early In October. . . Mar RtHHc.M. recently closed successful engagements at the Park, South Framing- ham, Mass., and Chestnut flrove, Providence, II. I., and opened Aug. 3 at the Palace The- atre. Boston. Job Bloom, Hebrew comedian, has Joined At, C. Wilson, and they will produce a new act, original with them, entitled "A Society Jew." They open week of Aug. .'I at Rea Breeze Pavilion. Irondequolt, N. Y., for two weeks. They have twenty-four weeks al- ready booked. Billy B. Van has signed with Klnw ft Erlanger. and will open under their manage- ment Aug. 31, tit the Victoria Tlientre, New Xork. BASEBALL NATIONAL LX AGUE. HE* YORK BASEBALL CLUB, AT POLO GROUNDS, NEW YORK. PHILADELPHIA, AUG. A, «, J. BROOKLYN, Alt). N. A . Clear Complexion To clear the skin of pimples, moth patches and other defects, use Glenn's Sulphur Soap daily for toilet purposes. It's the only fine toilet soap that contains enough pure sulphur to be a specific for skin diseases. tSc. a cah^nt all iloiu moki or mailed s Com, Klzon-t, nil In a !M-ln. Clipper trunk. »S5. Al-o Serpent ine and lllus. Song Ottilli, cooi- plete dre»», Hlides, atcrcoptlcon, *»u: Magicians' Painting, new, 8x10, $s. Stamp for list; no stamp, nn list; no postals. Mrs. Win. Curl, 41 I'mnklln St.. Itocheatar, N. V, , . POPB i.ko IK WAX-hlfe Am Uechnnlcal Figure, eyes, head and In-cast movamenta, dressed In satin roi.e, price | IN) third with order, iml. 11. (). 1>. I,ale< and liost attraction. Address W.^. J, 3II AW, Vjetprla, Ma_ PHKSS WOIIK. I write original, caichj Newspaper Sot Ices. Agents supplied with notices, special stories, etc. Refer- ences from lending mummers. Work confidential. BOB WATT, sot) Walnut HL, Philadelphia. AT L.IBBIIT¥, "for Jolnl engagement, In drsina or musical comedy, George llrnmhle, small pans nml chorus: Kdlth llramlilc, clever soubrette. flood song and lUme speciattv. or stroog com tlonsl narls. (inml wsrdrolie. U7 R. Wh »t.. W V WANTKI), Al feifomiciH, Hlioiig Miiigmg and Dancing I'lmiedlaus. Plnno Player Hint docs Hneclaltlcs. liood trentincin. I.mvesi siilnry. Join on wire. Kxperlaucml Porforiuers only, MOIiKRN MKD.Cl l., Boolh lin y llarlio r, Me, WANT Kl), for Vnstla Square Sior-k No. 'J Co., good, versanti' Leading Hun, to direct stage; Clianicior Woman, Juvenlla Man Willi spsclalllos. smic all. Send photo, salary low and sure, Company hacked liy mnnnv. hralns and exiio- rlciic.n. C. 0. ALLISON, Atur. », '.. *, Wc-I vllle, Nova Hcoiln; Sydney, Cape Uilllini, Aug. 10-32. AT lilBRBTV.-Medlcliio Show, Sketch and Specially Teiiiu, Change for two weeks, ir you ivanf us to toad, you the luminous don't write, 1'ako Organ and Hultsr tor singing. WOODS A WOOD S, P otter. Atc hison Co., Kansas. WANTKD, UUHM CAN V AH MAN, TO 1 AK.K CIIAKliK OP SMALL TUP. Week Hiatlils. Also Assislatil OaiiviiH Man, to Dnuhle Alto in Kami. Address, with lowest salary, lo A. IIAILEV, West Oro'k, Occsn Co., N. J. TUB CII1NR8B HOCK A l»OI,A, for Hide Show or Pluiforiu. A Whole show, Itfl., with Iwo lilg, savuge hcaili, muinmllled, goes In trunk, Willi flute Palming, |4tt fin with order. W. nklson. s Van XordcnSt , N o. Cunilir lilge, Mass. WAXTHO— Party with small nniounl of money to take Interest lu four ad I'omedy lirnmit- line oppurl unity : also wanted, S|ie- rlitlly and Iirnmiillc People In All Lines. Ail., 'i'licntrlc ul, HI Howell St., Itochesler, X. V. W'AXTKIJ -- .Medicine Performers - Hood Ktrnight Mini : Join on wire; tell oil lu letter. KTHVKNH & MIISHMAN, Holler. III. Manaokh John fl, Jiiiimon writes : "The I.vccnm Thcii'lre, Phlladelphlii, Is doing a good IniKliiess. 1 Will continue wllh Suinmer stock until Aug. 24, when I ho Wheel Shows will hegln the regulnr senson." II. tfot.BV Aniiuiihox'h Lyceum Theatre, Atlanta, tin., will reopen us n vaudeville iion.se Aug. io. AT A 1IRNKKIT I'HIIKIIIIMANCB wllll'll WHS held July '£U, at the Kdgcmere Hotel, at Itockawuy. nnd at which Lew Fields, Peler F, llalley nnd a nuiiiLcr of iithor actor folk ntipearcd, It. was announced that Joseph Weher, of Wela-r aud Fields, was seriously ill al: tin- Thousand Islands, lie had In- tended to take part In the performance. YtttUrt JlAHforrn writes: "I was present- ed with n handsome testimonial nt the How- ard Ailiciiii'iiin, Boston, Mass., July -7. It was tho final pirrformunca of the llfty- tieveiith mciikoii of that house. The house stock company, of which I win stage direct- less, Just prior lo the opening of the lost performance, nnd lu the presume of a stand- ing room only iiudlnuce, presented mo wllh it mnsalvi' silver ten service and l my, the latter heurlng the inscription: 'Presented to Violet M.iMooite liy the Howard Theatre Stock Co., July 27. HMl.'L' Kach of Hie other four pieces had my monogram engraved thereon. 'Pint presentation wits Hindu liy Moinui Krniiso, on behalf of the company. I have iH-cii rr-i'iigngcd, und will continue to he Hip ntnge illreclress of the Howard Athcmi'iim Slock <-'o. the coming seiiKon, opening Aiir. 17. tunklng tny clghlh senson III thai eiipuelty." , , IIksiikiisiin ami Biihh appeared last week nt Hock Springs Park, Knst Liverpool, <>. They urn tills week at Bulleviie I'nrk. To- ledo, (>., nml next week piny the Temple The- atre, lletrolt, Mich. Kiiank Vinckn't. formerly of .the team, I'rank and Mnhel Vincent, hns Joined hands with Kniiiii-tt Todd, of Todd Bros. The act was a success, they write, at nines' Park, KuiisitH City, Mo. Mahv A. Katkh, mother of I. B. Bales, of the Hates Musical Trio, met wllh her dentil ou July B!l. at East Itocknwny, N. Y. She whs In the act. of warning some children nwn.v from mi approaching rnllronil train when the engine struck her, and she wus killed luatnutly. Mils. 1'!mma 1'iiiMiiost:. wife of fteorge II. Primrose, the minstrel, died In Buffalo, on July 21). nf heart tuiriilvsls. She was a native of that city. Mr. Primrose has enn- eolcd hla ■-llgugellielits. K,milhSt,,N. V. Tel.«,16J 70. WANTBO at once, for CUI.ilANR, CI1AHK ,t WKSTON'S MINSTRKL8, First Violin, to double alio; Second Violin, double brass; Cello to doable: Property Ban, lo double strong cornel. Open Aug. 14. Wauled, to Join Sept. 1, brass only. Cornets. Altos, Baritones, Slides: no blacking up; stop at hotels. Can place big novelty act. throe nr fourpeoplc. Will B.Ciilhaue,16SMth St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Double singing ami Dancing Aci and others w rite. _ " 4 ram noPB nuao, niimi j»p Tricks, |i; New llkf. Trick. $1; Tramp Biirinsquc Magic Act, 12. Kssy, and make more than good. 100 other now Tricks, Illusions, elo. stamp Tor l!i'iJi^!L ll *L m ' w !I^LVil!i , :'.*L- > yj'J^ l'--yj!'!l: FOR HA1.K, s rerforitilng Canaries, Cage Prop- tlcs. Learn anyone lowork them b> letter. Add. N. Lbm'II, Fend Du Lac, Wla. Formerly nf Chicago, WANTBD, flood Sketch Team and single musical net ; also Baritone and Tuba Players. Long engagement lo good people. Adilrtss R. K. fl AoliKs, Calhoun, Ky., Manager New M Floalbig Palace^ UALIMI ( I.IIIK ANII ALICK HILTON. This week, Midland Beach Theatre. At Utterly io engage for Wlnlerwith llrst class combination only. Specially nml paril or Miss Hlllon alnlto. Si rung, responsible, parts and specialty. Lead or Soubn'iies^ Care nfOLIPPBK. _ POIl HAIaB i OH iiBNT^My Klegani I'rlva'le Car; esprclslly siilied to a traveling specialist or a star who can afford luxury. Has large compart - mom for baggage, three iMterooms, parlor, din- ing room, liuirei and kitchen. Delivery can bo niude8epl.il. J. T. II. CLARK, Idol K. :IM HI., Kan sas Cit y , Mo. WANTKD Immcdlaloly, for Morton's Vaude- vltlu Circus, Under Canvuss, Performers In nil lines, Malo and remain. Also Piano Player, anil mini or woman wllh Picture Machine. Fall and Winter work, stop hotels. Throe day and week stands. Address MORTON, caro CLliTKR. AT M1IBHT Y, V1NCBNT tV TOOO, Ver- satile Comedians, inoniirc.hs of llluok Kaco llonie- dlan Singers and challenge soft shoe dancer*: put on ai'iM, make rliein go, change for week. Write quick to Frank Vim cut. HIJnii Thcuire, St. Jim, Mo. WANTBO AT~0!ITB-lunCn., Pa. WANTKD, flood Sketch Team and All 'Round Comedian for largest Med. show under canvas. Long engagement. No ilckcis, luit ghost wtilka every week, organ fakirs preferred. 1 1 It. M ITU I IK I, l„ 1102:1 Penil , Ave., St. Louis, Mo ~ WANTKD- -.people up hi Med. Ihl.lnem.Huil. Inn In who cull ibinco, Piaim I'luier- Willi dues "peclalib's. Oilier useful people, write. Hood ciigngeiuriil for good peop'e. ToMMl IIAItRK'IT. Libel ly, Adams Co., Illinois. WANTBD AT ONOB, flood Medicine Per- formers for balance of tenllog season. If O.K. ii gooil winters work. Sure money. Duo P. L. Her- mann, what do yon think of old lime proposition r Lei mo heat' I loin yon, prof. II. C. Bruce, (loriloo- vIMe. Ontario. • ATl-IBKUTY^-VfTuNtl MAN WITH MMfH KXPKHIKNi'K IN ABVANCK WOIIK and Hill Pouting would ilka eitgiigamnni us secnuil ad- vance man or properly man Willi some good, relia- ble company. I sin strictly loniiicrato and not afraid of work. If you can't miy, don't wi lie. Ad dress MORCIAN KNDSI.KY. West Uranoli, lown. THB illWINH AT l.llliytTV APtLa.-MJiii- Irwin, High wire lllcydc, club swinging; W. J, Irwin, Cpuldedown Man, Swinging Perch; Kilty May Irwin, Contortion Act, Song In Concert. Address u cm n Y cillcl'S, as per route. WANTBD, Moving Picture Machine Willi Stereoptlcon Combined, wlili or without films. Male make, cuiiillilon and lowest prion; prlvlloac of exam. Must bo O, K. and cheap. Useful Med. Performers, write. Low, sure salary. If you booze or uliaso. NilTIios, L^PInib ForeBldaleJlfiit.OiiMVl. WANTBD, for Faro ft Nyes' Viiudiiirllle Ud Medicine Show, Al Sketch Team, mull and wife. Musi, do doubles and singles, one or both. I'bn or r«ko plaeo or organ, other people wrlle inuok. sprlnglield, HI,, nil Hummer. Dr. II. W. Nye, Sjulngllejd, IH. _ WANTBD, for the Clifton Comedy iTrid High Class Vaudeville Co., sister Team, H. and l>. Lady, H. V. H. and D. Mun, nil kinds of good vaudeville people. I.owrte and Kl/.or, write. A. II. M KACH AM, M, 10. Pleasant street, sprlnglield, Ohio. KOR HAI.K, HTOHB HHOW.-Lire Hlxe (lalutcK, Cublliul, Lights, etc.: Mcnimlil; newlr palmed porlulilc store from, 21 w ll.i for all. Mend stamps for particulars. DKLLA LANOLKV, No. M Brown Ave,, Muiiultestur, N^ll. PIIiMH AND JHOVINU 1'ICTUIIK OUTFIT wauled, cheap for quick cash aula. Hond description und best prlcn (togotheror separutei. Also Slides. C. II. WALLACK, Flndlov Lake. N. Y.jjAiig. VI; Lincoln, III,, Aug, U. MOV1NO PIOTURB OUTFIT "pTlR salk (used once only). Latest model exhibition machine, with stereopilcou iiiiauhuiunt, calcium Jet, electric lamp, rheostat, sheel, and lot llluis, ♦SJ, if sold quick. Stump Insures reply, amkih CAN KXCIIANCIK, gj Ual.uy St., Urooklyn, N, Y . WANTBD, Sketch Team, (lund Contedlaii, flood Singer slid Ilaucar; Soiibrulte who Dances and changes for week or longer; 11. F. who puts ou acts THAT (10. Will answer by wire. JIM I-:. II, LONli, Crown Polnt,_lnd._ WANTKD, for "Toil NlghD)" Co., under "eali- vas, Comedian for concert and doublo Harvey flreen; Cornel and Tuba for Hand, i mm how ndui'. No marching. Join on telegram. HOIIKIITHA IAS - I. OH, Bun, roft. Mich. Per, add., Hsiiurofl, Mich, HKKTOIIBH, Travesties, every form Singe Novell x written to order. High grade work. Stump reply, Jos. Kershaw, sjn HiitlonwoodBt., PIil lsiln t CIRCUS CARS FOR SALE OR RENT. One Coiiildiiatlon Couch, Sleeper, Diner and Hag gage; one combination Flat and Slock. Belli curs mil. in clear. R. AflNKH, Care olUlilcugo Show Prlnllug Co., Chicago, III. WantBd. for Light Comedian who sings: tenor voice preferred. Ingenue must sing and accompany aelf on pUm>. IILAS BFORD A NF.LBON, Islcsboro, Maine. ~1IAVB YOU HKKN Keno. Walsh and Melrose TUB TALK OP TUB TOWN. Whi Wants Some Plays ? I Will Sell 3 Good 4 Aot Plays for t!2A, csih. Address UKHNAHii KLINfl, I'lnvwrlgtil, 134 West .'sth HI.. N, V. Clli, At home afiernoons, Sketches wrllten. WBITB SONOH. 8KKTCHKS, I'AltCKS, C0MF.DIK8, HHAMAH to order. He loll g so si lien IsTs, Heal rcferfiicos. All woik original. Prices reasonable. IIOH WATi, Dramatic Author, sen Walnut Hi., Phlla. AGENT AT LIBERTY. Responsible Managers only. Prefer gond Kep. Co. Address TOM SiTir A KT, Monroe, La. 562^ THE NEW YORK CLIPPER; August 8. THE WORLD'S GREATEST COMEDY ACROBATIC TRIO AT LIBERTY. TeWV _f^V rri T fm ■_ ■ A Uugh from Slnrt to PlnUh. MAX MONTROSE, Late of Marv. Montrose Troupe, the Fastest ana Greatest Ground Tumbler In the World, n„r *„,, JJ^i ^_-F JL JL ^^ JEjl For Hie Iloiuflt of Manager, ami Performers Who Hnve Never Seen a ■•• ROUND OFF PtIP.PbAP DOUBLE BACK S O IVI E R S A U L. T Executed ITnaasUteil. Call at the Clarendon Hall Uymnnalnm, 13lh St.. Thur.duy Morning. 11 A. M. Sharp,' Where the Same Will Be Produced. Staged and Managed by TII08. Mm The One Scream from Ohio. Booked by JO PAGE SMITH and WM. MORRIS. _ . ...... . Ml1 ' EDWARD SHAVNE'S SUMMER PARK CIRCUIT. WANTED— Acts of Every Description for the Months of August and September. Send Complete Route in first Letter, giving Open Time and Time booked. Address EjOY*/ AjRID SUA YJXTJG, 87 WASHINGTON ST., CHICAGO, ILL. All Members of the Following Attractions Report 'f-for Rehearsals Without Fail. Happy Hooligan (WESTERN COMPANY) Report to AL. DOLSOH, Cen- tral Hall, 6th Avo. and 33d Street, Wednesday, Ang. 12, at 10 A. H ™ Eva Davenport, Billy A. Ward, Otis H. Wood, Matthews and Law, Continental Four, ■ Novelty Trio, Pat Foley, Tim Kelly, Natali Wayne, Grace Kavalaw, Bessie Jackson, Kiltie Bacr, Edith Boydc, Bculah I'aynler, Madge Vincent Grace Wilson, Daisy Johnson, Elsie Delroy, Violet Handy, Marie Proctor, James Fori, Frank Raymond, Ruth West, E. A. Carticr, Leslie Bert, Maud Lester, Chas. Saunders. Alphonse and Gaston Report to ALIBI LOWE, Cen- tral Hall, 6th Ave. and 3 2d Street, Ion day, Ang. 10, at 10 A. I. Bcardsley Sisters, Harry Watson, Montgomery and Pearl, Powers Brothers, Jennie Lamont, Lawrence Cover, Mrs. AL H. Burton, Mignon Philips, Julia Cook, Mac Beban, Quecna Davis, Billy Wilson, Helen Chencl, Pauline Eising, Filecn Thilips, Marjoric Thompson, Julia Hunter, Fyrile Upward, Marjorie Phillips, Rose Drew, Josephine Thurbcr, Fannie Williams, W. S. Counilian, Perc Kennedy. Phil Kusscll, Henry Hof, Ed. Oliver. Royal ACKNOWLEDGE THI8 O XJ s> 1358 BROADWAY, Report to D. A, KELLY, at Central Hall, 6th Ave. and 32d Street, Monday, Ang. 17, at 10 A, I. Franz Ebcrt, Selma Goermer, James E. Rosen, Queen Nab, Louis Merkel, Howard Knowlcs, Martha Weis, Elsie Lau, AL Rice, Violet Lawrence, Pannier Fields, Fay Steincr, Arline Bliss, May Valentine, Delia Ranncy, Hattic Tucker, Belle Dubois, Rita Love, Reba Taylcr, Mona McCarthy, Pearl Franklin, Henrietta Franklin, W. D. Norton, Mike Jordon, W. Rostctter. B. R. Kelly, Frank King. CALL BY LETTE JtJL JL NEW YORK CITY. Vanity Fair AND Cracker Jacks Report to ROBERT IAR- CHESTEB, Tentonia Assem- bly Roods, 158 3d Ave., bet- ween 15th and 16th Streets, Monday, Ang. 10, at 10 A.I. WANTED 2 Good A No. I Com- edy Acts, and 20 Good Looking Chorus Girls that can sing. Also 20 Good Looking Show Girls. No salary too high for the real ar- ticle. R TO EDISON FILMS. Life of a N. 7. Fireman, the Daylight Burglar, Casey's Nightmare, Passion Play, Joan of Arc, 8careorow Tramp and 100 others. New and Second bought, sold and exchanged. We rent Maohines, Films. Bong Slides. ALFRED L. HABSTN & CO,, 138 B. 14th, N. Y. Tel.3B12 1 8th. <. Wanted Quick, lor Canton Fair, Sept. 14-19. BDSINOER'S GREAT FAIR CIRGDS Waul* Vaudeville mill Circus reoplo of nil kinds. Comedy Musical Team, Comml.v U,uurl«tto, Trained Animal's, Sensational Acts. MIST 1)0 a TURNS. Sum! LOWEST SALARY, Mil description or ncls, programs, photos (return) FIRST LETTER. Sober, reliable working porfoi mors only. First class Biz Toni Show. (ilvo per. mid. Will put out Win. Kir Shew Inter. Address ARNOLD .1. Hl'SlNGER, Mgr., i:W liOgim Ave, Ciuiloii, Ohm. Wanted Quid* Hlurk Faco Uumoilhlti and other performers or nil kinds that double brass. State nil ill llni letter, with lowest salnry. Week stands. Pay your own hoard, .loin on receipt or wire. Address A. BAILEY, Manager Medicine Co.. Went Creek, Uevan Ho., N. J. ' Colored Performers WANTED AT O.NCK. -KWiWMA" COdle to -an, will give you more money thim before, lliialnoss ewell, nii«l we wnnl more people. Snlcm. Va.. tor two weeks. 1)11. 1.. It. HKNNKTT, Pros., Dennett Medicine On* of Norfolk, Va. IViVTtJi For EARL FORD'S "EAST ll All I Mf, ' LYME" COMPANY, Mini for Hill unci Woman- for Hnrlmrii. Alan god Advance Auenl. .si ii tn lowest natal? noil all la Ural teller. No lime for corre- spondence, t'omiiiiny opens Ang. 111. All- drew JAMES II. Ult'llAUnHON, 10,; I I'luspect Klreel. liullnnapollK. lad. LAIT TUBA PLAYEt AT LIBERTY SKIT. l. Experienced In Hand mid oicheaim Work. Address Mlts BLA, NA8SAV, RKNS CO., N. Y. Keno, Walsh and Melrose THA T'S A1X. AM.OUA K1TTKIVS. The inoit lieauilfiti, intelligent and alfeclloimto- ol pi-la. Young, milk white, blue eyed Jtuldlng- ♦». Others *6 ami up. K. V. CHRISTIE, VI Kuuull Ave., BtUtnlo, K. Y. SONG ILLUSTRATORS! If you are looking for the Iciest hits In illtiiHlruleil Honga. we have them. •nir. « 10,000 sum. hit, HIAWATHA. U lleniitlfully Colored Slides, T.r.U. The latest success by Nature's Own Song Writer, cuAs. k. Harris, ALWAYS IN THE WAY, At. ifn.00 per aet, lleautlfnlly Colored. And the very latest. The king of Them All, II > KAYMOND A. lllttiWM;. THE MAN IN THE OVERALLS, An instnnlaneous Hit, and an Increase In salary. Also over tt.*>o other sets of tile best illustrated song slides out. for rent and sale. AMi'RKD I/. 1FAUKTN & CO., Tel. :iKl^-lSlh. 1118 K 14th St., New York. AT LIBERTY, G. E. TILDEN, CIIAHAt'TKIIR and liKNKRAI, HUS. Address ITlTi I'reslou St., Louisville, Ky. OFFERS 1 Invited. As good as the heat ; 7 yeura' expectance Press work? Yea, strong. A. I,. I-'AIU.K. Sltl Oak St.. Kansas Clly. Mo. miMIC GAM THEATRE I'NtANK C. Ulil/lS. l'rop. K. A', Season opens Aug, la'ople write III. l.OCKl'OUT, iH. Versatile Y0HSC IAN (Amateur), 17 Years of Age, l-'lne barlloue voice, wanls engugpiueut to sing In tlrst class company for next season. Address HAUITONi:. care of CLIPl'tilt. WANTED AT OXt'K, PROPtEIN Alt" LINES OF MED. BUS, 8TATK Al.t, IN K1KST rjKTrBU. 1>H. Ki:NNi;i)Y, Independence, Kansas. WANTED, FOR THE William Todt Famous Show, MusiilaiiB ror Band. Want KxiHTlcnced Men and Leader. Work all Winter. Also Man and Wife with two or more acts. Stale lowest salary and when yon c*ii join. Alsowanta Klllicr combination, sleeper Willi baggage cud or wltlioul. Want, to liny or leatc. Address as per route, WM. TODT, Ang. 7. Tuckerton, N.J. ; Aug 8, Manaliawklu. N. J.; Aug. 10, Pcmtierton, N. .1. WANTED, Repertoire People EXPENSES PAID. Address ROBERT SHERMAN, KAlt.MF.lt CITY, 11,1.. I WILL BOOK your route QUICK! And reprcsont your ttuniqllon from my Now York oltlre. Kxperleni'cil. Honest service guaranteed. Toritixvory niodcmte. II Is to your advantage to be booked from a New York olllec. Now la the llnio to book ne.\t seasou. A. C. DORNKK, Kiilckerbneker Theatre lilag.. New York. GUY BROTHERS' MINSTRELS Wnnl Ilnss and Tuba, linss Singer, Flute io Double, Viola to Double. 344 MAIN ST., Sprluglleld. Mnss. I'D It SAI.K. 74 FOOT SLEEPIN6 AND DINING CAR. Address, Ui.AXCirS t'Ali STOIIAC?!:. IIS-II Peon Ave., l'ltlshurg. l'n. AT LIBERTY, May Harvey Barbour, Juvenile Lends or Second Kindness. MB WASIIINtlTON ST.. M10MPII1S. TKNN, WANTED- -PERFORMERS FOR MED. SHOW^ Street nml Lot Work : romedlniia anil Singers. Address care of 10. It. HAltltOl It. 10111 Kansas Avenue, Topekn, Kansas. LA.DY MUSICIANS WANTED ON ALL IN8TBUMBNT8. Address Ml Sit VI, DIUECTOR. 7iU,SoutU Fourth. St., St. Louis, Mo. WANTED AT ONCE, RELIABLE PIANIST for Orchestra. Wire or ■phone, ICHit. U. It. LUKVEY, Care of Marlon l'lane.la Co., Trenton, N.J. , week Aug, 10; Now Uoohelle, N. Y-, 17. WANTED, A BLACK TENT, AT ONCE. Must bo In nrsi class order and cheap, subject io examination. AI.F. L. II aUM'.n a CO., . 13* k. iiihsi..N. r. OR1U1NATOMS OK BOTH RUNK1NG. PASbINU FORWARD SOMERSAULTS. Keno, Walsh and M elrose WANTED, 3 ALL 'BOUHD FEBrOBEEBS. I'rereronee one play organ. O'l'l'ii THKHIIKI.I,, write. 1)11. O.O. HI'AMll.KK. Scenery lllir, •Washington Co.. l'a. Wanted for Repertoire, Sl«go Manager with plays: ol iter ttsef ul Kep.reople. write. >Slatc lowest Hilary. 1 psv laiard. Addrets, by letter ouly, f. V. tiOULU, iW \t. 11th SI., N. Y OPEN" TIME, CAIRO, ILLINOIS. All of August and week of Sept. 14. Good time for good reper- toire shows. Also Sept. 24, 25, 26, Oct. 5, 7, 8,9.10,19,20, Nov. 2, 3 and good time after the 1st of Feb. WHlo or wire quick, 1). I. WILLIAMSON, ; Manager Cairo Opera House. WANTED, or any niiwiim acta, Unit run make openlnga; nlao man .ami -wife to give iiiiiseuh, aclt. I.onp engngeiiirn t. Alio liuatllnc ite«unl to run cook hour, Addreai Mlddlebnrs, N. V., Aug. 10; Colilesklll, K. Y., Aug. 11 . SUN BROS.' SHOWS. LESLIE T. AT WBBRTY. Roy Parts, Ballads aad I'ian'o (take), Hits and A No. 1 1'rope.riyMan. Height 5It. 4ln. Managurs that pay, address 1111 MICHIflAS AVE., Chicago, 111. AT LIBERTY, BURDE BARTRAM. Soalneite and Ingenue, Singing, Dancing and Character Specialties. One nighl or Ilesponslble Hep. (1EK. DEL ,1'ott Huron, Mich. violin LEADER pian ° I X PE III Ey« ED-SOB Kit, For Al Rep. New KcnslnginoT Pa. H A.LJL A1UJ» WANTED QUICK, Heavy Man, Ccncial Man and Woman, Properly Man: specialties preferred: good people, oilier liues.write. Must Join on wire. JOSEPH TAltltbLU Manager, Sioux Cllv, Iowa. WANT Orchestra Leader, Cornet to Double Stage, Clarionet. Lyon, Kansas, it); sterling 11, Burton 12, Xlck- erson la. Eilert "Ten Wighfai in a Bar Room." MADISON'S BUDGET, NO. 8. SO great Parodies, Ore now Comedies and Afterpieces, two Original Aots for sketch teams, eight Grand Monologues, Including two for Tramp and Hebrew, new Hebrew Talking Act, besides hun- dreds ot Original Gags, Comlo Epitaphs, Doctors' Testimonials, etc., eto. 88 nukes ONK DOLLAR per copy. li- J. K. iikil. (agent tor JAMES MADISON), 1104 Third Ave., New York City. LEADING MAN, LEADING WOMAN, HEAVY MAN. Also lady to do ELECTRICAL DANCES, liavltie her own electrical outfit. AK muat be Sols-r, Hcliablo and Experienced. Good wardrobe ncces- stiry. state lowest Balary, run particulars nrsi letter. Address It. B. BllROEtiS, Plyimiiith, Mass, Howe's Great Lon- don Shows Waal Musicians. Violin, to double brass. Other-" write, suite what you can do and lowest sularv in Ural Idler. A. K. WIIEEI.EIt, "IS Main St., llootii 10, Kansas Cllv, Mo Circus People Doing Two Strong Turns Address WHITNEY FAMILY SHOW, Fayeile, Ohio. WAN TED, Repertoire People, Pianist, Specialty People. KAY'S EXCHANGE. CjircoMla llctt'a unice, IK) W. 4*1 Ml., S. V. FOR SALE — A Trunk of Fine foubrelte WARDROllKat asacrlllce. If taken soon. Wrlto tor parllculiirs. MI18. MILDRED M1KKLS, eio Portage Ave., South Bend, lad. AMERICA'S 11KST AMD GREATEST SGHOOL Indorsed by Press and Public. Circulars, _ (Up-to-date m every dcuil i ' Bnct, Jig, swrt, xovel al, yalk, Wocutlon, Sinning una A?fs. Etc 6 S< " ,gS • VHu!it* L1 "' T: ^'resT 8 P« ^ Wanted Immediately, REPERTOIRE PEOPLE 18 ALL LIKES. Addros, will! parUc'uluW,. ALFRED MMMg ' Hitawcek, Lutroiie. Pa.; WcekAtig- lii^ 1 !'^ 1 ^-' WANTED, PUTNAM'S THEATRE. Richmond, Va-. i'PJ n **£ I, ltiai, Specialties, Ulster Teams, Scrl» L"n" l »- etc. ; also Piano Player. Address pitnaM WANTED, REFINED GENTLEMAH OF 6000 Appearanco and good voice to Join '*'! T '''rFltlTE and talking net. Cull or address MAK(.ir.» BONSTKI.I.K, ™K1 West J3d St., X. Y. WANTBW,^ All 'Hound Meillcllie Performers. !«••"■" ' „,,, „„ lilaya organ. Write M«lck and i* read? J" l" wire. " HAROLD FLINT, E. M a nMM i ■•« - WATCH POrTtHB IUKWIHICK OF Keno, Walsh and Melrose WITH ZIO ZAO AttB 1 • AUGUSTS THE NEW ^OEK CLIPPER. 563 28th STREET. No. 40 WEST 28th We N£Ve settled in our new offices at the k above address, and, are ready to receive our old and new friends. We a have the Greatest STAFF OF WRITERS EVER KNOWN IN THE HISTORY OF THE MUSIC BUSINESS UNDER ONE MANAGEMENT, consequently we have without dispute produced for this season several of the best compositions you or anyone else have ever heard. You have read just such assertions before, but we have never had that habit unless we know where we are at, and this is the time when we do. There is no use for you to continue to worry as to where you are going to get the goods. Come and see us today, tomorrow Or next week, and you will go away feeling like "Sunny Jim." Look over this list of the best by a great quartette of writers. Each one of these boys have made their mark in the business, and will produce more genuine surprises than you could ever imagine. No use for us to try to stop them. They've got McChesney beat before he starts. "IT WAS THE DUTCH." .* ■ * '^ ; )u , ' LKW.DQC'KSTAUKK'S TKN' km tilt P. SONU. "WHEN MY BABY CALLS ME HOMEY." "UNDER A PANAMA." WOULD THE NEIGHBORS SAY?" THE TREES GENTLY SWAY," "ANNA, MY DIXIE ANNA." "SOMEBODY'S SOMEBODY." "SHE COMES FROM DEAR OLD GEORGIA." These FOUR by BRYAN and MULLEN. These FOUR by ADAMS and ODEA. MY HEART BREAKER RAGS, I WANTS A MAN LIKE ROMEO, NONA, CYMBELINE, I'M, GOING TO LEAVE, LENORE, SUNBEAM AND THE ROSE, JUST ENOUGH FOR TWO is an Excellent Assortment for YOU to select from. Band and Orchestra Leaders, Attention. " DC 1 A pCC I II UPnMRV " IS NOW READY FOR YOU. Our Next Big Instrumental Hit, ■ HflVlBr W La II Baa 1^ 11 I j C ALL OR SEND FOR IT. Address all communications *o tho DETROIT, No, 10 Witherell Street. Detroit Office., NEW YORK, No. 40 West 28th Street. THE WHITNEY-WARNER PUB. CO WANTED, ADDRESS FELIX REICH, Vaudeville Agent, 1 47 WEST ■HM STREET. SEW YOKK CITY . W AIM T E D , . , FOB, ..... WM. H. CRAIG'S Aiditorinm. and Pavilion Theatres • f . AT ONTARIO BEACH PARK, VAUDEVILLE ACTS, Tn open Aug. lo and later. Note these »re free >iinil9sUui houses, so do not ask for fancy salaries. Wire ur write to 0. 1>. SEBVISS, Manager, Charlotte, M. Y. W A N T E D , Four (4) Good Medicine Men V«t street Work. -Mittt ta moncv getters, solier >ti>l reliable. Each must be able to manage and '»«e charge of business. W. 0. HUt.'HEN, ____ 124 ■;■ Whitehall St. Atlanta, Cn.~ .., „ AT LIBERTY, »«t BALANCE OK THIS SEASON AND. .NEXT, Annie M. THE ASHLEYS John H. "™lc*l and sketch -Art 1st?; Utile Norma,' SnngB SJM Wi All play part*. Single and double "Wclali lex, repertoire or faree comedy. Responsi- ve mgrs. address NO. MJLFINCH ST., Boston. AT LIBERTY, Louis B, Madden I CAN ARRANGE. ft Seasons Bennett-Moullon Ota. No. 1. Week Aug. 3, Webster, Mass.; week Aug. 10, Providence, K. 1. "Miiioors piciir ei Permituent ad ilren. care of CUPP EK. WANTED, CHAS. BAILEY CHARACTER HEAVIES, OLD MEN, « l.'CKIITY fur c"iulng season. Address ... '■! i luiI'LEYAKD ST.. Baton Rouge, La._ Wa i;J, Combination Dining and- Sleeping ii™* ,i,,,,n ^^ Mu« •« In llrst class condl- ""n. Address FRANK FOX. -.Wc nf Rpiiclere'a Grotto Park, Stngac. N. J. faoTWalsh and Melrose . Featured This Seisin Zlg Zig Alley. FOR SALE. TWELVE 40ft. AMELINE DROPS, ?''!'•»: 'iNKW BEACON LIUIITS, also .10 INCH •"t-KKLFLATBD CANNON. U. FURSMAN, 109 E. 25lfi Street, N. Y. REPERTOIRE Leading Juvenile Woman. Character Woman, Otuiructcr Man, Heavy Man to handle stage, Gen- eral Actor for props., Male Pianist.. Those doing specialties preferred. OTHER REPERTOIRE PEOPLE, WRITE. Rehearsals Aug. 17. WILL M. CARROLL, Jacksonville, III. WANTED. PERFORMERS FOR Doc Ray's City Med. Co. I,ong season In K. C. (Jood looking Lady Pianist and Soubrotte wanted. For sale, complete Tent ontllt, cheap. ^ ^^ ^^ ^ Mo WANTED. A PARTNER With 1350 to help back a company with high rlass attractions. Booked for 1503 04. Excellent oppur- tunlty. *«*gS MAlw> m Y „„ at,, Pcorlft , ,„. Tilt idea: Keno, Walsh and Melrose WI TH 71 1; ZAG AL.1.KY. AT LIBERTY. BERT IMSON, Comedian, Specialties. "** TILUB IM80K, Characters. Address IIEKT IUSIIN, (I rand Forks, X. I>. waniItFquick, BEPEBTOIB E PEOPLE in all Lines, Al PIANIST. B. A. IIEHOMAX. Sidney, Ohio. The Original Gardner Bros., HERMAN COMEDIANS, AT LIBERTY, TRIP TO THE MOON And other Comic. Mysterious, etc.. Films : right White Light Jta tariio- W. XOKKIS. care of CLU'I'KK. Special Rates by the Week. Change your pro vpimnie weekly. hlfJr.Xr, ll,lnr>, gramme wi e«iy. ^ ^^ ^.^ c|||cllg0# Attention! Clipper Advertisers The next Issue of MADISON'S BUDGET goes lo press Aug. 14. A magnificent SO page publication. Edition of 4,000 positively gunr|iiiteed.< lb-aches ALL leading Vaudeville and Dramatic Perfnrnicrs, circus Folks, Medicine Men, etc. Advert tsing rates: tasoper Inch; 10 Inches lo column. Three columns to page. Mo deviation. MADISON'S KI'DUKT Is kept as a reference Tor years— NEVER TUKOWN AWAY. HiirbHcli A Co., Philadelphia, had a $:i.8U ail. In Madison's Budget No, h. It tiulil litem so well that they have ordered a $10 ml. In I he coming Issue. Send all ads. to .lames Madison, 1404 Third Ave., New York, and remcmlier Unit this Is the LAST CALL FOB THE DINING CAR Forms positively close Aug. 14. Man for Comedy and Characters, with Specialties; Woman for Soubrelies and Juvenile Leads. KLARK URBAN CO., THOMABTOM, MA UIK. Attractions Wanted At CLARK OPERA HOUSE, Norwich, N. Y. Special Attractions wnnlod for opening nighls. Sept. '1. :i (Fair week), 7. Lubor l>oy. Illg celebration. Also 23, -4. l''Ireinen'H 'I'oiii iiaim-iii . No Iteps. L. II. llusselt. Mgr. Al M1IKHT 1 , A FEATUHH VAUDEVILLE ACT, Dorathy M, J. Fred Both pliy responsible part*. Responsible man- agers only. 17H W. SPKINilFIELD ST , cor. Tre- nient, Boston, Mass, Join on wire. WANTED AT ONCE, GOOD DUTCH AND IRISH COMEDIAN AND SILENT PERFORMER, Who can change ucts nightly for one week. Would like one Who plays Violin and Fakes Organ. DR. J. F. SPANI1LEK, Ne w Perry. West moreland C o. , Pa. rOB SALE, SET OF 60BD AHCH CHIMES. •JO NOTES, CUR. NICKEL RACK, Up. GEORGE VAN, 34 Prall St., Hartford, Coon. Olympic Theatre, Syracuse, If. T. WANTED. Single Ladles and Sister Teams: also three or four good Stuck Women- Write at once. CLAUD HA I ill). Pro^mUHgt. WaWhite Musicians for Band and Orches- TRA: also Leader of each, with good assortment of music. MACK'S OEOROIA MINSTRELS, , Genesee, P otter Co., Pa., Aug. 10, THE MELROSES, High Wire Bicyclists. Free Attraction. Working ail the time. Have Labor Day and two weeks In Oct. op en. Perm , addr ess, OoLU MBCH. O. ZIG Z AG ALLEY, KENO, WALSH and MELROSE Edwards Stock Company. Ladles -mid lieiillenieii eimuged fur litis Company will kindly report For llelieursiils SATUHDAV, Aid. 15, at 111 A. M., OPERA HOUSE, Elklolt. Mil. Acknowledge cull ill niu-a to CIIIM. V. KOVVAIIDH, Muiiiiuer, Klkfiin, Mil. Al RKPERT01RK PEOPLE WRITE IN CASK OF DISAPPOINTMENTS. WANTED QUICK, COLORED BAND OF SIX PIECES. Join on wire. Want to hear from Louis (lllbert. Address WELSH llltO'l II Kits' CIRCUS, per Route. SOM1C TII1\<; NKW IN Slot Headlines., The KMKLSIOR. _WI«raR IT IN THE NEXT ISSUK^ _ At Liberty, FRANK L. PEBBY. "THE TERPMIUIIORBAN VIOLINIST." A Collie' illau, Singer and Dancer. Play Parts. Change Specialties. I never helped lo make Milwaukee, Wis., famous. Address 4!M iid Ave., No,, Mlnnuapiills, Min n, STEVENS' COMEDY CO. WANTS Second Business Woman Willi spe- cialty, Man for Heavies and Juveniles. Open Aug. 1*, rehearsals Aug. in, others, write. Address MINERAL POINT, WIS. PYTHONS 111 all sizes; also choice PINE and TURTLE HEAD HNAKES at low prices. J. HOPE (Itnporteri, No. .16 K. Ninth St.. Philadelphia, Pa. Tlltf AIT TIIEtf AMj TALK AIKXJT, Keno, Walsh and Melrose Willi New ZlgZng Alley. AGNES TEMPLETON, Ingenue, At Lltierly. SYMPATI1KTIC EMOTIONAL KO'.ES. Addri!Sse»reof OLIPPKII. Side Show Paintings. Ililill OHADK CARNIVAL FRONTS. _ (1LAKKNOE FAOI1, 40 Blind SI., New York City. WAITED, A BLACK FACE AND IBIBB SONO AND DANCE COMEDIAN thai can put on aula at once. Sslnrr |i.i per week. 0. A. LIRKM, IiU i.'nlon St., Lynn. Muss. EDI SON EXHIBITION PICTURE MACHINE, 100.1 tun iieir), with Electric nnd Calcium, For Sale l-iiw. also I,"**! feci of EDISON PASSION PLAY FILMS and M SHiles. IIL ENDA LEcnre CLI I'I'Kll. FIRST CUSS LADY TROMBONE PLAYER, Varictf or orcliottra, would like good Winter engagement West. Address MRS. EMMA FEN/., care of NEW YORK OLIPPEB. Wanted yuk>u, Advance Agent tuo pnslej.Vlnllnlsi, Lady Soprano, Long season. Slate all. RKHALTROI.IiAlioriis, Kslhervllle, Iowa, VICTOR VANNA'ITA, Mgr. Amateurs Placed. only otllce In America signing contracts Id place piklhiiis In few weeks and direct careers. OIRdll.AR. tVl A RT E L. L, 129 West 42d St., Now York Oily. 'VaTonxtecl, FUlt THE DUWNHVITikK FAI1I, Alio. IN, 111 und III), SHOW TROUPE, To show bndof Canvas, Privilege lei reasonable. Applicant give feature of show . l>OVi'.\HVII,l,K KAlll ASHIK IATIUV, HOWNSVILLE, N. V. "Wanted,, Viola to Double Cornel, Cluilonitl or Troiilliotie, Join on Wire. W. F. RII.KY, Mgr., opera House, Pat. erson, N. J., Aug. S, II, 7, It: Nuwburg, N. J., Aug, 10, WANTED, ONE TURKISH MUSETTE PLAYER, One Tom Tern Drummer and Oriental Dancers, Stale salary In llrst letter, and also snnd tiholo, which will he relumed. Address J. LKSLIK I'R V , earn of lintel ,Fodntal, WII|(aiiispurlj^P».. i» IS 110" [I. EHISOS'S DIUK1I0RMAN AND NELLIE HELL LEONARD, Address ACTORS' FUND. Wanted. Al Irish or Dutch Comedian; Must Vamp Organ and be good Dancer. Could use clump Sketch Team. DR. J. T. JACKSON, cure of tier- man Mod, Co., Madlll, Indian Ter., Chickasaw. Nn. CONCERT rHONOGBAPH and at RECORDS FOR SALE. Nearly new. Cost tlufi; take MA,, at once. 0. W. FAH.OR, NnwOin, MOT. Keno, Walsh and Melrose KXKCIITINII IMMINll Oli'l.', <¥UV Ii'liAl', Fl'1,1, TWIHTMI TO HKOIIIilX'iltH. SAXAPHONE AND STEEL MARIMDAPHONE FOR BALE CHEAP. In llisl. class cunilltlmi, Call or write ED. It. KRN, 371', Sprlngllphl Ave, Newark, N.J. IEHBY 80 'BODBD BOB SALE, ArtnlLiige-llersclitU make. Also Shooting Ual< lery for (ale. ii.Mli.EHAM. ' , IVI N. Niagara Slrcel/I'endwandii, N. i'i Km ol. lo. I. UNITED STATES BALLOON CO,, 111 Clermont Ave., Brooklyn, N. V. 564 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. AlJGTTKT 8 # ATTENTION, MANAGERS. THE WORLD'S CREATEST COMEDY ACROBATIC act. KENO, WALSH m MELROSE Featured this Season with New ZIG ZAG ALLEY. ELMER MELROSE is the Only Man in this World who Executes A BOCffD OPP DOUBLE Somersault, nnaaslatnl, before the PnbUc. THE WORLD 8CK6AU9I uv.tie.ut aukubaTIC ACT SWEENEY & ALVIDO'S MINSTRELS Open. hI>ou( Sept. I, nrar Chicago, with a company of exceptional merit. Special paper and plenty oflt, etc. Can n.r few more Uacfnl P.. .pi-. Have few Open Date* for live towaa. TOM DEMIJiti, Mgr., 3800 Vlncennei Ave., Chicago. Mw $&\\\e\\ Sows fcSows, .Mlontlon In their Theatrical Dcpl., which has been HHM al the highest standard for the past :ki years. Ask any manager or wardrobe woman almnt Danlell's Satins hi tl.lB per yard. lfio shades imil our guarantee with every yard. No sliiaidy, highest lustre and wears like Iron. We gal " conic bucks" from every part „r ihc globe. Our 73c. 24ln. cm Ion hark Satin In now marked al .",0c. just lit create a lllllc talk. It la hardly wnrlli vrhllo u> aay auyihlngahoiit our Tights and Symmetrical*. Tlicy are the lalk of Die prnreaKion. They don't rip when yon arc In the middle of an act and wlUxland Hie hardest wear. Equestrian ami Unfiling Tight- constantly In stock. Special sizes made to order. Silk Gloves, any length, Id Block or dyed lo order. Uals maile to order from your cuts or our own creations, OUR MAIL OKUKIl 1)KPT. gives eiu'h itii] ulry special atlenllnli and goods shipped saine day onlcr received. ^^^^^^^^^^^^ BROADWAY, 8 AND 9 STREETS, N. Y. ENTRANCES ON THREE THOROUGHFARES. HOAG LAKE; W00N80CKET, R. I., THE INLAND PLEASURE RESORT OF THE ISLAND. WANTED, FOR AUGUST AND ALL SEPTEMBER, 101 I Address all coniniiinlcalluus lo MAUIUDK BOOM'S THEATRICAL ENTERPRISES, Maurice lloolD, Ccncral Manager, :il West aim 81, New York. This w< »k f Keith's, .New York. LONEY HASKELL Last Week A TRIUMPH at Brighton Beach Music Hall. Him- hoiuc time o|*>lt, commencing Aug. III. Lulter part of Heaaon lllled, touring once rt Hii In In I lie good "hi Orpl i circuit. Will mill nexl Julie tn III! nil exclusive eu- eiipigi'tnriit III London. . Address AISIONTS, or ITT South Ili-ondwity, Saratoga, N. V. Century Comedy Four ' At Liberty for Corning Season Owing to Show Not Going Out. ALL PLAY I'AHTs. Address JOSKI'll SHAW, Manager, llfi UwrcnccRL, llrooklyn, N. V. To Run Moving Picture Machine and General Light Effects. One en uippod with double atcreopflcon and modern up in date llghl circrts, preferred. I have rjilure Mhi'IiIiic. Wlllardand Itevcre, write. Aflilrcss MELODRAMA, can- of CLIPPER. FRENCH'S NEW SENSATION FIR >T (ILASS SPECIALTY PEOPLE. BOM DANC1NO Ton..\; ALSt'TRaP DHI'MMER. Art dies .1. V. ircVtlK. Man.. Pnilncnli, K), For the Chas. K. ChampliniStock Go., An Al Juvenile Lending Woiiinn: ul-o PlunNt. Send photo unil full particulars In tlint letter. KekvaraalsAiiK.il. Addraaa CHAS. K. CHAMPLIrY, lied Bank. N. J. LLOYD and GENTER'S ECLIPSE STOCK CO. Can place m once Musicians lor Hand and Orchestra or Stage, Comet to Lead Band, Orchestra Leader with up lo dale Ken. of Music, Slide lo liouhle. Trap Drums, 2 Clarionets, one must play E-tlat on Hired; H»n for Leader, snmo Heavies Hint Double Brass, Ocii. Bus. Man, Sous and Dance Soiilirctlc, Sapteli Team that can play Small Parts, Stage Director «Hh plays. Will buy good Comedy with paper Tor one nlgliler, for No. ilCo. oilier Musicians and Hep. People write, that can play and act oul loud. Show goes sown, Una not closed In four (4) years. Travel In private car. Not a dramatic snhool; If vou can't act and don't know how, why don't try. That's a teetotaler: come: vaiiiinoose. state all first letter. Join o n wire. Address CHESTER CENTER, Bra/.ll, lnd. MRS. Iv. SCHBCERi We have this season on hand tho most exclusive stock of Imported Evening and Dinner Dresses. Alto numerous Handsome Struct (towns. Harden Dresses. Opera Clonks and Tea downs, which we will sell very reasonable. Professionals and Managers desiring Lie gent dents Clothing, but slightly used, should examine our line of Pall Dress Suits. Prlnro Alberts, In Coats and Vests; Tuxedos, Street Suits, Fashionable Ovcrooals, Inverness Caput, Opera Hats, at moderate prices, call or address. MRS. 1.. SOIIKUKR, (CM-M* South SI., Philadelphia, Pa. WANT LADY FOIt VAUDEVILLE SKKTCIt. MUST RE A LADY. HOOD SINHIM". ANI> SPEAKIN" VOICE. WEAR AN EVENING DRESS OIUOEFULI.Y. AOT SUCCESSFUL IN BENT HOUSES, AND HOOKED SOLID. Address WALTER STETSON, 2U I. lit. Strut, N. Y. C. FAR SALE NEW QUEEN ANN COTTAGE rUll WHtala LAltHK tlMOUNUS— 811 ADE THEBN. Itoaling, dnthlug. Fishing: III minutes from New York trolley and railroad. Price SOliO; icrnib, payable $10 monthly; (or pnrtlcnlnrd Ad. Ileal Kslule,i>T4 Lexington Ave., New York. Wl\ fcgjrf i m Wn LBr i. J 'tJW i Did You Ever Notice When Traveling Powder split over everything in the grip. How much neater and more convenient to have your face powder and chamois In a neat nlcklc case like cut. Can ls> carried In purse, chatelaln, etc.. ana yon could play handball without any powder leaking oul Case and chamois sent to any address for 30c. P. A. TOOMEY, 3W Dearborn St., Chicago, III. If aha could buy aa much for )-„n for 30c. tt would not be long till the post- man would be calling you. WANTED, HI ISIS For Empire Theatre, Denver. Colo. A THEATRE, NOT A STORE. LEARY 4 1IA0KN. PROPRIETORS. Can stage any acL Only high class vaudeville house In Denver. WANTED— Commencing Aug. 2i. Acrobats, Aerial Acts, Jug- glers. Bicycle Acts, Musical Teams, Sketch Teams, Dutch, lrl.li and Blackface Knockabout Come- dians. Stater Teams and Novelties of every description. The Harrison-Adams THEATRE COMPANY Wants Al Leading Man, LKAD1NH WOMAN and Ilrst class Dramatic People in nil Hues : also Carpenter Bnd Scenic At'ts'. Sixty weeks, show hooked solid to Sept. lit, loot. Waul only such people whose ability will warrant the payment of liberal salaries. Regular season begins S'pt. 14, but a few Immediate engagements can be had, as company Is now playing over Jake WellB' Casino Circuit. Address, with pholo., EARL P. ADAMS, Manager, Bijou Theatre, Richmond, Ya. NEXT YEAR— May 30 to Sept. 12, 1904, we will operaie three (3) first class companies, viz : THE 1IARRISOSADAMS THEATRE COMPANY. THE HARRISON-ADAMS COMEDY COMPANY. THE HARRISON-ADAMS MINSTHELS. Wanted at Doling Park, SPRINGFIELD, MO., GOOD, FIRST CLASS Repertoire People. Must be saliei and reliable. Address R. L. DOLINH, Manager, Springfield, Mo. DOUBLE TRAPEZE ACT For Aug. IT and IK (two days). Address F. A. L1EBIC, SOU Spring Garden St ■ Philadelphia, Pa. AT LIBERTY, FOB SIDE SHOW. KING COLE, Ventriloquist MAGIC AND PUNCH. Good Ballyhoo— Sober and Reliable. Address KINO COLE, 23.1 South Halslead St .Chicago, III. WANTED, FOR THE HARRY KIMHEL CO., Lending Lady, Character Woman, S. and 1). Sou- brelte. Piano Player, Leading Man, Heavy Man. Comedian and Advance Man. Show opens illicit Sopt. 7. All must have good wardrobe, both on and off stage. No booze. Hake It low as you get II. Address HARRY K1MMEL, Ulalr, Nob., BOX 134. O. H. managers in Nebraska, Iowa, write. Three night atiracilou. At Liberty, for Balance of Summer Season, THE LENNA HOWE LADIES' SINGING ORCHESTRA. Wanted, to hear from First Violin, clarionet, Cornel and Trap Drummer for Season opening Labor Day for orchestra No. a. Others, write. Address, LENNA C. HOWE, Electric Park, Al- bany, N. Y. ATTRACTIONS WAITED FOR RED MEN'S FIELD DAY Al Philadelphia, Now York, Aug. 26. Also Privi- leges to lot. Address II. 1). McCLELLAN, Sec'y., ' Philadelphia, Jefferson Co.. N, Y. EXPERIENCED CLARIONET AT LIBERTY For Coming Season i High or Low Pitch). Theatre location Norili Preferred. Address E. P. WII1T- Ct'MB. Hotel Tybee, Tyliee Island, On.: after Aug. 20, Trenton, X. J. ONE BIG LAUGH. Edison Kinetoscope Or other Picture Machine wanted : also n cinnntltv of good I'lLMS. Address, with low- est price. HI \ 1) Y, tnjvcifCUl'l'KU. New, Beautiful Colors, 36 cents per slide. EniENE CLINK, 024 liraud Ave., Chicago. A GRAND mid GORGKOUS ATTRACTION CORNELLS on high. _0u or UOtn CENTURY - •HADK MfcVriM»Poi,i T A« BOOKED SOLID PROM MAINE TO CALIFORNIA. BEST TOWNS AND BEST IIOD8KS ■ PANTOMIME PEOPLE (those doing Specialties preferred). ORlriv'n "ntaclsprererred). (inod looking. Onod Size and o.mri>*. first class entertaining people, WRITE, including a \,?i chorus Olrl, Etc. Give full particulars first letter. Tell just what you can do. Stale ice '„;, WANTED,'^ NOVELTY TEAMS (silent acts preferred). Lady for "QUEEN OF NIGHT." Other - unorus uin, nw, urn: iuh |w,n.u.- .» ..... .-.. — ",—" * — * — ~— ■ **"• o«.(c age, mj,. weight etc Send Dhnto. If po«slblc, and name lowest salary. g 7. a-tVmilrflrke CLEVER, GOOD LOOKING YOUNG GIRL (age 8 to 10); Blonde preferteo- accompanied by useful mother or older alsler. • ADDRESS uort. CARUiAh A. C. CORNELL, Manager, mSSS&S*, No. lltt Madison 8L, Chicago, 111. TRICK STOP, Ki, f ; ;, EVERY FEATURE NEW, ORIGINAL and STRICTLY UP-TO-DATE. COMEDIAN WITH GOOD SPECIALTIES ALBO OTHER GOOD, RELIABLE BKPERTOIRE PEOPLE. BUST JOIH OH RECEIPT OF WIRE. C. W. STATER, Oklahoma City, Ok la. IT IS TO BE HAPPY. A Happy Tltlo— A Happy >lot. A SOCIETY SQUABBLE. Always wanllngsomethuigtheycan'tgel, and gelling something they don'l waul, the ironlplwer some Is happiness for others, and if it Is in Irish, the merrier it becomes. Bobby Gaylor & Co. FOUR PEOPLE, AT THE CHICAGO OPERA HOUSE, THIS WEEK AUG. 3. P. S I have fathomed the wants or I he Vaudeville Managers and their Patrons, and I ran safelv say I have the goods first class, if you are deillng In my Hue, gel happy. LONDALE THEATRE CO. WANTS. IMMEDIATELY. A 600D USEFUL REPERTOIRE ACTOR With specialties to play strong Hue of parts, other Repertoire People, write. Don'l misrepresent. Closed at first rehearsal If yon do. Reference: Flrsl National Bank, hock Rapids, la. Address HAL BARBER, llock Rapids, Iu„ Aug. a; Sac Cliy, la., Aug. 10-1S; Carroll, la.. Aug. 17 3- Kafherine Rober WOULD LIKE TO HEAR FROM REPERTOIRE PEOPLE. Also VAUDEVILLE ARTISTS FOR COMING SEASON. Western Folk, write. Kindly consider alien* t aucgative. Address EMPIRE THEATRE, Providence, R, I, For Fulton Bros.' Stock Co., at Once, A No. 1 Leading Lady to Feature, First Class Leader arid Other Musicians to Complete Band and Orchestra. Re- hearsals Aug. 15. Address BEATRICE, Neb. mm A MT A T ▼ A ▼V*?! F " r .Menwho SHAVEor GET HH/i» *\T J* /\ UlflJ 1 J,j/\ \f ill. It is not a cream, not a nsste, not a snap. Hilt i ■ •l*W'» ■•«*■»■ at at ■ lintel, Syracuse, N. Y. Must change for three of the above must play until Aug. 10, after tbat'Ononda IM I LELLA Has returned, and Is al the same old stand, a'. 337 K. Hlh St., and is r""/* re , c3l welcome old |ialrona; also new patrons, for Theatrical Shoes, and gi»e i»^ work at lowest prices. 1VIR. CHARLES • MANAGERS HAVING OPEN TIME for the night of the Jeffries-Corbet! fl(!j" ^""^.i nailoniil spurt Ins event, run play to big Imslnesj here, us returns are received by specls ,iHir< " , f from llio Htagu ellher at ihe regular or midnight performance. First class Burlesque. Mins «.'• w< villa aud Musical Cmnedy Com|ianles arc rapidly snapping up open lime for one or two nigi"^ is our roiirth successful season. Prices, 2Ti. WhuiI 76 cunn. seating capacity, l.M>- , , , ,.„.,,. • . JAMES P, NElLAN,|MBiiager New London Opera Uouse, New London, u» AUGUST. 8. THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. 565 NED WAYBURN WANTS 100 BRIGHT GIRLS (PREVIOUS EXP ERIENCE HOT ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY), — . . . 2F M EELf FtL?"- F0R A CONTINUOUS TWO YEARS' ENGAGEMENT WITH (THREE COMPANIES,) ALSO FOR (TWO COMPANIES., ANOTHER SENSATIONAL ACT NOW IN PREPARATION, CAM ALSO USB n. =*■*■ Young Ladles' Quartette. ADVANTAGES OP THIS ENGAGEMENT: 1. Working the year 'round, with all Bummer In New York each season. 5. Playing from two to ten weeks in big clues only, WO ONE NIGHT STANDS. 3. Thirty minutes work daily. Three weeks' rehearsal only each saaaon. 4. BVBBYTHTNO FtTSNMHED in the way of ooetumes, shoes, wigs, tights, stockings, etc 6. INVALUABLE INSTRUCTION by Mr. Ned "Waybnrn personally, in dancing, singing, "make-up ," stage " business." free of charge. 6. Bapid promotion far those who show marked ability. 7. Salaries from $16.00 to $75.00psr week, according to ability. 8. All railroad fares and transportation paid. Apply at once to NED WAYBURN, American Hall, 8th Ave., near t2d St., from 12 to 1 o'clock dally, or If ont of tbe city write to NED WAYBURN, New York Theatre, New York. SGREAT HAR3FCKS* 3HH KjBagaaivit ''is'- , ^fe& 1 2KTt * ' THE GREAT BARBECK8, MILLIONAIRE HOOP ROLLERS, Balancers. Wire Walkers and Jugglers of the Highest Order, have performed before all the crowned Heads of the World Just returned from a complete tour aronnd the world. Have a limited numlHtr of we<>kH open Wore returnlDir to Europe. Managers and Agents; address care P. 8T. JOHN, SSI Oak St., Fall River, Ham., or llunugcrs. Address All Agents, Regards to all. OWINCi TO DISAPPOINTMENT, FOR HIMMELESfS IDEALS! Supporting HISS BEATRICE EARLE, VERSATILE COMEDIAN, with Strong Specialties. Liberal' Siitnij to right man. Rehearsals Aug. 17. Also HAN FOR ILLUS- TRATED SOVOS that has good Machine and L'u to Date Songs. Hunt play some parts. All particulars quick. Photos requested. OTHER REPERTOIRE PEO- PLE WHITE. Silence a negative. Address 150. A. HIOTELEII, Kellcy Island, Lake Erie, Ohio. ACROBAT* TAKE NOTICE! A TXT T A FIRST CLASS HEAD AND HAND BALANCER. Not weighing over I26lbs. Address ABE ARONSON, Care of Pain's Last Days of Pompeii, Pittsourg, Pa. JEANRE & RENAUD, MUSICAL COMEDIANS. "Hut Jeanre and Renand, the Musical Comtdlansi Tlio audience fairly laughed 1111 Hie tears rolled down their chseks at these two Inimitable mimics. Apart from their exceedingly clever muiical performances on various original combinations of instruments they fairly brought down the house with their droll hnmor, and had a numlier of encores."— STAUNTON (VA.) DAILY hEWB. . •.■ ■ GREENVILLE, 8. C , AUG. 3-8. ^^^^^^ JUSTThETHIngTiTsEND fd"MMA^ER^and^ENTS, YOUR PHOTOGRAPH ON A POSTAL CARD. Let them see how yon look. If you cannot call for sitting »e will make yoor Postal Photos from any picture you may send us, and return same with the order ailed. 26c. for Tuiee Photos, »1 a Doren. postal PHOTO OUTFIT FOR SALE. PtRiait* punm c*».. aaa "jrjli Av- *»■ V. LEADING LADY I QuicLc, J and HAN. COMEDIAN, UTILITY MAN, FOR PROPS. I pay all. Join on wire. Those with specialties preferred. Long season. Salary sore. EU. PA^TQN, Chatham, N. ^. REPERTOIRE AG'T. State age and salary, which mrut be In accord- ance with Repertoire Work: Be ready to Join on receipt of vwlre. You may lose a long engage- incut by asking for ticket. PflD CIIC Ten elegant Band Coats and rUil uHlX. Caps. Broadcloth, blue and rt'd trimmed in gold. Who wants them for $so. Address J. N. RESTFROW, Mansfleld, Ohio. Recitation! and Readings. Catalogue* Free. All dra- matis papers for isle PLAYS, RRPTPtlPS I Wanted, Two Good Performers onHtflLO \xu: and F.), for a llrst class written to Order, vaudeville sketch. I will re- hearse them In it. J. W. SCHWARTZ, 73 E, Kd Street, N. T. No stamp, no reply. ACCOUNT OF DISAPPOINTMENT, CARSER STOCK CO. WiTO Al Heavy Man, Woman for Gen. Bus. Send lowot salary for balance Summer and reg- ular season llrst letter. Address HARRY U WKUH, Box isg. Niagara Falls, N. Y, WANTED, Ian who Thoroughly Understands Bnn- ning Latest Edison Picture laehlne, To assist props and scenery. Prefer one who can play small parts. Answer quick. 0. FAITU ADAMS, Mgr. Delia Prtngls, Knoxville, Iowa. Hoovers Nina Plains Perfect working order, late model, *Z5 each. Alumi- num, socts. pound. New Oum Machine*, J2.M each. Other machines at a sacrifice, to clone an estate. A snap for buyers while It lasts. Hlgga' Amusement Co., 41 andu Cnivoriltj Place, N. x. C. Wanted Quick, GOOD ACTOR, FOR LEADS AND HEAVIES. MUST BE Al. Other Useful People, write. Address CURIES COMEDY CO., S. I. CURTIS, Mgr„ Wheat's Roof Garden, Fort Worth, Texas. Just Landed Dave Carter, The Irish Tenor. SING HIGH D. Address Care of WITMARK & SONS, 144 West S7lh St., New York. WANTED QUICK, Must Be Clever. WIRE OR WRITE Vandyke Co. _MEXICO, MO. WANTED AT ONCE, Tbe Best Cornettist aad Clarlonettist IN THE BUSINESS, * At the Lyceum Theatre, Wilmington, Dtl. SEASON OPENS NEXT WEEK. BOTH MUST POSITIVELY BE A No. 1. Address, until pal., Aug. 8, MUSICAL DIRKCTOIt, Forest Lake, Palmer. Mass; after Hist date address me at Wil- mington. WOULD BUY A 41O0D COLLECTION OF STANDARD SELECTIONS. AT LIBERTY, Sketch Tc\rr,, Singing and Dancing Comedian, Ventriloquist, Lady Magician, Singer and Dancer, Musical Act, Swiss BoIIb; Alutolouiu Chimes, Xylo- phones, Ocarina, Etc. Managers must be re- liable. Our wardrobe and acts are O. K. Can join by Aug. SI. Address SKETCH TEAM, Pushing, Iowa. SCENERY. "SILKO" scenery on "TIETZEL" roll up frames, saves thus, trouble, worry, money and excess. "SILKO" ou set stuff, or carry In trunks. DANIELS SCENIC STUDIOS. No. 23JI Wabash Avenue, Chicago, 111. CLUB JUGGLERS Send (or llluitrit.d Citalogue,'Fres. FRED BuZEtiHnROT, 502E,i9«iSt,,n.Y. PERFORMERS OOI.SU TO EUROPE Should apply for lowest rates of passage, exchange and full particulars at the Exchange Office, w East 14th St., GERMAN 8A VINOS BK. BLDO..N.Y. Established 25 years. TELEGRAPHIC ADORERS, LONDON i "Bravlsaimo, London." "Paris: "Cptodate, Parts;" U D MADIAICIII im, Long Acre, London, tj. D. lYIAnllHLLI W.C.; 20, RueTaltbout, Paris. Two to three years' engagements guaran teed to big attractions. Shooting Gallery Supplies LATEST NOVELTIES. Write for U! Ultra tad 0»t*- B*j N. Beoond St.. Philadelphia, Pa. ZAMBESI GEM Great Discovery, Experts can not detect It from gen- uine diamond. Costa but one-tenth. In brilliancy and cut It has no equal. Setting solid gold. Write for illustrated catalogue. HOWE A CO., Dcpt-C, asa Dearborn St, Chicago. JACKSONVILLE, FLORIDA. POPULATION, 50,000, BURBRfDGE'S THEATRE WANTS VAUDEVILLE, WEEK SEPT. 7. Florida Stats Troops Encampment Opens Labor Day. All Act. Must B* Capable of Playing B.fom Refined Lady Audience.. JAMES D. BURBRIDGE, Manager. Woaldllki'to lirar from first class repertoire MM week. Write quick, giving term, or lowest salary first letter. lleferenee. rei|n In-tl HA8 ENGAGED THE MUSICAL HEWETTES, FIVE IN NUMBER, AS VAUDEVILLE FEATURE. A I SCENIC ARTIST, CHARACTER MAN, PROPERTY MAN FOR BITS AND SPECIALTIES. state all particulars and lowest aalary, with expenses. In llrst letter. No lime for correspondence. Mtistjoln on receipt of wire. Other useful Repertoire I'rnple, write. Address C1I4S. W. RBNNEH, Msnogrr, taint Paris, Ohio. Paul!. Floreoce SPLASH I SPRAY High Divers Supreme, At Liberty for balance of Season after Aug. B. Address all First Class Agents or ONE SHEET LITHOS. PAUL J. SPLASH, Columbia, Ohio. Aflor Aug. B, BILL 1I0AKD, Cincinnati, 0. My Repertoire, wanted, for the My Specialties. Howard-Dorset Co. "Held hy th. En- emy,*' "Hast from Mexico," " II 11 1. 1 Klrkr," "My Lady Good Juvenile Leading Woman, Slate I ull purtlo- Nell," "Phi i l of ulars. Have weok Nov. v open between Parkers- Kovoy," " Llttl. burg and Bellalro. Address MlnWter." OKO. H. HOWAItl), Lexington, Ky. Howard of Dorset, The Iliokmitn., Jack Besalu aad The Trunin's In Having; Plo- turr. and Ill««- truted Hong.. W ARM1I1Q V '' THE UN0EHSIGNED ' AM TH£ AUTHOR AND SOLE OWNER SI A II Ulna I OF THE MUSICAL COMEDY, IN THREE ACTS, ENTITLED JONAH AND THE WHALE, COPYRIUIITKD AND FULLY PROTECTED. TOM WATERS, (lomedlan, with Ruble and Mack's "World Moalers." iar A 1VTED, MUalCIANS for BAND and ORCIIESTUAi LEADER of OIK II KSTIlA, one who run ARRANGE; THAI- DRUMMER. « Itli good Hue of Trap.) Al COMEDIAN, one that can put on aet. and MAN AGE HTAUH. (NOTE.)— Peoplo inu.t tio all Al and under- stand their business, as Ihl. Is fur n. Circuit of Theatre, and Oiura llou.ea. You pay your own board. State all particular. In drat letter. GENERAL AMUSEMENT CO., Car. of NEW YORK CLIPPER, If. Y. AT LIBERTY FOR COMING SEASON, 9 LIVE, HUSTLING AGENT, Good Adilrosa, Close contractor, Oood Press Agent; sober sttd reliable, olvo me tho paper and I will get yon tho money. Itestiouslblo managers of one or unco uiglu simids address Care of (1KN. DHL., CIIAKLBHTON', W. VA. THE LAND O' COTTON. AH Ladles and Dentlemen engaged for the above organization will report for llcheiirsals MONDAY, AUO. 10, 10 A. M., at NO. lUSOITll CLARK HT.. OIMCAOO. ILL. Acknowlnlgo 'I'lILS CALL AT tlNCK TO JUNKER & CORCORAN, Morrison Hotel, Chicago. HI. (NO KXCL'SKS ) WAITED, Myrkle-Harder Stock Co., 8TA0E DIRECTOR Character Man), Musioal Director (Piano}, 80ENIO ARTIST, VAC DE- VILLE FEATURE ACT. Others write. 40 Weeks' Work to tbe right people TKLL ALL KIKST LKTTKIL Address KIKIKNK J. HALL, WABIIINOTON C. II., OHIO. MUSICIANS WANTED For CARL CLAIR'S BAND. Clarionet, Cornet, First Horn, and All Instrumsnts, For Balance of I Soiilirette with Strong Specialty und can Iiml an opening for GOOD STOCK PKUI'LE, AM, LINKS. Vehicle ville Acts r^NSBF IN 0NE CAN QET WANTED Address. DAVID R. BUFF1NT0N, ■ sukbM'B theatre, nkw Bedford, mass. WANTED IMMEDIATELY, rou SWALLOW & MARKLE'S New Grand Floating Palace, A- No.l Comedy. Musical or Novelty Act that Doubles In Brass; also First Class Corncltlst: other Musi- cians, write. Kit. Piatt, wrlie. Only art IslS or recognized ability need apply. Management pays all expenses after joining-, line aiatcrnoniK, excellent board^cunalilerate {treatment, and a long season, combine In making this a vory desirable engagement. Address, with full pnnlcitlars und lowest salary, Henry, III., Aug. G; Chilllcothe, III., Ang. 6, Pekln, 111., Ang. 8; Havana, III., Aug. 10. WANTED- COMPKTKNT MANAGERS to Handle the 8th Annual Tonr of Those . . Superb .Vovelty Entertainers, And Associated Artl-t*, In Their Lntest Illtulonaiy Travesty, "THE FLIGHT OF PRINCESS IRIS." C.m uso two big Kovelty aiieelallles. Also Musicians tor band and orchestra. Managers, send open time to FRANK FOX, caro of Rouclcre's Urollo Park, Singac, N. J. Musicians, address 8. It. JONKS, Singac, N. J. Good Sketch Team Immediately for Medicine Show. Continuous engagement for Versatile Team, with plenty of stud. Must lie ludy and gem Iciniui on anil ntrxtago. Top salary to tup people. Must opun Aug. 10 ui Min- nesota. OTD tilt GOOD PKOPLK, WKITK. Address DR. 0. 1). CltAM, llolelMor rlsuii, Chicago. 111., mull Aug. ?, then llnx IIP, Mltineapolla, Minn. Wanteds Strong Act, for NILES, MICH., OPEN STREET FAIR, WEEK OR AUG. 17. Legiti mate l'rlvilegcs For Bale. F. W. ltlOHTER, Nllea, Mich. AT LIBKUTY FOR HKASON. WHO J fmiicesMcNULTY SISTERS "" NOVELTY VOCALISTS AND MODERN SHOE DANCERS. Carry our.own apeclal seme and electrical eircota. , .. * PERMANENT ADDRESS, SHERIDAN STATION, AI.LK0I1KNY CO., PA. • • DOT KARROLL" CO. AI AGKNT; the best I*ER. m [tie Chas. K. Harris Popular Songster . a. t>Knb thaf ran Iip rtnhlloliprf It sinntnlna n« - ------ . . _*•* ,*. bat 6-ng Book that csnLepnhllshed. It contains no antldeluvlan program lores adv.m.. „ 2S Sifrtruted muiJo, Mttl or songs that might have been, bat up to ISTSSm? m& thtt «%wl..l*,suchee THB WORD DKATER, "I'M WEARING MY HEART AWAY FOR YOU;" THE UE AtJTIFUL PASTORAL, "IN THE HILL8 OF OLD CAROLINA," And UK. HARRIS' Latest Instantaneous Child Ballad Success. "ALWAYS IN THE WAY." w not be deceived Into buying a bnncn of paper with a title page. A HARRIS book la always ^Tfioaiera-dMlrlw special title Rhonld give as an early call. Out or town managers' corresponU- c'rrtti receive the usual promptaUentlon. Write for samples. CHICAGO: era ft HARRIS. Manager, X8W YORK; MEYER COHEN, Manager. „., . _ 31 W. .list St. We nave closed onr Milwaukee ofllce; orders must be sent to the above address. si: 818. 619 Ogden Bldg. !iOTB.-»«nr it '»» BUSINESS , N. J., MEN'! Labor Day, Sejpt. T to lti, »03, Inclusive ALL KINDS OF SHOWS WANTED. PMialatlon, 125,000, Adjacent Territory, 200.000. Reduced fares on all Railroad*. Address KDWAHU B. WHITE, 170 Market St., Puteraon, N. J. Office Hoars, O to 4. Long Distance Tel., Palcr.on 04. THIS WEEK, CHICAGO OPERA. HOUSE. A Pot-Pourri of Symphonic Nonsense, entitled Have some Open Time latter part of August and Sept. Vaudeville Acts Wanted & and X«ELtex% LAKE MICHIGAN PARK THEATRE, "SaT Write or wire, W. R. REYNOLDS, Mgr. MARION and DEANE, 4 The acme of all refined dancing acts, making a killing all along the line. Now "lt'a up to yon." {> "V X T • * ALL ARTISTS ENGAGED FOR THE COMING SEASON Vx.AJLy.aW • * WITH THE 4 jBjRCXViZ r :LVS 9 in "Tke President's Daughter," Kill pieino Report at the Oilltc ol BROWN & WALTERS, as per address. SATURDAY, AUO. 22, at 10 A.M. Hume Ross and Lewis, Florence Hill, Clayton nnd Fox, Myers Sisters, Lew Hlatt, Evereit Kempton, Hamlet unci Moore, Lettic Holmes. Anna Bvthe, Coy sinters, Fred literal, Wm. Stublis, Jack Mi ton, Winnie Hamlet, Susie Foil?., Sain Moore. Please answer tills call at once. 25V W. 30111 St,, New York. CHARLES I.. WALTERS, Sole Manager, P.S.— Can Use Lady Musicians -who Play Brass. No Parades or Ontsldc Work FOR THE NEW RUBE SHOW, OLD UNCLE BRADLEY, >: w Manager, FIRST CLASS Band and Orchestra Leader, Actors that Double Brass, Musicians for land iml Orchestra, flood salaries to good people. Show opens Oct. 1 ; Car Show. F\ DAVIS, Kalamaioo, IVticH. Garside, Condit & Mack Want Comedian and Boubrette with Specialties, Character and Juveni!e Ken to Doable Braes, toiler useful people write. State full particulars. Can use mnn with A 1 picture machine. Address J. S. GAHSIDE, Tumai|aa,'Pa. JACK G. TAYLOR COMPANY. WAiNTPTn FIRST CLASS COMEDIAN with Strong Specialties, GOOD CHARACTER .""'■ ■ *aU f wOMAN.fonc with child preferred). USEFUL DRAMATIC and SPECIALTY "MjrLK, write. Tell all first letter. Don't misrepresent. Pay your own. Sgggjjgg TAYLOB and SIMPSON, Honston, Teias, Aug. 3-16. JOE IURTO NELLIE \rVII_S WM. LOWANI BIJOU CIRCUS. 3 PEOPLE. i PONIES. » DOGS. 3 MINUTE VAUDEVILLE CIRCUS. :• IAD Y TRAPEZE. :: ACROBATS. :: JUGGLING. TRICK PONIES. :: RIDING D00S. ?0 OTHER ACT LIKE IT. Stcond Week Luna Park, Coney Island, -V. V. JOE BTJKTO. Manager. - pln, write. JA3. 0*I1ARA, Mgr., Potsdam, N. Y. Starr Comody Oo., WANTS MEN for Characters, Juveniles, Heavy, Comedy and (Ion. Bus.; also u Lady Pianist. Rehearsals Aug, 17. One, two and three til jht stands. Send program* and photos It pos- sible, and state ALL first letter. Long, pleasant engagnment to good people. FRANK J. STANTON, Mgr., McGregor, la. Tho9e who wrote before, write again. WANTED, For KING-PERKINS COMPART, Y0UNO. FINE LOOKING LADY PIANIST. An ac- complished musk-Ian, experienced In playing for strong specialties. Long and pleasant one night stand engagement. Address FRANK 0. KINO, Manager, Esthcrvllle, Iowa. Wanted, a Partner, With Small Capital, TO PUT OUT A KOAD AT- TKAOTION. New and Novel Plan. Sure winner. Good time booked. Address SOUVENIR, care of NEW YORK CLIPPER. WANTED, To Hear From Good Comedian BY SOUBRETTE WITH GOOD ACT. EMMA WRITE, 1(1 Broadway, Buffalo, N. Y. Anatomical Museum For Sale. Seventv-Ove Pieces. A MONEY MAKER. Address J. H. Parkeh. 3714 Stale St.. Chicago, 111. SPLENDID SHOW TOWN! Railroad Centre, Between Norfolk, Va.; Richmond. Vn.; Wilming- ton, N. C, and Chnrleslon, S. 0.; new opera house, uew scenery; good attractions solicited. MAY Ik. VAUQHAN, MORS., ROOKY MOTJWT, N. ft FOR Four Special Brunswick-Balke Oollanilnr Company Bowling Alleys, In excellent condition. Add. W. A. Huppuch, Handy Hill, N. Y. BROBST TRIO, GEO., MADGE and YOUNG "SKATES." An np to date comedy creation, "Watch the Balance." Booked solid until October. Home address, POTTSVILLE, PA. SLOT WEIGHIN6 SCALES. ALL "IRON," S2&. PICTURE MACHINES, $18.50. Punching Machines, fit: ROOEUSMFO. CO., 174 LINCOLN ST., BOSTON, MASH. In Memorial of Adele Zedora, Beloved Wife of TONY ZEDORA, who departed this life July 30, 1002, in I|HWlcli, Eng. IN MEMORY EVER DEAR, BY HKR80KR0WINU SISTER AND BROTHER. WANTED, SIDE SHOWS, ALL KINDS OF AMUSEMENTS for the lllg Grangers' Picnic, Wil- liams' Urovo, Pa., Ang. 24 to si. Address letters to D.TltlMPER, Ocean City, Md. "I WILL WAIT" BIO i*. P. S.— lint, now, yon will have to wait also, as I am In the same Fix you're In. WILL YOU WAITr Answer CI.II'PErt lerd of "AFTER T 18 AI.HEAOV REI.VO BKATEN DV HE t BALL" r Throe-fourth:* ol the Lending Singers will use It the coming season. Are you innoiig IlienU TOLBERT R." INGRAM MUSIC CO.. DENVER, COL. A. OLBNIN, Mgr, r.i.piionp iiio.v.'Hiii it. Metropolitan Electric Stage Lighting Co., MANlIFAOrilREFtS AND IMPORIERS OF THEATRICAL l_ A IV1 l=> S, Electro-Optical Stage Lighting Apparatus and Effects. LAMPS RENTED. CONTRACTS MADE FOR LI0I1TIN0 UP SHOWS, B«nd for catalogue. M WEST 40th ST., NEW YORK, opposite Bniplro Tlioalro. LOUIS P0WBRS, LETTIE WEST, JuvmIIii, Light Comedy, Specialty. Ingenuei, Small Parte. Five Seasons with WARD .t VOKEH. Bost of refenmecs from K. I). BTAIR and HAH. WARD. Farce Comedy, Drama or HurlcKiiuo. Address MULDOON'B PICNIC CO., Week Aug. a, Wolwtor, Mass.; week Aug. lo, Providence, R. I. Permanout address, n Klppy at., Kverult, Mass. WANTED, DRAMATFC PEOPLE For SHERMAN'S STOCK CO., Hamilton, Canada, Also SHERMAN'S CASTLE SQ. Stock Co., Brantford, Can. Those doing spcclnltles given preference. Can also usu a few good people for ilia Sherman'* Summer's Comody Oo. for the coining Wlu:or season. Those wliu wroln and received nn answer, write again. Address WM. H. 8I1BUMAN, Shorman Park, llamlllon, Canada. EDSALL-WINTHROPE STOCK GO. WANT QTJICS (OWINU TO DlSAITOIfVT.UKrtT,) Piano Player, must arrange; Woman with Strung Specialties, for hifiiiII imris, uml a few morn gooil Versatile ltcpormirc pcoplu; those doing weawuee, write. MUST STATIC age, height, weight, and full partlc iilnrs, with very lowest salary llrsl letter, ray your own hotels. (Week stands). Must Join on receipt of wire and llekelH, Rolinnrsals, Monday. EDHALL A OSMAN, llanlslown, Ky. WESTVILLE FREE STATE FAIR, WESTVILLE, ILLINOIS. AU0.2BtoAUO. 30. SUNDAY INCLUDED. WAWTETi r*crrlH Wheel, Merry-Oo-Round and Hlilo Shows of all kinds. Coma nnd get Hid II HI. IfilJ, money. Everything goes. Wo furnish free current. This Is n mining town uml everybody hasni'iney. For spucc, address F. M. BARN KM, WIS Chicago Open, llousn lllock, Ulileago, ill. LA ROSE OPERA HOUSE, L..V ROSE, IMn \ GOOD SHOW TOWN, 1U0 MII.KS FROM CHICAGO. Population, 300 ; Sealing, Cap., 400, With Gallery. Dimensions of stage, 19x40. F. L. HUNT'S "KINO PINO PONC" PLAYS OUT. 31. Play nn guaranloo or PER CENT. Aildress for particulars and open lime. r. N. HOOD, Mgr. BIG MONEY FOR GOOD, CLEAN ATTRACTIONS AT The Veterans' Encampment At S0DU8 POINT, fl. Y, WEEK OF AUO. 24. THOUSANDS OF PEOPLE ATTEND EACH DAY. Wrllc C. M. CATliIff, ciiarlormiisler, al Zurich, N. Y., for parllcnlars, Iteport for It plirar.al Man* day, Ang. 10, at 10 o'clock .harp. eSSE? rose HILL FOLLY CO. ^L e b°I l o1RICESB4RT0N'SBIGGAYETYC0., Report for Rehenranl Thursday. Aug. W, ut la o'clock sharp. Built companies report ul Ml E. llxth St., New York City. (P. S.— Can use a few more good looking Chorus (lirls ) Acknowledge thlahy mall at once. RICE A BARTON. WANTED, for FLORA DeVOSS' TWO COS., REPERTOIRE PEOPLE, QUICK. Muni have guild wardrnlio and llifironghlv solwr and rellalilo. You gel your snlnry every week. No lime for lengthy correspondence. Pay your own telegrams, and I wllldo likewise. Address J. II. llOTNOllI, M«r., 111. hmo.nl, III. Comedy Character. "A String Town Yap," of Curlclou and Tcrre, In Vaudcvii le. 568- THE 1STEW YORK CLIPPER. ' August ?a THE TERRIFIC WALTZ SONC SUCCESS FROM THE WEST. WHEN ALL GOES WRONG Words and Music by J. ADBIAN. We take plenar.' In not III) ing our many professional friends that we have opened up Large and to have you rail and nee u.. We nave aonga on hand to lit any style of art. Let ua know your wan MR. 1IUBKIIT H. II ItKSN KN, of llreiineu and Htory, will he In charge of our Branch Ufllce, a* Manager business communication) to the Bin In Office. Commodlou. Branch Office. In the CLIPPER BUILDING No.*7 tt«l a*tU St.. where we w „, b, u ,.. ». When 111 town call. Elevatorat your .ervlre. When out of towji »eml program. Cnid. » *' H and General Repre.entatlve. MISS STORY win have rl..ir K e of the Professional Parlor,? Addr ' Ho ' IN/IAIN OFFICE, 534 Smtthfleld St., Pittsburg, Pa. MISS LIZZIE B. RAYMOND IIMVI For Vaudeville or Farce Comedy For Season 1903 and 1904. Address oare CLIPPER Office. ALEXANDER BROTHERS' PLAMTATIOM GENUINE NEGRO MINSTRELS ATCD WONDER COHXBT BAND. A Revelation In Minstrelsy, New, Grand and Original Pint Part, Plantation Pattlmei, A Life Picture of Scene* In the Cotton Field Before the War. A FEATURB-OUR BAND PARADE- A NOVELTY. SPECIAL PAPBR AND PLENTY OP IT. Managers Wanting a Minstrel Novslty Mend Open Time to Address (liven Below. Wanted, Colored Performers, Hale and Female. %ZT\X: D -S Team, Male and Female gunrtot, Leader (or B. and 0. Any male or female tarn strong enough 10 mako good. Make your salary rlghL Must lie ladles and gentlemen; will lie treated an such. Otters can't last. Old Timers, write. SHOW OPENS OIIICACO. SEPT. 1. Season fi weeks. Send full partic- ulars and program. Address G. W. ALEXANDER, P. O. Box 373, Dnluth, Minn. Want an Al Diner and Sleeper to Carry 80 People. Must Stand R. K. Inspection. THE METRGPLOITANS. LEADING WOMAN, HEAVY WOMAN AND HEAVY MAN, CLEVER CHILD FOR ONE PART AND SPECIALTIES; ALSO GOOD LEADER (PIANO). PLAY8.-"Man'g Enemy," "Caught in tbe Web" and ■'The Road to Bain." Managers, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Ohio, Kentucky and West Virginia, 1 have the exclusive rights to above ways. You must not allow others to produce them. Send open time and terms, three night stands. B. W. WILSON, Upper Alton, IU. ~wantbd7 • EERS-WRIGHT KMOTIONAL LEADING WOMAN, A SOUintI}TTE, WITH SPECIAXTIRS ; A COM- ' HIM AN, OltOHKHTRA IiEAllKlt, and other good people. Must be very best. Good dressers. Send full particulars first letter. imi'lUa & WRIGHT. 4 State Street, Schenectady, N. Y. ON ACCOUNT OP THE HENRY SHOW NOT GOING OUT, BESSIK GORDON SISTERS ALICE In a Pint Class Novel Bag Punching and Boxing Exhibition. Both work In Burlesque. Address 330 E. 1.1th Street, New York. Burt M.JACK aild PAULVynnie LIOHT and LOW COMEDY, SOURRETTES, INGENUES, ROUOH and NEAT BOYS, STRONG SPE- CIALTIES. FAROE COMEDY, DRAMA or REPERTORY. Address After Aug. 8, Gen. Del., Muticle, lnd. BURT M. JACK, Eclipse Park Stock Co., St. Louis, Mo. JUST THE THING TO SEND TO MANAGERS *ND AGENTS, YOUR PHOTOGRAPH ON A rOSTAL CARD. Let them see how you look. It yon cannot call for silting we will make vour Postal Photos from any picture ynu may send us, and return same with the order dlled. 2So. for Three Photos, f 1 a Dc/.en. SCHBRER, 'Fotografer, oruor uuou. j-j^ Broadway, New York, block from CLIPPER Office. Wont go to Europe— LAWRENCE, 'VAUDEVILLE'S BEST MIMETIC." -Too busy here. FT72TZS A CO., Wig and Toupee Makers, PAINT and POWDER. McVICKER'S THEATRE, Chicago, 111. Telephone— Central 604. Send for Catalogue. DP u YANKAUER & CO.. IS 5IA.MPACTIRF.RS, *,« 156 VEST B'WAY, H. Y. WHOLESALE. NOW 18 THE TIME TO HAVE YOUR MUSIC PUBLISHED We Solicit an Examination of your Manuscript*. We write Music to Word* and Words to Music, Publish and ponn!*ruse Songs, Etc. We pay royalty. PIONEER PUBLISHING CO., 517 Baltimore Bldg^ Chicago. III. GRISWOLD BROTHERS COMPANY IN REPERTOIRE ROYALTY PLAYS. KNOE. Must Route and Uook, etc. WANT SOIIElt, REI.IA1II.E ADVANCE IAN OP EXPKRI- J. II. OltlSWOLl). HUT (juurlur St., Charleston, W. Va. o u^nPairDmsl FAD OSTF i* 1 II I' 10 including 4uriei , »e, Superb Musk-, Electric ntnLBlnlUn IUB DAllas UaauAr, rt11 d Water Motors: M. Welle A Son, Frei- burg make; helirht, lift.; width, SfL: depth, art : recently tuned and thoroughly rcrnlred: Is In One condition, and can he seen and heard. Cost, $1,300; two CASH, takes It. A RARE IIAROAIN. Address quick, for full particulars. A. TERP1NNINO, Rondont, 5. Y. EC McSWAINS, D. J. JlrSWAH, Gan ManluaUtnr, Baton Twirling- and Clog Dancer; B. E, HrSWAlN, Electrician Stage Manager, Agent or r-arts. Address TUB Mi'S WAINS, Gen. Del., Glendalc, W. Va. SUMMER RESORT FOR SALE BY ADMINISTRATOR. PBICE LOW AND TEEHS EAST. The finest and liest psylog Resort In Central New York. Must lie sold to cloie an estate. Eighty- live acres of ground. On tbe shore of a beautiful lake. Hotel, Dancing Pavilion, Carousal and many other buildings In first class repair. Average dally attendance now 3,000 people. Twenty minutes' ride on double track electric railroad from city 160,000 Inhabitants. Also connected by Del., Lack, and West. R. R., Boulevard and boat line. Resort now In full operation. Write at oice for particulars, photographs.etc.to GEO. II. BOND, No. 18 White Memo. Building. Syrscnge, N. Y. 1908 1004 CATALOGUE 6,000 copies ready July l. the old catalogue useless one, so aa to avoid delay. C. A. TAYLOR 39 A 41 E. Randolph St., 130 W. Madison St, CHICAGO; 131 W. 38th Sty NEW YORK. The many changes make Drop a postal for a new Trunk Works. 1THE ONLY PLACES TAYLOB TBTJIKS Can be bought. We have no Agencies. SCENERY Globe Scenery Co., Painters of High Grade Artistic Scenery, House and Road Stuff of All Descriptions. GLOBE SCENERY CO., Tiffin, O,, No. It to 24 Empire Park Place. YOU WILL BE COHVINCED OF THE PRESTIGE IN A "CROSS" LETTER HEAD Free Samples, Contracts, Tickets, Envelopes, Etc. CHOSS 868 DEARBORN ST., CHICAuO. Pkg. STAGE MONEY, 15c. BOOK OF CPT8, 20c. WANTED QUICK, FOR UNCLE TOM'S CABIN COMPANY, Al Tuba, Clarionet and Trap Drummer. Other useful people, write. Long season. FOR SALE, 60ft. Round Top, 40ft, Middle Piece, In good shape. Add. J. D. CHDNN. Downs, Kansas. Lady Acts of All Description*, Contortionists, Frying Rings, Musical Team, Anything that will stop the lionch. People who appreciate a long season, sure money ana good treatment, write. WM. H. COOK, Sylvan Beach, N. Y. P. S.— Complete blank tent outllt on per- ccniagctoacleverspleler. Forsale, SoxOQ Top only. ROOVERS ALUMINUM NAME PLATE MACHINES, Almost New, at $40 Each. O.C.BAIR, Tiffin, d. BETHANY STREET FAIR AND CARNIVAL, SEPT. 8, 9, 10 and II, 1903. The King Of All Street Fair- of North Missouri. 0OOD 10c. ATTRACTIONS WANTED ON PER CENT. Also Free Street Attractions Wanted. Ad- dress . W. SAMWIGIITMAN. Bclhanv, Mo. WANTED. A Position as Pint or Second Advance, or Props, with a Reliable One Night or Bepertolre Co. Experienced, sober and reliable. Not afraid of work. Uan use the brush when necessary. Address p. o. Box No. tun, Greensboro, N. 0. Booked Solid 40 Weeks Clarionet, Tuba to Double Bass, Violin to Double Cornet. write or wire at once. No parades. J. P., Care of St. Charles Hotel, 16 S. Clark, Chicago, III. THE NEW RATIONAL EUSIG, "ON TO VICTORY NOBLE SONS" and "HER LOVER WHO SAILED ON THE MAINE" are used by all U. 3. Government Bands wherever the itag floats. Orchestra, 10 pis. and piano, 7Sc; 14 and piano, SI. Military bauds, 76c, less S discount. U. 0. SPAHHAWK, Pub., ' i South Broukland, fa. c. 1 1 Rooms Name Plates XTgZSF&g. num. SOcts. pound. New Gum Machines, t% 60 each. Other machines at a sacrifice, to close an estate A snap fur buyers whllo It lasls. Rings' Amusement Co., 41 and 43 University Pluce.N.Y.O. WIGS 6. SHINDHELM, Theatrical Wig MAKER. Good work for low prices. 118 West 26ih STREsT, New York. Send Bfamo for price lint. CO WINS, SIN DIC, FUR8 Choice assortment Imported Gowns, Opera Cloaks, almost new. Bargain. 440 eth Ave., New York. OFFICE, 47 West 28th St., New York City. THE FAMOUS TROUBADOURS Colored Comedy Co., under the management of E. W. DALE, has proven' to be the real hit nr ,». The company presents a New Musical Comedy, bright, sparkling, refined, amusing and until ■■ entitle.,, lhA P lOdjf. entitled the "EX-PRESIDENT OF LIBERIA." DCCT SIIOEBS HI". A I MUSICIANS", uf BnV I DANCERS. FINEST C ™S*., 26 ARTISTS, DANCERS. ' ALL STARS. ■ ■ — m ■ cogT «".;, FIFTEEN STYLES 8PECIAL PAPER. Our Motto NOT QUANTITY, BUT QUALITY TIME BOOKING RAPIDLY. Want to hear at once from High Class Colored Performers with clean, up to date Sued*™.. ..j i, also Chorus Girls. FuU particulars first letter, Kickers save stamps. *~»iuisi h Novelties AdareM aii communications to E. W. DALE, Hfl'gr., Cape May, N. J, "A WORLD WIDE CIRCULATION. ' THE OLDEST AND HOST INFLUENTIAL THEATRICAL AND VAUDEVILLE JOURNAL. THE ERA E8TABUSBED 1887. 49 WELLINGTON STREET, STRAND. LONDON, W. C. FOREIGN SUBSCRIPTIONS. 3»s. par annum. PROFESSIONAL, ADVERTISEMENTS, 6d. per Una. aaTKBifiaW AJtTISTBS VISITING 1 THE METBOPOLIS DSB THE ERA OFFICES 11 THEIB PERMANENT LONDON ADDRESS. 2,500 ARTISTE8 ADVERTISE IN ITS COLUMNS WEEKLY THE SAVOYS James BI6 LAUQHING HIT WITH RINCLINC BROS. Originators of the Boxing Act with Lady on Hippodrome Track and other Novel Entrees, assisted by Punch and Puff, the World's Greatest Ping Pong Dogs. Have Open Time for our ACROBATIC COMEDY SKETCH after NOV. IS, Home address, Capitol Ave., Meriden, Conn., or Singling Bros., as per Route. THE GREAT ENGLISH VAUDEVILLE PAPER, THE and THBATRB REVIEW, 401 Stx-amd, Uondon, .C. FOREIGN SUBSCRIPTION, . . . PROFESSIONAL, ADVERTISEMENTS. - - 8s. 8d. PER YEAR 3a. Od., Single Column Iach "Snsr^SSSiSS^^SSS^- From Mr, Ed. Lester, ef "Nugget Trii. RELIEF IN HO MINUTES. A certain cure for Inflammatory, muscular and chronic rheumatism, gout, sciatica, colds, la jrrlppe, pains In the shoulders, arms, legs, back, stiff Joints, neck, etc.; Cue. a box. Inquire at druggists, or sent by mall. FOR FURTHER PROOF a trial package will be mailed to you on receipt of a 10c cln. IV. II. GRIFFITH, Ph. U., Prescription Pharmacist, 07 Third Avenne, cor. 11th Street, New York City. MR. WM. H. GRIFFITH— PEAR SIB: Itstfor* me great pleasure to add my testlmnctal to il* many yon receive, aud so r.cnly deserve, and *> Ing so I deem it my doty, not only to my iirottrr and sister professionals, but to any wbo ik afflicted. I can cheerfully vouch tortne ImmKI- ate relief my wife experienced after one trial « vour Rheumatic, NeurBlglaaudHeadacasTaW» I will highly recommend your Tablets to u BuiTerers. AT LIBERTY COMING SEASON, j JACK MATTHEWS,^ i FANCY TRICK AND NOVELTY BAQ PUNCHER. ( ) Punching Single, Double, Triples, Floor. Aerial, on Swinging Door, and others. Swell ^ outllt, and strictly up to date. Will be pleased to hear from all reliable managers. Address 408 RALPH AVE., Brooklyn, N. Y. A^%%/%%<%%^i%'%«a>%'%i^fr%^%«iy%«ir%»%«av%^ 1 Mill, K1W ID EMBROIDERY fflllHH IS NOW LOCATED IN LARGER QUARTERS, At No. 716 Lexington Ave., near 68th St., NEW YORK* WHERE THE MOST COMPLETE LINES OF EXCLUSIVE DESIGNS AND MATERIALS ABE TO BE FOUND. A CALL IS RESPECTFULLY SOLICITED. . < ■ WANTI H-OI Allen's New Orleans Minstrels I0E, IYBA and BBETKR KEATON. wToViU? KrlTac^ ftSg* f*» 'V.'h* 3 ! 1 ^ ee *- ,. Tn « ola , roI1 « 6 H<""ld be ashamed of themselves to live offa Utile Kid. I'll '*»»" , s no their Son all right; they havejust picked him np somewhere. (What a lucky llnd> 1 j>_o. n ; ] I know nicy *s'!l cause they don't wear any diamonds or good clot'hesT'' Sep'r' 7"V4."2l".*a»: OcL 6, 12 sud VJ, o|*n. going East. Ingeraolt Park, Pea Moines, in Aug. b. how they ever stayed tbe week out. ,'i guess they" don't gef much' salary. _i The ELLIOTT DRAMATIC SCHOOL, JlSSfe ih r ! n . e . r !tT, I ?*i , . a8 o* 11 w "?°" Barrctt » nd M»»P« priee aSr.BU| Galt- le Sapportcre, ipportor*. 118 rent*. bad for catalogue and umplii • f light* ftae. T'oaltlT.ly a da- •lt required. Satisfaction guaran- - or money refunded. BP1CRR BROS., M Woodbine 8t~ Brooklyn, 5. T. »ddrr~ Tlghta, »».00i Cottoa Tig •l.OOiillk Tlghu, from I a . »5 Skirts to match all aaaao pt aa 1 1 g b u i P a m p i . I •re, »1.00| Klaitl $1.00| Cloth Snppoi ESS Old (tend hut new address.) UHER 20TH CENTURY DAZ2LERS No. U, LadieV or Gents' Gold Shell King, set with twojotri Century dtunoDd Cut BriltlanU like cut Each75cb*mall.S*nd for our Catalogue of W*1fhf*, Jdwalry, Slltt prar*. 8l**t BHHIbbU, i'dMs. Bad Girt gsow Gc&di, lajfc S«»p, Prcf, HirBfiaoB'i Gr^iM PaUis, Bunt Cork, Fin Ftwtor, rtr. Ba«tltsr t t B**f BmIi. Beit plate t« «■?. Tbe OLD RELIABLE B. a UHER & CO. M VfiBBBk Art., ttklf*, m, rHHil WINDOW CARDS LETTERHEADSC0NTRACT5 334 DEARBORN ST. CHICAGO. BALLOONS Gas Generator*, Alrahip* aad Slodeli . AEROIAUT LEO STEVE5S, Box 181, Madison So.., N. T. BTAMP FOB. PRICES. A.M. BL'Cli & CO.. -Wijf . Makers 1<9 N. 9th St., Philadelphia ease paint, powoers, rouge send stamp pos catalogue RIPANS TABCLES are the beet .dyspepsia medicine ever made. A "[hundred millions of tbem have /oeeu sold In tbe United States In a single year. Constipation, heart- burn, eici headache, dizziness, bad — — breath.eore tbroat,and every other Jiioeas arising from a disordered stomach are re- lieved or cored by Rip&n Tabulea. One will gen- erally give relief within twenty minutes. The flve- ceut package Is enough for ordinary occasions. Al, druggist* aeU them. Medicine Men's Snppliei Anything yon want. Cheapest house on earth. Elegant printing, and all yoo can nie of Itabeolutely tree of charge. Bend for free lecture*, sam- ple* and "pointers'' to-day. I e«" Te 5?xTcLA„ til Walnut St, Kama* City, Mo. HUB The above Is a sample of onr 76c. Newspaper Half Tone made for Posters, Newspapers, Letter Heads, etc. SPECIAL PRICE ON LARGER SIZES. Cats delivered when cash accompanies the order. Send 76c. for a trial order and be convinced. We do the beat wort p romptly and at the lowest price. KNOXVILLE EN GR AVISO CO., tit Hay 8t, anoxrllle, Term. CONJURING Apparatus. Best Quality. YOST A COMPANY, 48 N. Ninth St, (Established 1170.) Philadelphia. «** Descriptive catalogue for stamp. Above cut Is from photograph of two popular and stylish BARRIOS Diamond rings. Tbe mountings are extra quality gold filled (war- ranted for ten years) and exact copies of new designs In solid gold. The stones are guaran- teed to be genuine BABRIOS Diamonds, the whole producing tbe same effect aa rings costing hundred* of dollars. Price $2.00 for tbe gentleman's, fS.OO for the ladles' ring. For complete line of rings, pins, studs, brooches, etc, send for Illustrated catalogue. Mall orders promptly filled. BARRIOS DIAMOND COMPANY, 8utte 1201, St. James Bldg., 1185 B'dway, N.Y. OPERA CHAIRS, w HT Mot brighten Mp your theatre by putting In new Opera Chairs. I will take chairs (which have been nsed) in exchange, and allow a fair price. H. D. WARNER, 63 Fifth Avenue, cor. 13th Street, H. Y. City. Telephone: 1S47— 18th St. ayFrequently I nave second hand chairs for sale. 100 Pages of Original JOKES, STORIES and RECITATIONS, Especially Adapted for Stage Use. PRICBS BSc. Bent Prepaid. KAUFMAN PUB. CO., 877 Broadway. N.Y. Good Stuff for tbe Hebrew Comedian. THE CYCLONE... ROTARY HAND FAN. 1 HOT BKLUB for Agents. Balls ever/- where tr.d to ererybodr. A bonanza for picnic. Fair. Show and Street Bajaawaaa, It'a a lumtner cooler and can.ratsa a itroBfr draft of air W1TH01T unset, and with 10 UKKTIOl. airraa a illrai Mtewnt of la* Ikaaa. It haa a three- bladed pollahed Aluminum Fan, Pollihed Wood Handle, few parte. !■ eitremelj simple, nolaelea*. light and artlitlc One I 000,000 lelarr Fax asM hat r*ar. ret eomparatlTelT r.w people bare aeen on*. Caten to mar *1», WOaUS ISO CHILD. Price. .i H igeeala. U ee.1*. Agent, and dealer* wanted ererrwhere. H* li m a, la. Write for particular*. ,— ENTERPRISE MFG. CO. 156 LAKE STREET, CHICAGO, ILL r MUSICAL 6LASSES, Substantial, loud, pure In tone, easy to tone and play. Photo*, references, cata- lcrue.wlth foil Information How to pi a T f l a w * sooceeef ully, will be sent on receipt oflOc. A-Brauneiss, Olaseophone Mfr„ ua Lenox Avev, Hew Tort City. VAN FLEET, WATER CURLS SOUBRKTTE WIGB, Centre PARTI Itt or POMPADOIR S3.90 Others made to order of NATURAL WAVY HAIR, SILK NKTTIItO and best Workmanship, 110.00 to 115.00 each, according to color. ALL KINDS GENTS' CHARACTER WIGS |B.SO GENTS' DRESS WIGS tB.OO OLD MAIDS' WIGS §3.110 BIDDY WIGS »3.»0 LADIES' DRESS WIGB 88.00, 118.00 We keep constantly In stock from 1,600 to 3,000 assorted Wigs which are well made and guaranteed to fit Tbese Wigs can be bought In all colors at the above prices; but not In Gray nor White. The same In Gray or White cost from $3.60 to »9.00 each. SPECIAL ATTENTION given to mall orders. Goods eent 0.0. D. anywhere on receiptor $1.00, which will be deducted from the bill. Estimates furnished for higher grade goods, made to order. NECRE8C0U HAIR CO., 162 State St., 5th Floor, CHICAGO. ILL. rXnUf* B ■I'V BEFORE CONSULTING DON BUTourp5 e ^roON^oTi SLIDES AND QIIDDI IPC. OF ALL KINDS. . JUT iLlLJ — - CATALOGUE FRLE r STEREOPTICON AND FILM EXCHANGE 106 FRANKLIN ST.- CHICAGO. - W. B MOORE M'C'R. - MACHIHI THE ■•ERKO" STEREOPTICON, Best and Latest Model, $26 Only, with Any Radlunt. The Delight of Song end Poeee Plutlquee Illustrators Slide* of Louisiana Purchase EipoxUlon, the groat flood of 1B03, Pose*, Piaxtlnuos, etc. Manufacturers of Olivettes, Bpot Lights, Colors, Calcium Light Outilts, CoojpreHxcd Uases, etc. , Agent* for Edlaon'a Latest Products. ERKER BROS. OPTICAL CO., .T 0L,V LOUIS, MO. MISSOURI CALCIUM LIGHT CO., Compressed Oases Furnished. Electric Caiclumi 213 CUE8TKUT ST., St. Louis. GREAT BARGAINS IN MAGIC LANTERNS AND SLIDES. (-Send for onr great Spring bargain list. Latest goodu at half price. Also the Great Bright White Light, Electric and Calcium Outfits, Moving Picture Machines and Film. We bo; eecond bend outfit* and films. What have yon to sent WILLIAMS, BROWN & EARLE, Dept. B, No. 018 Caostaat Street, Philadelphia. 1TTENTI0N! D0CTOB8, MEDICINE PEOPLE AflD 8H0WHEN. Why handle rooky good* when yon can nandie good* that will sell the-, eeivesr Klectrto Belts from 11.00 per doa.to 141.00. Large variety to ee*i from. We alio make other stylet of Appliance* and Medloal Bttterlee. On* third oath required. Hot Springe Sulphur Soap, wrapped, IL10 per gross, Banal to William*. Trial order will convince. Largest Manufacturers of Beouo Belts and Appliance* In C. I A. BstabUehed UTS. Catalogue free. THE ELECTBIC APPLIANCE CO., BDrHnettTn, Kan. Jc^lVVVv\vxvnvvvv\^va; rors, Trlok Mate be* and Jewelry. Catalogue FBBB. PARK SOUVENIRS, Red, White and Blue Canes, Cane Rack Canes, Rubber Balls, Confetti, Dusters. Rustic Wood, Shell Good*, Rosettes, Celluloid Buttons. Comic Art Mir NEWMAN MFQ. CO.. Cleveland, Ohio. CENTRAL TRUNKS. Km., 1T.O0; Bin., 18.00; tan., It.OOi sein., $10.00: Win., lll.oo. Olront Trunks, Mxllxll, tT.OO. BUI Trunks. 80x35x15 Inside, lll.oo. Utho Trnnks, il>,xaj W. SSth St., New York, Bear CLIPPER Offlce. THEATRICAL Beet Equipped Property Shop In New York. We make everything used back of tbe curtains. TUBNEB COMPANY, "V5ViXZ n &J*.- m ^£2r> WRITE FOR ENGLISH, FRENCH AND AMER10AN STAGE MUSKY. COMING BOON t A RABBIT'S FOOT CO. The Funniest Colored Show on Earth. Bee It and be convinced. Can use Good Performers and Musicians, male snd female, all tlmea 88ft. Combination Car for sale cheap for cash. Will eat and sleep twenty-six people. Will boy Baggage Car and Steam Calliope. Address PAT CBAPFELLE, as per route In all Professional Papers' 47 WEST B8th STREET, SEW YORK. I. A. MURPHY and ELOISE WILLABD, Tho I a r terapors of CoBTersatloaal Co m »dy ~" II a-v. a Do. g h a a t." 'iWrS-MufaJ Cwprrtaht your acu, ploys, tketchee and songs. It will PAY you. Many Copyright* are wort n lees, because invalid. You can- not afford to take snob ohanoes. w* gaaranteo a valid copyright *t small cost. Opinions and legal advico. Patents ana Trada-Harka, Bend ItamD for particular*. Columbia Copyright and Patent Co., Inc bmdh etoa. laamiaeraa, a, *. STREETMEN AND PEDDLERS IE YOD WANT TO MAKE 10RBT EASILY AND QUICKLY •IND r OR OUR '8HURE Wl NNBR r?RIOI LIST and OATALOQUK FRII. ■ initiiiiiHHii im\\m\\\\\\\\\\\w SHOW TENT8. Equal to any In workmanship, tbape and quality. Get our prices before buying. Agent* for Kldirs light* and Baker torches. Black tents for moving pictures. Good second hand tent* from 84x10 to 126x300. at Bargain*. BAKER a LOOK wood, Successors to 0. J. Baker, m Delaware St. Kansas city, Mo. 8TERE OPTI- CON. $17. With Electric Arc, Calcium or Acetylene Light. Illustrated Song Hlldes, 20c, col- ored. FILMS IIOUOUT AND HOLD. L. UgTji. 802 II. 23d Htreet, New York City. 8H0W PRINTING S.0OO » color l-a skoeta, SIS. BOO IpKl.l Engrav»dl BUade, 1 3-4t. par ihtai, Intarrbang*- abla Staoda, 3 colon, tor Block Coopaalii, B 1-ae. par akoot. Catalogue Free. Stock Stroet Fair Paper MORRISON SHOW PRINT Detroit, Mlcfc. r SIEEEL COOPEB ED., Sole Agent* for Chicago FOB THE THEATRICAL TRUNKS. Renowned for GIVING THE BEST SATISFACTION. A 1 Weill Ul I STEREOPIIGOI GO. LI* mi 720 Htn niplri Ave., MlnneipoJIt, Minn, Largest Stock of Slides, Films and tap- pile* In the Northwest. Good Film* wanted. OABOHDBRB Bargain List* VIxVLED PROMPTLY. j| Appirttii, tic. Fill Migieil Apii ILLUSIONS, TRICKS, Grand End of Century, fully Illustrated. BOOK CATA- LOGUE, a*o, Catalogued FarlorTrlol free by malL atalogueof ParlorTrlokafrae. MARTINKA A COj Mfrs, aa* «tri Are.. S. T. INIERNATtONAt PLAY EXCHANGt. ROYAMY PLAYS- RfASONABll: RfNTS 1 VI a'-./uii Si CHICAGO III. ' 570 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. August 8. ■•■•■•■< r »•■ ~~! MITRAILLEUSE OF MELODY. Howley, Haviland & Dresser 1440 BROADWAY, CORNER 40th ST., Tne Holland Buildings 1 **^-^- %>*ss*x«'«^s'"»^sr^iF%»*s^w%/%^»^*«s*w ^•♦O CHICAGO NEW YORK SAN FRANCISCO i mill THE VOICE OF THE HUDSON MA HI THE BOYS ARE COMING HOME TO-DAY IN DEAR OLD ILLINOIS DRESSER'S The Music of THEODORE F. MORSE RILLIANT- ■rvii IOU! OUR PIANISTS THEO. F. MORSE WM. REDMOND, 1h» Best Blnger In any J1u.li Pub. Home. HENRY FRANTZEN CHAS. KOHLMAN BOB NOLAN FEED SPENCER. UP IN THE GOGOANUT TREE, THE SAME OLD CROWD, IF I SHOULD SAY I LOVE YOU? WHEN WE WERE TWO LITTLE BOYS, DEAR OLD GIRL, HURRAH FOR BAFFIN'S BAY, - RAVING, MARRIAGE IS SUBLIME, "L-l-B-E-R-T-Y," . . - NINE NEW SONGS THAT WILL BE SUNG Words by Edward Madden Words by Fred C. Farrell Words by Robert H. Davis - Words by Edward Madden Words by Richard Henry Buck Words by Vincent Bryan - Words by Vincent Bryan Words by Vincent Bryan Words by Joseph C. Farrell BY AS MANY MILLION PEOPLE. INSTRUMENTAL 1EWMK Walts. HENBY FBANTZEN. Published for Hand and Orchestra. ^WS**N* V > VNsrWS'S T 1 HOUSE! BROADWAY THE BIRTHPLACE OF BEAUTIFUL BALLADS. THE CRADLE OF ORIGINALITY. REPRESENTATIVES IN TRANSIT. Now York. SAM GROSS PETE CARROLL lr* Chicago. W. C. PARKER THEO. F. SNYDER ED. ROSE In 'Frisco. HARRY ALBERTS. INSTRUMENTAL .( LOVEY MARY Marcn. CHARLES KOHLIA!. Published for Band (nd Orchestra. J) i i s TWO CHOICE CREATIONS BY THVIII.ANO CHATIAWAY, WHEN JANE AND I WERE WED. I 'VE CROWN SO US ED TO YOU. DAVE KKED JII.'S UHKAT COON SONUS. SAMMY SAMPSON'S SENECAMBIAN BAND. I'M THINK1 N' OF YOU ALL OF T HE WHILE. PACE. BARNES' LATEST FANCY, BUZZIN' AROUND . IIUGIIIE CANNON'S BONGS CONTINUE TO COP THE CIRRKSCV. WON'T YOU KINDLY HUM OlD "HOME, SWEET NOME" TO ME ? ALIO BUSBY, DON'T CO AWAY. HARRY MOH1US ("There I* Something Dlddlng") HITS 'EM IP AGAIN, In H IN KEY DEE. RICHARD P. HO IT'S TREMENDOUS BASS SOU), ACROSS THE BAR . TWO TOUCHING TRIBUTES FROM JAMBS THORNTON, SOME DAY YOU'LL CALL ME BACK AGAIN. THERE'S A MOTHER ALWAYS WA1TIN0 YOU jT N OME, SWEET HOME. LEARN THEM AND SING THEM. BEST EFFORT} OF HENRY FRANTZEN and JOSEPH C. FARRELL, KITTY DOOLEY. AT THE CONCERT IN THE PARK. BASHFUL JANE. (Manic by Frantsen. Words by Farrell). NEW YORK TOWN FOR MINE. BOYS. (Music by Frank L. Callahan. Words by H. H. Nlemeyer and Stanley Murphy). MY ZULU LU. (Music by Chti Kohlman. Words by M. J. Fit zp.irlrk . TELL TALE EYES. (Music by W. C. Powell. Words by S. B. Riser and C. P. McDonald;. IN THE SPRINGTIME, WHEN THE LILACS ARE IN BLOOM. (Music by F. N. Shepard- Words by F. J. Drlslane. SWEET DREAMS. (Music b y Harry Wellm on. Words by Walter Smart). IF THE SUNSHINE OF LOVE IS THERE. (Muele by E. P. Moran. Words by Kelso Mu rdoch). YUM-E-YUM-E-YUM. (Mnslo by Will Hamer. Words by Will Tobias). ^^^■■■^■■■■■■■■■■•nuuuanuununujnuunujnjnuujnMBnsuuuujnH VARIETY AND VERSATILITY. i i A W ORD TO PROFESSIO NALS: COPIES Or ART OF THE ABOVE SONGS CAN BE HAD ON APPLICATION TO THE PUBLISHERS ENCLOSE POSTAGE AND PROGRAMME. We Are Never Tie Busy to Attend t o Business, and Year Bisiitss is Our Business. HOWIE?, HAVILAND & DRESSER, Holland Building:, New York. Grand Opera Mouse Block, Chicago* ®t» Ann Bid., {San Francisco* AUGUST 8. flP THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. ^^^^^.y-X^'O- IBS ^« ANNOUNCEMENT VOf their Next Season's Song Successes* ^ /or y<«« true predictions of what the song hits of each year would be, have appeared on this page under our firm name. Again we wish to offer the brain' products of our great song writing staff, acknowledged to be the greatest of any music publishing house in the world. Again, we offer songs, unequaled in their variety and their quality. Again we have so ngs that mean more work and more salary to the singer. Again we say, this latest lot eclipses all previous offerings. First, and at all times, we hare led each season with a ballad that baa always twoome a classic with Um pnbMc, because- we ohooas only aonga that an pure la sentiment, simple in construction, and powerful la ^^^ detail. Our song, Ihia year, is head and shonldtrs shove anything ever tamed. The title is: IN HIE VILLAGE BY THE SEA Words by AH DREW B. STBRLIIvQ Basle by 8TASHV CRAWFORD. No description could do justice to the beauty of this song. Ton must hear it sung and played before yon oan appreciate it. Beautiful Colored Slides just finished by the New York BlereopUeon Slide Co. just finished, two new JEROME and SCHWARTZ comic songs. The best, the funniest, the most original creations these two inimitable geniuses bare offered. For certain reasons we do not* care to mention the titles in this ad. Just write ni you are ready for a new cosaic song, and we will send th em to you— first oomes, first served in this csee. All restrictions are off sow on the much asked for and talked about song hit of "Mr. Blue Beard." JULIE. Br JBROBB »»d SCHWARTZ. Unexcelled for a big number, and for any specialty that wants a novelty. A. lullaby that will cause a sensation— we say it's a sure hit— and we hare never ailed to oall the turn. MY LITTLE CREOLE BABE. Br Clever MAUDE * ICIEST. Refined, cute sad. pretty, are the proper adjectives for this song, SWEET MATILDA JANE (OH, MY, It'NT IT CHARMING'. Wwrfis k>r tvw. JX bohe. Baste ky macdx *tjsb«t. A great little namber-N*n«l? adapted for duett or quartette— full of fanny lines sad business. TWO GREAT NOVELTY SONGS, THE GREAT HOOK BALLAD, JUST A TENDER SPOT FOR FATHER, DEAR. my JKHOMK aat «CH WASTE. First verse, straight; second Terse a scream; can you use one Uke that. THE SONG TNIY ALL TALK ABOUT, Show the White of Yo> Eye Wordi and Maslc hy STASLE V CBAWSORD. *^ Already an unmistakable bit, and in the lead of all own songs making a bid for popularity. eBSSaSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB*aB»BBBB The Western Boys. WILLIAMS and VAN ALSTYNIS' New Ideas, We've Got To Move Today. MY SWEET MAGNOLIA. A new, np to date ooon song, with funny lines, catchy music and a new atmosphere. A style unequaled by any other writers, Ton have been looking for this style of a song. Great chance for basin ess throughout. miss josefhiwic sa BKL« Big Hit at the Victoria Boot Garden, THE WALTZ SONG THAT'S IT. AND DOWN THE LINE Words by ANDREW B. STERLING. Basle by BAX BOBPRABTN. Is there anything ottered this season that can touch this song within a mile? Ton can't keep still when yon bear it. It has the swinging sing-eongy waits refrain called disease, (It's catching). JEBOBR asd SCBWABWS We*t»jr Successor t» "Ja»t Blu Yoaraeir woaoy.- «ni a mi, »m»ri m mi. iri waw w aan DiiiMTj serenade, WHYDON'TYOUG0,GO,GO? GOOD NIGHT LOCINDY. Still brand new, fanny and catchy. Tn this to follow "Kiss yourself Good Bye.' "lmakei ' It will make just as good. Oa«e a Hit, Alvrars a, Hit. BePHBBaOW aad BHYBUI'S Serenade, The positive song success of "Huckleberry Finn" before it dosed. Only used in this show. Greatest light effect song in recent years. A song that's all there. OLLIE OLLIE 0. Woril by CHA8. ROBIHSOff. Basle by BABBY L. NEWHAIT. A novelty waits song, with one of the catchieat ohomsesyou have ever beard. It will start your audience a bumming. TWO SO DIFFERENT WALTZ SONGS If I Had A Thousand Hearts Br KBRDIS and PALE ¥. Words by WILL A. HEKLAN. A better class of waits song on the ballad order. A beautiful melody, and a brand new story. The BBS B BB to '•Violets," the only song constructed on the same idea. HABBY S. BABION'S Beautiful 8oa« Poem. Hear it. Ton will be delighted with it. In succession with our yearly Military March Songs— Wo Offer a Mew One, It's the Band By STEnLI.NO aad HO FF J! ANN. The right kind of a swing, fall of military tempo with inspiring words. WE BEOAPITULATB OTHER SOMGS ALREADY DESCRIBED IB DETAIL BEFORE i HER BOY IN THE RANK AND FILE - - - - - - - A Military Ballad IN THE JUNGLE I'M A QUEEN - The Original Bungle Booloo Coon Song HAMLET WAS A MELANCHOLY DANE - - - Jerome and Schwartz's Comic Song DON'T TELL IT TO ME - .._- -_ A~?te2Lp oon 8on £i B y McPherson and Brymn AHD MAHY OTHEBB TOO SUBEHOUB TO MESTION. rrotsislsasl Copies to all Sengs New Rest), seat a* receipt of fostaae to Recogalisd Psrlersiers Only. Orcbastratwas Is all Kays, 10c. Copies to Noe-proftsslonsls, 25c. par Copy. f o ::■''''■• SHAPIRO, BERNSTEIN & COMPANY, Seven PianUt* Always in Attendance at Our Main Office, 46 W. 28th St, New York. Is Chicago: Oar New Offices aro oa las 3d Fleer Is the Crats Optra BriMss, 87-89 Clark Si MOSI CUMBLt snd SUA of A**Unli on the Spot KSWK&tfwa IMftMttoiaJ^^^ I 572 THE 1TEW YORK CLIPPER. August 8 Musical Comedians will Find an Excellent Musical Novelty in :. HOMER'S ORGANOLA The Latest and Most Successful Musical Lmte Ever Produced. NOTHING LIKE IT WAS EVER SEEN OR BEARD BEFORE. THE ORGANOLA consists of a solo mouth organ nearly chromatical and two seta of reeds controlled by a double row of valves, which, lightly touched by the fingers, render chords, vamps and bass notes both .Major an Minor For ^%^^«^^\ which is the same as on a piano or organ! the wind is supplied through the small nickeled tube held in the mouth. Blowing and drawing has the same effect. Instruction Book FREE with each instrument -_„-_- ____ M GIVE IT A TRIAI AMD BE CONVINCED. FOR SALE AT A1X 11B8T CLA8SMC8IC STORES. ELECTRICAL SCENIC EFFECTS. EXTENSIVE USE IS A PROOF OF MERIT. Wefurnfah all the electrical wenio effects in Lnna Park, Ooney Island, namely: The Aurora BombUiI n^en^ Thoxigana LMMj Under I the Set; DC Clouds. Workin* Waters and Automatic Liehtning Plashes, in "A Trip to % Moon." jmd ?HE K^OTMOPOUKTAm Jfevrog Clouds, Forked LOVQ DISTAIYCK/PIIOSK I ;803-HAD. SO,. plays, and Jhundredbo^othew. L i g htning and Fire photographed from natare, which gives pewpective that cannot be jaccompUehed by the deBign beieg painted on glass Also hav! TBainbo;, Water Blpple, Sand Storm, Bain and Snows. New and novel effects made to order. Estimates oheerfuQy g.ven on ewrj- thing in the electrical theatrical line. Send six cents for postage for our hundred page catalogue. Call and See our Effects In Operation. DON'T FORCET THE NUMBER. C AND SHOW ROOM, 1237-1239 Broadway, IM. V. Olty. H ROOM NAME PLATE MACHINE NEW MODEL A PRICE 870.00, l«ol««H«ar ROLL. THE ROOVERS MANUFACTURING COMPANY, IIVIIVII DELIV «*■•* Strei Now York City, U. S 'X POPE LEO FILMS Will be Beady as Soon as Oar Photographers Return from Borne, where they Have been for two Months Taking loving Pictnres of St. Petera and the Vatican. The Pictures will Consist of the Fnneral of Pope Leo XIII and Scenes Incident Thereto. 100 NEW COMIC AND MISCELLANEOUS FILMS NOW READY. Send for List. i;ubin»s kte>w stereopticox, with Electric, Calcium or Acetylene Lamp, #is.°° up. The OZNEOORAPH with STEREOPTICON UNIVERSAL MODEL, "WU&^SSStSI. EXHIBITION mm,' m t^i23ffiS^»'^ $75. 21 S. Eifihth St., Philadelphia, Pa. LAHOE8T HANUFACTUILBH IN THB WORIiD. MUTOSCOPES. We have once more caught up with our orders, and are now prepared to make quick deliver- ies of NEW MACHINES direct from our Factory at $45. 00 Now is the time to secure your location for a Penny Arcade. Big money being made all over the U. S. We make esti- mates on all classes of machines for a complete equipment Our Stock li thi Largest In this Country. WRITE FOR NEW LISTS. Special Agents Melles "Star" Films. NEW CATALOGUE NOW READY. E AMD •J 11 E. 14th St., Row York. ANNA IIKLU AND MUTOSCOPB. MONKEYS 8 SNAKES Received Two Extra Fine Healthy Hate OIIIMPANSI'S, One Monster Male AnuMs Baboon, Lot Got den Baboons, Lot Large Rhesus, Pair llulliimnn or Tytlilcus Monkeys, Snider, Ring Tails and Small Drills, etc. Mandrills alto on hand, Lot of Pythons, all sizes, good feeders and in good oondltlon. Large variety Bosco SnakeB, Parrots, Oanarya, Fanoy Pigeons, Japanese Spaniels and French Poodles. wnt. mr me. it* SCHILLINGS' ZOOLOGICAL STORE. »8 Cooper Square, II. T. LOUIE DACRE, THE FUNNY LADY JULY BO-95, DRLMAR GARDKN, OKLAHOMA CITY. PROCTOR'S ENTERPRISES. F. F. PROCTOR, Soli Proprietor and Manager. J, AU8TIN FYNE8, Otniral ManiH.tr. 7 BEAUTIFUL THEATRES 1 Devoted to Refined Entertainment. Proctor'. Bth Ave. Theatre, Proctor'* 33d St. Theatre, Proctor's B8th Bt. Theatre, Proctor 1 . lSBih Bt. Theatre, Proctor's Newark Theatre, Praetor's Albany Theatre, Proctor's Montreal Theatre. PROCTOR'S STOCK CO. Presenting Best Playi. WASTED, BEST ACTS HI VAUDEVILLE. If yon do not receive a reply, It may be because tbe time is filled ; you are therefore advised to write again In tour weeks, Do NOT enclose stamp for reply. INSTRUCTIONS TO ARTISTS BOOKED: S plots of acta; If can open and close In one: EXACT time of acts, and of "close In;' 1 billing for newspapers and programmes: and CLEAN PHOTOGRAPHS for LOBBIES TWO WEEKB In ADVANCE OF OPENING DATE AT BACH HOUSE, addressing RESIDENT MANAGER. FAILURE TO COMPLY with these INSTRUCTIONS WILL SUBJECT ARTISTS to the RISK OF CANCELLATION. VAUDEVILLE REHEARSALS MONDAYS, 9 to 11 o'clock A. M„ SHARP. Playwrights, Authors and Play Agents, ad- dress J. AUSTIN FYNE8, General Manager. Vaudeville Artists and Players, address P. P. PROCTOR JR., Booking Department, FIFTH AVE, THEATRE, H.T. CITY Rooms Nam. Plates KSWSr*^ num, eoota. pound. New Gum machines, $2.60 each. Other machines at a sacrifice to oloso an estate. A snap for buyers while It lasts. Rings' Amusement Co., 41 and 48 University Place, N.Y.C. NEW SLOT MACHINES, ELECTRIC LIGHT BLOWING MACHINES. Now Ready, $30.00. send for Circular. J. II. PASSES, Webster, Mass. Managers, Attention! FRAIE E. JOEISOI, Rosevllle. 0., la now booking attractions for 1903-01. Rosevllle has 1] potteries, 8 coal mines, 3 brick plants and money for Al companies. EDISON FILMS, Send for New Film Supplement, No. 175, giving titles and descriptions ot Over One Hundred New Subject*. Following are a few of the latest : St. Peter's and the Vatican SCENES IN ROME. Casey's Nightmare. A Scrap In Black and White. Policemen's Pranks on their Comrades. Razzle-Dasile. Sleeping Heautj. Blasting Rocks In Harlem. London Zoological Garden. Rattan Slide end General View ot Lnna Park. Glimpses of Venice. Street Scene In Hyderabad. Eating Macaroni In the Streets of Naples. Feeding Pigeons In Front ol Bt. Mark's Church, Venice. The Enchanted Cup. ___ Happy Hooligan's Fourth of July. Washerwoman and Chimney Sweep. ._ Chimney Sweep. Shooting the ^'Rapids," Luna Park. Mary Jane's Mishap. Egyptian Fakir with Dancing Monkeys. Egyptian Boys in Swimming Race. Edison ExUMtJoi Kinetoseope, $115.00. Edison Universal Klnetoscope, $76.00. OFFICE FOR UNITED KINGDOM : B2 Gray EUROPEAN OFFICE: ■LAIN OFFICE AND FACTOBV, Orange, N. J., TJ. B. A. I NEW YORK OFFICE : 88 Chambers Bt e Inn Road, Holborn, London, W. C, England. 32 Rempart Saint Georges, Antwerp, Belg. SELLING AOKNT8: THE KINBTOGRAPH CO 41 B. 21st St., New York City. KLEINB OPTICAL CO B2 State St, Chicago, II . PETER BACIGALUPI 983 Market St., San Francisco, Csl^ A MILLION FEET OF FILM Of All the Latest and Up-to-Date Suojects, WILL BE RE1VTED la Reels of 1,000 Feet, and Changed Weekly. Also the Latest ILLUSTRATED 80.10 SLIDES, COLORED. S. LUBIN, Philadolphla, l=»3- , Siegman » MANIPULATE and LOW IN PRICE. Send for circular, eto. JK new tSGwn Hand LAHTERSS JPIiM0W;«. DRAMATIC. if, VAUDEVILLE. CIRCUS. Copyrighted, 1803, by tie Frank Queen Publishing Company (Limited) Founded by FRANK QUEEN, 1853. NEW YORK, AUGUST 15, 1903. VOLUME U.-No. 25. Prloa 10 Cents. i*li$5 Clipper's CONOmNINO STAGE FOLK and Sometimes OTHEBS BY J OSEPHINE QBO. Although the sextette hag always ex- isted, and has had tta place in operas, it w db not brought Into such pronounced prominence until the production of "Bloro- dora," when the "double sextette" became the bit of the piece, and each feminine member thereof became a centre of general public Interest, the men being almost ig- nored, except for the fact that they were a necessary adjunct stories for the newspaper apace which the re- porter was wont to fill, and the latter, to reciprocate, put their names In print when- ever possible. Two or three weeks ago he arranged for space In one of the prominent papers wherein tbe alz show men would be plctorlally exploited, and they were looking their photograph. They found themselves labeled, "Six chorus men from a prominent Broadway production." And this is why a certain reporter's re- quest for copy, as heretofore, is now met with Icy, unrecognlslng stares. they were passing bis beautiful country home In New London. The frightened children, wet to tbe skin, took refuge under one of the trees not far from the entrance of Mr. Mansfield's place. Here, huddled close together, they were observed by the actor, who bad been pacing his platan. Finding that they did nut heed his beckoning and calling to share bis shel- ter, be hurried out Into tbe heavy storm, crossed the muddy street, and brought them Into his bouse. This in itself was no more than any one would have done under tbe same conditions, but the tender care he afterwards bestowed upon the children was altogether a aide of the actor's character with which tbe public Is unacquainted. Instead of banding them over to one of hla many servants, na might be expected of this busy, serious man, be, after the little girls bad been temporarily Since the Immense success of this first, sextette no musical comedy has been con- sidered complete without this particular number, consisting of six "show girls" and •Ix men partners that might not Inaptly be colled show men, for they, too, are like the show girls, a degree higher than the chorus people. They are selected from the regular choristers because of their youth, superiority in appearance and voice. While this popular musical number is numerically a double sextette, It haa not b»n musically so, for the girls' voices carry one part usually, and the boys' the second Part, though In some production an alto and a tenor part haa been written in tbe music. These preliminary remarks are merely to accentuate the fact that with the advent of the modern sextette comic opera and mu- sical comedy has added another division of the chow people to tbe former two, the Principals and chorus. Among themselves the members of this division feel their Importance and superior- ly over the regular chorus people, though "moved but a small degree— about threo dollnrg more on the salary list— and they '■ulsi upon the Importance of their position M «»8 recognised. An amusing Instance of this happened Dot r. prettUlon of which Dionysus Quazuari « leading tragedian of the King's Theatre' in Athens, Is to take the leading part, will tw produced In New York In October Tb, Professional Woman's League Is sponsor for the production, and, according to Grace Addi son, who will take the leading female part the entire production will be of a hleh order' Mr. Quazuarl will Interpret the leading char' acter In Greek, while hlB support will *i»» their lines In English. va — Blanche Walsh will begin her tour with "Resurrection" on Sept. 7, In Pittsburg. 8be will continue with the Tolstoi play until Feb ruary, when she will be seen in New York In a newplay. — The American rights to a new play, br I. Hartley Manners, entitled "Tbe Marriage of Reason," have been obtained by Harrison Grey Flske, manager of the Manhattan The- atre. The play Is based on a recent novel by Mrs. Kennard, by arrangement with whom the dramatization was made. — Ivah M. Wills has Just returned from a trip to West Baden Springs. She went there on the advice of her physician, and after a stay of three weeks has returned to Neir York much Improved in health. — Notes from the Cornell Twentieth Cen- tury "Hnmpty Dumpty" Co., A. C. Cornell, manager: Our season is booked solid up to May 1, 1004, and the principal part of our company has been engaged. we have a sixty foot car for our new scenery, trick stuff and mechanical and electrical effects. Our costumes end uniforms will compare favorably with anything of the kind ever seen upon any stage In America. The dresses and jewels worn by Mile. Renle De Lon, in the "/airy grotto" and transforma- tion scenes, will represent several thousand dollars. Every feature of our produc- tion baa been carefully arranged, and noth- ing left undone that can In any manner en- hance Its drawing or pleasing qualities. Among those of our company already en- gaged are: Eddie McDonald, Humpty Dumpty clown; Blanche Frayne, the Hels- tons (Wally and Lottie), the Savllle Sisters, Mile. Renle De Lon, H. R. Weaver, John McDonald, A. L. Savllle, Pause La Petre, Margie and Effle Emerson, Flossie Raymond, and C. F. Harris. — Sinclair Stock Co. Notes; This attrac- tion, headed by Paul Sinclair, is preparing for its fifth annual tour. The company will Include fourteen people, with a full line or new paper and elaborate scenic effects (or each play. A comedy drama, "The Hypo- crite, Mr Sinclair's new play, will be a feature. "The Resurrection" will also be Included in the repertory. — The Corse Pay ton Stock Co. opened Its season at the Court Square Theatre, Springfield, Mass., Aug. 3, having put is two weeks rehearsing at the Nelson Theatre there. David Bamage, who has successfully looked out for tbe company's Interests for several seasons, will again be at the helm. Daniel McClure 1b to be the leading man, and Violet Barney leading lady. Tbe come dlan Is Harry liewley, and others In tbe company are: P. Harold Flath, Ulysses Davis, A. D. Miller Jr., Harry J. Thomas, Harry Mantel), D. H. Morrison, A. G. Bar- ney, George Roylston, Eddie Tritzgerald, Harry Morrison, Dora Lombard, Ida G. Thomas, and La Petite Blossom. The reper- tory consists of: "An American King," "Thelma," "Michael Strogoff," "The Irish Corporal," 'The Two Colonels," "The Beau- tiful Slave," "Women's Temptation," "De- nlse," "Only a Woman's Heart," "Child o( Destiny" and "Over the Hill to the Poor- house." — Notes from the Maud Henderson Stock Co. : Business still continues good, In spite of the cold weather on Lake Michigan. Every- one is enjoying life on the lake. Raster: Jos. Parent, manager ; E. Primrose, P. G. Prim- rose, C. W. Courtney, G. J. Elford, Jerrj Johnson, Maud Henderson, Bella Murray, Helen Felger and Adeline Adams. — Rlgby Stock Co. Notes and Roster: D. O. Kolner, proprietor ; Alex. Rlgby, man- ager ; Jas. C. Godley, stage director. Thanks to the wide popularity of Thb Cliiteb, our "ad." In last week's Issue brought us si abundance of answers, from which we were able to nearly complete our roster. The com- pany will open Its first season under the present name Bent. 14, In Indiana, with a membership of fifteen people. Mr. mgbybu recently secured the exclusive right for J te Best Man Wins" and "Slaves of Russia for Indiana and Ohio. Bookings for the sea- son are nearly all In. _ . .. — Burbrldge's New Theatre, at Jackson- ville, Fla., opens Its season week of Sept .(. — Brooks and Relsch closed with tie Allen-Earle Stock Co. at Leroy, N. Y., AugJ- — George Buss. FlBke has been engagea by Walter Jones for "The 81cepy King. — Coral Cougleton, leading woman, now with the Riverside Stock Co., of Asbevllie, N. C, writes that she has signed w th Ar- thur Wyndhem, the playwright, to star wr the coming season In bis dramatic produc- tion, "The Heart of a Woman ;" also In nw "Zetfraza." Mr. Wyndham has booked Mim Cougleton through the Southern States ana California, also In London, Eng., where tney open In March, 1004. ^ ■„„.,, — Messrs. Cross * Conn, the new lessees of the Taunton, Mass.. Theatre, ore com pletely renovating the house. In the lobby new steel walls and ceilings have been placeo. Tbe ticket office has been enlarged and movro to a more desirable location. New doors, with glass panels, have been k«w«™*i2 the main entrance. Carpets and draperies have all been removed, and the Interior com V — rT.'aBattSfWa has returned to 1 the Notes from Adair, Gregg 4 Ada rs 1 Repwj ry Co., John Adair Jr., manager: »e °?j£ 11. 17, in Grafton, W. Va.._ with one of the elty, after a four weeks' Ashing trip to Maine. Chas. A. Loder is In the «'/.-"» the rehearsals of "A Funny Side of Lite, in which he Is to star this season N( tory Aug. it strongest companies ever organized W " Pauline Scary will head the ma'; Lcona™ Rowe, leads, and Norman Travis, heavier Our repertory Is: "In the Hands of «», Enemy/ "Victorian Cross," "A Royal K& "The Hay of Judgment," 'The Belle 0' J"f° e mond" and "Nevada." We have « c W r ! rights to produce above plays In ».%„», glnla, Virginia, North Carolina, Indiaw. Pennsylvania and Ohio. .i^d — W. A. and Lottie Bohme have 8 *" for this season with F. B. JoftXd' 8 w nich melodrama, "The Way of the Wicked, wn opens Its season Aug. 29. , vnnk V. — Mae Arline, only daughter of Kg" £ and Blanche Miller, died, July 24. JZ trfl mains were Interred In Magnolia Corner, Baton Rouge. La. . „ n „„red by — Mrs. Tilsle Kaye has been «gfjyg A. A Thayer and W. C. Justice for os- "Sweet Clover" Co. AUGUST 15. THE .TSTEW YORK CLIPPER. 575 _- Notes from Wlnnlnger Bros,' Own Co. : _ Frank j a t . ninr , „«.. ~ Wc have bnd a vet? successful Summer following for'the b2?,V^S5SIt fJ nd '^ 4 — Warde Stock Co, Notes: We have re- ££,„„ at the head ot the lakes, with the season of 1003-0* w/n SS ^&. C0, : The celTed 0T * r tnrw "audretl answer, to our Strongest company we have ever had. We better equipped lievSi JSL ?SL compa £. T recent ad. In Thi Oij> RauABU., and more Sdto SSaSF^ **" " W " -* f0r? - V^a^eaS^aS^fe S? SS^HLliv .Water, .Redone of l,r season, for which' w {he changes. CbarlM ai eon wilt replace Edwin De r.algle, and Frank "■ vacated by Burt U Sheas, JWHSJanmr again "aa"iea£ une,%mTradng th^e"e Z klnd» U nf , ?i^,i ,, I er ? ?"«"•*•. Miriam Carson, h ng woman. During her Illness that posl- stands, four finds of t»i» SZSPLSB? f rom a , tr lP ! Dr ? a<1 wltn her "other. While Ion was moat creoltably filled by Stella eight sheet and I six sheet at.55rSn.SSS: alftS? 5ft? had a a numb ?. r ot ««tuoies made Wimnier. We carry a company of eighteen kinds of three sheet, ono SSPLSP'SSSi tot ner d '?«rept specialties. We will have people, including a&and of Fen. Franl? Win- twenty-flve Varl e t»?s of half ^heeS 1 ^u £?.-.;W S""? flne J°.$ of .. •PecWtlea, Singer, manager j Jack Bills., stage director ; safe to say no repertory comosnv will h.™ Charles Harrjspn, booking agent; Joe F. any better 'showing o ' paper P One two and — Curtis. Comedy Co. Notes : Our sea- son at Wheat's Roof Garden closes Sept. 8, nnd we op«n our regular aeaaon (which la the tenth under the present management) at Dallas. Tex. Our Summer engagement at Fort worth has been a very pleasant principal cities, L Fion," wl one, both from Summer home, where we've been spending the Summer' time. We op" years' tour 'to- the coast an- British Columbia, of which _ Is booked. Our company will number four headed 6y Norton and Russell, c change performers, who are capital In their respective lines. We are anxiously waiting for our season to open, and will have three weeks' rehearsals, commencing Sept. 1, at Catawlssa, Pa., and open season late In the K -Ser'«C<, Notes, We wll, open &&&BFbEWB onr season An* 20, at Lampasas, Tex., our trated songs on "the road and Jule w.iJS?; o..™™., horn*. whor» m-ve been spending Starr's buck, wine ^ and nil SOLS. ?„£ i'.™""""™!^*'"* ■•"•open season late in tne l>any attended church and listened to a ser- pen for T three cornet solos ' togct'L? wit* sYatXnJ ™£ S ™°,?f h ' *»«rybai cities, with Tolstoi's "Resume- which will be presented with the com- bers, etc. ~a» anm"?« rVJ?i'.i, niU8,cal ? um " ba s?age, not" coot ting "a car iMd'of scYnery* art' are Biire to furnish <•>■*• ■flwaaw Ia^ia „c^,t i« saB -.." ■„ _*.■___ «ri*LT_ - "_! b_.—. een In all. We canWtbfully bc-Sat of our with' g= od th.ngsTn \Vway , LrtL^ff #%*££ »»o"" product onV'MSa^r home Yf brand new and bright ecepery, as well as our Last, Season th! St\rr Comedy oeTisSS l^J!SPiJB2&E ™Mt t . h . e > at P°P" HPiS rrol. Kdw. Teters has gone to his St. James, Mo., where he will test of the Summer. Following Is plete and elaborate scenic production aa given at the Victoria Theatre, New York. Among the players recently engaged by this firm for tho tour or Mlas Walsh are: Alex- ander Von Mltiel, who will play the leading role of Dlmltrl; William Wad.worth. Charles Macdonald, Mr.. Henry Vandenboff, Zenslde Williams, Forrest Flood, May Warde and Laura Linden. Dramas founded upon the life of "Alexander the Great" promised, un- til recently, to become epidemic next season, but from latest reports the only play of this name to be produced la that which Wagon- hals A Ketnpncr have had written for Louts James and Frederick Warde. Among the engagements made for thla company are: Margaret Ilourne, the leading lady, who will appear as Roxana: Norman Uackett, Wads- worth Harris and Thomas Coffin Cooke. The great scene in ths production of "Alexander tho Great" will repre.ent an encampment of W. W. Phillips haye been engaged by Henry Co., and will go to Charleston to^arramw Plerson, In support of Howard Hall, In "The for the opening there. 8 Man Who Dared/' — "Railroad Jack" Notes : This attrac- — Geo. P. Haines and Margie Haines ' l °n, under the management of Madelon have abandoned their stock company for Caufman, opened its season July 80 at Con- the coming season, and have signed with »eaut, 0., turning people away The com- Chas. M. Callahan, to appear In his scenic n fln - v ls stronger and better than ever and production. "A Romance of Coon Hollow." travels In ltB own private car, with an entire — Mabel Paige Notes: Everything Is reedy new line of stieclal paper and scenery Duke with this company to take the road. The a mammoth South African lion, Is a feature' scenery has been In the hands of a painter for the last two weeks, and will be turned over to us Aug. 10. Everybody Is on the ground to start rehearsals, and It ls the best company 'that Miss Paige has ever been sur- rounded with. The automobile arrived safe and sound, and It will be repainted. The plays for the coming- season are: "Tennes- see's Partner," "Becky Bliss," "The Girl from the West," "Our Young Minister," "The Lion and the Mouse," "Cinderella," and Henry F Wlllard & Co.'s big production of their own play. "A Battle for Life." Thla . latter play will more than likely take the road in one night stands In about eight weeks. — Harry B. McKee, who originated the part of Little Willie, in the opera of "Otoyo," at Madison Square Garden, has been assigned the part of Con Slick, and duplicated the success he made In the former part. Mr. McKee has signed with Ous Hill for the coming season. — Eilsall-WInthrope Stock Co. Notes : Everything Is In readiness to launch the monarchs of all popular price attractions. Our new scenery has been shipped to our opening stand. Our new vaudeville drop Is a revelation of beauty, and our plays have been selected, and all will be new to popular price houses. We can truly say we will be one of the best equipped reper- tory shows on the road. Our paper Is all new., of bright and unique design, all special, from the two-nlghter to the twenty- four sheet stands. We have engaged, as a special advertising medium and Shakespear- ean* advertiser, JUno Hortense, the giant stilt walker. This work will be under tho personal supervision of W. H. Bryson, our business representative. — Notes from McDonald Stock Co. : We are still doing business at Eureka Spring, Ark. We have made several changes In the company, all for the best. We take the road « £. 2 i' oo^ed sqlld In the leading houses of the South. Harry Williams Is busy flx'nir up our special scenery. The roster ls as fol- ows: Q. w. McDonald. J. D. McDonald. iM",^,.- 11 ??, 1 ?' Ha "y Williams, Earl McDon- Sr £' S w ? t8 on. Robert Orandl, Chas. Din- R S wMi IU H t*, 1 *^ Haselle McDonald, Maude Clifford, Isabel Reld, Master Sam and Baby — Notes from the DuBerg ComedyCo. : We win close our Summer season Aug. 8. This company has had a very prosperous season, and has given full satisfaction everywhere. «e have toured Maine and the provinces for 2U£ a . t *£ went » weeks - A f ter two weeks' jacatlon the company will start on Its regu- £ JSrabJ!*'! ros " r lB the ""no a 8 when started, with two exceptions : W. C. Connors, manager; J. Hall OwenB, Geo. P. Randall p™^? own8 ' J - I- O'Dpnnell, James Welch, I rank Robinson, Geo. W. Moulton, John Fel- ton, Eva Scott, Marie Cower, May Waldron and Rose Shannon. it„T Broa *hurst A Currie Notes: Edward unK B ha * been « n «a«ea for the Nat M. oV« eompany, and will play Bud, In "A El «■■••& Jhomas Grady has signed to kS II? ^ 7 Bnodgrass with this attrac- Bm3:,!v n . d t i oaB - Wynne, singing and dancing BW» JH also been engaged. Broad- Zsf\ * Currle are determined that there win be plenty of light on the Btage during IK! Performance of the play, and have pur- erased thirty electric lamps, whi ' J. W. Leigh Is handling the~advanceT two assistants. with ma Bherwood has signed to play Marjorle, the lead. In support of Miss Van Tassell, and Alfred De Courcle will manage the stage and play the principal character com- edy In the play. Forrest Delmar and Arthur Collins have also signed. Wm. K, Sparks will bo business manager, and C. W. Compton ad- vance representative. ™"T Th ,? EfflU Sisters, who have been with Weber A Fields' company this Summer, and are engaged for next season with B. C. Whit- ney's ~HWW Girl" Co., are visiting their brother, Ted E. Faust, at Columbus, o. S*liEL% U "^"J?"' re 'o Seymour" A. h. Date, Eugene St. Cyr, Joe H. Lee, Wal- rSii*?' P" „?'"• Alf - Bf™. vfrglnla £?i £■"(»_ *?• Oloyer, Florence Randall, Stella Stanton, Etta Edmunds and Baby Florence. Thoe. V. While will be musics' agent. '' an CannlnB 8lle "' ■"*" a.,^^™^ a !I ny .•. 8lm i )nl, jepyrta succcu this Bummer on the New England part circuit, playing Mulcahey. In "Muldoon'i Picnic." — _Chas. F. Edwards* Stock Co. Notes: - Marlon Burkman. Re^ B ri a i!ffi a m & "/.and will be directed by Chester illshop. All new royalty plays have been selected, with special scenery. dred. of-reXa™ "" t ' MU8 b ™' bt bW ' - — A. L. Vanshawe, atsge director, closed a season of forty-seven weeks with the Her aid Square Co. on May 18, and was en opening in Milwaukee Aug. 25. Slack (Kittle Beck), who has boon seriously III for over two months In New York, Is so far recovered that she la able to sit up a few hours each day. Dally rehearsals are being held of the new musical farce, "Pickings from Puck," in which Wlllard 81mm. I. to star this season, under the direction ot Mack A Galtcs. — Recent engagements for George Ade's new pictorial comedy, "The County Chair- man/ which Henry W. Savage will produce the coming season, Include Dallas Trier, Christine Blessing and Anna Buckley. Mabel Nclma, the dramatic soprano, engaged by Mr. Savage for his English Grand Opera Co., sails from Genoa this week. — Notes from the Sullivan, Harris A Woods Enterprises: Irma La Pierre has been signed to create the leading role In their new production, "Wedded and Parted," soon to be seen In this city. Miss La Pierre will be starred in a new play the following season, under this firm's management. Louise gaged with the Grand Valley Park Stock Co., Beaton, who Is to star the coming season In iirantford, Out, for the Summer, putting on ,ho no " r Hebrew comedy play, entitled his piny, "Tho Country Postmaster?' forldur "Rachel Goldstein," will return to town next performance., which were given to largo wccl< f° r rehearsals. Tho play will be seen business. He hss signed with the J. c. at tbe Grand Opera House early In tho Rockwell Co., playing the Eastern cities, aeaaon. AI. Llpman has been engaged to doing principal comedy and cbaractor parts' P'ay the title rolo In "Jim Hludso," the play Mr. tanshawe has Just completed a four net ,nftt scored a success lsst season at the comedy drama, entitled "Hidden Hollow." Fourteenth Street Theatre. "The King _ — *■ Nelll McLcod Is spending part of Iho Summer In camp on Loko of the Woods, near Rat l'ortnge. He has Invested in one of tho Islands on that lake for a Summer home. — Note, of the Will H. Myers Attractions : Rchenrssls of the Ireno Myers Co. began at he Park Theatre, Philadelphia, Aug. 8, with the following roster: Chas. F. Ward. Chas. L Tarr; Will II. Bruno, II. M. Hooper Chat comfort. Joe Dillon, Clarence Marks, Harry Swenk, Chas. Relchard, Maclyn l'hylos, Doc Evans A fred Avers, Ed. Daly, Frances lirendt, Edna Macbeth, Hattlo Chow, Fannie Garland, Amelia Miller and Irene Myers. Season opens at Chester, Pa., IT. The fol- '?.* D «, People have been engaged for the Wl| l "• Myers Co., which wll" piny threo night stands exclusively opening nt Bbenan- ffi". la, Aug. 81: W. C Stewart. C. C. M. Her, Kd. Lowry, John Marron, Frank Rus- sell, Kelsey Conboy, Oils Reeves, Geo. At- kins, I). K. Tarr, Grant Shurtleff, Edward Martin, Rosabel Leslie, Lucille Lowry, Leah Ktownrt and Allyn Trumble. Tho repertory for the Ihree night stands will consist of four plays, each of which will havo a com- plete aceulc equipment, the scene plots for each piece calling for a clear stage. The week stands will be under the personal di- rection of Mr. Myers, while Sim Allen will have charge of tho three night stands. . — Notes from the Hilda Tucker Co.: Wil- bur J. Baker has signed with Manager J. A. Ilriishm as business manager for Miss Tucker. Everything Is moving along nicely for the opening In August. The company will bo one of the largest (twenty-five people), with . King of Detectives" Co. has begun rehearsals. The show Is booked solid for forty weeks In the principal combination bouses of the country, — Goo. B. Howard, manager ot the Howard- Dorset Co., writes. "On Aug. 2 we closed our third Summer season at Riverside Park, Sioux City, la. Business has been good. The popularity of the company, and such nieces us 'Held by the Enemy,' 'Hasel Klrke/'The Man from Mexico,* 'My Lady Noll,' The Pearl of Savoy' and 'The Street Singer,' proved the magnets. Wo go to Lexington, Ky., where we will open our regular season Aug. 10. Tho company Is stronger than ever. J. D. Miller Is now my business manager and advance agent, having replaced Oliver Murtell. We are bookod solid, with the ex- ception of two weeks. Tlllle Fahrenbruck, of Cincinnati, is visiting Flora Dorset. My 'ad,' in Tin Cuitir brought me letters enough to keep several men busy for a while answering them." — Downer A Hamilton havo renewed their lease of the Opera House at Mononganels, Ps., for the coming season, and Intend mak- ing some Important changes. — Fred Raymond win have two "Mis- souri Girl" companies sgaln the coming Ma- son. Iola Pomeroy will head the Eastern company, of which M. J. Singer Is manager, and Mae Dudley will bead the Western com- pany, which Is managed by Harry 8. Hop- ping. Among those engaged for the two companies, In addition to the above, are: K. E. Meredith. John Rents Jr., II. J. Shrewsbury, Will F. Coulon, George H. Kempton, Ilnrto C. Ruby, Ed. T. BIHotte, a line band and orchestra, all special paper, George Gordon, Gorton Gray, William Camp- Hcencry, and a repertory of twelve plays' bell, Howard T. Collins, Eddie Hart, Harry MIbs fucker, who has boon filling a prelimin- ary season at the Iron Pier Theatre, Syra- cuse, N. Y., will shortly return for the open- ing of her tour. ..TT 11 ? 1 " 1 *, He»t». '« the rural play, "For Mothers Sake," opens the season at Ben- ton Harbor, Mich., Aug. IB. — Lew Albert has just returned from South Africa with bis mountain lions, aud lie will use them In his new play, "Only a German," opening In Newark, 6., Sept. 1. X'lnudo nnd Clara I,cwls have been en- Barlow, Edwin Curtis, Milton Eckols. Frank Mason, George Glenn. Kllxabetb Cheater, Jennie Burleigh, Mnzle Miller, Jacqueline Edouards, Mabel Harrison and Grace Green. The Eastern company open. Aug. 24, and tho Western company Sept. 1. — G. Walter Thompson closed s very suc- cessful four sessons' engagement at Jack- son, Tenn., with the rayton Sisters' Co. Mr, Thompson Is resting near Chicago. — Fannie E. Johnson has closed a Ave seasons' engagement with Payton Bisters' used. . — David which will be -*?• . Buffington, manager of the firT n S'. on Stock Company, playing New Bed- ffifji Mass., and also of a stock company 15. ha 5 •'een stationed at Sheedy's Thea- SLff S awtucket j. tbla Summer, has leased _ Music Hall, in Pawtucket, for a term of Wars. He will open the theatre Aug. 81 — Roster of "The Tunkln Husker" com with a stock company, which will present pany, which opened at East Jordan, Mich. standard playe during the Winter. ,~ ™. T. Keogh Notes: The following E ^ e engaged for "The Child Wife," which is jone produced In the combination houses JPf fomlng season: Chas. B. White, J. A. ,,"['[>. ..Horace Rushby, Chas. H. B in. n nT £H owa ,?' B°"y Kempner, Jas. » and Lucille Rae Collins. MR. AND MRS. FHED D. LfJCIDR, Who have for the past two years been with musical comedies, have decided to ploy dates exclusively this season. Mr, Lucler, who has long been well known In vaudeville, has always striven to keep his work up to date, and this season has had a new ace especially written for himself and wife by Chas. Horwltz, entitled "A Rustic Romeo." The act gives Mr. and Mrs. Lucler the best opportunities tbey have ever had, and they look forward to a highly successful season. gnged by Gentry A Coffey, for the "Tangled Co., as pianist. Flags" Co. — Koger and Belle Dolan have signed with Frank B. Arnold's "Two Johns" Co. The former plays the coon, and Belle Dolan the Irish character part. Aug. 3 : llns Booth, Col- Lawrence Russell nnd Eugene Good- rich, proprietors; Dave A. Martin, mana- ger: L. S. De Kalb, stage manager; Fred- erick Rowley, musical director; Henry New- land, stage carpenter; George Morrison, property master; J. B. Swofford, business manager ; Horace Newman, Emma Davis, L. 8. De Kalb, Tom Holn, Annie Inman, ,.-«-»■ uutuiB cyuv uuiuus. marguerite *•** a ' lJV x*a»u, .uui wwu, i»uu.^- »u^,.»m, . .......... .*«.., ..u^.... urquhart has been engaged to Dlav the title George Morrison, Henry Newland, Percle and Bella Murray, role. Chas W. Keogh will again manage Martin, Tom Martin and Harold Levy. S«| The Two Little Pucks, well known "inaevllle Derformern. hn™ t.» ~ * , . T__I__J »*!„-. lf>k>l aa.a-i.rl linn l-'iah.. »» .. u .. J -"" r ■ comic opera, ro« t n y« yllMjn ( w. wMJftCTSBi Hie season .at delphla, Chestnut Street Opera House, Phlla —■Vesta Stanton has canceled her en- thla season In a number of matinee perform 1 ances of Ibsen's "Hedda Gaoler." — Mabel Taliaferro, who sailed for Europe the latter part of June, In company with her grandfather, Richard Barrlscale, for the express purpose of making a tour of the lake - been the recipient of . Concluding her visit to Ireland, Miss Msbel and ber grandfather will spend a brief time In the South of France, In which portion of the continent Mr. Barrlscale has some special Interest. Miss Mabel has sent home a number of small photos She has taken. Corey, advance representative. 20, on their way to Atlantic Highlands, for a — 'Mrs. Sadie Atwood, who has been quite two weeks' vacation. Tbey visited the Ac- Ill, accompanied by her daughter, Adele tors' Home 20. Adams, late of the Bennett A Moulton Co., — Chnmpo Andrews, exalted ruler of New are at New London, N. II., Where they will York Lodge, B. P. 0. Elks, sailed for Europe remain until Oct 10. — Johnstone Bennett has been engaged by Ltebler A Co., to play the part of Dixie Merryall, in Edward Harrlgan'a new play, "Under Cover," she entering upon rehearsals with the company Aug, B. — Bid II. Forrester, after being located with Frank Burt, of Toledo, O., for the post six months In the capacity of booking last week. Barry, business manager. The season opens at Trenton, N. J„ Sept. 22. — Owing to serious Illness Roy Kingston was compelled to csneel his contract with Geo. Samuels' Eastern "The Convict's Daughter" Co.. In which be was to have — Gertrude Norrle goes to the Pittsburg D | are d the lending heavy. Stock. — Charles Keeshln goes as business mana- ger for "The Village Parson." — Virginia Russell goes with ths "Price of Honor" Co. — Gladys Bijou reports success with the Silver Show, playing the Catssllls. — Jameson Lea Finney Is spending the Summer at Bar Harbor, Me. Mr. Finney Is to be featured next season In "A Fool and Ills Money." — Homer R. Barton writes: "I am look- ing forward _ to my Winter's engagement, fngement with the Delmar Opera Co. She Miss iMsbel has sent home n number of small with Frank Burt, of Toledo, p., for the p»»t — Gladys BIJou reports snecess with the | n g forward to my Winter's engagement, i 8 , b S? n , «PP«arlng aa Samsntna Fairfax, la photos she has taken. six months i In the .capacity of ^booking Silver Show, playlngthe Catskllla which I think will be congeals!. 1 sm en- ' fl e Telephone Olrl" and la Tnow rehearsing —Florence Bheopeld snd John Fltjslm- manager, has Joined "Toe Slow Girl," to — Leo Whsrton. Bather Bujaero snd WU- gaged by O. H. Kldon for Ui Juvenile lend, 'he part of Nana Furaer, with tte "LooWng mens have signed with "When We Were play the rol^of^he English lord, for the Hun Frederic and wife go with "The Two m support of Bessie Clifton, In 'A Hoosler 576 TEDE NBTW YORK CLIPPER. August 15, Uaudcvllk and minstrd Gbacie Eaiuitt writes from Auckland, N. Z., July 6: "I receive Clippers on each steamer, and It Is laughable to fee toe mem- bers of tbe company gatber around me to Kt tbe first gllm-ine, and they ell went to rrow at once, so by the time the neit ateamer arrives the old Clippbb looks as if It had been through a threshing machine. Well, the time. Is nearly at hand when we close our New Zealand tour, and I shall bate to leave New Zealand, for I must tell the trutb (still I do not forget that I am an Amerlcaal, this Is tn>ly a grand country. Tbe people are most hospitable, and 1 have made a host of friends over here. Speaking Notes fbom Al. 0. Field's Mikstsblb.— All the people engaged for this season are at Columbus, 0., engaged In dally rehearsals of the big spectacular production with which Mr. Field hopes to catch tbe approval and coin of his myriad of patrons. Tbe Par- reato Family, of the European contingent, have not become acclimated, consequently the sick list. George A. Pearce, the En- gllsh tenor, lost all his luggage on the trip between London and Liverpool. He Is In a bad fix, and has been hustling to keep In society until "his bloody traps arrive," as he expressed It There will be a wide departure Id stereotyped minstrelsy by this company. The first part will be a double one, intended to contrast tbe different styles of stage min- strelsy — namely, tbe refined and the plants Hosts* and Notes or Johk W. Vooel s Mihbtbbls.— John W. Vogel, owner and man- ager ; Chas. Orlmsley, secretary sad treas- urer; Col, I. B. Potts, general agent : Henry Bowers, assistant agent; James Smith. Lithographer; Chas. Johnson, programmer . Win. Thomas, banner man ^Arthur WW Lew Benedict, Bowman beeves, Arthur liiO-UC a uuoi «. ...^-— - - „i«^^„« Bite SJ— -HaUJCIJ, LUC [CUUCU ouu LliD iiinuL" of friends, yesterday telng the florious « / , W J| U tQe mlnatrel feature8 wm Kourtho* July, I thought It tie proper ttlng predon jI na te, tiiere will be many Innova- to call on our American consul, ^tr. Dilling- ham, and be and hie family are to be my guests tomorrow evening, as I extended an fnvltaUon to him to witness 'A Countess for Revenue Only.' He seems to be very much pleased with bis berth here, and speaks Elgbly of New Zealand and Its people. While I am writing this lette f .y° u n a , r e ^.'Pft of 'ocai music is irom mo m™r.i, «.«ua<~ keep cool, and we are right In the mldst^ or. gi, B ttuck. J. M. J. Kane Is the press the Winter here, with no snow, but con- . ... •,,-.*•;_ . slderable rain, and, strange to say, no mat- ter how bard It rains, if the sun comes out for a half an hour It Is as dry as If we had no rain at all. When we finish our New Zealand tour, July 22, we will have made a complete circle of all tlie New Zealand Islands, and then we sail for Sydney from Wellington, which will take about four days. We then play our farewell engagement of five weeks; closing on Sept. 6. Our mana- SJr Mr RlckardJ, sailed for America, by way of London, on June 20, In search of novelties. This letter leaves myself and coTpeny In tbe beet of health and 1 trust it may find you all enjoying the same bless- '"thb Juooliho Joiihbonb are In their s° c rtVs^s. H f\r.n r e\rof' .» & ^or^io^HS'Frlsco corned, duo ^tor c caranrw.fi n x X?\ti ?la» continuous vaudeville house, where they will be pleased to play any of the East- ern acts that are going to tbe coast mSo"tb and Dsl kiln are playing a very .uSul engagement of ten weeks on the Paclte coast, ofer the Grauman circuit. Jack Symonds writes: "I P'^*™ weeks at Idora Park, Oakland, Cal., begin- ning July 13, and my success was so good that 1 was booked for a return of two weeks beginning Aug. 10. I ""•XV'th-V 1 tiST I for the past ten years, and of that time 1 have lost only fur months, playing con stantly In 'FriBCO. Portland, Seattle, torla. Vancouver and Los Angeles, to sail for Australia In September. Ethel H. Cabter Is playing the Wells cir- cuit of Southern parkB, presenting her mu- sical act and recitations. - I : Thb Wilson Tbio, week of Aug. 8, playea 8h4KN0N akd Bbown report big success egoon Island, and then Joined the Ulce * [tn th lr Q erman specialty over the Keith circuit They go with the Vanity Fair Co., Vlc- I expect nave not uccwun aitumii™. i»uni|«tuu; u," uratuivH «jj»i>»~— —--■--• •»,_». they have had several of their members on Crawford, John Cartmell, Tommy Hayes, James L. Finning, Geo. W. Kerr, Harry Lelgbton, Fredrick V. Jumps, Thomas Mer- rick, Earl Taylor, Karl Oath. F. P. Kfeney, Melrose Troupe of Acrobats, five In number , Joseph Egan. Al. G. Peebles., E. H. Miller, J. IL Shoemeker, Harry Wilson, Chas. E. StoUman, K. Pearce, Edmpnd Bala, J. «• Sims, J. H. Kerstlng, M. Schmidt, John J. Holen, Wm. 8. Johnston, Chas. Christopher, the Original Electric Trio, John Goodman. Percy Morris, Bol. Blltien, Albert Thomas, Will Hennlker. The band will consist of twenty- Qve picked musicians. The season will open Aug. 14, and the tour will be under the per- sonal direction of Mr. Vogel. In addition to the private car, "Flora, built expressly for this show, the organisation will carry a special 60ft. baggage car for the elaborate velonr first perFsettlngs and electrical ef- fects which will be used, and an extra 40ft. car for the baggage will be used. Thomas Batbuam. character comedian, mourns tbe loss of his mother. V. P. Woodward, tambourine Juggler, who Is on the J. W. Gorman Dark circuit, la play- ing, week of Aug. 8 at filverton Park, Port- Bubdell amb Zabblli are at Shields' Perk, Portland, Ore., with Bait Lake and Denver to follow. „ Pearl Irvino has returned to Boston, after a very enjoyable trip to New York, Danbury, Waterbury and Worcester. Miss Irving opens at the Howard Ang. IT, for the season. Johk Labkin and Dora Patterson, sing- ers of coon songs, report that their comedy act Is a success everywhere. They have twenty weeks booked, opening Aug. 23 on the Orpheum circuit for eight weekB, and then ten weeks with the Pacific Coast Vaude- ville Co., after which they go to St, Louis and Chicago. ___ Tub Tuiiee Jacksons, athletes, write: "We opened at Ilocky Springs Park, Lancas- ter, Pa., July 27, and our aerial 'cycle bag punching act is a success. On tbe following night, while tbe two men of tbe trio were doing their aerial work, a guy wire broke, and tbe whole rigging came down on Andrew, who works underneath on a trapeze. He re- ceived several severe cuts on the nose, base of the brain and shoulders; nevertheless, we will be able to keep our engagement with Manchester's Cracker Jacks. Glen came out of the accident with only a slight shaking up." JoriN H. Mubtha was at McKeesport, Pa., week of Aug. 3. . „ . Castellat and Hall are now In their tenth week on the 8heyne circuit, having signed contracts tor sixteen week, opening ons In the vaudeville portion of the show. The olio, excepting the finale and afterpiece, will be given by European performers — tbe Leigh Bros., the Mlgnanl Family, the Par- rentos, and the Walton Family. There will be en unusually large singing corps, under tbe direction of Paul La Londe. All the vocal music Is from tbe Wltmarks, arranged by Sliattuck. J. M. J. Kane la the press agent end representative of Mr. Field In a business way. Will J. Donnelly haa charge of the advance work, with J. E. Hatfield as advertising agent; Wm. Thorpe, assistant, The season will open Aug. 10. Charles Db Vabo writes : "I wish to state that De Varo end De Carlo have dissolved £artnershlp, and I neve Joined my brother, larsb De Varo, after a separetion of live years. We have taken our own company out, and are doing a nice business." Geo. X. Wilson and Ada Dalt opened at Wlldwood Park, Columbus, Ga., July 27, and after tbe first night were re-engaged for four weeks longer. They present their German comedy creation, "A Man of Sense," which proved one of the features of the show. They stste that they ere booked up BOlld for one year. Lila Elmore Gorman Is meeting with much success with Flynn's Concert Co. Geobqb and Lilla Bbbnnan write- "Through flume tnlstske we did not pley Ilocky Point week of July 27, es we did not receive the contracts that were sent to us. Week of Aug. 8 we were at Lincoln Park, New Bedford? From there we go to Join the Bellly * Wood Show." _ Bernard Klino and Helen Herbert win appear In a aketch, written by the former, entitled "The Horsa Is In the Kitchen, in which each appeer In two character parts. Ed. Hats, mualcel comedlen, who has played his Southern dates, will finish the season through Ohio and Pennsylvania. IUlxiqh and Beard report great success et Olympia Park, Chattanooga, Tenn.. and were held over there for week of Aug. 8. Vernon's Vaudevilles closed Its fourth Summer season In OyBter Bay, L. I., Aug. 22. succesB with HclNNERNEY'S THEATRICAL COLD CREAM. JKUSJSS 2S. ■%!«£■" » BETTER— Bat Mclnnerney's Is BEST. The ingredients of Mclnnerney's Oold Oreem ere pure sod harmless, end when vou once use this preparation you will want no other. Other good qualities in Its favor are Its deUeate pert nine" smooth whiteness and ooollng prwrtles. And it does not cost as muoh as many oi the far Inferior preparations. 59c. «* FOR SA.Lt ONLY AT SotBtfsraa g^ T sarrtircar -^ IEGE10)OPER@ Elliott and N»r» report Dig __ their new act, "The Piano Tuner. ' They at C | nc | nnat i May 17, and finishing In Okla- were on the Floating Roof Garden, the Grand Boma Clty 0- T g^ xl, after which they ltepubllc. week of July 27, where they were one of the features. Lagoon Island, ana t Barton Hose Hill Co. Mbb. Alice O'Bbibn and DAcanTBB, Annie, of O'Brien, Jennings and Brlen, are ending a few weeks with relatives at Tub°Williaj« H. Wist Minbtbblb opened the season at the Academy of MubIc, Pitts- field. MasB., July 25. Those with the com- pany were! Everett W. Chlpman, Interloc- utor; John King, Fred Huber, George Jones, Fred May, F. A. Smith, Louis Tracy. Charles IS. Gano, William Kllpatrlck and William Cyr, comedians; George Jenkins, AubreT Frrndle. G. F. Denton, Vred John- son, Richard dray. Ed. C. Yeager, W. J. McQuinn, Charles B. Foreman, James H. Sadler William Argall and Wlllam Stewart, ?5cells'tB7and ProfTCarl Schilling's Orches- tre of fourteen pieces. The business staff for' San ford B. Rlckeby Is : General manager, W. C. Justice; advertlsln c r nt, George Chlpman ; in which they ere engaged to play principal parts. Bvbton and Bbookeb have been engaged to go with the Behman Bhow this season, and will produce a new act, entitled 'A Can of Humor," for which they will carry e special setting. ThlB act Is built on novel lines, and promises to eclipse any of their Droc&dlnK efforts. Kslley and Reno write that they have snent two weeks as Dr. Campbell's guests, at Hotel Campus. Detroit They were last week at Bhea's Theatre, Buffalo, with the Keith circuit to follow. Auonq tub PEnroBMEas who were In the Commercial Hotel, et Neshvllle, Tenn., which csught fire on the morning of July 26. were: Hey end Miles, Cartwell and Reed, the Rapiers, Mllo Vegge, Lester Falrmen, Fox and Bummers, Eddie Mack. Harry A. will rest' ' three weeks before commencing their regular season. Dot Richards, of Bell and Richards, Is playing the slide trombone with the foot, and making more than good everywhere. Lillian Nbwton wntea: "I have closed four successful weeks at tbe parks, including Rocky Point, Island Park, Portsmouth, R. I., and Waushakum Park, and was at Chestnut Grove week of Aug. 8." Klein, Ott Bros, and Nickbrson write: "We are engaged for the Industrial Exposi- tion at Toronto, Can., from Aug. 25 to Sept. 12, and are all booked up solid In vaude- ville houses up to March 1. We have added to our act four novelty Instruments, also four xylophones and entire new finish." Blacktobd and West, "the glrlB In red," are playing their second week on the Boom circuit, with four more to follow. They are big favorites, and featuring their latest song and their new Fandlmo dance, executed by Lottie Blackford. Charles H. Botlb (late Boyle and Gra- ham) and Marsh end Sartelia have Joined ED.PINALJP^ ED. PINAVD'S Esai do CMnlno Is the best Hair Restorative known. It preserves the hair from parasitic attacks, cleanses the scalp and positively removes dandruff. It Is also a most excellent hair dressing. The sweet and refined odor which it leaves In the hair makes It a toilet luxury. Jlie Cutlery Kinq Venus; stage manager, Jp- "• *-°'P™. a "' Russell (the high diver) and wife, Norman, hands, the ect to be know atage carpenter, Fred Hertlng ; electrician, JSP, »,* Man ;" Palaro Bros., and several Boyle, Marsh and 8artella Co. They will 8am Bennett, Mmi. Adelaide Herrmann Is taking a Mich. much needed fist at Mt. Clemens Mich. « «-- QB-g She closed at the Temple Theatre ^Detroit, owwg ro ^ fw Aug. 1, a series of engagements which have mem , "»» |n d b Sin nearlv consecutive for sixty weeks. Ar- "», ■? , wI?SSw • been nearly consecutive ttstlcally end financially sixty Mme. Herrmann ofThe" Orpheus Opera Co. Fortunately most of their baggage wbs at the park, and, od work of the fire depart- thelr stuff was Baved and ._ but little loss. Ella Wilson, Thob, H. Clarke and Robt. Athon, last Benson leading members of the " sgo, hsve formed a producing, on the aty minute playlets, What Happened to Brown" and "The Fur- niture Man?" with which they report suc- cess. Mr. Clarke and Mr. Athon recently be- came Eagles, being admitted to Aerie No. 4, at Portland, Ore. „ . .. Raleigh and Bbabd write that they are still making good playing the parks through (J £■ ore Id Clara Adams, who recently closed a most successful season at the Howard Theatre, Boston, will rest two weeks before she re- turns for the opening, Aug. 17. Don Fobd writes: "Having disposed of my Summer show, Don Ford's Royal Enter- talnera, to Jack Hampton, I am taking a rest at Parkland, Pa., and producing vaude- ' the Pavilion. I rent at a biaiimju, *«., «,«* * vllle on Saturday nights at hands, the act to be known as Charles H >, Marsh and Sartelia Co. They wll stay In vaudeville this season. Tbe act will be complete with comedy, singing and danc- ing, concluding with Mr. Boyle's Sousa bur- lesque. The act was at tbe Chicago Opera House lest week, with Columbia Theatre, St. Louis, to follow. James Duval, contortionist, writes : "I am recovering rapidly, end will soon be able to work." Bbown, Harris and Bbown write : "One of tbe biggest hits ever made et Ingersoll Park, Des Mioines, la., was made by us In our act, 'Welt e Minute." We star next sea- son aa the Four Browns, In 'The President's Daughter.' " Edgar Geteb, of the Geyer acrobats. Is spending a six weeks' vacation at Sliver Creek, Neb. Tbe team 1b engaged as a vaude- ville feature with tbe J. A. Kennedy Co. for this season. Dacey. Chase and Wabd write: "After playing forty consecutive weeks through tbe Northwest and Southern California, we are taking a much needed rest, summering at Green Lake, Wash. We Join the Harrison Burlesque Co. In September." Al. Friend writes: "I am putting on THE HEATH Shirt Waist IMPROVER. BIZE8 From 33 to 38 Boat . BT MAIL, tl.OO. The Heath Corset Co. 114 Fifth Avinua, NEW YORK. (Mention CUPPER.) 1903 1004 CATALOGUE 5.000 copies ready July t The many changes make the old catalogue useless. Drop a postal for a new one, so as to avoid delay. C. A.TAYLOR Trunk Works. St A II E. Randolph St., ) THB ONLY PLACES U0V ^J?SA J 5?|! 8t - ITATIOB THUIKS iai w Mth BtJ" I 0" *• bought. 181 W. 88th 8L, york j w< ^ nQ Aginc|t|> Tha man (hat knows your wants and senai BSSmBfll Apoil.l.e .elkf '■>< r "!3t , B» CHiriSlT»n ■•••» •- ! BT S ldeTtrj»tim.cVnnll«i for SB cols. Sampll tra- GBBBABD Bjaa WBU f CO.. Bewark.B^ WIRE WORKERS Wo have 200 Gallons band plckod nnd polished pIM and whlto P»n«"» •'> ', c «n While they last we i y 11 sen thorn BtSCSO per 1000 nna 70operlOO. Foreet-me-not colored, enam- eled md Cold (Wed ring with roUedpli&Lordf, Pmrcrlwrt bangle. WeUv«»oldieTCT»l hundred groMto Wire men Uiltse*. •ou. Tboygoukectrcosuckeu. . Ifyouwanttoinbiwitttts _ Uve ones send for onr Wire .So; : fL^£a. Workarseatalogoe. Tbemo« »» • -J " oompleM book ottha kuvl •ver'ajuea. r«r«k5r-W»«»tss WORW OUT territory good ss new. ^ ^ wantfor "Ottos Oreft" ^ B „S jsiac*. W Address EJtHA SCPPLT CO., Boc* 131 * ^ AUGUST, 15. THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. 577 U1TMAKK BUILDING DEDICATED. gome months ago the members of the house f m Wltmark A Boos, without an; display, laid the cornerstone of their new building on West Thirty-seventh Street, Just off Herald souare. New York. A few mementos laid sway, a Httle wort with the silver trowel and mortar, a silent grip of the handa all 'round, and that was all. The construction of the new building wag officially commenced, imil the life long dream was at last In the way of becoming a beautiful reality. In striking contrast to the simplicity of this ceremony was the dedication reception which took place In the completed structure on Tuesday, Aug. 4. The Interest of scores of actors, composers, managers, concert and vaudeville singers are so Interwoven with the business of this house that the occasion uf the dedication ma; be said to have been nf Interest to every person of any prominence in lie theatrical profession. Although the story of the Wltmarks' phenomenal rise to their present position has been told, we feel (hat a snort resume of the career of this bouse will be of Interest to our readers. About twenty years ago one of the Wlt- mark brothers was awarded a prise of a printing press lor excellence In mathematics at school. This press was a small affair — merely a toy, but these enterprising boys bad not acquired K many days before they were engaged in a lively little printing busi- ness, which In three years' time grew to such proportions that the tiny press was dis- carded for a steam plant. Then, owing to the decided musical tastes and talents of two of the boys, they began printing and publish- ing sheet music In a small way. Shortly they became a music publishing Arm, and, as all of the boys were under age, "they looked about (as Marcus Wltmark, the father, jok- ingly says) for a figure bead, and Just took me. So that Is bow the firm became known as the bouse of M. Wltmark & Sons. After h few wholesome reverses and a few great successes the bouse became established as a power in the music publishing world, and It bas gained an Impetus from the youthful bard work, talent and straight dealing of Its members, which Is constantly Impelling It forward and upward. The guests who were fortunate enough to receive an Invitation for the dedication ceremonies the other day were probably as much entertained in the mere Inspection of the building as they were by the excellence of the musical programme provided. Be- ginning at the top of the building, the visi- tors were amazed to find a department which few persons realise has any connection with the music publishing business. Owing to the prevalence of musical comedy, farce and opera the theatrical and musical professions have become Interwoven jndlssolubly. Here on the top floor of the Wltmark building one sees the Wltmark library and agency. The agency, the business of which is to flt out productions With casts, from chorus to alar, occupies a magnificent suite of apart- ments, reception rooms, piano rooms, and business offices. This agency has placed more than. eight hundred chorus people this Summer and Is constantly making new en- gagements. It does much of the business for such prominent managements as the Frob- mans, the Sbuberts, Henry Savage. Weber & Fields. Julian Mitchell, F. C. Whitney and Manager Hamlin. On this game Boor is also the Wltmark library. It would take more space than Is here allotted to detail one quarter of the work done by this Important department. In the library are thousands nf manuscripts, classic and modern. Through Its agency musical comedies, farces, sketches and operas are rented to theatrical producers and amateur organiza- tions, royalties are collected for the authors and composers, and new works are brought to the notice of prominent managements. Although the library is totally disconnected from the publishing business, and has nothing to do with the publishing of operas, etc., yet Is seems appropriate right here to say that out of the current musical productions and those which will be produced next sea- sun the house of Wltmark controls the pub- lishing rights of almost fifty. Among these holdings are the following great successes : 'The fortune Teller." "Dolly Varden," "King Podo." "Babes In Toyland," "The Tender- foot," "The Wlxard of Os," "A Chinese ilopevmoon," "When Johnny Comes March- ing Home," "The Princess Chic," "The Bur- gomaster." "The Yankee Consul." "The Prince of Pllsen," "I'eggy from Paris." "Mr. Pickwick," "The Sultan of Sulu," "The Storks," Harrlgan * Braham's new songs. Weber & Fields' productions, "Miss Napo- leon" (for Anna Held), "Wire Walkers," to lie produced by Frank Daniels, and numerous others. The building is complete In every depart- ment, and Is admirably adapted to the UBe for which. It was built. At eleven o'clock the exercises were com- menced by an orchestra of sixteen pieces playing "The Star Spangled Banner," which, as Be Wolf Hopper wittily remarked after- wards, "was the only number of the pro- gramme not published by the Wltmarks.' He said that be thought It was unusually generous of a music publisher to exploit any publication' except his own. The Honor- able Ferdinand Levy made a fine address, In which he paid a glowing tribute to the "Wltmark boys," as he called them, whom be said he had known since they were mere children,. and of whose energy, straight for- ward dealings and talents he spoke very highly. After this address, which was warm- ly applauded, the orchestra, under the di- rection of Theodore Bendix, played the dedi- cation . march, especially composed for the occasion by the distinguished composer, Vic- tor Herbert, and which was vociferously re- demanded by, the audience. De Wolf Hopper then made one of his witty speeches, and stopped- his chaffing of the audience long enough to pay a really heartfelt tribute to the members of the firm, whom, he said, "hp [elt proud to number among his friends." Mr. Hopper said that be attributed the Wlt- Mw success to the manner In which they knew how to bandle people, and that he con- sidered this business acumen remarkable. 'ouplcd as It Is, In their case, with true artistic temperament. He also, In' a few humorous remarks, congratulated Julius Wlt- mark on having forsaken the precarious pro- fession. of a play actor for the more substan- tial music publishing business. Then followed a musical programme of such variety and 'barm that the large audience could scarcely ■ enticed away from It to the farther end of the room, where a fine collation was sarved.' Many numbers on this programme "ere conducted by the composers, and, as ••very msn was on his mettle, It may well l* said that each composition wss played In "* perfect a manner as possible. On the Kocramme were such prominent composers *« Victor Herbert. Julian Edwards, Manuel Klein, Oscar Hammersteln. William Loraine. ' '""a abroad raw „? i,.^" 8 ab . 8en , ce date ' 1 8lnce the early Ef.H uM Jl,n f» " n 3 ,he "mount of work he had laid out, sad the limited time at his £32?i left blm 'L ttle or n » opportunity "or recreation, Mye raat whl h ' m r less Tyler'sald : aV " ■"** ** " B BM» Mr! "My success In my business undertaking abroad was all that I had hoped for and SSta *°i r K'e? nor Itobson'a use 1 have the Batallle play, -La Valllere;' the English so- ciety drama which Mrs. Humphrey Ward and Louis N. Parker have written tor he™ and a play with which Mlsa Bobson Is greatly pleased, written by Mr. Zangwlll, in sub- stance a dramatisation of his charming story, .i™ ly ,. Ma »7 J*""'' ' "P« nt considerable time with M. Batallle, atT* Bourboule. a F£P„ u J a , r h ftH*4 '""ef'ng Place. I really It will find favor with the American public. L*£Z£ "i™?***!. wltn Ch "- Henr y Meltxer to make the Lngllsh adaptation, a task which . „,' ' Immediately Inaugurate while he Is taking his 'Summer rest/ While In Italy I contracted with Slgnor Tomaao Salvlni. who will come over In the early Spring, for an American engagement which will probably exceed twenty-hve performances, appearing In a repertory which will Include 'Othello^ «». ll *n L ?* ^ • , 'Ingomar' and 'La Mort Civile,' MlasRobson playing the leading female roles. His lines will be In Italian, but his entire supporting company will use the English language, as was the case in Salvinl'g former American tours. Miss Kobson opens her sea- son In 'Merely Mary Ann' Oct. 20, and goes to the Garden Theatre, New York, for an Indefinite engagement, beginning about Jan. 1. Following 'Merely Mary Ann' she will present either 'Agatha' or the Batallle play, as may afterward be concluded upon. 8be stars Jointly with Salvlni for thirty per- formances, beginning about April 1, playing five in New York, Boston and Chicago, and one in the other cities, the tour to be an- nounced as the Salvlnl-Kobson tour. Miss Kobson being jointly starred with him, as stated, and playing Deedemooa to bis Othello, Cordelia to bis Lear, and Parthenla to his Ingomar. Miss Bobson galled Friday, July 31. She will spend the rest of her vacation at some American watering place. "My arrangements for vesta Tllley are now In excellent shape. Mr. Calne has con- sented to a revision of 'The Isle of Boy' by an American collaborator, for the purpose of Injecting Into the play certain 'Tilley comedy' which I deemed essential, and I have secured Edgar Smith's promise to aid me on the lines indicated, and so I have hopes of being able to secure precisely what I desire, for Mr. Caine'a play, go far as plot situa- tions and climaxes are concerned, Is cer- tainly remarkably strong. I am taking no chances, however, and go have an American dramatist, now sojourning In Europe, at work on a comedy of his own concoction, the scenerlo of which wag full of promise. Miss Tllley will sail for America late In August, and will open at the Garrtck The- atre, Chicago, Oct 12. "The Krmete Novelll engagement 1 regard as among the most Important of my foreign contracts, and I may so well regard it, for among those people where Novelll Is best known be Is considered among the greatest actors In the world. He comes to this country about October, and for practically one hundred performances. He will play In Italian, of course, and will bring bis own company with him. "Madame Duse Is to return to this country, and under our management, but not until tbe season following this. This also Is the arrangement I have with Madame Rejane. Her husband Is the leasee and manager of the Comedle Francalse, and It seems that his lease requires tbe presence of Madame Rejane at that theatre for a certain number of performances each season, and, finding It impossible to carry out her former contract, she asked for an extension, which I could not refuse, under tbe circumstances. She will be with us next season, however. "Among my contracts for new material, I am pleased to say. Is one to be written for me by Conan Doyle — a play based on hlB OHIO. ubllshed narration of Incidents In the life of his Napoleonic hero, Brigadier Gerard. Dr. Doyle's treatment of his theme promises well, and I am In hopes that it will be a play which will please, and prove good ma- terial for James O'Neill. I have also a con- tract with J. Comyns Carr for a new play. In blank verse, which will be delivered the drst of the year." ♦♦♦ HONOLULU NEWS. The Stlne-Kvans American Comedy Co. has closed, after six successful performances In the Hawaiian Opera House, n ill IIJU linn aiiau yj^r^i a- «vuov| i.,vut«i.iu three comedies. "Mama's New Husband, "Where Is Cobb?" and "Brown's In Town.' The company was good, and the musical and dancing specialties particularly appreciated. Business was fair, this being the slack season of the year In Honolulu for theatricals. The company goes from here to New Zea- land, and later to Australia. Tbe manager, Mr. Duval, reports that he has made ar- rangements for several prominent players to appear In Australia next Winter and Spring, and Incidentally to play Honolulu en route. Among these he reports Mary Mannerlng. E. II. Sothern and Robert Man- tell. Honolulu people are a trifle sceptical, but would undoubtedly welcome them. At the Ornheum the Lyceum Stock Com- pany, a local semi-amateur combination. Is plavlng to fair business, and presenting "The Private Secretary," "Trias" and "Held by the Enemy," In fair fashion. There Is nothing else visible upon the theatrical horizon. a x > DISTRICT OK COLUMBIA. ■Washington. — That our playgoers were hungry for theatrical amusement was evi- denced by the large audiences which greeted "Pennsylvania" last week at the Academy of Music (J. W. Lyons, manager). This opening was large, and tho house was crowd- ed during the entire week. This week. "The King of Detectives." "The Great White Diamond" 17-22. Lycxlm Theatre (Eugene Keroan. mans- aer) opens Its sesson with the present week, the Utopians leading. The Orientals 17-22. Chase's Theatre I Miss H. Wlnnlfred Dc Witt, manager). — The date for the open- ing of this theatre Is Het for Sent. 22. Lakavettb Opera Hochu (Ira J. La Motte, manager). — This house will open 17, with "Arlxons." Notes. — The National, Columbia and the Empire have, as yet. made no opening an- nouncements The funeral of Mrs. Jean M. Davenport (Lander), of whose death tbe last week's "Deaths In the Profession" gave an extended notice, took place from St. Mark's Eplgcopal Church, In this city. (I. Mrs. Lander had been home here ever since the close of the Civil War, and was greatly respected by a large circle of our best citi- zens. Her remains were interred In Hock Creek Cemetery. ♦ «♦ SOUTH CAROLINA. Cincinnati. — As If In celebration of tho early opening of the season, Autumn's first treeic intruded upon the rotgn of the dog days and a remarkable August coolness pre- vailed on the eve of the Inaugural of the Thespian run of 1 POX '04. Two houses opened Aug. 0, and In another month every theatre In town will be offering attractions for the amusement seeker. Heuck'h Opera House (Hcuck. Fennessy & Stair, managers). — Julc and Elmer Wal- ters will put on their new melodrama, "The Buffalo Mystery," Aug. 0. During the Sum- mer the house has been thoroughly renov- ated, redecorated and refurnished through- out. Buff and gold are the predominant tints. "Shamtis O'Brien" 1(1. People's Theatre (Hubert Hcuck, man- ager). — Ed. F. Hush's Bon Ton Biirlesqucr* are to open the season here li. The home of burlesque has been thoroughly renovated and brightened. Watson's American B-.irlvsq- ers are coming 16. Chester Park (I. M. Martin, manager). — With the last presentation of "The Bohe- mian Girl," 8, the aeason of opera ended, and 9 the Kilties Band will take melodlcus possession of the bouse for concerts twice a day. In tbe vaudeville theatre, 0, Will H. Fox, the Black Ilrlttons, the Hawes Slaters, La Gette, and Art Hondo will provide the bill. Business continues good. Ludlow Lagoon (J. J. Weaver, manager). — The vaudeville bill which Director of Amusements Max Kosonsberg; promises 9 will l.e provided by May L'stelle Belmont, the O'ltourke-Hiirnett Trio, the Rossi Brothers and Daogherty's trained dogs. Business lu good. The Zoo (Walter Draper, manager). — John C. Weber's Military Band, direct from Its Baltimore triumph, where It carried off the first honors at the Elks' contest, re- ceived an ovntlnn. Anna Lerch was the soloist of the week. OMR Island (W. E. Clark, manager). — These are the closing days at the up river resort. The Eagles were In full possession V.. The Cincinnati Juvenile Opera Com- pany will begin a two weeks' engagement 10. 8ho» Shop Talk.— The Heuck Theatre Company's new house has gotten beyond the stage- of sporulniion ard In a few daya plans will be submitted by Mr. McElfatrlck and Son and theatre to cost about «7M),00O. The site will be on Vine Street, between Fifth and site will he on Vine, between Fifth anil Sixth, and almost opposite the new Grnnrl Opera House. A roof garden will be put on the house, and Itobcrt T. Crrew, the busi- ness man, will permit tbe roof of his great store to be mane pnrt of that new amuse- ment enterprise. The theatre will not he ready for dedication before Sept. 1, 11104, Col. .lames E. Fennessy Is going to Pittsburg to attend a meeting of the Kin- Rlre circuit, 12, and will then go direct to ew Ycrk to supervise the fair shows lie will personally direct tbls season Lola Carpenter, the souhrctte, enme to town to visit her husband, Charles Burkhart, who Is doing a Hebrew turn at the Ludlow Lagoon. Mnnnger I- M. Martin Is .it Clark's Lake, Mich., where lilt: wife and boy have been summering. . . . W. R. Clark, of Coney Is- land, is to take nut Mnrlr- Clark this season, In "Tbe Little Mother," a play writ- ten for her by A. C. Z. Chlpman Will Fennessy, who has been In town, llxlnic up the routes of "The Kadenjammer KldB n and "Through the Centre of the Earth," left for New York 8. George Lenrned will act as business manager of one of these organiza- tions George E. Baker bas signed as advance man for Rose Cecelia Shay, who Is going out In opera Captain Dupuy, of the Island Queen, In the Coney Island ser- vice, wan presented with a Masonic p'n hy bis crew J. W. Zarrow bas engaged 8. Bertrand for. ballet master of the spectacle of Marco Bolo, and a call for the girls' re- hearsals will goon be Issued. Two hundred applications are on file Otis B. Thayer, of New York, and Gertrude M. Cavagne, of Cincinnati, both of "Sweet Clover, were married at the borne of tbe bride's mother at Bond ■Hill, a Cincinnati suburb, 8 Manager John H. Ilavlln Is in town, but will go to New York to join his partner, Harry Italnforth Tbe Sousa and lnnes bands, and the Hawaiian Glee Club will be heard at the Fall festival. children's homo day ; Tuesday, children's day ; Wednesday, ladles' day ; Thursday, lire- works, and Friday, society night. The plan bas met with approval. Notes. — It. K. Hamilton, press ageut of Barniim & Bailey's Circus, was here 0, his ahow being due 28 Paul Bloom, repre- senting his carnival company for Labor Week, Is here making preparations Eddie Ma- ster and Horace tlreely left New York to begin rehearsals for the season wlih lluv- erly's Minstrels. . . . , Manager Peter Rice, of the Opera House, Is brightening up tho house with new paint, new decorations, new roof, etc., and announces the following book- ings : Illaney's "Across tho Paclflc" Aug. 14, Ullger 4 Cornell's Repertory Co. 17-28, and many others T. T. Rook left for 8an Francisco Aug. 2, to commence rehearsals for the season Manager Wcss has pur- chased and set on Public Square two artis- tic exhibition cases, glass front! and marble bases, that tell the public the doings at Avon Park J. Clyde Rlgby, who waa form- erly with Rogers Bros., but Is now connected with Manager Jno. L. Kerr and the Columbia Ticket Co., of Syracuse, N. Y., was home a few days, visiting his parents. ■ Dayton — At the Victoria Theatre (C. G. Miller, manager). — The Al. G. Fields Minstrels Is booked for Aug. 21. Park Theatre (Harry K. Felcht, mana- ger). — Jule k Elmer Walters' production, "The Buffalo Mystery," opened the house Aug. 3-5, to big business. "When the Bell Tolls" drew well 8-8. Coming: llolden Pros.' "Nobody's Clnlm" 10-12, "Two I.lttlo Waifs" 13-15. Lakeside Park (Jog. A. Kirk, mannger). — TAe Casads. musical performers, were tho attraction Aug. ,*) nnd week. Notch. — The Glasgow Stock Co. disbanded here Auk. .1, because of poor. patronage Larry II. Rolst will take the management of tbe Falrvlcw Park Casino Aug. II, for tho People's R. It. Co. Joe Michaels, of the Victoria Theatre, will hare charge, of tho stage. First class vnudcvllle will be put on. « Toledo.— At the Form Theatre (Otto . Kllves, manager). — Last week's bill was strong and well balanced. Dolnn and Len- liarr scored heavily In their travesty on "The Sporting Duchess." Al. Stem, former manager of the Empire Theatre, bas a good monologue, and made a success. Week of l), Caroline Hull and Co. Casino Theatre (Frank Burt, manager). — This Is the last week of Summer opera at this house. "The Pirates of Peniance" Is the attraction, and the company handle the piece in a very capable manner. Business good. Bkllhvl'k Pahk (J. W. McComilek, mana- ger). — Al. Lawrence Is the headllner at this house, and his monologue and Imitations are well received. The Lamnnts have a clever acrobatic act. Big business. s Akron.— At Lakeside Park Casino (Marry llnwn, manager) fair business ruled. For week of 10: Mack nnd Elliott, Troubadour Trio, Robert Kldrldge, York and Herbert Trio, Sallle Randall, elms. Hcclow. Electbio Park, Kent (I. II. Moffatte, munnger).— The bill for week of 10: Carter nnd lloss, Dick and Eflle Guise, Mons. Forber, Ladel. Tiik Colonial Tfibatbe will open the sea- son 111, "Hello, Bill," being the attraction. ■ Marlon.— The Iluber Roof Garden (Chas. K. Perry, manager) Is enjoying excellent patronage this week. A splendid bill Is booked for week of Aug. 10 and will In- clude: Dan and Dolly Mann, Miss Hardls Langdcn. baritone, who waa with Innca' Bund; the Evans Sisters, nnd Prof. Fleer's moving pictures. Note. — Vogel's Minstrels will open tba Grand Opera House tor the season 20. rimrlmtnn. — At the Isle of Palms Jnke Wells' Vaudeville Co., with the Schrtslcs. lOmelle llrenner. the Coltons. Elzler anil Webb, and Herbert Lloyd, closed another successful week Aug. 3-8. Maggee and Mag- gee, Browning Sisters, and Frank Fogarty are booked for 1015. Cleveland. — At the Garden (Chas. L. Lit Marcbe, manager). — 'The Chimes of Nor- mandy" Is being sung the current week, which Is the company's farewell appearance. Tbe cast Is as follows : Serpolette, Miss intropodl ; Gemialne, 'MIbs Darling; Ger- trude, Pauline Ha rice ; Henri, Mr. Sadller ; Jean Gremchoux, Frederic Knight ; Gospard, Carl King; the Ballll, Mr. Befiery ; tbe No- tary, Edw. Everett. Although tbls Is the company's last appearance, tbe Oarden will be open two weeks longer, us Manager La Marcbe has engaged the Italian bandmoater, Creatore, and his sixty muslcluns to play for two weeks. Lyceum (J. K. Cookson, manager). — .The Vaughn Glaser Stock Co. is giving ''All tbe Comforts of Home" tbe current week. Allco Treat Bunt lias been specially engaged for this one week's production. "Jim, the Pen- man," was the bill week of Aug. 3. Next week will be the last of the stock company's eight weeks' season. Cleveland (J. K. Cookson, manager). — "When the Bell Tolls" Is the attraction current week, a feature being the full blooded St. Bernard dogs led by Champion Soger, which are used. "The Eleventh Hour" proved a success for tbe opening week of Aug. 8. Star (Drew & Campbell, managers). — This house opened Its doors Saturday night, Aug. 8, with Harry Williams' Imperial Bur- lesquers, which Is the attraction current week. The talent Includes Frank Byron, travesty actor, nnd tbe comedians : Cliff Gordon, Snltz Moore, and John E. Cain. The vocalists of the company are: Edna L'rllug, Pattt Carney, Louise Langdon, and Evans and St. John. There Is a large chorus, headed by Grace Burke and the Sheldon Sisters, who appear In two musical reviews. Messrs. Drew tt Campbell have added some new things In the ventilation of the theatre, and with the aid of numerous fans keep the temperature at a low degree. Manhattan Beach.— Tbe two leading acts at Bostock's continue to be Madame Planks, with her trained . lions, and Ora Cecil, with ber group of dangerous leopards, whose act Is the most exciting of tbe season. Home of the other acts are: Captain Wil- son, with bis big collection of bears, wolves, hyenas and jfscktalla: Debora, snake charmer : Bobby Mack's Dog and Monkey Circus, Blareno, the monkey looping the loop; Dynamite, the trick mule, and the training of Wallace, tbe untamable lion, whose ferocity continues to excite the crowds of spectators. i Yoang.town — At Idora Park (E. Stan- ley, manager). — Week of Aug. 3, at this re- sort, good patronage ruled. The Woodwards. Olvlo, Lolo Fawn, Dick and Kffle Guise, and the Lovltts. Tbe free attractions consisted of King and Queen, the beautiful team of high diving horses, which have been re- engaged for week of I). Manager Stanley lias engaged for week of the following : K. D. Coe, Leroy and Woodward, Healy and Farnum, and the Yates Bros, Avon Park (Jos. W. Wess, leasee and man- ngi-r). — Week of 2, nf Avon, consisted of the following talent : Frnnk anil Ida Williams, l.awson anil Namnn. Laura Dewiif. -Heriiert and Nolan, Christopher. C. L. Preston, and /arrow and Zarrow. Good business rules, and the Mil is highly satisfactory. Manager Wess ha» established Monday of each week Sprliin-llelil.— At tbe Spring Grove Ca- sino (F. 3. Dalle, manager) the warm weather has Increased tbe already large attendance. The programme for the week of Aug. 2 was excellent and Included : Jerome and Meredith, comedy sketch, "An Amaaing Itlvsl ;" Lew J. Welsh and Marie L. Estcs, Irish singing and talking; St. Clair children, songs and dances; Raymond Zel, banjo selec- tions; Welsh and Kates, comedy sketch, "Sights at the Show;" Frances Meredith, monologlst ; Nancy lUcu, In musical novelties. Note.— The Wallace Circus will be here Aug. 18. » Coliimlina. — At Olnntangv Park (J. W. Diicsenbcrv. manager)'. — Olentangy Slock will present "'Miss Tennessee" week of Aug. 10. Vaudeville week of 18. Kmimrh Theatre (II. Wiseman, manager). — "Winchester" played, to very largo audi- ences, week of 3. "Lovers' Lane" week of 10. II to ii Street Theatre (A. G. Ovens, man- nger). — "Uallroad Jack" played, to good busi- ness, 0-8. Booked : "Two Little Waifs" 1012. Wallace Bros.' Circus Is hooked for HI. I Sieuhenvllle. — Htanton Park (T. H. Molcson. manager). — Ray Cox, "tho small lady with the big voice, has kept her au- diences In an uproar all week wltn ber orig- inal wit and catchy songs. The Whltesldes, Ethel and Frank, present one of tho most refined acts seen this season at the park. Joe Heyman, In hi. Hebrew character, has been keeping tho audiences laughing Im- moderately. Coming: Kege and Daniels, German yodlors : J. Murthers, and return engagement of Wnlter F. Stock, tbe funny minstrel man. Also return engagement of the Three Graces, who Jump from Nashville, Tenn., to play a special engagement at the park. Mnnaneld.— At Lake Park Casino (P.. R. Kndly, manager). — Rentf row's Big Slock Co. has held this resort for two weeks, to heavy business, giving excellent satisfaction. The company will continue week of 10. «l * MISSOURI. Anne of Austria. Victory Bstetuan and RarhHel Acton also did work that waa much npplauded. This Is the best Summer slock company that St. I^iuls has had for many years. "Richelieu" is Ibe current offering. Mannion'm Park (Maunlon Bros., man- agers), — Mr. and Mrs. William Robyna, In a new comedy sketch, made a big Impression at Mannlim's last week. Other vaudeville, acts above the averagu were : Stanley and Ncaly, Armstrong and Holly. Maynie Mit- chell, nnd Ferguson and Passniure, Tho funmakers for tills week are: lues Meciiskrr. Ilamra and Amo, Cnstellat and Hall. 'I'rask nnd Rodgers, Kly and Fray, and James II. Donovan. Ht'iiouHiMN Garden (F. V lnnes, man- ager). — Hand concerts of a high order were dally and nightly attractions at breesy Su- burban last week. A short and excellent vaudeville bill was also offered. Henley and) Mcelcy wen- the topllncra. Other acta were : Ryder* monkeys, Alt Holt, the Imitator; the Gilbert slaters, and Albert C. Walts. This week Bandmaster lnnes offers a revival of his famous musical arrangement, "War und Pence." WkstEnd Heiohth (Uen Williams, mana- ger). -^A creditable bill of vaudeville was offered at this resort last week. The head- liners, Cole and Delosse, did work on tho tight wire that waa truly excellent. Dohor- ty's trained poodles also delighted tho ami - en ces. Lump's Park (.1. L. Wnllrap. manager) • Tho Sieger Sisters tnndo a decided hit st lamp's last week. Other entertainers were: Coxcy and Courtney, Mitchell and Ward, James O'Neill, Klenor Dunce, and Kohl and Alecla. IIanuaoen'8 (Hnshagon Urns., managers). — The vaudeville bill at Hnsliagen's Inst week contained : Tho Conney Island Ballet, Franklin and iMoNutt, Kalhass, tho mysteri- ous Greek ; Carl Fisher, Myrtle Pauach, Frank Dunn, and Cordelia Huberts. IIavmn'm Theatrr (William Gsren. man- ager). — This theatre opened for tho season of 1003-4 on Sunday, 2, with stnndlng room signs In evidence. The house has t>eeii completely redecorated, nnd Is In lino trim. The attraction was "An Orphan's Prayer," a rural melodrama, presented by a qui to ca- pable company, headed by Nettie de Coursey, a young and clever star with a good voice. "A Millionaire Trnrop" Is tho current offer- ing. Cni.uMMA Theatre (Frank Tate, mana- ger)- — The Columbia began lis vaudcvllln season with a cleverly varied bill. Georgn (.'. Boniface and Bertha Wal dinger had tlin headline act In a pleasing comedy sketch. Others who nmde good were: Tbe Nosses, Artie Hull, Rnpoll, the Juggler, and Fulgoni, In his "transfiguration" act. This week Mr. Tnto offers us other good ones, Including : llobliy Gnylor, Low Sully, Arenaon, .loseiihlnii GiisMiiiiin, Martini and Mnxlmllllun, Russel mill Ltx'kp, Burton and Burton, and Stella Belnhurl. I i Kan.na City.— At Glllla Opera House (!■:. B. Hrlgham, manager). — The opening gun was fired at this popular house on Sat- urday evening, Aug. I, with nu S. B. O, nuillenro on hand. Ilusco ft Holland's Georgia Minstrels were the Inaugural at- traction, nnd they gave a splendid show. Business was big all of the engagement, and the start Indicate, a big season. This week, "The Orphan's Prayer,'' and next, "Tho Mil- lionaire Tramp." Forest Park (Lloyd Brown, mannger). — Big emwds continue to flock to the new park. Business In Hopkins' Theatre showed a de- cided Increase. Tho hill: Roso Naynon anil her tropical birds— one of the most beautiful acts wo have seen In many a week ; tbe Four Hlanos, who had a very original comedy ncrobatlc sketch; Paulino Moran sung coon and other songs. T. Aldrlch Llbbey and Kath- rrlne Traycr, In their familiar sketch, "Tim Debutante," were big favorites. Thoy were both In excellent volco. Tbo Rader Twins nnd Prof. Clark', dogs made up the rest of tho bill. This week tho new comers will bo: Press Kldrldge, Eva Mudn (a return engage- ment), tho Three Merrills. Matnlo Mitchell, the Trolley Car Trio, and tho l* Fitvro Quar- tette. Kt.KCTim.' Pahk (Ham Benjamin, manager). — Tho llrst week of Sorrcntlno anil his Rands, lloasa proved how wlso Manager Benjamin was In securing this popular attraction, as Hip attendance Jtimpud away up and thti audiences demanded encore after encore. CLtpPBRiNris.— Tho Grand will open 1rn regular season with "The Burgomaster," HI, Tho Auditorium will opon 211, with Cora Van Tassel, In "The Voiunteor." Manager Lehman arrived homo II, and an- nounces that llio Orphciim will open about tho middle of September Tho Willis Wocsi will ojicn on Sept. 7 Joseph Bar- rett, of iNew York, arrived hero last weak, to iisstinin tho management of the Century Theatre, which In In the Empire circuit, and will be open about the llrst week in Hnptem- Is'i- iu n burlesque 'house Geo. Adams, lumiajfor of tho Crystal Theatre, of Denver, Col.. Is In tho city, looking for a location for a vaudeville house, tho policy of which Is lo glvo hourly shows, at an admission of 10 cents. ♦*♦ WASHINGTON. (II. Lonls. — All the gardens did well last week, especially Forest Park Highlands. Two of the downtown theatres opened for the season — Havlln's and tbe Columbia. The former did a surprisingly large business. IiKi.itAii Gariik.v (J. C. Jinnopoiilo, man- ager).— "The Geexer" was the burlesque ut Dolmar last week. Tho chorus was the main feature. The play Is built that way. and this particular chorus was a very good one. Of the comedians, Arthur Whltelaw had thn must to do, and he was ably assisted by Ham Kidman and Bobby Harris. Freda Galllck as Nellie Fly was In excellent voice, snd was well received. Josephyne Newman also won praise, although her* was s rather Inappropriate role. This week "Pousse Cafe" I* tbe attraction. Forest Park IltmiLANns (Col. Hopkins, mannger). — Tbe big pavilion was crowded each night last week. George Primrose, the dignified veteran of old time minstrelsy, was, by long odd., the favorite. He was ably assisted by his promising pupil*, John nnd Willie Foley. Paplnta and Pre** El- drldge were nlso extremely well received. Eva Mudge. the Ufobre (juartrt, and the bicycle work of the Merrills were other fea- tures on this excellent programme. For Ibis week George Primrose and Paplnta remain. The new comers are: Burton and Brooke*. Jessie Coutboul, the Josselyn Trio, and tbe Katydids. KtiKHNEn'R (II. R Rico, mnnnger).— "The Throe Guardsmen" was well presented and received at Koerner's lost week. • lAwrvncn Illnlev appeared as D'Artagan to excellent advantage. Hal De Forrest nnd Harry Burk- hardt made good In appropriate roles. An- clln Pullls (who I* making a decided hit in this, ber native town) took the rol« of * link a lie. — At tho Hpokatli) Theatre (Ban b Weaver, mannger) Richard J, Jose's Min- strels enme, to n good house, July 20. Tim house will he durk during August. Auditorium (Hurry C. Ilayward. mana- ger). — Tho Jesslo Shirley Co. began tho tenth week of Its engsgnmnnt !!, tho bill being "Tim Lady of Lyons" and "In tho Hands of tho Enemy," Dig business Is thn ruin. Shields' NATAToimtw Park (Mr. Broti- son, manager).— Tho Dagmars, Nnllls Hill- ypr, Stanley and Hcunlon, Jesslo Orr, itud tun Athon-Wllsnn and Clarke Co, wore tbo top- liners for tbe week of 11, Business I. ex- cellent. Coedii D'Ai.knk (Jacob (loud, manager). — Tho bill week of II Includes : Fein Bros., Hairy llynsr and Lillian Melbourne, Harry and Mamie Klcharils. Tholma Klngslny, Pearl and Cassldy, and William Court right, and Jennie Lee Capacity business Is Hie rule. CriMKJUK (I. D. Holland, manager) Tho people for .'l-S: Geo. Marsh and l.'d. Mar- zlllo, La Rein. Hnin'l J. McMillan, Anita Wil- son, John P. Itntce. Aim Lynch, Elslo Marlon, L'rqulinrt Jackson, unil Kate West. The house Is prospering. Notiih.— Hlngllng Bro*,' Circus Is billed for tfi Campbell Urns.' Circus came, • lo good biinlnpsM, 30. *) ■» COLORADO. Denver. — At thu Broadway Thealri (Peter McCourt, manager). — Aug. 2-H 111. Jane Oker Stock Co., Infills Excellency, tho Governor." did a big bu»lne»s. 'Klitoh Oaidens (Mary Hlltch-Long).— Aug. 2 8 Hubert I'rout and the Bellows Stork Co., In "The Ijist Appeal," bad the big the- atre packed at every performance, Manhattan Beach (J. Edgar Clifford, manager).— Aug. 2-8: The Great tlarheck*. Allien Klmmon* Prince, Miss llrooke Kltryui, Brumage and Clark, Dereece Harry, Hanvev and Dunne, Smith and Chester. TVy brokn the record week of 2, and turned people away, giving a good show. ItocKv Mountain Lake (Eastern Amuse- ment Co., managers). — Aug. 2-8 this resort opened to the public, with n good Show, and will innko a tad for n share of the business. Vaudeville bill Included: The Four Mlltons, f'nrluiry nnd Hlntiluti, Lulu Gordon, (ho Mil- iar Family, Mitchell and Ednn, Devoy nnd Perl. Business is very good. + « » — John Waldran Is leading man for tho Toledo, 0., Stock Company. . 578 *E£& NEW- YORK GLIPPElt. 1 August 15. THE NEW TORE CLIPPER «■» . — THE FRANK QUEEN PUBLISHING CO.(Umltid,) FROrnlETOHH. ALBERT J. HOME, EDITORIAL AND BUSINESS MANAQI1. SATURDAY, AUGUST 15, 1903. RATES. Advertisements— f 2.80 per Inch, tingle col- umn. Advertisement! cet with border, 10 per cent, extra. . . SUBSCRIPTION. One year In advance, $4 ; six months, $2 i tbree monthB, $1. Foreign poitage extra. Blngle coplea will be lent, postpaid, on re- ceipt of 10 cents. Our Terms are fash, THE CLIPPER Is Issued every Wednesday morning. Tho last four (advertising) pages oo TO PRESS on Saturday at 11 a. it., and tbo othor pages on MONDAY and TUESDAY, The Form. Closing; Promptly, Toes- day, nt 10 o'clock A. M. Flense, remit by express, money order, check. P. O. order or registered letter. All cash en- clOBed wrtb. letter Is at the risk of sender. Address All Communications to TUB NEW YORK CLIPPER, 47 West 28t!t Street, New York. RtgUtered Cable Am i*, "Autbobitt." THE WESTERN BUREAU Of Tub Cmitbh la located at Room C02, Ashland lllock, Chicago, Walter K. Hill, manager and correspondent, where adver tlsements and subscriptions are received at our regular rates. THE LONDON BUREAU Located nt 48 Cranbourn St., London, W. C, J. IV Coughlau, manager and correspondent, where advertisements and subscriptions are received at our regular rates. Tub Cmppicb can bb outainid, wholb 6Ai,a and retail, at our agents, Brentano's news depot, 37 Avenue de I'Opera, Paris, France; M. Llllenthnl, Frledrlcn. Strasse J01 (Terminus Hotel), Berlin, N. W., Ger- many ; Diamond News Co., 97 Prado, Ha- vana; Manila Iiook and Stationery Co., 128 Kseoltn, Manila, P, I. ; Albert & Son, 1B7- 1U0 ICIn« St., Sydney, Australia. THK NEW YORK CLIPPER imbllsiies only one edition, and tUat Is dated froiu New York, i . QUERIES ANSWERED. No Reviles by Mall or Telegraph. ADDRGBSBa OR WIIBBEAUOUTB NOT OIVBK. AM.: IN QUKHT OV Hl/CK SHOULD WBITB TO THOSE WHOM TI1KV BBEK, I.N CARS Or THE CLIPPER POST OFFICE. ALL LRTTBRB WH* BE AUVKUT1HED ONB WEEK ONLY. IV TOT RoUTH OV ANT THEATRICAL COMPANY, IB BOUOHT, ItRKGO TO OUB LIST Or ROUTES UN ANOTIIf.ll lurJE. WK CANNOT BIND UOUTHB BY MAIL OB TKLKr.RAl'U. V, De U, Ilolyoke. — When a cord Is ex- posed In the draib the pluyer to whom It la dealt cannot accept It, but must be given (be next card from tbo top of the pack, and be- fore the player to Ills left Is helped.' L. C. W„ Cleveland. — When a band Is played to Its conclusion, and both players count only sixty-live, neither con Bcore, but the winner of the next baud scores oue point extra. Set Back.— R wins the game with high, he having but one to go. ' I. A. It., San Francisco. — C was right la betting fifty irents, that being agreed upon ns the limit of the game. II. O. L., liincaslcr. — 1. 2. Yes; n player Is not obliged to have In his hand a card of n suit which he chooses to make trump. 3. No; only the player who assumes , the re- sponsibility of the trump can play alone. W. Db S., Sacandaga Park. — 1 .Yes, after the first twelve tricks have been taken In. 2. Not In two handed pinochle, If the player has 1,000 points. TURF, I* W., Dallas. — No record of distance traveled by any tine horse, under saddle. In tin- time mentioned. See records of long distance riding on Page 78, of Clutkii An- nual for lUul. RING. a II. M., Sioux City.— 1. Tbree times. 2. The first. .1. Martin Julian, whose sister, Hose, was Bob Pltzslmnioiis' second wife. A. J., Minneapolis. — I'eter Mnhcr. In his light with Hob Mtzslrouioiis at New Orleans, did not knock the latter down, Kits catching I In- tup rope mul partly sitting on the lower one, In the first round. KHz gained first blood and llrst knockdown In that round. MISCELLANEOUS. C. A. R., Moorliead. — Orover Cleveland Is the father of -three girls and two hoys, viz.: rtutli, 12 years old; Esther. 10; Marl- on, 8 ; Richard, 0, and a baby boy. II. and (•„ Trenton. — we do not answer quest luiis relating to the private affairs of anyone. II. F.. Winnipeg. — Bets on tile result nre decided by the official declaration made by (be returning oflleer after the decision by the court.' i OUR CHICAGO LETTER. DRAMATIC, . II. 11., New York.— Wo have no knowl- edge of I he present whereabouts of the party. Address u letter In our enre, and we will iidverllso It In The Cluticr letter Use. Mhh. 1). A. W., Ualllpolls, It, 'I'., Tuxedo. M. u. T., .Mil mi. r link, T. A. B., Waterloo, P. P., I'oltsvllle, V. E., Onondaga, II. 1>. It., Philadelphia, N. J. 'I'., Warren, J. L. Ii„ Brooklyn, W. D. S„ Soda im. Constant Kkaukii, "I'dl.VI'llKlV'' und Thkspia.n, New Philadelphia, see answer to II. 11., above. J. II. .In.. Broken Bow.— Wo nevor nn- Bwer trues! ions relatlug to the reliability of uny one. "Skcomi Likut.," Ft. Thninns. — Owing to I lie wreck nt' lliit Wallace Show Aug. 7. ut liiiriiinl. Mich., It will probably be some tliuu before they resume their tour. J. U. II., Seuille. — He was Interested In the circus Unit bore his mime up to the time nl' his death. , . J. It., Kansas City. — We only know the party by his since mime, and have every reason In believe it Ik nut assumed. Misn K. 11., Philadelphia. — We cannot answer, as we do not kilo w to what carnival you refer. . Write again, giving uiiine of carnival or Its inn linger. . W. J. I'\, Philadelphia — We could not spare 1 he space to print what you desire A. G. J„ Oil Clly.— They did., Mas. 11, C. Pittsburg. — We have no means of knowing the whereabouts of tho party. It. M. II., Philadelphia.-- Watch our route list each week, or address t.he iiinmigor of company In care of The Clipped, and wo will advertise the letter In our letter llsl. A. II., I'lloti.— See answer to It. M. B. Mns. A. S., cnllioun. — Wutch our route list each week. M. & C, Council Bluffs. — Address Arm- strong & Allen, 10 Union Square, Now York City. II. B. K\, Magnetic Springs. — We should certainly prefer "The Two Orphans." Fox, Fox and Koxik. — Tho performer you mention bus used the niiuie an his trade mark for ninny years, und It would bo a greut Injustice to hint for any one else to use It. W. XI, M„ Sednlln. — We have no knowl- •edge of the company having opened Its sea- son. 0„ New Castle.— Nov. 25, 1878, at Boston, Mass. S. L., HI. Paul.— We did not. S. W. M.j Muqiin hem. — We have no record of I he dentil of the purl. v. A. .11, Duyloii. — ■Von can copyriglit songs by addressing the Llhrarhin of Congress, Wiishtuglon, 1). C The question of profes- sional copies bus nothing to do with the matter. M. & 1). V., Denver.— Address Richard l'ltrot, In cure of this ollleo, N. A, N„ New York. — Address Frank Mc- Kee, Madison Square Theatre, New York City. (I. B, fl„ JaeksouvHle.— The late J. K. Emmet did slug a song Iho llrst lino of which was (he ono you mention. Wo do not know the author, You can probably obtain tho Information you desire by Addressing bis son (.I. K. Emmet l. In rare .of this olllce. We will mlverllse the letter In our letter list. CARDS. Sni.niRii. Sarketls Harbor.— 1. Elgbteen [minis, a. Two points, ;i. One for Ii'h "iiobn." We eiiiiiml . undertake to explain why these points count ns they do, except to slate Hint they are governed by certain, rules In rrlbbagc. ({■BOM OUB OWN CORRESPONDENT.) Western Borean Of the New York Clipper, Room BOS, Ashland Hlook, (Jlileniro. Sunday afternoon, Aug. 0, will mark the opening of the season at two more Chicago llienties — the Columbus beginning with "The .Minister's Son," and, the Academy of Music starting off with "Shauius O'Brien." At the lust named house Ijiwronce 11 rattan will make his stellar debut. Novelty is offered ut the Criterion In the llrst production, Sun- iluy afternoon, of "On Hie Uridge nt Mld- iilglit," a melodrama then shown for tho first lime on any stnge, mid the local introduction, at the Alhambra, of "A Human Slave. "I lubes In Toyluud," nt the Grand Opera House;" "The Tenderfoot," nt the Dear- born; "The Prince of l'ilseu," at the Stude- bilker;, "The Burgomaster," at the Great Northern, and Henry E. xjixey, nt Powers', nre continued attractions. Business during I lie iwisl week has been generally good, fa- vorable weal lie i- conditions bringing n profit lo most of our uuitiseinont providers. Willi the last of August nearly every local theatre will Juive begun the regular season, next week marking the beginning nt McVlcker's, the Thirty-first Street nud Hopkins'. Within two months, unless present anticipations fall, Chicago will have two brand new theatres in operation — tlu Iroquois, down town, and Hie People's Theatre, on the West side, where .May llosmer will re-establish her stock com- pany. Ghaxd Opeua House (Fred R. Hamlin, mnnnger).— Sept. 12 Is the date set for "Babes in Toylond" to deitart. The big spectacle is due hi New York ns soon there- after as It can be transported nud staged nt the Majestic. Meanwhile business con- tinues Immense. . SrruKiiAKEu Theatre (C. C. Curtis, di- rector). — "The Prince of Pllscn" enters up- on its second week Aug. 10, with a record of big business ami the expected satisfaction. thiiB far. , Deauuoiin Theatre (W. W. Tillottson, manager). — The last three weeks of "The Tenderfoot" Is announced. Last week near- ly. passed without n chnngc In tho cast, but Charley Wayne lost his voice nud Gilbert Gregory has replaced him until he finds It. Business Is good. Towers' Theatre (Harry J. Towers, mnn- nger). — Henry E. Ulxey continues luto his seventh week of "Over a Welsh Knreblt" and "Facing the Music" Moudny night. There will be no more Sunday performances here, Wednesday matinees having beeu sub- stituted ut inure popular prices. (Iuhat Northern Theatre (Edward Smith, ninniigcr). — "The Burgomaster" bc- Ciiu Us second und Inst week Sunday after- noon, big business having thus far resulted. ••Under Southern Skies" opens 10, for two weeks. Cuiterion Theatre (Lincoln .7. Carter, manager). — .The Kllnit-Ileani production of "On the Bridge nt Midnight" will be seen for the llrst. time on any singe Sunday after- noon. l», l.nst week two dally performances of "The James Hoys in Missouri" nl traded good business. Academy or Unite (Win. Roche, resident manager). — The season opens here SVuiilav afternoon, !), with Lawrence Grnttnn In "Shiiiniis O'llrlcli." "The Little Outcast" will lie the ensuing nttruetlou. Cot, n.M mis Theatre (Fred F.bert, resident malinger).— "Tho Minister's Son," featuring \V. W. Button, will be tho llrst attraction of i lie season here, opening Sunday afternoon, II. "On the Bridge ut Midnight" comes 10 nud week. AlJI.vMr.it A Tiihatuk (James II. Browne, resident liuinager). — John M. Ward's pro- duction of "A Human Shue" will be icon for the llrst time lierc i) find week, opening with the usual Sunday matinee. ] exhibited nt the Qlymplc for the last time Tuesday evening, ending nn engagement of over three weeks, successful In nil pni-tlcu, lars Paul Fisher und Charily Martin are the soloists at the Bismarck Gardens this week, where Bunge's Band is delighting great crowds .Joe Barrett, who has represented the Empire Circuit Co., at Hop- kins', lias gone to Kansas City to manng'» the Standard Theatre. John E. Fenuessy will he resident manager at Hopkins' under the Stair & Harlln arrangement Howard Powers and Dolly Theobald arrived In Chicago Friday, from n vaudeville tour on the Pueillc const. They nre negotiating for a road company, but may continue In vaudeville this season The Kins-Xors have been booked by their manager. C. E. Itelyen, for a week nt West End Heights, St. Louis, hecdming 2?, Manager Mar- tin ]/€hinnn, of the Kansas City orpbeum, was In town hist week, returning home from his Summer vacation. He bus gone to Kansas City to put his house In readiness to open the season Sept. 13 Homer Drake Is hooking the tour of Valeskn Stor- la'ck, in "Carmen," to open Sept. 7, near Chicago. His iMinneny is all engnged mul rehearsals soon begin.... The Calumet The- aire, South Chicago, of which. J. T. Con- tiers Is resident malinger, opened lis season Aug. '.', with "Two Little Waifs." Wood nnd Wurcl, In "Two Merry Tramps," comei Ii. nnd "A Human S'nve" 10. While In New York this Summer John Conners, of the American, booked the Calu- met's season with the best line of attractions It has ever had Business Manager Harry Earl sends greet- ings from Pain's "Lust Days of Pompeii - ' nt Wheeling, and reports a remarkably pros- perous season for his attraction Gus Wejnburg, who will star In "The Storks," lias sent me « copy of "Thnt Wns the Last That I Remember," a comic song, which lie has dedicated to the Proctor Stock Co., with which he appeared In New York. Tho song Ih his own composition, and he will sing it In "The Storks." Drnriiln opens In vaudeville at the Chicago Opera House this week) after twelve weeks with Fernrt Brothers' Carnival Co Jack E. Mngeo nnd Teresa Dnle left San Francisco July HO for the (Hickman Tlieiitrc Stock Co., which opens Aug. 211 Will Nash, mauager of the Main Street Tbentre, Peoria, was la town Inst week, hooking nets for tho opening of his vaudeville season the latter part of this month HI Henry's Min- strels nre In rehearsal nt the Warrington Opera House, Oak Park, where they open Ihe season Ihe Inst of tills week. Oak Park is a suburb of Chicago, nnd the Warrington plnvs about two al tractions n week. Frank ll. June Is manager of the bouse Tho Towle Opera House. Hammond, Iud., a manufacturing suburb of Chicago, hns opened Its season. John >L Ward's "A Human Slave" was the attraction lust Sunday night. "The Little Outcast" is booked for », Al. W. Mnrlln's "II. T. C." 10, ."Uucie Josh Sprueehy" 10, "What Hap- pened, to Jones" 'J.'l, HI Henry's Minstrels !i0. and "Yon Yonson" 30. Mannger James Wlnglield, who Is advertising ngent of the Grand Opera House, this city, hns .his own bill posting plant, and conducts the Towle oh ii metropolitan basis "The Still Vlnrin" Will he. Ihe opening bill at Gllck- mnuti's. 211. John Terrls will be tbo leading mau of the slock company, and Lucia Moore will he lending woman. Others engaged are: Carrie Lnmout, Teresa A, Dale, Alice Marble Drown, Harry Forrest, Jack E. Mngee. Frederick W. Hdrtmao, Walter B. Greene nuu Allen Foster. John Dell , will be. business manager Sept. Is tbe date announced for the opening of the Marlowe Theatre, En- iclewood. "Out of the Fold" will be the at- traction. Sol Brnnnlg will be manager, and Hnrry Casey treasurer. Englewood cbiircli societies threaten to cause trouble for Mr. Crescv, who owns -the lease. If Sunday per- formances ore glvm. But Mr. C'resry hopes, by foregoing the customary Sunday mati- nee, to placate thu restrlctlonlsts, nnd make the house a winner......... Maze Edwards writes me frum Cassvllle, Mich., where he Is enjoying o Summer out- ing, that he will not Include Chicago In his Western tour, as be had planned, nis many old friends In this section will bear tbls declslan with regret. He had hoped to be here this week while his brother, Snmuel Edwards, fills his Masonic Temple Roof en- gagement. Maze will go back to Plalnfleld, X. J., In a couple of weeks, to open the sea- son nt bis Casino, where a round of fhe best attractions are listed for the coming season The National Theatrical Pro- tective Association, recently organized here, has now readied a membership of over sixty theatrical managers, press agents, treasurers, nnd other representatives of traveling attrac- tions. Arthur G. Thomas Is president; I.d- win Clifford, treasurer; Chas. E. Moe ser- geant at arms, nud Frauk W. Healey, »»•<»• Potts and W. C. Thompson, trustees. The uew Marlowe Theatre will be headquarters for the association 1. W. Locke, of Russell and Iiocke, who played Chicago Opera House iast week, was recently discharged from a local nnspltnl, where be underwent a success- ful surgical operation Geo. Ade's rural comedy. "The County Clialrmnn," will be produced at the Studebnker Aug. 31. Mnek- lyn Arbuckle. Enrl Browne, Willis P. Sweat- nara and Dallas Tyler are among tliose en- gaged to create roles therein "The Heart of the Osnrks" caused the Qling of two suits In this city last week. On the complaint of .1. 11. Dobbins, n theatrical manager and pro- motor, Judge Holdom Issued an injunction restraining the R. L. Crescy Amusement Company from Interfering or molesting the complainant In the production of "The Heart of the Ozarks" at the Imperial Theatre, In St. Louis. In the Circuit Court R. L. Crescy riled n bill against Phlneas G. Mac- I,eun, Ben II. Atwell, J. II. Dobbins nnd Ernest Stout asking that n receiver be ap- pointed for the play, "Heart of tbe Ozarks." *-++ MASSACIIl'SKTTS. ball for current week. nan ior current week. A brief It*. pric« of . admission alone. May iuMtJSS 1 Buckley, Llizle Parker. Alice "^ $ft Buckley Sndle Matthews, llor r n* K JL" mont, the Parkers, Jim Plm. I'iii, un, \v*" - ren, A. T. Ridge. Frank L. Br"" lu V"' and Hart, IlawTey und Vnss. a a i' u ,u , a fcy Sisters arc stage people or " hi, w "t"" - Xii-KEuroBON (L. Ii. Walker. naua^rY" Bill for week of Aug. lo lBclmff vT Creole Belles. Ed. Covin, perfect icTn- v" braska Bill and Colorado Jack. hT^Jfe tloiis of knife throwing, and ^oiiim T '"' , ' deinalu feats. Jllauche itartfard' Varf,?.' Co. provide* an Interesting stag,- *i 1(1 \, lel ' Norumbeua Park. Aubundoll.-i C' n. ug Lukens, Dancing Dawson, Fred sJ" her, Flndlay and Burke, and Carlh »1 Otto are announced as. entertainer* Bt & park for the current week m> Cuesce.nt Gardens (Wm. H. O'Win „. Oger).— This week's offering cowibiu ..r 1 "?"- Three Shamrocks, Eckhoff and i;"r u „ j„. ,be E. Devlin. Musical Holbrooke and i"?rrt "^ I nn Oilllkpp I'll* r !,,= .,. ; .IV^P'T'e .\»- Huston. — Cool and rainy weather made business very light nt the beaches and parks last week, and if tbe weather of the coiulug three weeks Is not warm and fair nearly all of the local parks will record a very poor season. With the Indoor houses It is Just the opposite. They are having more business than they can hnndle. The Grand Opera House and Music Hall are now un- der way, and another fortnight will see all but a few of tbe llrst class houses opened. Current sheltered attractions are: "Peggy from Paris," at the Tremont: "The Child Slaves of New York," at tbe Grand Opera ; "Down by the Sen," at Music IIal| ; "Her Lord and Muster" (new to Boston), at tbe Cusilc Square; Keith's vaudeville, and bur- lesque at the Palace. TliKMOXl TlIEATIIK (JUO. B- ScllOeffel, mannger). — The end of "Peggy from Paris engagement Is near, the fourteenth . week comiuencltu; Monday, Aug. 10. The. re- ceipts of last week were over ten thousand dollars, and broke oil records for a Summer show. v. hen It is understood that a Summer stale of prices Is In vogue, the business appears more remarkable. At tbree o'clock lust Thursday ouly about ten tickets were In the ticket rack, and from seven-thirty un- til eight-thirty hundreds were refused even admission tickets. The proposed addition of vaudcvllllans, Trask and Gladden, to the Franco-American committee did not pan out as expected. While the two young men present a clever vaudeville act, they could not seem to catch on to the different dances, E. II. O'Cunner nhd Dan Baker have, made the hit of the show, so the addition was abandoned. Handsome uew gowns are used In a new feature, girls stepping out of band- hones, . nnd a very pretty dance follows. It's originality puts another feather in George Morion s cap. At the one hundredth performance Raymond Hitchcock appeared for n few moments In the role of a chorus man nnd received a big band and cries of "Dodo." Graxd Opera Hocse (George W. Mngee, manager). — The dramatic season at this house opened Saturday night, with, a per- formance of a. new melodrama, "Tbe Child Slaves of New York." It's scenes are laid In Alaska and New York, and the entire play Is full of exciting episodes. Cast Includes:. Wllllnm Vedder, Georgia Mack, Ida Howell, Vernon Sinners, Von Dyke Brooks, Fannie Argyle, Lillian Mae Crawford, M. M. Mur- ray, Hurry Ilaiumlll, ltobert A. Wessells, Gustnve Knoll, William Morgan, Samuel Gnffney, Fred Slater, "Child Slaves" Octet nnd "Child Slaves" Boy Bnnd. A big house saw the opening and the melodrama seemed to please every one. Next week, "Beware of Men." Mesne IUli. (Stair 4 Wilbur, managers). The second season of this house under the present management began Saturday night, with "Down by the Sea" ns an attraction. Funny Curtis, a Boston girl, bends a strong company of the following players: Wllllnm G. Balfour, E. tiny Spongier, Nnt S. Jerome, ltichnrd Dale, Harry P. Salmon, Charles F. llnle, Robert Wilson, Kdwnrd wnrner, Fred Johnstone, Lucie K. Vllln, Ruby Raymond nnd Little Mnrjorie. The new Washington Street entrance Is In the form of an arcade, and may also be used ns a thoroughfare be- tween Washington Street nnd Hamilton Place. Howard Ball, In "The Man Who Dared," Is the next attraction. Castle .SauAiiB Theatre (J. II. JSmcry, manager). — Mary Hall nnd Thomas Mac- I/arnlc did excellent work In tbe prlndpal characters of "Her Majesty" Inst week. In fact, tbo whole company was to be commend- ed for a delightful and pleasing pcrformnnce. Miss Hall concluded lier engagement with the house stock Saturday night. "Her Lord nnd Master." which lias nover before had a itoston production, is this week's card. "Jim, the Penman." will be nut on next week. Keith's Theatre (It, F. Keith, manager). — Tho most noticeable thing about last week's reviewing of this house was the at- tendance. One enn usually find a standing place in the theatre, but even that was Im- possible Inst week. Business was something phciiomennl. The bill wns composed of acts to make people smile, If not laugh — even the eight acts being on Ihe laugh provoking order. It wns a good bill all the way through. and left little to bo desired. James Thorn- ton, who wns HI and unable to appear, was replnced by John Leonard. Tom Nnwn and company, In "Pnt and the Genii," is the liendllner for current week. Other names noticed are: Cook and Sonorn, Maxsmith Duo. Gnllnndn, Sisters Meredith, James and Dnvls, Parros Brothers, Fields and Wnrd, Ely nnd Harvey, tho Hayseed Trio, Kennedy nnd Rooney, Klska nnd King, Fadcttc Wo- man's Orchestra, and blograpn. P.m. ao; Theatre (Chnrles II. Waldron, nuinnger). — This is tbe closing week of the Summer Benson at this house. Two musical skits, nrranged by I*w Carroll, which offer Innumerable chances for tho comedians and girls of the house stork to make lilts, oro part of a big bill Manager Waldron offers for this week. There are also the usual vaudeville nets. Next week, Clark's Royal Burlesquers, Austin ft Stone's MhrbuM (Stone ft Mmw. managers). — Jouvlne's Neapolitan Troubadours is Hie feature of ■ tbe curio Hon. Quaker City Quartet." iTliiii'.ui'' . Donovan. Musical Holbr^oks Crli . ?!' Foley, Hanson and Drew, MtjJS."* Devlin participated In the Batatas esanti .Point or Pines (Wm. II. tr.Nciii l "' gcr).— Three Crane Brothers. George x" v ?I «''^ Co ",i 0nr